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Lesson Plan #5 (ECED)

Candidate: Jordan Suber Date and Time of Lesson: March 21, 2013 School: Long Cane Subject: Science a flower)
1. Curriculum Standards Addressed:

L#: L00159817 Grade Level: 5-K Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Driggers Lesson Title: I am a Seed (Parts of

K-2.1 Recognize what organisms need to stay alive. (air, water, shelter)
2. Instructional Objective(s) Criteria:

Students will be able to successfully label and color a flower and have knowledge of the proper way of planting a seed with 100% accuracy.
3. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Pre Assessment= I asked children on an individual basis if they can tell me what the parts of a flower were. I drew a flower and pointed to the petal, stem, leaf, and root and had them give me a term for each. During Assessment= After reading the book, I am a See, I will have a huge flower poster for the students to label as a class. I will take anecdotal notes while they work together to label the class flower. Then we will look at a real life flower and let each child examine it individually. Post-Assessment= Each child will have their own paper flower that they will color and cut out words to label the flower. I will use this to see if they know what the parts of the flower are.
4. Materials/Resources:

Pre/Post/During Assessment sheets Lesson Plans Flower activity sheet Pencils Glue Sticks Crayons Real Life Flower Big Flower for class to label on poster Book: I am a Seed, By Jean Marzollo 5. Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge): Children should have knowledge of what a flower is and be able to cut and paste labels.

6. Procedures: 1. Invite the class to the meeting rug by what table they are sitting at. 2. Show the class the book and tell them what we will be doing. (Let them know what they are about to do.) 3. Point out the author and illustrator of book. 4. Show the front cover, back cover, title page, and spine of the book to familiarize them with where they are on a book. Begin reading the book. 5. While reading the book, ask the students questions about the parts of the flower. 6. During the reading ask the students if they have ever planted a flower before. Let them give me input on how they think a flower survives. 7. After the book, discuss and ask questions about the flower. 8. Show the students the big poster and have them work together to label the flower. 9. Show the students the real life flower and let them all examine the different parts and talk about how you plant it inside the pot. 10. Send students back to their desk by what color they are wearing. 11. Ask the students to get out a pencil and write their name at the top of the activity sheet. 12. Read the directions to the activity to the class and show them my example of the flower. 13. Have the students complete the flower activity sheet individually. 14. Once they are finished with their flower, tell them that they will be displayed out in the hallway for everyone to see! 15. Have the students put their sheets in their cubbies by tables and return to their seats. 16. Turn the class back over to Mrs. Driggers. Accommodations: I will have KaMiyah, who wears glasses, to sit closer to the front of the rug where I will be displaying the book so that she will not have any trouble seeing the pictures or words. For early finishers, I will have them read a book out of their book baskets on their tables until we are ready to move on to the next steps in the lesson. Resources: Book- I am a Seed

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