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Ekamai International School

Grade 7 Computer Class

Lesson Plan
Lesson: Spreadsheet (Basic Mathematical Functions and Formulas in MS Excel) These are the list of the functions and formulas that the students are expected to learn Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient, Average, Median, Mode, Min, Max Time frame: 4 meetings (1 meeting = 45 minutes) Objectives: At the end of the Lesson, students will be able to: create spreadsheet tables differentiate functions and formulas in MS Excel Use different functions and formulas in MS Excel to calculate and process data. Explain the different ways to insert functions and formulas Decide which formula is necessary to find the expected result

Materials: Computer Projector

Activities: Day 1 a review on the different parts of MS Excel environment and basics like borders, fonts, colors and background colors will be conducted. Then a lecture on the different functions and formulas (Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient) will be given. A table of data will be used to let the students experience how to calculate in MS Excel. Different methods of inserting functions and formulas will also be presented. Day 2 - A lecture on basic statistical formulas will be given (Average, Median, Mode, Min, Max) as well as finding the lowest and the highest

value in a set (Min and Max). A table of data will be used to let the students experience how to calculate in MS Excel. Different methods of inserting functions and formulas will also be presented. Day 3 students will be given a table with a set of data and let them use the different functions and formulas that they have learned. All the formulas and functions that were discussed will be used on the sample data set. Day 4 Assessment will be given on this day in a form of a TEST. This test includes the application of the functions and formulas learned and also the basic technical skills in MS Excel like changing fonts, color, background colors and borders. Assessment: A test will be given after the lesson. This test will measure their knowledge on using different functions and formulas in MS Excel. A table with data will be given and students will have to decide and use which functions and formulas are needed to complete the table. ESLO: Complex Thinker, Self-Manager

Ekamai International School Grade 7 Computer Class

Lesson Plan Lesson: Database Time frame: 4 meetings (1 meeting = 45 minutes) Objectives: At the end of the Lesson, students will be able to: Explain what is database use database for record keeping differentiate Records and Fields Create tables in MS Excel and record the data in the database. organize database using sort and filter print database in its unsorted, sorted and filtered format

Materials: Computer Internet Books, CDs, DVDs, Play cards and other objects that can be collected Projector Printer

Activities: Day 1 - the output project will be introduced so that students will have the idea what they are going to do throughout the lesson. A lecture about database will be conducted. Sample databases will be shown to students. Students will be ask to group themselves into 2-3 members and let them decide among themselves what database are they going to collect. Options are books, CDs, DVDs, Cards, Animals, Plants or anything that they are interested to collect.

Day 2 - students will be collecting their data. Some of them will be in the library to collect books, some will go out and get information from other students, and some will be using the internet to get their data. Each group will collect 50 Records and at least 7 Fields for their database. Day 3 - students will encode their data in MS Excel. A demonstration will be given on how to Sort the database in Alphabetical order from A-Z and vice versa, how to Sort using multiple fields and how to Filter database so that only needed Records will be displayed and the rest will be hidden. This is very helpful when finding a specific data in the database. Day 4 students will do the final touches in their database and they are expected to complete the requirements before the period will end. On this stage, students will be able to modify and edit their own database and print it in the required format. Assessment: A project based assessment will be given where students will create their own database by collecting 50 different items of their choice with at least 7 kinds of information about the item. Students will submit a printed copy of their database in three forms. Unsorted, Sorted and Filtered. ESLO: Quality Producer, Collaborative Worker, Responsible Citizen

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