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Upgradation of State Resource Centres

The scheme provides for the up gradation of a SRC from category B to category A based on their performance against the criteria of (a) years of experience (b) academic performance in the area of material development, training research and evaluation, (c) special achievements (d) assessment of the external evaluation agency. Weightage will be given for the above criteria and based on the scores obtained, a SRC may be upgraded. 7 SRCs will be upgraded during the 11th Five Year Plan period and the process of upgradation will be initiated from the FY 2009-10. During 2009-10 and 2010-11, 2 SRCs in each year will be upgraded. For the following year, 3 SRCs will be upgraded.

New State Resource Centres

Under the programme 14 new State Resource Centres in Category B will be set up. While setting up the new State Resource Centres, priority will be given to States that do not have any SRC but where literacy levels, as per 2001 census, is below the national average. States with more than 20 districts would be facilitated to set up one additional State Resource Centres, while States with more than 30 districts would be eligible for a total of 3 State resource Centres. In exceptional circumstances proposals from other States may also be considered. The process of establishment of the newly sanctioned State Resource Centres will commence from the financial year 200910. 4 new SRCs will be set up during 2009-10 and 5 each during 201011 and 2011-12.

Pattern of Financial Assistance

The State Resource Centres will be provided an annual recurring grant for Programme, Emoluments and Office Expenses, in the ratio of 45:45:10 as follows:

Budget Head A (Rs. lakh) B (Rs. lakh) Programmes Emoluments



45 45

31.5 31.5 07.0

Office Expenses 10 Total 100 70

The SRCs will have the flexibility in the number of staff appointed subject to the condition that they will be eligible for enhanced financial support only on adoption of the ratio of 70:30 in the appointment of academic and support staff. Depending on the need and availability of funds, one time infrastructure grant of Rs 50 Lakhs may also be provided only to the new State Resource Centers. Though during the FY 2008-09, the SRCs will continue to receive reimbursement of expenditure incurred on Population and Development Education activities, from 2009-10 erstwhile PDE activities and staff of a State Resource Centre has been subsumed in its general activities and staffing and no separate funds will be provided for this activity/staff.

Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Capacity building

Directorate of Adult Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India, will be responsible for planning, monitoring, evaluation and capacity building of all the SRCs.

Jan Shikshan Sansthan

Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs) are established to provide vocational training to non-literate, neo-literate, as well as school drop outs by identifying skills as would have a market in the region of their establishment.

Scope of Work

The Scope of Work of Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs) will include the following:

Develop/ Source appropriate curriculum and training modules covering vocational elements general awareness and life enrichment components. Wherever possible, JSS are encouraged to undertake Training equivalent to courses designed by the Directorate of Adult education, National Institute of Open Schooling and Director General Employment & Training. Provide training to a pool of resource persons and master trainers for conducting training as also availability of infrastructure and training specific equipment. Administer simple tests and award certificates Network with employers and industries for trainees to get suitable placements. Categorisation of Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs)

Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs), have been categorized into three categories, namely, Category A, Category B and Category C. Different quantum of assistance has been provided for each category.

Upgradation of Jan Shikshan Sansthans

The scheme does not provide for upgradation of one category of JSS to another.

New Jan Shikshan Sansthans

During 2008-09, 50 additional JSSs, in Category C, have been set up under this scheme on the new parameters and financial pattern

Pattern of Financial Assistance

For the Financial Year 2008-09, assistance will be provided at the prerevised scales. With effect from 1-04-09, till the validity of this scheme, all the JSSs will be provided enhanced* assistance, at the revised rates, as follows:

Budget Head A (Rs. lakh) B (Rs. lakh) C (Rs. lakh)




Recurring (Total) 40 Emoluments Programme 19 16 15

35 15 13 5

30 13

Office Expenses 5

Non- Recurring(for infrastructure and equipments) Rs. 15 Lakhs only to the NEW JSSs .

One time grant of

*This increase of Rs. 5 Lakhs will be exclusively for the programmes.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Directorate of Adult Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India/ National Literacy Mission will be responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation.

*from the website* features Modular in nature (From easy to complex and allowing greater freedom and flexibility of choice to the trainees). Job opportunities including wage, self and co-employment. Course content is given in tabular form. Learning outcome of each unit is given. Life Enrichment Education (Polyvalent aspects is integrated in the curriculum). Fair distribution of teaching ours to theory, practical and LEE.Weight age given more for practical aspects (theory 25%, practical 65% and Life Enrichment Education 10%). Methodology of teaching includes lecture and demonstration sections,use of print/AV material and computer aided techniques, field visit,placement/on the job training and follow-up. Evaluation includes concurrent and terminal. Feed-back/success story Performa developed.

Assistance to Voluntary Agencies

Proposals from Voluntary Agencies, under this component, will be considered on project to project basis.

Scope of Work

Assistance to Voluntary Agencies will be considered for undertaking projects of basic literacy/post literacy/continuing education and other projects relevant to accomplishment of overall activities of the Scheme. The projects aimed at eradication of illiteracy would include Total Literacy Campaigns (TLCs)/Post Literacy Campaigns (PLCs) and projects aimed at self directed continuing education in the perspective of lifelong learning through establishment of continuing education centers and launching of target specific need based and innovative programme such as Equivalency Programmes, Quality of Life Improvement Programmes (QLIP) and Individual Interest Promotion Programmes (IIPP).

Number of Projects to be Assisted

Number of Projects that may be assisted under this Programme are not pre- determined shall be dependent on the financial resources available with the Ministry.Apllications for grant against this component are invited through advertisement in newspaper and only such application which are submitted in response to such advertisement and within the period specified therein are eligible for consideration.

Pattern of Financial Assistance

The financial assistance shall be provided to VAs on project to project basis. The projects and budget submitted by the VAs will be examined and considered by the Grant-in-Aid Committee(GIAC) and financial assistance provided to the VAs as approved by the GIAC.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Directorate of Adult Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India/ National Literacy Mission will be responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation


All the three programme of the Scheme are open to only such Public charitableTrusts, not for- profit companies registered under 25 c of Companies Act and registered Societies as would meet the eligibility criteria fixed by the Government of India.


The scheme shall be in operation till 31-3-2012, unless decided otherwise by the Government of India.


Detailed Guidelines, including, mode of application, selection procedure, monitoring & evaluation and comprehensive Terms & Conditions etc shall be issued separately

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