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Ashley Koopmann

Art 3/4 Lesson Plan Enduring Idea: The playful nature of surrealist juxtaposition has echoed throughout cultures and time to transform reality and alter environments. Lesson Title: Surreal Perspective Grade/Class: Grades 10-12, Art 3/4 Time Allotment: 13 45-minute class periods

Lesson Summary: Artists, artworks, and/or artifacts: Dorothea Tanning Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Rene Magritte Time Transfixed and Personal Values Kay Sage The Fourteen Daggers Gertrude Abercrombie Split Personality Surrealist artists featured in Surrealism Video

Key Concepts: Surrealist artists delved into the inner psyche, drawing from dreams and playful notions to create bizarre juxtapositions and distort reality. Artists can realistically render environments and put a surrealist spin on them using the juxtaposition of objects.

Essential Questions: What makes surrealism unique? How can an artist create a room environment and transform it with a surrealist twist?

PA Standards: Arts & Humanities o 9.1.12.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. o 9.1.12.B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. o 9.1.12.C: Integrate and apply advanced vocabulary to the arts forms. 1

o 9.1.12.D: Demonstrate specific styles in combination through the production or performance of a unique work of art (e.g., a dance composition that combines jazz dance and African dance). Other Disciplines o M11.A.2.1.3: Identify and/or use proportional relationships in problem solving settings. Drawing in proportion and scale in relation to drawing a two-point perspective room

Interdisciplinary Connections: This lesson applies the concepts of scale and perspective grounded in both visual literacy and mathematical/architectural literacy.

Students will...
Knowledge: Skills: Render the interior of a room using accurate two-point perspective. Draw objects in their rendered room using correct scale. Exercise excellent craftsmanship by erasing extraneous lines and cleaning up glue marks. Understand the basic ideas of surrealism through the inclusion of juxtaposed objects in their drawing. Comprehend the essential vocabulary and principles of two-point perspective by completing the warm-up pre-assessment worksheet.

Dispositions: Evaluate their performance by completing a self-assessment worksheet.

What objectives or performances will count as evidence of student learning as stated in your objectives? Completion of pre-assessment worksheet Participation in discussion following Surrealism video Sharpening of skills through practice drawings/thumbnails/brainstorm sketches 2

Completion of final project that uses correct two-point perspective Proper execution of Surrealist juxtaposition Completion of self-assessment worksheet

How will you measure student achievement? Pre-Assessment: Two-point perspective warm-up worksheet Ongoing assessment: Focused independent work and practice Summative Assessment: Completion of project, completion of self-assessment

Instructional Procedures
Day 1: Motivation/Engagement o Introduction to a new way of seeing things: two-point perspective Development o Demonstrate two-point perspective boxes o Distribute pre-assessment worksheet o Review vocabulary Culmination/Close o Hint at the upcoming project activity

Day 2:

Motivation/Engagement o Show video on Surrealism Development o Engage in discussion about Surrealism and its essential ideas Culmination/Close o Show exemplar for upcoming project o Allow students to cut objects from magazines (if time)

Days 3-4 Motivation/Engagement o Review Surrealism concepts o Review two-point perspective concepts Development o Demonstrate how to set up a two-point perspective room on paper o Independent practice Culmination/Close 3

o Clean up Day 5: Motivation/Engagement o Encourage assembly of ideas and decision-making to start the final Development o Demonstrate how to set up final paper o Allow continued practice Culmination/Close o Clean up

Days 6-10: Motivation/Engagement o Time to set up the reality before you can add that Surrealist twist! Development o Review setup of final o Review how to draw in two-point perspective o Independent work and individualized help Culmination/Close o Clean up

Days 11-12 Motivation/Engagement o Now you need to find some objects to create a Surreal juxtaposition Development o Review exemplar o Allow students to peruse through magazine collage materials and cut out objects of interest o Have students gauge placement before permanent adhering o Students assemble Surreal juxtaposition Culmination/Close o Clean up

Day 13: Motivation/Engagement o Wrapping it up and taking a look back at what you have accomplished Development o Discuss self assessment worksheet o Independent work and tying up loose ends Culmination/Close o Final review of surrealism and two-point perspective o Review of student work 4

Teacher Research and Preparation: Google images research for examples of Surrealist artworks Setup and assemblage of exemplar Find a good Surrealism educational film Compilation of assessment worksheets

Instructional Resources: Polyvision board to play Surrealism DVD and show Surrealism image examples Project exemplar

Student Supplies: Pencils Self-assessment and pre-assessment worksheets 12x16 practice paper Large drawing paper Large newsprint Masking tape

Adaptations: Students who have fine motor difficulties and cannot hold the ruler steady while drawing straight pencil lines will have a rubber strip attached o their ruler to keep it from moving while they draw. They will also have the option to elevate it above the work area a little so they can turn the paper as they please instead of the ruler. Students with mild visual impairments will receive a template final paper with the room set up and the option to use pipe cleaners, play dough, or model magic. Students with little to no vision may construct 3-D rooms high in tactile stimulation possibilities.

Surreal Perspective Below are some ideas to give you inspiration for your surreal two-point perspective artwork. You will design a 2-point perspective room and include enough objects in it to give the idea of the type of room you are drawing. After that, you will use cut-out objects from a magazine to make your artwork bizarre and surreal.
Brainstorm for your 2-point perspective room on the back of this paper. Surrealism is a 20th-century artistic movement that expresses the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. This means that surreal artists used images that made little sense within their artworks, like a quarter the size of a lounge chair in the middle of a living room.

Closet Cabinets Open/closed doors Chairs / Recliners Couch Sink Mirror Vase Lamp Television Statue Hanging pictures or artwork Window Curtains Table

Ceiling fan Toilet Bathtub Bed Desk Computer Baby Crib Stairs Plants Animals Printed Rugs Vacuum Basket Taxidermy animal heads Bookshelves


Directions: Review your surreal two - point perspecti ve room artwork to fill i n your answers.

1. Did you use correct two-point perspective? Circle one. All lines should be either vertical
or receding toward one vanishing point.



2. How well do you think you did with the scale of objects in your drawing? Circle





*If you answered Fair or Poor, explain what you could improve:

3. What part of this project did you struggle with the most?

4. What are you the most proud of in your project?

5. How does your artwork relate to the Surrealism art movement? Think about what
Surrealism means and the artworks you saw before we started this project.

Surreal Perspective: Assessment Checklist

0 = No
No Completion

1 = Somewhat
Partial Completion

2 = Yes
Full Completion

________ Student completed two-point perspective warm-up worksheet. ________ Student completed the two-point perspective room project. ________ Student used accurate two-point perspective. ________ Student exercised excellent craftsmanship by erasing extraneous lines and cleaning up extra glue marks. ________ Student completed Self-Assessment reflection. ________ Student showed comprehension of surrealism through the juxtaposition of collaged cut-out objects. Comments/Suggestions:

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