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1. First select the FPGA (SPARTAN 3 XC3S400) into which the program would be dumped into. 2.

Compile the corresponding program that is present and check for errors if any. 3. After compiling the program create the test bench waveform and give the corresponding input value. 4. After giving the input value compile the test bench waveform and check for the output that will be obtained. 5. After the output is obtained correctly then generate the bit file by double click on the option generate PROM, ACE, or JTAG file. 6. Once the bit file is generated, make the connections for the FPGA to the CPU and to the FPGA board. 7. The connection from the FPGA to the CPU is made via a power cable and to the FPGA board via one connector i.e. JTAG connector. 8. Once the connections are made then reset button has to be pressed present on the FPGA kit so that if any previous output will be present then they will be erased. 9. So now double click on the option Configure Device (iMPACT) in the XILINX project navigator window under Generate Programming File. 10. By selecting that option Configure Device the FPGA device will be ready to accept the inputs and give accordingly the corresponding outputs. 11. So in order to give the inputs we have to follow the instructions that will be given for each and every FPGA device. 12. For the selected FPGA device as it can accept 8 bit input, p102,p101,p100,p97,p96,p95,p51,p50 respectively. 13. Also the values for clock and reset i.e. p181 and p182 have to be given respectively. 14. Once all the input values along with clock and reset are given the output values also have to be set into their locations. the input value

corresponding numbers i.e. starting from in[0] to in [7] the values to be given are

15. For the output values, as the FPGA can accept 16 bit output the values can be given in the locations out[0] to out[15] i.e. p65 to p61, p58, p57, p52, p78 to p76, p74, p72, p71, p68, p67 respectively. 16. Once all the value locations are given, in the XILINX Project Navigator window under the Configuration Mode impact window select the XILINX device that is present. 17. Right click on that device and select the option program into FPGA. 18. Once that option is selected the bit file will be dumped into FPGA device and then internal process takes place until the output Programming Succeeded appears on the screen in the XILINX project navigator window. 19. The below screenshot shows how the option Programming Succeeded looks like.

20. In order to verify practically whether the bit file has been dumped into the FPGA device correctly or not we can check on the device whether a green light LED has glowed or not. 21. If that green LED light has glowed then it indicates that the bit file has been dumped into the FPGA device without any errors. 22. The below screenshot shows how the green LED light looks like.

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