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A Manual on the Delivery of Unpaid Work

Executive Summary

The Unpaid Work Manual replaces the Enhanced Community Punishment (ECP)
Manual. It establishes standards which must be met by agencies providing unpaid
work for offenders sentenced to community or suspended sentence orders. The
Manual should be adopted as soon as possible and no later than April 2007.
Whilst retaining the underlying principles of ECP, the Manual is more concise and
recognises that unpaid work may be delivered by a range of providers. It also
includes additional sections such as those on risk management and Community
Payback, which were not present in the ECP Manual.

Each section of the Manual includes a summary of mandatory requirements and

good practice issues. This Executive Summary is a digest of the mandatory
requirements and good practice, together with other key points from the Manual. It
is necessary to refer to the Manual for full details of the requirements and good
practice issues. A copy of the full Manual should be available to all Unpaid Work
interventions staff and all offender managers.

This Executive Summary is issued together with an Equalities Impact Assessment.

This Assessment and the Manual will be reviewed in April 2008 and thereafter
every three years.

The Manual is divided into 14 sections. Section A gives an overview of the Unpaid
Work Process.

Section B – Assessing and Managing Risk. Requirements stipulated by the

Manual include:

ƒ Use of OASys Risk of Harm Screening before offenders are allocated to

work sites.
ƒ Risk of Harm reviews in accordance with National Standards.
ƒ Risk Management Plans (where required), which include the management
of risk on Unpaid Work.
ƒ The use of systems which enable Unpaid Work staff and offender managers
to communicate.
Changes in an offender’s behaviour, or circumstances, which become apparent on
Unpaid Work, may indicate a change in risk, necessitating a review of the risk
assessment and sentence plan. This section of the Manual also establishes
standards for the placement of offenders who pose a potential risk of harm
(including sex offenders) and clarifies that offenders doing Unpaid Work should not
be responsible for direct personal care tasks.

Section C – Maximising Inclusion. Unpaid Work placements should be available to

meet a range of individual needs, including those of disabled offenders.

ƒ The views of lone females and members of minority ethnic community

groups should be sought, before allocation to work placements.
ƒ Consideration must be given to the welfare and safety of 16 and 17 year old

Maximising Inclusion also requires that offenders are allocated to the work project
which is most likely to maximise inclusion and minimise risk of re-offending. It is
also necessary for Unpaid Work staff to ensure that potentially oppressive and
unacceptable behaviour does not take place on work sites.

Section D – Placement Quality Standards, require that all placements are

assessed by skilled staff to confirm:

ƒ They are of a good standard, meeting offender and community needs.

ƒ Do not replace paid employment.

Unpaid Work placements should also be assessed to confirm compliance with

Health and Safety legislation.

Section E – Managing Health and Safety on Unpaid Work sites. This section of the
Manual additionally requires that:

ƒ All agencies providing Unpaid Work must have a written health and safety
policy, which meets the standard of the National Probation Service.
ƒ All work sites must be assessed and approved by suitably trained and
skilled staff.

Section F – Modelling Good Behaviour. This section of the Manual confirms that
pro-social modelling is a key requirement of Unpaid Work. Supervisors and other
staff should be trained to:

ƒ Model positive behaviour and challenge negative or pro criminal behaviour.

ƒ Apply rules fairly and treat people with respect.
ƒ Develop problem solving skills by involving offenders in the planning and
organisation of work.

The quality of pro-social modelling must also be monitored and assured. Section N
of the Manual details these Quality Assurance requirements.
Section G – Maximising visibility and awareness of Unpaid Work. The profile of
Unpaid Work was raised by the launch of Community Payback. The Manual
therefore requires that:

ƒ All suitable Unpaid Work placements should be made visible.

ƒ Systems are in place to enable the public to suggest projects.

Information about Unpaid Work should be widely available to the public, community
groups, their representatives and sentencers. Suitable projects should be
publicised and Unpaid Work Managers should also keep offender managers, report
writers and court officers informed about Unpaid Work activities.

Section H – Maximising Compliance and Enforcement. In addition to meeting

National Standards, providers of Unpaid Work must ensure that:

ƒ The requirements of the sentence are clearly explained to offenders.

ƒ Good quality information leaflets are available in a range of languages
appropriate to the area.

Information about Unpaid Work should be given orally at the initial assessment
interview and ideally repeated at the Pre Placement Work Session. Compliance is
also promoted by prompt commencement. Standing offenders down in advance,
or on their work day, should also be avoided.

Section I – Vocational Skills Learning. Unpaid work provides an opportunity for

offenders to gain vocation skills and skills for life. Organisations delivering Unpaid
Work are therefore required to:

ƒ Establish work placements which can support learning

ƒ Have defined links with Learning Skills Council approved education

Vocational Skills and Skills for Life should be targeted at offenders who have poor
employment related skills, which are linked to their offending. For this group
maximum use should be made of the 20% allowance for learning.

Section J – Offender Management. The section of the Manual applies the

principles of the Offender Management Model, to ensure that offenders experience
an integrated and co-ordinated service. This requires:

ƒ Initial assessment using OASys and the Unpaid Work Assessment.

ƒ Sentence planning in accordance with National Standards.

Unpaid work staff should be provided with sentence plans and risk information
relating to offenders. This will facilitate allocation to suitable placements and
ongoing risk management. Systems must also exist to enable Unpaid Work staff
to contribute to sentence planning.
Sections K, L and M of the Manual establish staffing requirements for Unpaid
Work. If in addition to punishing offenders, unpaid work is to be effective in
reducing re-offending, it is necessary for staff to be well trained and supported.
The manual sets minimum standards for organisations providing Unpaid Work in
the following areas:

ƒ Staffing structure.
ƒ The supervision and appraisal of staff.
ƒ Staff training.

Organisations delivering Unpaid Work must have a manager responsible for overall
activities, placement managers and supervisors. Arrangements must also be in
place to ensure that when working with offenders staff have access to support from
a suitably qualified and experienced colleague. Supervision can be provided
individually or in groups. Unpaid Work supervisors are also required to attend 4
Quality Assurance Group or practice development meetings each year. These
meeting must be organised to promote the development and maintenance of pro-
social modelling.

Section N – Quality assuring the delivery of Unpaid Work. This section of the
Manual summarises the requirements which must be in place to assure the quality
of Unpaid Work provision. In addition to confirming adequate risk management,
sentence planning and compliance with National Standards, it is necessary to

ƒ Offender management, including the proper provision and exchange of

ƒ The pro-social delivery of Unpaid Work.
ƒ The quality of placements, including compliance with health and safety
ƒ The provision of skills learning.

Appendices to the Manual give examples of the forms required to monitor and
evaluate the delivery of Unpaid Work. The completed forms must be collated and
stored for monitoring purposes.

Performance Standards based on the requirements set by the Manual are to be

issued. These will assist evaluation of the operation of Unpaid Work. It is planned
that training materials in line with the requirements of the Manual will be available
in early 2007.

Unpaid Work is a cost-effective sentence, which has the potential to build public
confidence in community sentences. Its high visibility and tangible achievements
make it an ideal vehicle for promoting reparation.
NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


This template can be used to:

• Review an existing function, policy or practice

• Develop a new function, policy or practice.

Policy can be unwritten procedures as well as formal written policies – equality

impact assessment should be carried out on any aspect of probation work which has
an impact on service users and staff.

The aims of impact assessment are

• to identify potential unfair treatment or adverse impact in the way the policy
or practice is implemented on any groups (in respect to race, disability,
gender, faith, sexual orientation or age).
• to promote good relations in conducting Probation business
• to promote equality
• to eliminate discrimination
• to comply with the general duty in the Race Relations (Amendment) Act, and
forthcoming new legal requirements covering disability (2006) and gender
(2007) and other diversity strands.
• to meet legal requirements in the equality legislation and protect the Area
and Service from legal action
• to improve the quality of Probation work overall and produce a real benefit for
all concerned.

Ten key points to help to ensure a good impact assessment are attached. More
detailed guidance is available in the Home Office template for race equality impact
assessment and on the CRE web site ( The Disability Rights
Commission will be issuing guidance on Disability impact assessment during 2006.

Most aspects of probation service work have the potential to affect people (service
users, staff, partners, contractors) in different racial or ethnic groups in different
ways, even though this may not be apparent at first. There may be barriers to
equality which only a process of exploration and consultation will reveal. It is
therefore safer to conduct a full impact assessment on most probation service
policies, functions and practices.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

Areas should first list all functions and policies and set priorities for impact
assessment according to relevance: high, medium or low relevance.

This template has been designed mainly for use to comply with legislation on race.
However it can also be used for impact assessment in relation to disability, gender,
faith, sexual orientation, and age. This will be a legal requirement for disability in
December 2006 and for gender in 2007 and it is good practice to start working
on impact assessment in these areas now.

However there is some variation in requirements in the different legislation and

it is important to note that a generic template such as this may need to be
adapted as further guidance is issued, for example, from the Disability Rights



NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


1. Title of function, policy or practice (including common practice)

Is this a new policy under development or an existing one?

Existing Policy.


2. Aims, purpose and outcomes of function, policy or practice

What is the function, policy or practice addressing? What operational work or
employment/HR activities are covered? What outcomes are expected?

Manual to aid the operational delivery of unpaid work across the National
Probation Service in England & Wales, including partners and contractors
responsible for the delivery of unpaid work.

3. Target groups
Who is the policy aimed at? Which specific groups are likely to be affected by its
implementation? This could be staff, service users, partners, contractors.

For each equality target group, think about possible positive or negative impact,
benefits or disadvantages, and if negative impact is this at a high medium or low
level. Give reasons for your assessment. This could be existing knowledge or
monitoring, national research, through talking to the groups concerned, etc. If there
is possible negative impact a full impact assessment is needed. The high, medium or
low impact will indicate level of priority to give the full assessment. Please use the
table below to do this.
Equality Positive impact Negative impact Reason for assessment
target group – could benefit - could and explanation of
disadvantage possible impact
(High, medium,
Women Yes Potential The needs of female
negative impact offenders are addressed
on female staff. within the manual. It is

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

necessary to further
consider the impact on
female staff (particularly
Men Yes The needs of male
offenders are adequately
addressed by the manual.
Asian/Asian Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
British people needs needed.
Black/Black Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
British people needs needed.
Chinese Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
people or needs needed.
other groups clarification.
People of Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
mixed race needs needed.
White people Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
(including Irish needs needed.
people) clarification.
Travellers or Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
Gypsies needs needed.
Disabled Yes Not clear- Full Impact Assessment
people needs needed.
Lesbians, gay No
men and
Transgender No
Older people No –impairment
over 60 resulting from
old age is
under disability.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

Young people Not clear- Local procedures may

(17-25) and needs need to be carefully
children clarification considered.
Faith groups No - in general. Needs full impact
assessment. Further
exploration in this area

4. Further research/questions to answer

As a result of the above, indicate what questions might need to be answered in the
full impact assessment and what additional research or evidence might be needed to
do this.

The manual was informally assessed before printing. A full impact

assessment was undertaken subsequently. The full assessment concluded
that the manual was unlikely to result in significant detriment to any group, but
it did identify potential detriment to the following groups:

- Young offenders
- Offenders with mental health problems
- Female staff (particularly supervisors)

These potential concerns, together with any which arise following

implementation, will be addressed when the manual is reviewed in April 2008.
Further reviews of the impact assessment will take place every three years.

Initial screening done by the NPD impact assessment team (see section 4 for

Jill Shaw Date: 26/10/06

Head of Community Re-integration
National Probation Directorate

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


1. Title of function, policy or practice (including common practice)

Is this a new policy under development or an existing one?

Existing Policy.


2. Aims, purpose and outcomes of function, policy or practice

What is the function, policy or practice addressing? What operational work or
employment/HR activities are covered? What outcomes are expected?

Manual to aid the operational delivery of unpaid work across the National
Probation Service in England & Wales, including partners and contractors
responsible for the delivery of unpaid work.

3. Target groups
Who is the policy aimed at? Which specific groups are likely to be affected by its
implementation? Use the initial screening to summarise potential adverse impact on
each group as identified above and the reasons given. What knowledge and
information do you already have, what further research or evidence should be
collected in the full impact assessment?

The manual is for the use of staff with responsibility in the implementation of
any aspect of the unpaid work community sentence requirement, regardless of
the age, gender, race, sexual orientation, faith, or gender recognition of

□ Gender – The needs of offenders have been adequately addressed, but those
of female staff may need further consideration.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

□ Race – The implementation of the manual should not have a negative

impact on any group, but any possible negative impact will be given full
consideration when the manual is reviewed.

□ Disability – The potential impact of the manual needs clarification in respect

of offenders who experience mental ill health.

□ Sexual orientation/transgender – The needs of gay, lesbian and transgender

offenders are adequately addressed by the manual.

□ Age – Possible impairment as a result of age would be addressed in relation

to disability. Local procedures for the protection and safety of young
offenders may require further consideration.

□ Faith – Faith needs are addressed. The manual is unlikely to have a

negative impact on any faith group.

4. Impact assessment process

Which staff will conduct the IA? (e.g. Board members, senior managers, policy
leads, or a team of staff.)

Jill Shaw – Head of Community Re-integration Team

Neill Martin – Unpaid Work Project Implementation Manager
David Mead – Unpaid Work Scheme Manager
John MacGregor – Business & Communications Manager, Interventions
Kathryn Ball – National HR Manager - Health & Safety
Saima Malik – Equality & Diversity Officer, Interventions – London Probation
Omar Ralph – Equality & Diversity Manager
Julie Taylor – Secretary to the Meeting.

Will you include external advice from community groups or individuals?

Feedback from the community beneficiaries of unpaid work will be sought.

How will the IA be approved and integrated into senior management processes?
The impact assessment will be approved by the Head of Interventions Unit,

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

What is the role of the diversity manager?

To contribute to the impact assessment team.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

5. Consultation
Give details of any planned internal staff and external community consultation and

Members of the UW Project Board – inc Area representation

Members of the UW Reference Group – inc Area representation
Senior Probation Directorate Staff
Staff Associations
NOMS Commissioning Team
NPD Business Development Unit
NPD Unit Heads
Health & Safety Forum Members

Who will be consulted, how will it be done, when, what are the aims of the
consultation, what will be done with the results?

The manual will be reviewed by both internal and external representatives. It

will be reviewed after 1 year on the basis of feedback from Probation Areas.
Thereafter reviews will take place every three years.

Are a diverse range of staff, service users and stakeholders consulted?

Yes, a diverse range of internal and external staff and stakeholders have been

How will the impact assessment process be publicised to give as many people as
possible an opportunity to take part?

Publicised on EPIC with a copy of the Impact Assessment.

Publicised in the Interventions Newsletter
An executive summary of the manual will be referenced on the Probation
external website, together with a copy of the impact assessment.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


6. Q & A: Effect of function, policy or practice

What questions were identified in the initial screening above?

The manual could have a potential negative impact on offenders who

experience mental illness, because this is imprecisely defined. The needs of
sixteen and seventeen year old offenders may also need further consideration.

What other aspects of the way this policy is, or might be, implemented, should be

The implementation of the manual and staff training for the delivery of the
unpaid work.

Are there any points within the policy as it stands where the potential exists for
negative impact on staff or service users or stakeholders across all groups?


Is there any existing evidence to show that adverse impact on any racial group has
occurred previously in this area, if so what?


If not what evidence will you need to collect to assess the impact? (This might be
monitoring, evidence from staff networks, evidence from service users, surveys,
interviews, focus groups, wider consultation, research at national or area level on
impact of similar policies or functions, etc.)

Probation Areas and other organisations responsible for the delivery of unpaid
work will be required to implement the manual by April 2007. The manual will
be reviewed by NOMS in April 2008. This review will be based upon
information from providers of unpaid work. Unpaid work requirement
completion information will also be reviewed to ensure that the manual is not
having a negative impact on any equality target group.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

How can you be sure you have fully understood potential for adverse impact? Have
relevant community members been engaged at all stages in identifying questions to
ask, areas of concern?

In addition to the above, community members will be consulted by means of

beneficiary surveys. Organisations delivering unpaid work should also
conduct exit questionnaires on all offenders completing unpaid work
requirements. These sources will also identify if the manual is having a
negative impact on any group.

What level of community consultation and engagement has taken place during the
impact assessment? What were the results?

None, but future exit and beneficiary questionnaires will assist in this area.

Overall, how does the policy promote equality, eliminate discrimination and promote
good relations?

The Manual for the Delivery of Unpaid Work promotes equality by addressing
areas of potential discrimination.

7. Assessment of evidence and action on results

What conclusions can be drawn from the consultation and the evidence collection?

There will be no significant detrimental impact on any equality group.

Support the conclusions by reference to the outcomes of consultation and evidence


The parties consulted are identified above.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

Is there is a need to change amend or withdraw the policy or practice?

No. The manual will be reviewed in April 2008.

In what ways will be policy promote good relations, promote equality and eliminate
discrimination? Does it need amending to reflect this?

It was concluded that the manual will promote equality and good relations.
The implementation of the manual should eliminate the possibility of
discrimination in the delivery of unpaid work, because consideration has been
given to the potential impact on all equality groups.

If so, what action is needed, by when and who is responsible?

Future monitoring and review will address any issues which might arise
following implementation.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


8. Monitoring and management

How will the policy be monitored to measure the impact of it on the target groups?

The impact of the manual will be reviewed one year following implementation.
Thereafter reviews will take place every three years.

Are monitoring arrangements adequate to measure the impact of the policy in

relation to on all groups?

Sexual orientation/transgender

Information relating to sexual orientation/transgender is currently not available

for offenders sentenced to unpaid work. It is anticipated that this will be
available in the future.

What management structures are in place to ensure effective implementation of the

function, policy or practice?

Data collection arrangements are in place. The implementation of the manual

will be overseen by the Unpaid Work Project Board and Reference Group, both
of which include representation from Probation Areas.

Unpaid work training materials will be revised and issued in January 2007.
Implementation of training will be monitored.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

9. Publishing the results

How will you publish the results of the IA and any subsequent monitoring to measure

The impact assessment will be published on EPIC. An executive summary of

the manual will be available on the Probation Website, together with the impact

In what formats, aimed at which audiences? Is the information accessible to those

who need it?

The manual is for organisations and staff responsible for the delivery of
unpaid work. It is will be available electronically and in loose leaf format, to
enable it to be revised.

How will feedback be given to those involved in consultation?

Feedback will be given to those involved in consultation, via the Unpaid Work
Project Board and Reference Group. Future revisions to the manual will
provide feedback to other stakeholders.

10. Approval and review

Who will give final approval of the impact assessment of the policy or function?

Sarah Mann- Head of the Interventions Unit

How often will it be reviewed in future – by when and by whom?

The manual will be reviewed after one year and thereafter every three years by
the relevant NOMS team.

Final approval by:


Date of completed IA and approval 13th November 2006

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template


Ten key points to ensure a good impact assessment

The ten steps below are practical suggestions about how to approach the impact
assessment process in general to ensure that it is thorough and fully evidenced.

These notes supplement the more detailed guidance in the Home Office Impact
Assessment template, to which probation areas should refer for more information if
required, as well as the CRE guidance on impact assessment.

1. Establish the local baseline in your area – this will help with all impact

Who are your service users? Who are your staff? Who are your partner
organisations and those to whom you contract services? What do you know
about these groups in relation to racial and cultural background, age, faith,
gender, etc? Do you have enough knowledge and information about these
diverse groups to be able to assess the impact of your policies and practices
on each of them? What sort of information might you need to show that you
can give detailed consideration to the possible impact?

If you don’t have it, how can you get it? What do you know about your local
community and sources of advice and expertise that you could tap into? How
can you find out? What could be available in your area or at national level, to
strengthen local community sources and their capacity to help with the impact
assessment process?

Area there any race equality issues in your area which should be taken into
account? For example have there been any employment tribunal cases
alleging racial discrimination, or complaints from service users or community
groups? What well know community concerns are there beyond the
probation service – for example any known concerns about policing, or poor
community relations – these external factors can affect how the Probation
Service delivers its services.

2. Clarify who is responsible for conducting impact assessments

Will all impact assessments be done by one person, for example, the diversity
manager? Or will relevant policy and operational managers carry them up

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

with advice from the diversity manager? How will the assessment be
communicated and actioned by senior management? How will the outcome
form part of regular performance and management review processes? Are
responsibility and deadlines clearly assigned and are there enough resources
available for those responsible to do them properly?

Will impact assessment training be provided for all those responsible for
impact assessments?

3. Set up a process for internal consultation – and use it before you start

Given the composition of your staff, who needs to be consulted internally

about the impact of policy and practice? Is there already a system in place for
consultation? If so how effective is it? And if not can something be put in
place before the impact assessment process begins? Can staff associations
and support groups help?

Use the internal consultation process to help identify potential problems,

adverse impact or areas which the impact assessment might need to probe.
This framework can be used for all policies and functions.

4. Set up a process for external consultation – and use it before you start

What is the best way for you to involve local communities, faith groups etc?
What sort of support from you might they need in order to take this on
effectively (resources, access, methods of communicating, frequency of
consultation and so on)? Are any existing consultation methods working well
and do they include the right people? If not, set up a strong and effective
system of regular consultation with local communities.

Some organisations have set up an independent advisory group specifically

to assist with impact assessment, by reviewing priorities for assessment,
conduct of the assessment, conclusions, and bringing a challenging and fresh
perspective which can be very helpful.

Once a good process is in place, consult before you begin the impact
assessment to help to identify potential problems, adverse impact or areas
which you need to explore.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

5. Decide what questions need to be asked about the policy, function or


Remember that policies can be unwritten – custom and practice – as well as

formal written policies.

What and who does the policy or function affect? How much do you already
know about the way it works: has there been any ethnic monitoring in the
past, any staff or service users surveys, audit reports or other information?
Are there any identified concerns?

Use this and the consultation process above to think through any potential
adverse impact of each area: what are the danger points where unfair
treatment might occur? How much discretion is involved, and how is this
discretion supervised and by whom? How is use of discretion recorded? What
management oversight and supervision is in place for the policy or function?

What are the gaps in your knowledge of the impact of this policy or practice
and how can you fill them?

6. Collect the evidence

Evidence can be from a variety of sources: ethnic monitoring where it is in

place, of staff and service users, is one source. You can also carry out
surveys or interviews and focus groups specifically to gather evidence for the
impact assessment, and collect further evidence from the consultation
methods set up earlier in the process. There might have been inspectorate
reports, or pieces of local research on a topic. Staff associations and
networks may have evidence as may partners and service users.

In the impact assessment you need to describe what the various sources of
evidence were; how it was obtained, from whom and what were the key
issues (concerns or successes) which the evidence suggests. It is not
enough to state that no adverse impact has been identified: the assessment
must make clear the basis for that statement: the how, who, what and when
of arriving at that assessment.

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

7. Act on the results

According to what the impact assessment concludes, ensure action is taken

to amend the policy or function or even produce a new policy or procedure,
and that responsibility and a timetable for action is clearly assigned and
implementation is monitored.

8. Set up and use an effective ethnic monitoring system.

If the policy or function concerned has not been subject to ethnic monitoring
in the past, and has a potential for adverse impact, you need to ensure ethnic
monitoring systems are in place. All new policies and functions will also
require an ethnic monitoring process to demonstrate year on year that there is
no discrimination and that the policy promotes good race relations.

Make sure your local ethnic monitoring system can provide the answers to
your own local questions (not just provide data for NPD statistics!) and
reflects what you know about your service users and your staff. Make sure
that everyone involved knows why they are monitoring and how to do it.

As well as outcomes in terms of statistics ensure you cover the use of

discretion at key decision making points: how is it used, who by, who
oversees the outcomes. Can you be sure discretion is always been exercised
fairly and can you prove that? Provide training for the staff that will collect and
analyse the ethnic monitoring information.

9. Publish the results

All race equality impact assessments should be made available to service

users and staff, perhaps using the Area web site. Feedback and results
should also be given to everyone, internally and externally, who was
consulted. Publication promotes openness and accountability and
encourages further dialogue and debate. Make sure the published results are
in a range of accessible formats to meet the diverse range of access

10. Keep asking the questions!

NPS Race Equality Impact Assessment template

If the ethnic monitoring and consultation is effective, the review process

should become part of the routine performance and management processes
so that the impact of policy and practice can be continuously reviewed.

Think about additional ways to check for impact and gather evidence as time
goes by: annual service users and staff surveys, for example. Use local
independent external contacts (for example local universities) to conduct
small scale research projects to validate the ethnic monitoring results.

Impact assessment is an evolving and continuous process. Policy and

practice changes and so do people and knowledge and understanding of race
and diversity. Setting up a strong system as suggested above will mean the
impact assessment process becomes mainstreamed, and can be used as a
basis for impact assessment of other diversity strands such as gender,
disability, sexual orientation, faith and belief, and age.


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