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Statistics I

if A and B are the two event of sample space S then what the following symbol signifies?
Only A
Only B
Either A or B or both
Either A or B
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

What are the two approach of estimate the probability of an events?

Classical and Frequency Approach
Classical and Modern Approach
High and low Frequency approach
Nether of the above answer
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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Bayes Rule: Suppose A1, A2……An are mutually exclusive events whose union is the sample
space S, i.e., one of the event must occur.
If A is any event then P(Ak|A) =
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

It is required to place 7 white marble and 6 black marble in a row that the black marble occupies
the even places. How many possible arrangements can be made?
Both a and b
None of them
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Among n=5 bottles coming of a filling line r1=2 have accepted fills (A) and r2=3 have
nonconforming fills (N). one possible sequence or permutation for the five bottles as they are
filled ANNNA. What is the Number of Permutation
Both a and b
None of them
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

If we toss a coin 1000 times and find that it comes up with heads 645 times. What is the
probability of a head coming up?
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

If then which of the following expressions is correct?

P(A1) <= P(A2)
P(A2-A1) = P(A2)-P(A1)
P(A1) = P(A2)
None of the above answers
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

A card is drawn at a random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of
picking a 10 or a spade
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics II

if the x1,x2…..xn are the set of n numbers then the formula, x or µ = (X1+X2…………Xn)/n gives
Standard deviation
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

If variance is denoted by б2 then which of the following is true for standard deviation,
√ б^2
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Find the mean and median for the set of data { 10,20,30,40,50,60,70}
40, 40
40, 50
50, 50
None of above answers
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Find the standard deviation for the set of data { 10,20,30,40,50}

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Find the semiinterquartile range for the data set {67,69,70,71,74,77,78,82,89}

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Statistics III

A random variable that takes on a finite or countably infinite number of value is called….
Nondiscrete random variable
Discrete random variable
Both a and b of them
None of them
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Expectation of random variable is often called mean

Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Is the expression true or false for expectation theorem (If X and Y are random variables)
E(X+Y)=E(X)E(Y) E(XY)
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Suppose that a game is to be played with a single die assumed fair. In this game a player wins
120 $ if a 3 turns up, $60 if 4 turns up and losses $30 is 5 and 6 turns up. The player neither wins
nor do losses if any other face turns up. Which one of the following answer is sum of expected
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

theorem of variance: if µ=E(X) then the expression for the variance is б2= E{(X- µ)2}=E(X2)- µ=
E(X2)- {E(X)} 2
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Let X and Y be the random independent events of rolling a fair die. Compute the expected value
and variance of X and Y respectively.
7, 5.8
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics IV

A nondiscrete random Variable X is said to be absolutely continuous or simple continuous, if its

distribution function F() may be represented as
F(x)=P(X≤x)= ∫f(u)du
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

if x is a continuous random variable having probability density function f(x), then the variance is
given by
Both a and b
None of the Answer
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

A health system analyst obtained the probability distribution for the annual number of visit by
families to a clinic is as below.
Number of Visit (x) ProbabilityP(x)
0 0.37
1 0.40
2 0.15
3 0.05
Find the expected value of visit by each family.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics V

Let ‘p’ be the probability that an event will happen in any single Bernouli trail. Then q=1-p is the
probability that event will fail to happen in any single trail. The probability that the event will
happen exactly x time in n trails. Then what is the probability function
None of the above equation
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The special case of binomial distribution with n=1 is also called Bernouli distribution.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

What is the expression for standard deviation in binomial distribution

All of the above answers
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Toss a fair coin 1000 times and count the number of heads that appear. What is the standard
deviation of the experiments?
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

What is the density function for the normal distribution?

f(x)= where
Both of them
None of them
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The wait X of a metal ingot producer in a smelter is normally distributed with the mean and
standard deviation of X being µ=520 pounds and σ=11.What is the probability that an ingot
weighting 525 pounds or less? (Use the table of cumulative probabilities and
percentiles of the standard normal distribution)
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Suppose that the population form which samples are taken has a probability
distribution with mean µ and variance σ2that is not necessarily a normal distribution.
Then the standardized variable associated with , given by,
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

A team preparing a bid on an excavation project assesses that the lowest competitive
bid is a continuous uniform random variables X with a=$250 thousand and b=$300
thousand. Fin the probability that lowest competitive bid is between $250 thousand
and $270 thousand.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The poison probability function is f(x) =

Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The number of crimes occurring in a city district in the one hour period between 1
A.M and 2 A.M is a poisson random variables with λ=0.2. What is the probability that
no crime occurs during this period.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The number of calls to a police dispatcher between 8:00 P.M and 8:30 pm on Friday is
a poison random variable X with λ= 3.5. what is the probability of two or fewer calls
during the period
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

if n is large and if neither p or q (q=1-p) is too close to zero, the binomial distribution
can be closely approximated by a normal distribution with standardized random
variable given by,
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Find the probability of getting between 3 and 6 head inclusive in 10 tosses of a fair
coin by using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

What are the condition that the binomial distribution is very closely approximated by
Poisson distribution
n is large and probability of occurrence of event is close to 1
n is small and probability of occurrence of event is close to 0
n is large and probability of occurrence of event is close to 1 or 0
n is large and probability p of occurrence of an event is close to 0
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

expression is true for

Central limit theorem
Law of large number
Relation between Poisson and normal Distribution
Relation between Poisson and binomial distribution
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

A distance are measured as 27.3 inches and 15.6 inches with the standard deviation
(error) of 0.16 inches and 0.08 inches respectively. Determine the mean and the
standard deviation of the sum.
42.9 inches and 0.18 inches
11.7 inches and 0.18 inches
42.9 inches and 11.7 inches
None of the above answer
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics VI

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When X is a normally distributed population, what kind population do we have? normal
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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The standard deviation is sometimes also called the standard error
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Which expected value is for discrete and which for continuous distributions
E(x)= E(x)=
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

When X is a normally distributed population, what kind population do we have?

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X is a random variable with E(x) = 1.5 and σ = 0.8
E(7-4X+2X^2) = 6.78 (specify with 2 digits)
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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For a large value of n, the sampling distribution is very nearly a normal distribution.
How large should n be? n≥ 30
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Five hundred ball bearings have a mean weight of 5,02oz and a standard deviation of
0,30oz find the probability that a random sample of 100 ball bearings chose from this
group will have a combined weight between 496 and 500oz.
Choose one of the answers below.
a = 0.2164 b = 0.3064 c = 0.4868 d = 0.2704
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

It has been found that 2% of the tools produced by a certain machine are defective.
What is the probability that defection is 3% or more in a ship of 400 such tools?
Choose right solution or solutions below.


(a) and (b)
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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Find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 1, 5, 7, 8, 15, 3, 8, 4, 1, 20
Arithmetic mean = 7.2
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

(a) or (b) is called the sampling distribution of differences of the statistics.Which one?
(a) = S1 – S2
(b) = µ1 - µ2
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics VII

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If the sampling distribution of two statistics have the same mean, the statistic with smaller
variance is called a more efficient estimator of the mean. The corresponding value of the
efficient statistics is then called an efficient estimate
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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If we say that a distance is 6,52 meter, we are giving a point estimate
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Under which condition can we use t-distribution?

(a) n < 30
(b) n > 30
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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A sample of five measurements of the diameter of a sphere was recorded by a scientist as 6.33,
6.37, 6.36, 6.32 and 6.37. Determine unbiased and efficient estimates the true variance. Assume
that the measured diameter is normally distributed.
The true variance = 0.00055 cm2 (5 digits accuracy)
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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Suppose that the heights of 100 male students at an anonym university represent a random
sample of the heights of all 1546 male students at the university. Find a 95 % confidence intervals
for estimating the mean height of the anonym university students. The true mean is 67.45 inches
and the true variance is 2.93 inches.
The population mean lies between 66.88 and 68.02 inches
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

A simple of measurements of the diameter of a sphere gave a mean 4.38 inches and standard
deviation 0.06 inch. Find 99 % confidence limits for the actual diameter. Choose one of the
(a) 4.38 + 0.00452
(b) 4.38 + 0.0650
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The variance for the difference of means is the same as the variance for the sum of means.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Statistics VIII

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We formulate the hypothesis that there is no difference between the two procedures. Such
hypotheses are often called null hypotheses
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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Any hypothesis that differs from a given null hypothesis is called an alternative hypothesis
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Often we may be interested only in extreme values to one side of the mean, i.e., in tail of the
distribution, as for example, when we are testing the hypothesis that one process is better that
another. Such tests are called one-tailed tests or one-sided tests
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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In most of the tests we will consider, the null hypothesis H0 will be an assertion that a population
parameter has a specific value, and the alternative hypothesis H1 will be the following assertions
Match right sentence with right (a) (b) (c)
1) The parameter is greater than the stated value = c
2) The parameter is less that the stated value = b
3) The parameter is either greater than or less than the stated value = a
(a) two-tailed test
(b) left-tailed test
(c) right-tailed test
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Scientists have two lakes who they want to compare. They have take few tests on pH-value on
each lake with same method
Lake 1: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
Lake 2: y1, y2, y3, y4
(The test result is independent normal distributed random variable with µ1 for lake 1 and µ2 for
lake 2, same standard deviation for lake 1 and lake 2)
A confidence interval for µ1-µ2 with a confidence level of 95% is 0.40 + 0.43
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

Scientists have two lakes who they want to compare. They have take few tests on pH-value on
each lake with same method
Lake 1: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
Lake 2: y1, y2, y3, y4
(The test result is independent normal distributed random variable with µ1 for lake 1 and µ2 for
lake 2, same standard deviation for lake 1 and lake 2)
A confidence interval for µ1-µ2 with a confidence level of 95% is 0.40 + 0.43.
Should we reject H0 or accept if the level of significance is 0.05?
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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A linear relationship exists between the variables
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Do these variables have any relationship between?
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Equation y = a + bx give a straight line
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Equation y = a + bx + cx2 give a quadratic curve
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The process of estimation is often referred to as a regression
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Of all curves in a given family of curves approximating a set of n data point, a curve having the
property that
++….= minimum
Is called a best-fitting curve in the family.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution
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Table below shows the respective heights x and y of a sample of 12 mother and there youngest
sons. Find the least-squares regression line of y on x.

Answer: y = 35.82+ 0.48x (with 2 digits accuracy)

Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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This equation is called the standard error of estimate y on x

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Choose the right a, b, c to the equations
a) = explained variation b) = unexplained variation c) = total variation
1= c
2= b
3= a
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

The linear correlation coefficient may be positive or negative. If the r is positive, y tends to ……….
with x.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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A generalization of the binomial distribution id called the distribution multinomial

Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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A box contains 6 blue marbles and 4 red marbles. An experiment is performed in which a marble
is chosen at random and its color is observed, but the marble I not replaced. Find the probability
that after 4 trials of the experiment, 4 blue marbles will have been chose.
The chance is 2/7
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution
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24. if the density function is

Then the distribution is

The distribution is called uniform distribution

Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

If the distribution is called chi-square distribution, then the ν is called

Standard variance
The sample variance
The number of degrees of freedom
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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Below is a density function to student’s distribution. When ν ≥30 , the graph of
density function will closely approximates the normal curve.
Score: 10/10 Correct Solution

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