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Angle of depression: The angle between the horizontal and the line of sight when looking down to an object below Angle of elevation: The angle between the horizontal and the line of sight when looking up to an object above Angles of any magnitude: Angles can be measured around a circle at the centre to find the trigonometric ratios of angles of any size from 0c to 360c and beyond Bearing: The direction relative to north. Bearings may be written as true bearings (clockwise from North) or as compass bearings (using N, S, E and W) Complementary angles: Two or more angles that add up to 90c Cosecant: The reciprocal ratio of sine (sin). It is the hypotenuse over the opposite side in a right triangle Cotangent: The reciprocal ratio of tangent (tan). It is the adjacent over the opposite side in a right triangle Secant: The reciprocal ratio of cosine (cos). It is the hypotenuse over the adjacent side in a right triangle Trigonometric identities: A statement that is true for all trigonometric values in the domain. Relationships between trigonometric ratios

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


TRIGONOMETRY IS USED IN many elds, such as building, surveying and navigating. Wave theory also uses trigonometry. This chapter revises basic right-angled triangle problems and applies them to real-life situations. Some properties of trigonometric ratios, angles greater than 90c and trigonometric equations are introduced. You will also study trigonometry in non-right-angled triangles.


Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), in the second century, wrote He mathe matike syntaxis (or Almagest as it is now known) on astronomy. This is considered to be the first treatise on trigonometry, but was based on circles and spheres rather than on triangles. The notation chord of an angle was used rather than sin, cos or tan. Ptolemy constructed a table of sines from 0c to 90c in steps of a quarter of a degree. He also calculated a value of r to 5 decimal places, and established the relationship for sin (X ! Y ) and cos (X ! Y ) .

Trigonometric Ratios
In similar triangles, pairs of corresponding angles are equal and sides are in proportion. For example:

You studied similar triangles in Geometry 1 in Chapter 4.

In any triangle containing an angle of 30c, the ratio of AB:AC = 1:2. Similarly, the ratios of other corresponding sides will be equal. These ratios of sides form the basis of the trigonometric ratios. In order to refer to these ratios, we name the sides in relation to the angle being studied:

the hypotenuse is the longest side, and is always opposite the right angle the opposite side is opposite the angle marked in the triangle the adjacent side is next to the angle marked


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The opposite and adjacent sides vary according to where the angle is marked. For example:

The trigonometric ratios are

You can learn these by their initials SOH, CAH, TOA.

Sine Cosine

sin i = cos i =

opposite hypotenuse adjacent hypotenuse opposite adjacent

What about Some Old Hags Cant Always Hide Their Old Age?

Tangent tan i =

As well as these ratios, there are three inverse ratios,

Cosecant cosec i = Secant sec i =

1 sin i 1 cos i 1 tan i

Cotangent cot i =

hypotenuse p opposite hypotenuse f= p adjacent adjacent f= p opposite



Trigonometry, or triangle measurement, progressed from the study of geometry in ancient Greece. Trigonometry was seen as applied mathematics. It gave a tool for the measurement of planets and their motion. It was also used extensively in navigation, surveying and mapping, and it is still used in these fields today. Trigonometry was crucial in the setting up of an accurate calendar, since this involved measuring the distances between the Earth, sun and moon.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


1. Find sin a, tan a and sec a.

AB = hypotenuse = 5 BC = opposite side = 3 AC = adjacent side = 4 opposite sin a = hypotenuse 3 = 5 opposite tan a = adjacent 3 = 4 1 sec a = cos a hypotenuse = adjacent 5 = 4 2. If sin i = 2 , nd the exact ratios of cos i, tan i and cot i. 7

To find the other ratios you need to find the adjacent side.

By Pythagoras theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 72 = a2 + 22 49 = a 2 + 4 45 = a 2 `a= 45



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cos i = = tan i =

adjacent hypotenuse 45 7 opposite

adjacent 2 = 45 1 cot i = tan i 45 = 2

Complementary angles

In D ABC, if+B = i, then +A = 90c - i b i= c a cos i = c b tan i = a c sec i = a c cosec i = b a cot i = b sin From these ratios come the results.

(angle sum of a ) a (90c - i) = c b cos (90c - i) = c a tan (90c - i) = b c sec (90c - i) = b c cosec (90c - i) = a b cot (90c - i) = a sin

sin i = cos (90 - i) cos i = sin (90 - i) sec i = cosec (90 - i) cosec i = sec (90 - i) tan i = cot (90 - i) cot i = tan (90 - i)

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


1. Simplify tan 50c - cot 40c.

tan 50c = cot ] 90c - 50c g = cot 40c ` tan 50c - cot 40c = tan 50c - tan 50c =0 2. Find the value of m if sec 55c = cosec ] 2m - 15 g c.

Check this answer on your calculator.

sec 55c = cosec ] 90c - 55c g = cosec 35c ` 2m - 15 = 35 2m = 50 m = 25

Check this by substituting m into the equation.

6.1 Exercises
1. Write down the ratios of cos i, sin i and tan i. 3. Find the exact ratios of sin b, tan b and cos b.


Find sin b, cot b and sec b. 4. Find exact values for cos x, tan x and cosec x.


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5. 6.

4 , nd cos i and sin i. 3 2 If cos i = , nd exact values for 3 tan i, sec i and sin i. If tan i = 1 If sin i = , nd the exact ratios 6 of cos i and tan i. If cos i = 0.7, nd exact values for tan i and sin i. D ABC is a right-angled isosceles triangle with +ABC = 90c and AB = BC = 1. (a) Find the exact length of AC. (b) Find +BAC. (c) From the triangle, write down the exact ratios of sin 45c, cos 45c and tan 45c.

(c) Write down the exact ratios of sin 60c, cos 60c and tan 60c. 11. Show sin 67c = cos 23c. 12. Show sec 82c = cosec 8c. 13. Show tan 48c = cot 42c. 14. Simplify (a) cos 61c + sin 29c (b) sec i - cosec ] 90c - i g (c) tan 70c + cot 20c - 2 tan 70c (d) (e) sin 55c cos 35c cot 25c + tan 65c cot 25c


Hint: Change 0.7 to a fraction.



15. Find the value of x if sin 80c = cos ] 90 - x g c. 16. Find the value of y if tan 22c = cot ^ 90 - y h c. 17. Find the value of p if cos 49c = sin ^ p + 10 h c. 18. Find the value of b if sin 35c = cos ] b + 30 g c. 19. Find the value of t if cot ] 2t + 5 g c = tan ] 3t - 15 g c.


(a) Using Pythagoras theorem, nd the exact length of AC. (b) Write down the exact ratios of sin 30c, cos 30c and tan 30c.

20. Find the value of k if tan ] 15 - k g c = cot ] 2k + 60 g c.

Trigonometric ratios and the calculator

Angles are usually given in degrees and minutes. In this section you will practise rounding off angles and nding trigonometric ratios on the calculator. Angles are usually given in degrees and minutes in this course. The calculator uses degrees, minutes and seconds, so you need to round off. 60 minutes = 1 deg ree (60l = 1c) l) 60 sec onds = 1 min ute (60m = 1 In normal rounding off, you round up to the next number if the number to the right is 5 or more. Angles are rounded off to the nearest degree by rounding up if there are 30 minutes or more. Similarly, angles are rounded off to the nearest minute by rounding up if there are 30 seconds or more.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Round off to the nearest minute. 1. 23c 12l 22m

23c 12l 22m = 23c 12l 2. 59c 34l 41m

59c 34l 41m = 59c 35l 3. 16c 54l 30m

16c 54l 30m = 16c 55l

Because 30 seconds is half a minute, we round up to the next minute.

% , ,,

Some calculators have deg or dms keys.

This key changes decimal angles into degrees, minutes and seconds and vice versa.

1. Change 58c 19l into a decimal.

Press 58 % , ,, 19 % , ,, = % , ,, So 58c 19l = 58.31666667 2. Change 45.236c into degrees and minutes.

If your calculator does not give these answers, check the instructions for its use.

Press 45.236 = SHIFT % , ,, So 45.236c = 45c14l


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In order to use trigonometry in right-angled triangle problems, you need to nd the ratios of angles on your calculator.

1. Find cos 58c 19l, correct to 3 decimal places.
If your calculator doesn't give this answer, check that it is in degree mode.

Press COS 58 % , ,, 19 % , ,, = So cos 58c19l = 0.525 2. Find sin 38c14l, correct to 3 decimal places.

Press SIN 38 % , ,, 14 % , ,, = So sin 38c 14l = 0.619 3. If tan i = 0.348, nd i in degrees and minutes.

This is the reverse of nding trigonometric ratios. To nd the angle, given the ratio, use the inverse key ^ tan - 1 h . Press SHIFT TAN - 1 0.348 = SHIFT % , ,, tan i = 0.348 i = tan - 1 (0.348) l = 19c11 4. Find i in degrees and minutes if cos i = 0.675.

Press SHIFT COS - 1 0.675 = SHIFT % , ,, cos i = 0.675 i = cos - 1 (0.675) = 47c 33l

6.2 Exercises
1. Round off to the nearest degree. (a) 47 13l 12m (b) 81 45l 43m (c) 19 25l 34m (d) 76 37l 19m (e) 52 29l 54m 2. Round off to the nearest minute. (a) 47 13l 12m (b) 81 45l 43m (c) 19 25l 34m (d) 76 37l 19m (e) 52 29l 54m

Chapter 6 Trigonometry



Change to a decimal. l (a) 77c45 (b) 65c30l l (c) 24c51 l (d) 68c21 l (e) 82c31 Change into degrees and minutes. (a) 59.53c (b) 72.231c (c) 85.887c (d) 46.9c (e) 73.213c


Find correct to 3 decimal places. l (a) sin 39c25 l (b) cos 45c 51 l (c) tan18c43 (d) sin 68c06l (e) tan 54c20l Find i in degrees and minutes if (a) sin i = 0.298 (b) tan i = 0.683 (c) cos i = 0.827 (d) tan i = 1.056 (e) cos i = 0.188



Right-angled Triangle Problems

Trigonometry is used to nd an unknown side or angle of a triangle.

Finding a side
We can use trigonometry to nd a side of a right-angled triangle.

1. Find the value of x, correct to 1 decimal place.

hypotenuse x cos 23 49l = 11.8 x 11.8 # cos 23 49l = 11.8 # 11.8 11.8 cos 23 49l = x ` 10.8 cm = x ^ to 1 decimal point h

cos i =



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2. Find the value of y, correct to 3 signicant gures.

hypotenuse 9.7 sin 41c 15l = y 9.7 y # sin 41c 15l = y # y y sin 41c 15l = 9.7 y sin 41c 15l 9.7 = c 15l c 15l sin 41 sin 41 9.7 y= sin 41c 15l = 14.7 m ^ to 3 significant figures h sin i = opposite

6.3 Exercises
1. Find the values of all pronumerals, correct to 1 decimal place. (a) (c)

(b) (d)

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


(e) (l)
x 4.7 cm




72c18l 6.3 cm

(g) (n)
63c14l 23 mm

(o) (h)
3.7 m

y 39c47l

(i) (p)



14.3 cm



5.4 cm


4.8 m



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0.45 m


6.2 cm 73c


5.75 cm


17.3 m

Hamish is standing at an angle of 67c from a goalpost and 12.8 m away as shown. How far does he need to kick a football for it to reach the goal?

12.8 m




Square ABCD with side 6 cm has line CD produced to E as shown so that +EAD = 64c 12l. Evaluate the length, correct to 1 decimal place, of (a) CE (b) AE


A roof is pitched at 60c. A room built inside the roof space is to have a 2.7 m high ceiling. How far in from the side of the roof will the wall for the room go?
D 64c12l A

2.7 m 60c

6 cm


A diagonal in a rectangle with breadth 6.2 cm makes an angle of 73c with the vertex as shown. Find the length of the rectangle correct to 1 decimal place.


A right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 14.5 cm long has one interior angle of 43c 36l. Find the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry



A right-angled triangle ABC with the right angle at A has +B = 56c44l and AB = 26 mm. Find the length of the hypotenuse. A triangular fence is made for a garden inside a park. Three holes A, B and C for fence posts are made at the corners so that A and B are 10.2 m apart, AB and CB are perpendicular, and angle CAB is 59c 54l. How far apart are A and C? Triangle ABC has +BAC = 46c and +ABC = 54c. An altitude is drawn from C to meet AB at point D. If the altitude is 5.3 cm long, nd, correct to 1 decimal place, the length of sides (a) AC (b) BC (c) AB

(a) Find the length of the side of the rhombus. (b) Find the length of the other diagonal. 11. Kite ABCD has diagonal BD = 15.8 cm as shown. If +ABD =57c29l and l, nd the length +DBC = 72c51 of the other diagonal AC.




57c29l 15.8 cm

10. A rhombus has one diagonal 12 cm long and the diagonal makes an angle of 28c 23l with the side of the rhombus.

Finding an angle
Trigonometry can also be used to nd one of the angles in a right-angled triangle.

1. Find the value of i, in degrees and minutes.



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cos i = adjacent hypotenuse 5.8 = 7.3 5.8 ` i = cos - 1 c m 7.3 = 37c 23l

2. Find the value of a, in degrees and minutes.

tan a = opposite adjacent 4 = .9 2 .1 4 .9 ` a = tan - 1 c m 2 .1 = 66c 48l

6.4 Exercises
1. Find the value of each pronumeral, in degrees and minutes. (a) (b)

Chapter 6 Trigonometry




(j) (d)

(e) (k)

3.8 cm

2.4 cm

(l) (f)
8.3 cm

5.7 cm

(m) (g)
6.9 mm 11.3 mm






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5.1 cm

b 20 m 12.3 m

11.6 cm

15 m


A eld is 13.7 m wide and Andre is on one side. There is a gate on the opposite side and 5.6 m along from where Andre is. At what angle will he walk to get to the gate?
Andre i

a 13 m


4.4 cm

7.6 cm 13.7 m


8.4 cm

14.3 cm

5.6 m




i 3m

A 60 m long bridge has an opening in the middle and both sides open up to let boats pass underneath. The two parts of the bridge oor rise up to a height of 18 m. Through what angle do they move?


18 m i


c 10.3 cm

18.9 cm

60 m



A kite is ying at an angle of i above the ground as shown. If the kite is 12.3 m above the ground and has 20 m of string, nd angle i.

An equilateral triangle ABC with side 7 cm has an altitude AD that is 4.5 cm long. Evaluate the angle the altitude makes with vertex A ]+DAB g.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry



Rectangle ABCD has dimensions 18 cm # 7 cm. A line AE is drawn so that E bisects DC. (a) How long is line AE? (Answer to 1 decimal place). (b) Evaluate +DEA. A 52 m tall tower has wire stays on either side to minimise wind movement. One stay is 61.3 m long and the other is 74.5 m long as shown. Find the angles that the tower makes with each stay.
a b 61.3 m 52 m 74.5 m

5 cm

D 1 cm


(a) Find +BEC. (b) Find the length of the rectangle. 10. A diagonal of a rhombus with side 9 cm makes an angle of 16c with the side as shown. Find the lengths of the diagonals.

9 cm


(a) The angle from the ground up to the top of a pole is 41c when standing 15 m on one side of it. Find the height h of the pole, to the nearest metre. (b) If Seb stands 6 m away on the other side, nd angle i.

h 41c

11. (a) Kate is standing at the side of a road at point A, 15.9 m away from an intersection. She is at an angle of 39c from point B on the other side of the road. What is the width w of the road? (b) Kate walks 7.4 m to point C. At what angle is she from point B?

i 6m 15 m

w A 39c 7.4 m C i 15.9 m


Rectangle ABCD has a line BE drawn so that +AEB = 90c and DE = 1 cm. The width of the rectangle is 5 cm.


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The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built as a belfry for the cathedral nearby. Work started on the tower in 1174, but when it was only half completed the soil underneath one side of it subsided. This made the tower lean to one side. Work stopped, and it wasnt until 100 years later that architects found a way of completing the tower. The third and fifth storeys were built close to the vertical to compensate for the lean. Later a vertical top storey was added.

The tower is about 55 m tall and 16 m in diameter. It is tilted about 5 m from the vertical, and tilts by an extra 0.6 cm each year.

Class Investigation
Discuss some of the problems with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Find the angle at which it is tilted from the vertical. Work out how far it will be tilted in 10 years. Use research to nd out if the tower will fall over, and if so, when.

Angle of elevation
The angle of elevation is used to measure the height of tall objects that cannot be measured directly, for example a tree, cliff, tower or building.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Class Exercise
Stand outside the school building and look up to the top of the building. Think about which angle your eyes pass through to look up to the top of the building.

The angle of elevation, i, is the angle measured when looking from the ground up to the top of the object. We assume that the ground is horizontal.

The angle of elevation of a tree from a point 50 m out from its base is 38c 14l. Find the height of the tree, to the nearest metre.

We assume that the tree is vertical!

A clinometer is used to measure the angle of elevation or depression.

tan 38c 14l =

h 50 h 50

50 # tan 38c 14l = 50 #

50 tan 38c 14l = h 39 Z h So the tree is 39 m tall, to the nearest metre.


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Angle of depression
The angle of depression is the angle formed when looking down from a high place to an object below.

Class Exercise
If your classroom is high enough, stand at the window and look down to something below the window. If the classroom is not high enough, nd a hill or other high place. Through which angle do your eyes pass as you look down?

The angle of depression, i, is the angle measured when looking down from the horizontal to an object below.

1. The angle of depression from the top of a 20 m building to a boy below is 61c 39l. How far is the boy from the building, to 1 decimal place?


Chapter 6 Trigonometry


+DAC = +ACB = 61c 39l 20 tan 61c 39l = x 20 x # tan 61c 39l = x # x x tan 61c 39l = 20 x tan 61c 39l 20 = tan 61c 39l tan 61c 39l 20 x= tan 61c 39l Z 10.8 (alternate angles, AD < BC)

So the boy is 10.8 m from the building. 2. A bird sitting on top of an 8 m tall tree looks down at a possum 3.5 m out from the base of the tree. Find the angle of elevation to the nearest minute.

B i A


3.5 m

The angle of depression is i Since AB < DC +BDC = i tan i = 8 3.5

] horizontal lines g ^ alternate angles h

` i = tan - 1 c

8 m 3 .5 = 66c 22l


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Bearings can be described in different ways: For example, N70c W:

Start at north and measure 70o around towards the west.

True bearings measure angles clockwise from north

We could write 315o T for true bearings.

1. Sketch the diagram when M is on a bearing of 315c from P.


Measure clockwise, starting at north.

2. X is on a bearing of 030c from Y. Sketch this diagram.


All bearings have 3 digits so 30 becomes 030 for a bearing.

3. A house is on a bearing of 305c from a school. What is the bearing of the school from the house?

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


The diagram below shows the bearing of the house from the school.
North House

School 305c

To nd the bearing of the school from the house, draw in North from the house and use geometry to nd the bearing as follows:

N1 H

S 305c

The bearing of the school from the house is +N 2 HS. +N 1 SH = 360c - 305c = 55c +N 2 HS = 180c - 55c = 125c

^ angle of revolution h
(cointerior angles, N 2 H < N 1 S)

So the bearing of the school from the house is 125c.

4. A plane leaves Sydney and ies 100 km due east, then 125 km due north. Find the bearing of the plane from Sydney, to the nearest degree.



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tan x =

125 100 = 1.25

x = tan - 1 (1.25) (to the nearest degree) = 51c i = 90c - xc = 90c - 51c = 39c So the bearing of the plane from Sydney is 039. 5. A ship sails on a bearing of 140 from Sydney for 250 km. How far east of Sydney is the ship now, to the nearest km?


A navigator on a ship uses a sextant to measure angles.

Could you use a different triangle for this question?

i = 140c - 90c = 50c x cos 50c = 250 x 250 # cos 50c = 250 # 250 250 cos 50c = x 161 Z x So the ship is 161 km east of Sydney, to the nearest kilometre.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


6.5 Exercises
1. Draw a diagram to show the bearing in each question. (a) A boat is on a bearing of 100c from a beach house. (b) Jamie is on a bearing of 320c from a campsite. (c) A seagull is on a bearing of 200c from a jetty. (d) Alistair is on a bearing of 050c from the bus stop. (e) A plane is on a bearing of 285c from Broken Hill. (f) A farmhouse is on a bearing of 012c from a dam. (g) Mohammed is on a bearing of 160c from his house. (h) A mine shaft is on a bearing of 080c from a town. (i) Yvonne is on a bearing of 349c from her school. (j) A boat ramp is on a bearing of 280c from an island. Find the bearing of X from Y in each question in 3 gure (true) bearings. North (a) (b)


Y 35c X South




X West Y 10c East





23c West Y East


112c Y




X South


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Jack is on a bearing of 260c from Jill. What is Jills bearing from Jack? A tower is on a bearing of 030c from a house. What is the bearing of the house from the tower? Tamworth is on a bearing of 340c from Newcastle. What is the bearing of Newcastle from Tamworth? The angle of elevation from a point 11.5 m away from the base of a tree up to the top of the tree is 42c 12l. Find the height of the tree to one decimal point. Geoff stands 25.8 m away from the base of a tower and measures the angle of elevation as 39c 20l . Find the height of the tower to the nearest metre. A wire is suspended from the top of a 100 m tall bridge tower down to the bridge at an angle of elevation of 52c. How long is the wire, to 1 decimal place?



10. A plane leaves Melbourne and ies on a bearing of 065c for 2500 km. (a) How far north of Melbourne is the plane? (b) How far east of Melbourne is it? (c) What is the bearing of Melbourne from the plane? 11. The angle of elevation of a tower is 39c 44l when measured at a point 100 m from its base. Find the height of the tower, to 1 decimal place. 12. Kim leaves his house and walks for 2 km on a bearing of 155c . How far south is Kim from his house now, to 1 decimal place? 13. The angle of depression from the top of an 8 m tree down to a rabbit is 43c 52l . If an eagle is perched in the top of the tree, how far does it need to y to reach the rabbit, to the nearest metre? 14. A girl rides a motorbike through her property, starting at her house. If she rides south for 1.3 km, then rides west for 2.4 km, what is her bearing from the house, to the nearest degree? 15. A plane ies north from Sydney for 560 km, then turns and ies east for 390 km. What is its bearing from Sydney, to the nearest degree?





A cat crouches at the top of a 4.2 m high cliff and looks down at a mouse 1.3 m out from the foot (base) of the cliff. What is the angle of depression, to the nearest minute?

16. Find the height of a pole, correct to 1 decimal place, if a 10 m rope tied to it at the top and stretched out straight to reach the ground makes an angle of elevation of 67c13l.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


17. The angle of depression from the top of a cliff down to a boat 100 m out from the foot of the cliff is 59c42l. How high is the cliff, to the nearest metre? 18. A group of students are bushwalking. They walk north from their camp for 7.5 km, then walk west until their bearing from camp is 320c. How far are they from camp, to 1 decimal place? 19. A 20 m tall tower casts a shadow 15.8 m long at a certain time of day. What is the angle of elevation from the edge of the shadow up to the top of the tower at this time?

21. Find the angle of elevation of a 15.9 m cliff from a point 100 m out from its base. 22. A plane leaves Sydney and ies for 2000 km on a bearing of 195c. How far due south of Sydney is it? 23. The angle of depression from the top of a 15 m tree down to a pond l is 25c41 . If a bird is perched in the top of the tree, how far does it need to y to reach the pond, to the nearest metre? 24. A girl starting at her house, walks south for 2.7 km then walks east for 1.6 km. What is her bearing from the house, to the nearest degree? 25. The angle of depression from the top of a tower down to a car 250 m out from the foot of the tower is 38c19l. How high is the tower, to the nearest metre? 26. A hot air balloon ies south for 3.6 km then turns and ies east until it is on a bearing of 127c from where it started. How far east does it y? 27. A 24 m wire is attached to the top of a pole and runs down to the ground where the angle of elevation is 22c 32l. Find the height of the pole.

20 m

15.8 m

20. A at verandah roof 1.8 m deep is 2.6 m up from the ground. At a certain time of day, the sun makes l an angle of elevation of 72c 25 . How much shade is provided on the ground by the verandah roof at that time, to 1 decimal place?


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28. A train depot has train tracks running north for 7.8 km where they meet another set of tracks going east for 5.8 km into a station. What is the bearing of the depot from the station, to the nearest degree? 29. Jessica leaves home and walks for 4.7 km on a bearing of 075c. She then turns and walks for 2.9 km on a bearing of 115c and she is then due east of her home. (a) How far north does Jessica walk? (b) How far is she from home?

30. Builder Jo stands 4.5 m out from the foot of a building and looks up at to the top of the building where the angle of elevation is 71c . Builder Ben stands at the top of the building looking down at his wheelbarrow that is 10.8 m out from the foot of the building on the opposite side from where Jo is standing. (a) Find the height of the building. (b) Find the angle of depression from Ben down to his wheelbarrow.

Exact Ratios
A right-angled triangle with one angle of 45 is isosceles. The exact length of its hypotenuse can be found.

Pythagoras theorem is used to find the length of the hypotenuse.

c2 = a2 + b2 AC 2 = 1 2 + 1 2 =2 AC = 2 This means that the trigonometric ratios of 45c can be written as exact ratios.

1 2 1 cos 45c = 2 tan 45c = 1 sin 45c =

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


This angle is commonly used; for example, 45 is often used for the pitch of a roof. The triangle with angles of 60 and 30 can also be written with exact sides.

Halve the equilateral triangle to get TABD.

AD 2 = 2 2 - 1 2 =3 AD = 3

3 2 1 cos 60 = 2 tan 60 = 3 sin 60 =

sin 30c = cos 30c =

1 2
It may be easier to remember the triangle rather than all these ratios.

3 2 1 tan 30c = 3


The ratios of all multiples of these angles follow a pattern: A sin A 0c 0 2 4 2 30c 1 2 3 2 45c 2 2 2 2 60c 3 2 1 2 90c 4 2 0 2 120c 3 2 - 1 2 135c 2 2 - 2 2 150c 1 2 - 3 2

cos A

The rules of the pattern are: for sin A, when you reach 4, reverse the numbers for cos A, when you reach 0, change signs and reverse


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1. Find the exact value of sec 45.

sec 45 = 1 cos 45 1 = 1 2 = 2

2. A boat ramp is to be made with an angle of 30c and base length 5 m. What is the exact length of the surface of the ramp?

5 cos 30c = x x cos 30c = 5 x= 5 cos 30c 5 = 3 2 2 =5# 3 10 = 3 10 3 = 3 10 3 m. 3

So the exact length of the ramp is

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


6.6 Exercises
Find the exact value in all questions, with rational denominator where relevant. 1. Evaluate (a) sin 60c + cos 60c (b) (c) (d) (e) cos 2 45c + sin 2 45c cosec 45c 2 sec 60c cot 30c + cot 60c (c) (b)

cos 2 45c = (cos 45c) 2

(f) tan 60c - tan 30c (g) sin 2 60c + sin 2 45c (h) sin 45c cos 30c + cos 45c sin 30c (i) 3 tan 30c tan 45c + tan 60c (j) 1 - tan 45c tan 60c 3. A 2.4 m ladder reaches 1.2 m up a wall. At what angle is it resting against the wall? A 2-person tent is pitched at an angle of 45c. Each side of the tent is 2 m long. A pole of what height is needed for the centre of the tent?

(k) cos 30c cos 60c - sin 30c sin 60c 4. (l) cos 2 30c + sin 2 30c (m) 2 sec 45c - cosec 30c 2 sin 60c sin 45c (o) 1 + tan 2 30c (n) (p) (q) 1 - cos 45c 1 + cos 45c cot 30c sec 60c 5.

(r) sin 2 45c - 1 (s) 5 cosec 2 60c (t) 2. 2 - tan 60c sec 2 45c

If the tent in the previous question was pitched at an angle of 60c, how high would the pole need to be? The angle of elevation from a point 10 m out from the base of a tower to the top of the tower is 30c. Find the exact height of the tower, with rational denominator.

Find the exact value of all pronumerals (a)



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The pitch of a roof is 45c and spans a length of 12 m. 9.

the oor. How far out from the wall is it? Find the exact length of AC.

(a) What is the length l of the roof? (b) If a wall is placed inside the roof one third of the way along from the corner, what height will the wall be? 8. A 1.8 m ladder is placed so that it makes a 60c angle where it meets

10. The angle of depression from the top of a 100 m cliff down to a boat at the foot of the cliff is 30c. How far out from the cliff is the boat?

Angles of Any Magnitude

The angles in a right-angled triangle are always acute. However, angles greater than 90c are used in many situations, such as in bearings. Negative angles are also used in areas such as engineering and science. We can use a circle to nd trigonometric ratios of angles of any magnitude (size) up to and beyond 360c.

1. (a) Copy and complete the table for these acute angles (between 0c and 90c). x sin x cos x tan x (b) Copy and complete the table for these obtuse angles (between 90c and 180c). x sin x cos x tan x 100c 110c 120c 130c 140c 150c 160c 170c 180c 0c 10c 20c 30c 40c 50c 60c 70c 80c 90c

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


(c) Copy and complete the table for these reex angles (between 180c and 270c ). x sin x cos x tan x (d) Copy and complete the table for these reex angles (between 270c and 360c ). x sin x cos x tan x 2. What do you notice about their signs? Can you see any patterns? Could you write down any rules for the sign of sin, cos and tan for different angle sizes? 3. Draw the graphs of y = sin x, y = cos x and y = tan x for 0c # x # 360c. For y = tan x, you may need to nd the ratios of angle close to and either side of 90c and 270c. 280c 290c 300c 310c 320c 330c 340c 350c 360c 190c 200c 210c 220c 230c 240c 250c 260c 270c

Drawing the graphs of the trigonometric ratios can help us to see the change in signs as angles increase. We divide the domain 0c to 360c into 4 quadrants: 1st quadrant: 0c to 90c 2nd quadrant: 90c to 180c 3rd quadrant: 180c to 270c 4th quadrant: 270c to 360c

1. Describe the sign of sin x in each section (quadrant) of the graph y = sin x.

We can sketch the graph using the table below or using the values from the tables in the investigation above for more accuracy. x y 0c 0 90c 1 180c 0 270c -1 360c 0


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1 y = sin x x






The graph is above the x-axis for the rst 2 quadrants, then below for the 3rd and 4th quadrants. This means that sin x is positive in the 1st and 2nd quadrants and negative in the 3rd and 4th quadrants. 2. Describe the sign of cos x in each section (quadrant) of the graph of y = cos x.

We can sketch the graph using the table below or using the values from the tables in the investigation above for more accuracy. x y 0c 1

90c 0

180c -1

270c 0

360c 1

y = cos x






The graph is above the x-axis in the 1st quadrant, then below for the 2nd and 3rd quadrants and above again for the 4th quadrant.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


This means that cos x is positive in the 1st and 4th quadrants and negative in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. 3. Describe the sign of tan x in each section (quadrant) of the graph y = tan x.

We can sketch the graph using the table below or using the values from the tables in the investigation above for more accuracy. x y 0c 0 90c No result 180c 0 270c No result 360c 0

Neither tan 90c nor tan 270c exists (we say that they are undened). Find the tan of angles close to these angles, for example tan 89c 59l and l, tan 279c 59l and tan 270c 01 l. tan 90c 01 There are asymptotes at 90c and 270c. On the left of 90c and 270c, tan x is positive and on the right, the ratio is negative.

You will see why these ratios are undefined later on in this chapter.





y = tan x

The graph is above the x-axis in the 1st quadrant, below for the 2nd, above for the 3rd and below for the 4th quadrant. This means that tan x is positive in the 1st and 3rd quadrants and negative in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.

To show why these ratios have different signs in different quadrants, we look at angles around a unit circle (a circle with radius 1 unit). We use congruent triangles when nding angles of any magnitude. Page 310 shows an example of congruent triangles all with angles of 20c inside a circle with radius 1 unit.


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1 unit 20c 20c 1 unit

1 unit 20c 20c 1 unit


If we divide the circle into 4 quadrants, we notice that the x- and y-values have different signs in different quadrants. This is crucial to notice when looking at angles of any magnitude and explains the different signs you get when nding sin, cos and tan for angles greater than 90c.

Quadrant 1
Looking at the rst quadrant (see diagram below), notice that x and y are both positive and that angle i is turning anticlockwise from the x-axis.
y First quadrant
The angle at the x-axis is 0 and the angle at the y-axis is 90c, with all other angles in this quadrant between these two angles.

(x, y) 1 unit

y x


Point (x, y) forms a triangle with sides 1, x and y, so we can nd the trigonometric ratios for angle i.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


sin i =

y 1 =y x 1 =x

cos i =

y tan i = x

Since cos i = x and sin i = y, we can write the point (x, y) as (cos i, sin i). The polar coordinates (cos i, sin i) give a circle. The polar coordinates 6 A sin ] ai + c g, B sin ] bi g @ form a shape called a Lissajous gure. These are sometimes called a Bowditch curve and they are often used as logos, for example the ABC logo. Use the Internet to research these and other similar shapes. Use a graphics calculator or a computer program such as Autograph to draw other graphs with polar coordinates using variations of sin i and cos i.
These are called polar coordinates.

Quadrant 2
In the second quadrant, angles are between 90c and 180c. If we take the 1st quadrant coordinates (x, y), where x 2 0 and y 2 0 and put them in the 2nd quadrant, we notice that all x values are negative in the second quadrant and y values are positive. So the point in the 2nd quadrant will be (-x, y)
y 90c Second quadrant (-x, y) y 180c 1 unit i 180c- i 0c x


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Since cos i = x, cos i will negative in the 2nd quadrant. Since sin i = y , sin i will be positive in the 2nd quadrant. y tan i = x so it will be negative (a positive number divided by a negative number). To have an angle of i in the triangle, the angle around the circle is 180c - i.

Quadrant 3
In the third quadrant, angles are between 180c and 270c.


180c y

180c + i


1 unit

(-x, -y) Third quadrant


Notice that x and y are both negative in the third quadrant, so cos i and sin i will be both negative. y tan i = x so will be positive (a negative divided by a negative number). To have an angle of i in the triangle, the angle around the circle is 180c + i.

Quadrant 4
In the fourth quadrant, angles are between 270c and 360c.
y 90c


i 360c - i

x y



1 unit

(x, -y) Fourth quadrant


Chapter 6 Trigonometry


While y remains negative in the fourth quadrant, x is positive again, so sin i is negative and cos i is positive. y tan i = x so will be negative (a negative divided by a positive number) For an angle i in the triangle, the angle around the circle is 360c - i.

ASTC rule
Putting all of these results together gives a rule for all four quadrants that we usually call the ASTC rule.
y 90c

2nd quadrant 180c - i

1st quadrant i
You could remember this rule as All Stations To Central or A Silly Trigonometry Concept, or you could make up your own!


360c 0c x

180c + i 3rd quadrant

360c - i 4th quadrant


A: ALL ratios are positive in the 1st quadrant S: Sin is positive in the 2nd quadrant (cos and tan are negative) T: Tan is positive in the 3rd quadrant (sin and cos are negative) C: Cos is positive in the 4th quadrant (sin and tan are negative) This rule also works for the reciprocal trigonometric ratios. For example, where cos is positive, sec is also positive, where sin is positive, so is cosec and where tan is positive, so is cot. We can summarise the ASTC rules for all 4 quadrants:

First quadrant: Angle i: sin i is positive cos i is positive tan i is positive


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Second quadrant: Angle 180c - i: sin ] 180c - i g = sin i cos ] 180c - i g = - cos i tan ] 180c - i g = - tan i Third quadrant: Angle 180c + i: sin ] 180c + i g = - sin i cos ] 180c + i g = - cos i tan ] 180c + i g = tan i Fourth quadrant: Angle 360c - i: sin ] 360c - i g = - sin i cos ] 360c - i g = cos i tan ] 360c - i g = - tan i

1. Find all quadrants where (a) sin i 2 0 (b) cos i 1 0 (c) tan i 1 0 and cos i 2 0

(a) sin i 2 0 means sin i is positive. Using the ASTC rule, sin i is positive in the 1st and 2nd quadrants. (b) cos i is positive in the 1st and 4th quadrants, so cos i is negative in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. (c) tan i is positive in the 1st and 3rd quadrants so tan i is negative in the 2nd and 4th quadrants. Also cos i is positive in the 1st and 4th quadrants. So tan i 1 0 and cos i 2 0 in the 4th quadrant.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


2. Find the exact ratio of tan 330c.

First we nd the quadrant that 330c is in. It is in the 4th quadrant.



The angle inside the triangle in the 4th quadrant is 30c and tan is negative in the 4th quadrant. tan 330c = - tan 30c 1 =3

Notice that 360c - 30c = 330c.

30c 2

: 3


3. Find the exact value of sin 225c.

The angle in the triangle in the 3rd quadrant is 45c and sin is negative in the 3rd quadrant.
CONTINUED Notice that 180c + 45c = 225c.


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225c 45c

sin 225c = - sin 45c 1 =2


: 2


4. Find the exact value of cos 510c.

To nd cos 510c, we move around the circle more than once.


150c 510c

510c - 360c = 150c So 510c = 360c + 150c

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


The angle is in the 2nd quadrant where cos is negative. The triangle has 30c in it. cos 510c = - cos 30c =3 2


: 3

Notice that 180c - 30c = 150c.


5. Simplify cos (180c + x).

180c + x is an angle in the 3rd quadrant where cos is negative. So cos ] 180c + x g = - cos x 6. If sin x = 3 and cos x 2 0, nd the value of tan x and sec x. 5

sin x 1 0 in the 3rd and 4th quadrants and cos x 2 0 in the 1st and 4th quadrants. So sin x 1 0 and cos x 2 0 in the 4th quadrant. This means that tan x 1 0 and sec x 2 0. sin x = opposite hypotenuse
sec x is the reciprocal of cos x so is positive in the 4th quadrant.

So the opposite side is 3 and the hypotenuse is 5.

x 5 3

By Pythagoras theorem, the adjacent side is 4.


This is a 3-4-5 triangle.


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So tan x = -

3 4 1 sec x = cos x 5 = 4

The ASTC rule also works for negative angles. These are measured in the opposite way (clockwise) from positive angles as shown.
y -270c

2nd quadrant -(180c+ i )

1st quadrant -(360c- i ) -360c 0


-(180c- i ) 3rd quadrant

-i 4th quadrant


The only difference with this rule is that the angles are labelled differently.

Find the exact value of tan (-120c).

Notice that - (180c - 60c) = -120c.

Moving around the circle the opposite way, the angle is in the 3rd quadrant, with 60c in the triangle.



Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Tan is positive in the 3rd quadrant. tan ] -120c g = tan 60c = 3

30c 2

: 3


6.7 Exercises
1. Find all quadrants where (a) cos i 2 0 (b) tan i 2 0 (c) sin i 2 0 (d) tan i 1 0 (e) sin i 1 0 (f) cos i 1 0 (g) sin i 1 0 and tan i 2 0 (h) cos i 1 0 and tan i 2 0 (i) sin i 2 0 and tan i 1 0 (j) sin i 1 0 and tan i 1 0 (a) Which quadrant is the angle 240c in? (b) Find the exact value of cos 240c. (a) Which quadrant is the angle 315c in? (b) Find the exact value of sin 315c. (a) Which quadrant is the angle 120c in? (b) Find the exact value of tan 120c . (a) Which quadrant is the angle -225c in? (b) Find the exact value of sin (-225c). 8. 6. (a) Which quadrant is the angle -330c in? (b) Find the exact value of cos (-330c). Find the exact value of each ratio. (a) tan 225c (b) cos 315c (c) tan 300c (d) sin 150c (e) cos 120c (f) sin 210c (g) cos 330c (h) tan 150c (i) sin 300c (j) cos 135c Find the exact value of each ratio. (a) cos (-225c) (b) cos (-210c) (c) tan (-300c) (d) cos (-150c) (e) sin (-60c) (f) tan (-240c) (g) cos (-300c) (h) tan (-30c) (i) cos (-45c) (j) sin (-135c)







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Find the exact value of (a) cos 570c (b) tan 420c (c) sin 480c (d) cos 660c (e) sin 690c (f) tan 600c (g) sin 495c (h) cos 405c (i) tan 675c (j) sin 390c 3 and cos i 1 0, nd 4 sin i and cos i as fractions.

15. If sin i = -

4 and 9 270c 1 i 1 360c, nd the exact

value of tan i and sec i. 16. If cos i = 3 and 8 180 1 i 1 270, nd the exact value of tan x, sec x and cosec x.

10. If tan i =

17. Given sin x = 0.3 and tan x 1 0, (a) express sin x as a fraction (b) nd the exact value of cos x and tan x. 18. If tan a = - 1.2 and 270 1 i 1 360, nd the exact values of cot a, sec a and cosec a. 19. Given that cos i = - 0.7 and 90c 1 i 1 180c , nd the exact value of sin i and cot i. 20. Simplify (a) sin ] 180c - i g (b) cos ] 360c - x g (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) tan ^ 180c + b h sin ] 180c + a g tan ] 360c - i g sin ] - i g cos ] - a g tan ] - x g

Use Pythagoras theorem to find the third side.

4 11. Given sin i = and tan i 1 0, 7 nd the exact value of cos i and tan i. 5 12. If sin x 1 0 and tan x = - , nd 8 the exact value of cos x and cosec x. 13. Given cos x = 2 and tan x 1 0, 5 nd the exact value of cosec x, cot x and tan x.

14. If cos x 1 0 and sin x 1 0, nd cos x and sin x in surd form with 5 rational denominator if tan x = . 7

Trigonometric Equations
This is called the principle solution.

Whenever you nd an unknown angle in a triangle, you solve a trigonometric equation e.g. cos x = 0.34. You can nd this on your calculator. Now that we know how to nd the trigonometric ratios of angles of any magnitude, there can be more than one solution to a trigonometric equation if we look at a larger domain.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


1. Solve cos x = 3 in the domain 0 # x # 360. 2

3 is a positive ratio and cos is positive in the 1st and 4th quadrants. 2 So there are two possible answers. In the 1st quadrant, angles are in the form of i and in the 4th quadrant angles are in the form of 360c - i. cos 30c = 3 2
30c 2
This is called the principle solution.

But there is also a solution in the 4th quadrant where the angle is 360c - i. For cos x = 3 2 x = 30c , 360c - 30c = 30c , 330c

: 3


2. Solve 2 sin 2 x - 1 = 0 for 0c # x # 360c.

2 sin 2 x - 1 = 0 2 sin 2 x = 1 1 sin 2 x = 2 2 1 =! 2 Since the ratio could be positive or negative, there are solutions in all 4 quadrants. 1st quadrant: angle i 2nd quadrant: angle 180c - i 3rd quadrant: angle 180c + i 4th quadrant: angle 360c - i

sin x = !


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sin 45c =

1 2 x = 45c , 180c - 45c , 180c + 45c , 360c - 45c = 45c , 135c , 225c , 315c


: 2

3. Solve tan x =

3 for - 180c # x # 180c.

3 is a positive ratio and tan is positive in the 1st and 3rd quadrants. So there are two possible answers. In the domain - 180c # x # 180c, we use positive angles for 0c # x # 180c and negative angles for - 180c # x # 0c.
y 90c

2nd quadrant 180c - i

1st quadrant i

-180c -(180c - i) 3rd quadrant -90c 180c

0c 0c x

-i 4th quadrant

In the 1st quadrant, angles are in the form of i and in the 3rd quadrant angles are in the form of - ^ 180c - i h . tan 60c = 3 But there is also a solution in the 3rd quadrant where the angle is - ^ 180c - i h . For tan x = 3 x = 60c , - ] 180c - 60c g = 30c , -120 c
30c 2

: 3


Chapter 6 Trigonometry


4. Solve 2 sin 2x - 1 = 0 for 0c # x # 360c.

Notice that the angle is 2x but the domain is for x. If 0c # x # 360c then we multiply each part by 2 to get the domain for 2x. 0c # 2x # 720c This means that we can nd the solutions by going around the circle twice! 2 sin 2x - 1 = 0 2 sin 2x = 1 1 2 1 sin 30c = 2 sin 2x =
30c 2

: 3


Sin is positive in the 1st and 2nd quadrants. First time around the circle, 1st quadrant is i and the 2nd quadrant is 180c - i. Second time around the circle, we add 360c to the angles. So 1st quadrant answer is 360c + i and the 2nd quadrant answer is 360c + ] 180c - i g or 540c - i. So 2x = 30c , 180c - 30c, 360c + 30c , 540c - 30c = 30c , 150c , 390c , 510c ` x = 15c , 75c , 195c , 255c

Notice that these solutions lie inside the original domain of 0c # x # 360c.

The trigonometric graphs can also help solve some trigonometric equations.

Solve cos x = 0 for 0c # x # 360c. cos 90c = 0 However, looking at the graph of y = cos x shows that there is another solution in the domain 0c # x # 360c.

1 x

90c -1


270c 360c

For cos x = 0 x = 90c, 270c


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Here are the 3 trigonometric graphs that you explored earlier in the chapter. y = sin x

y = cos x

y = tan x

Use the values in the sin, cos and tan graphs to nd values for the inverse trigonometric functions in the tables below and then sketch the inverse trigonometric functions. For example sin 270 = -1 1 So cosec 270c = -1 = -1 Some values will be undened, so you will need to nd values near them in order to see where the graph goes. y = cosec x x sin x cosec x 0c 90c 180c 270c 360c

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


y = sec x x cos x sec x y = cot x x tan x cot x 0c 90c 180c 270c 360c 0c 90c 180c 270c 360c

Here are the graphs of the inverse trigonometric functions. y = cosec x

y = sec x

y = cot x

y y = cotx 1 x 360c

0 -1


180c 270c



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6.8 Exercises
1. Solve for 0c # i # 360c. (a) sin i = 0.35 1 (b) cos i = 2 (c) tan i = - 1 3 (d) sin i = 2 1 (e) tan i = 3 (f) 2 cos i = 3 (g) tan 2i = 3 (h) 2 sin 3i = - 1 (i) 2 cos 2i - 1 = 0 (j) tan 2 3i = 1 2. Solve for -180c # i # 180c. (a) cos i = 0.187 1 (b) sin i = 2 (c) tan i = 1 3 (d) sin i = 2 1 (e) tan i = 3 (f) 3 tan 2 i = 1 (g) tan 2i = 1 (h) 2 sin 2 3i = 1 (i) tan i + 1 = 0 (j) tan 2 2i = 3 3. Sketch y = cos x for 0c # x # 360c . Evaluate sin 270c . 5. Sketch y = tan x for 0c # x # 360c . Solve tan x = 0 for 0c # x # 360c . Evaluate cos 180c . Find the value of sin 90c . Solve cos x = 1 for 0c # x # 360c .


7. 8. 9.

10. Sketch y = sin x for -180c # x # 180c . 11. Evaluate cos 270c. 12. Solve sin x + 1 = 0 for 0c # x # 360c . 13. Solve cos 2 x = 1 for 0c # x # 360c . 14. Solve sin x = 0 for 0c # x # 360c . 15. Solve sin x = 1 for - 360c # x # 360c . 16. Sketch y = sec x for 0c # x # 360c . 17. Sketch y = cot x for 0c # x # 360c .


Trigonometric Identities
Trigonometric identities are statements about the relationships of trigonometric ratios. You have already met some of thesethe reciprocal ratios, complementary angles and the rules for the angle of any magnitude.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Reciprocal ratios

cosec i =

1 sin i 1 sec i = cos i 1 cot i = tan i

Complementary angles

sin i = cos ] 90c - i g cosec i = sec ] 90c - i g tan i = cot ] 90c - i g

Angles of any magnitude

sin ] 180c - i g = sin i cos ] 180c - i g = - cos i tan ] 180c - i g = - tan i sin (180c + i) = - sin i cos (180c + i) = - cos i tan (180c + i) = tan i sin (360c - i) = - sin i cos (360c - i) = cos i tan (360c - i) = - tan i sin (- i) = - sin i cos (- i) = cos i tan (- i) = - tan i

In this section you will learn some other identities, based on the unit circle. In the work on angles of any magnitude, we dened sin i as the y-coordinate of P and cos i as the x-coordinate of P.


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y tan i = x sin i = cos i sin i cos i

tan i =

cot i =

1 tan i cos i = sin i cos i sin i

cot i =

Pythagorean identities
The circle has equation x 2 + y 2 = 1. Substituting x = cos i and y = sin i into x 2 + y 2 = 1 gives
Remeber that cos 2 i means (cos i) 2.

cos 2 i + sin 2 i = 1

This is an equation so can be rearranged to give sin 2 i = 1 - cos 2 i cos 2 i = 1 - sin 2 i There are two other identities that can be derived from this identity.

1 + tan 2 i = sec 2 i

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


cos 2 i + sin 2 i = 1 cos 2 i sin 2 i 1 + = cos 2 i cos 2 i cos 2 i 1 + tan 2 i = sec 2 i This identity can be rearranged to give tan 2 i = sec 2 i - 1 1 = sec 2 i - tan 2 i cot 2 i + 1 = cosec 2 i

cos 2 i + sin 2 i = 1 cos 2 i sin 2 i 1 + = 2 2 sin i sin i sin 2 i 2 cot i + 1 = cosec 2 i This identity can be rearranged to give cot 2 i = cosec 2 i - 1 1 = cosec 2 i - cot 2 i
These are called Pythagorean identities since the equation of the circle comes from Pythagoras rule (see Chapter 5).

1. Simplify sin i cot i.

sin i cot i = sin i # = cos i cos i sin i

2. Simplify sin ^ 90c - b h sec b where b is an acute angle.

sin ^ 90c - b h sec b = cos b # =1 1 cos b



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3. Simplify

sin 4 i + sin 2 i cos 2 i .

sin 4 i + sin 2 i cos 2 i = sin 2 i ^ sin 2 i + cos 2 i h = sin 2 i ] 1 g = sin 2 i = sin i 4. Prove cot x + tan x = cosec x sec x.

LHS = cot x + tan x cos x sin x = + sin x cos x cos 2 x + sin 2 x sin x cos x 1 = sin x cos x 1 1 = # cos x sin x = cosec x sec x = RHS = ` cot x + tan x = cosec x sec x 5. Prove that 1 - cos x 1 = . 1 + cos x sin 2 x

LHS = 1 - cos x sin 2 x 1 - cos x = 1 - cos 2 x 1 - cos x = ] 1 + cos x g ] 1 - cos x g 1 = 1 + cos x = RHS

1 - cos x 1 = 2 1 cos x + sin x

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


6.9 Exercises
1. Simplify (a) sin ] 90c - i g (b) tan ] 360c - i g (c) cos ] - i g (d) cot ] 90c - i g (e) sec ] 180c + a g Simplify (a) tan i cos i (b) tan i cosec i (c) sec x cot x (d) 1 - sin 2 x 1 - cos a cot 2 x + 1 1 + tan 2 x sec 2 i - 1 5 cot 2 i + 5 1 (j) cosec 2 x (k) sin 2 a cosec 2 a (l) cot i - cot i cos 2 i (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

(d) sec 2 x - tan 2 x = cosec 2 x - cot 2 x (e) ] sin x - cos x g3 = sin x - cos x - 2 sin 2 x cos x + 2 sin x cos 2 x (f) cot i + 2 sec i 1 - sin 2 i + 2 sin i sin i cos i (g) cos 2 ] 90c - i g cot i = = sin i cos i (h) (cosec x + cot x) (cosec x - cot x) = 1 1 - sin 2 i cos 2 i cos 2 i 2 = tan i + cos 2 i 1 + cot b (j) - cos b cosec b sec b = tan b + cot b (i) 4. If x = 2 cos i and y = 2 sin i, show that x 2 + y 2 = 4. Show that x 2 + y 2 = 81 if x = 9 cos i and y = 9 sin i.



Prove that (a) cos 2 x - 1 = - sin 2 x 1 + sin i (b) sec i + tan i = cos i 3 2 (c) 3 + 3 tan a = 1 - sin 2 a


Non-right-angled Triangle Results

A non-right-angled triangle is named so that its angles and opposite sides have the same pronumeral. There are two rules in trigonometry that refer to nonright-angled triangles. These are the sine rule and the cosine rule.


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Sine rule

Use this rule for finding an angle.

sin A sin B sin C a = b = c

Use this rule for finding a side.


a c b = = sin A sin B sin C


In TABC, draw perpendicular AD and call it h. From TABD, h sin B = c ` h = c sin B From TACD, sin C = ` h b h = b sin C



From (1) and (2), c sin B = b sin C sin B sin C = c b Similarly, drawing a perpendicular from C it can be proven that sin A sin B a = b .

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


1. Find the value of x, correct to 1 decimal place.
The sine rule uses 2 sides and 2 angles, with 1 unknown.

Name the sides a and b, and angles A and B. a b = sin A sin B 10.7 x = sin 43c 21l sin 79c 12l 10.7 x sin 43c 21l # = sin 43c 21l # sin 43c 21l sin 79c 12l 10.7 sin 43c 21l x= sin 79c 12l Z 7.5 cm 2. Find the value of y, to the nearest whole number.
You can rename the triangle ABC or just make sure you put sides with their opposite angles together.

+Y = 180c - (53c + 24c ) = 103c a b = sin A sin B y 8 = sin 103c sin 53c y 8 = sin 103c # sin 103c # sin 103c sin 53c 8 sin 103c y= sin 53c Z 10
You need to find +Y first, as it is opposite y.



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3. Find the value of i, in degrees and minutes.

sin A sin B a = b sin i sin 86c 11l = 6.7 8.3 sin i sin 86c 11l = 6.7 # 6.7 # 6 .7 8 .3 6.7 sin 86c 11l sin i = 8 .3 - 1 6.7 sin 86c 11l i = sin c m 8.3 Z 53c39l

Since sin x is positive in the rst 2 quadrants, both acute angles (between 0c and 90c ) and obtuse angles (between 90c and 180c ) give positive sin ratios. e.g. sin 50c = 0.766 and sin 130c = 0.766 This affects the sine rule, since there is no way of distinguishing between an acute angle and an obtuse angle. When doing a question involving an obtuse angle, we need to use the 2nd quadrant angle of 180c - i rather than relying on the calculator to give the correct answer.

Angle i is obtuse. Find the value of i, in degrees and minutes.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


sin A sin B a = b sin i sin 15c 49l = 5.4 11.9 sin i sin 15c 49l = 11.9 # 11.9 # 5.4 11.9 11.9 sin 15c 49l sin i = 5.4 - 1 11.9 sin 15c 49l m i = sin c 5.4 = 36c 55l ^ acute angle h But i is obtuse ` i = 180c - 36c 55l = 143c 05l



Evaluate all pronumerals, correct to 1 decimal place. (a)





Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course


Find the value of all pronumerals, in degrees and minutes. (a) 4.

BC = 4.6 cm and +ACB = 33c 47l. Triangle EFG has +FEG = 48c , +EGF = 32c and FG = 18.9 mm. Find the length of (a) the shortest side (b) the longest side.. Triangle XYZ has +XYZ = 51c , +YXZ = 86c and XZ = 2.1 m. Find the length of (a) the shortest side (b) the longest side. Triangle XYZ has XY = 5.4 cm, +ZXY = 48c and +XZY = 63c. Find the length of XZ. Triangle ABC has BC = 12.7 m, +ABC = 47c and +ACB = 53c as shown. Find the lengths of (a) AB (b) AC.

The shortest side is opposite the smallest angle and the longest side is opposite the largest angle.

(b) 5.






12.7 m


(e) (i is obtuse)
4.9 3.7 21c31l i


Triangle PQR has sides PQ = 15 mm, QR = 14.7 mm and +PRQ = 62c 29l. Find to the nearest minute (a) +QPR (b) +PQR. Triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = AC. BC is produced to D as shown. If AB = 8.3 cm, +BAC = 52c and +ADC = 32c nd the length of


Triangle ABC has an obtuse angle at A. Evaluate this angle to the nearest minute if AB = 3.2 cm,


Chapter 6 Trigonometry


(a) AD (b) BD.

A 8.3 cm 52c


10. Triangle ABC is equilateral with side 63 mm. A line is drawn from A to BC where it meets BC at D l and +DAB = 26c 15 . Find the length of (a) AD (b) DC. D

Cosine rule
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C

Similarly a 2 = b 2 + c 2 - 2bc cos A b 2 = a 2 + c 2 - 2ac cos B


c p


In triangle ABC, draw perpendicular CD with length p and let CD = x. Since BC = a, BD = a - x From triangle ACD b2 = x2 + p2 x cos C = b ` b cos C = x From triangle DAB c2 = p2 + ] a - x g 2 = p 2 + a 2 - 2ax + x 2 = p 2 + x 2 + a 2 - 2ax (1)




Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course

Substitute (1) into (3): c 2 = b 2 + a 2 - 2ax Substituting (2) into (4): c 2 = b 2 + a 2 - 2a ] b cos C g = b 2 + a 2 - 2ab cos C (4)


Pythagoras theorem is a special case of the cosine rule when the triangle is right angled. c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C When C = 90c c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos 90c = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab ] 0 g = a2 + b2

Find the value of x, correct to the nearest whole number.
The cosine rule uses 3 sides and 1 angle, with 1 unknown.

c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C x 2 = 5.6 2 + 6.4 2 - 2 (5.6) (6.4) cos 112c 32l Z 99.79 x = 99.79 Z 10
Press 5.6 x 2 + 6.4 x 2 - 2 # 5.6 # 6.4 # cos 112 % , ,, 32 % , ,, = =

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


When nding an unknown angle, it is easier to change the subject of this formula to cos C. c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C c 2 + 2ab cos C = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C + 2ab cos C c 2 + 2ab cos C = a 2 + b 2 c 2 - c 2 + 2ab cos C = a 2 + b 2 - c 2 2ab cos C = a 2 + b 2 - c 2 2ab cos C a2 + b2 - c2 = 2ab 2ab cos C = Similarly cos A = cos B = b2 + c2 - a2 2bc a +c -b 2ac
2 2 2

a2 + b2 - c2 2ab

Subtract the square of the side opposite the unknown angle.

1. Find i, in degrees and minutes.

cos C = a2 + b2 - c2 2ab 52 + 62 - 32 cos i = 2 ]5 g]6 g 52 = 60 52 m i = cos - 1 c 60 Z 29c 56l 2. Evaluate +BAC in degrees and minutes.
A 4.5 cm B 6.1 cm C

8.4 cm



Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course

a2 + b2 - c2 2ab 4.5 2 + 6.1 2 - 8.4 2 cos +BAC = 2 ] 4. 5 g ] 6 .1 g = - 0.2386 cos C = +BAC = cos- 1 ] - 0.2386 g = 103c 48l

Notice that the negative sign tells us that the angle will be obtuse.



Find the value of all pronumerals, correct to 1 decimal place. (a) 2.

Evaluate all pronumerals correct to the nearest minute (a)


(b) (c)

(c) (d)

Chapter 6 Trigonometry



YZ = 5.9 cm. Find the value of all angles, to the nearest minute. 7. Isosceles trapezium MNOP has MP = NO = 12 mm, MN = 8.9 mm, OP = 15.6 mm and +NMP = 119c 15l. (a) Find the length of diagonal NP. (b) Find +NOP. Given the gure below, nd the length of (a) AC (b) AD.




Kite ABCD has AB = 12.9 mm, CD = 23.8 mm and +ABC = 125c as shown. Find the length of diagonal AC.
B 12.9 mm A 23.8 mm D 125 c C

42 c8 l 8.4 cm

3.7 cm

101 c38 l A

9.9 cm


Parallelogram ABCD has sides 11 cm and 5 cm, and one interior l angle 79c 25 . Find the length of the diagonals. Quadrilateral ABCD has sides AB = 12 cm, BC = 10.4 cm, CD = 8.4 cm and AD = 9.7 cm with +ABC = 63c 57l . (a) Find the length of diagonal AC (b) Find +DAC (c) Find +ADC. Triangle XYZ is isosceles with XY = XZ = 7.3 cm and



In a regular pentagon ABCDE with sides 8 cm, nd the length of diagonal AD.

10. A regular hexagon ABCDEF has sides 5.5 cm. (a) Find the length of AD. (b) Find +ADF.



Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course

The sine and cosine rules can be used in solving problems.

Use the sine rule to nd: 1. a side, given one side and two angles 2. an angle, given two sides and one angle Use the cosine rule to nd: 1. a side, given two sides and one angle 2. an angle, given three sides

1. The angle of elevation of a tower from point A is 72c. From point B, 50 m further away from the tower than A, the angle of elevation is 47c. (a) Find the exact length of AT. (b) Hence, or otherwise, nd the height h of the tower to 1 decimal place.


Use TBTA to find AT.

(a) +BAT = 180c - 72c = 108c +BTA = 180c - ] 47c + 108c g = 25c a b = sin A sin B 50 AT = sin 47c sin 25c 50 sin 47c AT = ` sin 25c

^ straight angle h
(angle sum of T)

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


(b) sin 72c = `

h AT h = AT sin 72c 50 sin 47c = # sin 72c sin 25c Z 82.3 m

Use right-angled TATO to find h. Do not use the sine rule.

2. A ship sails from Sydney for 200 km on a bearing of 040c , then sails on a bearing of 157c for 345 km. (a) How far from Sydney is the ship, to the nearest km? (b) What is the bearing of the ship from Sydney, to the nearest degree?


(a) +SAN = 180c - 40c = 140c ` +SAB = 360c - (140c + 157c) = 63c

^ cointerior angles h ^ angle of revolution h

c 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C x 2 = 200 2 + 345 2 - 2 (200) (345) cos 63c Z 96374.3 x = 96374.3 Z 310 So the ship is 310 km from Sydney. sin A sin B a = b sin i sin 63c = 345 310 345 sin 63c ` sin i = 310 Z 0.99 i Z 82c ( b) The bearing from Sydney = 40c + 82c = 122c
To find the bearing, measure +TSB.


Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course


from one post and 11 m from the other, nd the angle within which the ball must be kicked to score a goal, to the nearest degree. 7. A boat is sinking 1.3 km out to sea from a marina. Its bearing is 041c from the marina and 324c from a rescue boat. The rescue boat is due east of the marina. (a) How far, correct to 2 decimal places, is the rescue boat from the sinking boat? (b) How long will it take the rescue boat, to the nearest minute, to reach the other boat if it travels at 80 km/h? The angle of elevation of the top of a agpole from a point a certain distance away from its base is 20c. After walking 80 m towards the agpole, the angle of elevation is 75c. Find the height of the agpole, to the nearest metre. A triangular eld ABC has sides AB = 85 m and AC = 50 m. If B is on a bearing of 065c from A and C is on a bearing of 166c from A, nd the length of BC, correct to the nearest metre.

Find the lengths of the diagonals of a parallelogram with adjacent sides 5 cm and 8 cm and one of its angles 32c 42l. A car is broken down to the north of 2 towns. The car is 39 km from town A and 52 km from town B. If A is due west of B and the 2 towns are 68 km apart, what is the bearing of the car from (a) town A (b) town B, to the nearest degree? The angle of elevation to the top of a tower is 54c 37l from a point 12.8 m out from its base. The tower is leaning at an angle of 85c 58l as shown. Find the height of the tower. 8.



54 c37 l 12.8 m 85c58 l


A triangular park has sides 145.6 m, 210.3 m and 122.5 m. Find the size of the largest interior angle of the park. A 1.5 m high fence leans outwards from a house at an angle of 102c. A boy sits on top of the fence and the angle of depression from him down to the house is 32c 44l . How far from the fence is the house? Football posts are 3.5 m apart. If a footballer is standing 8 m


10. (a) Find the exact value of AC in the diagram. (b) Hence, or otherwise, nd the angle i, correct to the nearest minute.


Chapter 6 Trigonometry


11. Find the value of h, correct to 1 decimal place.

16. Rhombus ABCD with side 8 cm has diagonal BD 11.3 cm long. Find +DAB. 17. Zeke leaves school and runs for 8.7 km on a bearing of 338c, then turns and runs on a bearing of 061c until he is due north of school. How far north of school is he? 18. A car drives due east for 83.7 km then turns and travels for 105.6 km on a bearing of 029c. How far is the car from its starting point? 19. The gure below shows the diagram that a surveyor makes to measure a triangular piece of land. Find its perimeter.

12. A motorbike and a car leave a service station at the same time. The motorbike travels on a bearing of 080c and the car travels for 15.7 km on a bearing of 108c until the bearing of the motorbike from the car is 310c. How far, correct to 1 decimal place, has the motorbike travelled? 13. A submarine is being followed by two ships, A and B, 3.8 km apart, with A due east of B. If A is on a bearing of 165c from the submarine and B is on a bearing of 205c from the submarine, nd the distance from the submarine to both ships. 14. A plane ies from Dubbo on a bearing of 139c for 852 km, then turns and ies on a bearing of 285cuntil it is due west of Dubbo. How far from Dubbo is the plane, to the nearest km? 15. A triangular roof is 16.8 m up to its peak, then 23.4 m on the other side with a 125c angle at the peak as shown. Find the length of the roof.

13.9 m 58 c1 l 11.4 m 14.3 m 132 c31 l

20. A light plane leaves Sydney and ies for 1280 km on a bearing of 050c. It then turns and ies for 3215 km on a bearing of 149c. How far is the plane from Sydney, to the nearest km? 21. Trapezium ABCD has AD ; BC, with AB = 4.6 cm, BC = 11.3 cm, CD = 6.4 cm, +DAC = 23c 30l and +ABC = 78c . (a) Find the length of AC. (b) Find +ADC to the nearest minute. 22. A plane leaves Adelaide and ies for 875 km on a bearing of 056c. It then turns and ies on a bearing of i for 630 km until it is due east of Adelaide. Evaluate i to the nearest degree.

125 c 16.8 m 23.4 m


Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course

23. Quadrilateral ABCD has AB = AD = 7.2 cm, BC = 8.9 cm and CD = 10.4 cm, with +DAB = 107c (a) Find the length of diagonal BD. (b) Find +BCD. 24. Stig leaves home and travels on a bearing of 248c for 109.8 km. He then turns and travels for 271.8 km on a bearing of 143c . Stig then turns and travels home on a bearing of a. (a) How far does he travel on the nal part of his journey? (b) Evaluate a.

25. A wall leans inwards and makes an angle of 88c with the oor. (a) A 4 m long ladder leans against the wall with its base 2.3 m out from the wall. Find the angle that the top of the ladder makes with the wall. (b) A longer ladder is placed the same distance out from the wall and its top makes an angle of 31c with the wall. (i) How long is this ladder? (ii) How much further does it reach up the wall than the rst ladder?

To nd the area of a triangle, you need to know its perpendicular height. Trigonometry allows us to nd this height in terms of one of the angles in the triangle.


1 ab sin C 2

Similarly, 1 ac sin B 2 1 A = bc sin A 2 A=

From D BCD, h sin C = a ` h = a sin C A= 1 bh 2 1 = ba sin C 2

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Find the area of D ABC correct to 2 decimal places.

To find the area, use 2 sides and their included angle.

A= 1 ab sin C 2 1 = (4.3) (5.8) sin 112c 34l 2 Z 11.52 units 2



Find the area of each triangle correct to 1 decimal place. (a)





Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course


Calculate the exact area of D ABC.

7. 3. Find the area of DOAB correct to 1 decimal place (O is the centre of the circle).

Find the area of a regular hexagon with sides 4 cm, to the nearest cm 2 . Calculate the area of a regular pentagon with sides 12 mm. The gure below is made from a rectangle and isosceles triangle with AE = AB as shown.
A 84c




Find the area of a parallelogram with sides 3.5 cm and 4.8 cm, and one of its internal angles 67c 13l, correct to 1 decimal place. Find the area of kite ABCD, correct to 3 signicant gures.

14.3 cm

10.5 cm


(a) Find the length of AE. (b) Find the area of the gure. 10. Given the following gure,
A 58c 9.4 cm


36c 6.7 cm


Find the area of the sail, correct to 1 decimal place.

(a) Find the length of AC (b) Find the area of triangle ACD (c) Find the area of triangle ABC.

Chapter 6 Trigonometry


Test Yourself 6
1. Find the exact value of cos i and sin i if 3 tan i = . 5 Simplify (a) sin x cot x cos 40c + sin 50c (b) cos 40c (c) 3. 1 + cot 2 A (b) 12. Evaluate x, correct to 2 signicant gures. (a)


Evaluate to 2 decimal places. (a) sin 39c 54l (b) tan 61c 30l (c) cos 19c 2l Find i to the nearest minute if (a) sin i = 0.72 (b) cos i = 0.286 5 (c) tan i = 7 Prove that 2 cos 2 i = 2 + 2 sin i. 1 - sin i 13. Evaluate i to the nearest minute. (a)


5. 6. 7.

Find the value of b if sin b = cos ] 2b - 30 g c . Find the exact value of (a) cos 315c (b) sin ] - 60c g (c) tan 120c



8. 9.

Solve 2 cos x = -1 for 0c # x # 360c. Sketch the graph of y = cos x, and hence solve cos x = 0 for 0c # x # 360c . 14. Find the area of triangle MNO.

10. A ship sails on a bearing of 215c from port until it is 100 km due south of port. How far does it sail, to the nearest km? 11. Find the length of AB as a surd.


Maths In Focus Mathematics Preliminary Course

15. Solve for -180c # x # 180c . 3 (a) sin 2 x = 4 1 (b) tan 2x = 3 2 (c) 3 tan x = tan x 5 16. If sec i = - and tan i 2 0, nd sin i 4 and cot i. 17. Jacquie walks south from home for 3.2 km, then turns and walks west for 1.8 km. What is the bearing, to the nearest degree, of (a) Jacquie from her home? (b) her home from where Jacquie is now? 18. The angle of elevation from point B to the top of a pole is 39c , and the angle of elevation from D, on the other side of the pole, is 42c. B and D are 20 m apart. (a) Find an expression for the length of AD. (b) Find the height of the pole, to 1 decimal place. 19. A plane ies from Orange for 1800 km on a bearing of 300c . It then turns and ies for 2500 km on a bearing of 205c . How far is the plane from Orange, to the nearest km?

Challenge Exercise 6
1. Two cars leave an intersection at the same time, one travelling at 70 km/h along one road and the other car travelling at 80 km/h along the other road. After 2 hours they are 218 km apart. At what angle, to the nearest minute, do the roads meet at the intersection? A ship sails from port on a bearing of 055c , then turns and sails on a bearing of 153c for 29.1 km, when it is due east of port. How far, to 1 decimal place, is the ship from its starting point? Evaluate x correct to 3 signicant gures. 5. A man walks 3.8 km on a bearing of 134c from a house. He then walks 2.9 km on a bearing of 029c . How far is he from the house, to 1 decimal place? 4. (a) Find an exact expression for the length of AC. (b) Hence, or otherwise, nd the value of h correct to 1 decimal place.



Chapter 6 Trigonometry


6. 7.

Simplify sin ] 360c - x g $ tan ] 90c- x g . Find the exact area of D ABC.

12. Solve 2 cos (i + 10c ) = - 1 for 0c # i # 360c. 13. Two roads meet at an angle of 74c . Find the distance, correct to 3 signicant gures, between two cars, one 6.3 km from the intersection along one road and the other 3.9 km along the other road. 14. Find the exact value of cos i, given 5 sin i = and cos i 1 0. 9

8. 9.

Find the exact value of cos (-315c) . Solve tan 2x - 1 = 0 for 0c # x # 360c .

10. Find i to the nearest minute.

15. From the top of a vertical pole the angle of depression to a man standing at the foot of the pole is 43c . On the other side of the pole is another man, and the angle of depression from the top of the pole to this man is 52c . The men are standing 58 m apart. Find the height of the pole, to the nearest metre. 16. Show that cos i ] sin i + cos i g = 1 + tan i. ] 1 + sin i g ] 1 - sin i g 17. If x = 3 sin i and y = 3 cos i - 2, eliminate i to nd an equation relating x and y.

11. The angle of depression from the top of a 4.5 m mast of a boat down to a sh is 56c 28l . How far down, to 1 decimal place, does a pelican sitting at the top of the mast need to y to catch the sh?

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