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Software Testing Laboratory



Subject Code: 10ISL68 Hours/Week: 03 03 Total Hours: 42 50 Exam Marks: 25 I.A. Marks: Exam Hours:

1. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Derive test cases for your program based on decision-table approach, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 2. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Assume that the upper limit for the size of any side is 10. Derive test cases for your program based on boundary- value analysis, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 3. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Assume that the upper limit for the size of any side is 10. Derive test cases for your program based on equivalence class partitioning, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 4. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of dataflow testing, derive different test cases,

execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 5. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to Solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of
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Boundary value testing, derives different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 6. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of equivalence class testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 7. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of decision table-based testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 8. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the binary search algorithm. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 9. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the quicksort algorithm. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. discuss the test results. 10. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement an absolute letter grading procedure, making suitable assumptions. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 11. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the NextDate function. Analyze it from the perspective of boundary value testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 12. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the NextDate function. Analyze it from the perspective of equivalence class value testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results.

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1. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Derive test cases for your program based on decision-table approach, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 1.1 REQUIREMENTS: R1. The system should accept 3 positive integer numbers (a, b, c) which represents 3 sides of the triangle. Based on the input it should determine if a triangle can be formed or not. R2. If the requirement R1 is satisfied then the system should determine the type of the triangle, which can be Equilateral (i.e. all the three sides are equal) Isosceles (i.e Two sides are equal) Scalene (i.e All the three sides are unequal) else suitable error message should be displayed. Here we assume that user gives three positive integer numbers as input. 1.2 DESIGN: From the given requirements we can draw the following conditions: C1: a<b+c? C2: b<a+c? C3: c<a+b? C4: a=b? C5: a=c? C6: b=c? According to the property of the triangle, if any one of the three conditions C1, C2 and C3 are not satisfied then triangle cannot be constructed. So only when C1, C2 and C3 are true the triangle can be formed, then depending on conditions C4, C5 and C6 we can decide what type of triangle will be formed. (i.e requirement R2). ALGORITH M: Step 1: Input a, b & c i.e three integer values which represent three sides of the triangle. Step 2: if (a < (b + c)) and (b < (a + c)) and (c <

(a + b) then do step 3 else

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print not a triangle. do step 6. Step 3: if (a=b) and (b=c) then Print triangle formed is equilateral. do step 6. Step 4: if (a b) and (a c) and (b c) then Print triangle formed is scalene. do step 6. Step 5: Print triangle formed is Isosceles. Step 6: stop 1.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> int main() { int a, b, c; clrscr(); printf("Enter three sides of the triangle"); scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c); if((a<b+c)&&(b<a+c)&&(c<a+b)) { if((a==b)&&(b==c)) { printf("Equilateral triangle"); } else if((a!=b)&&(a!=c)&&(b!=c)) { printf("Scalene triangle"); } else printf("Isosceles triangle"); } else {
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printf("triangle cannot be formed"); } getch(); return 0; } 1.4 TESTING: Technique Used: Decision Table Approach Decision Table-Based Testing has been around since the early 1960s; it is used to depict complex logical relationships between input data. A Decision Table is the method used to build a complete set of test cases without using the internal structure of the program in question. In order to create test cases we use a table to contain the input and output values of a program. The decision table is as given below: Condition Entries (Rules) Conditions R R R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 10 11 C1: a<b+c? F T T T T T T T T T T C2: b<a+c? -F T T T T T T T T T C3: c<a+b? --F T T T T T T T T C4: a=b? ---F T T T F F F T C5: a=c? ---T F T F T F F T C6: b=c? ---T T F F F T F T Actions Action Entries a1: Not a X X X Triangle a2: Scalene X a3: Isosceles X X X a4: X Equilateral a5: X X X Impossible The -- symbol in the table indicates dont care values. The table shows the six conditions and 5 actions. All the conditions in the decision table are binary; hence, it is called as Limited Entry decision table.

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Each column of the decision table represents a test case. That is, The table is read as follows: Action: Not a Triangle 1. When condition C1 is false we can say that with the given a b and c values, its triangle. Not a

2. Similarly condition C2 and C3, if any one of them are false, we can say that with the given a b and c values its Not a triangle. Action: Impossible 3. When conditions C1, C2, C3 are true and two conditions among C4, C5, C6 is true, there is no chance of one conditions among C4, C5, C6 failing. So we can neglect these rules. Example: if condition C4: a=b is true and C5: a=c is true Then it is impossible, that condition C6: b=c will fail, so the action is Impossibl e. Action: Isosceles 4. When conditions C1, C2, C3 are true and any one condition among C4, C5 and C6 is true with false then action is Isosceles triangle. Example: If condition C4: a=b is true and C5: a=c and C6: b=c are false, it means two sides are equal. So the action will be Isosceles triangle. Action: Equilateral 5. When conditions C1, C2, C3 are true and also conditions C4, C5 and C6 are true then, the action is Equilateral triangle. Action: Scalene 6. When conditions C1, C2, C3 are true and conditions C4, C5 and C6 are false i.e sides a, b and c are different, then action is Scalene triangle. remaining two conditions

Number of Test Cases = Number of Rules.

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Using the decision table we obtain 11 functional test cases: 3 impossible cases, 3 ways of failing the triangle property, 1 way to get an equilateral triangle, 1 way to get a scalene triangle, and 3 ways to get an isosceles triangle. Deriving test cases using Decision Table Approach: Test Cases: TC Test Case ID Descripti Testing 1 Requirement 1 Testing 2 Requirement 1 Testing 3 Requirement 1 Testing 4 Requirement 2 Testing 5 Requirement 2 Testing 6 Requirement 2 Testing 7 Requirement 2 Testing 8 Requirement 2 Expecte d Outpu a Not Triangle Not a Triangle Not a Triangle Equilateral Isosceles Isosceles Isosceles Scalene Actual Output

a for for for for for for for for 4 1 1 5 2 2 3 3

B 1 4 2 5 2 3 2 4

c 2 2 4 5 3 2 2 5


1.5 EXECUTION & RESULT DISCUSION Execute the program against the designed test cases and complete the table for Actual output column and status column. Test Report: 1. No of TCs Executed: 08 2. No of Defects Raised: 3. No of TCs Pass:
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4. No of TCs Failed: The decision table technique is indicated for applications characterised by any of the following: Prominent if-then-else logic Logical relationships among input variables Calculations involving subsets of the input variables Cause-and-effect relationship between inputs and outputs The decision table-based testing works well for triangle problem because a lot of decision making i.e if-then-else logic takes place. 1.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Output screen of Triangle cannot be formed

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2. Output screen of Equilateral and Isosceles Triangle.

3. Output screen for Scalene Triangle

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1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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2. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Assume that the upper limit for the size of any side is 10. Derive test cases for your program based on boundaryvalue analysis, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 2.1 REQUIREMENTS R1. The system should accept 3 positive integer numbers (a, b, c) which represents 3 sides of the triangle. R2. Based on the input should determine if a triangle can be formed or not. R3. If the requirement R2 is satisfied then the system should determine the type of the triangle, which can be Equilateral (i.e. all the three sides are equal) Isosceles (i.e Two sides are equal) Scalene (i.e All the three sides are unequal) R4. Upper Limit for the size of any side is 10 2.2 DESIGN ALGORITH M: Step 1: Input a, b & c i.e three integer values which represent three sides of the triangle. Step 2: if (a < (b + c)) and (b < (a + c)) and (c < (a + b) then do step 3 else print not a triangle. do step 6. Step 3: if (a=b) and (b=c) then Print triangle formed is equilateral. do step 6. Step 4: if (a b) and (a c) and (b c) then Print triangle formed is scalene. do step 6.

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Step 5: Print triangle formed is Isosceles. Step 6: stop 2.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> int main() { int a, b, c; clrscr(); printf("Enter three sides of the triangle"); scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c); if((a > 10) || (b > 10) || (c > 10)) { printf("Out of range"); getch(); exit(0); } if((a<b+c)&&(b<a+c)&&(c<a+b)) { if((a==b)&&(b==c)) { printf("Equilateral triangle"); } else if((a!=b)&&(a!=c)&&(b!=c)) { printf("Scalene triangle"); } els e printf("Isosceles triangle"); } els e
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{ printf("triangle cannot be formed"); } getch(); return 0; } 2.4 TESTING 1. Technique used: Boundary value analysis 2. Test Case design For BVA problem the test cases can be generation depends on the output and the constraints on the output. Here we least worried on the constraints on Input domain. The Triangle problem takes 3 sides as input and checks it for validity, hence n = 3. Since BVA yields (4n + 1) test cases according to single fault assumption theory, hence we can say that the total number of test cases will be (4*3+1) =12+1=13. The maximum limit of each sides a, b, and c of the triangle is 10 units according to requirement R4. So a, b and c lies between 0a 10 0b 10 0c 10 Equivalence classes for a: E1: Values less than 1. E2: Values in the range. E3: Values greater than 10.

Equivalence classes for b: E4: Values less than 1.

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E5: Values in the range. E6: Values greater than 10. Equivalence classes for c: E7: Values less than 1. E8: Values in the range. E9: Values greater than 10. From the above equivalence classes we can derive the following test cases using boundary value analysis approach. TC Id 1 2 3 4 5 Test Case For A input is not given For B input is not given For C input is not given Input of C is in negative(-) Two sides are Input Data Expected Actual Output Output A b C X 3 6 Not a Triangle 5 4 5 5 X 7 5 5 4 X -1 1 Not a Triangle Not a Triangle Not a Triangle Isosceles Status

6 7

same one side is given different input All Sides of 5 inputs are Twoequal sides are 5 same one side is given different input The input of C is out of range (i.e., range is 5

5 5

5 9

Equilateral Isosceles

10 Not a Triangle

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Two sides are 5 same one side is given different input (i.e., A & are C 5 Two sides same one side is given different input (i.e., A & are C 5 Two sides same one side is given different input (i.e., A & are C 5 Two sides same one side is given different input (i.e., A & C are 5, B=10 so, it isout of sides givenare 1 Two same one side is given different input (i.e., B & are C 2 Two sides same one side is given different input (i.e., B & are C 9 Two sides same one side is







10 5

Not a Triangle






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given different input (i.e., B Two sides are 10 5 same one side is given different input (i.e., B & C are 5, A=10, so the given Table-1: Test case for Triangle Problem 2.5 EXECUTION: Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column Test Report: 1. No of TCs Executed: 2. No of Defects Raised: 3. No of TCs Pass: 4. No of TCs Failed:


Not a Triangle

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2.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot of Isosceles and Equilateral triangle and triangle can not be formed.

2. Snapshot for Isosceles and triangle cannot be formed

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3. Snapshot for Isosceles and triangle cannot be formed

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4. Output screen for Triangle cannot be formed

2.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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3. Design and develop a program in a language of your choice to solve the triangle problem defined as follows: Accept three integers which are supposed to be the three sides of a triangle and determine if the three values represent an equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, or they do not form a triangle at all. Assume that the upper limit for the size of any side is 10. Derive test cases for your program based on equivalence class partitioning, execute the test cases and discuss the results. 3.1 REQUIREMENTS R1. The system should accept 3 positive integer numbers (a, b, c) which represents 3 sides of the triangle. R2. Based on the input should determine if a triangle can be formed or not. R3. If the requirement R2 is satisfied then the system should determine the type of the triangle, which can be Equilateral (i.e. all the three sides are equal) Isosceles (i.e. two sides are equal) Scalene (i.e. All the three sides are unequal) R4. Upper Limit for the size of any side is 10 3.2 DESIGN Form the given requirements we can draw the following conditions: C1: a<b+c? C2: b<a+c? C3: c<a+b? C4: a=b? C5: a=c? C6: b=c? According to the property of the triangle, if any one of the three conditions C1, C2 and C3 are not satisfied then triangle cannot be constructed. So only when C1, C2 and C3 are true

the triangle can be formed, then depending on conditions C4, C5 and C6 we can decide what type of triangle will be formed. (i.e requirement R3).

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ALGORITHM: Step 1: Input a, b & c i.e three integer values which represent three sides of the triangle. Step 2: if (a < (b + c)) and (b < (a + c)) and (c < (a + b) then do step 3 else print not a triangle. do step 6. Step 3: if (a=b) and (b=c) then Print triangle formed is equilateral. do step 6. Step 4: if (a b) and (a c) and (b c) then Print triangle formed is scalene. do step 6. Step 5: Print triangle formed is Isosceles. Step 6: stop 3.3 PROGRAM CODE #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> int main() { int a, b, c; clrscr(); printf("Enter three sides of the triangle"); scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c); if((a > 10) || (b > 10) || (c > 10)) { printf("Out of range"); getch(); exit(0); } if((a<b+c)&&(b<a+c)&&(c<a+b)) {
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if((a==b)&&(b==c)) { printf("Equilateral triangle"); } else if((a!=b)&&(a!=c)&&(b!=c)) { printf("Scalene triangle"); } els e printf("Isosceles triangle"); } els e { printf("triangle cannot be formed"); } getch(); return 0; } 3.4 TESTING 1. Technique used: Equivalence class partitioning 2. Test Case design Equivalence class partitioning technique focus on the Input domain, we can obtain a richer set of test cases. What are some of the possibilities for the three integers, a, b, and c? They can all be equal, exactly one pair can be equal. The maximum limit of each side a, b, and c of the triangle is 10 units according to requirement R4. So a, b and c lies between 0a 10 0b 10 0c 10

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First Attempt Weak normal equivalence class: In the problem statement, we note that four possible outputs can occur: Not a Triangle, Scalene, Isosceles and Equilateral. We can use these to identify output (range) equivalence classes as follows: R1= {<a,b,c>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is equilateral} R2= {<a,b,c>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is isosceles} R3= {<a,b,c>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is scalene} R4= {<a,b,c>: sides a, b, and c do not form a triangle} Four weak normal equivalence class test cases, chosen arbitrarily from each class, and invalid values for weak robust equivalence class test cases are as follows.

TC Test Id Case 1 WN1 2 3 4 5 WN2 WN3 WN4 WR1

Input Data Expected Output a 5 2 3 4 -1 b 5 2 4 1 5 c 5 3 5 2 5 Equilateral Isosceles Scalene Not a Triangle Value of a is not the range of permitted values of b is not Value the range of permitted values of c is not Value the range of permitted values of a is not Value the range of permitted values in

Actual Output

Statu s








11 5


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Software Testing Laboratory 9 WR5 5 11 5 Value of b is not in the range of permitted Value of c is not in the range of permitted values





Table-1: Weak Normal and Weak Robust Test case for Triangle Problem Second attempt The strong normal equivalence class test cases can be generated by using following possibilities: D1 = {<a, b, c>: a=b=c} D2 = {<a, b, c>: a=b, a c} D3= {<a, b, c>: a=c, a b} D4 = {<a, b, c>: b=c, a b} D5 = {<a, b, c>: a b, a c, b c} D6 = {<a, b, c>: a b+ c} D7 = {<a, b, c>: b a+ c} D8 = {<a, b, c>: c a+ b}
TC Test Input Data Expected Output Actual Id Output a b c Case Descripti 1 SR1 -1 5 5 Value of a is not in the range of permitted values of b is not in 2 SR 2 5 -1 5 Value the range of permitted values of c is not in 3 SR3 5 5 -1 Value the range of permitted values Statu s




Value of a, b is not in the range of permitted values Page

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Software Testing Laboratory 5 SR5 5 -1 -1 Value of b, c is not in the range of permitted Value of a, c is not in the range of permitted values Value of a, b, c is not in the range of permitted values









Table-2: Strong Robust Test case for Triangle Problem

3.5 EXECUTION: Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 and Table-2 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column Test Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. No No No No of of of of TCs Executed: Defects Raised: TCs Pass: TCs Failed:

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3.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot of Equilateral. Isosceles and scalene triangle.

2. Snapshot for Triangle cannot be formed

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3. Snapshot for the given range is Out of range and Triangle cannot be formed.

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3.7 REFERENCES 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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4. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of dataflow testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 4.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Problem Definition: The Commission Problem includes a salesperson in the former Arizona Territory sold rifle locks, stocks and barrels made by a gunsmith in Missouri. Cost includes Locks$45 Stocks$30 Barrels$25 The salesperson had to sell at least one complete rifle per month and production limits were such that the most the salesperson could sell in a month was 70 locks, 80 stocks and 90 barrels. After each town visit, the sales person sent a telegram to the Missouri gunsmith with the number of locks, stocks and barrels sold in the town. At the end of the month, the salesperson sent a very short telegram showing -1 lock sold. The gunsmith then knew the sales for the month were complete and computed the salespersons commission as follows: On sales up to(and including) $1000= 10% On the sales up to(and includes) $1800= 15% On the sales in excess of $1800= 20% The commission program produces a monthly sales report that gave the total number of locks, stocks and barrels sold, the salespersons total dollar sales and finally the commission 4.2 DESIGN Algorith

m STEP 1: Define barrelPrice=25.0 STEP2: locks Input lockPrice=45.0, stockPrice=30.0,

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STEP3: while(locks!=-1) input device uses -1 to indicate end of data goto STEP 12 STEP4:input (stocks, barrels) STEP5: compute lockSales, stockSales, barrelSales and sales STEP6: output(Total sales: sales) STEP7: if (sales > 1800.0) goto STEP 8 else goto STEP 9 STEP8: commission=0.10*1000.0; commission=commission+0.15 * 800.0; commission = commission + 0.20 * (sales1800.0) STEP9: if (sales > 1000.0) goto STEP 10 else goto STEP 11 STEP10: commission=0.10* 1000.0; commission=commission + 0.15 * (sales-1000.0) STEP11: Output(Commission is $, commission) STEP12: exit 4.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int locks, stocks, barrels, t_sales, flag = 0; float commission; clrscr(); printf("Enter the total number of locks"); scanf("%d",&locks); if ((locks <= 0) || (locks > 70)) { flag = 1; }

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printf("Enter the total number of stocks"); scanf("%d",&stocks); if ((stocks <= 0) || (stocks > 80)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of barrelss"); scanf("%d",&barrels); if ((barrels <= 0) || (barrels > 90)) { flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) { printf("invalid input"); getch(); exit(0); } t_sales = (locks * 45) + (stocks * 30) + (barrels * 25); if (t_sales <= 1000) { commission = 0.10 * t_sales; } else if (t_sales < 1800) { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * (t_sales - 1000)); } els e { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * 800); commission = commission + (0.20 * (t_sales - 1800)); }
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printf("The total sales %f",t_sales, commission); getch(); return; }







4.4 TESTING TECHNIQUE: DATAFLOW TESTING A structural testing technique Aims to execute sub-paths from points where each variable is defined to points where it is referenced. These sub-paths are called definition-use pairs, or du-pairs (du-paths, du-chains) Data flow testing is centred on variables (data) Data flow testing follows the sequences of events related to a given data item with the objective to detect incorrect sequences It explores the effect of using the value produced by every and each computation. Variable definition Occurrences of a variable where a variable is given a new value (assignment, input by the user, input from a file, etc.) Variable DECLARATION is NOT its definition !!! Variable uses Occurences of a variable where a variable is not given a new value (variable DECLARATION is NOT its use) p-uses (predicate uses) Occur in the predicate portion of a decision statement such as if-then-else, while-do etc. c-uses (computation uses) All others, including variable occurrences in the right hand side of an assignment statement, or an output statement
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du-path: A sub-path from a variable definition to its use. Test case definitions based on four groups of coverage All definitions. All c-uses. All p-uses. All du-paths. DATA FLOW TESTING: KEY STEPS Given a code (program or pseudo-code). 1. Number the lines. 2. List the variables. 3. List occurrences & assign a category to each variable. 4. Identify du-pairs and their use (p- or c- ). 5. Define test cases, depending on the required coverage. line Definition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 locks, stocks, 10 barrels 11 12 Flag 13 14 15 16 17
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catogar y cuse


locks, stocks, barrels


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18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 t_sales commission locks, stocks, barrels t_sales t_sales t_sales commission commission commission, t_sales

commission commission commission

commission commission, t_sales commission

Fig: list occurrences & assign a category to each variable

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definition - use pair start line end line 910 910 910 920 920 920 1214 2021 2023 2025 2028 2034 2336 2728 2836 3233 3334 3436


variables ()

lock s stock s barrel s t_sale s t_sale s t_sale s commission commission commission commission commission commission Fig: define test cases

puse locks stock s barrel s

flag t_sale s t_sale s

TEST CASES BASED ON ALL DEFINITION To achieve 100% All-definitions data flow coverage at least one subpath from each variable definition to some use of that definition (either c- or puse) must be executed. Input Expected s outputcommi locks stock barrel t_sale sub s s s ss 9,10,20 10 10 10 1000 910 5 -1 -1 40 22 45 Invalid Input Invalid Input
Page 35

Variable( s) locks, stocks , barrel locks, stocks , barrel Flag

dupai 920 910

1214 1214

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t_sales t_sales commissio n commissio n commissio n

2021 2025 2336 2736 3236

20,21 20,21,2 5 2336 27,28,3 6 32,33,3 4, 36

5 15 5 15 25

5 15 5 15 25

5 15 5 15 25

500 1500 50 175 360

4.5 EXECUTION Execute the program and test the test cases in above Tables against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column 4.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot for Total sales and commission when total sales are within 1000 and Invalid input

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2. Invalid Input and Total sales and commission when total sales are within 1000

3. Snapshot for for Total sales and commission when total sales are within 1800 and to find out the total commission 360

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4. Snapshot for total sales and commission

4.7 REFERENCES 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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5. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of boundary value testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 5.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Problem Definition: The Commission Problem includes a salesperson in the former Arizona Territory sold rifle locks, stocks and barrels made by a gunsmith in Missouri. Cost includes Locks$45 Stocks$30 Barrels$25 The salesperson had to sell at least one complete rifle per month and production limits were such that the most the salesperson could sell in a month was 70 locks, 80 stocks and 90 barrels. After each town visit, the sales person sent a telegram to the Missouri gunsmith with the number of locks, stocks and barrels sold in the town. At the end of the month, the salesperson sent a very short telegram showing --1 lock sold. The gunsmith then knew the sales for the month were complete and computed the salespersons commission as follows: On sales up to(and including) $1000= 10% On the sales up to(and includes) $1800= 15% On the sales in excess of $1800= 20% The commission program produces a monthly sales report that gave the total number of locks, stocks and barrels sold, the salespersons total dollar sales and finally the commission 5.2 DESIGN Algorith

m STEP 1: Define lockPrice=45.0, stockPrice=30.0, barrelPrice=25.0

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STEP2: Input locks STEP3: while(locks!=-1) input device uses -1 to indicate end of data goto STEP 12 STEP4:input (stocks, barrels) STEP5: compute lockSales, stockSales, barrelSales and sales STEP6: output(Total sales: sales) STEP7: if (sales > 1800.0) goto STEP 8 else goto STEP 9 STEP8: commission=0.10*1000.0; commission=commission+0.15 800.0; commission = commission + 0.20 * (sales1800.0) STEP9: if (sales > 1000.0) goto STEP 10 else goto STEP 11 STEP10: commission=0.10* 1000.0; commission=commission + 0.15 * (sales-1000.0) STEP11: Output(Commission is $, commission) STEP12: exit 5.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int locks, stocks, barrels, t_sales, flag = 0; float commission; clrscr(); printf("Enter the total number of locks"); scanf("%d",&locks); if ((locks <= 0) || (locks > 70)) { flag = 1;
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} printf("Enter the total number of stocks"); scanf("%d",&stocks); if ((stocks <= 0) || (stocks > 80)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of barrelss"); scanf("%d",&barrels); if ((barrels <= 0) || (barrels > 90)) { flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) { printf("invalid input"); getch(); exit(0); } t_sales = (locks * 45) + (stocks * 30) + (barrels * 25); if (t_sales <= 1000) { commission = 0.10 * t_sales; } else if (t_sales < 1800) { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * (t_sales - 1000)); } els e { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * 800); commission = commission + (0.20 * (t_sales - 1800));
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} printf("The total sales %f",t_sales, commission); getch(); return; } 5.4 TESTING







Technique used: Boundary value analysis Boundary value analysis testing technique is used to identify errors at boundaries rather than finding those exist in center of input domain. Boundary value analysis is a next part of Equivalence partitioning for designing test cases where test cases are selected at the edges of the equivalence classes. BVA: Procedure 1. Partition the input domain using unidimensional partitioning. This leads to as many partitions as there are input variables. Alternately, a single partition of an input domain can be created using multidimensional partitioning. We will generate several subdomains in this step. 2. Identify the boundaries for each partition. Boundaries may also be identified using special relationships amongst the inputs. 3. Select test data such that each boundary value occurs in at least one test input. 4. BVA: Example: Create equivalence classes Assuming that an item code must be in the range 99...999 and quantity in the range 1...100, Equivalence classes for code: E1: Values less than 99. E2: Values in the range.

E3: Values greater than 999. Equivalence classes for qty:

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E4: Values less than 1. E5: Values in the range. E6: Values greater than 100. BVA: Example: Identify boundaries

Equivalence classes and boundaries for findPrice. Boundaries are indicated with an x. Points near the boundary are marked *. Test design Case

The Commission Problem takes locks, stocks and barrels as input and checks it for validity. If it is valid, it returns the commission as its output. Here we have three inputs for the program, hence n = 3. Since BVA yields 1) test cases according to fault (4n + single assumption theory, hence we can say that the total number of test cases will be (4*3+1) =12+1=13. The boundary value test cases can be output by generated over using following constraints and these constraints are generated over commission: C1: Sales up to(and including) $1000= 10% commission C2: Sales up to(and includes) $1800= 15% commission C3: Sales in excess of $1800= 20% commission Here from these constraints we can extract the test cases using

the values of Locks, Stocks, and Barrels sold in month. The boundary values for commission are 10%, 15% and 20%.
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Equivalence classes for 10% Commission: E1: Sales less than 1000. E2: Sales equals to 1000. Equivalence classes for 15% Commission: E3: Sales greater than 1000 and less than 1800. E4: Sales equals to 1800 Equivalence classes for 20% Commission: E5: Sales greater then 1800 From the above equivalence classes we can derive the following test cases using boundary value analysis approach.

TC Id 1

Test Case Description Input test cases for Locks=1, Stocks=1, Barrels=1 Input test cases for Locks=1, Stocks=1, Barrels=2 Input test cases for Locks=1, Stocks=2, Barrels=1 Input test cases for Locks=2, Stocks=1, Barrels=1 Input test cases for Locks=5, Stocks=5, Barrels=5 Input test cases for Locks=10, Stocks=10,

Input Data Locks Stocks Barrels 1 1 1

Sales 100

Expected Output(Commission) 10

Actual Status Output













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Software Testing Laboratory Barrels=9 Input test cases for Locks=10, Stocks=9, Barrels=10 Input test cases for Locks=9, Stocks=10, Barrels=10 Input test cases for Locks=10, Stocks=10, Barrels=10 Input test cases for Locks=10, Stocks=10, Barrels=11 Input test cases for Locks=10, Stocks=11, Barrels=10 Input test cases for Locks=11, Stocks=10, Barrels=10 Input test cases for Locks=14, Stocks=14, Barrels=13 Input test cases for Locks=18, Stocks=18, Barrels=17 Input test cases for Locks=18, Stocks=17, Barrels=18 Input test cases for Locks=17, Stocks=18,

























































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Table-1: BVB Test case for Commission Problem

This is how we can apply BVA technique to create test cases for our Commission Problem. 5.5 EXECUTIONS Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column TEST REPORT: 1. 2. 3. 4. No No No No of of of of TCs Executed: Defects Raised: TCs Pass: TCs Failed:

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5.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot for valid inputs

2. Snapshots when the two inputs are same

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3. Snapshots when the two inputs and all the inputs are same

5.7 REFERENCES 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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6. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of equivalence class testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 6.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Problem Definition: The Commission Problem includes a salesperson in the former Arizona Territory sold rifle locks, stocks and barrels made by a gunsmith in Missouri. Cost includes Locks- $45 Stocks- $30 Barrels- $25 The salesperson had to sell at least one complete rifle per month and production limits were such that the most the salesperson could sell in a month was 70 locks, 80 stocks and 90 barrels. After each town visit, the sales person sent a telegram to the Missouri gunsmith with the number of locks, stocks and barrels sold in the town. At the end of the month, the salesperson sent a very short telegram showing --1 lock sold. The gunsmith then knew the sales for the month were complete and computed the salespersons commission as follows: On sales up to(and including) $1000= 10% On the sales up to(and includes) $1800= 15% On the sales in excess of $1800= 20% The commission program produces a monthly sales report that gave the total number of locks, stocks and barrels sold, the salespersons total dollar sales and finally the commission 6.2 DESIGN Algorith m STEP 1: Define lockPrice=45.0, stockPrice=30.0, barrelPrice=25.0

STEP2: Input locks

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STEP3: while(locks!=-1) input device uses -1 to indicate end of data goto STEP 12 STEP4:input (stocks, barrels) STEP5: compute lockSales, stockSales, barrelSales and sales STEP6: output(Total sales: sales) STEP7: if (sales > 1800.0) goto STEP 8 else goto STEP 9 STEP8: commission=0.10*1000.0; commission=commission+0.15 * 800.0; commission = commission + 0.20 * (sales1800.0) STEP9: if (sales > 1000.0) goto STEP 10 else goto STEP 11 STEP10: commission=0.10* 1000.0; commission=commission + 0.15 * (sales-1000.0) STEP11: Output(Commission is $, commission) STEP12: exit 6.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int locks, stocks, barrels, t_sales, flag = 0; float commission; clrscr(); printf("Enter the total number of locks"); scanf("%d",&locks); if ((locks <= 0) || (locks > 70)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of stocks");

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scanf("%d",&stocks); if ((stocks <= 0) || (stocks > 80)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of barrelss"); scanf("%d",&barrels); if ((barrels <= 0) || (barrels > 90)) { flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) { printf("invalid input"); getch(); exit(0); } t_sales = (locks * 45) + (stocks * 30) + (barrels * 25); if (t_sales <= 1000) { commission = 0.10 * t_sales; } else if (t_sales < 1800) { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * (t_sales - 1000)); } els e { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * 800); commission = commission + (0.20 * (t_sales - 1800)); }

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printf("The total sales %f",t_sales, commission); getch(); return; }







Technique used: Class testing Equivalence

Test selection using equivalence partitioning allows a tester to subdivide the input domain into a relatively small number of sub-domains, say N>1, as shown.

In strict mathematical terms, the sub-domains by definition are disjoint. The four subsets shown in (a) constitute a partition of the input domain while the subsets in (b) are not. Each subset is known as an equivalence class. Exampl e: Consider an application A that takes an integer denoted by age as input. Let us suppose that the only legal values of age are in the range [1..120]. The set of input values is now divided into a set E containing all integers in the range [1..120] and a set U containing the remaining integers.

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Further, assume that the application is required to process all values in the range [1..61] in accordance with requirement R1 and those in the range [62..120] according to requirement R2. Thus E is further subdivided into two regions depending on the expected behavior. Similarly, it is expected that all invalid inputs less than or equal to 1 are to be treated in one way while all greater than 120 are to be treated differently. This leads to a subdivision of U into two categories.

>12 00

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Tests selected using the equivalence partitioning technique aim at targeting faults in the application under test with respect to inputs in any of the four regions, i.e. two regions containing expected inputs and two regions containing the unexpected inputs. It is expected that any single test selected from the range [1...61] will reveal any fault with respect to R1. Similarly, any test selected from the region [62...120] will reveal any fault with respect to R2. A similar expectation applies to the two regions containing the unexpected inputs. TEST DESIGN CASE

The input domain of the commission problem is naturally partitioned by the limits on locks, stocks and barrels. These equivalence classes are exactly those that would also be identified by traditional equivalence class testing. The first class is the valid input; the other two are invalid. The input domain equivalence classes lead to very unsatisfactory sets of test cases. Equivalence classes defined on the output range of the commission function will be an improvement. The valid classes of the input variables are: L1 = {locks: 1locks70} L2 = {locks = -1} (occurs if locks = -1 is used to control input iteration) S1 = {stocks:1stocks80} B1 = {barrels: 1barrels90} The corresponding invalid classes of the input variables are: L3 = {locks: locks = 0 OR locks < -1} L4 = {locks: locks > 70} S2 = {stocks: stocks<1} S3 = { stocks: stocks>80}

B2 ={barrels: barrels<1} B3 ={ barrels: barrels>90}

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One problem occurs, however. The variables lock are also used as a sentinel to indicate no more telegrams. When a value of -1 is given for locks, the while loop terminates, and the values of totallocks, totalstocks and totalbarrels are used to compute sales, and then commission. Expect for the names of the variables and the interval endpoint values, this is identical to our first version of the NextDate function. therefore we will have exactly one week normal equivalence class test case and again, it is identical to the strong normal equivalence class test case. Note that the case for locks = -1 just terminates the iteration. First attempt We will have eight weak robust test cases. TC Test Id Case WR1 1
2 3 WR2 WR3

Input Data
Locks Stocks Barrels 10 -1 -2 10 40 40 10 45 45

$100 Program terminates Values of locks not in the range 1...70 Values of locks not in the range 1...70 Values of stocks not in the range 1...80 Values of stocks not in the range 1...80 970

Expected Actual Statu Output(Commissi Outpu s on) t 10

Program terminates Values of locks not in the range 1...70





Values of locks not in the range 1...70





Values of stocks not in the range 1...80





Values of stocks not in the range 1...80









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Second attempt: Finally, a corner of the cube will be in 3 space of the additional strong robust equivalence class test cases:
TC Test Case Input Data Sales Id Description Locks Stocks Barrels 1 2 3 4 SR1 SR2 SR3 SR4 -2 35 35 -2 40 -1 40 -1 45 45 -2 45 Values not in 1...70 Values not in 1...80 Values not in 1...90 Values not in 1...70 Values not in 1...80 Values not in 1...70 Values not in 1...90 Values not in 1...80 Values not in 1...90 Values not in 1...70 Values not in 1...80 Values not in 1...90 Expected Actual Status Output(Commission) Output of locks Values of locks not in the range the range 1...70 of stocks Values of stocks not the range in the range 1...80 of barrels Values of barrels not the range in the range 1...90 of locks Values of locks not in the range the range 1...70 Values of stocks not of stocks in the range 1...80 the range of locks Values of locks not in the range the range 1...70 Values of barrels not of barrels in the range 1...90 the range of stocks Values of stocks not the range in the range 1...80 Values of barrels not of barrels in the range 1...90 the range of locks Values of locks not in the range the range 1...70 Values of stocks not of stocks in the range 1...80 the range Values of barrels not in the range 1...90 of barrels the range Page 56













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6.5 EXECUTIONS Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column Test Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. No No No No of of of of TCs Executed: Defects Raised: TCs Pass: TCs Failed:

6.6 SNASHOTS 1. Snapshot for invalid inputs

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2. Invalid Input and commission for when the all inputs are 10

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6.7 REFERENCES 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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7. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from the perspective of decision table-based testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 7.1 REQUIREMENTS: R1: The system should read the number of Locks, Stocks and Barrels sold in a month. (i.e 1 Locks 70) (i.e 1 Stocks 80) (i.e 1 Barrels 90). R2: If R1 is satisfied the system should compute the salespersons commission depending on the total number of Locks, Stocks & Barrels sold else it should display suitable error message. Following is the percentage of commission for the sales done: 10% on sales up to (and including) $1000 15% on next $800 20% on any sales in excess of $1800 Also the system should compute the total dollar sales. The system should output salespersons total dollar sales, and his commission. 7.2 DESIGN: Form the given requirements we can draw the following conditions: C1: 1locks70? C2: 1stocks80? C3: 1barrels90? C4: sales>1800? Locks = -1? (occurs if locks = -1 is used to control input iteration).

Here C1 can be expanded as:

C1a: 1locks C1b: locks70

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C5: sales>1000? C6: sales1000? ALGORITHM Step 1: Input 3 integer numbers which represents number of Locks, Stocks and Barrels sold. Step 2: compute the total sales = (Number of Locks sold *45) + (Number of Stocks sold *30) + (Number of Barrels sold *25) Step 3: if a totals sale in dollars is less than or equal to $1000 then commission = 0.10* total Sales do step 6 Step 4: else if total sale is less than $1800 then commission1 = 0.10* 1000 commission = commission1 + (0.15 * (total sales 1000)) do step 6 Step 5: else commission1 = 0.10* 1000 commission2 = commission1 + (0.15 * 800)) commission = commission2 + (0.20 * (total sales 1800)) do step 6 Step 6: Print commission. Step 7: Stop. 7.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int locks, stocks, barrels, t_sales, flag = 0; float commission;

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clrscr(); printf("Enter the total number of locks"); scanf("%d",&locks); if ((locks <= 0) || (locks > 70)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of stocks"); scanf("%d",&stocks); if ((stocks <= 0) || (stocks > 80)) { flag = 1; } printf("Enter the total number of barrelss"); scanf("%d",&barrels); if ((barrels <= 0) || (barrels > 90)) { flag = 1; } if (flag == 1) { printf("invalid input"); getch(); exit(0); } t_sales = (locks * 45) + (stocks * 30) + (barrels * 25); if (t_sales <= 1000) { commission = 0.10 * t_sales; } else if (t_sales < 1800) { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * (t_sales - 1000));
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} else { commission = 0.10 * 1000; commission = commission + (0.15 * 800); commission = commission + (0.20 * (t_sales - 1800)); } printf("The total sales %f",t_sales, commission); getch(); return; } 7.4 TESTING Technique Used: Decision Table Approach The decision table is given below Conditions Condition Entries (Rules) C1: 1locks70? F T T T T T C2: 1stocks80? -- F T T T T C3: 1barrels90? -- -- F T T T C4: sales>1800? -- -- -- T F F C5: sales>1000? -- -- -- -- T F C6: sales1000? -- -- -- -- -- T Actions Action Entries a1: com1 = 0.10*Sales X a2: com2 = X com1+0.15*(sales-1000) a3: com3 = X com2+0.20*(sales-1800) a4: Out of Range. X X X Using the decision table we get 6 functional test cases: 3 cases out of range, 1 case each for sales greater than $1800, sales greater than $1000, sales less than or equal to $1000. DERIVING TEST CASES USING Decision Table Approach: Test Cases: is %d \n The commission is

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Software Testing Laboratory TC ID 1 2 3 4 Test Case Testing Requirement 1 Condition 1 (C1) Testing Requirement 1 Condition 1 (C1) Testing Requirement 1 Condition 2 (C2) Testing Requirement 1 Condition 2 (C2) Testing Requirement 1 Condition 3 (C3) Testing Requirement 1 Condition 3 (C3) Testing Requirement 2 Testing Requirement 2 Testing Requirement 2 for for 90 for 35 for 35 for 35 for 35 for for for 5 15 25 40 5 15 25 150 5 15 25 Out of Range 500 a1:50 40 -10 Out of Range 100 45 Out of Range -3 45 Out of Range 40 45 Out of Range Expected Lock Stock Barrel Output s s s -2 40 45 Out of Range

2013-14 Actual Status Output

5 6 7 8 9

1500 a2: 175 2500 a3: 360

7.5 EXECUTION & RESULT DISCUSION: Execute the program against the designed test cases and complete the table for Actual output column and status column. TEST REPORT: 1. No of TCs Executed: 06 2. No of Defects Raised: 3. No of TCs Pass: 4. No of TCs Failed: The commission problem is not well served by a decision table analysis because it has very little decisional. Because the variables in the equivalence
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classes are truly independent, no impossible rules will occur in a decision table in which condition correspond to the equivalence classes. 7.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot for Total sales and commission when total sales are within 1000 and 1800

2. Snapshot when the inputs all are 25.

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7.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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8. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the binary search algorithm. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 8.1 REQUIREMENTS R1: The system should accept n number of elements and key element that is to be searched among n elements.. R2: Check if the key element is present in the array and display the position if present otherwise print unsuccessful search. 8.2 DESIGN We use integer array as a data structure to store n number of elements. Iterative programming technique is used. ALGORITH M Step 1: Input value of n. Enter n integer numbers in array int mid; Step 2: Initialize low = 0, high = n -1 Step 3: until ( low <= high ) do mid = (low + high) / 2 if ( a[mid] == key ) then do Step 5 else if ( a[mid] > key ) then do high = mid - 1 else low = mid + 1 Step 4: Print unsuccessful search do step 6. Step 5: Print Successful search. Element found at position mid+1. Step 6: Stop.

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8.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int a[20],n,low,high,mid,key,i,flag=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of n:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n>0) { printf("Enter %d elements in ASCENDING order\n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("Enter the key element to be searched\n"); scanf("%d",&key); low=0; high=n1; while(low<=hig h) { mid=(low+high)/2; if(a[mid]==key) { flag=1; break; } else if(a[mid]<key) { low=mid+1; } else {
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high=mid-1; } } if(flag==1) printf("Successful found at %d\n",mid+1); els e } els e printf("Wrong input"); getch(); return 0; } 8.4 TESTING Technique Used: Basis Path Testing Basis path testing is a form of Structural testing (White Box testing). The method devised by McCabe to carry out basis path testing has four steps. These are: 1. Compute the program graph. 2. Calculate complexity. the cyclomatic

search\n Location


printf("Key Element not found\n");

3. Select a basis set of paths. 4. Generate test cases for each of these paths.

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Below is the program graph of binary search code.

5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15


17 18 19 20 21 22, 23 28 29, 30 32, 33

24, 25 31 26, 27 37 41

34, 35



Using the program graph we derive (Decision-to-Decision) DD path graph for binary search program
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Software Testing Laboratory Program Graph Nodes First A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O DD Path Name 5 6,7,8,9,10 11 12,13,14 15,16,17 18 19,20 37 21 22,23,24,25,26,27 28 29.30,31 32,33,34,35 38 40 41





The cyclomatic complexity of a connected graph is provided by the formula V(G) = e n + 2p. The number of edges is represented by e, the number of nodes by n and the number of connected regions by p. If we apply this formula to the graph given below, the number of linearly independent circuits is: Number of edges = 21 Number of nodes = 15
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Number of connected regions = 1 21 15 + 2(1) = 4. Here we are dealing code level dependencies, which are absolutely incompatible with the latent assumption, that basis path are independent. McCabes procedure successfully identifies basis path that are topologically independent, but when these contradict semantic dependencies, topologically possible paths are seen to be logically infeasible. One solution to this problem is to always require that flipping a decision result in a semantically feasible path. For this problem we identify some of the rules: If node C not traversed, then node M should be traversed. If node E and node G is traversed, then node M should be traversed. If node I is traversed, then node N should be traversed. Taking into consideration the above rules, next step is to find the basis paths. According to cyclomatic complexity 4 feasible basis path exists: P1: A, B, D, E, G, N, O 0. P2: A, B, C, B, D, E, F, H, I, G, M, O found. key element key if n value is

P3: A, B, C B, D, E, F, H, J, K, E, F, H, J, K, E, G, N, O O

element not found. P4: A, B, C, B, D, E, F, H, J, L, E, F, H, J, L, E, G, N, key element not found.

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DERIVING TEST CASES USING BASIS PATH TESTING The last step is to devise test cases for the basis paths. TEST CASES TC Test ID Case Testing for 1 requirement 1 Path P1 Testing for 2 requirement 2 Testing for 3 requirement 2 Testing for 4 requirement 2 Testing for 5 requirement 2 Testing for 6 requirement 2 Valu e of n 0 4 3 3 5 5 array key elemen ts -5 2,3,5,6,7 5 1,2,5 1,2,5 6 1 Expected Actual Statu Output Outpu s t key not found Key found at key not found key not found Key found at key found at

1,2,4,6,7 2 4,5,7,8,9 8

8.5 EXECUTION & RESULT DISCUSION: Execute the program against the designed test cases and complete the table for Actual output column and status column. Test Report: 1. No of TCs Executed: 06 2. No of Defects Raised: 3. No of TCs Pass: 4. No of TCs Failed:

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8.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot to check successful search and not found key element.

3. Snapshot to check successful search and not found key element.

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8.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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9. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the quicksort algorithm. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. discuss the test results. 9.1 REQUIREMENTS R1: The system should accept n number of elements and key element that is to be searched among n elements. R2: Check if the key element is present in the array and display the position if present otherwise print unsuccessful search. 9.2 DESIGN We use integer array as a data structure to store n number of elements. Iterative programming technique is used. 9.3 PROGRAM CODE: // An iterative implementation quick sort #include <stdio.h> // A utility function to swap two elements void swap ( int* a, int* b ) { int t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } /* This function is same in both iterative and recursive*/ int partition (int arr[], int l, int h) { int x = arr[h]; int i = (l - 1),j;


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for (j = l; j <= h- 1; j++) { if (arr[j] <= x) { i++; swap (&arr[i], &arr[j]); } } swap (&arr[i + 1], &arr[h]); return (i + 1); } /* A[] --> Array to be sorted, l --> Starting index, h --> Ending index */ void quickSortIterative (int arr[], int l, int h) { // Create an auxiliary stack int stack[10],p; // initialize top of stack int top = -1; // push initial values of l and h to stack stack[ ++top ] = l; stack[ ++top ] = h; // Keep popping from stack while is not empty while ( top >= 0 ) { // Pop h and l h = stack[ top-- ]; l = stack[ top-- ];

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// Set pivot element at its correct position in sorted array p = partition( arr, l, h ); // If there are elements on left side of pivot, then push left // side to stack if ( p-1 >l) { stack[ ++top ] = l; stack[ ++top ] = p - 1; } // If there are elements on right side of pivot, then push right // side to stack if ( p+1 < h ) { stack[ ++top ] = p + 1; stack[ ++top ] = h; } } } // Driver program to test above functions int main() { int arr[20],n,i; clrscr(); printf("Enter the size of the array"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter %d elements",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&arr[i]); quickSortIterative( arr, 0, n - 1 ); printf("Elements of the array are;"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d",arr[i]);
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getch(); return 0; } 9.4 TESTING Program Graph for partition:

50 51 52 53

54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

64 65 66 67 68

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DD Path Graph:


Using program graph we derive DD path graph for partition() DD Path Name A B C D E Program Graph 50,51,52,53 54 56 57,58,59,60,61, 62 64,65,66,67,68

Cyclomatic complixity No. of edges =6 No. of nodes=5 en+2 6-5+2 =3 No. of predicate nodes +1 (i.e., node B and node C) 2+1=3 No. of region + 1 R1 and R2 are two regions 2+1=3 According to cyclomatic complexity 3 basis path exists. They are;
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P1: A, B, E P2: A, B, C, D, B, E P3: A, B, C, B, E 4.2 Deriving test cases using basis path testing: Test Cases Test TC ID Case Descripti 1 Testing for path P1 2 Testing for path P2 3 Testing for path Expected Array output Value elemen Array of i ts 5 5 0 5, 4, 6, 2, 7 4, 6, 5, 7, 5 5, 4, 6, 2, 7 4, 6, 5, 7, 5 4 0 Actua l outpu


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Program Graph for Quick sort()

27 28 29 30 31 32

33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

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DD Path Graph

B T C R3 D T R1 F T G E



CYCLOMATIC COMPLEXITY No. of nodes = 8 No. of nodes =10 e-n+2 10-8+2 =4 No. of predicate nodes + 1 3+1=4 (i.e., node B, D & F) No. of regions+1
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3+1=4 (i.e., Region R1, R2 & R3) According to cyclomatic complexity 4 basis path exists. They are P1: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, B, H P2: A, B, C, D, E, F, B,H P3: A, B, C, D, F, G, B, H P4: A, B, C, D, F, B, H Deriving test cases using basis path testing Test cases: TC ID 1 2 3 Test Case Descripti Testing for path 1 Testing for path 2 Testing for path 3 Array elemen ts 5, 7, 4, 2, 1, 3 4, 8, 2, 5, 7 5, 4, 6, 7, 3 Expect ed 2, output 1, 3, 5, 7, 4 4, 2, 7, 5, 8 3, 4, 6, 7, 5 Actua l outpu Status

9.5 EXECUTION Compile the program and enter inputs Test above table array elements for test cases.

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9.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot of quick sort sorted elements are displayed, when the n=6

2. Snapshot of quick sort sorted elements are displayed, when the n=5

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3. Snapshot of quick sort sorted elements are displayed, when the n=5

9.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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10. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement an absoluteletter grading procedure, making suitable assumptions. Determine the basis paths and using them derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 10.1 REQUIREMENTS: R1: The system should accept marks of 6 subjects, each marks in the range 1 to 100. i.e., for example, 1<=marks<=100 1<=kannada<=100 1<=maths<=100 etc. R2: If R1 is satisfied compyter average of marks scored and percentage of the same and depending on percentage display the grade. 10.2 DESIGN: We use the total percentage of marks to grade the student marks. <35 && >0 of percentage make it as FAIL avmar<=40 && avmar>35 make it as Grade C avmar<=50 && avmar>40 make it as Grade C+ avmar<=60 && avmar>50 make it as Grade B avmar<=70 && avmar>60 make it as Grade B+ avmar<=80 && avmar>70 make it as Grade A avmar<=100 && avmar>80 make it as Grade A+ 10.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> main() { float kan,eng,hindi,maths,science, sst,avmar; printf("Letter Grading\n"); printf("SSLC Marks Grading\n"); printf("Enter the marks for Kannada:"); scanf("%f",&kan); printf("enter the marks for English:");
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scanf("%f",&eng); printf("enter the marks for Hindi:"); scanf("%f",&hindi); printf("enter the marks for Maths"); scanf("%f",&maths); printf("enter the marks for Science:"); scanf("%f",&science); printf("enter the marks for Social Science:"); scanf("%f",&sst); avmar=(kan+eng+hindi+maths+science+ sst)/6.25; printf("the average marks are= %f\n",avmar); if((avmar<35)&&(avmar>0)) printf("fail"); else if((avmar<=40)&&(avmar >35)) printf("Grade C"); else if((avmar<=50)&&(avmar >40)) printf("Grade C+"); else if((avmar<=60)&&(avmar >50)) printf("Grade B"); else if((avmar<=70)&&(avmar >60)) printf("Grade B+"); else if((avmar<=80)&&(avmar >70)) printf("Grade A"); else if((avmar<=100)&&(avmar>80)) printf("Grade A+"); }

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13





18 19 F

T 20


22 T 23 F 25 F 27 F 29 F 31 36 F 33 35 37 F T 34 T 32 T T 30 T 26 28 24

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Using the DD path Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R

program graph derive DD path graph Program Graph Nodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . 18 19 20, 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 36
A T C T D F F F H F J F R7 F N R F P q T L T M R5 O R6 I T K R4 R3 T T G R2 E R1


CYCLOMATIC COMPLEXITY No. of nodes = 18 No. of edges = 24 e-n+2 24-18+2=8 No. of predicate nodes + 1 7 + 1 = 8 (i.e., B, D, F, H, J, L, N)

No. of regions + 1 7 + 1 = 8 (i.e., Regions R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7)

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According to cyclomatic complexity we can derive 8 basis path. P1: A, B, R q P2: A, B, C, D, E, q P3: A, B, C, D, F, G, q P4: A, B, C, D, F, H, I, q P5: A, B, C, D, F, H, J, K, q P6: A, B, C, D, F, H, J, L, M, q P7: A, B, C, D, F, H, J, L, N, O, q P8: A, B, C, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, q Test Cases: Expecte Actual TC Test Description Input d Outpu ID Outpu t K=50 E=50 H=50 Invalid 1 Testing for path P1 M=50 Input S=50 SST=150 K=30 E=30 H=30 M=35 2 Testing for path P2 Fail S=35 SST=35 Avg=32.5 K=40 E=38 H=37 M=40 3 Testing for path P3 Grade C S=40 SST=38 Avg=38.8 3 K=45 E=47 H=48 4 Testing for path P4 Grade M=46 C+ S=49
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Testing for path P5

Testing for path P6

Testing for path P7

Testing for path P8

SST=50 Avg=47.5 K=55 E=58 H=60 M=56 S=57 SST=60 Avg=57.6 6 K=65 E=65 H=65 M=65 S=65 SST=65 Avg=65.0 K=75 E=72 H=78 M=75 S=80 SST=80 Avg=76.6 K=85 E=90 H=80 M=95 S=85 SST=85 Avg=86.6 6

Grade B

Grade B+

Grade A

Grade A+

10.5 EXECUTION Compile the program and enter inputs for subject marks, then it will display the Total percentage, depending on the percentage it will shows the Grade and test the test cases for above table.

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10.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot to Show Fail and Grade C

2. Snapshot to show Grade B and Grade C+

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Snapshot to show the Grade A and Grade B+

4. Snapshot to show the Grade A+

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10.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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11. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the NextDate function. Analyze it from the perspective of boundary value testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 11.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Problem Definition: "Next Date" is a function consisting of three variables like: month, date and year. It returns the date of next day as output. It reads current date as input date. The are constraints C1: 1 month 12 C2: 1 day 31 C3: 1812 year 2012. If any one condition out of C1, C2 or C3 fails, then this function produces an output "value of month not in the range 1...12". Since many combinations of dates can exist, hence we can simply displays one message for this function: "Invalid Input Date". A very common and popular problem occurs if the year is a leap year. We have taken into consideration that there are 31 days in a month. But what happens if a month has 30 days or even 29 or 28 days? A year is called as a leap year if it is divisible by 4, unless it is a century year. Century years are leap years only if they are multiples of 400. So, 1992, 1996 and 2000 are leap years while 1900 is not a leap year. 11.2 DESIGN Algorithm STEP 1: Input date in format DD.MM.YYYY STEP2: if MM is 01, 03, 05,07,08,10 do STEP3 else STEP6

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STEP3:if DD < 31 then do STEP4 else if DD=31 do STEP5 else output(Invalid Date); STEP4: tomorrowday=DD+1 goto STEP18 STEP5: tomorrowday=1; tomorrowmonth=month + 1 goto STEP18 STEP6: if MM is 04, 06, 09, 11 do STEP7 STEP7: if DD<30 then do STEP4 else STEP5 else output(Invalid Date); STEP8: if MM is 12 STEP9: if DD<31 then STEP4 else STEP10 STEP10: tomorrowday=1, tommorowmonth=1, tommorowyear=YYYY+1; goto STEP18 STEP11: if MM is 2 STEP12: if DD<28 do STEP4 else do STEP13 STEP13: if DD=28 & YYYY is a leap do STEP14 else STEP15 STEP14: tommorowday=29 goto STEP18 STEP15: tommorowday=1, tomorrowmonth=3, goto STEP18; STEP16: if DD=29 then do STEP15 else STEP17 STEP17: output(Cannot have feb, DD); STEP19 STEP18: output(tomorrowday, tomorrowmonth, tomorrowyear); STEP19: exit 11.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main( ) {
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int month[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,3 1,30,31}; int d,m,y,nd,nm,ny,ndays; clrscr( ); printf("enter the date,month,year"); scanf("%d %d%d",&d,&m,&y); ndays=month[m-1]; if(y<=1812 && y>2012) { printf("Invalid Input Year"); exit(0); } if(d<=0 || d>ndays) { printf("Invalid Input Day"); exit(0); } if(m<1 && m>12) { printf("Invalid Input Month"); exit(0); } if(m==2) { if(y%100==0) { if(y%400==0) ndays=29; } els e if(y%4==0) ndays=29;
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} nd=d+ 1; nm=m; ny=y; if(nd>ndays) { nd=1; nm++; } if(nm>12) { nm=1; ny++; } printf("\n Given date is %d:%d:%d",d,m,y); printf("\n Next days date is %d:%d: %d",nd,nm,ny); getch( ); } 11.4 TESTING Technique used: Boundary value analysis Boundary value analysis testing technique is used to identify errors at boundaries rather than finding those exist in center of input domain. Boundary value analysis is a next part of Equivalence partitioning for designing test cases where test cases are selected at the edges of the equivalence classes. BVA: Procedure 5. Partition the input domain using unidimensional partitioning. This leads to as many partitions as there are input variables. Alternately, a single partition

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of an input domain be created using multidimensional can partitioning. We will generate several sub-domains in this step. 6. Identify the boundaries for each partition. Boundaries may also be identified using special relationships amongst the inputs. 7. Select test data such that each boundary value occurs in at least one test input. BVA: Example: Create equivalence classes Assuming that an item code must be in the range 99...999 and quantity in the range 1...100, Equivalence classes for code: E1: Values less than 99. E2: Values in the range. E3: Values greater than 999. Equivalence classes for qty: E4: Values less than 1. E5: Values in the range. E6: Values greater than 100. BVA: Example: Identify boundaries

Equivalence classes and boundaries for findPrice. Boundaries are indicated with an x. Points near the boundary are marked *.

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Test design


The Next Date program takes date as input and checks it for validity. If it is valid, it returns the next date as its output. Here we have three inputs for the program, hence n = 3. Since BVA yields (4n + 1) test cases according to single fault assumption theory, hence we can say that the total number of test cases will be (4*3+1) =12+1= 13. The boundary value test cases can be generated by using following constraints C1: 1 MM 12 C2: 1 DD 31 C3: 1812 YYYY 2012. Here from these constraints we can extract the test cases using the values of MM, DD, and YYYY. The following equivalence classes can be generated for each variable. Equivalence classes for MM: E1: Values less than 1. E2: Values in the range. E3: Values greater than 12. Equivalence classes for DD: E4: Values less than 1. E5: Values in the range. E6: Values greater than 31. Equivalence classes for

YYYY: E7: Values less than 1812. E8: Values in the range. E9: Values greater than 2012. From the above equivalence classes we can derive the following test cases using boundary value analysis approach.

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TC Id 1

Test Case Testing Invalid for months with character is Testing for Invalid Day with character is Testing for Invalid Year with character is Testing for Invalid Day, day with 00 Testing for Valid input changing the day within the Testing for Valid input changing the day within the month. Testing for Invalid Day, dayfor with 32 Testing Invalid Day, month Testing for with Valid input changing the day within the month. MM=11 Testing for Valid input changing the day within the month. MM=02 Testing for Invalid Month, month

Input Data Aa 15

Expected MM DD YYYY Output 1900 Invalid Month Invalid Day Invalid Year Input

Actual Output



Dd 1901






4 5

03 03

00 30

2000 2000

Invalid Input Day 03/31/2000





7 8 9

03 00 11

32 15 15

2000 2000 2000

Invalid Input Day Invalid Input Month 11/16/2000










Invalid Month


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Software Testing Laboratory 13 Testing for 03 Invalid year, year should Testing for Valid 03 input changing the day within the month. MM=03 DD=15 Testing for Valid 03 input changing the day within the month. MM=03 DD=15 for Testing 03 Invalid year, year should Table-1: Test





Invalid Year













Invalid Year


case for Next Date Problem

This is how we can apply BA technique to create test cases for our Next Date Problem. 11.5 EXECUTIONS Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column Test Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. No No No No of of of of TCs Executed: Defects Raised: TCs Pass: TCs Failed:

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11.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot for Invalid Input day and next date

2. Snapshot to show the invalid day when the DD=32

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3. Valid Output.

11.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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12. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to implement the NextDate function. Analyze it from the perspective of equivalence class value testing, derive different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test results. 12.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Problem Definition: "Next Date" is a function consisting of three variables like: month, date and year. It returns the date of next day as output. It reads current date as input date. The constraints are C1: 1 month 12 C2: 1 day 31 C3: 1812 year 2012. If any one condition out of C1, C2 or C3 fails, then this function produces an output "value of month not in the range 1...12". Since many combinations of dates can exist, hence we can simply displays one message for this function: "Invalid Input Date". A very common and popular problem occurs if the year is a leap year. We have taken into consideration that there are 31 days in a month. But what happens if a month has 30 days or even 29 or 28 days ? A year is called as a leap year if it is divisible by 4, unless it is a century year. Century years are leap years only if they are multiples of 400. So, 1992, 1996 and 2000 are leap years while 1900 is not a leap year. Furthermore, in this Next Date problem we find examples of Zipf's law also, which states that "80% of the activity occurs in 20% of the space". Thus in this case also, much of the source-code of Next Date function is devoted to the leap year considerations. 12.2 DESIGN
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Algorithm STEP 1: Input date in format DD.MM.YYYY STEP2: if MM is 01, 03, 05,07,08,10 do STEP3 else STEP6 STEP3:if DD < 31 then do STEP4 else if DD=31 do STEP5 else output(Invalid Date); STEP4: tomorrowday=DD+1 goto STEP18 STEP5: tomorrowday=1; tomorrowmonth=month + 1 goto STEP18 STEP6: if MM is 04, 06, 09, 11 do STEP7 STEP7: if DD<30 then do STEP4 else if DD=30 do STEP5 else output(Invalid Date); STEP8: if MM is 12 STEP9: if DD<31 then STEP4 else STEP10 STEP10: tomorrowday=1, tommorowmonth=1, tommorowyear=YYYY+1; goto STEP18 STEP11: if MM is 2 STEP12: if DD<28 do STEP4 else do STEP13 STEP13: if DD=28 & YYYY is a leap do STEP14 else STEP15 STEP14: tommorowday=29 goto STEP18 STEP15: tommorowday=1, tomorrowmonth=3, goto STEP18; STEP16: if DD=29 then do STEP15 else STEP17 STEP17: output(Cannot have feb, DD); STEP19 STEP18: output(tomorrowday, tomorrowmonth, tomorrowyear); STEP19: exit

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12.3 PROGRAM CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main( ) { Int month[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int d,m,y,nd,nm,ny,ndays; clrscr( ); printf("enter the date,month,year"); scanf("%d %d%d",&d,&m,&y); ndays=month[m-1]; if(y<=1812 && y>2012) { printf("Invalid Input Year"); exit(0); } if(d<=0 || d>ndays) { printf("Invalid Input Day"); exit(0); } if(m<1 && m>12) { printf("Invalid Input Month"); exit(0); } if(m==2) { if(y%100==0) {
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if(y%400==0) ndays=29; } els e if(y%4==0) ndays=29; } nd=d+ 1; nm=m; ny=y; if(nd>ndays) { nd=1; nm++; } if(nm>12) { nm=1; ny++; } printf("\n Given date is %d:%d:%d",d,m,y); printf("\n Next days date is %d:%d: %d",nd,nm,ny); getch( ); } 12.4 TESTING Technique used: Equivalence Class testing Test selection using equivalence partitioning allows a tester to subdivide the input domain into a relatively small number of sub-domains, say N>1, as shown.

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In strict mathematical terms, the sub-domains by definition are disjoint. The four subsets shown in (a) constitute a partition of the input domain while the subsets in (b) are not. Each subset is known as an equivalence class. Exampl e: Consider an application A that takes an integer denoted by age as input. Let us suppose that the only legal values of age are in the range [1..120]. The set of input values is now divided into a set E containing all integers in the range [1..120] and a set U containing the remaining integers.

Further, assume that the application is required to process all values in the range [1..61] in accordance with requirement R1 and those in the range [62..120] according to requirement R2. Thus E is further subdivided into two

regions depending on the expected behavior.

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Similarly, it is expected that all invalid inputs less than or equal to 1 are to be treated in one way while all greater than 120 are to be treated differently. This leads to a subdivision of U into two categories.

>12 00

Tests selected using the equivalence partitioning technique aim at targeting faults in the application under test with respect to inputs in any of the four regions, i.e. two regions containing expected inputs and two regions containing the unexpected inputs. It is expected that any single test selected from the range [1...61] will reveal any fault with respect to R1. Similarly, any test selected from the region [62...120] will reveal any fault with respect to R2. A similar expectation applies to the two regions containing the unexpected inputs. Test design Case

The NextDate function is a function which will take in a date as input and produces as output the next date in the Georgian calendar. It uses three variables (month, day and year) which each have valid and invalid intervals.

First Attempt
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A first attempt at creating an equivalence relation might produce intervals such as these: Valid Intervals M1 = {month: 1 month 12} D1 = {day: 1 day 31} Y1 = {year: 1812 year 2012} Invalid Intervals M2 = {month: month < 1} M3 = {month: month > 12} D2 = {day: day < 1} D3 = {day: day > 31} Y2 = {year: year < 1812} Y3 = {year: year > 2012} At a first glance it seems that everything has been taken into account and our day, month and year intervals have been defined well. Using these intervals we produce test cases using the four different types of Equivalence Class testing. Weak and Strong Normal
TC Id 1 Test Case Description Testing Valid Input Data MM DD for 6 input 15 Expected YYYY Output 1900 6/16/1900 Actual Output Status

changing the day within the Table 1: Weak and Strong Normal

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Since the number of variables is equal to the number of valid classes, only one weak normal equivalence class test case occurs, which is the same as the strong normal equivalence class test case (Table 1).
Weak Robust: TC Id 1 Input Data Test Expecte Case d MM DD YYYY Descriptio Outpu 15 1900 6/16/1900 Testing for 6 Valid input changing the day Testing within for 6 Invalid Day, day with negative number is 6 Testing it for Invalid Day, day with Out of range i.e., for -1 Testing Invalid Month, month with negative number is 13 Testing it for Invalid month, month with out of range i.e., MM=13 for it 6 Testing Year, year is out of range YYYY=1899, it should <=1812 Actual Output Status



Day not in range



Day not in range



Month not in range



Month not in range



Year not in range

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Software Testing Laboratory 7 6 Testing for Year, year is out of range YYYY=2013, it should 15 2013 Year not in range


Table 2:Weak Robust

(Table 2) we can see that weak robust equivalence class testing will just test the ranges of the input domain once on each class. Since we are testing weak and not normal, there will only be at most one fault per test case (single fault assumption) unlike Strong Robust Equivalence class testing. Strong Robust: This is a table showing one corner of the cube in 3d-space (the three other corners would include a different combination of variables) since the complete table would be too large to show.

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Software Testing Laboratory TC Id 1 Input Data Test Expecte Case d MM DD YYYY Descriptio Outpu Testing for Month is not in range MM=-1 i.e.,in Month not negative -1 15 1900 in range number there is not possible have to be month in negative Testing for Day is not in range DD=1 i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to be for Day Year in Testing is not 4 in range YYYY=1899 Testing for 6 15 6 -1 1900 Day not in range

2013-14 Actual Output Status


Year not in range

i.e., Day and month is not in range MM=-1, DD=-1 i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to be Day and Month in i) Testing for Day is not in range and Year is not in range DD=1 i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to be Day in negative number, and ii) YYYY=1899, so



i) Day not in range 1900 ii) Month not in range


i) Day not in range 1899 ii) Year not in range

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Software Testing Laboratory 6 i) Testing for Month is not in range MM=1 and i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to be Day in negative number, and i) Testing for Day is not in range DD=-1 i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to be Day in negative number ii) Testing for Month is not in range MM=1 and i.e., in negative number there is not possible have to




i) Month not in range 1899 ii) Year not in range



i) Day not in range ii) Month not 1899 in range iii) Year not in range

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Second Attempt As said before the equivalence relation is vital in producing useful test cases and more time must be spent on designing it. If we focus more on the equivalence relation and consider more greatly what must happen to an input date we might produce the following equivalence classes: M1 = {month: month has 30 days} M2 = {month: month has 31 days} M3 = {month: month is February} Here month has been split up into 30 days (April, June, September and November), 31 days (January, March, April, May, July, August, October and December) and February. D1 = {day: 1 day 28} D2 = {day: day = 29} D3 = {day: day = 30} D4 = {day: day = 31} Day has been split up into intervals to allow months to have a different number of days; we also have the special case of a leap year (February 29 days). Y1 = {year: year = 2000} Y2 = {year: year is a leap year} Y3 = {year: year is common year}

Year has been split up into common years, leap years and the special case the year 2000 so we can determine the date in the month of February.

Here are the test cases for the new equivalence relation using the four types of Equivalence Class testing.
Weak Normal Department of ISE, DSCE-Bangalore 117 Page

Software Testing Laboratory TC Id 1 Test Case Description Input Data MM DD Testing for all 6 Valid input changing the day within the month. 7 Testing for Valid input changing the day within the Testing for month. Leaf year, 2 i.e., MM=2 (Feb) the input DD=30, there is not possible date 30, in leaf year only 28 and 29 will occur. Testing for Impossible 6 Date, i.e., MM=6 (June) the input DD=31, there is only 30 days in the month of June, So, DD=31 is Impossible Date. 14 Expected YYYY Output 2000 6/15/2000 Actual Output

2013-14 Status






Impossible date



Impossible input date

Table 3 Weak normal

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Strong Normal
TC ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Test Case Description SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 SN5 SN6 SN7 SN8 SN9 SN10 SN11 SN12 SN13 SN14 SN15 SN16 SN17 SN18 SN19 Input Data MM DD 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 14 14 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 14 14 14 29 29 29 30 Expected YYYY Output 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 6/15/2000 6/15/1996 6/15/2002 6/30/2000 6/30/1996 6/30/2002 Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date 7/15/2000 7/15/1996 7/15/2002 7/30/2000 7/30/1996 7/30/2002 7/31/2000 Actual Output Status

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Software Testing Laboratory 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 SN20 SN21 SN22 SN23 SN25 SN24 SN26 SN27 SN28 SN29 SN30 SN31 SN32 SN33 SN34 SN35 SN36 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 30 31 31 31 14 14 14 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 2000 1996 2002 7/31/1996 7/31/2002 8/1/2000 8/1/1996 8/1/2002 2/15/2000 2/15/1996 2/15/2002 Invalid Input Date 3/1/1996 Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date Invalid Input Date


Table 4: Strong Normal

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12.5 EXECUTIONS Execute the program and test the test cases in Table-1 against program and complete the table with for Actual output column and Status column Test Report: 1. No of TCs Executed: 2. No of Defects Raised: 3. No of TCs Pass: 4. No of TCs Failed: 12.6 SNAPSHOTS: 1. Snapshot to show the nextdate for current date and invalid day is entered

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2. Invalid Input

12.7 REFERENCES: 1. Requirement Specification 2. Assumptions

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1. Open Terminal 2. Then open VI Editor using the filename, following command will shows that [root@localhost ~]# vi Triangle.c 3. Write the Suitable code for the given program 4. Then compile and execute the program using the command; [root@localhost ~]# cc triangle.c 5. Then execute the command; [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out 6. Enter the suitable input for the program. 7. Then will get the suitable output.

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