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Subject: Class: Unit: Syllabus: Topic: Information Technology Form 1's Date: No in Class: 08/03/2013 25 Duration: No. Present: Prepared by: 30 minutes (1 period) 23 Sunita Gopee

Communications-Elements of communication Technology Education PowerPoint-Health and Safety in the Computer Lab

Previous Knowledge: Students should know 1. General computer lab safety rules. 2. How to access Microsoft PowerPoint from the Start menu Specific Objectives: Students should be able to:Cognitive 1. Create a basic PowerPoint (Synthesis) 2. Add pictures to a presentation (Application) 3. Add a transition (Application) 4. Animate a presentation (Application) Resources & Materials: Multimedia; laptop; graphics organizer; Handout-Common Lab Rules Set Induction (1 min) Allow a camera to accidentally fall to the ground and separate into parts just as the class is about to begin. Explain to the class that was as a result of carelessness and although it was an old phone image if that was an iPone5, a laptop or even the multimedia, then the consequences would have been more serious. So today lets talk about safety in the computer lab. Psychomotor 1. Participate in oral class presentations (Guided Response) Affective 1. Listens to other groups responses with respect. (Receiving Phenomena) 2. Cooperates in group activities and demonstrates teamwork. (Internalizing values)

Method and Procedure Multiple Intelligences Legend

VS Visual/Spatial BK Bodily/Kinesthetic VL Verbal/Linguistic LM Logical/Mathematical Inter Interpersonal Intra Intrapersonal M Musical N Naturalistic E Existentialist

Content Group Work

Teacher Activities

Student Activities

MI Inter

Time (mins) 3 Mins

Ask students to collaborate to create a Students work in groups and list of safety rules for using the brainstorm to compile a list of computers and being in the lab. lab rules. Ask one student from each group to share one rule that was not mentioned Students orally give responses. before. Give students a list of safety rules used at another school which should include some of their suggestions as well. Explain to the students that this method of presenting the information is not effective because this handout is not attractive. Ask students to use this list together with the rules that they formulated to create an attractive PowerPoint for safety in the computer lab. Show a video on creating an effective PowerPoint. Teacher observes students presentations providing scaffolding for weaker students.

Class Discussion


2 mins


3 mins

Individual work

Students create a PowerPoint using list of safety rules and pictures provided.

Intra VS BK

20 mins

Assessment Oral questioning, Checklist Closure (1 min) PowerPoint is a tool used for making presentations and should be designed so as to effectively communicate the message to the audience.

Extension In the next class you will learn how to include your voice and how to insert videos and music into your presentations. Teachers Reflections

Supervisors Comments

Common Lab Rules Rules for Protecting Yourself 1. Do not run inside the computer lab. 2. Take a note of all the exits in the room, and also take note of the location of fire extinguishers in the room for the sake of fire safety. 3. Keep bags and coats in the designated area, as they can cause people to trip if they are simply lying around the room. 4. Try not to type continuously for extremely long periods. 5. Look away from the screen once in a while to give your eyes a rest. 6. Do not touch any exposed wires or sockets. 7. Avoid making loud noises and speaking loudly. 8. Do not attempt to open any machines, and do not touch the backs of machines when they are switched on. 9. Do not spill water or any other liquid on the machine, in order to maintain electrical safety. Rules for Protecting Equipment 1. Do not bring any food or drinks near the machine. 2. Turn off the machine you were using, when you are done using it. 3. Do not access external devices without scanning them for computer viruses. 4. Ensure that the temperature in the room stays cool, since there are a lot of machines inside a lab, and these can overheat easily. This is one of the many ways of ensuring computer safety. 5. Always maintain an extra copy of all your important data. 6. Dust can affect computers adversely. Ensure that the machines are cleaned on a regular basis. Needless to say, the laboratory equipment that is present inside a computer lab is very expensive, and it is your responsibility to ensure that this equipment is kept safe and sound. If some damage is incurred by this equipment, the cost of repairing or replacing it will be very high indeed. Hence, the importance of following these lab safety rules for schools cannot be stressed enough!

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