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LISTERIOSIS IN CHINCHILLAS (Chinchilla laniger) - BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT Alenka Dovc*, Irena Zdovc**.

Nastja Jaglicic-Korpic***, Veterinary Faculty, Institute for Health Care of Poultry, Cesta v Mestni log 47, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia'1*, Veterinary Faculty, Institute for microbiology and parasitology, Gerbiceva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia**, Veterinaria d, oo Lendavska 27, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenia*** Problem Listeriosis is among the most frequent diseases in chinchillas (Chinchilla Ianiger), since this species of animals is more susceptible to Listeria monocytogenes when compared to other species. Clinically: varoius forms are known: depression and loss of appetite, diarrhoea, torticollis and often leads to fatal forms of encephalitis. Method During two years period infection with Listeria monocytogenes was confirmed in 55, 6% of examined breed of chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger) in Slovenia. The illness in Chinchillas causes serious healthy problems and economic loss. In intention to followed the transmission and the manner of spreading of infections, we made a biological experiment with white laboratory mice and chinchillas. For the inoculation two strains were used; one originally isolated from chinchillas and one isolated from a cattle. Inoculate was prepared in TSB and contains 108 listerias in 1 ml. Animals were inoculated p/o (direct application in stomach) and i/p with a, different doses of listerias. After inoculation immunological response was monitored by complement fixation test, enzyme immuno assay and gel precipitation teat. Organs (brain, liver, spleen, kidney and uterus) were delivered for the bacteriological examination. Results and conclusion Listeria monocytogenes was reisolated from brain, liver", spleen, kidney and uterus from orally and parenterally inoculated animals. The results showed that for the biological experiments much higher concentration of contagious materials should be used for oral inoculation (30, 0 l) compared to parenteral inoculation (1, 0 l). In orally inoculated animals listerias were isolated after 10 days and latter, in parenterally inoculated animals first positive results were obtained within two days after challenge, Immunological reactions have not given satisfying results both in chinchillas and white laboratory mice,

LISTERIOSIS IN DENMARK 1998- 2000 - CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS P. Gerner-Smidt, B. Bruun, V. Fussing, J. Engberg, A.M. Petersen, J. Schiellerup, Statens Serum Institut, Artillerivej 5, Copenhagen, Denmark Denmark has a high registered incidence of listeriosis of 0.7- 0.8/100, 000 inhabitants/ year. The disease is statutory notifiable through a laboratory notification system. On a voluntary basis, the strains and detailed clinical information are collected by the national reference centre at Statens Serum Institut. The strains are routinely O-grouped and ribotyped using the automated Riboprinter system. Strains not discriminated are further compared by PFGE. One-hundred-twenty-four cases were notified during 1998- 2000. Twenty-five deaths were registered. Two were abortions, 3 newborns, and 20 above 46 years of age. There were no increase in the death rate with increasing age above 50 years. Seventyone patients had predisposing conditions with the most common being haematologic malignancy, other cancer, immunosuppressive treatment, and chronic alcoholism. The case-fatality rate was the thrice as big in patients with a predisposing condition compared to previously healthy patients (25% ~ 8.2 %). The clinical presentation of the cases were 13 maternofetal, 83 septicaemia, 23 meningitis, and 5 other. The mortality was for newborns 27%, for septicaemia 21%, and for meningitis 14%. Sixty-four per cent of the strains were serogroup 1/2. No clusters of cases infected with the same type were observed. Listeriosis remain a serious disease in Denmark where we seem to have a hyper-endemic situation compared with other industrialised countries.

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