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This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions.

Answer each question by blackening

the correct space on the answer sheet.
B 845 342 D 472 654

Choose the correct answers.

1 317 442 is read as

a. Three hundred seventeen 6 P – 23 487 = 102 819

thousand four hundred and Find the value of P.
B. Three hundred seventy A 109 876 C 129 145
thousand four hundred and
B 126 306 D 218 706
C. Thirty-one hundred thousand
four hundred and forty-two
D. Thirty-one thousand four 7 Multiply 465 by 8.
hundred and forty-two
A 0372
B 372
2 Round off 786 283 to the C 3720
nearest ten thousand D 3072
A 770 000 C 790 000
B 785 000 D 695 000

8 The place value of digit 6 in 976

3 When 35 208 is partition 304 is
according to its digit value its
become A. ten thousands
B. thousands
A 35 000 + 20 + 8 C. hundreds
B 35 000 + 200 + 8 D. tens
C 30 000 + 5 000 + 20 +
D 30 000 + 5 000 + 200 + 9 Find the sum of 538 thousand and
8 11 hundred.

A. 533 910
4 17 ten thousands + 4 B. 534 900
thousands + 3 tens + 1 ones C. 539 100
= D. 549 000

A 17 431
B 170 431 10 Round off 829 246 to the nearest
C 174 031 ten thousand.
D 174 301
A 820 000 C 839 000
B 830 000 D 840 000
5 Subtract 12 345 from 850
A 847 567 C 837 845
This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening
the correct space on the answer sheet.

11 Calculate the difference

4 12 36 Z
between 31 180 and 9 570.
A. 2 161 B. 2 261 The value of Z multiply by 5
C. 21 610 D. 22 610 A. 108 B. 324
C. 329 D. 1620

12 912 693 ÷ 3 =
16 Which of the following is an
A. 283 331 improper fraction?
B. 340 123
C. 304 231 2
D. 304 331 A
13 What is the value of digit 6 in 2
the number 467 935? 1
C 1
A 60
B 600
D 8
C 6 000
D 60 000

17 Seven fifths is the same as

14 625 + 35 ÷ 5
A. 7 B. 132 A
C. 632 D. 660
C 7

D 75

18 State the shaded parts in improper

15 Diagram 3 shows a number

This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening
the correct space on the answer sheet.
7 9
B 2 D 1
9 9

17 1 2
A 22 Add 3 + in simplest form=
8 9 9
B 6 2
24 A 3 C 3
9 9
C 2 7 1
24 B 3 D 3
9 3
D 2
8 2
23 5 - 2 =
19 Which of the following sets of 2
A. 2
fractions are in ascending 7
5 3 4 B. 2
A , , 7
2 2 2
6 5 4 C. 3
B , , 7
3 3 3
7 8 9 5
C , , D. 3
4 4 4 7

20 Which of the following has the

smallest value?
24 The table below shows the
7 number of girls and boys in a
A town.
B Girls Boys
138 617 245 059
C Find the total number of boys and
16 girls.
D A 386 376 C 363 442
5 B 383 676 D 363 424

11 2
21 Add + =
9 3

6 8
A 1 C 1
9 9
25 The diagram below shows a box
of chocolates.
This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening
the correct space on the answer sheet.
28 The sum of two numbers is 1 706.
256 pieces of of the numbers is 969, what
If one
is the other number?

A 617
How many pieces of B 667
chocolates are there in 90 C 707
equal boxes? D 737
A 21 340 C 2 134
B 23 040 D 2 304 3
29 Sarah adds litre of orange
juice to litre of a syrup to
26 Which of the following make drink. Find the volume of
numbers when rounded off to the drink.
the nearest ten thousand
becomes 980 000?
4 2
A litre C
A 982 245 9 3
B 987 674 litre
C 989 674 5
B litre D 1
D 991 265 9

27 What is the difference between 30 Ben has 114 200 stamps. He

the values of digit 5 in the arranges them into 10 albums
numbers 450 000 and 3 0 equally. How many stamps are
500? there in each album?

A 419 500 C 450 A 1 420 C 11 402

000 B 11 420 D 1 142
B 409 500 D 450

31 There are 45 246 tins of sardines

and 15 096 tins of condensed
milk stored in a warehouse. Find
the difference in number between
the two items.

A 27 450
B 30 150
C 32 850
D 35 150

This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening
the correct space on the answer sheet.
32 Halimah walked from her 1
house to the school everyday. 35 There are banana cakes on a
If the distance from her house 2
to the school is 424 metre, plate. Puan Saliza put more
how far did she walk for 3 banana cakes on the plate. How
days? many cakes are there altogether?
A 5 016 C 2
011 A
B 3 765 D 1 6
272 1

33 The figure shows a tray of an C 3

eggs. Study the picture 3
carefully. D

36 Ahmad takes hours to finish his
Pak Abu sold 100 trays of eggs to 5
Mr. Tan. How many eggs did he homework. Aiman takes hours
sell? to finish his homework. Find the
difference in time taken by them
A 1200 to finish their homework.
B 2800
C 3000
D 4000 A 1

34 Aimi collected 823 328 1

pineapples from his orchard. 2
He distributed the pineapples
equally among 8 fruit sellers. C
How many pineapples did 6
each of them receive? 1
A. 103 666
B. 102 916
C. 102 716
D. 102 666

This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions. Answer each question by blackening
the correct space on the answer sheet.
40 All the following fractions a
37 Pak Alif has 15 613 mangoes. equivalent to except
He buys another 9 046
mangoes. Then, he sells 16 4 8
965 of them. Calculate the A C
6 12
mangoes that Pak Alif has left.
6 5
A 6 099 B D
B 6 194 9 6
C 7 656
D 7 694

38 There are 48 tins of milk in

each box. Find the total
number of tins of milk in 12
A 576 C 580
B 480 D 800

57 320 X 59 320 60 320

39 What is the value of X − 25 ?

A 58 205
B 58 295
C 58 320
D 58 345

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