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Pokegirls original concept by The Changeling and Metroanime Blood Gifts & Blood Curses compiled by Alzrius ([email protected]) General editing of enclosed content done by Alzrius ([email protected]) 12/14/07 Editing done by Kerrik Wolf ([email protected]) 1/08/10 Revision compilation done by Zikore ([email protected]) The works herein are the creation of a myriad number of writers and authors. Unless otherwise stated, these people all retain the rights to their original ideas. This document is a collective work for reference purposes only, and should not be construed as a challenge to those rights. Some of the enclosed works are based on existing media; these are done as works of parody, and are not a challenge to any of the trademarks and/or copyrights held by the owners of the material they are based on. Permission is given to freely distribute this document in its entirety in an unaltered form. Alterations are strictly prohibited. Special thanks to Psyckosama for creating the Pokegirls logo seen above. Dedication: The compiler would like to dedicate this document to Imurill, as way of thanks for the many wonderful conversations we had over the various aspects of the pokegirl world. This document may be periodically updated. Newer versions of Blood Gifts & Blood Curses may be found at the URL address given below. Want to learn more about pokegirls? The following links are available: The PokGirl World Ver. 3 at at Pokegirl World Project at

DEFINITIONS BLOOD TRAIT: A blood trait is an umbrella term for any pokegirl related genetic deviation from human norms that manifests in males. While theoretically blood traits may manifest in female humans, it is understood that any who does during childhood will most likely undergo Threshold. Blood traits are divided into two basic groups. These are: BLOOD GIFTS: Whereas females with pokegirl ancestry are at a risk of going through Threshold, males with pokegirl ancestry have a chance to have Blood Gifts. A Blood Gift is a special power, usually elemental in nature, that a male may have. Multiple Blood Gifts are possible, and need not be of related powers, but the more Blood Gifts are present, the more likely at least one Blood Curse is there also. The special properties of a Blood Gift are usually present at birth, and can be determined by the right kind of test. However, there have been cases of undetectable "latent" Blood Gifts emerging during puberty or a traumatic event in a male's life. Female humans can have Blood Gifts, but such a thing is so rare as to be unheard of, and should a Blood Gifted female be found, it's generally only a matter of time before she undergoes Threshold, usually into a type of pokegirl that matches the Blood Gift. BLOOD CURSES: Much more rare than Blood Gifts are Blood Curses. Whereas a Blood Gift bestows a special power on its bearer, a Blood Curse gives him a deficiency of some sort. These are usually found in people with two or more Blood Gifts, only rarely turning up in a person with no Blood Gifts at all. It is extremely rare for a person to have more than one Blood Curse. As with Blood Gifts, it's possible to find a

female with one, but is exceedingly rare, and is practically a guarantee that such a girl will become a pokegirl. While most Blood Gifts and Curses are present in an individual from the moment they are born (which can be determined by proper testing), other people have latent Gifts and Curses. These latent abilities don't manifest until puberty, and are undetectable until then. This is sort of like the male version of Threshold, where dormant pokegirl genes awake, but since the person is question is a guy, it manifests as a Blood Gift or Blood Curse instead (for people who want to write about Girls having Blood Gifts, these latent Gifts and Curses can manifest after going through the symptoms of Threshold but without ever actually crossing over into it). Another possibility is that latent Gifts and Curses that don't come to the fore during puberty are brought forth by extreme stress in a situation. Note that although a Blood Gift or Curse is listed as coming from a certain type of pokegirl, sometimes, rarely, flukes do happen, with a person getting a Blood Gift or Curse of a certain type despite a total lack of ancestry of the requisite pokegirl type. Also, keeping an accurate record of a persons ancestry since Sukebes Revenge is extremely difficult to do, given how chaotic things were in the years immediately after the war. The chart below shows how common it is to actually have a Blood Gift/Curse, to a detectable degree. These are only estimations and only apply to having a single Blood Gift; persons with multiple Blood Gifts/Curses are rarer than the listed numbers indicate. Please note that these are very generalized frequencies. Some Blood Gifts or Blood Curses are much more/less common depending on the area. This list does not take into account pure-blooded men; those with no pokegirl ancestry whatsoever. Frequency Chart Common - 1 in 4 men Uncommon - 1 in 16 men Rare - 1 in 64 men Very Rare - 1 in 256 men Extremely Rare - 1 in 1024 men Out of a 100,000 men, the breakdown of blood traits is as follows: None: 66,699 Common: 25,000 Uncommon: 6,250 Rare: 1,562 Very Rare: 391 Extremely Rare: 98 Out of that same 100,000 men, this is the breakdown of the number of individuals with a specific trait, all things being equal. All numbers are approximate. Common: 862 Uncommon: 183 Rare: 54 Very Rare: 23 Extremely Rare: 10 BLOOD TRAITS BY FREQUENCY Common Affinity (Most common types) Claws Electric Shock

Empathic Insight Enhance Sense (Visual) False Superiority Iron Stomach Location Mimnetic Memory PokeGene (Phase 1) Potent Spellcaster Self-Allergic Shadiness Thermal Tolerance (Heat or Cold) Trainer Uncommon Affinity (Steel, Ice, Rock, Serpent, Tech others from Uncommon breeds) Circuit Breaker Clumsy Cold Vulnerability Compulsive Artist Efficient Metabolism Empathy Empathic Feedback Endurance Enhanced Sense (Olfactory and Auditory) Flexibility Gardener Heat Vulnerability Light Light Sensitivity (Mild Variant) Lightweight Noncombatant Parasite Phytodermatosis PokeGene (Phase 2) Quick Finish Rebel Recovery Speed Sterility (Women) Stoic (Gift Variant) Stonefinder Stong Constitution Telempathy Telepathy Thermal Tolerance (Both Heat and Cold) Venomous Vocalist Youthful Vigor Rare Affinity (Infernal, Celestial, Dragon, Ghost, other rarer varients) Agility Balance Boost Cold Blooded

Cold Insensitivity Combustion Darkness Drone Mind Enhanced Sense (Gustation and Tactile) Fire Insensitivity Frail Constitution Immutable Form Light Sensivity (Severe Variant) Mindbender Natural Bouyancy Night Vision Night Walker Phase Sight Poison Resistance Precognition Quick Clotting Rage Sealed Mind Second Sight Stoic (Curse Variant) Strength Swarm Lord Teleportation Toughness Waterborn Water Dependancy Weakminded Very Rare Anaphylaxia Aura of Ooze Aura Sense Blank Mind Fast Healing Fetish Limited Time Metalshaper (Steel variant) Monster Out Oblivious Denial Photosynthesis PokeGene (Phase 3) Psychic Invisibility Regeneration Sealed Body Sealed Soul Spirit Bound Sterility (Men) Tamer's Disease Wanderlust Extremely Rare Longevity Mentally Isolated Metalshaper (Electric variant)

Parthenogenesis PokeGene (Phase 4)

DESCRIPTION Blood Gifts/Curses use the following format: Name of Blood Gift/Curse Type: Gift or Curse? Origin: What sort of pokegirl ancestry gives this Blood Gift/Curse? Frequency: As far as Blood Gifts/Curses go, how often does this one show up? Description: What does this Blood Gift/Curse do to/for the person who has it? Variants: What are possible variants of this Blood Gift/Curse that a person can have? Affinity Type: Gift Origin: Any pokegirl type Frequency: Common, Uncommon (Steel, Ice, and Rock Variants), Rare (Infernal, Celestial, Dragon, and Ghost Variants) Description: Subjects with this bloodgift have the innate ability to puzzle through, analyze and implement the best method to handle a pokegirl of a certain type. Pokegirls of the Affinate's variant type feel more at ease around them. This ability also extends somewhat to pokegirl types that the subjects affinity would be strong to, though more often this is an intimidation factor as opposed to their normal ability to handle their affinity type in the best manner possible. Subjects with Affinity also have a hard time handling or figuring out pokegirls of types that oppose that of their Affinity, making them less likely to own these pokegirls in general. There are Affinity types for every known element, including the specific areas of Tech, Celestial, and Infernal as well as affinities for the more numerous animal types, such as canines, felines, vulpines, rodents, and lagomorphs. When subjects do not have an elemental Affinity, some logical progression follows their ability to handle pokegirls of their non-affinity type. Subjects with the variant Celestial Affinity, for example, do not handle Inferal pokegirls well; subjects with predatory pokegirls in their affinity are often to harsh on non-predatory pokegirls; those with Affinities for non-predatory pokegirls are often quickly intimidated by predatory ones. Variants: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fire, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground, Ice, Magic, Normal, Plant, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water, Celestial, Infernal, Tech, Canine, Feline, Simian, Vulpine, Rodent, Lagomorph, Serpent Other Variants: While these variants are the most common and well noted, other variants have been recorded, such as notable cases of Tamers having an Affinity gift for Very Near Human pokegirls, Bee types, Spider types, and other rarer types. These unnoted variants are more rare than their common counterparts. Agility Type: Gift Origin: Fighting-types and/or agile Pokegirls Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's physiology is subtly altered in ways that allow greater ease of overall movement: his joints have a wider range of flexibility; his muscles are more compact and elastic; and his body mass is more evenly distributed. The subject's legs are particularly enhanced by this Gift, giving him a slightly quicker stride, a more powerful jump, and the ever-useful ability to absorb the impact of a fall with fewer ill effects. He can kick off into a roll, somersault, cartwheel, or mid-air flip at a moment's notice, with much more impressive results than a regular man, and he is exceptionally light on his feet, able to sneak up on most humans and Pokegirls who lack enhanced hearing. Variants: Subjects with Fighting-type ancestry usually derive greater acrobatic and evasive ability from

Agility, while those with feline ancestry are more likely to be able to walk softly, jump high, and land on their feet. Anaphylaxia Type: Curse Origin: Dark-types, Grass-types, and/or Psychic-types Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject has an extreme allergic reaction to the venom(s) of Bug Pokegirls. If he is ever bitten, stung, or otherwise affected by a Bug Pokegirl's attacks, the damage is twice as severe, and any secondary effects either are twice as intense or last twice as long as normal. A common side effect of this curse is an irrational fear of bug types, though many say that the fear is justified due to the curse. Variants: Severity of allergy. Some cases are known to be extremely deadly. Aura of Ooze Type: Curse Origin: Magic, Infernal, or Psychic Types Frequency: Very Rare Description: This bloodcurse causes any human or pokegirl to automatically dislike subjects, no matter what the individuals personality. Subjects with this bloodcurse have a difficult time keeping pokegirls, and humans will find that for no known reason, individuals with this curse just tend to be automatically disliked. Tamers will find reasons to go in other directions, food service is always reluctant, free pokegirls don't want to have sex with him, which makes this one of the harder bloodcurses to live with. This does not mean that humans or pokegirls won't work with the individual, but they have to be forced to do so. Tamers with the Aura of Ooze have a harder time bonding their pokegirls, but once bonded they are generally no longer affected by this bloodcurse. Subjects with this bloodcurse need to be wary in the wild, as ferals are more likely to target them first, though this curse affects pokegirls with reduced feral states more than the lower intelligence ones. Like the bloodcurse Shadiness, this curse is caused by an aura, which works on the opposite spectrum of more positive gifts that rely on empathy. Variants: This curse effects individuals in varying degrees, though there is a slight correlation between individuals attitudes and the intensity of the curse, though it is unknown if this is a result of the blood curse or the individuals reaction to a life of being shunned. Aura Sense Type: Gift Origin: Ghost, Psychic, Magic Frequency: Very Rare Description: Subjects with this ability are able to see the auras of living creatures, and with time and experience, are able to interpret these auras with a fair amount of accuracy. Individuals with this gift note that pokegirls usually give off strong auras, while lower forms of life like plants and animals give off weak auras, and humans are in between. By noting different variations in the aura an individual emits, subjects are often able to tell the relative state of the individual, though this works better if subjects know the individual. This ability works through walls, though is limited by the range of the gifted subject's vision. Variants: The degree of intensity and sensitivity of the auras vary by individual, some can even function normally with their eyes closed, due to the minute auras given off by bacteria. Balance Type: Gift Origin: Any (Acrobatic Pokegirls) Frequency: Rare Description: Subjects with this bloodgift have a slightly modified inner ear, allowing them to have a highly developed sense of orientation. In addition to this their hand eye coordination is highly advanced as well. They have the ability to find their center of balance quickly and can stand on precarious footing for an indefinite amount of time. Individuals can also preform feats such as running across narrow ledges or tightropes without falling. No individual with this gift has ever reported feeling dizzy or suffered from vertigo.

Variants: Descendants of Feline pokegirls have been shown to have an instinctive 'self righting' reflex, though without other toughness bloodgifts, this does cause injury during a fall. Descendants of Simian pokegirls have been shown to have a greater amount of coordination with their feet, allowing some to utilize even their toes in hanging from or climbing up precarious places. Descendants of very flexible and acrobatic pokegirls are able to twist and turn in highly uncomfortable looking ways and still not become unbalanced. Blank Mind Type: Gift Origin: Dark-types Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject's mind is impervious to psychic probes. Any attempt to read his thoughts, emotions, or memories fails, whether he is conscious, unconscious, or dreaming; furthermore, the subject is immediately aware of such an attempt, due to a very distinct mental tingle, the strength of which is proportionate to the intensity of the attempted scan. Exceptionally powerful telepathic probes have been known to induce painful headaches in men with this Blood Gift. Blank Mind does not protect its possessor from psychic attacks or manipulations, nor does it hide him from psychic detection. He can receive any sort of incoming psychic signal, including telepathic messages; he simply does not project anything, apart from a living, thinking presence. Variants: None known. Boost Type: Gift Origin: Fighting, Dragon, Fire Frequency: Rare Description: A subject with the bloodgift Boost is capable of dramatically increasing their fighting ability for a short period of time, but only when under extreme stress. The extent and nature of the boost varies based on the individual and origin of the gift. It should be noted that should a bearer of this gift have a normal human body in other regards, the boost effect can grant them more strength than their body is capable of enduring. Still, considering what kind of situation the bearer must be in to activate this gift, the damage taken from the stress it creates on the body is most likely the better alternative. Variants: Most subjects that inherit this gift from a fighting type will see a significant boost in their chi when it is triggered. Those with the fire and dragon ancestries more often see a chemical boost, something commonly referred to as extradrenaline. This is by no means the scientific name, however. The boosted capabilities often fall in line with documented pokegirl enhancements, such as strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Circuit Breaker Type: Curse Origin: Electric, Ground, Steel, and/or Magic Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject constantly disrupts, damages, or outright destroys any electronic devices he gets his hands on for longer than a few minutes. This is typically the result of tiny, uncontrolled electrical discharges given off by the subject's body, not unlike a more focused version of static electricity in the case of those with electric ancestry. With those of Ground ancestry, their body acts like a ground itself, absorbing and distributing electrical signals and charges so that equipment will not work. Individuals with Steel ancestry often have a similar problem to those with ground type ancestry, though their bodies often act like a Faraday trap for signals, and shocks tend to sting unpleasantly. Individuals with Magic type ancestry are often the most difficult to pin down, as the effects tend to happen at random, or when the traited individual is feeling an extreme emotion. Magic type Circuit Breakers have the hardest time becoming tamers, as their version effects even the tough pokegirl proof equipment like pokedexes and pokeballs. With other variants of this curse, they are required to seek medical attention at pokecenters, and to avoid standard electronic equipment. This is due to the individuals themselves posing a threat to sensitive hospital equipment or business equipment, and many learn to eschew most technological devices. Variants: Rarely, individuals with enhanced strength will have problems controlling their strength, causing

them to have a similar problem with delicate electronic devices as the other cursed individuals do. This problem is sometimes solved through training, or purchasing more sturdy models of equipment. Claws Type: Gift Origin: Bug-types, Dragon-types, Flying-types, and/or Steel-types; also individual clawed breeds Frequency: Common Description: The subject possesses functional claws. This Blood Gift can come in a variety of forms, including fingers that end in bird-like (or dragon-like) talons, fingernails with extremely dense keratin deposits, or bone spurs that are held "sheathed" above or between the knuckles, emerging only with a particular muscular impulse. Regardless of the precise form, the Claws are capable of piercing and cutting paper, cloth, and flesh; if properly maintained, they can cut glass, wood, and some of the weaker metals. An individual who manifests this Gift at birth or in early childhood is used to performing delicate tasks with them, whereas a man whose Claws grow in at puberty must spend several weeks familiarizing himself with their use and control. Variants: An individual's genetics determine the maximum potential size, hardness, and sharpness of his Claws, but how he uses and maintains them also plays a role. In uncommon cases, a subject's Claws are too large or awkwardly-shaped to allow him to perform delicate work, unless he trims them back on a weekly basis or has himself declawed; in such instances this Blood Trait is regarded as a Curse. Clumsy Type: Curse Origin: Bunny Pokegirls, Electric-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: Those inflicted with this Blood Curse are, as the name suggests, clumsy. Subjects of this Blood Curse descended from Bunnygirls or other bunny Pokegirls can be almost as clumsy as the actual Ditzy Pokegirl, and are fully capable of tripping on a flat surface. Even subjects who try their utmost to be careful will fall, trip over flat surfaces, and drop objects regardless of how they try not to. The eardrums are very important to keeping balance, and while the ears of one cursed by this Blood Curse are in almost all respects identical to those of a human, there are minute differences that, while not affecting the body in any other way, make coordination much more difficult. Electric-type descended subjects showed slightly increased bio-electrical activity when compared to the experimental control (a non bloodgifted or cursed human male). Due to this, and due to their body lacking a means to regulate this, their muscles occasionally spasm, making the subject appear as though they have an uncontrollable twitch. This may cause, for example, their foot to jerk to the side from where they intend to step, their hand to twitch when through a Pokeball, or other similar problems. Variants: Electric descended subjects with a high clumsiness may tend to slightly shock those who touch them; startling and uncomfortable, but not painful. Some of those with Bunnygirl ancestry may have somewhat better hearing than normal. Cold Blooded Type: Curse Origin: Ice-types; also some reptilian breeds Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's body has lost the ability to regulate its own internal temperature, and instead must rely on the ambient temperature of the surrounding environment. As the local temperature rises, the subject becomes more active and alert, and as it cools, he grows lethargic and slow-witted; in a sufficiently cold environment, he will lapse into unconsciousness and die from hypothermia. For their own safety, most Cold Blooded subjects reside in tropical, subtropical, and the warmer temperate regions; in the latter, they either fly south for the winter or pass the months in their well-insulated homes with the heat turned up. It's quite common for a man with this Curse to own a Fire Pokegirl as an emergency heater, an exception to Ice-type Tamers' usual dislike of the hot-tempered Fire-types. Variants: Some individuals with this Curse are cold to the touch, similar to Ice Maidens. The effects of the Curse are otherwise universal.

Cold Insensitivity Type: Curse Origin: Ice-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's nervous system is unable to perceive cold. This condition may initially be misdiagnosed as the Blood Gift of Cold Resistance, due to the subject's inability to feel pain from exposure to the cold or his capacity to Tame Ice Pokegirls without difficulty; it is typically only when the subject has been exposed long enough to begin showing visible symptoms that the truth is realized. Men with Cold Insensitivity are considered high-risk cases for frostbite and hypothermia, due to their inability to accurately assess their own condition during times of exposure. Variants: None known. Cold Vulnerability Type: Curse Origin: Plant, Dragon, Flying, Ground, and/or Water types Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects suffer from an extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures. Their nervous system registers low temperatures with twice the intensity of a normal human, and hits the pain threshold much more quickly whenever cold or freezing temperatures are involved. This makes it very difficult for the subject to function in a normal environment; he will have to eat warm meals, wash with hot water, bundle up in almost any sort of weather, and avoid low levels of physical activity in cool environments. Shivering and constant complaints about being chilled are common in these individuals. Cold air and ice attacks are especially dangerous, causing such intense pain that the subject effectively suffers double the usual level of damage, and passes out. (The level of actual damage sustained does not change, merely the subject's perception of it.) Variants: Each subject has his own cold-pain threshold, but the difference is largely academic, varying by no more than a few degrees either way. In rare cases, the subject's body can trick itself into believing that the increased pain it feels is real, causing psychosomatic frostbite and hypothermia. Such individuals literally suffer double-damage from cold and ice, and require immediate medical attention for even the most minor chills. Combustion Type: Curse Origin: Fire-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's body heat is slightly above average from puberty onward. They constantly feel feverish and it rises whenever he gets angry. Although his physiology is adapted to function at these higher temperatures without ill effect, if the subject's body temperature ever exceeds a certain level, he spontaneously combusts. Most victims of this terrible Blood Curse perish within two years of its awakening. The few that manage to endure longer almost always live in cold climates and practice intense emotional discipline. Some experts prescribe depressant meds to keep the subject's temper further restrained, but this can be dangerous, especially since the cheapest and most commonly-available depressant is usually alcohol. Variants: Some instances of this curse also provide a visual indication that the bearer is about to be set off, usually the effect of fire coming off their eyes or body. There has also been recorded instances when the effect of combustion was closer to the Ignite attack than Explode, leaving the bearer severely burned instead of completely incinerated. Compulsive Artist Type: Curse Origin: Magic or Normal Types, Artistically inclined pokegirls Frequency: Uncommon Description: Like the Fetish bloodcurse, subjects with this curse have no control over this need to create and express themselves artistically. This curse can strike afflicted individuals one of two ways, the most natural expression of this curse is a need that builds within the subject until they have to make -something-

and fall into a state where they use anything on hand to create something of artistic expression. At times, these individuals will feel 'bursts' of this need when something genuinely inspiring is seen, and if the subject refuses to act on this compulsion, they fall into a depression. Variants: Depending on the ancestry, subjects may prefer drawing or painting, sculpting, metalworking, costume making, dance, or singing, and rarer forms have been noted. Length of time between the time that the curse needs to express itself also varies from daily to monthly, though individuals with longer stretches of time between this need have been shown to have more instances of the bursts of creativity, and thus have a greater chance for being constantly depressed. Darkness Type: Gift Origin: Dark and Ghost types Frequency: Rare Description: Subjects with this bloodtrait can call a small patch of darkness into existence around them effectively obscuring vision of any who are in it or try to see through the darkness, even night vision is effected. Only the subjects themselves are not affected by this darkness. This cloud of darkness does nothing else but obscure vision completely, so other forms of sensory input are still available for use such as hearing and olfactory. Subjects are able to center the globe on themselves or on a fixed point, the globe being mobile if centered on themselves, but canny foes know to attack the center of a moving globe. Variants: The size of the globe of darkness varies somewhat, the minimum recorded at ten feet, and the maximum at twenty five feet in diameter. Drone Mind Type: Curse Origin: Bug types, particularly the 'swarm' breeds Frequency: Rare Description: A rather dangerous blood curse with an extremely dangerous variation, at least in the eyes of the more conservative leagues. Most of the time, the individual with this curse is more vulnerable to mind domination attempts. Their minds are easy to manipulate by psychic, magical, and other means of influencing thoughts and desires. The extremely rare variation of this curse is much worse. Should a bearer of this curse tame a bug type pokegirl, something goes wrong in the alpha-bonding process and the male winds up being the subservient one and the pokegirl gains control of the relationship. Fortunately for the tamer, this curse tends to rapidly facilitate the formation of a delta bond between the tamer and his 'queen'. At the very worst, he will be treated as a beloved pet. Variants: A rarer still variation of this curse allows the 'queen' to exert control over her harem sisters, as long as they are bonded to the tamer. This is by far the most frightening manifestation of the curse, and the majority of leagues see to it that males with this curse cannot become tamers. Efficient Metabolism Type: Gift Origin: Ice, Fighting types; also reptilian/serpentine breeds Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject's body is adapted to digest and utilize food faster and more thoroughly than normal. His stomach produces a greater level of digestive acid and enzymes, his small intestine is unusually long, with an accordingly greater surface area that increases the opportunity for nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, and his large intestine houses a strain of bacteria similar to those found in ruminant animals and Pokegirls, allowing him to acquire nutrients from plant matter that would otherwise simply be expelled. Efficient Metabolism allows a typical subject to function normally with only half the amount of food a normal person would require. It does not allow him to digest inorganic matter, nor can he consume decayed or toxic organic foodstuffs without the normal risk of being poisoned (for that, he requires an Iron Stomach). While this is a useful trait for anyone, it is particularly helpful for Tamers, who must often operate on a tight budget and can easily find themselves in situations where food is scarce. The only significant drawback to this Blood Gift is that it makes it easier for the subject to overeat and start putting on extra weight.

Variants: Rare individuals can get by on a quarter as much food as normal, with the result that they only need to eat one good meal every few days. Electric Shock Type: Gift Origin: Electric-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject has small glands scattered throughout his body that generate and store bioelectric energy. When his skin comes into contact with a conductive material, his stored charge is released in the form of a mild shock, comparable to static electricity. It is possible for a subject to avoid discharging stored energy every time he touches a conductive target, or to force stored electricity to discharge into a relatively non-conductive target. With practice, he can build up enough of a charge to imitate weak Electric attacks; most subjects can only retain enough energy for one such attack at a time, and require at least an hour of rest after discharging a shock to build up another appreciable charge. A subject holding a charge can be readily identified by his hair's tendency to stand on end. Variants: The main difference between subjects with Electric Shock is how much they have practiced their control over the Gift. In rare cases, the subject can fully recharge in a matter of minutes. Empathic Feedback Type: Curse Origin: Plant-types and/or Psychic-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: This Curse does not always accompany the Gift of Empathy, but is never seen without it. The victim's emotional awareness is so strong that it interferes with his own emotional responses, making it difficult for the subject to think or act for himself. He requires constant praise and encouragement in order to function in a public venue, not out of any need to sate an overblown ego, but rather to balance out the miasma of doubt, fear, and anger he picks up from those around him. A subject with Empathic Feedback succumbs easily to any sort of emotional manipulation, whether positive or negative, and quickly wilts if left to fend for himself in the face of constant hostility. Variants: None known. Empathic Insight Type: Gift Origins: Any Frequency: Common Description: The subject has an intuitive understanding of how a specific subset of Pokegirls think, feel, and react in any given situation. Despite the name, this Gift is not a psychic ability, but rather a kind of inherited instinct; the subject knows how Pokegirls feel because he often experiences the same urges and impulses that they do, albeit on a much reduced and more manageable level. By itself, Empathic Insight is directed towards a single Pokegirl breed -typically the most common or the most recent in the subject's genetic lineage- and towards Pokegirls that have evolved from that breed. For example, a subject whose mother and grandmothers were all Ingenues will most likely have Empathic Insight towards Ingenues, with a lesser affinity for Battle Angels, Damsels, and other evolved Ingenues; if his mother was a Catgirl, on the other hand, he might inherit insight for that breed and its evolutions, because he is genetically closer to his mother than to his grandmothers. Variants: When this Gift occurs in a subject with an Elemental Affinity, it is expanded to include all Pokegirls that share the appropriate element or animal type; Feline Affinity bestows insight into feline Pokegirls, for instance. The subject does not retain insight into Pokegirls whose element or type changes due to evolution, unless he also has an affinity for her new form. Empathy Type: Gift Origin: Ghost-types, Plant-types, and/or Psychic-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has a heightened emotional awareness of those around him. This sense is strong

enough that he can discern the presence and location of other beings even when all his other senses are blocked. An Empath cannot read thoughts, but he is always aware of others' true emotional states. Sentient beings (including Feral Pokegirls) have the strongest and clearest emotions, but a skilled Empath can pick things up even from the rare animal or large plants. Empathy isn't usually blocked by intervening matter, except for some heavy metals or active electronics, but it can by countered by Psychic techniques, natural resistances, or simply by putting a large number of bodies together in the same space to drown out individual feelings with emotional white noise. The Gift is also not instantaneous; barring an extremely strong or Psychically-active mind, an Empath usually requires prolonged exposure to an individual to get a complete and accurate impression of their state of mind. Although it would appear that a man with this Blood Gift would be a kinder Tamer, this is not always the case, for Empaths can ignore or shut down their sensitivity, or use it to "motivate" a Pokegirl by threatening the things she cares about. On the whole, Empathic Tamers are less likely to abuse their Pokegirls and more likely to form Delta Bonds, but there may be no crueler fate for a Pokegirl than to be bonded to an Empath who treats her like scum, and yet knows exactly how to make her come crawling back for more. Variants: The distance at which the subject can sense a being's emotions and how clearly he reads them are both aspects of this Gift that differ widely. Psychic ancestry is more likely to bestow a controllable form of the Gift, but the version granted by Plant ancestry is typically much deeper and more accurate, precisely because it can't be turned on and off at will. Endurance Type: Gift Origin: Dragon-types, Electric-types, Fighting-types, Fire-types, Normal-types, Rock-types, Steel-types, and/or Water-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject's cells have an unusually high tolerance for the fatigue toxins built up during physical activity, allowing him to continue to perform physical activities for extended periods of time without succumbing to exhaustion. On average, this Gift doubles normal human endurance, but the level of increase has been known to reach five times normal. Endurance most commonly appears in the descendants of Pokegirls noted for their highly active natures or superior physical condition, but it also occurs in some individuals whose Pokegirl ancestors were simply very large and/or heavily-armored, and had adapted to carrying such extra weight around. Regardless of the source, this is one of the most highly-valued Blood Gifts among Tamers. It is not always consistent, but in general, different Pokegirl types bestow Endurance in the following order, from least potency to highest: Normal; Rock; Electric; Steel; Water; Fighting; Fire; and Dragon. Variants: While the main version of Endurance allows a human to withstand the physical requirements of long rigorous taming, some variations, particularly those bestowed by thick skinned or 'sex battle oriented' pokegirls allow for individuals to be desensitized, making them last longer before ejaculating. Some consider this variant a curse version, however, as more often than not, it takes this variation of the bloodtrait a longer time to orgasm. Enhanced Sense Type: Gift Origin: Any Frequency: Common (Visual), Uncommon (Olfactory & Auditory), Rare (Gustation & Tactile) Description: Individuals with this bloodgift have one of their physical senses enhanced to a great degree, usually following in line with their ancestry, such as canine types leaning toward enhanced olfactory senses. Variants: -Visual (Sight): Individuals with enhanced vision have the human equivalent of 20/2 or better which means, that individuals with this range of vision can see normally from 20 feet away what standard human vision can see from 2 feet away. This is due to the shape of the eye and overall abundance of rods and cones. Subjects with this type of bloodgift are much more visually oriented than people of normal visual range, and when coming from predatory pokegirl ancestors, their vision is drawn to movement easily. Occasionally, vision ranges not in sharpness, but into other spectrums of light, such as infrared, or enhances peripheral vision along with a lowered sharpening of vision. This gift does not increase low light sight

conditions, however. -Auditory (Hearing): Individuals with enhanced auditory senses perceive sound waves at a higher perceived decibel range than normal individuals. Ears of these individuals have smaller, finer hairs that sense vibration, along with a slightly modified inner ear. Some subjects with this bloodgift are also able to hear sounds at a wider range of frequency, able to pick up sounds in the ultrasonic (high pitched) or infrasound (low pitched) levels. Soft noises are heard from greater distances, and subjects are also more adept at picking up speech from across solid or liquid barriers. Many subjects with this bloodgift are sensitive to loud noises, and sonic attacks can deafen them more easily. -Olfactory (Smell): The Olfactory enhanced sense allows subjects to detect different molecules from the air at a far more diluted range than a normal human. Subjects with this bloodgift have more advanced sinuses, as well as more chemo-receptors on their sinus membranes than the average human. On average, individuals with this subtype of the bloodgift can sense chemicals, such as perfumes and other scents, at up to 1/1000th of their original potency. While this sounds impressive, pokegirls themselves, particularly canine types, are able to detect chemicals in the 1/10,000 to 1/100,000 diluted range. The bloodgift form of this enhanced sense allows subjects to pick up on weak odors, though tracking by scent is extremely difficult unless what is tracked has a very strong odor and the trail has not been disturbed. Subjects with this form of gift can distinguish individuals by smell, though strong scents can throw them off. Often, this bloodgift is called an annoyance by those who have it, as individuals are more sensitive to strong odors, making it difficult to be in some areas long. -Tactile (Touch): This version of the Enhanced Sense bloodgift is sometimes viewed as a curse by those who have it. Due to an vastly increased amount of nerve endings located not only on the hands but all over the body, individuals with this enhanced sense are far more perceptive to tactile stimulation than normal humans. When touched in a pleasurable fashion, the sensations are heightened, and many individuals with this enhanced sense also have the Quick Finish bloodcurse. Subjects with this form of bloodgift are also more apt to have lower pain thresholds, making many forgo the traveling life of a Tamer. -Gustation (Taste): The final variant of the Enhanced sense blood gift is the sense of taste. This, like olfaction, is another form of chemo-reception, and many individuals who have enhanced taste also have an increased (if not enhancement bloodgift of) sense of smell. With time and practice, individuals with this bloodgift are able to pick out individual ingredients in foods and drinks, and some are keen enough to break down the tastes into molecular components. Use for this unique bloodgift is limited, however, and most go into food professions or potion making. False Superiority Type: Curse Origin: Dragon-types, Fighting-types, and/or Magic-types; also Farfuck'd or any "genius" Pokegirl breeds Frequency: Common Description: Disorders in sensory perception and memory retention have given the subject a runaway superiority complex. They may be boldly arrogant, casually overconfident, or go around spouting odes to their gods-given might in archaic verse; however they express it, the subject is convinced that they are the best, the strongest, the most beautiful, etc., which quickly gets irritating for those who have to put up with these fantasies on a regular basis. This Curse is usually backed up by a Gift or two, but never something that justifies the subject's claims. An individual with False Superiority favors powerful Pokegirls or breeds who will otherwise feed their delusions of grandeur: Bards to sing of their prowess; Fearleaders to praise them in battle; and Dark Ladies to worship at their feet and taunt their opposition, to name just a few examples. Whenever they are challenged by a "rival," they always accept, confident of their victory; subjects with this curse are rarely a good winner, and an even worse loser, and will seize the flimsiest excuse to demand a rematch. Even a string of crushing defeats and unavenged losses won't break an individual of the effects of this Curse; at best, they just make them brood and whine for a few days. Variants: Most who suffer from False Superiority can function in normal society, but in rare cases the Curse is a complete psychotic break with reality. Such individuals truly believe that reality will bend to their every whim, and rationalize their defeats and other "impossibilities" as acts of treachery or dark sorcery, which they subsequently seek to punish and redress. Medication can ease the symptoms of False Superiority, but convincing a whacked-out samurai wannabe or self-proclaimed Dark Overlord of the Universe to regularly take their medication can be quite a challenge.

Fast Healing Type: Gift Origin: Fighting-types, Magic-types, Plant-types, and/or Celestial or Infernal Pokegirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject heals at an accelerated rate. Typically, Fast Healing works at twice the speed of natural human healing: bruises, scrapes, first-degree burns, and other minor injuries vanish overnight; cuts, second-degree burns, and other subcutaneous wounds heal within a few days; and broken bones, thirddegree burns, and nonlethal damage to internal organs are repaired after a few weeks. Fast Healing cannot restore any organ or bodily system that is severed from the whole, incinerated, or otherwise completely destroyed, nor can it repair an instantly lethal wound; fatal wounds that do not immediately kill the subject are sometimes survivable, but this is highly situational and extremely chancy. One particularly noteworthy aspect of this Gift is that it increases the body's blood production and accelerates clotting in bleeding wounds, thereby ameliorating the effects of blood-loss. Variants: The subject's Pokegirl ancestry greatly affects how this Gift expresses itself. Fighting-type Fast Healing is the standard form described above; its only drawback is that it cannot usually repair nerve damage. Plant-type Fast Healing only functions when the subject is in sunlight, but can repair damaged nerves, up to and including the central nervous system. Magic-type, Celestial, and Infernal Fast Healing are all constantly active, and as thorough as the Plant-based form. In extremely rare cases, Fast Healing has been known to function at up to ten times the speed of normal human healing, though it is still subject to the limitations of the more common form. Fetish Type: Curse Origin: Any Frequency: Very Rare Description: The somewhat more benign cousin to Phobia, the Fetish blood curse affects the brain's rational response to certain stimuli in a different way. Rather than causing some unpleasant experience to imprint as a phobia, Fetish results in, generally, the gaining of one or more fetishes, generally (but not always) as a result of pleasurable experiences in the possessor's formative years. These fetishes do not necessarily make sense, and, whilst some are for things that might be sexually appealing otherwise (a certain Pokgirl breed/element. etc), these are by no means the rule. It should also be noted that not all fetishes are a result of the Fetish blood curse; the easiest way to tell when one is such is that those resulting from it have proved almost "impossible" to cure and very difficult for the possessor to resist, even if he should come to actively despise his own fetishism. Variations: There is obviously no defined "base" setting for the curse, but it should be noted that some fetishes, such as death, have resulted in the possessor becoming a danger to himself and others. Caution should be exercised. Fire Insensitivity Type: Curse Origin: Fire, Water, Rock, or Ground types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's nervous system is unable to perceive heat. Unlike it's 'cousin' blood curse, this curse is rarely misdiagnosed, as skin often blisters within normal human ranges and requires immediate healing. While a subject could tame an intense heat fire type without any pain, they would still sustain injury without any salves. Individuals with Fire Insensitivity are at high risk for developing burns, especially sunburns from over exposure to the sun. Many of these individuals can also suffer from heat stroke or overheating and fainting as per a normal human, due to their inability to accurately judge their own physical condition. Variants: None known. Flexibility Type: Gift Origin: Any flexible breed

Frequency: Uncommon Description: Depending on their ancestry, individuals with this blood trait show a variety of abilities above and beyond the human norm. One simple test for the bloodtrait of Flexibility is to have the subject attempt to lick their own elbow, as all known Flexible individuals are able to do so. Ancestry of this gift varies wildly, from pokegirls such as the Jigglyslut or Stretchymaid, feline, serpent, or various water types. Besides giving him the ability to shock, amaze, and disturb other people, the increased elasticity of his muscles, joints and/or bones reduces the likelihood of breaking bones from sudden impacts or ongoing stress. Individuals can bend in extraordinary ways to avoid dangers they see coming at them, potentially turning a hit into a miss. They can painlessly perform tricks like folding back fingers and thumbs, bending over backwards to grasp their ankles, or getting both feet up behind their head, more often than not, this is due to an elastic musculature. Overall, these individuals are capable of feats that far outstrip anything a normal human can do, and the few remaining practicing contortionists pale in comparison to the feats that these individuals can do untrained. Variants: Though not exhaustive, there are many different variations of exactly how an individual with Flexibility is able to preform the feats they do. Most noteworthy, individuals with water type ancestry have a cartilaginous skeleton which allows them to bend their bodies to an amazing degree. Individuals with this variant are able to squeeze through spaces that would normally be too narrow to accommodate them. Even their skulls are somewhat malleable and a typical individual with this variant can move through a space only two-thirds as wide as his body in any direction by shifting his shoulders and twisting his joints in unusual ways. Individuals with this form of Flexibility are often careful not to take hits to the torso, as their flexible skeleton does not protect their organs from damage as well as a normal human. Individuals with 'stretchy' pokegirl ancestry typically find that their bodies as a whole are more flexible than the norm. Individuals with feline, ape, or serpentine ancestry generally have more elastic muscles and a better cartilage cushions between their joints, allowing them to move in ways normal humans can't. Some individuals with flying type ancestry have free jointed legs and arms. Frail Constitution Type: Curse Origin: Dark, Psychic, and Magic Types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject has an abnormally inefficient metabolism. He cannot maintain any physical activity more demanding than a brisk walk for longer than a few minutes, and even the briefest, leastdemanding exertions will leave him exhausted for a disproportionately long period of time. A typical subject can handle one pokegirl with an average or reduced libido, perhaps as many as three with patience and generous use of recovery drinks, but a serious Taming career is usually impossible due to the inherent rigors of traveling and capturing ferals. Variants: Other forms of this curse are noted for the afflicted to be physically deficient in a large variety of ways, they may be slower, weaker, or more easily injured than normal humans these variations are wide, but usually not life threatening if subjects with the bloodcurse are careful not to get into strenuous (or dangerous) situations. In very rare cases, the enervation is neither as intense nor as long-lasting as the average, allowing a greater level of activity; with careful planning and preparation, such individuals may be able to handle a full Harem. Gardener (aka "Green Thumb") Type: Gift Origin: Electric-types, Ground-types, and/or Plant-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has an uncanny ability to cultivate healthy plants. The nature of this Gift differs according to the subject's Pokegirl ancestry: Electric-types give off a faint electromagnetic field on a frequency that encourages growth; Ground-types have an inherent understanding of the nutrient value of soil, and how to replenish it; and Plant-types instinctively know what plants need to thrive. Regardless of the origin, the end result of this Gift is a man who can get practically any plant to grow virtually anywhere, with little or no special equipment. All Gardeners keep at least a few growing things around the home as a hobby, and more than a few pursue the raising and care of growing things as a full-time job, whether in a

big-city arboretum or on a country farm. Variants: The level of effectiveness of the normal form of this bloodgift always exceeds what normal humans can do, however, some variations of the gift, particularly when inherited from plant types, can increase crop yield to nearly the level of an Elf. Heat Vulnerability Type: Curse Origin: Bug-types, Ice-types, Plant-types, and/or Steel-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject suffers from an extreme sensitivity to heat. His nervous system registers high temperatures with twice the intensity of a normal human, and hits the pain threshold much more quickly whenever heat or fire is involved. This makes it very difficult for the subject to function in a normal environment; he will have to eat cold meals, wash with cold water, dress down in almost any sort of weather, and avoid high levels of physical activity in warm or hot environments. Open flame and Fire attacks are especially dangerous, causing such intense pain that the subject effectively suffers double the usual level of damage, and passes out. (The level of actual damage sustained does not change, merely the subject's perception of it.) Variants: Each subject has his own heat-pain threshold, but the difference is largely academic, varying by no more than a few degrees either way. In rare cases, the subject's body can trick itself into believing that the increased pain it feels is real, causing psychosomatic blisters and burns. Such individuals literally suffer double-damage from heat and flame, and require immediate medical attention for even the most minor burns. Immutable Form Type: Gift Origin: Bug-types and/or Poison-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject is exceptionally resistant to attempts to change his form. Genetic mutagens and magical curses are both equally ineffective at changing his true shape, the ravages of time do not obviously degrade his appearance, and even hard nuclear radiation doesn't produce the usual sores and lesions, although it does still induce cell-death. Only Jusenkyo is known to be able to overcome the protection of Immutable Form, and in the sole recorded incident where an assistant with the blood gift fell into one of the pools, the result was afflicting the man with Pokegene phase two related to the pool. It is tentatively assumed that the magically-inclined Legendaries or the Legendary pokegirl Cocooner could transform a man with Immutable Form for a brief period of time, but this theory has yet to be tested. Variants: None are known, but experts theorize that a stronger (and presumably extremely rare) strain of this Gift would prevent even Jusenkyo or the powers of Legendaries from having any effect whatsoever. Iron Stomach Type: Gift Origin: Ground-types, Rock-types, and/or Steel-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject can digest practically anything. His teeth, gums, tongue, and esophagus are all much tougher than in normal humans, and his jaw muscles are capable of generating considerably more force in a bite. His stomach has a similarly toughened lining, and produces more powerful digestive enzymes that can break down rock, metal, and even some synthetic materials. Although this Blood Gift lets the subject digest almost anything, it doesn't allow him to draw nutrition from exotic materials; generally, they will just pass through his digestive tract as roughage and be expelled a day or so later. The main benefit of having an Iron Stomach is that it allows the subject to eat even the most poorly prepared or badly spoiled foodstuffs without fear of harm, although it should be noted that this Gift has no effect on one's senses of smell or taste. Variants: In very rare cases, the subject actually does get nutritional value out of whatever he eats. Such an individual will almost never be in a position to risk starvation, even if he ends up having to eat dirt to survive.

Light Type: Curse Origin: Electric, Plant, and Bug pokegirls Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects with this curse have a unique feature where their skin glows. Depending on the ancestry, this is caused by either bioluminescent chemicals created in the epidermis, or mild sub dermal electrical bands that glow when the subjects exert themselves. This light does nothing to warm the afflicted subjects. While this bloodtrait is considered by and large useless, it is detrimental to the Taming profession due to feral pokegirls being able to track the tamer easily by sight, even in darkness. Variants: The amount of light varies in intensity from barely a glow to roughly the illumination of a candle. In the electric variation of this blood trait, subjects with the curse are able to cease a majority of their illumenatory output by remaining completely still. Rare individuals of bug or plant ancestry have control over this ability. Light Sensitivity Type: Curse Origin: Nocturnal Pokegirls, Vampire Line, Dark Pokegirls Frequency: Uncommon (Mild Version) to Rare (Severe Version) Description: Subjects with this bloodcurse almost always have the Bloodgift Night Vision, though a rare few have the normal range of human night vision as well as this curse. Subject suffer from a marked sensitivity to light, and must wear eye protection at all times during full daylight hours. If exposed suddenly to bright light, subjects are temporarily blinded. Variants: Varying degrees of light sensitivity to the eyes have been noted, though the rarer form of this bloodcurse also includes skin sensitivity. Subjects with this form of the bloodcurse cannot go out without full body covering during daylight hours, and suffer from severe sunburns if exposed to sunlight or bright artificial lights. These burns can become fatal if exposed for more than an hour of sunlight in some cases. Lightweight Type: Gift Origin: Flying-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject's skeletal structure more closely resembles the "hollow bones" of ancient birds and bird-like Flying Pokegirls. This does not noticeably weaken the bones or impair the subject's health or abilities, but it does reduce his overall body weight by as much as twenty-five to fifty percent. This allows the subject to jump higher and farther, cross surfaces too fragile to support others, or be carried by less powerful individuals than would normally be able to bear his weight; he also suffers less injury in any fall, due to his reduced weight giving him a lower terminal velocity, and is a bit more buoyant in water than a normal man. Being a Lightweight is a useful trait for any Tamer who desires to fly, since it allows Flying-types to carry his weight before their age or evolutionary level would normally allow, and it's also helpful for dealing with Water-types in their natural element. The primary drawback to being a Lightweight is that one is more easily pushed around in the literal sense, whether by brawny goons, angry Pokegirls, strong winds, or similar forces. As noted above, however, the subject's strength and toughness are not hindered by this trait, so it is classified as a Blood Gift despite the occasional inconvenient thug or gale-force wind. Variants: Rumors of individuals who could walk on water or consciously control their weight have recently been debunked, leaving personal density as the only variant aspect of this trait. Limited Time Type: Curse Origin: Magic, other ancestries noted Frequency: Very Rare Description: The antithesis of Longevity, this feared bloodcurse causes the afflicted to not only live a short lifespan, but also to know the exact time of their death, down to the minute. This horrifying knowledge comes to the cursed individual sometime during puberty in the form of a very vivid dream. For some, this dream repeats itself yearly until the victim's demise, others have the ability to perfectly recall every detail

of their first dream. While more often than not, individuals with this bloodcurse have a set of powerful bloodgifts, some are cursed without any bloodgifts at all and no individual with limited time has ever been gifted with the bloodgift of Longevity. The typical lifespan of subjects with Limited Time is 25-40 years old. Most often, their death is a premature winding down of their bodies, as their bloodgifts fade and their bodies become similar to that of an elderly person. Most individuals with this bloodcurse seek to do something important with their life, likely due to knowing when their deaths will be. Variants: Some individuals know that they are going to die a brutal, or painful death, and spend much of their time trying to avoid this fate. An even more rare form of this curse causes accelerated aging, where the afflicted individual ages at 3,6, or even 10 times the average rate of a human. There are also rumors of a 'Deathclock' variant of this curse, that the afflicted individual can't tell when they will die, but can visually see the clock ticking down on all life that they see. This is a very disturbing and as of yet unconfirmed rumor. Location Type: Gift Origin: Electric-types and/or Ground-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject has an unfailing sense of direction. He is always able to pinpoint magnetic north, and from there can extrapolate his position relative to any place he's ever been. Upon arriving in a new area, a Locator only needs a few moments of concentration to fix the general "feel" of the place in his memory, after which he will always be able to recall it. He can memorize general areas (such as settlements) or very specific ones (such as one room in a house). Variants: None known. Longevity Type: Gift Origin: Dragon-types and Magic-types Frequency: Extremely Rare Description: The subject's natural aging process is greatly slowed. He develops normally throughout his childhood and early adolescence, but at some point during his teen years, the Blood Gift activates; thereafter, for every three years that pass, the subject physically ages only one year. Given the average human lifespan of 75 years, and assuming an average of 15 years for the Gift to activate, a typical LongLived subject may carry on for as long as 195 years. Except for slowing the aging process, Longevity has no other appreciable effects on the workings of the human body. The subject still needs to eat, sleep, and breathe, he still heals at the normal rate, he can still get sick, and he still eventually develops the physical symptoms of old age. As with normal humans, most subjects with Longevity die as a result of their accumulated infirmities well before reaching their maximum potential age -it just takes longer for those infirmities to start showing up. Variants: It is difficult to prove by observation, but genetic analysis indicates that different subjects experience different degrees of Longevity. In very rare cases, the ratio of actual age to apparent age may be as high as 6:1, with a maximum potential lifespan of 375 years. In extremely rare cases, the ratio goes as high as 10:1, with a maximum lifespan of 615 years. Most cases of Longevity kick in during the adolescent years, but there are cases of the Gift activating later in life, usually after the subject has just been exposed to an abnormally high concentration of magical energy for the first time. Mentally Isolated Type: Curse Origin: Dark-types Frequency: Extremely Rare Description: This Blood Curse prevents the subject from receiving any sort of telepathic signal. He has no special protection against Psychic attacks or effects, and Psychics can still read his thoughts normally unless he also possesses the Blood Gift of Blank Mind; he simply is unable to perceive telepathic transmissions. Mental Isolation prevents the formation of Delta Bonds and, supposedly, Recognition. Variants: In very rare cases, a Mentally Isolated subject can Bond with a Pokegirl, but the Bond erodes

over time and is eventually lost altogether. Broken Bonds can be reestablished normally, but no method has been discovered to prevent their collapse. Metalshaper Type: Gift Origin: Steel and Electric types Frequency: Very Rare (Steel) and Extremely Rare (Electric) Description: A gift that often goes un-appreciated by tamers, the Metal Shaper trait allows an individual to exert an almost telekinetic influence over metallic substances. What materials they can manipulate are limited, depending on whether the gift comes from a Steel or Electric line. Using this influence allows the gifted individual the ability to manipulate the shape and position in space of any metal their gift extends control over. There is a limit to how much they can lift, and it seems to correlate with their physical strength. The reshaping process is slow, and precision is limited to what the individual can see. Also, they are incapable of reshaping more than one piece of metal at a time. So, for example, they could not create an entire functioning clock simultaneously, each piece would have to be shaped individually. The bio-metals that compose the bodies of many of the steel and tech type pokegirls cannot be manipulated in the way that unliving metals can. However, it's been found that bearers of this blood gift are much more capable of stimulating these types of pokegirls. Variants: Both sub-types of this gift can manipulate iron. The Steel sub-type control most commonly extends to copper, silver, gold, and platinum, though other elements are not unheard of. The electric subtype seems to involve electro-magnetism, so its control extends to nickel and cobalt only. Mimetic Memory Type: Gift Origin: Fighting-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject has an uncanny knack for physical mimicry. He can instantly perform an exact duplication or a mirror-reflection of any physical movement he sees, be it a martial arts technique, a message in sign language, or a complete dance routine. This allows him to learn such skills in only half the time that a normal man would require. Mimetic Memory can also be used to commit a specific movement (or series of movements) to memory, provided the subject can either focus on memorizing the move in question, or else see it performed more than once; martial artists with this Blood Gift can typically copy an opponent's "special technique" after seeing it performed three times. Any number of techniques can be copied in this way, but unless the subject trains to incorporate a specific move into his existing skill set, he must spend a moment concentrating to recall the move from memory each time he wishes to perform it. Variants: In rare cases, the subject can memorize a technique the first time he sees it.

Mindbender Type: Gift Origin: Magic-types, Plant-types, Poison-types, and Psychic-types Frequency: Rare Description: Mindbender is split into two categories. 'Coercers' and Charmers'. While they are both essentially the same, their methods are completely opposite. Coercers' force others to do their bidding, while Charmers' sweet talk others into following them. Charmers are unnaturally attractive to members of the opposite sex. Plant and Poison ancestry appears to result in the production of a highly effective pheromonal attractant, whereas Magic and Psychic ancestry seems to give the subject a mentallyinfluencing aura. In all cases, this variant allows the subject to attract females within about twenty-five feet of his current position, and to have them interact with him in a favorable manner, even if he is not doing anything to attract attention or merit such friendly behavior. The aura produced also has a mildly arousing effect on women, which persists for some time after he leaves their vicinity. The Gift is effective on ALL females, regardless of age or appearance, making it just as likely to attract a ten year-old looking for a hug or a randy grandmother as a beautiful adult woman, and there are reports of it drawing in homosexual men

as well. Mindbending can't change a woman's sexual orientation, so an exclusively lesbian woman or Pokegirl won't suddenly see the subject as a potential partner; that being said, even the most militantly man-hating Psi-Dyke usually finds a Mindbender tolerable to associate with. Coercers use a slightly different set of pheromones and auras, making others around them more compliant and willing to see their point of view as right. Their gift doesn't make them more noticeable to women, but pokegirls and humans alike are more relaxed in their presence due to the auras and pheromones. Variants of Mindbenders who are coercers tend to attract weaker willed individuals, and can often talk them into their way of thinking. This also works in attracting feral pokegirls, as with the Charmer's ability, however this form does not make a feral any less hostile. Many Leagues are wary of Coercers, due to potential team activities, though both Charmers and Coercers are found on both sides of the law. Mindbending is also far from perfect. The subject's aura reaches full effect after a few seconds of exposure and does not thereafter increase, and its effects are not a compulsion; a strong-willed person or pokegirl can easily override their initial reactions if they wish to, so it's still possible for a Charmer or Coercer to say something offensive and ruin his chances, just less likely. Variants: Different subjects have different levels of strength in this Gift. The stronger versions of the Gift are accordingly rarer, and also more dangerous to possess; being able to attract Pokegirls is all well and good in theory, until a swarm of Buzzbreasts or a horny Trollop shows up. Jealous boyfriends and Tamers can also be a significant hazard for Charmer subtypes. There are also rumors of one Coercer subtype to have the abilities to affects his pokegirls with repeated exposure to his aura or pheromones, though this rumor has been unsubstantiated. Monster Out Type: Gift Origin: Metamorphic Pokegirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: This amazing bloodgift comes from metamorphic pokegirls, though there must be a strong family history of such pokegirls in a single family line for this bloodgift to manifest. Utilizing the capabilities of their pokegirl ancestors, subjects with this bloodtrait are able to shift into a single, secondary form for a short duration of time. Any clothes or other objects that do not conform to their new form are subject to snapping or tearing, unless these objects are able to stretch or very strong (in which case they may impede or injure the subject wearing them as they transform). The normal form of this bloodgift allows the Bloodtraited subject to transform once per day, and this transformation lasts an average of 30 minutes, with a slight strength increase to double or triple that of a normal human. After the transformation, the subject reverts back to their human form, and are extremely fatigued. To fuel this metamorphic ability, those with this bloodgift are universally heavy eaters, though their metabolism is frequently so high that their frame remains thin. Variants: Individual forms are highly variable, though most ancestry comes from Ogresses, in which case the transformed subject's second form is much like that of the pokegirl. This can be 'tainted' with heavy doses of the blood of other pokegirls, and one individual was noted to become much like a monstrous Minotarua. Other ancestry comes from tauric pokegirls like Ponytaur, Dullborro, and Arachnae, and subjects with secondary forms from this lineage become tauric themselves, making them often choose not to wear binding clothes below the waist. From pokegirls like the Lupina and Werecat, subjects are able to assume a lupine or feline secondary form. With ancestry from fully metamorphic pokegirls, like the Rack-Sasha and Titto, subjects are capable of modifying their facial features, hair and eye color, as well as slightly increasing or decreasing their height, or adding or subtracting 15% of their original body weight. These changes are cosmetic only, however, and subjects with this variation of the bloodgift are able to hold their new form longer. Besides appearance variations, there are some who can transform multiple times per day, the most noted held the fully metamorphic ancestry variant, and was able to transform ten times in one day. Natural Buoyancy Type: Gift Origin: Ice-types and/or Water-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject has an unusually high buoyancy. This is partly because the subdermal fatty

tissues that increase his tolerance to cold are lighter than water, but increased lung capacity and blood oxygenation may also play a role. When unencumbered by anything other than his own body weight, the subject floats with little or no effort, even bobbing back to the surface after being driven underwater. He can support two or three times his own mass with the same effort a normal human would need to remain afloat. Variants: None known. Night Vision Type: Gift Origin: Dark-types, Magic-types, and/or feline Pokegirls Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's eyes are optimized for low-light conditions, having formed to catch ambient light better. A typical subject can see as far in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, or similarly poor lighting conditions as he would be able to in regular daylight; he retains his normal ability to distinguish between colors, recognize movement, and focus on near or distant objects in such conditions, and his normal daylight vision is not hindered. Subjects with Night Vision require at least some light to see, and are as blind in total darkness as any other person. Variants: The range and acuity of Night Vision varies from one subject to the next: some can see only half as far as night as they can during the day; others can see twice as far in near-darkness as they can in normal light; and a very rare few can see normally even when the only source of illumination is something as feeble as the dull glow of phosphorescent fungi. Subjects with Night Vision tend to have eyes that resemble those of their Pokegirl ancestors. A subject with Youma blood might have completely red eyes (pupil, iris, and sclera), while one with Catgirl heritage would be more likely to possess eyes with wide green irises and slit pupils. Others might have normallooking eyes that just happen to reflect light when viewed at a certain angle, or even eyes that glow in the dark. Nightwalker Type: Gift Origin: Dark, Psychic, Magic types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's neurochemistry is different from a normal human's, and does not require rest. A Nightwalker can be physically exhausted, and he can still be rendered unconscious by various methods, but he never gets mentally tired, never needs to sleep, and never suffers the physical symptoms that accompany lack of sleep (be they as benign as bloodshot eyes and yawning or as pronounced as a psychotic episode). Despite the alterations that allow a Nightwalker to function without sleep, his nervous system still reacts to most chemicals, mystical effects, and technological devices as a normal human's does; the singular exception is sleep-inducing agents, which have only half their normal effect on a Nightwalker. Variants: The exact degree of resistance to sleep effects varies with the individual. There also exists a lesser, uncommon form of this Gift which allows the subject to function on reduced amounts of sleep, usually two or three hours per night, while offering only 25% resistance to sleep effects. Noncombatant Type: Curse Origin: Dark, Magic, Normal, Psychic, Rock, and/or Steel types Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects with this bloodcurse are unable to learn how to fight effectively. The reasons for this inability vary according to their heritage, and many cases subjects display an overly developed sensitivity to pain. There appears to be no way to counteract this curse, even delta bonding to a Fighting type does not help. Variants: Individuals with Dark, Normal, Magic, or Psychic type ancestry are usually considered 'glass jaws' and are easily injured by skilled fighters. These subjects often lack the necessary musculature and/or coordination to battle effectively. Psychic, Magic, and Normal type descendants in particular lack a critical fighting instinct, either from constant over analyzation of the situation or from simple panic. An over developed sensitivity to pain is also prominent in this form of the curse.

Descendants of Rock and Steel types, though strong and tough, lack the speed and grace of motion to battle effectively. Over developed sensitivity to pain is rarer in this version of the bloodcurse, but has been observed in Rock and Steel descendants who lack the natural armor that protected their pokegirl ancestors. Very rarely, subjects are completely inept at any sort of physical competition, be it dancing, sports, or even a simple footrace though this variation of the bloodcurse is often attributed to Normal type ancestry. Oblivious Denial (AKA Insanely High Stupidity) Type: Curse Origin: Low intelligence pokegirls, Highly Stubborn pokegirls, FarFuck'ds and Shadowgirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: Subjects with this blood curse tend to ignore things that are opposed to the way they view the world. This mental imbalance is thought to be chemical, as this level of denial is staggering. When faced with something that goes against the subject's view of the world, their mind creates a safety net that explains away this occurrence. Psychic scans of subjects with this bloodcurse have proven that the subjects themselves even alter their own memories to an extent. Even when faced with similar situations on multiple occasions, this does not alter their psychosis. Variants: The level of denial is often variable, though individuals who have ancestry with highly stubborn pokegirls have the most mild form of this curse, while low intelligence pokegirl descendants fare more moderately, and those descended from FarFuck'ds and Shadowgirls have the most severe cases, often creating fantasy worlds about themselves and ignoring even common logic. Parasite Type: Curse Origin: Dark-types, Ghost-types, and/or Plant-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has an unnatural ability to drain the vital energy of other humans and Pokegirls. He can perform this "leeching" on any individual he is able to touch, causing his victim to suffer a rapid loss of energy; most humans collapse in a matter of seconds, while Pokegirls may withstand the drain for several minutes. Prolonged contact with a Parasite may render the victim comatose for an extended period of time, or even result in death. Energy drained in this manner serves to strengthen and revitalize the Parasite, who otherwise is as pale and listless as his victims. Draining a human restores the Parasite to a normal level of health and vigor for a period of six to twelve hours, according to the vitality of the victim and how conservative or wasteful the Parasite is of his stolen energy, while a drained Pokegirl may provide an energy reserve that lasts for several days. A Parasite who drains Blood Gifted humans or Pokegirls gains no enhanced abilities in the process, but the Blood Gifted do offer greater reserves of energy than unGifted or pureblood humans. Apart from Vampire Wanna-Be Goths and some Youma-line evolutions, very few humans or Pokegirls are keen on having their life-force drained in this fashion, and this fact has driven more than one Parasite to acts of criminal assault to sate their "hunger." Variants: Very rare Parasites are able to drain their victims at a distance, usually between five and ten meters. Such individuals always have Dark or Ghost ancestry. Rumors persist of exceptionally powerful Parasites who are able to absorb Blood Gifts and Pokegirl traits and then use them at will, but such claims remain unproven. Parthenogenesis Type: Curse Origin: Suspected to be a possible mutation of the Sterility bloodcurse Frequency: Extremely Rare Description: Subjects with this bloodcurse have a unique makeup, in that their semen carries little to no genetic material, but the chemicals the cells do hold have a higher instance in causing parthenogensis in pokegirls and pokewomen. Pokewomen who are impregnated by subjects with this curse have pokekits, and any pokegirls owned by subjects with this curse have a much higher rate of becoming pregnant as well. Sex with human women rarely produce pregnancies, and those that do have always produced girls that later thresholded. Pokegirl owners with this bloodcurse are encourage to pokeball their pokegirls regularly to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and are usually encouraged to become breeders later in life.

Variants: Rarely, a person with this Blood Curse can have a normal human child, but only if its with a pure-blood human. Phase Sight Type: Gift/Curse Origin: Dark-type and/or Ghost-type Frequency: Rare Description: The subject generates a particularly intense psychokinetic energy field, which interacts with the P.K.E. of Ghost Pokegirls and renders them visible, audible, and tangible to the subject even when they are incorporeal and undetectable to the normal range of human senses. This Blood Trait is exceptionally useful for a dedicated Tamer of Ghost Pokegirls, both in actual Taming and in maintaining discipline among the Harem; however, it is regarded as a Curse in many areas because of the psychological trauma it can inflict if it manifests early, causing young children to see dead Pokegirls that those around them cannot perceive, and thus typically believe to be figments of an overactive imagination. Variants: In very rare cases, the subject can override a Ghost Pokegirl's phasing and force her back into corporeality when he touches her. Photosynthesis Type: Gift Origin: Plant-types Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject's body is capable of producing its own food-energy in the same manner as plants and Plant-type Pokegirls. His skin cells contain a form of chlorophyll and utilize the waste carbon dioxide produced by normal cellular activity to process various sugars, which are then distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream. The overall process yields sufficient energy to allow an average subject to function on as little as four hours of sunlight each day, twice that if he pursues a particularly active lifestyle (such as being a Tamer). Despite its usefulness, this Gift is not without limitations. For one, the subject must leave at least 20% of his skin's total surface area exposed to sunlight in order to gain an appreciable benefit from Photosynthesis; this is generally impractical for those residing in temperate and cooler climates. In addition, the human body requires minerals and vitamins that cannot be produced via Photosynthesis, and must therefore be ingested at least once a month to maintain proper health. Children and adolescents who manifest this Gift should never be made to rely on it as anything other than a supplementary energy source; adults found encouraging or forcing such behavior will be subject to charges of criminal abuse and neglect. Variants: The presence of chlorophyll means that all subjects with Photosynthesis exhibit some degree of green pigmentation in their skin, though the level of pigmentation is not consistent and appears to have no negative impact on the benefits of this Gift. Most subjects who possess this Blood Gift have relatively normal skin tones, with only a faint greenish tinge visible under good lighting and at close range to give it away. Phytodermatosis (AKA Greenskin, Stoneskin, Sandskin, or Hardheaded) Type: Curse Origin: Rock, Plant, Ground, and Steel types Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects with this curse suffer from skin that is thicker than normal human flesh -not enough to serve as armor or interfere with movement, but enough to deaden the subject's tactile sense due to lack of viable nerve endings. Individuals with Phytodermatosis cannot accurately register pain, pleasure, or other sensations caused by physical contact, making it more likely for them to casually injure themselves without realizing it. They are also likely to have difficulty holding, carrying, and/or utilizing objects, unless they devote extra attention to the task preformed. Variants: Depending on the ancestry of the subject, the skin may appear like the flesh of green plants (called Greenskin), rough and stone or sand like (called Stoneskin or Sandskin), or thick and metallic (called Hardheaded). All convey roughly equal amounts of deadening of the tactile sense with Greenskin being the most mild, though some elements can alleviate this temporarily, such as those with Stone or Sandskin using water, or Hardheaded individuals using warmth to stimulate their sense of touch.

Poison Resistance Type: Gift Origin: Ghost-types, Ground-types, Poison-types, Rock-types and/or Steel-types. Not caused through Lamarckian evoluton. Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's body chemistry differs from a normal human's, making him resistant to most poisons. Natural or manufactured poisons and Poison attacks are only half as effective against the subject as they would be against a regular human, and he recovers in only half the time; unfortunately, he is likewise resistant to most medicines, all of which are poisons to some extent. Healing effects not based on chemicals still affect the subject normally, and it is possible to develop poisons, Poison attacks, and medicines specifically-tailored to his altered body chemistry; such substances have the normal effect on the subject, but are only half as effective against other creatures. This Gift provides a lesser resistance to acids, bases, and other chemical corrosives, but this is usually only effective against diluted, airborne forms of such substances, and then only for brief periods. Direct contact with a pool of pure hydrochloric acid, for instance, is just as deadly for a Poison Resistant individual as it would be for anyone else; the fact that it might take him two seconds longer to dissolve is a questionable advantage. For similar reasons, this Gift is only partially effective against Hyper Venom, usually just giving the subject enough time to hack off the affected limb and save his life instead of dying in horrible agony. Variants: The level of resistance differs from subject to subject. Some individuals also choose to increase their natural tolerance by exposing themselves to nonlethal doses of assorted poisons, forcing their bodies to adapt. In uncommon cases, a subject may only be resistant to a specific family of poisons, such as snake or spider venom. In very rare cases, the level of resistance is so high that the subject is effectively immune to common poisons and Poison attacks; such individuals almost always have Steel-type ancestry. PokeGene AKA Pokeboy Gene Type: Curse Origin: Any pokegirl ancestry Frequency: Common (Phase 1), Uncommon (Phase 2), Very Rare (Phase 3), Extremely Rare (Phase 4) Description: This bloodtrait is most often considered a Blood Curse, and causes subjects born to pokegirl mothers to exhibit the physical appearance of a pokegirl. This curse often runs in tandem with a bloodgift of similar nature, such those cursed with modified ear structures to have enhanced hearing. However, this bloodtrait itself does not grant any other abilities other than appearance, even modified teeth and claws do not grant any extraordinary human abilities unless coupled with other bloodtraits. Studies have shown that subjects with the PokeGene bloodcurse have an increased chance of bearing pokekits or having their daughters threshold, and this chance is further increased if their partner is a pokegirl or has heavy bloodtraits as well. Variants: Phase 1: Minor physical traits are noted outside of the human norm. Hair color, eye color or pupil shape, teeth, and other minor things that may not be noticeable except under close scrutiny. This is the most common of the PokeGene phases. Subjects with this variant of the trait are considered to be similar to Very Near Human. Phase 2: Skin color, slightly modified body build, as well as modified additions to the fully noticeable human form, such as ears, claws, vestigial wings, or tails. Subjects with this trait would be considered to be on the human end of the Near Human scale. This version is more uncommon. Phase 3: Subjects with this variation of the PokeGene have much more pronounced traits, such as partial or light body fur, digigrade feet, some feathering, full wings, or other traits that mark them as obviously nonhuman in appearance. Subjects with this variation of the bloodcurse are considered to be on the more nonhuman side of Near Human. Phase 4: The most altered of appearance, subjects with this variation of the bloodtrait are not recognizable in appearance as a human. They appear to be Not Very Near Human or Inhumanoid, but lack the abilities and enhancements of pokegirls, due to their internal structures still matching that of a human, many of the subjects born with this variation perish early from functional problems or murder from social ostracism.

Potent Spellcaster (aka "Sorcery Genius" ) Type: Gift Origin: Magic-types; also Celestial and Infernal Pokegirls. Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has greater-than-average potential within a particular field of magic. His mystical energies are naturally in tune with this type of energy, allowing him to shape its spells more quickly and easily, assimilate its lore more completely, and just generally outperform a normal spellcaster wielding the same type of magic. A Potent Spellcaster's field of expertise is usually the same as his Elemental Affinity. Subjects who lack that Blood Gift usually favor a branch of spellcasting that relates to their Pokegirl heritage (Elf-types favor plant and light magic, Fire-types favor fire magic, etc), but it is occasionally completely random. Variants: Rare subjects have increased proficiency in two or three schools of magic. In extremely rare cases, the subject's increased potency may apply to as many as six schools. Precognition Type: Gift Origin: Psychic, Magic, and Ghost types Frequency: Rare Description: Subjects with this gift are capable of becoming aware of events that will or may happen in the future. How far in advance they can 'see' depends on the individual and ancestry in question. The clarity of the information seems to depend on how far in advance the event takes place. A punch seconds away will be clearly detailed, but an attack coming in the following week will only produce a general sense of foreboding. Training under another human or pokegirl with a mastery over precognitive abilities can allow individuals with this gift to hone them to be more usable. Variants: Those with strong ghost or magic ancestries usually tend to experience more long term insights, while psychics experience more short-term. Some researchers make a distinction between these two variations, calling them Strategic and Tactical Precognition, respectively. Psychic Invisibility Type: Gift Origin: Dark and Ghost types Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject lacks a distinct telepathic signature, and cannot be detected by psychic means. This prevents a Psychic Pokegirl from targeting the subject unless she is able to perceive him using one or more of her mundane senses. Psychic Invisibility does not shield the subject against psychokinetic energy, telepathic messages, hypnotic suggestion, or other mental effects; a Psychic's powers are fully effective on the subject once she knows he is there, if she uses an area-effect power, or if she simply has the good luck to hit him when firing blind. Psychic Invisibility does not interfere with a Bond, although the subject can practice to conceal himself from his Bond-partner. Variants: Sometimes psychic types are able to pick up on the presence of the gifted individual, but cannot pinpoint his position until they are able to detect him using her mundane senses. Quick Clotting Type: Curse Origin: Ice, Magic, Fighting, Plant, Fast healing pokegirls Frequency: Rare Description: Individuals with this bloodtrait find that the normally beneficial fast healing of their pokegirl ancestors has gone awry in their own bodies. Typically, this curse might seem like a blood gift, allowing a traited individual to stop bleeding quickly, and any damage they've taken stabilize faster than normal. Even large bloodvessel damage will clot at an alarming rate, reducing even small bruises. The curse part comes in, however, due to the blood being too thick in platelets, and unlike those traited with regeneration or Fast Healing, the biological clean up for clots runs at a regular human pace, as well as the blood clotting at times naturally on it's own. This leaves subjects with this curse prone to suffering life-threatening bloodclots that can lead to stroke, anurism, blocked arteries, heart arrhythmia and ultimately death.

Individuals with this bloodtrait must be treated for the condition, usually with bloodthinners derived from the Mosquitit or other bloodsucking pokegirl breeds. Given these medications, most traited individuals can operate under normal human capacity. Variants: This bloodtrait varies by severity. Some individuals have more platelets, but fewer clotting factors, others have thinner platelets and more clotting factors. All individuals with this bloodtrait have to have some form of medicine regiment, however. Quick Finish Type: Curse Origin: Rodent type pokegirls (particularly Titmice and evolutions), Tactile-sensitive pokegirls Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects with this curse suffer from a very low pleasure threshold. They tend to become aroused easily, and climax quickly. Unfortunately, unless coupled with a bloodgift like Recovery, this means that many of those afflicted with this curse must find other means to satisfy any sexual partners they have. Another problem with this curse is the possibility of internal injury, as multiple ejaculations without the Recovery or a healing bloodgift can cause injury to the genitalia. Individuals with this curse often don't become tamers, though the few who do employ other means of ensuring that their pokegirls are properly tamed. Variants: Some people with this Blood Curse have such low pleasure thresholds that, like a Titmouse, almost any kind of pleasing touch brings them to orgasm. These individuals are prone to ejaculatory injury and usually need frequent healing Rage (aka "Black Temper," "Quick Temper," "Brutal Temper," and/or "Hot Temper" ) Type: Curse Origin: Dark-types, Electric-types, Fighting-types, and/or Fire-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject suffers from hormonal imbalances that give him a dangerous temper. Whenever he gets angry, his normal personality is completely suppressed as he verbally and/or physically attacks the trigger of his fury. Anything and anyone that gets in the subject's way also becomes a target for his Rage, which will continue until he either exhausts himself, is shocked back to his senses (by a strong slap, a dunking in freezing water, a literal electric shock, etc.), or is forcibly taken down. Rage doesn't make the subject any stronger or tougher than normal, but it does tend to dull the pain receptors, making him more difficult to snap out of his fury. Medications exist to help control Rage, but even the best (and most expensive) of these are only about seventy-five percent effective, and they grow less reliable as the price goes down. Magic-type and Psychictype Pokegirls can be trained to manage Rage, but this approach only works as long as the 'girl is out of her Pokeball, awake, and in relatively close proximity to the subject. Variants: The subject's Pokegirl ancestry influences his behavior in a Rage. Dark-types are the most verbally abusive but also the easiest to physically shock back to normal, while Fighting-types are the most physically violent and tend to respond to any attack in kind. Electric-types are equally verbal and violent, though less so than the previous types; they slip in and out of Rage with alarming frequency, but are just as easily snapped out as Dark-types. Fire-type subjects are berserkers who will attack anyone and everyone in sight, and should not be approached except by a police officer or Tamer accompanied by a Pokegirl capable of immediately subduing the subject. In extremely rare cases, the subject's Rage can be triggered by ANY source of stress, even normally positive stressors such as the effort involved in a serious taming session. Such individuals are typically committed to secure institutions as a matter of public security. Rebel Type: Curse Origin: Dark-types, Dragon-types, Fighting-types, Fire-types, and/or Steel-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has inherited a peculiar reversal of the pack-instinct found in Pokegirls. He has a deep, compelling need to be in control of his own destiny, and is almost constitutionally incapable of joining any social hierarchy where he is answerable to a greater authority. A Rebel can function in such situations if it is clear to all involved that he is only there by personal choice, and can leave at any time he

chooses; when such is not possible, the subject is likely to become disruptive, aggressive, and possibly even violent. Rebels tend not to get along with overbearing parents, teachers, and employers, or most police, municipal authorities, Gym Leaders, or military officers; they also usually dislike dominating Pokegirls, but otherwise have no specific impediments to becoming Tamers. Although the effects of this Blood Curse are behavioral, they have distinct physiological triggers, making them biological compulsions rather than chosen or learned behaviors. The exact source varies according to the subject's Pokegirl ancestry: in Dark-types, the "aura" of the dark element affects perceptual and behavioral control centers in the subject's own brain; Dragon-types, Fighting-types, and Fire-types all suffer from assorted glandular and metabolic abnormalities; and Steel-types possess unusual metal deposits in the bloodstream that interfere with normal neural activity. Regardless of the specific origin, the symptoms of the Curse are consistent in most recorded cases, and can be ameliorated with medication. Variants: In very rare cases, the symptoms of the Curse are greatly exaggerated, resulting in more frequent and more intense outbursts, often of a violent nature. Sometimes known as "Rebels Without A Cause" or "Rebels Without A Clue," such individuals are usually incapable of functioning in society; many become hermits or criminals. Recovery Type: Gift Origin: All types Frequency: Uncommon Description: When at rest, the subject's cells shed the fatigue toxins built up during physical activity at an increased rate, allowing him to recover from exhaustion in a fraction of the time it would take a normal human. This Blood Gift does not change the amount of effort it takes to tire the subject out, nor does it provide him with any special resistance to injury, illness, or poison; it simply reduces his downtime between tasks. Recovery is highly prized by Tamers and their Pokegirls, since it shortens the necessary rest period between Tamings to just a few minutes; when combined with Recovery drinks, the effects are even more pronounced. Variants: The standard version of Recovery cuts the subject's need for rest by half, but more potent and accordingly less-common variants of this Gift are known to exist. Regeneration Type: Gift Origin: Fighting, Magic, Bug, Plant, and Reptilian pokegirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: Subjects with this bloodgift have no accelerated rate of healing, but their body does not form scar tissue. Instead, subjects with this bloodgift actually utilize an ability to produce stem cells and regrow their tissues. At the same rate a normal human would heal from a wound, subjects with this gift are able to replace lost limbs, organs, and recover from wounds that would maim other people. Subjects cannot survive massive bodily damage, and go into shock and suffer other trauma normally. When regrowing a major body part, such as an arm, this area is susceptible to infection and highly sensitive. Newly grown skin is also highly sensitive, but with careful use the limb becomes fully functional with time. On average it takes approximately two weeks time to regrow a hand, a month for an arm, or 6 weeks for a leg. After this period of growth, individuals with this bloodgift must carefully begin using their limbs, to desensitize them as well as strengthen the new muscles. Variants: Those with fighting type ancestry must focus themselves daily in order to utilize this bloodgift. Individuals with Bug, or Reptilian pokegirl ancestry often notice that their skin peels repeatedly during the regrowth process. Those with plant type ancestry must get sunlight daily for the regeneration to work. Perhaps the most potent of these variants are those with magical ancestry, though many subjects complained of low energy during the regeneration process. Sealed Body Type: Gift Origin: Dark, Ghost, and/or Psychic types Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject is exceptionally resistant to attempts to psychokinetically manipulate his physical

form. In the Dark and Ghost versions of the Gift, the subject is a living P.K.E. sinkhole, sapping the force behind any psychokinetic attack sent his way; in the psychic version, the subject's personal energy field is just abnormally resilient, functioning like psychic armor. In either case, it takes twice as much effort as normal for a Psychic Pokegirl to levitate or push the subject in a non-hostile manner, while telekinetic strikes and P.K.E. bursts deal half as much damage as normal. Small personal objects that the subject is wearing or carrying are likewise more difficult for a Psychic-type to manipulate in any fashion. Variants: Size of the subject's personal P.K.E. field. Some extend the protection they enjoy to larger items and/or additional individuals, others are smaller, only protecting themselves, though no field has been known to exceed 3 yards (3m). In extremely rare cases, the Dark version of Sealed Body is so strong that any direct psychokinetic attack simply fails to affect the subject, and items on his person become impossible to affect. Sealed Mind Type: Gift Origin: Dark, Ghost, and/or Psychic types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject is abnormally resistant to mental influence. His thoughts, emotions, and dreams can all be read telepathically, but attempts to hypnotize, charm, compel, or otherwise control the subject or to alter his mind are only three-quarters as likely to work as they would be on a normal human. If a Sealed Mind successfully resists an attempt to control his thoughts, he is aware of the attempt, if not who was responsible; he is likewise aware of resisted attempts to alter his memories, as well as whatever knowledge his attacker tried to change, implant, or remove. Variants: The Dark and Ghost versions of this Blood Gift is more potent than the Psychic form, foiling half of all attempts at mental manipulation, and there are very rare versions of the Gift that increase the normal level of resistance to one-half (or immunity, in the case of the Dark version). Finally, there are extremely rare cases of Sealed Minds with Dark heritage who are completely impervious to all forms of mental influence, including chemical and psychological manipulation. Sealed Soul Type: Gift Origin: Dark or Ghost types and/or Infernal Pokegirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject has an abnormally high tolerance for the negative energy found in most Darkand Ghost-type attacks. He can function in an area that is haunted and/or contaminated with Dark energy for extended periods of time with no ill effect from the local "background radiation." He is still affected by direct, focused applications of negative energy, but not to the same degree as a normal man; attacks such as Energy Drain or Nightshade are roughly three-fourths as effective as normal. Variants: In extremely rare cases, negative energy attacks are only half as effective against a man with Sealed Soul. Second Sight Type: Gift Origin: Artits, Magic, Psychic, or Ghost pokegirls Frequency: Rare Description: Subjects with this bloodgift have the preternatural ability to see reality as it truly is, unaltered by illusions or other factors. This bloodgift allows subjects to view people and objects as they really are regardless of how an individual acts or if illusions are involved. It also extends a preternatural blanket of awareness around them, allowing them to sense things that go on near them in a rough ten yard (10m) radius. This bloodgift affects the visual and auditory range only, and does not infer any extraordinary abilities other than seeing through disguises or illusions and an increased area of perception. This ability does not work with incorporeal pokegirls, though invisible ones are usually seen as vague shadows or blurred outlines. This sense even works through walls and the ground, making many tamers with this gift either get used to sensing taming when in a Pokecenter, or avoiding the centers altogether. Individuals with this gift are often employed in high levels of government, specifically in security. Variants: Those with Artits ancestry sometimes have difficulty visually seeing the truth, instead having to

use sketching or other forms of expressive art to utilize their abilities. Other variants include range, though this has never been known to exceed 100 yards (100 meters). Self-Allergic Type: Curse Origin: Poison-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject's body produces a poison against which it has no natural defense. Regrettably common amongst men with Poison ancestry, this Curse leaves the subject perpetually afflicted by whatever poison is in his system. Although regular doses of the appropriate antidote will ease the symptoms and allow the subject to pursue a relatively normal life, the common wisdom in many regions holds bloodletting to be a viable treatment; this practice is decried as barbaric by any medical professional or NurseJoy. Variants: Each subject produces one type of poison, often of radically different natures. Some are merely inconvenient, some are incapacitating, and others are potentially fatal. Shadiness Type: Curse Origin: Dark, Ghost, Infernal Pokegirls Frequency: Common Description: The subject possesses an enhanced and highly focused version of an emotion-altering aura which is entirely negative, triggering unreasonable levels of unease, suspicion, and mistrust in those around the subject. Most humans and Pokegirls are simply repelled by such a shady character and will never allow themselves to trust or like him, even if he has done nothing to earn their lack of faith. Once bonded to a pokegirl, however, she becomes immune to this effect, though Dark and Infernal type pokegirls are immune completely, and Fighting, Ghost, and Steel type pokegirls have a lowered effect. This curse has even been known to attract Infernal Pokegirls, which is rarely a good thing if the subject is trying to maintain any shred of public credibility. Variants: The intensity of the aura around the individual varies, as some trigger simple unease, others actually frighten some weaker minded individuals. This can lead to undue hostility towards cursed subjects. Speed Type: Gift Origin: Electric-types, Fighting-types, and/or Normal-types; also individual high-speed breeds (Cheetit, Rapitaur, etc.) Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject is capable of moving with uncanny speed. His atypical physiology has greater lung capacity, higher hemoglobin levels, more efficient cellular metabolism, and faster nerve impulses than a normal human's; combined with a subtly-altered musculature, these traits allow the subject to move at superhuman velocities. Speed improves all aspects of the subject's movement, be it foot-speed, hand-speed, or reflexes, typically to levels between two and three times that of an unenhanced human. Variants: This Blood Gift can change considerably depending on the subject's ancestry. Fighting-types usually fit the baseline described above, with Normal-types being somewhat slower in all categories, and Electric-types having slightly greater sprinting speed and much faster reflexes. Descendants of high-speed Pokegirls are the fastest runners, with recorded cases of sprinters reaching five times the normal human running speed, but their reflexes are only average, and their hand-speed is relatively poor. Spirit Bound Type: Gift Origin: Ghost type Frequency: Very Rare Description: The bearer of this gift is capable of creating a unique connection to the after-life. This connection is limited in function, its only purpose is to draw the spirits of pokegirls who have died while bonded to him back to the corporeal realm. Once drawn back to the world of the living, the spirit can either transform into one of the various ghost types, or it can bind itself to a physical object that the tamer then carries with them. While it seems to be an inconsistent occurrence with only an alpha bond, individuals

with this gift that have lost a delta bonded girl have always seen them return to them as a spirit. There is currently insufficient data on how this blood gift effects individuals who have formed a recognition bond with a pokegirl, though it is speculated that, like a delta bond, the girl will return for sure. It should be noted that individuals without this blood gift are still capable of having their pokegirls return as spirits. This gift only increases the chances of it happening. Variants: So far, no significant data has surfaced regarding any notable variations of this gift. Admittedly, research on the subject of ghost type girls in general is lacking, and most likely has an impact on findings concerning this trait. Strength Type: Gift Origin: Any (Pokegirls with X5 or higher enhanced strength(regardless of typing) Frequency: Rare Description: This Blood Gift can come from any pokegirl who is known for having powerful strength. A person with this Blood Gift is much stronger than ordinary humans. The bearer of this bloodgift has a hyper-compacted musculature, allowing them to lift higher, throw faster, punch harder, and all around be far stronger. Most of the time this 'enhanced strength' is only about X3 the human norm. Variants: There have been a few cases of gifted humans who are stronger than the normal average of those with this gift. The current record was set in the Noir League in 279 AS, by a man who's strength bloodgift gave him a suprising X6 strength. Sterility Type: Curse Origin: Suspected to be a remnant of the Bloody Flu Frequency: Very Rare (Men), Uncommon (Women) Description: While sterility is a status that can happen through exposure to dangerous radiation or other physical trauma, there are instances of an otherwise completely normal child being born barren, utterly lacking in the ability to create life. Many researchers are convinced that this bloodcurse is an effect of the long ago Bloody Flu, and that it's effects are still being felt today. This bloodcurse is the only bloodtrait that effects human women without the possibility of threshold. Rarely, this curse also effects men as well. Subjects with this bloodcurse have viability issues with any eggs or semen they produce, as they have fully functioning reproductive systems otherwise, some Sterile women opt to become surrogates. These Cursed individuals can never beget a child of their own DNA through any means. Most dont seem to care too much that they have this Curse until they reach an older age, when it begins to pain them deeply. Variants: Fully half of women with the Sterility bloodcurse cannot carry a child to term, these human women are often encouraged to become tamers. Note: Some Leagues do not consider this phenomenon a bloodtrait. Stoic Type: Gift with Curse Variant Origin: Ice, Steel, Rock types Frequency: Uncommon to Rare (Curse Variant) Description: The subject has an uncanny degree of control over his emotions during times of stress. His body processes adrenaline differently due to altered glandular processes, allowing him to continue functioning at his full mental and physical peak even when he should be crippled by shock, fear, anger, or sheer confusion. Aside from its general usefulness in a Tamer's often stressful life, Stoicness is a beneficial trait when dealing with Pokegirls that possess status attacks that rely on overwhelming the mind with one or more emotional reactions (such as Berserk, Confusion, etc). Such attacks are only about half as effective on a Stoic subject as they are on a normal man. Variants: Rare subjects are locked into their Stoic state almost constantly, making it difficult for them to display emotions to others without a considerable effort, but they still experience emotions normally. The curse variation of this bloodtrait is known as 'Cold Hearted' or 'Stone/Steel Hearted', this variation has an overproduction of glandular processes, as well as slightly altered mental pathways. These individuals are not able to feel any emotions to any great degree, and only the most intense of emotions are able to move

this variant, if at all. Taming by these individuals is typically seen as a necessary chore rather than an enjoyable act in and of itself. Stonefinder Type: Gift Origin: Ground or Rock types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has the ability to detect Evolution Stones. Although this Gift is extrasensory in nature, it does not appear to be psychic; rather, the subject registers the presence and general location of nearby Stones as a sympathetic reaction between their unusual energies and his body's elevated mineral deposits, quite literally feeling them in his bones. A Stonefinder can detect a single Evolution Stone at a distance of up to ten feet, depending on whether or not it is buried or otherwise blocked, while groups of Stones are detectable at greater distances, sometimes up to half a mile away (in the case of large deposits). An experienced Stonefinder can usually determine the type(s) of Stones in the area. Variants: None known. Strong Constitution Type: Gift Origin: Fighting-types and/or Poison-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: An aggressive immune system renders the subject highly resistant to most pathogens. This Blood Gift allows the subject to ignore weak poisons and common, "inconvenience" illnesses; more serious ailments are usually beaten off in half the regular time, with far less-pronounced symptoms. This Blood Gift is not always beneficial, however, as doctors have been known to misdiagnose observable symptoms, and medications are not always fully effective at their normal dosage. Most Leagues require men with Strong Constitution to carry an easily-accessible medical warning on their person, with Tamers typically logging it into their Pokedexes. Variants: Fighting-type ancestry bestows a vigorous immune system, but Poison-type ancestry often gives white blood cells and other immuno-agents venomous properties. In very rare cases, the subject is completely immune to natural diseases, and can only be infected by magical viruses; it is not known whether a man with Strong Constitution could avoid contracting an engineered plague like the Bloody Flu. Swarm Lord Type: Gift Origin: Bug types, particularly the 'swarm' breeds Frequency: Rare Description: The gift counterpart to the Drone Mind curse, bearers of this trait are resistant to attempts to dominate their mind. Variants: Like Drone Mind, Swarm Lord too has an extreme variation, and is where the trait gets its name. With this variation, the gifted individual is capable of exerting a control over bug type pokegirls, even without the formation of an alpha bond. Alpha bonds form very quickly between tamers with this gift and most bug types, though there has been no observed effect on the formation of Delta bonds. Should an individual with this variation of Swarm Lord attempt to command a bug type girl bonded to another tamer, most of the time it will result in the 'girl becoming confused and conflicted. It is thought that there would have to be a great difference in the strength of will between the two humans in order for one form of control to completely override the other. Tamer's Disease Type: Curse Origin: Individual breeds with High, Very High, or Extreme libidos (Nymph, Soixante-Neuf, etc) Frequency: Very Rare Description: The subject has inherited the altered biochemistry that causes Pokegirls to go Feral without regular Taming. From puberty onwards, the subject must engage in sexual activity at least once every three days to stabilize his physiology, or else descend into a psychotic frenzied state where he will attempt to

Tame anyone and anything in sight, be it male or female, human or Pokegirl, willing or not. While in this state, the subject's pheromone production goes through the roof, triggering similar behavior in any Pokegirl that gets near him; there are also unconfirmed rumors that humans with high levels of Pokegirl ancestry are affected in the same fashion. Most Leagues require a man with this Blood Curse to become a Tamer, since that is the only reliable means of holding his sex drive in check. Similarly, a man with Tamer's Disease is usually required by law to declare his condition to the authorities of any settlement he enters, so that proper steps can be taken in the event of a Taming frenzy. Depending on the League, those responsible for setting off a Taming frenzy may face anything from a mild warning to long-term imprisonment, confiscation of Pokegirls, and severe fines. Variants: There is a controversial theory that Tamer's Disease is merely the most severe form of a more widespread ailment. It is suggested that there are less-intense forms of the Curse that require a subject to Tame only once every week (Rare), once every two weeks (Uncommon), or once per month (Common), and that these variants have simply gone undocumented because the symptoms were suppressed by normal human sexual activity. Telempathy Type: Gift Origin: Magic-types and Psychic-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject is able to project an aura that influences the emotional centers of the brain, causing those around him to feel (or not feel) a specific emotion. Any specific emotion can be transmitted, although the more basic and powerful feelings -anger, fear, lust, etc- are the easiest to send and the most clearly received. The average range is up to twenty-five feet. Telempathy has many possible uses, depending on what emotion the subject chooses to project. He can soothe a jittery Feral into thinking he is not a threat, project calm to break up an imminent fight amongst his Harem, radiate lust in preparation for a Taming, or send out a sudden spike of fear to intimidate and disorient his opponents. Projecting emotions in this manner requires a certain degree of mental focus and effort, and typically only one feeling can be transmitted at a time. Telempathy is not foolproof; targets do not have to act on what they feel, and may very well be suspicious of sudden surges of emotion that are contrary to what they were feeling just a moment earlier. Variants: Personal strength differs with the individual. Where one subject can convince a complete stranger that he's an old friend, another subject might barely be able to influence a close, lifelong friend into picking up the check for him at dinner. Some individuals cannot control this gift, and tend to project their own emotions into others without conscious effort. Other variants are less obviously noticeable and considerably more subtle than the mainstream version. Telepathy Type: Gift Origin: Psychic-types Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has the ability to communicate by thought alone. He can transmit a short burst of information -typically one or two sentences- directly to his target's mind, speaking clearly without ever making a sound. A Telepath does not automatically know what those around him are thinking unless he has established a telepathic connection to the mind(s) in question, in which case he is able to carry on a full two-way conversation, "speaking" his thoughts and "hearing" the answers as easily as normal humans would with their mouths and ears. In much the same way that human mages can learn to cast spells, a human Telepath can learn how to use Psychic techniques that are purely mental in nature. This always requires training from another psychicallyactive individual, be it a human Telepath or a Psychic Pokegirl. Variants: Some subjects have naturally stronger minds, and can utilize Psychic powers faster or more powerfully than other Gifted humans. In rare cases, Telepathy is "on" by default, forcing the subject to hear other beings' thoughts at all times whether he wants to or not; this is usually considered a Curse. Teleportation Type: Gift

Origin: Magic-types and/or Psychic-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject has the ability to instantaneously move from his current position to another, without crossing the intervening space. An untrained subject may Teleport reflexively whenever he is threatened or surprised, and his aim and range with the Gift are likely to be poor. With emotional discipline and practice, it is possible for even the most skittish subject to Teleport only when he desires to, and to arrive precise where he intends. Teleportation is an incredibly useful Blood Gift for a Tamer, as it allows him to cover long distances overland in a hurry and to get out of the way of danger; it is also highly prized by criminals for getting around security and away from law-enforcement. Most Teleporters agree that it is easier to 'port into and out of areas that are familiar and easy to visualize, so they tend to explore new surroundings very intently to find the best 'porting spots. Variants: A typical experienced Teleporter can carry himself, his clothes and equipment, and one or two other living creatures of approximately his size, but there are uncommon Teleporters that can only carry themselves and their equipment, and also very rare ones who can take groups of up to ten people, providing they are all in physical contact somehow. Any Teleporter can carry any number of Pokeballed Pokegirls with him without incident. Thermal Tolerance Type: Gift Origin: Fire, Ice, Ground, Water, or Fairy types Frequency: Common (One form), Uncommon (Both) Description: Subjects with the Thermal Tolerance trait find themselves highly resistant to nature's extreme temperatures. There seems to be two different forms of this trait, although there have been several subjects recorded that have had bot variants. Heat Resistant: The subject's physiology is preternaturally tolerant of exposure to heat, even to the point of surviving direct contact with flames. His epidermal layers form an inflammable heat-conductive membrane that spreads heat out evenly across the entire body, lessening the amount that gets through to the lower layers and internal organs at any single point. In addition, the chemical composition of the subject's blood plasma is such that it functions like coolant, absorbing excess heat from the skin and conveying it to the lungs, where trace amounts of the plasma vaporize to release the excess heat; this non-toxic "smoke" can then be exhaled to bring down the body's overall temperature. Cold Resistant: The subject is highly tolerant of low temperatures. His uniformly-thickened fatty tissues increase the body's ability to retain heat, unusual chemicals allow his bloodstream to function as a kind of organic antifreeze, and toughened cellular membranes are less likely to rupture when frozen. His nerve endings are also resistant to cold, and do not register pain from subzero temperatures except in extremely cold conditions, such as a Scarlet League winter blizzard. Cold Resistance is one of the most common Blood Gifts amongst men with Ice Pokgirl heritage, and reduces damage incurred from cold climates or Ice attacks to about half of normal. It is a very valuable Gift for those who work with Ice Pokgirls, since it allows a man to Tame them without need for protective ointments or hot baths, but it is also useful for a Water Tamer who goes swimming with his Pokgirls in less-than-tropical seas. Variants: In uncommon cases, men with Fire-type or Fairy-type ancestry have been known to manifest both variants of this Blood Gift. The physical causes is usually due to elevated body temperature. The resistance to heat usually extends to the subject's hair, however there have been several documented cases where the subject's hair wasn't protected. The degree of resistance is varied between individuals. Toughness Type: Gift Origin: Dragon, Fighting, Rock, and/or Steel types (other individual breeds with high durability) Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's body is preternaturally resistant to physical trauma. His bones may contain unusual mineral deposits that make them much more difficult to break, his skin and muscles may act like a giant rubbery shock-absorber, or he may just be a lot bigger than average; however it works, Toughness allows the subject to survive impacts that would cripple or kill a normal man. As a rule, Toughness makes

its bearer immune to bludgeoning attacks powered by normal human strength, up to and including things like steel bats to the back of the head; he still feels such impacts, but is not really harmed by them. Edged or projectile weapons can still penetrate the subject's skin, but the level of force required is something more akin to breaking stone or piercing sheet metal than to puncturing human flesh. One thing Toughness does not do is reduce momentum. Even if it does not damage him, a hard enough blow will still knock the subject backwards, off his feet, or into the air, as appropriate for the force and mass involved. Toughness applies against any Pokegirl attack that uses physical matter to strike the target, whether that matter is in solid, liquid, or gaseous form, but it offers no defense against attacks that are based on energy (cold, electricity, fire, etc) or that induce status ailments. Variants: Subjects with Rock- and Steel-type ancestry have exceptionally strong bones, but tend to bruise relatively easily because they lack their ancestors' natural armor. Fighting ancestry bestows a more balanced form of Toughness, particularly if the subject trains himself to roll with the punches. Dragon ancestry grants the most complete form of this Gift, essentially rendering the subject "unbreakable." Trainer Type: Gift Origin: Dragon-types, Fighting-types, and/or Psychic-types Frequency: Common Description: The subject is unusually competent at training others for combat or other physically-oriented activities. This Gift manifests primarily as a heightened perception of body language, allowing the Trainer to discern subtle details about his student's physical and emotional state. He can tell where and how the student is making errors in a specific movement, whether she can give additional effort or is truly at the end of her strength, how she is likely to react to various forms of encouragement, and so on; these insights allow the subject to tailor his instruction to better-suit his student's individual needs and abilities. The awareness bestowed by this Blood Gift does not grant instantaneous insights, but rather requires the Trainer to familiarize himself with how his trainee's movements express her unique personality. As such, the Gift is most beneficial when Trainer and trainee spend an extended period of time working together in relative seclusion; under such conditions, the trainee typically gains the benefit of three days' worth of training for every two days of actual effort. The benefits of this Blood Gift are reduced when the Trainer works with a group of students, a student who only practices part-time, or any combination of the two. Variants: The Dragon-type and Fighting-type forms of this Blood Gift are basically the same, but the Psychic version is a form of selective empathy. As such, it is of little use when training Dark Pokegirls. Venomous Type: Gift Origin: Bug and Poison type Frequency: Uncommon Description: Subjects with this blood trait are capable of producing the various toxins that poison and bug type pokegirls can, and then inject them into victims through various means. The toxins are rarely as potent as those found in actual pokegirls, and the glands within the bearers of this trait produce the toxins at a much slower rate. Should an individual with this trait train under a poison or bug type for long enough, they could learn to alter the toxin they produce to another variety. They can only produce one type at a time though, and all of the previous type is purged from the body during the conversion. Variants: The delivery system for this gift varies from injecting through a bite or from the fingers. This gift is much more efficient should the bearer also have fangs or claws from either the Pokeboy trait or the Claws bloodgift. Rarer is a curse variety of this trait, where the toxin is excreted through the skin, or sometimes even found in the sexual fluids. Vocalist Type: Gift Origin: Flying-types, Singing Pokegirl Breeds Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has exceptionally precise control over his vocal chords and the muscles in and around his mouth, allowing him to perfectly mimic any human-like voice he has ever heard. A practiced Birdcaller can accurately imitate the various calls, cries, and songs of any pre-Sukebe animal -though he

may not know just what he is echoing- and is likewise able to mimic the non-human utterances of any Pokegirl. In addition to this, the Subject is able to throw their voice at varying ranges. Such a skill is useful for a Tamer with an interest in Flying-types, giving him a greater chance of attracting a specific pokegirl to a safe distance for observation or capture OR of driving away other breeds, especially those that fear predatory pokegirls. Beyond Taming, this Blood Gift finds the most acclaim in the musical and theatrical professions, since the subject is able to mimic human vocalizations as accurately as he does those of animals. Subjects with this gift can also learn languages completely and with startling speed, sounding like a native speaker within the span of a few months. Such an ability is understandably useful for a professional singer, actor, or orator, and some comedians have developed whole stand-up routines based on their ability to Parrot various celebrities. Variants: Some subjects with this gift are able to go into inhuman vocal ranges, able to reach such ranges as canine whistles and low frequency vocalizations of pokegirls that are beyond the range of human hearing. Of course, subjects with this ability need some form of auditory help either through bloodtraits or equipment to be able to tell exactly what they're vocalizing. Wanderlust Type: Curse Origin: Suspected to be migratory Pokegirls Frequency: Very Rare Description: Individuals with this curse are completely unable to 'settle down', and will rarely be happy living in the same location more than a few weeks at a time. The curse begins to manifest in the mid-teens and continues to develop until the early twenties when it reaches full effect. Most people with Wanderlust become tamers, as it is one of the few occupations possible for someone who will rarely have a permanent address. The curse causes an incessant urge to travel; should it be ignored the individual suffers a steady buildup of anxiety and later, severe depression. Individuals with the curse must also come to accept having a reduced life expectancy. For, once their body becomes too sick or old for constant traveling, the inevitable conclusion is an ever-deepening depression and suicide. Variations: There have been a few rarer cases of individuals with a milder version of the curse, only being forced to change homes every few years. Waterborn Type: Gift Origin: Water types, some Ice types. Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's physiology has several features found in aquatic animals and Water Pokegirls. Individuals with this bloodtrait can either hold their breath for an extraordinary amount of time or breathe underwater outright. They swim easily, but are no faster or more agile than a regular human unless they have the corresponding bloodtraits. Musculature of traited individuals often has over twice the normal human capacity for oxygen storage, allowing his muscles to keep working well after the oxygen supply in his bloodstream has been exhausted. Variants: Traited individuals with increased lung capacity have the ability to slow their heartbeat from an average of seventy-two beats per minute to as few as twenty; the slower heart rate lessens the need for bloodstream oxygen, leaving more for the other organs to continue functioning. Subjects with this Blood Gift can continue to swim or perform other moderately strenuous underwater activities for anywhere from five to ten minutes on a single lungful of air, depending on their overall health and fitness. Special training can double that time, and it increases further if the subject is conserving oxygen by taking as little action as possible. Those with true underwater breathing are able to pull oxygen from water through the tissue of their lungs, though there are variations on this ability, as some can handle salt water, while others cannot. Individuals with this variation can preform strenuous activities under the water, but when transitioning from air breathing to water breathing, they must give their bodies a few minutes to acclimate to the change. Water Dependency Type: Curse

Origin: Water-types Frequency: Rare Description: The subject's body has difficulty retaining a healthy level of water. His skin is unusually water-permeable, allowing excessively large amounts of water to escape even when he is performing normal, non-strenuous levels of physical activity in a comfortable environment. Aside from making the subject appear to sweat constantly, this Blood Curse forces him to intake four times the normal daily amount of water in order to remain healthy. This vulnerability makes it practically impossible for the subject to function in hot and/or arid regions, where he would have to drink almost constantly to avoid heatstroke, dehydration, and death. On the other hand, Water Dependent subjects who spend a large portion of their time in or around the water exhibit a reduced need for water, sometimes as low as twice the normal intake. Variants: In uncommon cases, the level of dependency is less severe than normal. Such a subject can remain healthy with twice the normal daily amount of water, and only needs to drink half again as much as a regular human if he spends sufficient time near the water. Weakminded Type: Curse Origin: Bug types Frequency: Rare Description: The bearers of this curse show significantly lower initiative, ambition, and problem solving skills. They almost never start a task on their own, and need step by step instructions for anything they're tasked with, at least for the first time they've performed that task. Frustratingly, psychic types go through great difficulty when they try to alter the minds of individuals with this curse so that they can function more independently. Variants: Just how much the bearer lacks independence will vary from subject to subject. Some do fine for the most part, needing little outside assistance. Others seem only capable of the most basic biological functions on their own. Youthful Vigor Type: Gift Origin: Dragon-types and/or Plant-types; also elven and some reptilian breeds Frequency: Uncommon Description: The subject has unusual genetics that do not fully express themselves during puberty. He experiences childhood and adolescent growth the same as any other human, and he reaches functional adulthood at the same time, but he never truly stops growing; instead, his remaining growth happens at such a slow pace that it requires another five to six decades to complete. Since his old cells continue to be replaced during this time, the subject never experiences the widespread cell-death that causes so many of the common physical symptoms of old age: his body remains undiminished and unweakened; his organs continue to function with full efficiency; and his mind and senses remain as sharp as ever. A man with Youthful Vigor has the body, health, and abilities of a twenty year-old, seasoned by the experiences (and presumably, the wisdom) of a mind that has seen half a century or more. Youthful Vigor does not appear to extend the subject's potential lifespan, nor does it provide any special resistance to disease or injury, beyond the fact that a functionally twenty year-old body is less likely to succumb to such things than a weakened and diminished eighty year-old body. The subject can still inherit genetic conditions that lead to health issues later in life, such as a predisposition towards heart disease or cancer, and environmental factors and lifestyle choices can also negatively affect his lifespan. It is also disturbingly common for men with Youthful Vigor to simply keel over dead one day, with little or no warning beforehand. Variants: Rare subjects exhibit the outward signs of aging, but remain as healthy and vigorous as any twenty year-old. Aside from being regularly underestimated by cocky young Tamers, the only major advantage enjoyed by such men is that they appear to live a few years longer than men with the more common form of the Gift.

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