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EDTL 6300 Final Project Rubric Erin Woebkenberg ______/100


Exceeds Expectations 10
Objectives are described with student demographic information and type of technology used. Objective provides options technology options for a variety of student need. Lessons cite appropriate state standards. Standards are aligned to content and student demographic. Lessons are described using the format from Lessons are supported with videos, links, and/or pictures to aide in student learning. All materials from lesson are provided in blog post related to the specific lesson. Reasoning for lessons is supported by appropriate content for student demographics, state standards, and skills to be learned/needed to be focused on based on baseline data. A reflection is provided with positives from lesson, potential areas for improvement, and potential reasoning for successes and failures. Student uses at least two technologies learned from reading or lessons from EDT6300. These resources are cited in blog post when used.

Meets Expectations 7

Below Expectations 4
Objectives are described with little to no student demographic information and type of technology used.


Student Learning Objectives

Objectives are described with student demographic information and type of technology used.

Lesson Connection to State Standards

Lessons cite state standards in relation to lesson content.

Lessons do not cite state standards.

Description of Lessons

Lessons are described using the format from Lessons are supported with videos, links, and/or pictures to aide in student learning.

Lessons are described but do not use format.

Reasoning for Lessons

Reasoning for lessons is supported by appropriate content for student demographics and state standards.

Reasoning for lessons is supported by appropriate content for student demographics

Reflection of Lessons

A reflection is provided with positives from lesson and potential areas for improvement.

No reflection is provided.

Evidence of Learned Technology/Resources

Student uses one technology learned from reading or lessons from EDT6300. The resource is cited in blog post when used.

Student does not reference technologies used or learned from EDTL6300.

EDTL 6300 Final Project Rubric Erin Woebkenberg ______/100

Lesson uses at least two of technologies and resources stated in project literature review. The literature is cited in the blog post about the specific lessons. Address 3 of the 4: classroom/activity addresses P21, ISTENETS for students, ISTE-NETS for teachers and state standards. Student provides colleagues with learned materials, created materials, and blog address for project. The blog is organized with post titles, a library for searching posts, follows a timeline that the student determines and posts within the first week of posting, and provides links/vidoes/pictures that support post information. Lesson uses one of technologies and resources stated in project literature review. The literature is cited in the blog post about the specific lessons. Addresses two of the following: classroom/activity addresses P21, ISTENETS for students, ISTE-NETS for teachers and state standards. Student provides colleagues with blog address for project. Lesson uses one of technologies and resources stated in project literature review. Address one of the following: classroom/activity addresses P21, ISTENETS for students, ISTENETS for teachers and state standards Student does not communicate project with colleagues.

Lesson connection to Literature Review

Course Objectives

Handouts/Resources Shared with Colleagues

Blog Organization

The blog is organized with post titles, a library for searching posts, and follows a timeline that the student determines and posts within the first week of posting.

The blog is organized with post titles and a library for searching posts.

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