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Huntly Youth Development Programme

The Huntly Youth Development Programme will lay the foundation for a fun and healthy lifestyle in Cross Country Skiing. At Huntly Nordic Ski Club (HNSC) we use the Long Term Athletic Development model* (LTAD) as a guide in planning our sessions, and have adapted it to suit our particular environment. Objectives of the programme: Create a fun and exciting environment to ensure participants have an active lifestyle for life. Produce well rounded athletes and individuals whose efforts and improvements are recognised above results. Facilitate the aims and objectives of the National Governing Bodies. (BNDS, SNSC and BSS) Promote Huntly Nordic Ski Club and cross country skiing

The programme is progressive and has different objectives and expectations depending on the stage of development. These stages and suggested ages depending on ability are: Stage 1: Active Start (<5 years) Stage 2: FUNdamentals (5+ years) Stage 3: Learn to Train (11+ years) Stage 4: Train to Train (12 + years) Stage 5: Train to Compete (15 + years) Stage 6: Train to Win (18 + years) Stage 7: Active for Life (any age) Our programme is designed to cater for all stages of development. It is open to all youth age groups and there is no obligation to attend all activities at any stage. Progress through the varying stages is subject recommendation by a Club Coach and is determined on an individual basis taking into consideration: age, technical standard, physical ability and mindset. Volunteers Every activity run by HNSC relies on volunteers who have taken the clubs and sports interests to heart. We understand that volunteering can be intimidating for families who are new to HNSC but we need your help. You dont need any prior experience and we would like you to get involved as much as possible. If you are interested in helping out, please speak to one of the coaches.

*LTAD is a systematic approach to developing an athlete from beginner to lifelong participation and excellence. Further infor mation of LTAD relevant to Cross Country Skiing can be found here:

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Active Start We encourage all children to be active and start skiing at an early age. The best place to do this is within the family unit. HNSC open days are a good place for the while family to get started and become involved in the sport.

FUNdamentals The FUNdamentals stage of development is for all newcomers to the sport, regardless of age. Fun and learning through discovery play a key part. Basic skills in Classic and Skate techniques are taught. What we currently offer for this development stage: Junior Development Squad (JDS) (Jan - March) After school club (Oct - Easter) Kids club (Sep - Dec) Rollerski Club (Apr Jun)

Objectives for this stage of the programme: Introduce and develop sport specific skills through FUN activities and learning Develop cross-country skills through a progressive skills programme. Develop an active, healthy attitude for lifelong participation in outdoor winter sport. Create a positive team environment and build strong friendships HAVE FUN.

Equipment Needs: Most equipment at this stage of development can be provided by the club but we do recommend a number of items: Gloves. Suitable outdoor clothing.

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Learn to Train stage Entry to this stage is on Club Coaches recommendation and is generally around 11 years of age and JDS Red award. This Stage focuses on becoming technically competent while exploring a wide range of adventure based cross-country ski activities. Training is a concept that children are introduced to as part of practice, but it is important to note that participants are not invol ved with a training programme like the older athletes at HNSC What we currently offer for this development stage: Thursday evening club night (year round) Sunday morning training (May March) Junior Development Squad (Jan - March) After school club (Oct - Easter)

Objectives for this stage of the programme: Designed to teach age appropriate technique proficiency in skating and classic. A selection of dryland drills, ski walking and rollerskiing will help to develop technical skills in preparation for the winter. Strength is an important component of athletic competency at this age. A focus on general and core strength using body weight, swiss and medicine balls and a range of other exercises will help to teach proper motor control and lay the foundation for more advanced strength training in the future. Development and maintenance of flexibility is a key component of the programme throughout the year. Development of agility, quickness, and directional change will be developed through participation in a variety of activities and events. Create a positive team environment and build strong friendships. Keeping a focus on fun and play. This does not preclude participation in competitive events. We think racing can be part of a fun experience for children at this age.

Equipment Needs: Gloves Running shoes Helmet Sunglasses (protective eye wear for rollerskiing)

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Train to Train Stage-Part 1 Entry to this stage is on Club Coaches recommendation and generally around 12 years old and JDS Blue award. The main focus for this stage of development is to develop and refine the athletes skills. What we currently offer for this development stage: Thursday evening club night (year round) Sunday morning training (May March) Junior Development Squad (Jan - March, 8 sessions) External competitions, i.e. running races and triathlons Occasional training days out, i.e. going up Ben Rinnes, skiing on the beach

Objectives for this stage of Development: Emphasis on developing speed on and off skis/roller skis. Athletes will learn the basics of dryland training. Focus will be on running, ski walking and refinement of all skiing techniques. Aerobic training is an important factor in skiing, as well as developing healthy children. Promote teamwork and personal interaction skills, important for all children. Encourage everybody to participate in a wide range of sports, not just skiing. Ensuring that some skills are still being practised through games and different activities. Fitness testing will be introduced through tests such as 3km run, roller skiing and strength. Equipment Needs: 1 pair of classic skis and poles which are useable in Clashindarroch Forest. (alternatively, these can be hired from HNOC as and when required) Combi boots. Separate classic and skate boots are also an option. Rollerskiing will be in the programme and if you wish to purchase a pair of rollerskis please ask the coaches on recommended models. Running shoes Water Drink Belt Helmet Sunglasses (protective eye wear for rollerskiing) Gloves Helmet Basic heart rate monitor (optional, discuss models with coaches)

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Train to Train Stage-Part 2 Entry to this stage is on Club Coaches recommendation and generally around 13 years old + and JDS Purple award. This stage of development is designed to develop young athletes who wish to continue their development in the sport. Athletes should be prepared to do up to 250-450 hours of sport specific training during the season. Training programmes will either be written by BNDS coaches or in collaboration with BNDS. Athletes will be expected to arrive on time and be ready to start the session at the allotted time with all necessary equipment. They must come prepared mentally and physically to work hard and focus on the objectives of the session. We strongly encourage athletes to train together outside of the club sessions or with other groups but we do expect them to do at least two other training sessions a week. What we offer for this development stage: Thursday evening club night (year round) Sunday morning training (May March) Junior Development Squad (Jan - March) External competitions, i.e. running races and triathlons Occasional training days out, i.e. going up Ben Rinnes, skiing on the beach Tuesday after school training, TBC (Oct Easter)

Objectives for this stage of the programme: Emphasis on developing speed on and off skis/roller skis. Refinement of all ski techniques through focus on performance related technique changes (tempo, efficiency and explosiveness) Continue to develop a more sound understanding of sport specific nutrition. Emphasise flexibility due to growth spurts (and generally decreasing flexibility with age); more frequent stretching is required to prevent damage to muscles and tendons. Participate in strength training once a week. Introduce and use goal-setting skills in conjunction with training and racing. Continue to promote teamwork and personal interaction skills. Emphasise that to be successful you need the support of teammates, parents and coaches. Fitness testing will be introduced through tests such as 3km run, roller skiing and strength. Using video analysis during and after training/races. Introduce training diaries and online recording of them. (ilog, polartrainer)

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Equipment Needs: 1 pair of skate and 1 pair of classic skis. 1 pair skate poles and 1 pair classic poles which need to have some percentage of carbon fibre in them because athletes become too strong and bend lower grade poles. Classic and skate boots. It is highly recommended you purchase one pair of skate rollerskis. Drink Belt Helmet Appropriate training clothes Running Shoes Sunglasses (protective eye wear for rollerskiing) Road bike (recommended) Heart rate monitor (Needs lap time function, ideally downloadable) Gloves Helmet

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Train to Compete Designed for 15yrs+ who want to pursue racing and cross country skiing more seriously. Individuals must be prepared to train 450+ hours in a season. Athletes have to be prepared to follow their training programme and train 5days+ a week throughout the season. We would aim to help athletes achieve the qualification standards required to qualify for the British Youth Squad and British Youth Team. Athletes will be expected to arrive on time and ready to start the session at the allotted time with all necessary equipment. They must come prepared mentally and physically to work hard and focus on the objectives of the session.

What we offer for this development stage: Thursday evening club night (year round) Sunday morning training (May March) Junior Development Squad (Jan - March) External competitions, i.e. running races and triathlons Occasional training days out, i.e. going up Ben Rinnes, skiing on the beach Tuesday after school training, TBC (Oct Easter)

Objectives for this stage of development: Emphasis on developing speed on and off skis/roller skis. Refinement of all ski techniques including improvement of technique efficiency with a high degree of fatigue. Weekly strength training sessions. Promote personal responsibility in performance and involvement in decision making. Fitness testing will also be a regular part of the plan. Refine tactical skills and test various strategies More advanced nutritional information to understand the different nutritional need of athletes and training periods. Continues contact with club and national coaches on training programmes and progress of performance. Using video analysis during and after training/races.

Equipment Needs: At least 2 pair of skate and 2 pair of classic skis. 1 pair skate poles and 1 pair classic poles which need to be carbon. Classic and skate boots. Classic and Skate rollerskis Drink belt
HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

Helmet Running shoes Sunglasses (protective eye wear for rollerskiing) Road bike Appropriate training clothes Heart rate monitor (needs functions: lap, avg bpm, max bpm, downloadable) Online training diary Gloves

Active for Life Not everyone wants to pursue a competitive pathway. HNSC run a range of activities to keep people skiing and provide opportunities to improve technique. Older youths may become involved in assisting with sessions and embark upon a coaching pathway. What we offer: Thursday evening club night (year round) Junior Development Squad (January-March) HNSC Open Days Ski Orienteering (seasonal) Ski Tours (seasonal) Coaching Pathway

HNSC = Huntly Nordic Ski Club SnSc = Snowsport Scotland HNOC = Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre

BNDS = British Nordic Development Squad BSS = British Ski & Snowboard JDS = Junior Development Squad

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