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Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Published by MOHAMMED ABDUL HAFEEZ First Published 1433/2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

Preface This book is very new and which is translated from Urdu into English by me during the year 2012 and I published this book in the 2012 A.D. It means it was published one years ago in Hyderabad in the English language. Please note first time in it a biography of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah (R.A.) (Naib-e-Rasool) Rahmatabad Sharif in English added and before its publication no biography book was not available in Urdu as well as in English. In this book many biographies are added and covering many great achievements of the great Sheikhs of Deccan (South India) which are not yet known to the general persons and other persons are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great interest and attention in this matter. Special care and attention was taken for translation of biography book of Baher Rahmat (the Sea of Mercy) of Hazrat Khaja Syed Rahmatullah and who is also known as Naib-E-Rasool (deputy of Allahs last prophet) and this is first biography now available in English and before it no book of biography was not available in this matter. From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this books first chapter and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last chapter as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of holy saint are added and this holy saint who was passed away from the world some many centuries years ago. Even though in this collection small books are added in it but due to its importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information about holy saint and who was passed away from the world

upon doing his great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the area of the Deccan (South India). So these books are a small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam. This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western world where there is great search and demand of the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of Allahs last prophet. To write about these great Sufi saints is not only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as they were not only a great pious personalities of their time in Deccan (South India) region but they were also great Sufi Masters in Deccan area who struggled hard for the preaching and propagation of Islam centuries ago, so in brief some of them were Qutusb (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of their time in Deccan (South India) region and who did many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation of Islam in South India and around it and there was no such personality during his time. In this book the following five small books are added and the details of the five books are as follows. Part 1. The Sea of Mercy (Baher-E- Rahmat). Part 2. Biography of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahamatullah Quaderi. Part 3. Gulzar Auliya. Part 4. Auliya-E-Aurangabad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.

Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics (The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar) Email : [email protected] ===================================================

1.The Sea of Mercy (Baher-E- Rahmat)

Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Published by MOHAMMED ABDUL HAFEEZ First Published 1433/2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

Preface This book Baher-E-Rahmat (The Sea of Mercy) is very old and which is written by Syed Abu Saeed Wala in Persian and translated from Persian into Urdu by Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Gafoor Quaderi Rehamatabadi and who is working in Jamia Nizamia Hyderabad as deputy head of the department of Arabic language. He published this book in the 2001 A.D. It means it was published some 12 years ago in Hyderabad in the Urdu language. Please note it is a biography of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah (R.A.) (Naib-e-Rasool) Rahmatabad Sharif. This is a small book in which there is a biography of Khaja Syed Rahmatullah of Rahmatabad Sharif is added and in this book there are some great achievements of this great Sheikh of Deccan (South India) which are not yet known to the general persons and other persons are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great interest and attention in this matter. Hazrat Khaja Syed Rahmatullah and who is also known as Naib-E-Rasool (deputy of Allahs last prophet). From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this books first chapter and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last chapter as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of holy saint are added and this holy saint who was passed away from the world some 232 years ago. Even though this is a small book but due to its importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information about holy saint and who was passed away from the world upon doing his great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the area of the Deccan (South India). So this book is a small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam. This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while

comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western world where there is great search and demand of the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of Allahs last prophet. To write about this great Sufi saint is not only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as he was not only a great pious personality of his time in Deccan (South India) region but he was also a great Sufi Master in Deccan area who struggled hard for the preaching and propagation of Islam centuries ago so in brief he was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in Deccan (South India) region and who did many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation of Islam in South India and around it and there was no such personality during his time. This book is divided into four parts and in each part there are some chapters. The details of the four parts are as follows. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Biographies of Sufi Masters of Khaja Sahib. Biography of Khaja Sahib. Miracles and revelation of Khaja Sahib. Biography of the disciples of Khaja Sahib.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com. Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics (The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar) Email : [email protected] ===================================================


The Sea of Mercy (Baher-E- Rahmat)

As per saying of Moulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi uddin (1) that his Murshid (spiritual master) in the beginning was follower of Nisbat (connection) of Owasia order (2) of Sufism (Tariqa ) and one day he suddenly left his house in his passion to visit the mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz of Gulberga Sharif and he was reached there and recited Fateha (The opening chapter of the Holy Quran this recited as prayers for the dead) on his soul and benefitted and got his attention and favours from there. Hazrat Alawi Barroom and Harzrat Syed Abdullah Baroom. Khaja Sahib contacted Hazrat Syed Alawi Bejapuri (3) there and he was become his disciple and made a pledge (Bay'ah) to him and accepted him as his Murshid (spiritual master) and as the disciple he becomes initiated as a disciple (Murid) and got caliphate from Hazrat Syed Alawi Bejapuri. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1).He was a devotee and a famous disciple of Hazrat Khaja Rahmatullah Sahib and was a resident of Qandhar Sharif in Maharastra and who wrote the book Anwar Qandhar and in that book Khaja Sahibs biographical details are available in chapter four of the book. 2).Those who will cover the journey of Saluk (mystic initiation) without any spiritual master or who will get favoured by reciting Fatah on the soul of the holy persons who were passed away from the world and they are known as Owaisi. They will not make their pledge to any Sufi order. For this reason they are called the persons in connection of the Owaisia Sufi Order. Hazrat Owaise Qarni who had a great love of the Allahs final apostle but he did not meet him and saw him. Allahs last prophet used to love him greatly.



3) His mausoleum is situated in Bejapur near the tomb of Sultan Ali Adil Shah in the area of Saqab Rouza and his father Hazrat Abdullah barooms grave is situated beside of the mausoleum. His father wrote Qasida Baromia in Urdu language and his present successor Syed Chirag uddin Saheb is residing near the Jamia (principal) mosque of Bijapur in street of Muslims and who is well known and famous personality for his good conduct and manners.



Syed Alawi Barooms father came to India from Arabia and was settled down in Bejapur and this city was greatly benefitted by his light of presence and he was died in this city on 21 Zeqada. His grave is situated near the grave of Hazrat Jafer Seqi ullah. He belongs to Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) from the Hazrat Mouth area of Southern Yemen. He was a disciple and a devotee of his father Syed Shah Abdullah Baroom and his devotion (Iradat) is connected with said Abdullah Hadad on one side and on the other side he is also connected with Syed Abdullah Ba-Bakhi. Hazrat Syed Alawi Baroom was famous for the following things. 1. Higher status 2. Miracle and revelation Khaja Sahib when was became his disciple and made a pledge (Bay'ah) to him and accepted him as his spiritual master (Murshid) and so in this way he was entered into the golden link of Al-Sayydi Muhiyudin Abu Mohammed Abdul Qadier Al-Jilan al-Hasni WalHussaini R.A. and he was in the service of his spiritual master for a long time and did great mystical exercises there and he was obtained a higher status. Hazrat Syed Ashraf Makki. He is Khaja Sahibs third spiritual master and famous Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) and as well as he was great holy personality of his time. Khaja Sahib stayed there for some days with Hazrat Syed Ashraf Makki and he was obtained the grace of the innermost (Batini) and many knowledges from him. Ashraf Makkis four caliphs in India. He has sent his four caliphs to India for the teaching and preaching work of Islam and their details are mentioned as follows.


1. Syed Khaja Rahmatullah who came to Karnataka and settled down in an Alka Karnataka area which is on the western side of the Nellore village at a distance of thirty six miles. 2. Sheikh Ali Makki was coming to Aurangabad city and settled down there. 3. Shah Naserullah was coming to Surat port town and he settled down there. 4. Syed Abdul Quadir was coming to Nuzhatabad which is in Delhi and he settled down there.

Chapter 1

Hazrat Ashraf was great Sheikh and well known and famous holy personality in Makkah and he was famous and well known for his guidance to the persons who are away from the right path of Allah. He will help the students of Haq (Allah) towards their destination in this matter. He was a great leader of learned persons and who used to guide and help them towards the right path of Allah by his teaching and preaching methods. As per reference from Haji Abdul Karim who was a disciple of the Khaja Sahib and who was the son in law of Hazrat Kuchak and as well as he was famous pious and great learned personally in Makkah. His shrine is still famous and well known in Makkah and for this reason still there is the attraction it for knowledge seekers and he says one day there was a condition of ecstasy on Sheikh Asharaf Makki before the black stone (Hajar Aswad) which is the mirror of the holy personalities in holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah and he said the following. In that mirror I have seen my Eman (faith) like the Sinai (Tur) mountain and its height (Rafat) and divine light (Tajalli) are like the


above mountain and its saintliness is like the mountain of Abu Qais (1) of Makkah. He was born in Makkah and he was passed away from this world on th 30 Muherrum. Even today his grave is in available in the graveyard of Al-Moulla (2) and which is the attraction of the large number of visitors there. Details of authors family members and Hazrat Ashraf Makkis sister. I will remember that my father Syed Abu Tayeb Imami used to say about his father and his elder brother (author's elder paternal uncle) that Syed Zia Uddin Imami that both of them were trained in the company of Hazrat Sheikh Ali Makki. He says that he had heard many times that Sheikhs sister is like Rabia Basiri (3) of her time and at the time of the demise of the Sheikhs sister he was obtaining her great favor and blessing (Barkat) from her soul and heart. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Famous high mountain in Makkah. 2) Famous grave yard in Makkah. 3) Hazrat Rabia Basri was a famous Sufi woman of Basra who lived during 714-801A.D. Details of one disciple of Ashraf Makki. Hazrat Shah Mohammed Rafi uddin said that he was searched hardly and found his disciple who was obtained his favors and benefits due to his direct company of his training and who was same like the following persons as per the below verse of the Holy Quran. That their hearts are not kept away them from the remembrance of Allah in their business dealings of selling and purchasing.



Always their hands are busy in the business but their hearts are busy in the remembrance of Allah. They used to live in bazaars but they will used to be busy with the purchase of the pearl of singular unity (Wahidat) and such good type or category of persons are less and not many more in the world. One day he invited me at his house for dinner so when I went there then he welcomed me with his great love and attention in this matter and he was allowed me to sit on good place . I have seen many tasty dishes and food items on the dinning cloth and food items were in proper arrangement as per Arabic tradition. There were many Negro servants were there with folding their hands in the service of the guests in the line like eye lashes. That host looked me and told me that these servants were prepared these fine food items with their much hard work and they are standing while folding their hands so it is good that due to the kindness they should be allowed permission first to have eat the food items. So I have told him that it is a good thing. Then he asked his servants to sit on the dining cloth and asked them to eat as much as possible and they eat too much food and after some time they have stopped eating food items. Then I asked to sit on the dining cloth along with his sons, friends and other persons to eat food items. 2. Hazrat Sheikh Ali Makki My father used to say this matter which he was heard from his father that the above great Sheikh upon his great mystical exercises did great efforts and endeavors that his inordinate appetites (Nafas Amara) was coming under his control totally. He was disconnected himself from all the creatures. His servants name was famous and well known as Bhola who used to cook bread from gram with small quantities and without oil and salt and this bread is known in India as Chandol and he used to prepare this item for Indias famous and well known pious personality of his time. Half bread will be presented by Bhola in front of him and Harzat used to keep it before him for some hours and upon end of his hunger then he will use to eat the half bread. During this period if


there will be too much inclination of the soul (Nafas) to eat the bread then he will use to say the soul which is as follows. Oh : Malone (cursed person) do not be impatient and why there is haste in this matter. In this way during day and night he used to be contented with the half bread . Details about Sufi Tak Tak. My father used to say that due to instruction of great Sheikh Ashraf Makki he came to Aurangabad and he settled down there for the purpose of teaching and preaching work. But in his heart there were desires and wishes and for this reason he was much interested to visit and see all parts of the world for his tourism purpose. When his secret desire was disclosed to his Sheikh then he has sent his message by a Sufi Tak Tak who was migrated from Toran and who pledge to him as his disciple and he came there from his native place. Like the ruler of fate , the Sheikh has sent his instruction of training to Sufi persons and to leave his desire and wishes of travel and tourism by Sufi Tak Talk to him. At the time of his departure the Sheikh had instructed him to deliver his letter to one person of black color with normal height and who will be with black robe (Kamali) on his shoulders and will come to see him in the morning time in the central (Jamia) mosque. So as per the Sheikhs instruction Sufi Tak Tak had reached in Aurangabad without delay in the journey and had reached very quickly there. As per his instruction he searched the particular person as per marks explained by the Sheikh and found that person upon his search and had given him the Sheikhs letter. That person upon seeing his Sheikhs writing and stamp had kissed the letter and put the letter into his cap. Upon this event that person went into loneliness like the name of Allah will be in the heart of the Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of Allah.) and he had left his wishes and desires for travel and tourism of other places of the world from his heart.


It is said that one Sufi person who used to eat too much food and never satisfy in this matter and desire more and more. So as per the Sheikhs instruction the disciples have arranged a grand party and sent their invitation to him. They have arranged a grand party in this matter with many items of food which were brought on the dining cloth and there were plenty of delicious items of food were there for him. Like lover will not satisfy with his beloved and in the same way the Sufis stomach was not still satisfied in this matter. The writers grandfather also invited him as per the Sheikhs instruction and was arranged a grand party with large items of food for him. At last the Sheikh who was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time was arranged a grand party in which all his Murids (disciples) and devotees were present there like Joza star ready in the presence of their Sheikh with great respect and honor while folding their hands. There was an arrangement of two breads by weight of 250 grams of each bread and which were put before each person and breads were like transparent and in the light like the sun and the moon and with them there was pot of the stew (Shoraba) was there. Like the stars all persons came there and sat at the dinning cloth and they have started food eating and during that time the Sheikh had looked at the Sufi like twinkle of stars and their sights were met with each other. Till then the Sufi person did not eat his half portion of food and his fear of hunger was cool down. So the Sufi was satisfied with the food items on the Sheikhs dinning cloth and after that the Sufi never eat more than above portion of food in his whole life and he was becoming the Sheikhs great lover and devotee and for this reason he was becoming successful in this matter and he was obtained more favor and attention than other disciples and devotees.



3. Nawab Nizam Doulah Nawab Nizam Doulah who was visiting the Sheikh on his campaign of Payan Ghat for his seeking of help and requested (1) help him in this matter. The Sheikh upon hearing his request has ordered his servant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1).Joza , in the lunar system there is one star and its name is Joza and its picture is like a ready woman for service. 2).Nawab Nizam Doullah Nasir Jung was son of Asif Jah Nizam Mulk Mir Qamar Uddin Chin Khalij Khan. In 1741 A.D. He was revolted against his father and but he was defeated and imprisoned and his title was taken back from him. He became the king of Hyderabad but his maternal nephew was claimed his rule with the help of the French army and there was compromise in this matter but due to some evil persons conspiracy he was martyred, he was ruled 1161-1164 A.H. (1748-1751 A.D.). 3). Payan Ghat, it is a geographical term. A peninsula on Indias western shore is called Malabar and eastern shore is called Coromandal. The mountain range from Malabar shore went up to the south side via Pune and it is called Bala Ghat. The mountain range of shore of Coromandal is in the broken shape and its height is very low so it is called Payan Ghat which is opposite of Bala Ghat. Due to their low level of heights all rivers of South India flow from the western side to the eastern side.



Bhola To bring the bow which was presented to him by any other person which was lying in some corner of the house and asked him to hand over the same to the Nawab Sahib as who is going on his campaign. But as per fate there was written martyrdom of the Nawab Sahib so for this reason he could not able to understand the will of the Sheikh so for this reason he rudely told the Sheikh that he is in need of his Batani (innermost) help so if Sheikh will pray then his wish and desire will be fulfilled and he does not need the apparent goods as which are available everywhere. So for this reason the Sheikh was very upset and angry in this matter and told him that as your climber of a wish which will not develop and flourish so he is unable to do anything in this matter. When the Nawab heard his saying so the Nawab was startled in this matter and was touched his foot with great respect and honor and humbly requested him for his prayer for his happy end for the sake of his meeting with him. So for this reason the Sheikh was kind enough to him and he was praying for his success in the other world and for his welfare and benefits of another world. From there the Nawab Sahib after his preparation of another world left in his campaign of Karnatak and he was martyred in the war there. 4. Details of Syed Lashkar Khan He was very influential and very powerful personality in the court of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Asif Jah had four Divans (secretaries) and Lashkar Khan was one among them and he went to Karnataka along with Nasir Jung. But due to bad luck Nasir Jung had sent him to Deccan (South) to control the revolt in Aurangabad. If Nasir Jung was not sent him Aurangabad then he would not have been martyred as Laskhar Khan always looked the French men with suspicion.



Asif Jah. (1). He was Divan (secretary) in the royal court but despite of his high level service and status he used to visit in the presence of Sheikh Makki. One day in front of Sheikh Makki he said something which was against Islamic law while discussing the issue of Wahidat Wajud (unity of existence). The Sheikh used to like him very much but as per instruction in the holy Quran that friendship and enmity should be for the sake of Allah only so for this reason he was becoming very upset and angry in this matter. So for this reason he beat him with his staff on his back and he was told him To leave from this place and next time do not talk such thing which will be cause deadly poison for the general persons. So for this reason he stood from there and hid behind the door of the room. When his fire of anger was cool down then Sheikh has called Nawab Sahib with his great love and affection. It is known that the tears of regret were falling from the eyes so in the same way Nawab Sahib jumped behind the door and came and fell down at the foot of Sheikh Sahib. So the Sheikh put his hand of kindness on his head and has advised him secrets and told him that the reason of its effects will show that royal crown is like a beggars bowl and in this way the word unrelated will be removed from the life. 5. The Ruler of Aurgangabad One benighted person was ruler of Aurangabad and one of his courtiers who had great influence on him like eyelash of blind eyes and for this reason he was very proud in this matter. One day that rulers asked him among Mashaiqs (learned persons) is there person who will not come over the mosque so he replied him that there is one person Sheikh Makki among them who will not use to come to the mosque. Upon hearing this he was becoming upset and angry in this matter and send his servants to bring him in his court. When the Sheikh came over there but he did not stand from his place like stone of the floor with too much proud and haughty and he did not stand and did not pay respect to the Sheikh and in this matter he was excused him due to his stomach pain problem and for this reason he is unable to


move from his place. Upon hearing this Sheikh was upset and angry in this matter and he told the unlucky person that despite of his difficulty and problem as per order of Allah in the holy Quran to obey Allah and his last prophet as well as the ruler he was present there but you without any problem and difficulty in the light of instruction of Allah in Quran that there is an excuse for the blind and ill persons in this matter so with the help of above instruction you were becoming an atheist . So Sheikh did not sit on the polluted floor and left from there while leaving him in the condition of angry and worry. After this event even one part of a day was not over and that Pharaoh type ruler was suffering severe pain in his stomach and he was drowned in the river of Nile to death suddenly and left this world. It is said that due too much holding of the breath the eye sight of the Sheikh was damaged apparently and he was used to take breath only four times in the night.

6. One Maratha rulers misbehaviour Haji Khaja Abdullah Khan Balaqis son Khaja Rahmatallah Khan who belongs to descendants of the genealogy of the great Sheikh of his time Syed Ahmed Kabir. He was a famous courtier of Asif Jah Bahdur of Hyderabad kingdom. One day he went to visit Sheikh Makki along with him there was a young Maratha ruler and that un-luckiest person due to his young age and proud of his rule and he was disrespected him while thinking Sheikh as a blind person and who had stretched his foot on the side of the Sheikh. Due to this reason the Sheikh was becoming very upset and angry and he told Rahmatullah Khan : this infidel person thought him blind person and so he was stretched his foot towards his side. Stood and take him from here and beat him. As your fathers picture in between us so I am helpless in this matter. When Khan heard his order he stood suddenly and with sorrow he was reaching back to his house. That cursed person was also


stood over him but he was very afraid and upset in this matter due to Sheikhs usurpation and due to his condition he fell down while going back from there on the steps of the Sheikhs room and his one leg was broken. And he was taken away from there like a dead person in a palanquin and due to this reason he was reaching back to his house in the worst condition of weeping and crying. 7. The revelation and mortification of Hazrat Sheikh Ali Makki My grandfather put my father in his childhood in the cradle of slavery of Hazrat Sheikh Ali Makki. When he was becoming younger then he was in his service and he used to bring water in the pot for his ablution from the water reservoir of the grave yard of Baba Shah Musafir Plung Push. He was mentioned one event that one day he came from there with water pot on his shoulder and he was reached in the service of the Sheikh and put the water pot on the ground and he went outside and suddenly he looked upon the tree of wild figs which was in the courtyard of the Sheikh and on which there were many fruits were there. There was the desire which came into his mind to eat the fruits. During this time the Sheikh was completed his Israq ( supererogatory midmorning) prayer and was opened the door and like the rays of the sun he sighted him and like a small particle he kissed his foot and paid his respect in this matter. He told him to put the water pot in the room and see him. When I went to see him upon putting the water pot in the room then he told him with great love and affection to sit near him and he put his hand on his head and told him do you want to eat wild fig fruit.? And he told him yes. So he gave him his staff in his hand and asked him to strike on the tree. So as per his order he did the same thing and three ripe wild fig fruits which were sweet in taste and which were like figs in the shape were falling on the ground. As per Allahs last prophets saying Allah is odd and who also likes old number. He was given one fruit to him and second fruit to his sister and cut the third one into two parts and was given that half part to his servant Bhola and other half part was kept for himself before him and started struggling with his soul in this


matter. He did not eat it till his presence there and when he wants to eat it then he used to tell his soul that Cursed one be impatient and why you do want haste in this matter. So he does not know whether he eats that half part of the fruit or he may give it to some other person. 8. Authors father in Sheikh Makkis presence My father used to say that when my grandfather have shown his interest to visit Makkah for the Hajj pilgrimage then he went to visit Sheikh Ali and took his permission in this matter and he went away for journey towards Arabia and he left me in his care and attention. On the next day when I was helping him for his ablution as usual and then he suddenly looked at me and took some handful water and put the same on my mouth and this thing seemed to me most important than honour of two worlds and he put his cap which he was wearing on his head at that time and ordered his servant Bhola to hand over me to my father. So for this reason I was started weeping in this matter so the Sheikh with great love and affection like father cleared my tears with his sleeve and sent me away from there with Bhola. As per order Bhola handed over me to my father and my father was in his journey and at that time who was crossed his two destinations and that cap which was given by Sheikh is still with me and which is very helpful for me in case of any difficulty and problem like a charm. The reason of sending me to my father is that he will know that soon he will passed away from the world and he thought that the boy will be left un-attended and without care and attention after him. Death and last advice. Upon the above event he was called Baba Shah Mahmood who is the successor and the caliph of Baba Shah Musafir and upon his arrival there he was ordered Bhola to bring one bag of money from his room and to give him the same to Shah Sahib.So for this reason Bhola was reluctant in this matter as he used to go always in the house day and


night like breath in the chest of pure persons and know very well that in the house nothing is there except the name of Allah the Merciful. Due to delay and the reluctance of his servant the Sheikh was becoming upset and angry in this matter so for this reason he was ordered Bhola again to go inside of the house and bring the bag of money immediately. For this reason Bhola went urgently into the room and he found the bag of money in the corner of the room and with great surprise he took the bag of money and put the same before Baba Shah Mahmood. The Sheikh started his last advices and instructions to him and told him that he should come here the next day after Iraq (supererogatory mid-morning) prayer and should arrange his funeral rites and used the money from the bag in this matter and to bury him in the courtyard of his house. As per his order Baba Shah Mahmood took the bag of money and went to his house with deep sorrow and also he was very sad due to this event. The next day when he came over there and he was found his great Sheikh of his time was no more in this world and he was joined in the mercy of the Allah. So for this reason he was very sad and upset and he began weeping and tears were falling from his eyes. As per the Sheikh instruction he has arranged his funeral rites with the money from the bag and also organized other arrangements in this matter. He was buried in his courtyard on 2nd Jamid Awwal on 1753 A.H. (May Allah bless his mercy and blessing on his soul and also allow sharing of blessing to us.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Baba Shah Mahmood was the caliph of Baba Musafir Palang Posh. Shah Mahmood was benefitted greatly by living in the company of Hazrat Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami. Ghajidwarni with his masters name of Baba Shah Mahmood shows that he belongs to Naqshibandia Sufi order.



Chapter 9 Authors grandfather Syed Zain al-Abidin Emami was famous and well Known disciple and devote of Hazrat Sheikh Makki. He was in his presence for many years and he was trained and become perfect in the following things and he was successful and passed much higher status in this matter. 1. Teaching of Saluk (mystic initiation) in the chain of Quaderia and Naqsbandi Sufi orders. During Tawaff (circumambulation) in Harem (grand mosque) of holy Makkah he was used to be in the condition un-conscious so the persons used to steal his cap and coverlet from his body but he will not aware of it. So for this reason always he will come back to his house from the Harem (grand mosque) Makkah in a naked condition like the sun of the world. Arrival of authors grandfather from Toran. At that time when there were great problems were there due to the atrocities of Nadir Shah throughout Toran so he left for India from Emami village along with all his family members and he was arrived in India and he stayed for some days under the care of his relative Khaja Abdullah Khan and then he was proceeding towards Makkah for visit purpose. He was staying there for a period of four years and he was visited there all holy places was benefited there. Authors fathers in Makkah. During his stay in Makkah my father was becoming a disciple of the great Sheikh of Makkah Ibrahim Rasheedi and under his supervision he was memorizing the Quran. My father was becoming famous and well


known among the disciples of the above Sheikh of Makkah. After that again he was reaching back to Aurangabad to visit his spiritual master and he left this world on 10th Rabil Awwal in the year 1755 A.H. and he was buried at the foot side of the spiritual master. Imami village. This village is near Bukhara and it was established by Sultan of Sanjar. He was constructed one great tomb with the work of Meena ( the art of color and ornamenting the surface of metals by fusing over its brilliant colors that are decorated in an intricate design) in the name of Hazrat Imam Hussain as per instruction of Hazrat Imam Hussain in his dream and he was named it as Imami village. He was locked in the tomb and has called all Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) persons in Toran and has requested them to put their hand on the lock and so they did the same but the lock was not opened like the difficult puzzle which will not be solved. But at last on putting the hand of Abdullah Araj Tirmazi who was connected with Imam Ali Ibn Ali Taleb in 4 th generation the lock was opened and this Sheikh is connected with our family in 28 th generation. He came from his residence like a sweet breeze there and like bud put his hand on the lock and it was opened like new flower.Upon this great event the Sultan of Sanjar has offered his daughter in his marriage and also has granted the estate of the Samiti in his name and also made him custodian of the above tomb. Due to the kind grace of Allah the above tomb is still in the control and custodian our family members there.

10. Details of Authors paternal uncle The name of paternal uncle of the author is well known and famous as Syed Zia Uddin and he came to India from Imami village when he was seven years old along with his father and he was settled down in


Aurangabad. He was becoming a disciple and a devotee of Sheikh Makki and was included in the chain of Bahia (it means that he belongs to a Sufi order of Khaja Baha uddin Naqshaband) of Hazrat Khaja Baha uddin Naqshbanad and great benefitted by him in this matter for his success in both the worlds. He lived for a long time in the company of his Sheikh. He was busy in the recitals of his Sheikhs family and was obtained higher status in spiritualism. Afterwards he was proceeding for the visit of Makkah. Upon performing the Hajj he was visited all holy places in Makkah and Madina and he was coming back to Aurangabad (Oh : Allah keeps the city from atrocities and problems) and due to the demise of his Sheikh he was preceded to Rahmatabad and where he was greatly benefitted in the company Sheikh Khaja Rahmatullah Naib Rasul. For the living always in the company of Khaja Sahib he was granted village of Chandlurpad (1) from ruler of Kalestry which is a distance of two arrows from Rahmatabad and he was living there for a long period of time. Death. After living many years there and due to wish of his paternal cousin Syed Mohammed Asim Khan Bahadur Mubariz Jung and due to some other reasons he accepted the post of superintendent in Devani (civil court) under the rule of Mohammed Ali Khan Bahadur and he was shifted to Madras which was away from Rahmatabad at a distance of five days journey at that time. From there he used to send his letters to Rahmatabad. One day before one month of his death he went to Mutailpet Madras in his good health condition along with my father and there he was purchased one plot of grave from Qazi Abubaker in Jamia (principal) mosque as he was the owner of the land which is adjacent to the Jamia (principal) mosque. The grave plot was situated near the steps of the Jamia (principal) mosque. Upon his return from there he was always busy in writing biography details and Nazam (poetry) of the Sheikhs (learned persons) of Naqhsibandia. He left this world on 27th Safar in the year 1783 A.D.on Thursday at time of morning .


Mohammed Baquer Khan (2) who was famous and well known poet from Jawalka Karnataka and my master Ghulam Ali Reza (2) who wrote his details and he has mentioned his date of death in one Persian couplet which is as follows . 1197A.H. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Chandlurpad village is 1.5. Kilometres from Rehmatabad. 2) His name is Mohammed Baqur Khan and his poetic name is Gohar and he was a famous personality from Nawait community. His ancestors were in higher service of Wala Jah and one village was awarded to him. During the rule of Haider Ali he was appointed by the criminal court of Nellor talk but he was suspended after a period of one year. He left this world in the year 1210 A.H. and was buried in the courtyard of the Aqua mosque of Melapur. 3) His name is Ghulam Mosa Reza and his poetic name is Raiq but he is well known famous with the title of his grandfather. He was the son of Hakim Rukun uddin Hussain Nayati born in 1180 A.H. (1786 A.D.) in Mohamedpur and he was a disciple of Amir uddin Ali and completed all knowledges with him and reached to Madras and become disciple of Mavlavi Baquer Agah. First he was appointed clerk of Melapur village and later he was appointed as government physician under rule of Nawab Umdal Umra Bahadur in Madras. In Madras he wrote his book Guldasta Karnataka in 1240 A.H. (1824 A.D.) in the style of Maulavi Khan Fitrat and its language and style is very eloquent . He was died in 1248 A.H. (1832 A.D.). The author of this book wrote two Persian couplets which are very famous and in which his date of death is mentioned which is as follows. 1248 A.H.



11. The miracle of Zia uddin Sheikh Khudawand who was caretaker in Rehmatabad and who used to say that Syed Ziauddin Imami at the beginning used to be in the service of Khaja Rahmatuallah till midnight and when the Sheikh used to go inside of his house then he will go to Chanlurpad village and when he sees the lock on the door so for this reason he will put his hand on the lock so for this reason it will be opened and like ripe fruit it will fall on the ground. In this way he used to enter into his house. Upon watching this miracle for some days I have reported this matter to Khaja Rahmatuallah Sahib and who was silent upon hearing the event. After that time the miracle was not happening again in this matter. 12. Crossing of the rivers by Hazrat Zia uddin Many persons have used to state that in severe rainy season in dark nights authors elder paternal uncle Syed Ziauddin Imami used to visit Hazrat Khaja Rahmatullah and on the way there are two rivers in a distance of one arrow and in those rivers there will be dangerous floods and for this reason there will be no difference in both rivers as they will mixed with each other like two seas and these two rivers are adjacent of Rahmatabad and ahead of them there is one more river is there which is called river Nakal Wagu . During his time of returning to his house he will use to cross the two rivers in the dark nights so there will be opened one way like a maidens line of the head where the hair is parted for his crossing from there and in this way he will reach back to his house.



These rivers are very near to Rehmatabad village and the names of these rivers are as follows. 1. Beraperu 2. Nikalwagu

13. Mullah Shah Niyaz Imami Mullah Shah Niyaz Imami was a poor dervish (mystic person) and he left Toran for the Hajj pilgrimage and reached to Madras.He says that one day he met Ziauddin Imami in mosque of Mutialpet and suddenly he was paid his too much attention to him and so for this reason he was jumped two feet higher from the ground and become un-conscious and fell down on the ground and when become normal then he put his head on his foot and he become his disciples and devotee. 14. Hazrat Syed Chand Bejapuri Syed Chand who was the moon of Siadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) on the sky. When he was migrated from Bijiarpur to Rahmatabad area so as per Syed Khaja Rahmatullahs instruction he was become disciple of my elder paternal uncle Syed Ziauddin Imami and he was included in the Sufi order of Naqsbandiya and he was in his company for a long period and he was trained by him in the following. 1. Stages of Saluk (mystic initiation). 2. Istabad (aptitude). The authors elder paternal uncle recommended ruler of Kalestri for the allotment of some plots of lands near the Chater Arm Park for him so he settled down there and he was also married there. There he was


always ready for the service of the travellers. During the problem of Haider Ali Khan Bahdur which was like day of judgement and at that time all people of nearby villages were fled from there but Syed Chand was staying there on trust of Allah. When army men of Haider Khan Bahadur came into the village and has asked the details of wealthy persons of the village but he could not inform them the details in this matter so for this reason the army men were becoming upset and angry and hanged him with strong rope on the branch of rennet (Jamun) tree but the rope was broken and he was falling down on the ground. So they hanged him well again in this matter but the rope was broken again and he was falling down on the ground. So for this reason there was fear of the soldiers so they were stopped this act.

15. Hazrat Shah Mohammed Naser ullah The helper of helpless persons and helper of persons of faith and great pious person of time Shah Mohammed Naser ullah who was caliphate of Syed Khaja Rehmatullah and who was famous personality and as well as a great holy saint of the Naqsbandia Sufi order. He was settled down upon permission of his Sheikh (Khaja Sahib) in the port town of Surat. In Surat he was struggling hard and did great endeavor for the guidance of many thousand Saliks (mystic initiates) towards the path of Tariqat (mystic way of life) and he was also helped many persons who were away and left the abode of Haqiat (reality). His life events are so great with many interesting events and positive information are there in it so it is like great and wide ocean of knowledge and information are available about this holy saint and who was passed away from the world upon doing his great endeavors. The author has added in this book whatever knowledge available to him and


if anybody knows something more then he should contact him in this matter for which he shall be obliged to him in this matter.

16. Maulavi Khair uddin Surti He was the perfect personality of Haqiqat (reality) and Tariqat (mystic way of life) and he was famous and well known disciples among the circle of Hazrat Shah Mohammed Naser ullah. He was working hard and did great endeavor for bringing back many persons on the right path of Tariqat (mystic way of life). The leader of faith Maulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi uddin who was with him in his journey of Makkah and who was benefitted by him greatly and he was used to praise him greatly. He was following his style of life and good manners and he was ahead in this matter. One day he said that due to his presence there were great benefits due to his humility and sincerity. He used to ignore his self-consciousness and put it into low condition of life. He was always used to visit the houses of old women and used to bring them goods from the bazaar as per their requirements and necessities. He used to bring the following goods from the bazaar on his shoulder and used to hand over the goods as per their requirements. 1. Wheat 2. Rice 3. Meat 4. Vegetables 5. Firewood If somebody will not like the goods brought with him from the bazaar then he will use to go to bazaar again to replace such items from there. He explained one event that one day in Surat port town he was going to Jamia (principal) mosque for Friday prayer and he was seen that


Maulavi Khair uddin was sitting on the ground in crossed leg position near a dirty and filthy women who was suffering from running sore problem and difficulty from shin. So for this reason he put his knee on her leg and he was writing charm on it. So I have asked him what is this?. As there was flow of blood and pus from her body was coming out and her clothes were full of blood and pus so for this reason the situation was looking very dirty and filthy in this matter. So he said to me do not say like this because she is also like us and a living thing and she is creature of Allah to whom we are belonging. Till his life he used to send his letters to Khaja Syed Rahmatullah always on a regular basis by post and was greatly benefitted in this matter. Khaja Sahib used to mention about him with his good opinion and used to extend good wishes for his welfare. Like pupil of the eye he never left his house and not visited other places. Whatever amount available from his business with it he was happy and used to spend the same for his family members and guests and he lived a good life. Upon the death of Khaja Rahmatullah he was dead in Surat after some years and he was buried there.

17. Hazrat Mohammed Hafeez ullah He was well known and famous for his revelation and miracles as well for his favors and endeavors, content (satisfied with what one is or has) and for his love of sea of mortality. He was devotee of Hazrat Khair uddin and he was obtained great benefits from him so he was gaining an important status. During the period of late Syed Abdul Quader who the garrison commander of Udgir fort Maulavi Syed Mohammed Hafeez ullah came to that place. One time he was explaining sayings of Allahs final apostle as per request of Khan Sahib and during this meeting place some listener was talking with some other person. So for this person he was becoming very upset and angry in this


matter and decided to stop his lesson and left the meeting place. For this reason many efforts and requests were made in this matter for his stay there upon many apologies but there was no result at all. So for this reason Khan Sahib requested Hafiz Ali Sahib who was a famous personality of Udgir and who was always used to present in the company of Malavi Sahib to see him in this matter and to bring him back to Udgir. So Hafiz Ali Sahib thought that his request will not be considered so for this reason he went away from the village and took bath in village tank and prayed two Rakats (one rakat is equal to one set of standing, genulexion and prostration in prayer) of Irjah (which prayed to call back some person) prayer and permission of this prayer was available to him by Maulavi Sahib. So in this way he was successful to bring back Maulavi Sahib to Udgir and Maulavi was continued his sitting in Udgir in his previous place. There was a great benefit and favors available for Hafiz Ali Sahib due to bringing back Maulavi Sahib there so he told him upon seeing him that you have tried first time your gained knowledge upon your spiritual master and for this reason you have called him back there at once from another place and I have come back here like the soul which will enter into the empty body and upon his arrival here you have imprisoned him in the empty house. Upon hearing all these comments he was pulling down his eyes and submitted his apologies in this matter and touched his foot with great honor and respect and requested him to forgive him in this matter. Late Hafiz Sahib used to say that once Maulavi Sahib was very kind to him upon hearing all his problems and difficulties so for this reason he told him to bring as much as lead which is available for him. As per his instruction he was tried in the village and was able to get one and half kilograms of lead and presented the same in his presence. So he wrote some charm on one piece of silk cloth and pasted on the lead with gum and put all these things into the fire. Like burning heart which will change due to the love of Allah and in the same way the lead was converted into silver so he was given me the silver from the ashes. After this he went to Rahamtabad and where he was benefitted greatly there


due to the favor and kind attention of Syed Rahmatullah Quadiri and he was obtained higher status and from there he went away to Hyderabad.

18. The invitation of Sheikh Abdul Quader Dehlavi He was in the linage of Allahs final apostle and successors of the family of Hazrat Ali Ibn Taleb and helper of the dispersed nation and who help to restore to health of the incurable diseases, guide of the Salikan (mystic initiate) and Tariqat (mystic way of life) and the personality of the persons who are away from the path of Shariat (Islamic law) and the knower of secrets of Batin (innermost) and Zaher (innermost) Sheikh Abdul Quadir who was well known and famous for his great personality of indigence. Despite of his Zaheri (innermost) link he was away from world link and connection. So for these qualities and status many rulers of India have admired his position and paid their respects and honor in this matter and were benefitted as per their capacity from his favors and attention. He has sent his letter along the petition of King Mujahid Ahmed Shah 1748-1775 A.D. who was crowned in the year 1748 A.D. on Delhi throne and he was imprisoned by his minister Ghazi uddin and who ordered to remove his two eyes. In that letter he was mentioned his great devotion and love and admiration with Khaja Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Quadri and wrote the following details in this matter. That there is stormy in the desires and for this reason which is in uncontrolled condition and there is disturbance in the sea of peace. Due to old age and its weakness made me helpless and handicapped in this matter like the seashore. Due to brotherly love and affection and due to its passion it is must that like a storm you should visit the Fakir (Darvesh)s destination and for which he will be highly obliged in this matter. In this matter there are many thirsty persons are there who are in the desert of misguided life


will be benefitted from your sea of mercy and water of immortality. The persons who are wandering in the jungle of un-successful life and on the their feet having blisters there and with your help and favor they will be reach their final destination.

19. The Genealogical records of four Peers (holy saints) As per instruction of Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin who was leader of Salkins (mystic initiates) the genealogy records of four Peers (holy saints) is presented as follows and in this matter it is noted that every genealogy records greatness and importance is more than Sidertul Muntaha (the heavenly tree beyond which even the angel Gabriel cannot advance). Also the genealogy record of Khaja Syed Rahmatullash Quaderi is presented here with which is known as genealogy record of Bahia and which is famous with the details of holy saints of Mawara Naher as Silsila Dahab (golden chain). Genealogical record of Sufi order Quaderia 1. Hazrat Syed Alawi Broom. 2. Hazrat Shah Ali Reza. 3. Syed Alawi Broom. 4. Syed Abdullah Broom. 5. Syed Abdullah ba-Fakhi 6. Syed Ahmed Qastasi. 7. Syed Sheikh Mohammed Yousuf. 8. Sheikh Amin Uddin al-Marwahi. 9. Sheikh Siraj Uddin Omer. 10. Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Yamani. 11. Sheikh Juniad bin Ahmed al-Yamani. 12. Ahemd bin Musa al-Mushrai. 13. Abu Baker bin Slami al-Yamini.


14. Sheikh Ismail bin Siddiq al-Jaberti. 15. Sheikh Mohamed al-Masjaji al-Yamini. 16. Sheikh Ismail bin Ibrahim al-Zubaidi. 17. Sheikh Siraj Uddin al-Yamini. 18. Sheikh Mohiuddin Ahmed bin Mohamed al-Asadi. 19. Sheikh Fakheruddin Abi Baker bin Mohammaed bin Nayeem. 20. Sheikh Mohamed bin Ahmed al-Asadi. 21. Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Asadi. 22. Abdullah bin Yousuf al-Asadi. 23. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali al-Asadi. 24. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quadir Jilani. 25. Sheikh Abu Saeed Mubarak Maqzomi. 26. Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali bin Ahmed Bin Yousuf al-Qarshi alHinkari. 27. Sheikh Abi Al-Farah Mohammed bin Abdullah Tartosi. 28. Sheikh Abdul Wahed al-Tamimi. 29. Sheikh Abu Baker Mohamed Dulf Bin Khalaf al-Shibli. 30. Syed Junaid Baghdadi. 31. Sirri Saqti. 32. Hazrat Maruf Karqi. 33. Hazrat Dawood Tai. 34. Sheikh Habib al-Ajmi. 35. Sheikh Hasan al-Basri. 36. Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb. 37. Allahs final apostle . 38. Angel Gabriel . 39. Allah the Merciful. Genealogical record of Sufi order of Rifaia. 1. Syed Alawi Broom. 2. Syed Abdullah Broom. 3. Syed Mohammed bin Abdullah Broom. 4. Syed Mohammed bin Abdul Qizer. 5. Abdul Qizer.


6. Syed Rajab al-Rifai. 7. Syed Shaban. 8. Syed Mohammed. 9. Syed Saleh. 10. Syed Abdul Rahman. 11. Syed Abdullah. 12. Syed Hasan. 13. Syed Hussain. 14. Syed Rajab. 15. Syed Mohammed. 16. Syed Ahmed Kabir al-Rifai. 17. Sheikh Ali Qari. 18. Fadhel Bin Kafeh. 19. Sheikh Abu Ghulam al-Turkamani. 20. Sheikh Ba-Yazid Bustami. 21. Sheilkh Ali al-Ajami. 22. Sheikh Abu Baker Shibli. 23. Sheikh Junaid Baghdadi. 24. Sirri Saqti. 25. Sheikh Maruf Karqi. 26. Sheikh Dawood Tai. 27.Sheikh Habib al-Ajmi. 28. Sheikh Hasan al-Basri. 29. Hazrat Ali bin Abi Taleb. 30. Allahs final apostle. 31. Angel Gabriel. 32. Allah the Merciful. Genealogical record of Sufi order of Chistiya. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Syed Alwai Broom. Syed Abdulla Broom. Syed Abdullah Ba- Fakhia Syed Sheikh Ahmed Al-Qashashi. Shah Sibqatulla.


6. Shah Wajhi Uddin Gujrati. 7. Sheikh Mohammed Ghouse. 8. Sheikh Haji Huzur. 9. Sheikh Abu al-Fatah Hidatullah Surmast. 10. Sheikh Qazi Atuf. 11. Sheikh Meran Zahed. 12. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Eisa Jounpuri. 13. Sheikh Fatah Ullah. 14. Sheikh Sader Uddin. 15. Sheikh Nasir Uddin Chiraq Dehlavi. 16. Sheikh Nizam Uddin (Mahboob Ilahi) 17. Sheikh Farid Uddin Gung Shaker Masood Bin Sulaiman AlFaroqui. 18. Sheikh Khaja Qutub Uddin Bakhtiayar Kaki. 19. Sheikh Moin Uddin Chisti Hasan Sanjari. 20. Sheikh Usman Harooni. 21. Sheikh Haji Sharif Zindani. 22. Sheikh Masoud Chisty. 23. Khaja Yousuf Chisty. 24. Sheikh Abu Mohammed Chisti. 25. Sheikh Abu Ahmed Chisti. 26. Sheikh Abu Ishaque Habiri Basri. 27. Sheikh Huzaifa Marashi. 28. Sheikh Ibrahim bin Adham. 29. Sheikh Fazil bin Ayaz. 30. Sheikh Abdul Wahed bin Zaid. 31. Sheikh Hasan al-Basri. 32. Hazrat Ali bin Abi Taleb. 33. Allahs final apostle. 34. Angel Gabriel. 35. Allah the Merciful. Genealogical record of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. 1. Syed Ashraf.


2. Khaja Taher. 3. Haji Shah Mohamed 4. Haji Shai Mohammed . 5. Syed Adam Banuri. 6. Khaja Baqi. 7. Mohammed Said Sharaf. 8. Khaja Darwesh . 9. Khaja shed . 10. Khaja Obied Ullah. 11.Khaja Yaqub Charqi. 12.Khaja Naqshband 13.Syed Amir. 14.Khaja Baba . 15.Syed Ali Ramitini. 16.Khaja Azizan. 17.Khaja Mahmood. 18.Khaja Arif Abdul Khaliq 19.Abdul Khaliq 20.Khaja Yousuf . 21.Bu Ali. 22.Abul Hasan Qarqani 23.Bayzid Bustami. 24.Imam Jafer Sadiq 25.Imam Baquer. 26.Imam Zainul Abidin. 27.Allahs final apostle. 28.Angel Gabriel. 29.Allah the Merciful.



Some differences of names in genealogical records given by Syed Rahmatullah Quadri It is noted that Syed Rahamullah Quadri used to give genealogical records to his disciples and in some records he will write Haji Sheikh Abdullah Kohati and in some other records he will mention Sharaf uddin Maqbali instead of the above name because Sheikh Abdullah Kohati is also well known and famous by the following names. 1. Sharaf uddin Maqbali. 2. Sheikh Abdullah Bahadur. In the library of Khaja Syed Rahmatullah Quadiri , I have personally seen the book Maqzanal Aras and in its marginal note the above details are available. Also some couplet shows the above details. It is said that Bhadur is his title and it points out his miracle that once the palanquin of Hazrat Syed Adam Banuri was being carried on the shoulders of the disciples and on the way there was a river in which there was flood so among all disciples Sheikh Abdullah Kohati went towards the river side and stood on its bank like cypress tree and was given the signal with his fourth finger to provide the way in the river. So for this reason immediately the way was appearing there in the middle of the river. So all disciples carried away the Sheikhs palanquin in that way safely and securely without any problem and difficulty. The Sheikh upon reaching the other bank was watching that the river water was stopped on two sides of the river. So for this reason and for this miracle he told It is his courageous work. So for this reason he was becoming famous and well known by the title of Bahadur.

Genealogical record of Sufi order Naqshbaniya 2. 1. Syed Alawi Broom.



2. Syed Abdullah Hadad. 3. Hamid uddin al-Marwahi. 4. Syed Mohammed . 5. Syed Abdullah. 6. Syed Sheikh. 7. Syed Abdullah. 8. Syed Jafer. 9. Sheikh Abia Raif Uddin Ahmed al-Bukhari. 10. Khaja Obeid Ullah. 11.Sheikh Yaqub Charqi. 12.Sheikh Khaja Qutub Bahauddin Naqshaband. 13.Sheikh Amir Kalal. 14.Sheikh Baba Khaja Mohammed Baba Samsi. 15.Sheikh Khaja Ali Ramitini. 16.Sheikh Khaja Mahmood Faqnavi. 17.Khaja Arif Rivgiri. 18.Sheikh Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani. 19.Khaja Yousuf Hamdani. 20.Sheik Abi Ali Farmadi. 21.Sheikh Khaja Abul Hasan Qarqani. 22.Sheikh BA-Yazid Bustami. 23.Imam Jafer Sadiq. 24.Sheikh Qasim bin Mohammed bin Abu Baker Siddiq. 25.Hazrat Salman Farsi. 26.Abu Baker Siddiq. 27.Allahs final apostle. 28.Angel Gabriel. 29.Allah the Merciful.

Genealogical record of Sufi order of Naqshbandiya 3. 1. Bu Ali Farmadi. 2. Abul Qasim Gorgani.


2. Sheikh Usman Maghrabi. 3. Abu Ali Katib. 4. Sheikh Ali Rudbari. 5. Junaid Baghdadi. 6. Sirri Saqti. 7. Maruf Karqi. 8. Dawood Tai. 8. Sheikh Habib Ajmi. 9. Hasan Basri. 10.Ali ibn Ali Taleb. 11.Allahs final apostle. 12.Allah the Merciful. Genealogical record of Sufi order of Naqshbandiya No.4. 1. Maruf Karqi 2. Imam Ali Mosa Reza. 3. Imam Mosa Kazim. 4. Imam Jafer Sadiq. 5. Imam Baquer. 6. Imam Zain al Abidin. 7. Imam Hussain. 8. Ali ibn Abi Taleb. 10.Allahs final apostle. 11.Angel Gabriel. 12.Allah the Merciful. Definition of Silsila Zaheb (golden chain). Please note that I have heard from leader of the Salikin (mystic initiate) Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin and also I have seen the magazine of Maqhrib Bisat by Mohammed bin Hussain bin Abdullah Qazuni and also seen in the book Rashat (1) that our record of genealogy is termed by our Khajagan (masters) as Silsila Zaheb (golden chain).


They have got five Nisbats (connections) which are as follows. 1.Prophet Qizer. 2.Sheikh Juniad Baghdadi. 3.From Ba-Yazid to Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb. 4.From Hazrat Imam Jaffer Sadiq to Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. 5.From the Turkish learned persons (Mashiq) to Khaja Yousuf Hamdani and for this he is well known and famous as salt on the dining cloth of the learned persons (Mashaiq).

Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Khafi (hidden). The Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Khafi (hidden) which the prophet of Allah was advised (Talqin) to Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. As per tradition when the Allahs final apostle was in the cave of Saur and who was sleeping there on the knee of Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq while --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). The book Rush at Min Ain al Hayat was written by Fakher Uddin Ali and his poetic name was Safi and he was the son of Hussain Ali alWaiz and son in law of Maulana Abdul Rahman Jami. He compiled the above book in 909 A.H. (1503 A.D.) and he was a disciple of Khaja Ahrar and this is a very important book of Sufi order of Naqsbandia.

closing his eyes he advised him for Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Khafi (hidden) of heart and this instruction was given to him for three times and again he told Oh :Abu Baker I will inform good news you that Allah was graced his general divine light on all creatures but there is special divine light of Allah on you. The prophet also told him that Whatever Allah has poured into his chest and all such things were also poured into the chest of Abu Baker by him .



Holy personalities of Naqsbandiya Sufi order 19. Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq His name in the time of ignorance was well known and famous as Abdul Kaba and Allahs final apostle named him as Abdulla and he was given title Atiq and its meaning is free from the fire of hell and he was also given him the title Siddiq by the Allahs final apostle because he was certified the messenger of Allah and he was also certified the event of Miraj (the prophets accession). It is known that during the event of Miraj (the prophets accession) Allahs final apostle asked the angel Gabriel who will certify this event then the angel Gabriel told him that Abu Baker will certify this event as he is Siddiq (truthful) (1). On the night of migration to Madina from Mecca the angel Gabriel told Allahs final apostle that Abu Baker is Siddiq (truthful). He was 37 years old when he was accepted into the religion of Islam and he was first among men who accepted the religion of Islam. He lived for 63 years . Upon death of the Allahs final apostle he was become first caliph of Allahs prophet for a period of two years and two months and seven days. He was not obtained knowledge and training of Islam from any source except directly from the Allahs final apostles care and attention. He left this world in the city of Madina at the time between Maghreb (sunset prayer) and Isha prayer (night prayer) time on 22 Jamidil Akhir in the year 13 Hijri on Monday when he was about 63 years old and his family name is known as Habib (friend). He was buried beside the grave of Allahs final apostle in the holy mausoleum in Madina by grace of Allah . 1). During the event of Meraj Night (the prophets accession) it is mentioned that the Allahs final apostle asked the angel Gabriel who


will certify this event? So he told him that Abu Baker Siddiq will certify this event as he is Siddiq (truthful). 20. Hazrat Salman Farsi He was trained in the company of Allahs final apostle but he had Nisbat (connection ) with Abu Baker Siddiq. His Kuniat (patronymic name) is known as Abu Abdullah. He was native of the Ramharmuz village of Isphafan in Persia . He left the world in the year 33 A. H. during the early period of the caliphate of Hazrat Usman Bin Afan . He was buried in Madain and when he was 250 old and some person says he was older than this age.

21. Qasim Bin Mohammed bin Abu Baker Siddiq He completed his early training in the company of Hazrat Salman Farsi. There were seven Faqhies (jurists of Islamic law) during his time in Madina and he was one among them. He was among great Tabain ( successors to the holy prophets companions) of the Allahs final apostle. He was among the holy pious personalities of his time. He was a master in the following things. 1. Knowledge of Zaheri (manifest). 2. Knowledge of Batani (innermost). His Kunitat (patronymic name) is known as Abu Abdul Rahman. He was died in between Makkah and Madina in the year 106 A.H. Or 107


A.H. During his journey for Hajj or Umra to Makkah . But as per reference from Aflah bin Hamid adding that he was died in the year 108 A.H. And he was buried in the graveyard of Janatal Baqi (scarce grave yard in Medina Munnwara).

22. Ba Yazid Bustami In Sufism Sheikh Ba Yazid Bustami had Nisbat (connection) with Imam Jafer Sadiq. He was trained in spiritual knowledge by Imam Jafer. Because he was born after some years after the death of Imam Jafer Sadiq. He lived during the period of Ahmed Kizervia, Abu Hafiz, and Yahiah Maaz and he was visited Shafiq Balaqi. He was among persons of Ijtahad (interpretation of Islamic law). He got great status and position in Saluk (mystic initiation) in Sufism so for this reason his religion of Faqhi (Islamic jurisprudence) could not be known and become famous in this matter. He was well known and famous as Sultan Arifin and his original name was Tafaur bin Eisa bin Adam. He was native of city of Bustam and which is located in Khorasan near Iraq. His grave is in Bustam which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. His mausoleum is located in Bustam city. He left this world on 15 th Shaban in the year 261.A.H.



23. Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani In Sufism Abul Hasan Qarqani has got Nisbat (connection) with Hazrat Ba-Yazid Bustami. He was benefitted by the favour of spirituality (Rohaniat) of Ba-Yazid Bustami. Because he was born after some years after the death of Ba-Yazid Bustami. He was famous for the following things. 1. Ghouse (one who redresses anothers grievances ) of his time. 2. Incomparable pious personality of his time. Khaja Abdullah Ansari has got Nisbat (connection) with him in the Sufism. He was born in Qarqan village which is near Bustam city and he left this world on 10th Muharram on Saturday in the year 425 A.H. (1034 A.D.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Khaja Abdulla Ansari was born in Harvi in 396 A.H. (1006 A.D.). He lived during the time of Khaja Nizamul Mulk and Abdu Saeed Abul Khair. His geological record was connected with Abu Ayub Ansari. His special style in Persian prose and poetry is very famous. He was among famous and well known pious personalities of his time. He was the successor of Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani. He wrote the following famous books which are as follows. 1. Manazil Sairin in Arabic. 2. Zadal Arifin in Persian.



But his book Manajat is very famous and well known and all Persian scholars accepted it as incomparable book. He was started Masjiha style in the prose writing. He left this world in Hirat in the year 481 A.H. (1008 A.D.).



24. Shaikh Abu Ali Farmadi He has got double Nisbat (connection) (1) in Sufism with the following great Sufi masters. 1. Hazrat Abul Qasim Gorgani. 2. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi. He was great worshiper and mystic saint as well as a great preacher. He was the disciple of following great Sheikhs of his time. 1. Imam Abu Qasim Qaisheri. 2. Sheikh Abu Qasim Jurjani. Some of his details are available in the genealogical record of the Naqsbandia Sufi order. His name was Fadhel bin Mohammed. In Tariqat (mystic way of life) he was the famous Sheikh of his time and there was no such personality during that time. He left this world in the year 470 A.H. (1084 A.D.) and buried in the side of his great Sufi master Sheikh Abul Qasim Gorgani.



25. Khaja Yousuf Hamadani He has got Nisbat (connection) with Sheikh Abu Ali Farmadi. In knowledge of Faqhi (Islamic jurisprudence) and he was a disciple of Sheikh Abu Ishaque Shirazi who is well known and famous for his books Tanbiya and Muhazib. He obtained great status in Saluk (mystic initiation). He was famous for the following things. 1. Solicitude . 2. Revelations. 3. Miracles. His Kuinat (patronymic name) was known as Abu Yaqub and his native is place Hamadan. He was travelling for many journeys. He was born in the year 440 A.H. (1048 A.D.) and he was passed away from the world in 505 A.H. (1112 A.D.). He was born in Khorsan city which in between Hirat and Maru Shajan cities and from where he was migrated to Maru city and his mausoleum is situated on the outside are of the old Maru city and once this city was famous and well known as a great city and which was plundered by Chen Gis Khan. His grave is in Maru which is famous even today for the fulfilment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. Khaja Mohammed Islam Jobiari was constructed his grand mausoleum on his grave in the year 971 A.H. (1564 A.D) when he was arrived there. He was a great pious person and he belongs to Hanafi religion. He has got innermost favours from the following great Sheikhs. 1. Sheikh Abdul Quadir Jilani. 2. Sheikh Hasan Samnani. 3. Sheikh Abu Ali Faroni.



He was born in the year 440 A.H. and was died in the year 535 A.H. And his grave is situated in Maru which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. There were his four caliphs after him. His great books are as follows. 1. Zenat al Hayat. 2. Manazil Salikin. 3. Manazil Sairin.



26 Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani He was well known and top most famous personality among Khajagan (masters) of Naqsbandia Sufi order and also he was first (1) pious person of this Sufi order of Naqsbandiya. As a matter of fact Naqsbandiya Sufi order got their name from Sufi master Hazrat Bahauddin who was famous as Khaja Naqsband but actually this Sufi order of Naqsbandiya was started by Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani so for this reason this Sufi order was called before as Silsala Khajagan. He was among four caliphs of Hazrat Khaja Yousuf. Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) has advised him for Zikar Qalbi (remembrance of Allah by heart) and he was surrendered him to Khaja Yousuf so that he was trained by him. In Taraiqat (mystic way of life ) his style of Saluk (mystic initiation) is like logic to all and for this reason it's well known and popular among all Sufi orders. Due to his status of his Vilayat (saintliness) he daily used to visit the holy Harem (grand mosque) in Makkah for every congregational prayer there and used to return back to his place of residence. Despite of the long distance of his residence from the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah he was used to attend all five congregational prayers daily in the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah without fail. Some person from Syria become his disciples and they were used to visit Ghajdan and in his company they were getting favor and benefitted and then after that they were used to return back to their country of Syria. The details of places are available in the books. He was born in Ghajdan and he was died there and this village is at a distance of six Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km ) away from Bukhara --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) As a matter of fact Sufi order of Naqshibandia obtained its name from Khaja Baha Uddin alias Khaja Naqshband but actually this



Sufi order started with Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani and which was famous before with the name of Silsila Khajagan. He left the world in the year 575 A.H., and his grave is available in Ghajadan. 27. Khaja Arif Rivgari He was the fourth caliph of Khaja Abdul Khaliq and he was born in Rivgari and he was also died there. He lived for a long period. Till the life of Sheikh Abdul Khaliq he was with him in his service. Upon the death of above Sheikh he was busy for a long period in the preaching and helping the persons towards the right path of Allah. He left this world in the year 715 A.H. and his grave is situated in village of Rivgeri which is at a distance of six Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) from city of Bukhara and it is one Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) from Ghajdan.



28 Khaja Mahmood Anjir Fagnavi He was famous and well known disciple of Khaja Arif. He was born in Anjir Fagnu village and which is three Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) away from Bukhara city and it is located in the vicinity of Wagina suburbs. He was started Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri (in a loud voice) and Khaja Ali Ramati and Amir Khurd Wabginavi have followed his ways. Khaja Sahib (1) as per following Quranic instruction left Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri ( in a loud voice). Call on your Lord With humility and in private: For God loveth not Those who trespass beyond bounds. (Sura Araf verse 55) Due to his blessing this type of Zikar (remembrance) of Khaif (hidden) is still continuing. The Persian couplets translation is as follows. A Ziker (remembrance of Allah) Khafi (hidden) if it's not better than Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of Jahri (in a loud voice) then Allahs final apostle will not have advised to Abu Baker at the time of his migration to Madina from Makkah. (2) He was died in the year 717 A.H. -------------------------------------------------------------------------55


1) Khaja Bahauddin Naqsband. 2) The translation of one Persian couplet is as follows. At the time when one person who is busy in watching the beloved will ignore the details of the beloved and it is like to call the name of a king in a loud voice while standing against him and which will be termed as his disrespect and bad manner.



29. Khaja Ali Ramaitini Khaja Ali Ramatini is the second caliph of Khaja Mahmood. In the Sufi order of Naqsbandiya his title Azizan is well known and he was famous and well known for the following things. 1. Higher status. 2. Miracles. He lived during the period of Sheikh Rukan uddin Alauddin Samnani. They were used to send letters to each other. He was born in Ramatin which is the biggest village near distance of two Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) from Bukhara city. His grave is in Khuwarzam which is famous even today for the fulfilment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. He was died at the age of 130 years. He left the world on Monday 28th Ziqad in the year 715 A.H (1316 A.D.) in between two prayers time and there is another tradition that he died in 721 A.H. (1321 A.D.).



30. Khaja Mohammed Baba Samasi Khaja Mohammed Baba Samasi was perfect and famous caliph of Hazrat Khaja Azizan so for this reason his spiritual master has ordered all his disciples to live in his company and follow him. When he will use to pass from Qasar Hindwan then he will use to say that he smell of one holy person and soon Qasar Hindwan will be turned into Qasar Arifan. This indication is towards Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband. He was born in Samas village which come under town of Ramaitan and it is three Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km ) distance from Bukhara city. He was died in the year 577 A.H. and his grave is available in Samas village.



31. Khaja Syed Amir Kalal He was born in Sofar village and his grave is also available in this village and it is located at a distance of five Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) from Samas village. Due to the kind attention of Baba Sahib he was attained very great status and position so for this reason he has left behind his 114 caliphs after him. He died on Thursday during the prayer time on 8 th Jamidal Awwal in the year 772 A.H. (1371 A.D.) at the time of morning (Fajar) prayer and his grave is situated in the Sofar village. The meaning of the Kalal is potter as he was in occupation of pottery in Mavar Naher so he was called Kalal.



32. Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband He was born in the month of Muharram in the year 718 A.H. Since his childhood there were many miracles done by him. He was famous in the following things. 1. 2. 3. 4. Traiqat (the mystic way of life ) Haqiqat ( the truth ) Shariat ( Islamic law) Sunnat ( practice) of Allahs final apostle .

He has got spiritual knowledge from Khaja Mahmood Baba Samasi in his childhood period. As Syed Amir Kalal was his spiritual master but as a matter of fact he was followed by Owaisia (1) path. He has got spiritual training in the company of Abdul Khaliq Ghadjwani. He was also benefitted by some Turkish Mashaiqs (learned persons). For this reason he was obtained higher status than other persons. Due to his above great qualities and higher status he was given the following titles in the Sufi order of Naqabandiya. 1. Khaja Buzrug. 2. Khaja Naqsband. He was born in the month of Muherram in the year 718 A.H. (1318 A.D.). His grave is situated in Arifan village which is at a distance of one Fursang (one Farsang = 6.24 km) from Bukhara city and which was known before as Qasar Hindwan but due to the kind grace of his presence there its name was changed as Qasar Arifan He was died on 30th Rabil Awwal on Monday in the year 791 A.H. (1388 A.D.) His grave is situated in Qasar Arifan which is near from Bukhara city.



33 Khaja Yaqub Charqi He was a disciple of Khaja Bahauddin. He was perfect in the knowledges of Zaheri (manifest) and Batani (innermost). He is well known and famous books are as follows. 1. Tafsir from Sura Tabarak up to the end of the Quran. 2. Sharah (commentary) of names of Allah. 3. Magazine Charqia. He was native of Charaq village which is located in between Qandhar and Kabul cities in the province of Gazni. He was died in the year 751 A.H. and his grave is situated in village Halaftu which is in the city area of Hisar in the province of Mavara Naher .



34. Khaja Obaidullah Ahrar Khaja Nasir uddin Obeid ullah Ahrar (1) was Ghouse (one who redresses anothers grievances) of his time. He was a disciple of Maulana Yaqub Charqi. In this famous Sufi order he is well known as Khaja Ahrar. He was born in Khaja Kafshir street and which is at a distance of one Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km ) in the southern side of Samarqand city. He left the world at the age of 95 years in the year 895 A.H. (1490 A.D.) on 29th Rabial Awwal in between Maghrib (sunset ) and Eisha (night) prayer and his grave is situated in Samarqand city in locality of Kafshir which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. There was one pious person and his name was Kafshir and that village is known in his name. The book Silsila Arifin by Khaja Obeidullah is well known and famous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1).The author of the book has mentioned about Khaja Obeid ullah Ahraris book Silsila Arifin on the page number 3. The great and famous Persian poet Mulla Noor Uddin Jami was his well known and famous disciple.



35. Hazrat Khaja Qizer Hazrat Khaja Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) was the spiritual master of some pious personalities and who were benefitted by him. So his short details are presented herewith. His name is known as Baliya and his Kuniat (patronymic name) is famous as Abul Abbas and he has the genealogical connection with the children of the Israel. Some persons think that he was the son of kings who have adopted Zahad (asceticism) in their lives and his title is well known as Qizer. In the book Fasal Qitab it is mentioned that once upon a time he was used to live with prophet Ilyas (peace be upon him) and he was used to preaching Shariat (Islamic) law to the persons. It is also said that when he used to become ill then he will use to cure himself and become healthy and normal again. He was married many women and we're having many children with those marriages. But now he left everything and his children are no more. Before the advent of Allahs final apostle for every 500 years he will use to get new teeth. But after the advent of Allahs final apostle he will use to get new teeth for every 120 years . He is perfect in the following. 1. Knowledge of alchemy. He used to sell and buy goods in the bazaars and he used meet pious persons. He will use to help needy persons with following things. 1. Money 2. Cloths



Second Part 1. Biography of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah (R.A.) (Naib-ERasool) Rahamatabad Sharif The persons of sensual appetites, godly pure of heart persons whose hearts are splendid and shining like the sun, know well that leader of faith Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin has written briefly and in short way like Qasida (encomium) of Atar (perfume) of the flowers with details of Khaja Sahib in favour of sense of smell of the readers of this book. So I mention these details first and after this there will be details of events from the writings of his caliphs of Khaja Sahib will be presented. Among them his caliph Syed Shah Nizamuddin and Sheikh Ali Mohammed alias Mohammed Dastagir have written many of his details of events and in the last I will present the details which I had heard from great pious personalities in this matter. His caliph Syed Shah Nizamuddin had written his book Eqidatal Talibin in Persian language and this book was published by Maulana Anwar Ullah Farouqi who was the founder of the Jamia Nizamia Islamic University Hyderabad. Khaja Sahibs father As per reference from the book Alnifas al-Rifia by Shah Rafi uddin that Syed Khaja Rahmatullah's father (2) Khaja Alam Naqsbandi was travelling from Toran and was reached to India and --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) His caliph Syed Shah Nizam Uddin who was compiled one book in the Persian language with title of Eidatul Talibin and this book was published from the publication division of Jamia Nizamia Hyderabad by Hazrat Moulana Anwar ullah Farouqi who was founded Jamia Nizamia Islamic University Hyderabad. 2) This book was compiled by Shah Rafi uddin in which details of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah are available.


upon his arrival from there he was arrived in Belgam village now which is the district headquarters of Belgam in Karnataka State and which is 200 kilometers away from the Bijapur city in southwestern side and he was married there which is also the birthplace of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah. He was born in the year 1110 A.H. in Bejapur and his father was named him as Syed Rahmatullah and he was later became famous and well known as Naib-e- Rasool (deputy of the Allahs final apostle). Since his childhood there had been indications of the marks of piousness and virtuousness on his forehead. Hazrat Khaja Rahmatullah lost his mother at a very early age after this event his father Hazrat Khwaja Alam was married for the second time. Death of his mother and some details of his stepmother. As the behavior and treatment of his stepmother was not being good as well not normal with her stepson and she will have enmity in this matter. So due to under effect of this goblet (nature) she was pulling down the tree of pomegranate with her hand and put the blame on him and for this reason he was upset and annoyed in this matter. Departure to Kurnool. Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah took permission from his father and he was migrated from his native place of Bejapur to Kurnool. After some days of training as per the instruction of his maternal aunt he was got service of two horses with the district ruler. The salary of one horse he used to spend for the charity work and on the path of Allah and other horses salary he used to spend for the expenses of his maternal aunt, himself and his servant. He used to spend whatever time available in the remembrance of Allah.



Khaja Sahib made a pledge (Bay'ah) to Hazrat Syed Alawi Baroom. During this period he made a pledge (Bay'ah) to well known and famous Mashaiq (learned person) of Bejapur Hazrat Syed Alawi Baroom and accepted him as his Murshid (spiritual master). Khaja Sahib made a pledge (Bay'ah) to Syed Ashraf Makki. 1. Zauq and Shauq (fervor) 2. Safai Batini (cleanliness of the innermost ) When he was become perfect in the above things then as per orders of Allahs final apostle he was proceeding to journey off Makkh and there he was made a pledge (Bay'ah) to Syed Ashraf Makki and benefitted by his favour and attention. In Makkah on the mountain of Abu Qabis he was completed all stages of the Saluk (mystic initiation). Return from the Hajj pilgrimage and rehabilitation of Rahmatabad village. Upon performing the Hajj pilgrimage and visit of Madina Munnwara Khaja Sahib came back to India. Upon his stay for some days in Kurnool, Nandiyal in the surrounding area of Arcot and in village Anasamander he purchased some land there and started work of rehabilitation one village and named it as Rehmatabad and he was staying there till his death and he did great endeavour and joined a large number people with Allah. Before Mandal system in State Andhra Pradesh in revenue records Anasamander and Rahmatabad Sharifs status are recorded as hamlets. Now Rahamatabad Sharif is become Mandal and which is famous as Peta and all Mandal offices, bank, post office are available here.



Purchase of land in Rehmatabad. The godly pure of heart and noble and virtuous and fair minded persons should know that as per purchase deed of Rehmatabad it was known that it was purchased in the year 1161 A.H. (1748 A.D.). The purchase deed was written by Syed Bader uddin Ali Khan and who put his stamp on it and he presented the same in the presence of Khaja Sahib. Upon purchase of this land Khaja Sahib went to Kadapa Sharif and in the year in which Nasir Jung was martyred in the war and he came back to Rehmatabad and he was staying there and after this he did not go for any other journey. After his prayers in thatched covered with scented grass mosque for a period of 12 years and in the year 1176 A.H. (1762 A.D.) he was constructed beautiful mosque there. The year (1176 A.H.) of construction of the mosque of Rahmatabad is available in the Persian couplets. Nasir Jungs year (1164 A.H. (1751 A.D.) of martyr is available from words Aftab Rafat. Hyder Ali Khan Bahadurs success story was commenced upon the martyr of Nasir Jung. As per the sayings of claimant that Nasir Jung was imprisoned by Hyder Ali Khan Bhadur is great blame upon him because as per the historical record it proves wrong and baseless. Khaja Sahibs death and funeral rites. At the age of 90 years cancer was developed on his cheek and after a period of one month due to this illness he left this world in the Friday night on 26th Rabi Awwal 1195 A.H. (1781 A.D.) in fort of Udgir in Nellore district. After passing of some part of night time he was given ritual Ghusl (washing the dead body) and at that time his heart was busy in remembrance of Allah and his heart was in working condition and this was observed by all persons who were present there. The next day was Friday. His dead body was brought to Rahmatabad and he was buried in the courtyard of his constructed Madina mosque. Now a grand mausoleum was constructed over his grave in Rahamatabad.


Mir Ghulam Bilgarami Sum Aurangabadi who wrote the two couplets in Persian poetry in which it is mentioned the date of death as 1195 A.H.

Wives. Khaja Sahib married two times but from his two marriages there are no children from them. After returning from Hajj Syed Khaja Rahmatullah stayed for a brief while in Kurnool and later went to Nandyal where he got married. He was blessed with a girl child but unfortunately after a while he lost both his wife and daughter due to different reasons. Custodian of the shrine. Upon the death of Khaja Sahib, Bibi Sahiba who was his second wife and made her nephew Hazrat Ghulam Naqshband as his successor and custodian of the shrine and she had dressed him with the Sheikhs saintly dress (Qirqa). Miracles of Khaja Sahib in the book Eqidtal Talibin. To write miracles about this great Sufi saint is not only it is difficult and but it is very hard task so it is difficult task and for this reason this writer could not do it. Shah Nizam Uddin Darwesh who was his caliph and who wrote the miracles and events of Khaja Sahib with great details in his book Eqidtal Talibin. Oh Allah benefit us from his favour and blessing from his knowledge (Amin).



The above extract was taken from the book Alkalam al-Rafai which was written by Maulavi Rafi uddin. Please note that the above extract was taken from the book of Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin and the author of this book mentioned in the beginning of the books name as Al-Nifas alRafia and but here he has mentioned the other books name as AlKalam Rafai. So in the absence of the above books it is difficult to find out the real thing in this matter. One letter from the holy personality from Makkah in Arabic language . The Sheikh was a flower of the garden of Siadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) and he was nightingale on the branch tree of family of the Allahs final apostle. In this matter there is proof which was found with my family members as they were from native place of Khaja Sahibs ancestors. Also the holy personalities of Makkah used to remember him with great respect and Alqab (titles) from which it is clear the above fact. Especially the Sharif (ruler) of Makkah and other holy persons and the Sheikhs used to pay him great respect and honor for which there is no example like this is available on this matter. In this matter I submit herewith that a letter from holy Sheikh of Makkah which was addressed to the Sheikh Khaja Rahamatullah Quadiri in Arabic which is available in the Urdu version of this book. Status of Khaja Sahib as per Syed Ali Broom Bijapuris view. As it is well known that Hazrat Syed Alawi Broom who was the spiritual master of the Khaja Sahib and he was awarded genealogical records to him and in his letters he has mentioned him as Naibe Rasul (deputy of the Allahs final apostle) and among the Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) family members lineage. He was used to write in his handwriting as Mir Rahmatullah. The reason of its not popularity is that Khaja Sahib was following the style of Moulana Syed Saeed uddin Kashgiri (1) so he will not disclose about Siadat (descendant of the holy prophet through


his daughter Hazrat Fatima) link unless somebody will ask in this matter. Moulana Syed Saeed uddin Kashgiri was the spiritual master of Moulana Abdul Rahman Jami in this way Jami was connected by two orders.

2. Physical features of Khaja Sahib Oh readers, God bless you all and bring success to you in the both worlds. You should know that due to much light (Anwar) on the face of --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Moulana Abdul Rahman Jami was a disciple of Moulana Saeed uddin Kashgiri so in this way he was connected with this Sufi order from two sides. Khaja Sahib is brighter than the sunlight. Due to his fair complexion and nut brown complexion of his color and so for this reason there will be effects on the flowers of dew and there will be shyness on them in this matter. Due to the lightness of Haq (truth) and the influence of aweinspiring authority and for this reason no one will dare to look at him a while and so in this way the persons in their first look will bow down to him. So in this matter it can be said that this is an awe-inspiring authority of all Mighty Allah and it is not stated the dignity of one in rags . Like in the matters and dealings the medium way which is better so in the same way his height was medium. Swift speed. Like the soul of Salik (mystic initiation) he was speeding swiftly that even the servants upon their running on the way were left behind him


and they could not follow him. I remember in this matter that his disciple Syed Yar Mohammed Sahib once told him that Khaja Sahib while holding the book in his hands Dalil Khairat (1) used to pass away from the fields by reading the book very swiftly like Nasim Bahar (morning breeze) and while walking fast he never destroy any plant or its branch. Khaja Sahib used to read the above book of Daruds (blessing) on all week days. Also he used to continue different recitals for every day and he used to commence it after the time of sunrise and it will commence from Monday. Myself used to hold his prayer mat and water jug and used to run behind him like a shadow. The Sheikh used to wear Dastar (turban) like Arabic persons and he also used to wear Jubba (gown). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Delilah Khairat is famous and well known collection book of Darud (blessing) and which is recited on all weekdays and for everyday there are different recitals are there and usually it is recited after sunrise and it will start from Monday.

3. Baquer Agahs letter in poetry My master Maulavi Mohammed Baquer Agah of Vellore who belongs to a chain of Syed Shah Abul Hasan Qurbi and he was a great scholar of his time. He used to send him always his letters in the poetry with praise and greatness of Khaja Rahmatullah Sahib and used to request him to pay his attention on his condition. The translator of the book is submitted herewith the letters translation from Urdu into English for the reader's kind perusal and attention in this matter for which he will be obliged to them.



The Letter in Poetry . This letter is with the deep heartfelt feelings in the presence of his beloved and from his soulless body to its soul. From the thirsty person who is running towards the spring and from the dis-hearted person to the sympathetic person. From the humble drop of water to the sea and from dry field to the merciful cloud. From one small restless particle to the sun, from one small poor ant who is present in the court of King Jamshid. With the story of grief one sad person is present with the pleasing personality. From the heap of dust which is in the presence of the bouquet and from the worthless person to the great learned person. From scattered person who is with the presence of organized and from the darkness towards the lamp. From the slave in the presence of blessed king and from impression towards the painter. This letter should reach to Rahmatabad and to reach in the presence of the Sheikh of the worshippers. He is such great Sheikh who is kind to all good and bad persons like the mercy of Allah. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mohammed Baquer Agah


1). He belongs to Naita community and his poetic name is Agah and he was well known pious personality of Bijapur and who came to Vellore from Bijapur and he was born there. After completion of education of knowledge he was started teaching and preaching. His work is very deep and eloquent. He left many books after him and he was died in the year 1220 A.H. (1805 A.D.). He made a pledge to Hazrat Abul Hasan and thereby accepted him as his spiritual master and he was much devoted to him. 2). Syed Abul Hasan Qarbi. His poetical name is Qarbi and he was born in Bijapur in the year 1117 A.H (1705 A.D. ) and afterwards he was migrated to Vellore from Bijapur. Upon completion of knowledges and he was becoming perfect in the poetry. But he was much interested in Sufism. First he was become disciple of Fakher uddin Nati and attached himself in the Sufi order of Quaderia and then he was become disciple of Hazart Syed Mohammed Ali in all four Sufi orders. In the last he got permission from Khaja Rahmatullah in the Sufi order of Naqashbandia and Rifia. He was also busy in the Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and recital in the service of Hazrat Sheikh Maqdoom Sawi. Many thousand students of Haq (truth) were benefitted by him. He left this world in the year 1182 A.H. (1768 A.D.) and he was buried at the side of the trench of the fort in Vellore. Nobody could not able to describe his praise and nobody could not know his level of his greatness. As his all body becomes un-consciousness so how the world can watch consciousness in him. Due to continuous looking of his sight at his foot and he has taught his foot the style of eye sight. We are ready to finish for the sake of your love and due to such condition and despite of sitting there is movement on this matter.



Due to the relish of your existence in the meeting place you hide in the closets of hearts. The meeting is possible due to your gratifying our desire so now there is no need of remembrance in this matter. Like old personality (Allah) your resumption becomes such that you will not look his sight as unrelated. Your custody is like that you know all which is hidden and openly except Allah. Before there was a memory but now the flag of mystical experience is waving. You are free from counting numbers so you listener you should not limit his qualities in the counting. When you have become full of precisely so your praise is not proper except the heart which is presented. Due to the kindness of his heart there are benefits of the six senses to all disciples. I am caring your position of respect so in the matter of your carnal life I will not describe your qualities. Oh king, I do not have the courage and capacity to mention all your qualities and perfection. You know well your status and position and you know well your qualities. Due to my helpless condition I am presenting my worse condition in your kind presence.


There is no status of personality is available like you and all are in your custody. I have heard many of your qualities so for this reason your pictures of impression are on my heart. Always I was thinking in this matter that to have the grace of your look. Due to problems of time I could not come and present myself in your presence. So it is a must for me to present in your company as you are ruler of the good deeds. Due to different reasons I was away from your comprehensive favors in this matter. At this time due to some necessity I was reached here and present in this place. If Allah wills I will visit you soon in this matter. I hope that after some time you will be kind enough in this matter to look at my worse conditions. You please help me and favour me in this matter. I am having a heart with sorrow and grief and lost in apprehensions. I am in doubts and desires and kindness. but still hope for your favour and



I do not have a condition and name like you and not act upon any condition and does posses any position. Still I hope and great desire that I should be counted among your slaves. With this condition of the heart I am surprised in this matter so please solve my problems. I am helpless and my wounds are hidden oh ; the helper of helpless persons you know well this matter.

4. Conduct and character of Khaja Sahib He was well known and famous for his great qualities which are mentioned as follows. 1. Rahim (has plentiful mercy). 2. Halim (mild and pleasant). He was like merciful cloud and he was used to behave with all ordinary and respectable persons equally with his favour and mercy and affection. He was used to say that his love and hate is for the sake of Allah only. So his flower of love and affection was a product of the garden of love of Allah. His flame of his anger was in fact like the heat of the sun which was most beneficent and with favours. But which will only blaze due to the reason for hatred of Allah from the fireplace and not from his psychological and sensuality.



He was used to instruct his disciples if they see somebody do his back biting and so in this way that person involve in the great bad habit. So he used to warn them that they should not have enmity and taking revenge from such persons. If some un-luckiest person due to his personal enmity and will lodge complain about him and when the disciples used to report this matter to him then he used to become silent like buds. If such person who used to complain about him when he will use to reach in his presence in his garden place then Khaja Sahib will become bloom like a flower and he used to try for his sense of smell of the heart so it will be scented with his manners and good conduct. He will not follow the following first instruction from the Quran . Sura Shaura 40. The recompense for an injury Is an injury equal thereto (In degree): But he will follow the below instruction from the Quran. Sura Shaura 40 : but if a person Forgives and makes reconciliation, His reward is due From God. Upon meeting with that person he never used to mention slander of that person. If by chance in his meeting if any disciples will become angry upon such bad person then he will remove that disciples from there.



5. Behavior of Khaja Sahib with the rulers Khaja Sahib was a mountain of grandeur and dignity . He never stood to welcome ministers and rich persons and give respect them from his place. In his letters to them he used to follow the style of advice and he never used to mention his needs and requirements to anyone. The Sultan of Delhis Invitation. 60 years before when Khaja Sahib was staying in Kadpa then Ahmed Shah sent his invitation from Delhi and has informed him that he has desire and wish to have his visit there to have the privilege to kiss his foot. So for this reason the Sultan of Delhi was issued instruction to all his area rulers and officials of his kingdom to welcome him as per his status and position. In his reply he wrote the following reply which is as follows. For the kings and rulers it is important for them to perform Amar and Nahi (command and prohibition) duties instead of the visit of the Fakirs (darvesh). For this reason there will be success and benefits for them in the both worlds. So forgive the Fakir (darvesh) who will not remove from Mahrab (arch) of Istagna (content) because he is having henna of the containment in his foot and he is fixed in the earth of sincerity like impression. Ahmed Shah was son of Mughal King Mohammed Roshan Akhter and upon his father's death he was crowned on a Delhi throne in the year 1162 A.H. (1748 A.D.). During his period there were attacks of Nadir Shah, the Marathas and Ahmed Shah Abdali was first attacked in India. He was the last Sultan of Mughal Kingdom in India and after him the British regime started in India.


6. Khaja Sahib and the Islamic law His holy personality was like a great sun and which never been faced the eclipse of mortal sins from its time of sunrise to its time of the sunset. It means during his lifetime he was away from his birth to till death he was safe and away from the mortal sins. Even nobody has not seen him in the clouds of small sins it means he never did the small sins in his whole period of life . He never left the road of Islamic law and he was always away from Bedat (innovation) and he kept a long distance in this matter. He was always used to try his best to follow the Sunnat Rasool (the practice of Allahs final apostle). Even he was used to follow all Mustahbat (desirable things) and he never missed anyone. He did not eat delicious food as per the desire of Nafas Ammra (self inordinate appetites). His father left Toran and he reached India in this way like Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) left the paradise and came to this world. Usually in his kitchen there was arrangement of the preparation of delicious dishes and Khaja Sahib used to send his share of food to his neighbouring people and he was always used to take their dry bread from them and he used to eat the same .



7. Khaja Sahibs riding horse It is heard many times by many learned and great persons that his riding horse did not use to look and even did not used to eat grass in the field of other persons. The horse used to eat the grass which Khaja Sahib will provide for him by purchasing and this reference in available in the book Eqidatal Talibin by Syed Shah Nizam Uddin.

8. His behavior in his childhood with other boys

At the time of playing in the childhood the boys of his age used to gather at some place like group of stars and they used to accept him like their spiritual master and Khaja Sahib used to sit on the big platform and the other boys will stand before him like his Murids (disciples). 9. Khaja Sahibs method of teaching His teaching and preaching time was not fixed. At any time upon the request of his servants he was used to commence his teaching and preaching sessions. As per personal experience of Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin that Khaja Sahib used to pay his too much spiritual attention towards his disciples and due to this reason many of disciples used to become senseless and will become un-consciousness.



10. Effects of Khaja Sahibs company If somebody will pray the congregational prayers sincerely with Khaja Sahib continuously then he will get his purpose and will reach the shore of peace. It means he will attain Nafas Mutmainna (ones satisfied self) and his heart will be satisfied due to peace with Zikar (remembrance ) of Allah.

11. Khaja Sahibs routine during the month of Ramadan He used to perform Eisha (night) prayer usually in the first part of the night and sometime in the fourth part of the night. During the month of Ramadan he used to provide the following things to fast keepers for breaking their fast. 1. Dry dates. 2. Boiled gram split pulse . 3. Firni (hasty pudding). 4. Fruits. After the Maghrib (sunset) prayer he will provide wheat soup and then he will use to enter into his palace. After midnight he will use to come back to the mosque and perform Eisha (night) and Traveh (special night prayers in Ramadan) prayer along with the fast keepers in congregation. After listening Zikar (remembrance of Allah) which is known as Ratib (1) of Hadad there will be a supply of (Qahwa) tea without milk to all persons who will present in the Madina mosque of Rahamatabad. After this upon eating Sahri (pre-dawn meals during fasting month) food on the dining cloth along with murids (disciples)


and upon having the meals he will use to perform Fajr (morning ) prayer and till Israq ( supererogatory mid-morning) pray he will not use to take a rest. Khaja Sahib used to treat the whole month of Ramadan like Eid (festival) every day and every night as the Night of Barat (15th Night of Shaban in which bringing salvation and fulfillment of wishes to those who pray for these). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) In Rehamatabad Khaja Sahib has constructed Madina mosque in which still there is a practice of reciting Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of Hadad during the month of Ramadan every night after Taraveh (special night prayers in Ramadan) prayer and also Rahamatabd Trust used to supply Qahwa (tea without milk) up to some years ago after the end of Traveh (special night prayers in Ramadan) prayers to all people who were present there in the mosque but nowadays there is no supply of it.



12. Effects of Khaja Sahibs attention If any hard hearted person will sincerely request Khaja Sahib then there will be immediate effects of his sight like chemical reaction which will turn baser metals into gold and there will be a change in the condition of his heart and his heart will be become like pure gold.

13. Khaja Sahibs Friday routine After Friday prayer when he will finish Qatam (1) Quaderia and Naqshbandiya then he will used recite Fatiha (first verse of the Holy Quran) and after this his condition will become out of control. So for this reason in this matter it may be said that pure souls may be present there and come to visit him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Composition of Qatam Khajgan Naqsbandiya. In this method he will offer two Rakats (one Rakat is equal to one set of standing, genulexion and prostration in prayer) Nafil (supererogatory) prayer and in which in every Rakat (one Rakat is equal to one set of standing, genulexion and prostration in prayer) and he will use to recite seven times Surah Iqlas (name of Sura from holy Quran) after Sura Fatiha ( first Sura of Holy Quran). After this he will use to offer thawab (reward) of it to the following souls of Sheikhs of Naqshibandia Sufi order. 1. Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajadwani. 2. Khaja Yousuf Hamadani. 3. Khaja Abul Hasan Qarqani.


4. 5. 6. 7.

Abu Ali Farmadi. Khaja Tafur Shami. Khaja Amir Kalal. Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband.

Method of Qatam (its composition is available on page 81). Recitation of the following. 1.Sura Fatiha 7 times. 2.Darud (blessing) 100 times. 3.Sura Alm Nashrah (Sura from holy Quran) 99 times. 4.Sura Iqlas (Sura from holy Quran) 1000 times. 5.Sura Faitha (Sura from holy Quran) 7 times. 6.Darud (blessing) 100 times. Upon reciting the above verses and Darud (blessing) he used to recite Surah Fatiha ( first Sura from holy Quran) on the above seven holy saints of the Naqshbandia Sufi order and then he will pray for the fulfillment of his desires and wishes for the sake of above Sheikhs. If there will be sweet or Bakhur (scent) then it will be good in this matter and it is better that the persons who recite Qatam should observe cleanliness and purity and they should ignore the persons of cigarette smoking habit and also keep away from Bidati (innovators) deeds.



14. Khaja Sahibs conduct and character Due to the greatness of his conduct and character if any new person will visit him and if he would say that he was interested to get favours from some other pious persons but what to do that due to his fate he had come in his presence like the leaf of the winter season. So Khaja Sahib instead of taking his pledge (Bayyah) which is a very necessary thing in the way of Tariqat (mystic way of life) but he will use to benefit the garden of hope of that person by his attention of Batani (innermost) so then that person will not need another persons help in this matter. 15. Khaja Sahibs journey of Arabia and meeting with Hazrat Syed Hamed in Kalandi village in Malabar As per reference from the book Eqidatal Talibin during his journey towards Arabia from Melawar (Malabar) he met Hazrat Syed Hamed in Kalandi village who was well known and famous holy personality of his time in that area. At the time of departure Khaja Sahib told by his tongue of his Ilham (revelation) that Inshallah (if Allah wills) we will meet again. One more Sufi personality whose status and position was great also told him the same thing before which Khaja Sahib told him. Due to sight of effects of Hazrat Ashraf Makki in Makkah his hearts Mahiat (nature) was changed and Khaja Sahib was returned back to Kalandi in Malabar and visited again Hazrat Syed Hamed with that person in Kalandi village in Malabar. Upon seeing Khaja Sahibs face he suddenly told him that raw silver was converted into the pure gold and he told another person that your pure wealth was again converted into the silver. This may be caused due to the fire of dissension which was touched his condition as mercury will become black due to heat in the fire.



16. Nawab Basalat Jungs offer for the construction of mosque 61 years before Nawab Nizam Doulahs (1) son Nawab Basalat Jung Bahadur was reached in this area.Due to good fortune he was visiting the shrine of Khaja Sahib and to please Khaja Sahib he was submitted his request through his courtier Zulfiqar Jung for the construction mosque in place of thatched covered with scented grass mosque, shrine building and water reservoir and if he will consider his offer then it will be a great honor for his slavery for him in this matter. On those days mosque in Rahamatabad were like thatched covered like shadows of lashes with closed eyes of the people of the revelation or like vowel points on the words of the holy Quran. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Nizam ul-Mulk Asif Jahs name is Mir Qamar uddin and king Aurganzeb Almagir of Mughal Kingdom gave him his title Chin Qalij Khan and who was born in the year 1082 A.H. (1671 A.D.) and he had six sons and their names are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Asif Feroze Jung. Nizam Doulah Nasir Jung. Nawab Salabat Jung. Asif Jah Thani Mir Nizam Ali Khan. Basalt Jung (2). Mughal Ali Khan.

Mughal King Faraq Sair had given him the title of Nizam uL-Mulk Bahadur Fatah Jung and was also awarded him 7000 grades Mansab (post) and sent him for administration purpose of Deccan province and he was becoming king of Deccan during the period of Mohammed Shah and he was founded kingdom of Asif Jahi or the kingdom of the Nizam of Hyderabad.


Khaja Sahib did not accept his offer and he told in this matter that Fakir (darvesh) did not want the construction of these buildings by the hands of the wealthy persons. Because I strongly hope with Allah the Merciful that as per his wish and desire there will be some condition that will arise and which will it make possible for the construction by the grace of Allah. Nawab Sahibs edge of the garment was lengthy like the lengthy wishes and desires of wealthy and rich persons which are not permissible as per the Islamic law. Upon Khaja Sahibs look at him so there was a wrinkle in his forehead and Khaja Sahib like a master tailor cut his edge of the garment of wishes and desires and filled his ear with pearls of counsel and advices and he has told him that your father had held the Islamic law like tact of lace so for this reason it is necessary for him to follow the same and do not leave it as he is his obedient son of him. But like the stitch which is attached to edge of the garment so in the same way you should not leave the way of your pious persons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Nawab Basalat Jung was the younger son of Salabat Jung and the elder brother who has nominated him as Nawab of Adoni. Nawab Salabat Jung was the third son of Asif Jah first and he was ruled during the 1751-1762 A. D. Zulfiqar Jung was in service of Basalat Jung. The French general Mousiv Lami misguided him and so he was trying to fight against the British. In this matter Baslat Jung forget that the French army men were responsible for the killing of Nawab Nasir Jung and upon hearing this news and so for this reason Wala Jah wrote him warning letter to Basalat Jung on this matter. So he was returned back from there and sent his army by Zulfiqar Jung to help Mousiv Lami and at last in the war Zulfiqar Jung was killed.



17. Hazrat Maqdoum Sawis opinion about Khaja Sahib Sheikh Mohammed Ali who was great Arif (mystic one having an intimate knowledge of God) of his time and who wrote with his writing (in his book) that Sheikh Mohammed Maqdum Sawi Meilapuri was a great Sufi saint of Karnataka state and his grandson Mohammed Usman was also famous and well known pious personality says that his spiritual master Sheikh Abdul Qadir Khan used to say that his grandfather Sheikh Mohammed Maqdum Sawi Melapuri was used to meet with Khaja Sahib in area of Kadpa. Hazrat Maqdum was travelling extensively in Arabia and Persian countries and he was greatly benefitted and got favors from the great personalities there and among them Khaja Sahib is one. About Khaja Sahib he used to say the following which is as follows. Whenever he used to mention about Khaja Sahib in his meetings then he used to say that he never seen such a glorious, complete and perfect personality. In his presence it seems to him that he is with his spiritual master.



18. One saying of Hazrat Maqdum Sawi Hazrat Faqir Mohammed who was well known and great personality of his family and he was a disciple of Hazrat Sheikh Mohammed Maqdum Sawi and for the completion work of perfection he was become disciple of Khaja Noor Allah Misjah and he was used to say that his spiritual master was used to tell him many times about Khaja Rehmatullah that he had attained Haqiqat (reality) of Mohammadi and he is always in excellence of honor of eternal dignity.

19.Khaja Sahibs love of the prophet Khaja Sahib was completely drowned in the love of the Allahs final apostle. So for this reason he sacrificed his life for the sake of his love of Allahs last prophet and he was also donated all his properties in this matter. In the mosque of Rahmatabad there is inscription available and its translation is as follows. This mosque belongs to the Prophet of Madina. The Ahmedpur village trust. Whenever he was used to visit Ahmedpur village trust and which was organized by him for Niayaz Rasul (alms given in the holy prophets name). So for this reason he will not take any income or product from the trust of the Ahmedpur village for his personal use. Also he will not use even the water of Ahmedpur trust for the drinking purpose and he will use to carry water from Rahmatabad. Whatever income received from this village, he will use to send all money to


Madina for the charity work there. As per reference from Maulvi Shah Rafi uddin that Khaja Sahib used to say that if any needed person will pray there with fear of God and humility as well as with sincerity and lowliness in the bungalow in Ahmedpur village while spreading his hands then his wishes and desires will be fulfilled there and for this reason Ahmedpur village which is famous even today for the fulfilment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit that building there. He also used to say that if time of some bodys bud of the hearts opening will come to his favour and attention then in such condition Khaja Sahib used to take him to the building of Ahmedpur trust and like spring season he will use to award him a saintly dress of caliphate to that person. As a matter of fact my soul was scented there by his sayings and also due to his kind affection he was awarded me saintly dress of the caliphate. The effects of seeing the mausoleum of Allahs final apostle. As per reference from the book by Sheikh Ali Mohammed that one day he was present in his presence and he was standing there. He told --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Sheikh Maqdum Mohammed Sawi Melapuris ancestors were came to village Melapur Chenapatnam and were settled down there and all were in the army service. After his fathers death due to the love of Allah he went for travel and tour purpose and came to Basantnagar and become a disciple of the holy person Nasir Shah in Sufi Order of Quaderia and upon obtaining his caliphate he went to Arabia and he was there for a period of three years. Upon instruction of Allahs final apostle he came to Deccan (South India) and he was becoming busy in the teaching and preaching work of Islamic religion. He never discloses the secrets and symbols to other persons except his disciples. He was introduced many new terms in Sufism. He left this world in Hyderabad in 1165 A.H. (1752 A.D.) and after some days his dead body was taken to Melapuram. me while looking at me that if anybody who may be much hard90


hearted nature but upon looking the light of mausoleum then his heart will be melted like ice piece suddenly and he was saying this and he began weeping and he used to string in the needle the pearls of tears in eyelashes of his eyes.

20. The sayings of Khaja Sahib about Murshid (master) and disciple Once Khaja Sahib has explained about spiritual masters Kufar (1) (infidelity) and Islam of the disciple and he was told in this matter that when the master began teaching of his disciple then he will use to hide some of his Kamalat (perfections) so this is exactly as per Islamic rule for the disciple but it is Kufer (hiding) consequent for the master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). So as per chapter number one of Bukhari Sharif (2) in which it is mentioned that there is one more type of Kufer (infidelity) and other Kufer (infidelity) which is well known and the meaning of that Kufer (infidelity) is referred as hiding something with his life partner so here it should be referred in the meaning hiding something. 2). Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called Ahadith. Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's death and worked extremely hard to collect his Ahadith. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established.



21. Satan and souls obstruction in the way of Saluk (mystic initiation) Khaja Sahib used to say that on the way of Saluk (mystic initiation) the following two things which will obstruct are as follows. 1. Satan. 2. Soul. Unless there is no control on them the Salik (a Salik (Arabic: ), a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism) will never reach his final destination. 22. Khaja Sahibs instruction to disciples about Touhid (unity of God) Khaja Sahib used to advice the disciples that to keep the wealth of Touhid (unity of God) like a closed bud in the pocket so that there will be peace and satisfaction of the heart available. And if we keep it like an open flower on the palm of expression then it will cause the result of problem and difficulties. The people used to come into his service and become his disciples in the Sufi orders of Quaderia , Chistiya and Rifaia and they used to observe Zikar (remembrance of Allah) in loud noise so for this reason he used to prohibit them in this matter and he will use to order them to go to the desert areas and do their practice of shouting Ziker (remembrance) of Allah in loud noises with full power so that it will not reach the ear of the any person. In Sufi order of Naqshibandiya Ziker (remembrance of Allah) in loud noise which is called Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri is prohibited and Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Khafi (hidden) is allowed only.



23. Advice of sending many Darud (blessing) on the Allahs final apostle Khaja Sahib used to say that due to sending of large numbers of Darud (blessing ) like rain drops on the holy soul of the Allahs final apostle will causes for the development and benefit of the Saluks (a Salik (Arabic: ), a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism) tree of desire and wishes so for this reason one should try to send Darud (blessing) in large number that may be possible in this matter. 24. The behavior of Satan with Arif (mystic) and careless persons Khaja Sahib used to say that Satan is like a thief and his work is to get benefit from sleepy persons carelessness and in that condition he will use to attack them. But he will keep away from un-sleepy person. But he will attack on the careless persons without any hesitation and he will be away from Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God) persons. As per his nature some time he will deceive Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God) persons also. And he will be running away from slapping of Lahool. ( Is an Arabic word referring to the statement L awla wa l quwwata ill billh (which is usually translated as "There is no might nor power except with Allah." This expression is mentioned by a Muslim whenever seized by a calamity or in a situation beyond their control.)



25. The aim of contact with worldly persons with the pious persons Khaja Sahib said the aim of wealthy persons to establish their relations with the pious personalities and Fakirs (darvesh) for the benefits of the world and not for the welfare and sake of another world. When their desire and wishes are fulfilled then the fear and respect and Allah and his prophet will be removed from the slate of their hearts and they will become very busy in the world so that it will be not become possible for them to return towards Allah and regret for their bad deeds will become impossible for them. 26. Opinion of Hazrat Asrar Allah Sahib about Khaja Sahib When Khaja Sahib was staying in the Nandiyal town of Kurnool district and at that time one Asrar Sahib who was pious person was passed from there and who was a great holy personality of his time. The people of that place were insisted him greatly to come into the town but he ignored their requests in this matter and he was told that he was finding smell of the tiger in the place so for this reason there is fear and horror for him in this matter. 27. Prediction from Divan (collection of odes) of Hafiz Shirazi for the journey of Makkah When Khaja Sahib intended for the journey of Makkah then he was referred Divan of Hafiz Shirazi and found the one Gazal (ode) and its details are available in an Urdu edition of this book.



28. Khaja Sahib visited Hazrat Alawi Broom after his journey of Makkah Upon obtaining the aim of jewel in the land of Arabia, he was visited Hazrat Alwavi Broom on his return way from there. Hazrat Alawi Broom upon watching his great status and position he was requested for his attention for his Batani (innermost). But Khaja Sahib due to his respect and due to etiquette and due to his disrespect not accepted his request in this matter and he told him that if he will send his son to him then he will pay his attention for his teaching and training in this matter.

29. His attention of the disciples and its condition Khaja Sahib used to intoxicated his disciples with his one cup of attention of Batani (innermost) and due to this reason that person will not open his eyes till the prayer time of Israq ( supererogatory midmorning morning). 30. Some couplets of Persian poetry of Khaja Sahib Some time due to his ability to versify well there will be lustrous pearls of poetry will be there in which there will be splendor of the Sufism . I have remembered two couplets which are presented here for readers kind perusal and attention. Its translation is as follows. Leave all objections as well as criticism and take care of your Batin


(innermost). See by sight of unity and take out sense of honor from the heart. In the search of right path leave your Khudi (ego) If there will be no Khudi (ego) of Rahmatulla then there will be a manifestation of truth.

31. He taught his spiritual master the book Lawah Sharif His teacher Sheikh Akbar Mohammed Omer taught him the book Lawah Sharif of Moulana Abdul Rahman Jami in which there are deep subjects (of intimate knowledge of God) and truth , knowledge) are there in it. When in Makkah due to sight of Asharaf Makki he was obtained higher status of Batani (innermost) of saintliness and he came back to India like the verse of mercy and at that time Mohammed Omer Sahib became his disciple and Khaja sahib taught him the book Lawah Sharif and he was also obtained certificate from Khaja Sahib in this matter. 32. Khaja Sahibs attainment of favour from Khaja Gharib Nawaz and Hazrat Bande Nawaz Khaja Sahib used to say that he was obtained flower of aim from the garden of the saintliness of Gharib Nawaz of Ajmer and in the same way he was also benefited and got favours from the shrine of Khaja Bande Nawaz as who was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in the Deccan region in Gulberga. So it is said that one person upon his journey came to Rahamatab from Ajmer and he was entered into the Sufi Order of Chistiya. After some days Khaja Sahib was paid his expenses of his journey of Ajmer


and bid farewell him and he has sent him to Ajmer and asked him to recite the Fatiha (first verse of the Holy Quran) on the soul of Khajwa Gharib Nawaz and to give a bouquet of his seven Salam to him.

33. His visit of mausoleum of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani R.A. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani R.A.was an Islamic Sufi religious figure, teacher, preacher and writer to whom some Sunni scholars refer. Upon arriving in Baghdad, Khaja Sahib he was standing round the clock there like the cypress free tree on his one foot for favour from there. When there was a fall of the cloud of mercy on him and he was satisfied there and then he left Baghdad. 34. He controlled his soul during poverty and prosperity When Khaja Sahib was put crown of the Fakiri (darvesh) on his head then in his first war of Nafas Ammara (self inordinate appetites) with the help of sword of Istagna (containment) he was killed the head of Dast Talab (demand). In the beginning there was attack of continues starvation for the period of three days with him. But he was used to fix stone of Qinat (containment) on his stomach. With great courage he defended it and never put down the shield of Istqamat (firmness) in this matter. When the hardships were exceeded too much one night one person came there and had presented him a tray of delicious food items and but in the next morning nobody came there to collect back the tray from there. Due to this reason his servants said among themselves that indeed the tray was sent from the kitchen of the invisible. Then afterwards Allah without source has opened the door of subsistence and which Khaja Sahib was granted for the public welfare .Large number of orphan and poor persons used to eat from his dinning cloth and like Sheikh of his time Khaja Obeid ullah Ahrar they used to praise for him


in this matter.

35. Khaja Sahibs stamp and his handwritings on his books When he asked to write his letters then he used to put his stamp on them and after this he used to write the following in his own handwriting. From Fakir (darvesh) of Allah. On the back side of title pages of his books he was used to write in his handwriting in his books as follows. The owner is Allah but it is in the custody of Khaja Rahmatullah. That stamp is still available with Ghulam Yousuf Naqshband who is a family member of the custodian of the shrine and which is shown at the time of the annual death anniversary (Urs) on 25th Rabi Awwal every year to the persons of the shrine visits. 36. Khaja Sahibs advice to ignore disappointed Khaja Sahib used to say when if any work which will be out of hands and if there is no hope of it then one should not get disappointed and feel on this matter. Because the pious personalities have told that If there will be available one breath then there will be chances of fulfilment of 1000 hopes in this matter. So we should keep good hope always from the Allah as indeed Allah is empowered on all things.



37. Khaja Sahib was not agreed with one famous proverb One day he was told that he was surprised with the proverb of the persons that the flight of the Peers (pious persons) is depend upon the disciples. Because if there will be favour of Allah on anybody then that person does not need any help for his flight but those who are false and imperfect and in that case this proverb will correct and right for them in this matter. Because the paper kite will not fly by itself and it needs and require wind and thread is must in this matter.

38. His style of description of the holy persons When there will be discussion about holy personalities in his meetings then Khaja Sahib like flower used to praise for them and he never tired in this matter. For the status and position of holy personalities like a Susan flower he was used to be joyful in this matter, he never used the language of the bazaar and did not disrespect them. The people of dignity and good natured pious personalities used to follow such way in this matter and not like such Maulavi persons who will move beads in their finger of the hands and like the chicks of hens who gather some boys and in front of them and upon wearing a saintly dress of falcon of the mystic way of life they will criticize the holy personalities and in this way become victim of the falcon of Al lahs calamity and anger in this matter.



Criticism of Hazrat Alif Mujadid Thani and its clarification Especially those who are not aware of basic and knowledge of research persons for this reason due to their mischief-making are like the crowing of the cock of un-timely and blame the sun of sky of Islamic law (Shariat) and the moon of Tariqat (mystic way of life) and Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time Sheikh Ahmed Faroqui Sarhindis greatest book of all seasons Mulfuzat (1) presented in distorted condition. And for this reason we feel jittery and the heart is shaking due to fear in this matter. So as per saying about love and enmity for the sake of Allah I am writing here with benighted and unlucky persons false deeds samples so that the wise persons may reject their baseless statements and should think their statement as useless things. In fact these persons day and night dream for the wealth and money and they will busy in this condition and which they will get from the wealthy persons for their services of the teaching of the Muslims. They will not participate in sincere and charitable matters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Maktobat Imam Rabbani. The nearness of obligation to them is to become courtiers of wealthy persons and who sit with them by touching with their knees in their meeting places. Their nearness of supererogatory work is to praise the work of wealthy persons. Always they smoke hookah and smoking of hemp and they seems in the condition of intoxicated like spiritual masters and always look at the foot of friends of the court. The mention of subject and object is their Zikar (remembrance) of Char Zarbi (emphatic recital of Gods name) and that will be their second chapter (they always Zikar (remembrance) about boys and maids on their tongues) and their Zikar (remembrance ) Khafi (hidden) is to try for the increase their subsistence. Also due to flattery and their demand of worldly gain they used to wash the dead bodies of wealthy persons and have taken responsibility to carry out this work and for which they think it as a great thing. Despite of their above acts they are also indulgence


in these kinds of filthy things and adoption of the slavery of soul. These impudent people with shamelessness blame pure and great personalities and use abusive language. When there is a condition from Allah for lost of common sense of any person then such person will like blaming the pure persons. The persons of whom are having consciousness like sun and sitters on the throne and who demand fair play and justice should well know that Hazrat Sheikh Mujadad Alif Thanis (1) one disciple known as Hussain Khan (2) Please note from here the text will continue to page 104 upon the end of footnotes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi. 2). Here it seems that there is misunderstanding with the author of this book. The real event is that Hazrat Mujajid Alif Thanis one disciple who was known as Badi uddin who was posted on his behalf in the Mughal capital of Lahore for the teaching preaching work and in him there was too much zeal and passion. In Lahore, he was becoming very famous but there was opposition against him. Despite of his opposition he was continued saying wise high level matters and the disclosing these matters to the general persons was not suitable and not good at all. So for this reason there were many big problems and difficulties as well many objections in this matter. Due to this matter there were many objections not only against him but on the Sheikh Mujadid Alif Thani have been commenced in this matter. There many objections were raised for book (Dafter) part ones eleventh letter in which Sheikh Mujadid Alif Thani has mentioned about his spiritual progress . The details are available as follows. Upon watching that place some other places were seen one after another. When I reached from first place to upper higher place then come to know that this is place of Hazrat Usman Bin Affan. From this place one more upper place was seen and it was coming to know that it is for Hazrat Omer Farurq. And from that place to upper side it was seen another place and it was known for Hazrat Abu baker Siddiq. I also


reached this place and find my spiritual master Hazrat Khaja Naqshaband everywhere along with me. There is no upper place after this place except the place of the Allahs final apostle . There is one place opposite of the place of Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq which is a very good place of light appeared there and like such place was never seen and it is noted that place is higher than the previous place. It is known as place of Mahabiat (loveliness) and which was in colour and carved . He was also seen him in its color reflection. In this matter there were many objections were raised that Hazrat Mujadid used to think him greater than Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. In this matter the people sought clarification from him so he told them it was his letter which was written by him to his spiritual master and it is must for the disciple to inform his experiences on the way of Saluk (mystic initiation) to his spiritual master so that if there will be any mistake in this matter then the spiritual master should make the necessary corrections therein. But the persons who made the objections were not satisfied from his clarification in this matter. Also many of disciples were entered in the condition of doubts. To this objection he was clarified that he will not find him equal with Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. Despite of the above clear clarification there were increased of many objections and learned persons of apparent (Zaher) knowledge made their complaints in the court of Mughal King Jehangir in Lahore that Hazrat Mujajdid Thani is making such claim from which there will be problems and difficulties in these matters. As there are large numbers of disciples of him so there will be suspicion of the government. For this reason King Jehangir has called him in his court in this matter. In the book Hazrat Alqads Moulana Badi uddin Sirhindi has written the details of the meeting which is as follows. The king has asked him we have heard that you have written that your status is greater than Hazrat Siddiq Akbar. Upon hearing this he was explaining one example that if you will call some menial person for your service and talk with his secret matter due to your favour and attention surely in that case he will pass from the status of Amir (courtier) of 5,000 grades and he will reach on the position of Peshi (personal ) in your service and upon return from your presence, he will


again become counterfeit. From this it is not compulsory that his position is more the position of Amir (courtier) of 5,000 grades. The king was satisfied with his reply and he did not take any action against him in this matter. But during that time one cruel person has told King Jehangir that you are shadow of Allah but this Sheikh has not prostrate before you and don't pay any respect to you in this matter. For this reason the king became angry with him and ordered him to imprison in the fort of Gwalior 1). In the above text it is referenced from his writings for which there were objections were raised in this matter that Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani think himself greater than Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani has written about Sheikh Mohi Uddin Ibn Arabi that we do not require Nas and Fas or Conquests of Madina have contented us from Conquests of Makkah. Here Fas refer Ibn Arabis book Fasul Hukam and Fatuhat Makkah. But afterwards Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani have inclined his above saying and but still there were some of his differences left in one or two matters with Ibn Arabi. Infas Arifin is among famous books of Shah Wali ullah Muhadit of Dehlavi in which he by incidentally mentioned many matters. Also in this book Shah Sahib has solved masterly the problem which arose due to Ibn Arabis Wahid Wajud (unity of existence) and Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thanis Wahdat Shahud (unity of divine manifestation). Shah Wali ullah Muhadit was born in the year 1114 A.H. ( 1703 A.D.) before 4 years death of King Aurangzib Alamgir. His father Shah Abdul Rahim was also was famous and well known pious personally of his time and in his teaching circle large number of persons used to attend and he left the world in the year 1131 A.H. (1719 A.D.). Shah Wali ullahs early education and training was completed in the house and most of this was done by his father. He began his teaching at the age of 17 years and afterwards he went to the holy cities of Makkah and Madina and he was benefitted greatly by many learned persons there. He was returned back to India in the year 1732 A.D. He was great and most well known and famous learned personality of his time. And he left this world in the year 1762 A.D. And who lived during the


period of Khaja Rahmatullah. He left behind his well known and famous books after him. Also in the controversial matters he was adopted such way that and due to this reason the learned persons of the following sects were also accepted his views in this matter. 1. Sufies (Mystics). 2. Mullahs (One knowing the only religious lore). 3. Shia (Sect regarding Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb as direct lawful successor of Allahs final apostle rejecting the other orthodox caliphs). 4. Sunni (Orthodox Muslim). 5. Hanafi ( Hanafite). 6. Hanbali (Hanbilite). 7. Wahidal Wajudi (unity of existence). 8. Mutzala (A rationalist sect of Muslim dissenters). 9. Ashara (Orthodox school of scholastic philosophy in Islam). In the above lines the author of this book has pointed out the above quality of Shah Wali ullah Saheb in this matter. 1). Khaja Khurd. His name is Khaja Mohammed Abdullah but he was well known and famous with name of Khaja Khurd. He was the younger son of Hazrat Baqi Billah and he was established Sufi order of Naqshibandiya in India. He was born in the year 1010 A.H. (1601 A.D.). He was getting a chance to benefit greatly by Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Thani than his elder brother Khaja Klan. He got permission of recitation of daily practice and recital of the Sufi order of Naqshibandia from Sheikh Alif Mujadid Alif Thani. Shah Abdul Raheem who was the father of Shah Wali ullah was his disciple and devotee. Syed Abdullah Akberabadi was the caliph of Sheikh Adam Bannuri. Shah Wali ullahs father Sheikh Abdul Raheem and his paternal uncle Sheikh Mohammed Reza were benefited by his caliphate and his favor. In the book Anfas Arifian Sheikh Shah Wali ullah Sahib mentioned their biographical information in details. Syed Sheikh Adam Bannuri was famous and well known caliph of Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani and there were a large number of his


disciples and devotees and he was native of Bannur village which is 20 miles away from Sirhind. He was un-educated person but after his pledge (Bayyah) to Hazrat Sheikh Mujadid Alif Thani he was memorizing the Quran and was learned many knowledges. His personality was very effective and dynamic. In his shrine there were more than 1,000 students with Maraft (knowledge of God) were there and for them there was available lunger (public kitchen) for the free food provision. Due to the large scale above arrangement Mughal King Shan Jehan was worried in this matter and for this reason he ordered him to migrate to Madina from Bannur and he was going there and left this world in the year 1663 A.D. 1). The purpose is that these pious personalities were benefitted by Khaj Khurd and who were the sons of Hazrat Baqi Billa and they were followed the Sufi order of Naqshibandiya Baqivia and not benefitted from Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani and with his name Sufi order of Naqshibandiya Mujaddia was started. There is no weight for this objection as Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani was his great caliph of Hazrat Baqi Billah Sahib. from Rohela community and for his some mistake like Satan he removed him from his court. So for this reason that Rohela person who had bad Batin (innermost ) wrote some useless things in his writings and added the same. So for this reason some prejudiced persons thought the same as staff of Tariqat (mystic way of life) and like blind persons were falling down in the filthy drain of sins. Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani who famous and greater than the revelation of holy personalities so such disrespect from his personality should be done by him which is an act which is not be possible with him and also such act against the dignity of the Allahs final apostle is not expected from him as he was always ready to sacrifice his life on the blessed sandals of Allahs final apostle. He was always busy in the love of Allahs final apostle and also he was followed each and every step of the last prophet. Sheikh Alif Thani who made his objections about Ibn Arabis works which were like revelations but in his last age in his book Malfuzat


volume three he was inclined in this matter and but still there were left his difference with him in only one or two matters. Like Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz who also inclined . If any thirsty research person will study Anfas Arifian then he will be satisfied in this matter. As the second saying will be better than first saying. The above book was written by Shah Wali Muhadith Dehlavi who was leader of re-search persons and also who was perfect in the following things. 1. Principles of Muslim jurisprudence. 2. Intellectual part of religious knowledge and its branches. 3. Natural phenomenon . 4. Miracles. Shah Abdul Aziz was spiritual master and father of Muhadit Dehlavi and who wrote book Tuhfa Etna Asheria. Hazrat Shah Wali ullah Muhadith Dehlavis Tariqat (mystic way of life ) order. Shah Wali ullah was learned education of the Sufi Order of Naqshibandia from his father Sheikh Abdul Rahim Muhadith Faroqui Dehlavi and who was perfect in the following things. 1. Favour Benignity 2. Knowledge. For their status of Qutubs (highest cadre in the spiritual pivot on axis) all people of India were accepted the same. There are available their many miracles and revelation in history which are well known and famous. Sheikh Abdul Rahim Muhadith Faroqui Dehlavi was benefitted and got favour in Tariqat (mystic way of life) and attention from Sheikh Khaja Buzrug and Sheikh Khaja Buzrug was benefitted and got favour in Tariqat (mystic way of life) from Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani.


On other side Sheikh Abdul Rahim was benefitted by Syed Abdullah and Syed Abdullah was benefitted by Syed Adam Bannuri and Syed Adam Bannuri was benefitted in Tariqat (mystic way of life) by great source of spiritual knowledge and master Sheikh Mujadid Alif Thani. There is the strangest thing that bigot persons used to say that the above great holy personalities were benefitted and got a favour and passed the way of Saluk (mystic initiate) due to the favour of Khaja Khurd (1) because in the Sufi order of Mujadidia nobody was not able to reach its final destination. The details of Khaja Khurd which are available on the below footnote. If suppose the above same thing is right and correct then thinking in this matter that those above holy personalities who were Qutubs (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of their times so why there were not able to find the details by their revelation in this matter?. As a matter of fact they have instructed their mystic way of the Sufi Order of Naqshibandia to all over the world and they preached towards this way and in this way they have given their caliphates and genealogy records to their disciples. The bigot persons also used to say that among the Mujadids (one well known and famous Sufi order) nobody has not attained the high status of Velayat (saintliness) and If there is progress in them which was possible for them as they have followed their way and due to favour from that way only. Hazrat Syed Adam Bannuri was great pious personally of his time and his following qualities are famous and well known. 1). Preaching. 2). Saintliness 3). Qualities. 4). Favour. 5). Lineage. Due to his above qualities and due to his light of favour and saintliness there were many positive results were there. He was Qutub (highest


cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time and also who was one caliph of Hazrat Mujadid Alif Thani. And due to his light of favour and light of Velayat (saintliness) large group of persons were benefitted by him. He was famous for his torch of revelation and miracles. So I know 37 persons and their details are safe in my memory. All of them were sent to different places as per instruction of their spiritual master for the advising the mankind. For the proof in this matter I am submitting the names of some persons which are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sheikh Qasim Saharanpuri. Sheikh Hussain. Sheikh Abdul Salam. Sheikh Abdul Jalil. Sheikh Muslim Saharanpuri.

All these above persons were sent to towards Ambala. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hafiz Yar Mohamed Sarhindi. Haji Shah Mohammed Sarhindi. Syed Abul Fatah. Syed Masud. Abdul Hai. Abu Naser Sheikh Abdul Baqi. Sheikh Mohammed Sambotari. Sheikh Ahmed Rooh ullah.

All these above persons were going towards eastern Utter Pradesh. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sheikh Burhan. Sheikh Farid. Sheikh Mohammed Amin Badaqshi. Haji Yar Khan. Sheikh Tatar Khan. Sheikh Jamal. Mir Maqsood. Haji Mir Mansour.


9. Sheikh Omer Kabli. 10. Altar ullah All these above persons were going towards eastern Peshawar. 1. Haji Sheikh Saadi. 2. Sheikh Sulaiman. 3. Sheikh Burqurdar. 4. Sheikh Hafiz Shah. 5. Sheikh Haji Khalil. 6. Sheikh Yar Mohammed Gul Bahari. 7. Sheikh Meran Mustafa. 8. Sheikh Saadi. 9. Sheikh Yar Mohammed. 10.Sheikh Hamed. 11.Sheikh Abdul Khaliq. 12.Sheikh Ba-Yazid. All these above persons were going towards surrounding of Lahore. Other than above persons, the Sheikhs caliphs and disciples of the caliphs in a large number were attained their goal due to favour and were benefitted by the advices of Sheikh Adam Bannuri. Due to no space in this small book to mention their details which is not possible in this matter as the number of his disciples was reached at 3,00,000 numbers and among them 70,000 persons are famous and well known as pious personalities of their time. If somebody will not accept the favour of Batini (innermost) of Naqshbandi pious personalities and say it as the effects of actions then so their thinking in this matter will be termed as their silly talk due to their in-appreciation and as well as due to reason of not knowing their condition and as well as their knowledge of holy and great personalities. It is a fact that the following things were obtained by Sheikh Syed Adam Banuri in the world of the Missal (platonic world of ideas) from


Hazrat Fatima (holy prophet's daughter Hazrat Fatima). 1. Qatam Khaja Gan. 2. Isteqara (augury). 3. Amal of (acts) Bismillah. Also some other acts of exertion for Batini (innermost) were added in the above acts. But such above acts in the books of the followers of this line of saints and also in their sayings of Saluk (mystics) are not available there. But all acts are taught hidden as per the saying to keep the secret otherwise it will be disclosed. The other thing in this matter is that if intoxication of these holy personalities is the results and the effect of these acts then these personalities after intoxication and in consciousness why they remain always in their lives on condition of intoxication. They always keep their lips open for the last sip and against this matter the intoxication due to the acts and upon its relief these persons will feel un-easiness in this matter and like persons of grief and persons of Mirgi (epileptic) disease patient they feel in condition of grief and sadness and they pinch their chests. If they come in the field of babbling and in boast then there will be no surprise in this matter that they will be killed by arrows of the looks of the endeavours of pious personalities. The strange thing in this matter that Qazi (judge) (1) who was custodian of the mausoleum of Syed Abdul Quader Aurangabadi and whose poetic name was Mehrban and Fakhri and his famous and well known books are as follows. 1. Kamal Meherbani. 2. Asalul asul. 3. Kajul Jawaher 1). Mir Abdul Quader and his poetic name was Meherban. He was born in the year 1151 A.H. (1738 A.D.) in Aurangabad city. He has learned Arabic and Persian by Azad Bilgrami. His father Syed Mohammed Sharif was a disciple and caliph of Moualana Fakher uddin Dehlavi Saherwardi Chisti. Upon death of his father he was become Qazi (judge)


of Roudah of Khuldabad. In last time of his age he was benefitted in the company of Shah Fakher uddin Aurgangabadi. Afterwards he becomes a courtier of Nawab Asif Jahs minister Rukun Doulah. He has used first time his poetic name as Rangin and then Esar and in the last he used poetic name Meherban as per advice of Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami. He wrote many magazines in poetry and in magazine Kajal Jawaher Fe Manaqib Sheikh Abdul Quader there are 15,000 lines of poetry in it. Despite of his claim of Fakir (darvish) and Fakhri (indigence) and he has left justice and fair play without care of his position and status with the very prejudice he wrote about great Sheikh of his time Hazrat Alif Mujadid Alif Thani and also made objection about works of revelations of other holy personalities of the Naqshibandia Sufi order in this matter. Like trash he has used his tongue in this matter. Specially about the Sultan of Deccan (South India) Khaja Gesu Daraz he has written many pages with disrespect in this matter. The extract of one line from such writing is as follows. That Syed Mohammed like his Gesu (long hair) has caused impudence in this matter . In short this inexperienced writer and like a un-ripe fruit who possess the qualities of sour grapes think himself as Fakhri (indigence) and more in this matter. Among the personalities of revelation no one would never dare to disrespect these holy and great persons of their time also they were not broken their mirrors with respect with the stones of taunt and convulsion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Continued from previous page, in the Divan (collected odes of single poet ) Gazal (ode) there are 5, 000 lines of poetry. He wrote many magazines in prose and poetry. He went to Madras in the year 1199 A.H. ( 1785 A.D.). Nawab of Arcot respected him greatly and constructed for him shrine building in Melapur village and where he was busy there in the teaching and preaching work till his death in the year 1204 A.H. (1790 A.D.) and he was buried in the shrine area and till now his work


of teaching and preaching is continued there. The Mashaiq (learned persons) of this order are well known and famous in Madras as Fakhri. Abu Saeed Wala who is author of this book differ with him due to his writing of his objections in the above books about Mashaiq (learned persons) of the Naqshibandia Sufi order to which he belongs. The author belongs to Naqshibandiay Sufi order and Meherban also belongs to the Quaderia Sufi Order and these two orders are famous and are popular in the Madras area. In this matter there may be some misunderstanding with him which resulted for the above problem and difficulties. The translation of some lines of poetry of Meherban is as follows. The commanders of caravan of Khajgan (spiritual master) of Naqshbandiya having possess very strange dignity and so for this reason they will take the caravans to the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah by secret ways. All tigers (holy persons) of Allah are fasten with this chain and the fox will not dare and will be helpless in this matter to break the chain by her cheat and fraud. It is necessary here to clarify that the holy saints of Naqsbandiya used to follow the method of attention which is as follows. That they with their power of spiritual and courageous they used to bring their disciples and Saluk (mystics) from the temple of ego and try to send them in the tavern of Wahidat (oneness) and so there will be intoxication due to the result of the nearness. So un-consciousness of the disciple is due to the reason of nearness only. As the beggar or other poor and needy person when will reach in place of rich persons then he will be getting lost there and he will not understand anything in that matter. The great holy personalities of the Sufi order of Naqshibandiya used to follow their rules to the conception of Ya Basir (The All-Seeing) to level of confirmation and when they look at any person then due to such look he will become un-consciousness. So this is included in recital and not belongs to acts.



39. Local persons behavior with Khaja Sahib during his journey of Makkah and Madina During his journey of Makkah and Madina when he will reach to any place or valley then people of the place used to think his arrival as great grace and unexpected blessing and like true devotion of the disciples they used to make efforts for his service as a matter of fact nobody did not know him nor he did not ask anything from them.

40. Bedouins behaviour in Arabia In the Arabian valleys he used to wear fine and costly dress and used to travel with important goods and money peacefully without any hindrance and problems and difficulties there and no robbers will not dare to do any harm to him and on the contrary the Beduins used to welcome him for the grace and blessing from him. 41. Khaja Sahibs refusal for alchemy During his travel and tourism in the Arabian area many of the alchemist of Western countries upon considering his high level personal attributes and good qualities so they were tried in this matter to teach him the same but like mercury and eyes of fire he did not like their offer in this matter. He told that this Fakir (Darvish) will not like except the love of Allah who is his real friend and also he like his friends (Allahs final apostle) love of great elixir and do not want any other thing. The alchemists used to follow the policy of miserliness and so they do not give the formula of alchemy to other persons and for this reason even the father will not teach alchemy to his son and also the father do not teach this formula to his son so for others it will be


impossible and difficult matter. It may be a trail of Khaja Sahib in this matter from Allah like in the Meraj ( the holy prophet accession) night in which for the trial of the prophet two worlds were decorated with divine lights and were presented before him but Allahs final apostle hasn't shown his interest and attention in that matter and he was proceeded straightly towards the throne of God and it means his sight was not lost on his way and he was not tempted in this matter.

42. Teaching of knowledge of Zaheri (manifest) to the disciples During the teaching time of the disciples he will bring rare pearls of truth and knowledge from the sea of lustrous of Mohammedi (of the prophet Mohammed) in his handful and distribute the same . As a matter of fact he was not a swimmer of the sea of knowledge of theory (manifest). The story is that where there is love of the sun is there then the light of a lamp will not be required there. The translation of the couplet in Persian is as follows. It is right that It will reveal the condition by the tongue but it is better that it will bring more light of the love for not saying anything by the tongue.



43. Khaja Sahibs knowledge of doctrine of unity of existence and Mujabbira school of thought Khaja Sahibs knowledge of the doctrine of unity of existence and the Mujabbira school of thought which believe that man has no freedom and is only a tool in the hands of God and so he was perfect in explaining these thoughts by theoretical knowledge or by ecstasy and so in both these methods he was perfect master. It is noted that for fakir (Darvish) it is compulsorily that he should know the details of the above matters because these matters are like five fingers of hand of Touhid (oneness). Specially to know about the doctrine of unity of existence it is exactly as obligation because this matter is the foundation of other doctrines. In the Shariat (Islamic) law it is Shirk (infidel) of belief of two Gods and in this same way two numbers of Wujd are being or existence is Shrik (infidel) in the Tariqat (mystic way of life ) is Kufer (infidel) . Khaja Sahib was very perfect in explaining the following doctrines. 1. Maiyat (company). 2. Indraj (insert) 3.Novelty of examples.

44. Humility and politeness of Khaja Sahib Khajas Sahib never sits on the carpet or bed spread or with the support of a pillow and not kept before him spittoon and never used to see the standing of his servants but like stars used to ask them to sit in his meeting place and who used to sit on a wooden bed like the throne


of God and always he will use to be away from the desires of the soul and used to suppress his desire and wishes. 45. The Style of equality of Khaja Sahib When he will use to attend feasts and when there will be too much respect and consideration as well as hospitality for him then he will use to become angry and upset in this matter. If there will be equal treatment of all persons like a morning breeze then he will be used to be happy and his face will become fresh like an open flower. In his meetings like heavenly paradise in which all small and big persons will be benefitted by his shower of cloud of mercy equally without any discrimination there. On his dining cloth all persons will be benefitted equally due to kind attention and care .

46. The Contentment of Khaja Sahib He was like the phoenix of height of contentment. And he was away from the world and its luxuries and comforts. For the search of worldly benefits he never troubled his wings towards the worldly rulers. The ruler of Kadpa late Abdul Halim was always used to desire that Khaja Sahib should select some place so that he can do his service as per his status and position. But he was rejected his request and never agreed in this matter.



47. Khaja Sahib did not like the company of the rich persons During his stay in Kadpa late Nawab Abdul Majid Khan and Abdul Hamid Khan always used to come to kiss his foot for the sake of felicity and as they had complete faith in Khaja Sahib. But Khaja Sahib has forbidden them to come to visit him and he ignored them and he used to abominate with their meeting. 48. Khaja Sahib did not accept the offer of Saikal village Amiral Hind (1) Wala Jah has sent one letter to Khaja Sahib through his caliph Mohamed Sibgat ullah alias Bawa Sahib from Tirchanapalli to accept Saikal village but he did not accept his offer in this matter and he has thrown his letter like waste paper in the corner of his house.

49. Nawab Abdul Saeed Khans request to become his disciple Nawab Abdul Saeed Khan of Ganji Kota has sent his letter to Khaja Sahib with much inclination that Since long time there is desire in his heart to see him and wanted to become his disciple due to his too much devotion in this matter. Khaja Sahib has replied in this matter that if your are having real devotion and love with me then to become disciples of his caliph who is posted in his area for the teaching and preaching work of the persons and to incline towards him is like to make pledge (Bayah) to him in this matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117


1.Amiral Hind Mohammed Wal Jah was the Nawab of Arcot and he was the third son of Nawab of Nazim Payan Ghat Arcot Nawab Sirja Doulah Mohammed Jane Jahn Anwar uddin Khan Bahadur Shamat Jung. 50. Nawab Munawar Khans request Nawab Munwar Khan Nazim (ruler) of Kurnool has written to Khaja Sahib with great devotion that like Ayat (verse) of mercy to please enter in the outskirts of town Kurnool with glorification there so that the fields of hearts of Muslims will be well-watered and also this devotee will get his fruits of wishes and desires in this matter. But Khaja Sahib put his letter on the ground like winter leaf and did not accept his request. The purchase of land and its rehabilitation. After some days Khaja Sahib has purchased some plots of barren land which were removed from agriculture as per Islamic rule from late garrison commanders of Udgir Fort Bader uddin Ali Khan and Syed Abdul Quader Khan and rehabilitated these lands and named all plots differently. Like the light which live in the heart of Arif (one having an intimate of knowledge of God) in the same way Khaja Sahib was settled down in Rehmatabad to bring back the largest number of misguided people on the path of guidance and was taken the large number of persons towards their goal.



51. Demise of Khaja Sahib

He was ill for the period one month due to some effects and development of an abscess in between his ear and cheek area. He left this world on 26th Rabbil Awwal in the year 1195 A.H (1781 A.D.). On Friday night at the time of Maghrib (sunset) prayer in the fort of Udgir .His dead body was taken to Rahmatabad during the night by his servants, and on the next day it means on Friday he was buried in the courtyard of the mosque of Rehamatabad. On his mausoleum there is always dismount of the grace of Allah. Khaja Sahibs adopted son constructed his mausoleum The person of good qualities Mirza Shujat Baig who was his adopted son of Khaja Sahib and who was well known and famous Madarul Maham (some ones deputy for important job) and who was responsible for administration with Khaja Sahib and he was constructed the beautiful mausoleum building of Khaja Sahib over his grave as per Bi Bi Sahibas instruction and which has become a great center of the visitors and where there is always lights of Allah are available and dismounting of the grace of Allah. In this matter the translation of one couplet from Persian language is as follows. As the Kabatullah (house of Allah) in Makkah is the center of the


world and in the same way on the forehead of the world it is situated Khaja Sahibs mausoleum . If I would say the mausoleum of Khaja Sahib The Globe of Sea Mercy then it will not be wrong. Due to one shower of blessing of circumambulation around it will remove dust of thousand sins. If I compare it with a tear of a lover then it will be not wrong in this matter. Due to the humidity of its visit the tree of love will develop in the heart of the dis-hearted persons. The pure soil of the shrine which is source of cleanliness. So performing of the Tamum (dry ablution) here with the pure dust of the mausoleum is permissible as obligation even the availability of the water for the persons of Tariqat (mysticism). Also this mausoleum is the garden of angels and in this matter there is no doubt at all. Date of death from Quran Khaja Sahibs disciple and great Sheikh of his time Maulavi Shah Wali ullah wrote one Arabic poetry of great sorrow and grief on the sad demise of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Sahib and its translation is as follows. Due to demise of Khaja Sahib our hearts are sad. Due to his separation there is a passing of the blood from our eyes. There is too much blood which was flown and was available on the eyebrows and on pupil of the eye. We could not recognize him as he was deserved in this matter. He was like a sun who was the rise of the people. As per Quranic words of available.(1) Rahmati Wasti his date of death is

1). Khaja Rahmatullah was died in the year 1195 A.H. But by adding the numbers of the date of death, the death year will be available at 1194 A.H. But due to the rules of history to ignore or add one number is


allowed in this matter. Like the author of this book who was calculated the year of its publication of the book Bahar Rahmat as 1240 A.H. But his disciple Maulavi Murtuza Ali Khan Bahadur in Persian and Arabic derived its year of publication of this book as 1241 A.H.

Third Part. Miracles and revelations of Khaja Sahib. 1. The event of Hazrat Mohammed Shafi of Kukans pledge Hazrat Mohammed Shafi who was a resident of Kukan. He was left worldly desires and greed. He was away from human population for a period of 12 years and lived at the shore of the sea and he was used to busy in the hard and tough mystical exercises. His piousness and worship was reached to a higher level. So for this reason holy heavenly persons are envious of him in this matter. As per instruction of Allah, Khaja Sahib went to see him at his residence like Qizher (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) and he saw his door of the room which was closed there. So again he went to the door and saw the door of the room was closed. Due to this reason of his helplessness in this matter he sat there and began his hearts attention towards his heart and for this reason he came out of the his room. Upon seeing his holy personality suddenly he kissed his foot and Khaja Sahib included him in Tariqat (mystic way of life). Upon the completion of the stages of Saluk (mysticism) he was awarded his saintly dress (Qirqa). At the time of his return from there Khaja Sahib was advising him to marry and for the commencement of teaching and preaching work. Upon his sitting on the crown of teaching he was favoured and benefitted the large number of persons and large number of persons were got benefitted due to his attention and endeavors. It is said that he performed many of his


miracles. After some years he was married as per instruction of Khaja Sahib.

2. Starvation in Kurnool During Khaja Sahibs visit of Makkah and Madina Allahs final apostle like provisions for the journey has honored him to grant in the Platonic world of ideas and instructed him to commence for the miracles. But due to starvation of Kurnool Khaja Sahib was shown his miracle in the world. Once there was severe starvation in Kurnool and due to this problem and calamity many persons were dying and animals were also in worse condition. So Nawab of Kurnool Alif Khan son of Ibrahim Khan was upset and worried in this matter. So he was requested by the Fakir (Darvish) and Mashaiq (learned) persons of their time to pray for the rainfall but there was no result at all. So for this reason Nawab Sahib was very upset and worried in this matter like fish without the water. One day one Majzob (one lost in divine meditation) who has told Nawab Sahib like lightning strike that Stand and go to see Syed Rahmatullah and due to his one attention your desired will be fulfilled. So Nawab Sahib has inquired his servants who is Syed Rahmatullah and where he is used to stay ?. The servants told him he is in government service and working in some cavalry division. Upon this information Nawab Sahib stood suddenly and mounted on his elephant like cloud which used to go towards the sea of mercy. Before arrival of the Nawab of Kurnool Hazrat Syed Rahmatullah sahib spread blue sky color pal which is used to cover the horse as a mat on the ground and put on it one Khogir (stuffing of saddle) like a pillow. Upon watching his un-usual thing so the persons were surprised in this


matter. So Khaja Sahib told them that one ruler is coming there and to welcome him he is arranging the same and at the same time they heard the was sound of Naqara (drums) .So Khaja Sahib went outside with other persons and saw that Nawab Sahib was reached there. As per tradition of time Khaja Sahib bend like a branch of fruits for Salam of Nawab Sahib. When Nawab Sahib looked at him like a drop of cloud so Nawab Sahib was jumped from his elephant and run towards him to kiss his foot. Then Khaja Sahib holds his hand and took him into his place of residence and asked him to sit on the mat. The Nawab Sahib has requested him in supplication for the rains. Khaja Sahib told him that Allah is most helpful , the cause of causes and Merciful and due to his general mercy it is sure that soon the cloud of mercy will be there and due to this reason it will well-watered of the cultivation of the hearts of mankind. The Nawab Sahib asked him when there will be a possibility of the rain fall.? So for this reason Khaja Sahib was becoming upset and angry in this matter and told him that he did not know the intention of Allah so he did not know when there will be rainfall?.So Nawab Sahib becomes silent and took his permission to leave him.It so happened that it rained heavily while the Nawab Sahib was still on his way back home after his meeting with Hazrat Khaja Rahamatullah Nayeb-e-Rasool. And Nawab Sahib reached back his residence after passing through knee level water. From that day Khaja Sahib left his service and was took his balance salary of Rupees 150 from Nawab Sahib and sold away his two horses and spend all money in the charity and proceed towards Makkah for Hajj pilgrimage on trust of Allah. 3. An event of Hazrat Zia uddin Imami Authors paternal uncle Hazrat Zia uddin Imami who was suffering from some problem of heart since nine years but he never gets the chance to explain the same to Khaja Sahib. Once due to out of control in this matter and he left his house and he went into the presence of Khaja Sahib and explained his details of anxiety and


un-controlled conditions so Khaja Sahib (1) was asked all persons to leave him who were present there and took him into his closet and asked to close the door. Upon close of the door he asked him to sit before him and to start meditation by closing his eyes. During meditation authors paternal uncle was opening his eyes without Khaja Sahibs permission and could not find him there. Due to the horror he was beginning to shiver and for this reason he was becoming un-conscious and when he was become normal he was finding his gem of aim was in his hand.

4. The event of Maulavi Mohammed Nayeem Shahinwari The great learned person Sheikh Mohamed Ali has mentioned in his book about Maulavi Mohammed Nayeem Shahinwari that he was well known and famous for his worship and mystic exercises. I left the Shahinwari village with great devotion and love like a nightingale goes to garden went into the presence of Khaja Sahib and requested him to pledge him but he was not considered my request and so for this matter long time was passed and I was disappointed in this matter. One day I thought he was un-necessarily there and in the spring of Peeri (spiritual master) and Murid (disciple) his position has become like winter effected thing and without result and facing there disrespect. Upon thinking the above as per usual practice I went to see Khaja Sahib and at that time the above ideas were there in my mind. Khaja Sahib looked at me and told me in your house also there is a system of Peeri (spiritual master) and Murid (disciple) so why you have not cared in this respect and why did you are facing such troubles in this matter. Upon hearing this I was worried in this matter and like the leave of winter season I was falling down on his foot and without any control I have given my hands for the pledge so Khaja Sahib with great affection was entered me among the circle of Tariqat (mystic way of life) and he was given advise of Saluk (Mystism).


5. The request of Qazi Mustafa Ali Khan Maulavi Irtaza Ali Khan Khusnud (1) and who was great learned person said he was heard by his father Qazi Ghulam Mujataba who was well known as Mustafa Ali Khan Mukhtar Jung Bahdur Khusdil (1) that Nawab Amir al Hind Wala Jah who was relative of his father has sent him to visit Khaja Sahib for his prayer for the fulfillment of his desire 1). Chief Mashiq of learned persons Maulavi Irtaza Ali Khan Bahadur was son of Mavlavi Mustafa Ali Khan Bahdur Khushdil and his poetic name was Khusnud and he was born in the year 1198 A.H. (1784 A.D.) in Gopamiu. He completed his early education by his father and by other persons and he went to Lucknow at the age of 15 years. After death of his father he went to Sindalia and he was becoming a student of Indias great learned person Moulana Hyder Ali Sindalavi and learned many knowledges by him. He was there in Bilgram for a period of seven years and he was becoming a student of Malawi Mohammed Ibrahim Malabari there. He was becoming the disciple of Syed Shah Nasir uddin Sadi Bilgrami and pledge to him and obtained saintly dress from him. In the year 1220 A.H. (1805 A.D.) in Madras he was appointed to the post of his father and he was busy there in teaching as well as in writing books. In the year 1230 A.H. (1815 A.D.) he was entered in the service of late Nawab Sahib in the department of higher judicial verdicts and in the year 1235 A.H. (1820 A.D.) for some reasons he left his service and some days he spent on the trust of Allah. In the year 1244 A.H. (1828 A.D.) he was appointed as Chief Qazi of Madras. He went to Hajj pilgrimage in the year 1268 A.H. (1862 A.D.). The compiler of book Gulzar Azam was his disciple. He left behind him many books. In the year 1270 A.H. (1854 A.D.) he was died in the ship while on his return back from Makkah and his debut (coffin) was taken down into the sea.


2). Mustafa Ali Khan Bahadur Khusdil and his name was Ahmed Mujtaba but he was famous with his fathers name Ghulam Mujtaba. He was born in the year 1173 A.H. (1760 A.D.) in Gopamu village which is near Lucknow. He completed his early education under supervision of Malawi Rahim uddin Gopamavi and he was also obtained knowledge from Maulavi Ghulam Tayeb Bihari and Moulana Haider Ali Sandelavi . He was made a pledge (Bayah) to Syed Shah Ghulam Peer bin Syed Shah Yasin Bilgrami and obtained from him the caliphate of four Sufi orders. In search of service he went to Madras city in the year 1200 A.H. ( 1786 A.D.) and he was entered into service of Nawab Wala Jah and many times he went to his native place and come back there. He was appointed as Qazi (judge) of Tiruchinapalli. Afterwards when the post of Chief Qazi (judge) of Madras was vacant then he was appointed to this post. He was died in the year 1234 A.H. (1819 A.D.) and he was buried in the courtyard of mosque of Mutialpet beside of his fathers grave. He was well known and famous in Persian poetry and he used poetic name Khusdil

and wishes. Also it is known that Afzal uddin Mohammed Khan who was his cousin brother and was a disciple of Khaja Sahib. He sent the following message to Khaja Sahib through him. That for the sake of your kind authority my many desires are settling down but there is no blessing at all in this matter. Hope that you will kindly reply in this matter for which I shall be obliged to you in this matter. When Mustafa Ali Khan was reached Rahmatabad and he was in his presence of Khaja sahib when he was sitting among the group of holy personalities like pupils of the eyes in the courtyard of the mosque. Upon seeing him before he could say something Khaja Sahib recited the following Persian couplet and its translation into English is as follows.



This poor Fakir (darvish)s hands are helpless and he cannot do anything except he will pray with a true heart in this matter. And he said further in this matter that he will try and pray in his favour, but there will be no result at all in this matter. As your mothers cry of pains cold wind is becoming like winter in his favour and it is causing to dry my prayers tree. On this occasion he recited some five couplets in the Persian language and its English translation is as follows. 1.The persons who know the invisible things so they are known as special persons and who are detectives of the heart. 2.When there will be any thought in some persons heart then that thing will be revealed to the pious personalities. 3. The number of feathers and details of the flesh of the birds body and its evaluation of these things will not be kept secret by the falcon. 4.The person who knows revelation of the secrets of God then there is no reality of the secrets of the creatures before him. 5. If some ones flight is there in the angelic world of the skies and for him there is no difficulty to reach in any part of the earth. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the year 1200 A.H. he was entered into service of Wala Jah and it seems to be wrong as Sheikh Rahmatullah was died in the year 1195 A.H. (1781A.D.).So how Wala Jah has sent his messenger to Rahmatabad in the presence of Khaja Sahib. The reference of this year is available in the book Gulzar Azam. It seems that Khusdil was entered into service of Wala Jah in the year 1193 A.H. (1779 A.D.) or 1194 A.H. (1780 A.D.



6. Details of expenses and expenditure of Khaja Sahib Whenever the clerks of Khaja Sahib used to check the annual accounts of shrine income and expenses and they used to find large amounts of expenses than the income. 7. Blessing of Khaja Sahib on the food items The author was heard by high level pious personalities and also from Sufi Master Maulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi that it was seen many times that upon distribution of food as per number of persons who will present there and when if there will be arrival of Mashaiq (learned persons) and Fakirs (Darvish) used to come there in large number then Khaja Sahib used to cover the cauldrons with cloth. Upon asking their report of condition Khaja Sahib himself used to take out food items by his hands from the cauldrons and used to distribute the food to all persons and in this way he will satisfy all persons in this matter and still food items will be remain there in balance.

8. The Wonderful event of Hajj journey There is one servant of Khaja Sahib and his name is well known and famous as Kabir Mohammed and he was used to tell one wonderful event for which the persons were surprised upon its hearing in this matter.


That Khaja Sahib used to travel in desert places in Arabia where there will be no populated areas were available without any convenience and food and water were not available continuously for three days and he used to walk very fast like winds and he was used to run behind him like dust of the caravan and when due to weakness he was tired and due to hunger and thirst were caused him big problems so for this reason once he was to fallen under a tree there and requested him that his courage is not permitting him in this matter so for this reason he is unable to walk further. So he told him that Be patient in this matter Allah is The Sustainer and his skill is known as Sustainer. During that time I was sleeping there. When Khaja Sahib woke him for Eisha (night) prayer and upon his wake up he was found himself in the mosque and where the Muslim community persons were ready for the congregational prayer so he was also joined with them in the prayer along with Khaja Sahib after ablution. After the prayer one person came there and who was brought with him fine and delicious food items in a tray. Khaja sahib , myself and other un-known persons have eat full food items with satisfaction in this matter .Afterwards Khaja Sahib told himself that if he need some food items, then he can take some food items from remaining food items for the next day use and after this event he was sleeping again there like before.When he was waking up in the morning then he was found himself in the dangerous desert under the tree in the same place where he was slept before. Upon watching the condition he was surprised greatly in this matter. Khaja Sahib had looked at me and had instructed me not to inform the details in this matter.So the servant did not disclose the details of this event till his death and was keeping the secret in his chest and at his last moments of his life in rural areas of Nandial this secret was known to the persons who were present there.



9. Martyrdom of Nawab Nasir Jung The ruler of Kurnool Nawab Bahadur Khan (1) has sent one letter to Khaja Sahib to inform the good news in this matter. Khaja Sahib upon looking the letter which was like his Nama Amal (record of deeds) was very upset and angry in this matter so he wrote 1).The ruler of Kurnool who has enmity with Nasir Jung and he wrote one letter to Khaja Sahib upon Nasir Jungs martyrdom with much pleasure and happiness and he has informed him the event for which Khaja Sahib was very upset and angry for this reason.



back side of the letter which is as follows. That your un-purged and mean soul has spilled the glass of your respect and honor. If Allah wills within the short period of two months time due to punishment of this bad deed your head will be cut like the branch of the grape tree. 10. The sinking ship Once he was in sitting position and in an unusual manner he suddenly cried in loud noise and he was jumped from his place and due to this reason his robes sleeve was torn with his hand. Mohammed Hussain Makki who was his clerk and who was present there at that time and due his uneasiness and in the uncontrolled condition he asked him the facts in this matter. Khaja Sahib like heat of the sun and saw him with his majestic look and told him that the condition of Fakirs (darvish) will not remain in the same condition always. So it is required of good manners that one should not to investigate the events without thinking. Due to the heat of his anger the clerk was melted like ice pieces. On the 8th day he was fell on the foot of Khaja Sahib and he was requested to forgive him in this matter. As he was a cloud of mercy so he like the water of kindness he has ignored his mistake in this matter and he told him the details which are as follows. That a merchant ship was entered into the whirlpool and it was near to sink there into the sea but the owner of the ship suddenly was crying for our mercy and he was requested our help in this matter. So when we know the details then we have taken the ship safely and soundly to the seashore. After some days of disclosing of the ships event by Khaja Sahib the ship merchant came to Rahmatabad like a torrent with a number of gifts and presents and saw Khaja Sahib and explained him the all details accurately which were happening on the ship in the sea due to whirlpool problem and the same details which were already explained by Khaja


Sahib in Rehamatabad.

11. Friday routine of Khaja Sahib After taking a bath on Friday his routine was used to wear white saintly dress and used to anoint scent well and also used to comb his beard and put antimony on his eyes and he used to go into his room and closed it and within seconds he used to reach Makkah for Friday prayers there and used to return back from there into his room and will open the door and attend Friday prayer in Rehmatabad. Khaja Sahibs reason of delay in this matter which was added in this book by this humble person. 12. Khaja Ahmeds formula of alchemy Alchemist Khaja Ahmed who was like silver and who used to travel in the world and due to his long travel and trips his nature of his heart was changed. But at last upon his pledge to (Bayah) to Khaja Sahib he was becoming like pure gold. One day he was given his formula of alchemy which was proved as successful number times on the touchstone to Khaja Sahib with sincerity and humility. Khaja Sahib took the formula from him and has asked him three times whether he has given him with sincerity and humility? And he replied Yes with sincerity with humility in this matter. After some days Khaja Ahmed for the fulfillment of some desires wants to make gold with his used formula but despite of his try of 1000 times he was not become successful in this matter.



13. Khaja Sahib was angry for the delay in food preparation Khaja sahibs wife was most pious personality of her time and her name was Habiba Khatoon but generally she was very famous and well known as Bibi Sahiba. As per practice he will not touch the food items till the end of eating of his guests in his house. One day there was some delay in the distribution of food among travellers. It is well known fact that Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God) who knows everything. So for this reason he went to his palace urgently and asked his wife the reason of delay in this matter. So she told him that breads are not yet ready. Upon hearing this he was becoming very angry and upset in this matter and he was pouring hot soup (ash) on her hands with a big spoon and was cautioned her that till the eating of his travelers the eating of his food is harm (illegal) for him. At that time she was afraid and thought that her two hands were burnt down completely. But there was no damage at all to her hands in this matter due to his miracle and it was happening that somebody has poured very cold water on her hands. 14. Khaja Sahibs crossing of the rising river When Khaja Sahib was returning back from Payanghat journey and at that time in the river of Tirchnapalli there was a flood like Noahs Deluge and for this reason all travellers were staying there and also there were no boats available there. The ruler of the area was standing there like a flower and he was very worried and upset due to the above reason and he was standing there like straight tree of cypress at the bank of the river. Khaja Sahib went into the western side of the river by foot and without wet of his foot he was crossing the river. Upon watching this condition one Hindu person who was standing there at the side of the river and who thought that the river is shallow there so he can cross the river from there fast and so he went there in the river and began dipping and with great difficulty and endeavour he was escaping from there and he was saved his life from the rising river


15. Peculiarity of Khaja Sahibs pure body Mirza Shujat Baig who was known for his good habits has mentioned that nobody has not seen Khaja Sahibs body in naked condition. Whenever Khaja Sahib used to go to the bathroom he will used go there and he always he used to massage his body and but he could not see the other body parts of his body except his face. At the time of massage on his backside, arm, chest, stomach he was used to find touch with his hands and upon watching carefully he could not never able to see his full brightness of his body .



Part VI. The details of disciples of Khaja Sahib 1. Hazrat Syed Murtuza He was great pious personally of his time and he was the first caliph of Khaja Sahib and he was a resident of Adoni. As a matter of fact he was obtained caliphate of Khaja Sahib after Hazrat Maulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi uddin. He was famous and well known for the following things. 1.High level status 2.Noble. 3.Qutub (highest cadre in the spiritual pivot on axis) 4.Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima). Due to the hard work of meditation his head was coming in the hanging condition on the right side of his shoulder. Khaja Sahib used to pay his too much attention and care towards him. When Khaja Sahib used to hear his news of arrival to Rahamatabad then used to post men everywhere from a distance of one Farsanq (One Farsang = 6.24 KM) from there to enable him to know the details of good news about his movement step by step and at that time he was used to wear a white dress and put antimony in his eyes and will used to stay there in the courtyard for his welcome with great happiness and pleasure. When Syed Murtuza will get the opportunity to visit Khaja Sahib then he used to fell down on his foot like ripe fruit. At that time Khaja Sahib urgently used to lift him from the ground and embrace with his passion and enthusiasm and used to start talking to him with love and affection. Up to his stay in Rehmatabad Khaja Sahib used to take him after Eisha (night) prayer for meditation which will continue up to midnight time and at that time there will be no permission allowed to other persons to


visit Khaja Sahib. At the time of his death Khaja Sahib has given him three betel-leaves and two betel-nuts. He left this world after five years of death of Khaja Sahib on 20th Jamidul Akhir in the year 1200 A.H. (1786 A.D.) in Adoni. My teacher Moulavi Mohammed Baquer Agah wrote one best poetry about him and in its last line his date of birth is available. 2. Hazrat Shah Mohammed Sibqatullah Bawa Sahib He was famous and well known for the following things. 1.Miracle. 2.Revelation. 3.Asrar Gaib (revelation of invisible things ) and evidence. 4.Islamic law. 5.Waru (abstinence). 6.Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God). He was famous with his name of Mohammed Sibqat ullah in general persons and he was a resident of Nellore village. He was always found busy in meditation and observation. His genealogy record was connected with Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq. He was died in Nellore and he was buried there.



3. Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar He was famous for the following things. 1.Velayat (saintliness). 2.Revelation. 3.Miracles. 4.Endeavors. He was the grandson of Haji Shahbaz. Among the disciples of Khaja Sahib he was famous and well known for the following things. 1.Effective and fast attention. He was used to make suddenly unconscious all people who will present in the meeting place. Due to his favour, which was like the sun so there were benefits available to one world and for this reason he was bright and lustrous like the moon and due to this reason everybody will use to obtain the position of faith as per his capability . He left this world on first Jamad Akhir and he was buried in Nellore.



4. Mohammed Sarwars miracle In the beginning Syed Mohammed Asim Khan Bahadur Mubaraz Jung one day inclined towards him so he was given him the good news that if Allah wills he will become Maderul Maham (person in charge) of Alka Karanatak. So after some days as per his saying the desire of Mubaraz Jung was fulfilled. When this news reached to Khaja Sahib so for this reason he was very upset and angry with him and addressed him that for Fakir (darvesh) it is not good for him that he should disclose the matters of the invisible. For this reason due to his fear Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar began to tremble with fear like shadow and fell down on his foot and suddenly started weeping. Khaja Sahib upon watching his groan forgave him in this matter due to his kindness. After some days due to devotion Mubaraz Jung send him provisions and necessaries of the journey and convenience and in this way he was arranging his travel arrangements and has requested him to visit to Madras. In helpless condition Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar went to Port of Madras and he was staying in the palace of Nawab Sahib. Where Nawab Mohamed Ali Khan Bahdur Wala Jah when he was heard of his great fame of great endeavours visited him and requested him for his prayers for the conquest of Fort of Tanjur as this fort was besieged by his army since long time but there was no success at all in this matter. Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar as per saying that man is a composition of mistakes and forgetfulness has ignored Khaja Sahibs instruction in this matter and he told him that his desire will be fulfilled soon. So he has informed them the good news in this matter and the fort was conquered on the same day which Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar was declared its day of conquest and the news conquest of Fort Tanjur suddenly reached for him. Upon this event he went to Rahmatabad to kiss the sill of the door of Khaja Sahib but he was turning his face away from him. So for this reason his light of innermost was no more with him and it was becoming black like an extinguish lamp and even from his white dress there was seen darkness in this matter.


As per last his mistake he was requested for his beg of pardon and submitted his apology and regret and explanations on this matter but there was no result at all. Whoever has recommended in his favour but Khaja Sahib did not accept his recommendation in this matter. Due to not finding attention of Khaja Sahib and due to his disgrace he was fed up in this matter and so he left Rehmatabad with great sorrow and sadness and reached back to his place of residence in Nellore town which is 12 miles away from Rahmatabad. While returning back from there he was thinking that Khaja Sahibs fire of anger will be cool down soon so he will try again in this matter and will submit again his request to forgive him and beg for his pardon again in this matter. But he was becoming affected by illness of death. So for this reason he wept and put soil of regret on his head. Shah Abdullah Naqsbandi who was among his caliphs upon knowing the serious condition of Syed Sarwar was visited Khaja Sahib and he cried out for his assistance and began weeping there. So Khaja Sahib asked him what is the matter? And he has told him that among our group one brother is leaving this world without the wealth of Eman (faith). So he asked him who?. And he told him his name is Mohammed Sarwar. Upon this Khaja Sahib become silent while putting his head down for some time and after some time he lift his head and hit his sleeve of the robe on his wrist and told the following from which there was hope clearly. He told be satisfied that Inshallah (if Allah wills) among the slaves of great Sufi Master Khaja Bahauddin nobody will not leave this world without the wealth of Eman (faith) and hopelessness. Death of Mohammed Sarwar. When the good news was reached to Mohammed Sarwar by Shah Abdullah Naqsbandi so he was becoming great happy in this matter. So he has written letters to Khaja Sahib with a thousand thanks to him that due to Khaja Sahibs consideration for his favour and attention his bud of his garden of heart is full grown and his faith was become fresh


again in this matter. After some days his soul left like fragrance of the flower with the smell of Eman (faith) to another world.

5. Syed Abdullah An anthology of all good qualities Malik Khaja Kuchak and who was famous Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of time in Makkah has sent his younger son Syed Abdullah in the service of Khaja Sahib for his training. The boy was fulfilled his fathers wish but due to proud of youth and genealogy record and due to incitement of his some Arab friends he did not let down his head before him with sincerity and humility. One day at the time of his ablution due to his good luck Khaja Sahib was found sitting near him and after his ablution Khaja Sahib put some water on his hand on his head and then he was starting his prayer. Due to this reason the boy lost sense and understanding and he was becoming intoxicated and his mirror of Khody (ego) was broken. Upon his prayer Khaja Sahib went to his residence. Like flame he jumped from that place and like the shadow he followed Khajah Sahib. But the watchmen at the door closed his door and was holding his hands and stopped him to proceed into the house. So Abdullah suddenly made slogan and began groaning in the loud noise. Khaja Sahib upon hearing the loud noise came out of the house and included him in Tariqat (mystic way of life) and surrendered him to Syed Mohammed Sarwar. Due to his proud and haughtiness Syed Mohammed Sarwar was very upset in this matter. He took him out from Rahmatabad into one deserted temple in Anasamduram village and started giving his attention and was trying all his spiritual powers on him. So for this reason he was gone in the condition of intoxication and he was gone in serious condition like the proximity of death. So Khaja Sahib in his hearts very high conditions like empyrean and in its goblet watched the worse condition of Syed Abdullah and suddenly left his house and sent some persons who were present there with instructions to go Anasamduram and to take back Abdullah from there urgently. As per


his instruction the persons were brought him urgently from there. Mohammed Sarwar also came back from there.When he looked at Syed Mohammed Sarwar he was becoming angry and upset in this matter and told him that he was surrendered Syed Abdullah for his training and not for his killing. Upon this he brought him from a condition of unconsciousness to consciousness due to water of murky. And after some days he has sent him back to Makkah. When Syed Abdullah reached back to Makkah and he was becoming the personality of passion there and was become Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) and he used to walk here and there. It is said that he used to do many miracles there. 6. Hazrat Mohammed Qutub Khan He was like the moon of Irfan (intimate knowledge of God) and his name was well known as Mohammed Qutub Khan and he was first benefitted by the light of guidance of Syed Mohammed Sarwar and afterwards for the perfection of knowledge he was included in the circle of Khaja Sahib and was obtained great status like a full moon on the 14 th night. Due to Khaja Sahibs attention he was improving his status and position very faster than electricity. So he always used to be found drowned in the sea of contemplation. One day he was sitting at the height of wooden logs and became intoxicated there. Khaja Sahib was passed from there like a cloud of mercy and was entered into the mosque. But due to intoxication he could not able to recognize him or he was standing to pay him respect there. When Khaja Sahib was seeing him in the condition of intoxication then he addressed the persons who were present there that His master (Khaja Sahib) will require 100 years to reach such a high status like him. He was died in the year 1203 A.H. (1789 A.D.) in Shikrarpur village and he was buried there.



7. Hazrat Shah Enayat Ullah He was a great saint of his time and he was a resident of Ujain. Due to the kind favor of Allah he was becoming a great personality of his time. He was famous and well known for fastness of attention and there was no such personality during his time. One day a Mirza Jane Jans disciple came to Rahmatabad. On Friday he was in meditation in the courtyard of the mosque and at that time Khaja Sahib was reciting Qatam Khajagan there and upon his end of the above recital he was standing to go into his house so at that time that person proceed further and requested him to pay his attention to him for the sake of Allahs final apostle. Upon hearing the name of Allahs final apostle his condition become changed and he was sitting there and he was instructed one of his servants to take him in the service of Shah Enayat Ullah . The servant took him to Shah Enayat Ullah and told him that Khaja Sahib has sent this man to you for your attention in this matter.The arrow of attention of Shah Enayat ullah was entered very fast into the heart of that person so due to this reason he was near of the death. When Khaja Sahib come to know the condition of that person so was becoming restless and rushed to the house of Shah Enayat ullah in this matter. Upon seeing him unusual walk towards Shah Enayats house so many persons also followed him. Khaja Sahib upon reaching Shah Enayat Ullahs house watched there that the stranger was lyin g there in condition un-consciousness like a dead person and Shah Enayat ullah was in condition of meditation there. For the above reason Khaja Sahib was becoming upset and angry and told him that he was sent that person in his company for the sake of training purpose and not for his killing there. Khaja Hamid uddin Yad.


He was famous and well known personality of his time. He was a disciple of Shah Enayat ullah. His poetic name was Yad. He was describing his spiritual masters date birth as Eidul Fitar (festivities marking the end of Ramzan) in one couplet which shows his great perfection in the poetry. In the Persian couplet the details of birth are available and upon calculation of all these numbers for the following occasions we can get his spiritual masters date of birth as 1136 A.H. 1. Day. 2. Time. 3. Place 8. Hazrat Shah Wali ullah He was well known and famous personality of his time. He was also known for his good manners and conduct. As per Khaja Sahibs saying he was perfect like his name. In his native place Azimabad (Patna) he completed his training in all knowledges of Zaheri (manifest) and he was becoming famous and well known in his skill in literature. Sheikh Ahmed Sherwani In his Arabic biography book Nafhatul Yemen described him as well known and famous scholars of his time. During his youth period the grace of Allah has brought him to Khaja Sahib and upon his pledge to Khaja sahib he got many great favors of Batani (innermost) from him there. Khaja Sahib paid too much attention to him and he was used to listen Hadiths (tradition of the Allahs final apostle) from him. Due to his humility he used to talk with great respect and manners with his disciples and he used to ask them to sit on higher places and he was used to sit on at the place of foot wears. On Friday when Imam (leader) will start praying in the mosque then he used to arrange and put all foot wears in order and afterwards he will use to join in the prayer. One year after the death of Khaja Sahib he was travelling to Calcutta and stayed there for some days and died there. Maulavi Mohammed Baquer Agah was described his year of death in the poetry (Nazim).


9. Hazrat Shah Abul Hasan Qarbi He was famous and well known pious personality from Vellore and his poetic name was Qarbi. He came to Rahmatabad and he was becoming a disciple of Khaja Sahib for the completion of perfection in knowledges and up to completion of Saluk (mystic initiation ) of Naqshibandiya he was staying in Rehmatabad and afterwards he was obtained Qirqa (saintly dress) from Khaja Sahib and he was left for Vellore. My teacher Maulavi Baquer Agah in his book Tuhfa Ihsan Manaqib Syed Abiul Hasan, in which he explained the details of his spiritual master and was mentioned details of his year of death in the poem.

10. Heart Maulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi Uddin Qandhari In the beginning of this chapter the extract from his biography book Anwar Qandhar(1) which is submitted as follows for the sake of benediction and blessing. After this other special detail which I heard personally from his tongue of revelation or which I have got from other reliable persons will be added for the sake of my felicity. In Anwar Qandhar (Biographies of Saints of Qandhar) he wrote the following details which are as follows. Fakir (Darvish) was born in his grandfathers Haveli (mansion) which is adjacent to a Qazipura street in Qandhar village on 19 th Jamidal Awwal in the year 1164 A.H. (1751 A.D.) on Thursday after Fajr (morning) prayer. My father was a very pious person of his time and he stayed for some time in the mosque of Hazrat Maqdom Haji Sayah in Etakaf (retirement to mosque for continued prayer) for the desire of children there. At last Hazrat Maqdum in Alam Roya (dream world)


gave him one plate of earth to him and gave him the good news that the boy will be born and to name him as per his name. So for this reason I would state here that my mother who was a very pious woman , worshipper , and she pledges to Sufi Order of Quaderia. Upon completion of the days of pregnancy after Fajar (morning) when she was busy in reading the holy Quran then this Fakir (Darvish) was born. As per instruction of Hazrat Haji Sayah my name given as Ghulam Rifai and alias as Mohammed Rafi uddin. After getting some consciousness I was starting formal education with the help of my relatives and till the age of 14 years I was reached with Sharah (commentary) Mulla Jami. Hazrat Maqdum Haji Sayah has given me one book in the Alam Roya (dream world) and instructed me for Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of Yad-Dast and for this reason I was used to busy in that Zikar (remembrance of Allah). So since childhood Fakirs (darvish) Nisbat (connection) is ongoing and this Fakir (darvish) was greatly benefitted by his spiritualism (2). 1).Qandhar is in Maharastra state and it is taluq in Nanded district and which is located 51 miles on the western side. 2).This reference is taken from handwritten manuscript of the Anwar Qandhar as per the statement of the author there is a mistake by its copyist as he was ignored the following sentence before this sentence. Fakir (darvish) belongs to Nisbat (connection) of Owaisia



As his Nisbats (connection) interpretation by dream (tabir) and name are dependent on the company of Khaja Sahib. Afterwards when there was a passion which was becoming stronger in me for the learning knowledge then I have decided to travel to Aurangabad where I was becoming a student of Hazrat Maulavi Syed Fakher uddin and also some other learned persons who taught me the following books there. 1. Lower level books. 2. From Hashi Qadim Wa Bezav Sharif with its necessaries and marginal notes. Upon study and completion of the above books I was left Aurangabad due to call from my father and I was reaching back to Qandhar. Afterwards as per augury and Hazrat Maqdum Haji Sayahs order I was reached in the service of great learned and pious and well known personality of time Syed Khaja Rehmatullah and for a period of one year I was under practical training of Saluk (mystic initiate) there and I was obtained permission in the Sufi order of Quaderia and Naqshbandia and wore Khaja Sahibs Qirqa (saintly dress) and on my journey reached to Hyderabad and stayed there for a period of five years for the training work of Tariqtat (mystic way of life) way of the large number of students. Afterwards I went for the journey of Makkah and Madina cities. During my stay of three years there I studied the following books with the help of Mohammed bin Abdullah Maghrabi and other Mashaiq (learned persons) and Muhadits (The term Muhaddith refers to a specialist who profoundly knows and narrates hadith) who were available in the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah. 1.Sahih Sitta. 2.Hadith (traditions of holy prophet) books. He was benefitted by Amal (acts) and as ashgal (recitals) of different of Sufi orders. Due to the kindness and help of Allah he returned back


from there to Qandhar in the year 1190 A.H. ( 1776 A.D.) and I used to live there in the service of my father and relatives there. One new shrine in the name following holy personalities was 1. Hazrat Imam Hussain. 2. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani. 3. Shah Naqshaband. Constructed by me in which I was busy in the service of Fakirs (Darvish), poor persons and travelers. This Fakir (Darvish) was married at the age of 14 years with the paternal uncle's daughter. (Here extract from the book of Anwar Qandhar by Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin ended.)

11. Poetry of Shah Rafi uddin Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin in his youth period was become disciple of Hazrat Qudrat ullah Baliq (1) and he used to submit his poetry work to him and used his name (2) as his poetic name. Three couplets which were written by him and but same were found in the Divan (collected odes of single poet ) Hafiz and which are added in the Urdu version of this book (3). 1).Shah Qudrat ullah Baliq was master of Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin Qandhari and Mir Mohammed Qamar uddin Irfan. Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin Qandhari learned from him Divan Nasir Ali and Shoukat and Asir. 2).The author of History of Qandhar wrote that his poetic name was as Nataq which is not found correct. 3). In the book Mahbub Zhumnan Tadhkirta Aulia Deccan these three couplets were recorded by Abdul Jabbar Malkapuri.


4).Before reading the book Bahre Rahmat, I have studied the book Manaqib Shujia compiled by Hazrat Amir ullah Faroqui in which I found these couplets and used to think about the 2 nd romantic couplets that how he was writing such type of the couplets. But upon reading the book Bahre Rehmat I was coming to know that his three couplets were found in Divan Hafiz then I could solve my query in this matter that Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin Qandhari wanted to write some couplets in the style of Hafiz Shirazi . In this matter I would like to mention here that after some period of time in Hyderabad some holy personalities followed the style of famous Urdu poet Dagh Dehlavi in their poetry works.

12. Hazrat Shah Rafi uddins prose works In his prose writing there is too much attracted to its readers and for this reason they find much interest in it. He used to write a literary style of Mir Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgirami because Mir Ghulam Ali Azad was very much closed with him and have humble (2) relation with him. For this reason he was used to be in his company and used to visit gardens in Aurangabad with him for a period of 20 days. In this way Maulavi Sahib used to follow the company of his master like prophet Mosa (peace be upon him ) used to follow the company of Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life). In those days he got many chances to live in the company of Mir Ghulam Ali Azad so Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin was followed the style of Mir Ghulam Ali Azad in this matter. 13. An event of pledge of Shah Rafi uddin Maulavi Sahib used to say that upon coming into the service of Khaja Sahib on the second day he told him that he will write one letter to


Mohammed Ali Khan Bahadur Wala Jah so he should take it to him and he will behave well with him . Upon hearing this I was becoming very sad and was requested him that wealth and sources of income which were left by his ancestors are there which are more than his requirements. I think all of them as illegal for me. Due to guidance and indication of the soul of Haji Mohammed Sayahs for the training of Batani (innermost) he was there at his shrine in this matter. Upon hearing my request Khaja Sahib began weeping and he said God bless you. Now a day people come there to pledge to him and among them some of them need my recommendation and some of them need my permission to practice a spell to get control and alchemy as they know well that Fakir (Darvish) know these things. Then Khaja Sahib taught me method of Dogana (two Rakats = two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) of Allahs final apostle and he was given his permission to me in this matter and he was instructed me as follows When you will act during the night then remember all events of the night and inform me the details in the next morning. The details of his dream are available in his magazine Naqshibandia (1) which was compiled by him and the details of extracts are as follows. Upon performing the method of Dogana (two Rakats = two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) he saw in the dream that he was standing in great desert lonely there. One dangerous and very big black person was coming towards him so for this reason he was very upset and afraid in this matter. Suddenly there came a large number of army personnel there and they started killing that person with swords and sticks and cut him into pieces. So he asked from where this army came over there.? It was told that it is advancing guard of Allahs final apostle and Allahs final apostle is also coming there. So for this reason he was very happy in this matter and stood at the side of holy army. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). The Magazine Naqshibandia was compiled by Shah Raif uddin in which the details and method of performance of Dogana (two Bakats = two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) of Allahs


final apostle is mentioned which is as follows. To keep fast on Thursday and open the breakfast with Khir (rice pudding). To have bath after Eisha (night) prayer and wear the clean dress and apply scent on the dress and burn the Bukhoor (or Bakhoor is the Arabic name given to scented bricks or a blend of natural traditional ingredients, mainly wood chips (Oudh the Arabic name for Agarwood/Aloeswood) soaked in fragrant oils and mixed with other natural ingredients (resin, ambergris, musk, sandalwood , essential oils and others). And pray Dogana (two Rakats = two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) in clean and in the empty room as per following method. Neyaat (To repeat formula for the opening of the prayer). To recite the following. Nawayut an usli allah tala rakatain salatal as-rar mohammadia mutawahan ela jehatal kaba sharif allah akbar. In first Rakat (one sets of standing , genuflexion and prostration in prayer) after Sana (eulogy) to recite Sura Fateha (opening verse in the Quran) and after this to recite 1000 times La ilaha illallah Mohammed-ur-Rasul-ul-lah. (There is no God but Allah.). In second Rakat (one sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) after Sura Fateha (opening verse in Quran) to recite 1000 times Mohammed-ur-rasul-ul-lah. ( Mohammed is Allahs Messenger.) and finish it and recite sura Fateha on the soul of Allahs last prophet for Eswal Thawab (for the conveying reward of virtuous deed ) of fasting and prayer to Allahs last prophet and in the prostration and repeat the following the sentence and to go and sleep. I have got hold of Astana (mausoleum) of Your Honour and will not leave it until my desire and wish will not be fulfilled.



Different kinds of holy personalities in large numbers were coming there. Suddenly holy conveyance of Allahs final apostle arrived there. The prophet was sitting there on the throne and the persons were holding the throne from the four sides. When the train came near to him then he urgently conveyed his Salam and was busy in too much humility and meekness . The Allahs final apostle while smiling looked upon him and ordered one person who was standing near to take him to Hazrat Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani and upon saying this the throne of Allahs final apostle was going away from there. He left that place along with that person to see Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani and reached in a beautiful garden and its great description and condition could not be possible in the words and in the writings. In that garden and in its centre place there was one well decorated platform was there on which Sheikh Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani was sitting there and around him some other persons were there in condition of mediation. He has remembered his face very well and his color is red and his white beard , his medium height and round face and he was in a white dress and due to his light of Batini (innermost) he was looking like the shining sun. The person who brought him there told him that Allahs final apostle has sent this person to you. Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani paid attention towards him and asked him to come before him. When Fakir (darvesh) reached near the circle of the persons who were in condition of meditation and with very great fondness he put his head on his foot. Hazrat Abdul Khaliq was very kind to him and lift his head from his foot due to his kind favour and attention and he said something to him for which there is no permission from him in this matter. Upon waking up from the dream he has told the details of this dream to his spiritual master and Khaja Sahib told him that You will get complete favour in the Sufi Order of Naqshibandia and you will get great status and position in this matter as per the order of Allahs last prophet there is full attention to you by the chief of the Sufi order of Naqshibandia .


After this great good news due to sake of above Dogana (two Rakats = two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) I have got many times honour of sighting of the Allahs final apostle and its description and details are very lengthy. So for the sake of gratitude and thanks the above details of description are enough in this matter. 14. The education period of Shah Rafi uddin Maulavi Syed Mohammed who was a disciple of Maulavi Khair uddin (1) Surti and who was also a student of Maulavi Faker uddin Magfur Aurangabadi mentioned that from many persons in Aurangabad it was heard that Maulavi Shah Mohammed Rafi uddin used to spend throughout the night in the mausoleum of Begum (2) in lamentation there and they're available indication of tears of his eyes on the earth. 15. Statement of Sheikh Ahmed trustee of relics in Nanded Sheikh Ahmed who was the old pious personality of Nanded village and he was a trustee of relics there said that he was seen Maulavi Raif --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). Maulavi Khair uddin Surti who was a disciple of Moulana Fakher uddin Aurgangabadi. He was famous Muhadith (The term Muhaddith refers to a specialist who profoundly knows and narrates hadith) and Fakhia (Muslim jurist) and preacher from the Naqshbandia Sufi order. He obtained a certificate in the Hadith (tradition of the Holy Prophet) from many learned persons and his shrine in Surat. He was used to busy in the service of Hajj pilgrims and Fakirs (Darvish). All rulers of the Deccan used to respect him greatly. The people of Makkah and Madina used to call him as Khair Duniya Wa Aldin (good for the world and hereafter) and he left this world in the year 1200 A.H. (1786 A.D.). 2). The author wrote Roudah Begum, so it may be wife of Aurganzeb


Almagir and the mausoleum of Rabia Durrani who was the mother of the prince Mouzam. Prince Mouzam was constructed her mothers mausoleum on the model of Taj Mahal in the year 1070 A.H. (1660 A.D.) and it is known as a Bi Bis mausoleum. uddin in his Childhood period and he found there was light of greatness on his face. So slowly its news of his piousness spread. Since that time I have become his devotee and followed him like the shadow and was entered into his service. In the beginning he was used to live mostly in deserts, mountains and in jungle areas. Some time it was used to happen that there was starvation for three days. Due to this reason his servants due to weakness and hunger were becoming restless and will fall on the ground. But in that condition Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin used to tell them for patience as Allah who is sustainer and will help them in this matter . Also it will happen that suddenly there will arrive many fine and delicious food trays from the houses of the persons. 16. Blessing on the food items Syed Mohi Uddin who was Mashaiq (learned person) of Hyderabad and he was his disciple. He used to say that in the beginning in his house it will be happen that there will be nothing available in the house except 750 kilograms of grams or 750 kilograms of flour. If 20 travelers will arrive at the house then with the disciples and all of them used to eat some quantity of grams or as per the total number of guests and disciples they used to prepare dough balls from the flour and from the dough balls they used to prepare small breads which are known as Kulcha (buns) and which were used to be present there before every person. If at that time some more number of guests will come there then they used to collect all prepared dough balls and again new dough balls are prepared upon its kneading as per total number of persons present there and small breads which are known as Kulcha (buns) were used to prepare in the kitchen in the fireplace and one piece of Kulcha (bun) will be presented before every person.


17. Shah Raif uddin Qandhairs visit style of patients He's one more disciple of Sheikh Madar who was from children of Imam Fakher uddin Razi and also he was related to him. He was much interested in the things which are as follows. 1. Qinat ( contentment). 2. Piety. 3. Advice. 4. Attornment of skill. 5. Mystical exercise. He stated that Maulavi Sahibs daily schedule was that whenever he used to visit any patient and upon his observation if he would say that There should be no delay in the matter of the cure and Allah is healer. Surely he will be recovered from the illness. Then in that case after some days the patient will be recovered soon. If he will silently then the patient will leave for the other world. Death of son of Shah Rafi uddin. When his eldest son Mohammed Najam uddin was becoming ill so when he saw him and he was called Sheikh Madar and was advised him that upon his death to bury him in a place as per his instruction and do not intimate the death news of his son to him. Upon saying the above instruction he went to Aurangabad for the visit of holy places. The boy was died after some days and he was buried in the place as per his advised given by him. So I have not informed him about the above sad news. After six months of the above event Shah Rafi uddins wife wrote letters to him by post for her visit to Aurangabad and he has replied her from Aurangabad that if she will come there and if she will not mourn for the death of her son so in such case she should come there otherwise she should not visit him


and she should not come there. She went to Aurangabad and as per instructions of Maulavi Sahib she never brought her son's name on her tongue. After her stay for a period of some days in Auranagabad he has sent her wife to Qandhar and he was gone to Rahamatabad. After visiting the mausoleum of Khaja Sahib he went back to Nanded village and he settled down there. 18. Sincerity and humility of Shah Rafi uddin Maulavi Sahib never spoke un-necessarily talking and never used exaggeration. Due to his humility he was used to standing to respect all persons. In his talking he used such words of respect to addressed persons that which will be more than his status. Shah Rafi uddin used to sit and eat with the unclean persons without any difficulty and problem as a matter of fact upon look of such persons one should run away to long distance due to their uncleanliness. In Rehmatabad Fakir (Darvish) was seen by his eyes that he was given permission to the persons to eat on the dining cloth but he sits and eat with one person who was called as Mohammed Akber who was very unclean person and at that time of his eating unclean nose water was used to falling into his plate. But that person used to eat the food with so much interest in this matter and nobody was not seen clean dress on his body.



19. Daily routine of Hazrat Shah Rafi uddin Maulavi Sahib used to live always in ablution and after every ablution he used to pray two Rakats (two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayer) for the thanks (Tahiyat Wazu). After Tahjud ( supererogatory early morning) prayer he used to be in meditation until Fajr (morning) prayer. Also after Fajr (morning) prayer till Ishraq ( supererogatory mid morning) prayer he used to keep close his eyes and pay attention towards Allah. Then he will leave the mosque and went to the house and there he used to described the details and events of holy personalities till the first part of the old system of time there and then he used to eat food and take rest for some time. He used to go to the mosque for his Zuhar (afternoon) prayer in its beginning time and he used to stay there till Eisha (night) prayer. After Eisha (night) prayer he was used to come back to the house and used to have his dinner with some persons. Regarding Duwami Maraqba (permanent meditation) as per lineage of holy Sufi Master of Naqsbandia which we have heard in this matter and we have seen this in the personality of Maulavi Sahib. Nobody has not seen him never disconnected with his relatives. His holy face was used to shine with the light of Batani (innermost) like the sun. Many times to check on this matter I have tried this but I could not look at him as per my hearts desire. Other persons have also said the above thing in this matter. In the beginning there was too much engrossment with him so for this reason he will stand in mosque to go for circumambulation of the grave of Khaja Sahib and will forget the door of the mausoleum and went to the other side. Sometimes while lifting his head from the knee and used to pray in the north direction and upon knowing the wrong direction of prayer he will use to repeat his prayer.



20. His meeting with Khair uddin in Surat port Maulavi Sahib used to say that during his journey of Hajj he used to meet Maulavi Khair uddin Sahib in Surat port town. Whenever he visited his house he used to clean his house with hands and at that time he used to request him to give him the broom but he will not give the same to him and he was used to tell him that he is his honorable guest and service of guest is Wajib (obligation) for the host and it is not the duty of the guest. After the completion of formalities of guest work he was introduced his disciples to me and told me that due to his old age he is not able to train them. So it is swearing for you so you can ask them if there will any mistake in my religious instruction so then give them religious instruction in this matter. Due to helplessness as per his instruction I have inquired into this matter and found that as a matter of fact he was delayed and not adopted precedence in the teaching of Saluk (mystic initiation). From that day there was came an idea into my mind to write a book about teaching and training of Saluk (mystic initiation) and due to Allahs help and due to the instruction and the kindness of the heavenly soul of Allahs final apostle my desire which I had with me and which was fulfilled. In the book Samriat Makkah in which Maulavi Sahib was mentioned this event in details which is as follows. The reason for writing the book Samriat Makkah. There was some good news which the Fakir (darvesh) got in the dream world in Makkah during Friday night. I have seen one book and one writing case which was coming out from the wall of the Holy Kaaba in Makkah.



The Kaaba. The Ka'aba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient stone structure that was built and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship in Makkah. So I have collected the same with great happiness from there. At that time one pious person called and told me that This book and writing case was awarded to him by the Allahs final apostle so congratulation in this matter. 21. Shah Raif uddin thinks consolation of the persons as great worship He used to think humility and the consolation of afflicted persons is better than all worships. He never hurt feelings of the any younger or older persons. For this reason there was too much increase of his disciples. Whoever request him to pledge him then like (1) Syed Adam Banuri he used to included him in his circle and show him the right path of Allah. If among them who ever show his unshakable resolute then he will help him slowly to reach the final destination. But some unintelligent (2), malice, cunning and forger persons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1). It is known that there were a large number of disciples of Syed Adam Banuri and their number were more than many Lakhs (one Lakh = 100,000) persons. He used to include his every student in his circle and in this matter he leaves the thing with Allah that whether that person is eligible or not.? 2). This refers to Azamul Umra Arstu Jah who did not like Shah Sahibs stay in Hyderabad due to the large number of his disciples.


without Checking facts and search they fell in the drain of objections and so they will make taunting remarks in this matter. Here the compiler of this book has added two couplets in Arabic and its translation is as follows. The misled people say that Allah is having his children and they also say that Allahs prophet was a Kahan (soothsayer) so when there is no escape of Allah and his final apostle from the tongue of the mankind so in this matter what is the position of the compiler of the book.? It is a very important thing to note that there were a large number of disciples of Hazrat Khaja Baha uddin and Hazrat Khaja Moin uddin. But many among them could not able to reach the status and position of saintliness. Because there are two meanings of Hidiat (guidance) which are as follows. 1). To show the way. 2). To take towards the destination. For the guidance there is instruction in the Quran that We have shown the right path to the people of Thamud but they have not followed guidance but they have followed the blindness. Among his disciples like following two persons many more were becoming perfect and become well known and famous. 1). Owaise Sahib. 2). Sadu Baba.



22. Method of attention of the disciples Hazrat Maulavi in his beginning period when he used to intend to perform meditation then he used to ask his disciples to sit in front of him and used to favour them with his attention and then try to remove their intoxication of the world. In the last period of his life he was stopped continuation his work of attention suddenly . If somebody will request in this matter then he used to hand over such person to Sheikh Madar. But in it also I have watched his favour of his company more than before. Because if hundred persons will sit in his meetings then they will divert their attention towards Allah and will disconnect from an unrelated person completely. Fakir (darvesh) tried his best to know in this matter day and night to find the real secret in this matter.? But due to the huge crowd of persons who used to come there to meet Maulavi Sahib from neighbouring areas so I could not get the information from him in this matter. When Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin left Rahmatabad for his journey Fakir (darvesh) was also accompanied with him up to some destinations. One day on the way upon getting the chance to talk with him then I have asked him about my doubt in this matter which is as follows. Sir, why Khaja Sahib was stopped method of attention during his last days of his life. So this slave tried his best to solve this secret and thought too much but could not able to know the reason in this matter. Upon this Maulavi Sahib told me with smiling that for Salik (Arabic: ), a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism) there are two places are there which are as follows.


1. Talwin (staining power). 2. Tamkin (dignity). And Khaja Sahib was there on the above second stage of Tamkin (dignity) during the last period of life.

23. The compiler of this books personal event One day he was sitting in the mausoleum of Khaja Sahib on the western side in a position that his backside was towards the direction of the Qiblah (direction in which Muslims turn in prayer ) and he was facing towards his grave side. At that time there was one condition on me and suddenly Maulavi Sahib came there very fast so that I can raise my head. Upon raising my head when I saw Mavlavi Sahib and I suddenly stood there and after some time he was sitting there and asked me to sit there . Then he said there was one person who was a perfect one. One day his disciple was busy in condition of meditation in the divine light. When Sheikh saw him in that condition then he took out his sandal from his feet and started to give a beating on his head. The disciple took out his head from the garment and started with the cry of pain and told alas I was in the best mode of great pleasure. Murshid (master) told I beat him for this reason only. As Salik (Arabic: ), a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism) should be away from the such condition as well he should ignore the following things which will not able them to reach the final destination. 2. Wajd (ecstasy) 3. Tarab (joyfulness).



24. An event of marriage of Shah Rafi uddins daughter At the time of marriage of the elder daughter of Shah Rafi uddin one person came there while wearing a cap and goderi (rag dress) of Sufi person for the sake of joke purpose and met Shah Sahib and in Sufi style he rise slogan of Ishaq Allah. When he heard this he suddenly by his tongue of ilham (revelation) told that Oh : Allah to make this false person as true as this joker was copied the true persons. So for this reason that person was entered in condition of crying due to pain for three days and nights and all other persons who were coming over there to attend the marriage were gone in a condition of intoxication. Even Maulavi Sahib could not leave the place except for prayers and nature calls so he left his place and came back there. The cooks were also on condition of intoxication so for this reason they mixed curry in the rice and rice with the curry. When this news slowly reached to the ruler of Qandhar. So he wanted to finish the condition by help of sending couriers in this matter. But his minister who wise Muslim opposed his idea and told him to ignore his idea otherwise he will face grave consequences in this matter. On the fourth day all were coming back in their normal condition but the joker person who became mad and he left towards the mountains and jungle areas and he began wandering and travelling across the desert. 25. An event of Shah Rafi uddins disciple Sadu Baba Once there was a severe condition of starvation which was prevailed around neighboring areas of Qandhar so for this reason the persons of that place requested Maulavi Sahibs disciple Sadu Baba for his prayer for the rainfall. He tried his best to escape in this matter. But the people did not accept his attitude in this matter and they did not spare him . So due to helplessness he went into the courtyard of Eid Gah (Place of festival prayers) and he stood there on his one foot and spread his hands in supplication for rains in this matter. When Maulavi Sahib heard about


this matter he went immediately to see him and told him that it is not suitable for Fakirs (darvesh) to interfere in the matters of Qadr (fate) and so for this reason whatever as per the will of Allah will be happen. Sadu Baba told him as now this slave determined in his heart that till there will be no rain fall he will not sit and not leave the place . Upon hearing this Maulavi Sahib also raised his hands for the rainfall . After some short time it so happened that there heavy clouds were coming there and it rained heavily streets of Qandhar were become like rivers and brooks. Afterwards Maulavi Sahib and Sadu Baba reached back to their houses. All Muslim men and women visited him and touched his foot with great respect and honor and Hindus spread over mix powder of rose on him.

26. Death of Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin. Malavi Shah Rafi uddin left this world on 16th Rajab in the year 1241 A.D. (1828 A.D.) in Qandhar. The compiler of this book has mentioned his date of death in the poetry.

The End.



2 . Brief biography of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah (R.A.) (NaibE-Rasool) Rahamatabad Sharif.

Location. The shrine is located in Indias southern state of Andhra Pradesh, in the village called Rahamatabad Sharif (also known as A.S.Peta), which is at a distance of 55KM from Nellore (District) and 12KM from Atmakur (Taluk). The place is well connected by road to major cities like Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. History : Rahmatabad is a well known place which has the shrine (dargah) of Hazrat Syed khaja Rahmatullah Nayeb-e-Rasool. He lived from 1110 A.H. to 1195 A.H. [1694 AD to 1781 AD ] and when King Aurangzeb Alamgir had just put an end to the Adil Shahi dynasty of Bejapur in 1686 AD, eight years earlier that the birth of Khaja Nayeb-e-Rasool. Biography:


Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah (R.A), Naib-E-Rasool, also called as Babajan by Hindus and Muslims alike. A revered Sufi saint and a Hussaini Syed (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) of the highest order, whose entire life was a reflection of Shar-E-Nabavi (SAW), whose every breath reminiscent of Zikirullah (remembrance of Allah), having undertaken Bayah (When the disciple makes a pledge (Bay'ah) to a Murshid (spiritual master) the disciple becomes initiated as a Murid) from the following four traditions (Silsila),Quadri,Chishti,Naqshbandi,and,Rifaai. In his mausoleum to his left lies the Mazar-E-Aqdas (grave) of his wife Hazrat Syeda Habeeba Khatoon (R.A) fondly referred to by visitors as Ammajan. Native place. A brief description about Syed Khaja Rahmatullah can also be found in Tazkira-E-Auliya-E-Deccan on page 363 author by Abdul Jabbar Khan Malkapuri where in it is mentioned that Syed Khaja Rahmatullah's father upon his arrival from Tauran, stayed for a brief while with the Asif Jah (Awwal) and there after he was appointed as the Qateeb at the Jamia Masjid at Belgaum (Karnataka). Hazrat Syed Khaja Alam married in Belgaum which was also the birthplace of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah. The Sheikhs (Khaja Rahmatullah) date of expiry has been given as 26 Rabbi ul Awwal 1195 of Hijri Calender. His age has been given as 85 Hijri years and thus his year of birth can be counted back to 1110 Hijri. The above details are available in some different way in book Faizan Auliya by Mohammed Ali Khan Mujdaddi that his father Hazrat Khwaja Alam was a revered Sufi saint and he was belongs to Hussaini Syed (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) family of the highest order and was belongs to native of Tauran. His parents were arrived in India. His father was lived for long time along with Asif Jah Awwal in Belgaum village in district Bejapur. He was married with a pious lady of good character and who was well known for his daily prayers and her practice of Shariah (Islamic law) in Bejapur.


The readers are kindly informed that all the details of this episode are translated from Urdu into English from the book Faizan Auliya by Mohammed Ali Khan Mujdaddi. Events. He was born in the year 1110 Bejapur and his father was named him as Syed Rahmatullah and he was later became famous and well known as Naib-e- Rasool (deputy of the Allahs last prophet). In his childhood period his mother was left this world. Migration. When he was in his younger age then he was suffered some major problems and difficulties in his life and which are mentioned in the following paragraph. Hazrat Khaja Rahmatullah lost his mother at an very early age after which his father Hazrat Khwaja Alam was married for the second time. As his father was married another lady and his step mothers behavior was not well with him so for this reason Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah took permission from his father and he was migrated from his native place Bejapur to Kurnool and he was settled down there in the house of his maternal aunt and it is noted that for the above reasons he came there from Bejapur and he was stayed with maternal aunt at Kurnool. His maternal aunt is well known and famous for his piousness and good character. She has tried hard for his educational development and training so she has arranged his formal education and training in Kurnool. During the short period of time he was became perfect in many knowledges. His saying and all actions were became perfect and his life was become a reflection of Shar-E-Nabavi it means his life was become as per practice and teaching of Allahs last prophet. Till his education and training he was under care of his aunty so he began his try to find his livelihood and legal earning so for this reason he was approached with the ruler of Kurnool for the service there and took employment in the his royal stable. After some time he was appointed as the custodian of two royal horses under the Nawab of Kurnool. Love of Allah. He was engaged in the service with the ruler of Kurnool for the short period of time and after some time suddenly there was passion started in


his mind for the love of Allah. So for this reason he was left his service in Kurnool and he was reached to Bijapur and contacted Hazrat Syed Alawi Bejapuri there and was became his disciple and made a pledge (Bay'ah) to him and accepted him as his Murshid (spiritual master) and as the disciple he becomes initiated as a Murid (deciple) and got caliphate from Hazrat Syed Alawi Bejapuri. For a long period he was busy in the daily recital and practice but he was not satisfied there in this matter and he was always used to be worried so there was feeling in him that he could not get the thing for which he was left his service in Kurnool. Dedar ( sight) of Allahs last prophet. One night in the condition of his half sleepiness (neem khabi ) he was blessed grace (Jamal Jehan ara) of Allahs last prophet. The last prophet of Allah was very kind with him and he was asked him to visit the house of Allah in Makkh and there was also one pious person with him on whose face there was Anwar (light) and Tajiilat (divine lights) and his name was Syed Ashraf Makki and who was also seen by him on the side of the prophet and to whom the prophet has pointed him and told him that his amant (entrusted thing) is with him and it is safely available there so he should proceed to Makkah soon and get the same from there. The prophet also has informed Syed Ashraf Makki that Syed Rahmatullah is coming from India to Makkah so he should give him his amanat (entrusted thing) which is available with him. Journey of Makkah. Upon waking up from the dream he has thanked Allah for the above great grace and has gathered some important baggage and was started for his journey of Makkah. On the way he was reached at Meliwar and where he has met one great pious and well known and famous personality Syed Ahmed Rifai and he has requested him for his guidance. So he told him that his share is available with Syed Ashraf in Makkah but whatever available with him will be given to him upon the departure time of his journey to Makkah. Arrival in Makkah. He was stayed for some days with Hazrat Syed Ahmed Rifai and was obtained nemat (grace) of batini (innermost) knowledge from him


and from Milwar he was boarded on the ship and was reached in Jeddah after some days. From Jeddah after two days journey he was reached to Makkah. Upon performing the Hajj and Umra he has started search for Hazrat Syed Ashraf Makki and he was met as per the instruction of the Allahs last prophet on the mountain of Jable Abu Khais which is near from the holy harem of Makkah on its opposite side . He was found him in the condition of meditation so he was sat there respectfully. When his condition of meditation was over he (Syed Rahmatullah) told him Assalam Alaikum Ya Sayyadi. So he replied his salam then he told him that Syed Rahmat ullah did you came here.?And I was waiting for you here as per the instructions of the Allahs last prophet. Saintly dress and caliphate. Syed Ashraf Makki has prayed two rakats (one set of standing , genuflexion and prostration in prayers) prayers for the thanks of Allah and has explained him the following things. 1.Marifat (knowledge of Allah) 2.Haqaiq (reality) He was delivered him saintly dress of Quaderia chain and caliphate and told him as follows. Syed Rehmatullah, these are abridgment (ajmali) of rules which were delivered to you as per the instruction of Allahs last prophet and if you need some more knowledge and some more other details of haqiqat (reality) and marafat (knowledge ) of Allah then you should visit Syed Abdul Quader Bejapuri in India who is my caliph and who is famous and well know as sahib dil (pious person) and perfect holy saint . He has informed him further that he will become famous and well known in India as Naib-e- Rasool (deputy of the Allahs last prophet ). Departure from Makkah. Upon obtaining the following things from Syed Ashraf Makki he went to Madina city and 1.Saintly dress (qirqa) of Quaderia chain. 2.Caliphate of Quaderia chain 3.Crown of spiritualism


he has visited the mausoleum of Allahs last prophet and he was stayed there for some period of time and as per instruction of the Allahs last prophet and then he has left Madina and has reached back to Surat seaport in India. Stay in Surat. He has stayed in Surat at the residence of one famous and well known pious personality of Naqasbandia chain known as Shah Ali Reza Gujrati and from him he was obtained the caliphate of Naqasbandia chain and Shah Ali Reza Gujrati was also obtained from him permission and certificate of Quaderia chain. He has stayed in Surat for some days and then he was left for his journey to South India (Deccan). Arrival in Kurnool. He has arrived in Kurnool from Surat and he was stayed there for some time. Due to his teaching and preaching some persons were became perfect and became well known and famous as pious persons. There is holy place at the outside of Kurnool which is famous and well known and there was one badati (innovator in religion ) fakir was there and who was involved in many acts of bidats (innovator in religion) and for this reason he was used to instruct him in this matter to avoid such things but he was not paid any attention in this matter so he has scolded him and also he punished him for this reason . After his stay of some days there he has left Kurnool. Arrival in Kadpa. After his journey from Kurnool he was arrived Kadpa and stayed in the mosque. one day a marriage procession with musical instruments (baja) was passed from that mosque and it was also entered into the mosque area so for this reason he was very upset and angry in this matter due to disrespect of the worship place and for this reason he has thrown stones on the marriage party persons and so he has removed all of them from the mosque building. First marriage. After returning from Hajj Syed Khaja Rahmatullah stayed for a brief while at Kurnool and later went to Nandyal where he got married. He was blessed with a girl child but unfortunately after a while he lost both his wife and daughter due to different reasons.


Arrival in Anumasamudram . From Kadapa he has came to Anumasamudram area and liked the place and its natural location and its pleasant environment as well as its good weather conditions so he was stayed on the mountain for some period of time and which is situated near the Anumasamudram locally called Bada gaon these days,and founded Rahmatabad after his own name. Due to his arrival in that area the large number of people used to visit him and were benefitted by his favour and attention. Due to his fame and his great name Syed Abdul Quader who garrison commander of Udgir fort visited him and he was became his disciple and made a pledge (Bay'ah) to him as his Murshid (spiritual master) and he was requested him to visit fort of Udgir and he has offered him three villages for the expenses of the shrine but the Sheikh did not accepted his offer. RAHMATABAD. He has purchased the land in the surrounding area of mountain of Anumasamandarm and named it as Rehmatabad and in that purchased land he was laid foundation of the mosque and named it as Madina Mosque in the year 1748. A mosque with thatched roof was erected at first which was replaced by the present structure in 1762 A.D. It was named by him as Madina mosque. There is an inscription on the forehead of the mosque which reads "This stone has been brought From Madina City" but it is not certain whether Syed Khaja Rahmatullah had brought the stone himself or had got it through someone else. He has also constructed one school and shrine building from his own expenses. He was used to perform five congregational prayers in the above mosque on regular basis. They had no issues, gradually Hazrat Khaja developed a sizeable estate dully purchasing about ten villages.He was survived [on his death in 1781 A.D.] by his wife who built his mausoleum . Her brothers son Hazrat Ghulam Naqshbandi was made his gaddi nasheen (custodian) and heir. Specialties.


He was perfect person of taqwa (piety) and he never accepted any offer or present from badati (invovator in religion) person or person who did not offer prayers regularly. He was perfect and well known for the following things. 1. His love for the Sunnat (practice) of Allahs last prophet. 2. For following the Shariat (Islamic) law strictly. 3. For his regular teaching of Hadith (sayings) of Allahs last prophet. 4. For his regular teaching of Tafsir (exegesis of the holy Quran) and Fiqa (Islamic jurisprudence ). 5. For his regular teaching of his disciples in khilwat (sitting in solitude) the following things. A. Tariqat ( Mystic way of life). B. Ramos (secrets) of Tassawuf (Sufism). His trail. Upon his name and fame once Nawab Naseer Doulah has visited his shrine along with one maulavi Sahib (Muslim priest) and has requested him to explain the following couplet from Masnavi Sharif (the spiritual couplets of Maulana Jalal uddin Rumi in Persian language) as which is very hard and tough for him to understand it. So he was asked his explanation in this matter. In the following picture Persian couplet is available.

Jumla Mashooq Ast Wa Ashiq Parda Zinda Mashooq Ast Wa Ashiq Murda


The above Persian spiritual couplets English translation explanation is as follows. Translation.



The BELOVED is all in all the lover only veils Him; The BELOVED is all that lives, the lover a dead thing Explanation. All phenomenal existences (man included) are but veil obscuring the face of the Divine Noumenon, the only real existence, and the moment His sustaining presence is withdrawn they at once relapse into their original nothingness. The Sheikh has explained him the meaning and explanation of the above spiritual couplet in the best possible manner and the Maulavi sahib has also explained its outward (zaheri) meaning so for this reason some un-intelligent persons thought that the Maulavi sahibs explanation is better than the sheikhs explanation and due to this reason Maulvai Sahib (Muslim priest) was not satisfied in this matter and he has not accepted the explanation of the Sheikh. Also Nawab Naseer Doulah was supported Maulavi Sahib (Muslim priest) in this matter. So for this reason the Sheikh was very upset and angry and told Maulavi Sahib that his explanation is perfect well and so for this reason he asked him to approach in this matter to hall (ecstacy) from the sayings. So he was started meditation and for this reason there was condition of ecstacy on the meeting place and all persons were become unconscious and the Sheikh was entered into khilwat (sitting in solitude). Upon watching the condition of the meeting place Nawab Naseer Doulah fled from there on his horse in the worried condition. For three days the condition of meeting place was affected due to the weeping of the eyes and broiled of the hearts of the persons. So it is his great miracle of the Sheikh so all the persons who were present there noticed this great act due to kindness and grace of Allah and it was recorded in the history books of Deccan as a great miracle and great act and also such event is not available in the books of biographies of holy saints of the Deccan area.


Miracle As per saying of Maulavi Shah Rafi uddin Qandhari that one year due to heavy rain water the bund of tank of Anasamandarm was broken and for this reason the village people were worried and afraid in this matter and began leaving the village and also there were many problems in the rainy season. So for this reason he went at the side of the tank and has called all village persons there and so all were gathered there around him. He put one stone on the water discharge area so due to kindness and grace of Allah water was stopped suddenly and also the river water was also stopped there and upon this great miracle all village persons have constructed the bund with soil and stones. Death. Even though he was the perfect Sheikh but he never left his daily recital and practice. He was always used to busy in zikar (remembrance) of Allah. When he was became 85 years old then he was visited Udgir upon the request of Abdul Quader who was garrison commander of Udgir fort and he was stayed there for some days and where he was became unwell there due to the fever . During his illness also he never missed zikr (remembrance) of Allah and the congressional prayers.

As the time of his departure from this world came near then he was started teaching and advices and not nominated any persons as his successor. So for this reason his wife has requested him in this matter so he told her that there are many of his caliphs and his every murid (disicple) is his caliph and where there will be his caliph there will be available mercy of Allah. We are under reda and taslim (surrender to willingness and acceptance) of Allah. He was ill for the period one


month and after that his last time came and he was left this world on 26th Rabbil Awwal 1195 A.H. on Thurday in the fort of Udgir . In the Friday night funeral rites and ceremonies were completed and his dead body was taken to Rahmatabad on 27th Rabil Awawl 1195 A.H. On Sunday night he was buried in Rehamatabad. On his mausoleum there is always dismounting (nazol) of rehmat (grace) of Allah. As reference from the book Faizan Auliya Hazrat Syed Ashraf Makki was died in Makkah in the year 1149 A.H. His genealogy record of caliphs is as follows. 1. Syed Ashraf Makki 2. Shah Mohammed Taher 3. Shah Mohammed. 4. Sharaf uddin Maqbali. 5. Sheikh Adam Bannuri. 6. Sheikh Mujadid Alif Thani The Urs (death anniversary). People from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which takes place on the 24 to 29 day of Rabil Awwal of Muslim calendar at the famous dargah (shrine) of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Naib-E- Rasool in Rahmatabad every year. Several hundred thousand devotees from near and far, irrespective of religion and beliefs, gather there to seek blessings. The Sandal Maali is celeberated on the 25th day of the Islamic month of Rabbi ul Awwal. The event being the first among the chain of ritualistic events that are performed during the month in commemoration of the yearly Sandal and Urs celeberations of Hazrat Khaja Syed Rahamatulla Naib-E-Rasool. A lot of people travel to Rahmatabad to attend these events. Live miracle. The Sheikh was left this world 239 years ago but since 239 years to till date his miracles and favours are continued and available in the shrine area.


It is experience of day and night in shrine area that the desire and wishes of the visitors are fulfilled and for the needy persons it is perfect place for the fulfillment their wishes and desires from this shrine. The visitors from near and far away places in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of Shaikhs name . His spiritual court is most beneficent and famous and well known for the following diseases and problems not only in India but in all over the world. 1.All diseases. 2.Evil spirits. Due to the cure of the above diseases and due to benefits in the shrine the people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble there and pray there for the recovery so his favour and affection is same and equal to all persons who will present there in his court and pray there for the recovery of diseases. Hazrat Syed Khaja Nayeb-e-Rasool [as he was called by his direct disciples like Hazrat Shah Mohammed Rafiuddin Qhandari]and his wife possess a great spiritual power.People visit Rahmatabad for treatment of their ailments and visitors also constitute the victims of black magic and those who possessed by evil spirits.The sacred couple has a great sympathy with mankind due to which the place has become like an open air hospital and asylum for people of all walks of life without any bar to religion,cast or creed. A visit to Rahmatabad Shareef is almost a sure cure for the disease[even surgical operations are done in dreams] and a sure deliverance from black magic and evil spirits. It is to be seen to be believed. Special miracle. Now a days there are many slogans are there for the national unity and integration. If anybody wants to see the national unity and integration then he should visit Rehmatabad and can watch the same


there. Due to the benefits in the shrine the people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble there and pray there for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes .His favour and affection is same and equal to all persons who will present there in his court and pray there for the recovery of diseases and problems as well as other difficulties and hardships of life. His mausoleum is in Rahamatabad which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. Special miracle. The area which is famous with the name of Rahmatabad in which there are no pigs and no other peoples worships places are not found there. All people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed will recognize him as great saint and present their offering 24 hours during the whole year. Great miracle. It is fact that miracles are performed by the holy and pious personalities of Allah. And those holy and pious persons who have finished their lives in the love of Allah and his prophet and for this reason their name and fame will be continued till the day of judgment. From the particles of soil of their mausoleums there will spread the spring of faizan (favour) and always there will be rain of anwar (light) and tajilat (divine light). But my masters great miracle is that large number of people who will present in the shrine from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble there and pray there for the recovery of diseases and for the fulfillment of their desire and wishes .His favour and affection is same and equal to all persons who will present there in his court and pray there for the recovery of diseases and fulfillment of desires. Since 239 years the people are watching the miracles of the Sheikh and it will be continue till the day judgement and that the number of devotees of the shrine is not in thousand but it was exceed many millions people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble there and pray there for the recovery of diseases or for the fulfillment of their desire and wishes.


Not only from Hyderabad but from many other places learned persons and pious personalities also used to visit the shrine and pay their visit. I am not wrong if I mention that the large numbers of people who visit the shrine are included other than Muslims irrespective of caste and creed will present in the shrine and garland the mausoleum and pay respect and honour there. A symbol of national intergration, communal harmony and social justice. "And He (Allah) it is who hath produced you from a single being (AlQur'an-Al-Anaam-99). As it is said in the holy Qur'an that all human beings are off spring of the first man (prophet Adam (peace be upon him)), there should not be any discrimination among the people as all are equal. The sufi-saint Hazrat Syed Rahmatulla (R.A.) attempted to remove the barriers of caste, creed, language, religion and region and provided a broad opportunity to make available to the local milieu a get-together. Genealogy record of caliphate of Naqshibandiya chain. 1. Hazrat Khaja Syed Rahmatullah Naibe Rasul. 2. Hazrat Syed Shah Alawi broom. 3. Hazrat Syed Ahraf Makki Ajlati. 4. Hazrat Syed Abdullah Ba- Haddad. 5. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Mohammed. 6 . Hazrat Sheikh Alsayed Abdullah. 7. Hazrat Sheikh Sharf uddin Muqbali (Abdullah Gohati) 8. Hazrat Sheikh Al-sayed Mohammed 9. Hazrat Adam Banauri 10.Hazrat Sheikh Alsayed Sheikh. 11.Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Farouqi Mujajudid Alif Thani. Hazrat Maji Sahiba. Her name is Habiba Khatoon alias Maji Sahiba and she was alone daughter of Nawab of Kurnool . She was perfect lady in Islamic rules and regulation and she used to perform her prayers regularly and also he used to read the holy book of Quran on regular basis. Once there was starvation for the period of seven years and due to the starvation many persons were died and animals were also in


the worse condition. So the Nawab of Kurnool was upset and worried in this matter. So he was started consultation with his special persons and people of najoom (astrologers) and was taken their opinion in this matter about the rain and he was enquired with them when there will be available rain fall and what is reason of no rain fall but nobody was not able to reply his questions in this matter. So for this reason the Nawab Sahib has called some other pious persons in his court and has explained them the situation that there was no rain fall despite of our prayers and our prayers are not accepted in the court of Allah. He was tried his best in this matter but the result is nothing in this respect and for this reason due to starvation the persons are worried and suffering very badly and due to this reason the difficult situation which is prevailing the villages. So he was not able to understand what he should done in this matter?. Among them those pious person one Majzob (one lost in divine meditation) was there who has told the Nawab Sahib that there is one personality with him and his prayers will be accepted in the court of Allah so he was asked him to approached him because if he will pray then his prayer will be accepted by Allah so there is no matter of worry in this respect. So the Nawab Sahib has asked him who is that person and asked him to explain some details in this matter so that he could be recognize him and approach him. So the Majzob Sahib told him that he could not identify his name but he could explain his marks so that he could be able to recognize him and the marks are as follows. 1.In the storm his lamp will lit and there will be no effect of storm on it. 2.His horse will eat the grass and water provided by him and will not eat the grass and water provided by others. Upon this information one night Nawab Sahib went in the darkness of night to check the tents of his soldiers and when he was reached at the tent of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Saheb and at that time the Sheikh was busy in his worship and for this reason he stood there silently. When the Sheikh has finished his worship then Nawab


Sahib was fallen down on the foot of the great Sheikh of his time for his favour and help in this matter. The Sheikh has recognized the Nawab Sahib and lift him from his foot and asked him not to touch his foot. Nawab Sahib has informed him that since seven years there is no rain fall and for this reason the large number of persons were died due to starvation and water scarcity. So if there will his kindness and his prayer in this matter then there will be sure rain fall as you are beloved of Allah and his last prophet. And for the above reason he has requested him for supplication for rains.It so happened that it rained heavily while the Nawab Sahib was still on his way back home after his meeting with Hazrat Khaja Nayeb-e-Rasool. Upon the request of Nawab Sahib the Sheikh has prayed for the rain fall and Allah has accepted his prayer and for this reason there was great rain fall that all rivers, tanks, wells and ponds were full of water due to his great miracle of the Sheikh of his time. The above news spread throughout the area of Kurnool region and it was also reached to the palace of Nawab Sahib. The Nawab Sahibs daughter also come to know the details and so she was much impressed by the personality of the great pious person of his time and she was started thinking about her marriage with such pious personality so that she will also become lucky one and her status will be also improved in this matter. So for this reason she used to pray Allah in this matter that her marriage should be arranged with that pious personality of his time. On night the daughter of Nawab Sahib saw in his dream that the moon is reaching towards her and she has told the details of her dream to her mother and her mother has told Nawab Sahib the details of her daughters dream so Nawab Sahib has called najumies (astrologers) in this matter and they have informed him that the gir ls marriage will be celebrated with a pious personality of his time. So for the reason Nawab Sahibs wife told Nawab Sahib that it is better that we will arrange the marriage of their daughter with Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Sahib of Rahmatabad so for this reason Nawab


Sahib was become very upset and angry in this matter and told her that We could not marry our daughter in the lower status persons family and if we do that then our position and status will be go down and disrespected in this matter. So for this reason this proposal in not suitable and not good at all. So if there will be any desire in the girls mind then ask her to remove the same. From that day the girl began to live in sad and grief condition and after some days she left everything and stopped eating of the food. So for this reason the parents were worried and upset in this matter and asked her to leave her desire and wish but there was no effect at all.One day the girl went into some shrine and during her prayer she was fell down and became un-conscious and after many cures she could not become well and not returned back in her normal condition of health. And in those days the Sheikh was heard a divine call in which it was told him to marry the daughter of Nawab of Kurnool which is suitable for him. Even after some days the girl was not recovered from the condition of un-conciseness and for this reason Nawab Sahib was worried and upset in this matter and upon his consultations with her mother and other persons reached a decision to marry with Hazrat Khaja Syed Rahmatullah Naibe Rasul. So it was written in her fate to marry with the sheikh of his time so nobody could not stop her act and her personal decision. Nawab Sahib has sent Ziauddin who was his personal secretary and who was also disciple of the Sheikh and so he went to Udgir and brought back the Sheikh to Kurnool for the treatment and marriage proposal of the girl. The Sheikh came to Kurnool and after reciting some verses on the water he spread the water on the patient and for this reason she was become normal and returned back in her good health condition and due to this great miracle all persons who were present in the palace of the Nawab Sahib were fell down on the foot of the Sheikh and at that time Nawab Sahibs daughter Habia Khatoon was married with the Sheikh of his time.



Visit of Makkah. Maji Sahiba went to Makkah along Ziauddin sahib who was murid (disciple) of the Sheikh and Akbar Sahib who was her cousin and upon the completion of visits of Makkah and Madina she was came back to Udgir ,a town to the north west of Rahmatabad Shareef at about 45 kilo meters. Maji Sahiba till the life of the Sheikh always has followed his instruction and never acted anything against his will. Daily at the time of his return to the house she used to stand holding the water jug in her hand.One day in the rainy season there was severe thundering and lightening strike so she was afraid of it. The sheikh came back to the house and he could not find Maji Sahiba at her usual place with holding the water jug in her hand there and so he asked her reason in this matter that why she did not wait for him today.? And she was replied him that due to lightening strike and thundering she was afraid in this matter and not able to wait for him in the rainy season .So the Sheikh has called lightening there and asked to see it and from that day Maji Sahibas fear was no more with her. The meaning of Maji Sahiba. As per tradition it is well known and famous that once Maji Sahiba has requested the Sheikh for her desire and wish for the children so that their names will remain in the world and someone will call her mother. So the Sheikh told her Oh: Habiba as per your thinking if there will be our children then it will be no guarantee that they will become good and pious persons then our status and position as well as our name will become worse. Now it is fact that the number of persons who called you as Maji Sahiba are not one, two,100, 200,1000, 2000, but are more than millions and who will remain till the day of judgement. On saying this he told her to look at her backside so she has looked at her backside as per his instruction and have seen the large numbers persons which were there and their numbers were more than many millions so the Sheikh has explained that all of them belongs to the following categories. 1.Disciples (murids). 2.Devotees.


3.Visitors. And all of them till the day of judgement will call you as Maji Sahiba so you should treat all of them as your children and also all of them are dear to me more than my children and from that day all special and general persons used to began calling her as Maji Sahiba. As a matter of fact he used to love each and every visitor of his mausoleum and Inshallah (if Allah wills) this tradition and practice will continue till the day of judgement. Miracle. From the mausoleums public kitchen house daily the soup (ash) is used to be distributed to all poor and needy persons. once the Sheikh was present in the mosque and the poor persons were gathered at the public kitchen to receive the soup (ash) so for this reason Maji Sahiba has called the Sheikh for the distribution work of soup (ash) but due to some other work the Sheikh could not came there to distributed the soup (ash) to the poor persons. Due to delay in this matter Maji Saheba has called the servants of the mausoleum to bring immediately the big spoon for the distribution of soup (ash) and the person who went to bring the spoon but he was disappeared and could not came back there. Due to this reason of delay of that person and delay in the distribution of soup (ash) to the poor persons she has put her hand in the hot cauldron and was started distribution of hot soup (ash) to the poor persons. The Sheikh has came there later and was thought that her hand were damaged due to hot soup (ash) distribution from the hot cauldron and but he has found her hand was severally cold and there was such cold that for which nobody could not bear it. Maji Sahiba has purchased 12 villages and has offered the same to the shrine of the Sheikh and which are famous and well known with different names and the details are mentioned as follows. 1. Small Habibpur. 2. Big Habibpur. 3. Hasinapur. 4. Morabad. 5. Alampur.


During Maji Sahibs life period the Sheikh left this mortal world. Maji Saheba has arranged for making the symbol of the moon on the mausoleum upon melting away all her jewellery and also she has constructed the mausoleum building of the Sheikh from her money. She has organized the arrangements to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which takes place on the 24 to 29 day Rabil Awwal of Muslim calendar at the famous dargah (shrine) of Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Naibe Rasool in Rahmatabad every year and also arrange the ceremony of sandal every year on 25th of Rabbil Awwal and this celebration is still continued in the shrine. Death. She was died after 18 years of the Sheikhs death. She has instructed that she should be buried outside of the mausoleum of the Sheikh in building of Milad Khana as the status and position of the Sheikh is very high with Allah and she is not having such status and position so for this reason it is not suitable for her burial in the mausoleum beside the grave of the great Sheikh of his time. She was left this world after 18 years of Sheikhs death on 7 th Rabbil Awwal in the year 1213 A.H. There was indication from the Sheikh to the pious personalities of that time that as his wife Habiba was very pious lady of her time so for this reason she should be buried at the side of his grave in the mausoleum building. So as per his instruction she was buried at the side of the Sheikhs grave. Every year on 7th Rabil Awwal the ceremony of sandal of Maji Saheba was used to celebrate on the grand scale in which many thousands devotees used to attend the ceremony and get sadat (felicity) of it. The Sandal Maali of Hazrat Syeda Habeeba Khatoon is celeberated on the 2nd or 3rd day of the Islamic month of Rabbi ul Awwal. It also happens to be the only time of the year when the female devotees are allowed to enter into the inner part of the mausoleum (wherein lies the mazars (graves) of Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah and Maa Habeeba). The event being the first among the chain of ritualistic events that are


performed during the month in commemoration of the yearly Sandal and Urs celebrations of Hazrat Khaja Nayab-E- Rasool and Ammajan. A lot of people travel to Rahmatabad to attend this event. Every year on the 7th, 8th and 9th day of the Islamic month of RabbiuL-Awwal, the yearly Sandal and Urs of AMMAJAN is celebrated with great religious fervor, while that of Hazrat Syed Khaja Rahmatullah Naib-E-Rasool is celebrated on the 25th, 26th and 27th of the same month. Conclusion. To write about this great Sufi saint is not only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as he was not only a great pious personality of his time in the area of Deccan (South India) but he was also great holy person of his time who did many great miracles so in brief he was Qutub ( highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in the Deccan region (South India). So in brief he did also many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in Deccan (South India) area and around this region and there was no such personality during his time. On all week days the visitors in large numbers will used to visit the shrine and pray Allah for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Sheikhs name . During the Urs time (death anniversary ) the visitors in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Sheikhs name and offer floral garlands.

======================================= Reference book: Faizan Auliya By Mohammed Ali khan Mujadaddi.

Translated from Urdu into English by Muhammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.



Email: [email protected] Hyderabad-36, India. ---------------------------------------------------

3. Gulzar Auliya (Garden of Saints) Episodes from the Gulzar Auliya of Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah Hyderabadi.

Translated by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez



Published by MOHAMMED ABDUL HAFEEZ First Published 1433/2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.



Contents Introduction......................... ................ .05 Authors brief biography 07 1/2. Syedna Abu Baker ......... ........................................................ 14 4. Salman Farsi 5. 15 4. Imam Qasim bin Mohammed .....17 5. Imam Jafar Sadiq .18 6. Bayazid Bustami .19 7. Shaikh Abul Hasan Qarqani .... .20 8. Abul Qasim Jurjani .....22 9. Shaikh Abu Ali Farmadi ..23 10. Shaikh Khaja Yousuf Hamdani .....24 11. Khaja Abdul KhaliqJhajgan.25 12.Khaja Arif Reokari....28 13. Khaja Mahmood Anjir Fagnavi ..29 14.khaja Azizan Ramati. 30 15.Khaja Mohamed BabaSamasi.....32 16.Khaja Syed Amir Kalal


...33 17.Khaja Bahauddin naqshband..34 18. Khaja Alauddin..... ...37 19.Moulana Khaja Yaqu Charqi........41 20. Khaja Obeid Allah ahrar..42 21. Khaja Mohamed uddin Zahed ...47 22. Khaja Mohammed Darwesh. 48 23. Maulana Khajgai Mohamed Amakgni..............................................49 24. Khaja Mohamed Baqi Billah .. .50 25. Imam Rabbani Mujadid Alif Thani. .. 53 26.Khaja Mohamed Masoom .....58 27. Moulana Shaikh Saif Uddin. .. 60 28. Shaikh Hafiz Mohamed Mohsin . 63 29. Moulana Syed Noor Mohamed Badayuni. . 64 30. Mirza mazher Jane Jana.. ..66 31. Ghulam Ali Shah Dehlavi.... ..74 32. Shah Saeed Ali Sahib...82 33. Syed Badasha Sahib Bukhari. 90




Preface This book is very old and which was written and published in the year 1334 Hijri. It means it was published one hundred years ago by Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah of Hyderabad. This is a small book in which there are brief biographies of 33 holy Sufi saints are added and also in this book there are some great achievements which are not yet known to the general persons are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great interest and attention in this matter . From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this books first chapter and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last chapter as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of holy saints are added and these holy saints have passed away from the world some 100 years ago. Even though this is small book but due to its importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information of holy saints and they have passed away from the world upon doing their great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the foreign lands so this book is small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam. This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Auliya by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western world where there is great search and demand of the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of Allahs last prophet. In the last pages of this book, authors brief biography and a picture of his mausoleum in Hyderabad is added for the reader's kind perusal.


To write about this great author is not only it is difficult and but it is very hard task as he was not only a great pious personality of his time in Hyderabad but he was also a great author of so many books so in brief he was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in Hyderabad region and who did many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation of Islam in Hyderabad and around it and there was no such personality during his time. It was my great honour and pleasure to visit him along with my family members and relatives in Hussaini Alam mosque Hyderabad when I was in my childhood period.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com. Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tadhikaratal Awliya ). Email : [email protected] =============================



Authors brief biography.


Moulana Abul Hasnath Syed Abdullah Shah, alias Muhaddith-eDeccan, was born in Hussaini Alam, Hyderabad on 10 Zil Hajj, 1292 AH or 6 Feb 1872 AD. Moulana Syed Muzaffer Hussain Ibn Syed Yaqoob of Naldrug was his father. Since the migration of his ancestor, Hazrat Syed Ali, this family has been the recipient of a land grant from Adil Shah me, the ruler of Bijapur. The daughter of Hazrat Gul Badshah Was his mother. In keeping with the traditions of the then society, this young Sufi didn't attend any formal school for his education and training. He received his elementary education and lessons in Persian from his father; logic and philosophy from Moulana Mansoor Ali Khan; the Quranic sciences and other subjects from Moulana Anwarulla Khan; jurisprudence from Moulana Habeebur Rahman Saharanpuri; and the science of Hadith and literature from Moulana Hakim Abdur Rahman Saharanpuri. Even while a student, he started teaching, in both formal and nonformal ways. That time this was in the form of adult education. Most of his audience consisted of elite and the common people. He began his teaching career at the mosque named Ali Aqa at Hussaini Alam,Hyderabad, and continued it uninterrupted till his last breath. At first he became the disciple of Hazrat Miskeen Shah. On the death of the latter, he approached Hazrat Syed Muhammad Badshah Bukhari, who was a renowned spiritual personality of that time. The latter practice both the Qadriya and the Naqshbandiya Sufi path. So long as his spiritual mentor was alive, he would go to him daily walking about 4


miles whatever the climatic situation. This practice went on for about 20 years. Until the prayer he would be engaged in giving speeches and individual attention to his disciples, responding to miscellaneous requests for help, and so on. The time between Asr and Maghrib and Awwabeen prayers, he would have dinner, attend to the letters addressed to him and dictate letters of advice. At 10 he would go to the mosque for Isha prayers and return home at 12. He would sleep for three hours. From 2 Am till Fajr prayer he would be busy with Tahajjud prayers. In short, he rested for three hours and the rest 21 hours he devoted to God And His creatures. One of his miracles observed by a great number of his disciples is worth mentioning here. In the physical presence of their sheikh, they felt their heart stirred and incited to begin the remembrance of God. They have also observed that the end of their sheikh's followers was happy and peaceful. The latter died with the blessed phrase, La Ilaha Illallah (there is no God but Allah), on their lips at their last moment. When his contemporary Sheikh Hazrat Syed Muhammad Badshah Hussaini died on 25th of August, Hazrat Abdullah Shah predicted that he too would leave this mortal world in two days. His prediction came true. With his death on 18th Rabiuthani, 1384 AH, or 1964 AD, at the age of 92 years, the world lost a great spiritual leader and a scholar. The funeral procession was the biggest of its kind in Hyderabad attended by about 2.5 lakh people. He is buried in Naqshbandi Chaman, Misri Gunj, Hyderabad. The present caliphate (khalifa) and successor of his mission is his son, Abul Khair Hadhrat Syed Rahmatullah Shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri. Abul Hasanat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Qadiri , popularly known as Hadrat Abdullah Shah Sahib, was a scholar of Islam and spiritual reformer. He is more particularly known as a muhaddith (one


who specializes in Hadith literature), horrifically as Muhaddith-e Deccan (the Muhaddith of the Deccan). A prolific writer of Islamic sciences, he wrote extensively on fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and compiled his bestknown work Zujajat al-Masabih in five volumes. A unique and comprehensive collection of Hadiths pertaining to the Hanafi school of law, the book is considered a magnum opus in hadith and Fiqh literature. As a mufassir (Qur'anic exegite) and expounder of other Islamic religious texts, he was one of the most celebrated Sufis produced by India in the 20th century. He is popularly considered to be one of the saints-scholars among the masses of South India, particularly Hyderabad. Birth The Abdullah Shah was born in Husaini 'Alam, Hyderabad, on 10th of Dhu'l Hijjah, 1292 (AH) or 6 February 1872 (CE). His father was Mawlana Sayyid Muzaffar Husain Ibn Sayyid Yaqub of Naldrug. Since the migration of his ancestor, Hazrat Sayyid Ali, this family has been the recipient of a land grant from Adil Shah I, the ruler of Bijapur. The daughter of Gul Badshah was his mother. Education In keeping with the traditions of his society, the young Abdullah Shah did not attend any formal school for his education and training. He received his elementary education and lessons in Persian from his father; logic and philosophy from Mawlana Mansur Ali Khan; the Qur'anic sciences and other subjects from Shaykh al-Islam Hafiz Anwarulla Khan Faruqi, the founder of Jamia Nizamia, jurisprudence from Mawlana Habibur Rahman Saharanpuri, and the science of Hadith and literature from Mawlana Hakim Abdur Rahman Saharanpur. Teaching



Even while a student, he started teaching, in both formal and informal ways. At times this was in the form of adult education. Most of his audience consisted of elite and the common people. He began his teaching career at the mosque named Ali Aqa at Husaini Alam, Hyderabad, and continued until his death. The Syrian scholar Shaykh Abdul Fattah visited Hyderabad and took ijazahs and asnad from Abdullah Shah. Tasawuf. The mausoleum of Hadrat Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Qadiri in Hyderabad is added at the beginning of this book. At first Abdullah Shah became the disciple of Miskin Shah a famous Sufi of Hyderabad, India. Later, on the death of the latter, he approached Muhammad Badshah Bukhari, who was a renowned spiritual personality of that time. The latter practiced both the Qadiriyyah and the Naqshbandiyyah Sufi Tariqahs or paths. So long as his spiritual mentor was alive, whatever the climate would be, he would see him on a daily basis walking about four miles serve him in his midnight special ritual prayers, the Tahajjud, assisting his spiritual master in performing the ablution and other prayer rituals. This practice went on for about twenty years until the death of Bukhari. During the lifetime of his spiritual master, Abdullah Shah did not like to have his own spiritual disciples (murids). The number of disciples in his own lifetime, however, reached in hundreds and thousands. He consistently followed the Hanafi school of jurisprudence and the practices of his spiritual master by initiating his disciples both in the Qadiriyyah and Naqshbandiya orders. Daily schedule. Abdullah Shah would begin his day early in the morning from the Fajr prayer; he would then listen to his disciples. Next he would meet the public and attend to individual grievances till 9 o'clock in the morning. After Ishraq prayers, for breakfast and other personal needs, he would spare a few minutes. For almost 10 A.M to 2 P.M, he would have a


separate session for women who either approach him for guidance or spiritual consolation. At 2 P.M he would return to the mosque for midday Zuhr prayer and until late afternoon Asr prayer he would be engaged in giving instructions and individual attention to his disciples, responding to miscellaneous requests for help, and so on. The time between Asr and sunset Maghrib followed by the Awwabin prayers, he would have dinner, attend to the letters addressed to him and dictate letters of advice. At 10 P.M he would go to the mosque for nightfall 'Isha' prayer and return home at around midnight. He would sleep for three hours. From 2 A.M till Fajr prayer he would be busy again with Tahajjud prayers. In short, he would rest for three hours and the rest of the 21 hours he would devote his religious practices. Prediction of his own death. When his contemporary Sayyid Muhammad Badshah Husaini died on 25 August, Abdullah Shah predicted that he too would die in two days. His prediction came true; and he died on 18th of Rabi' al-Thani, 1384 A.H. Or 1964 A.D., at the age of 92 years. The funeral procession was the largest of its kind in the history of Hyderabad, attended by more than two hundred and fifty thousand people. He is buried in Naqshbandi Chaman, Misri Gunj, Hyderabad, India. Works. Apart from Zujajat al-Masabih, he has written various books on diverse subjects, right from Salaat to Sulook. Fadhail Namaz- On the excellence and blessings of Salaat. Yousufnama- Known as Guldasta-e-Tareeqat as well. This is an exegesis (Tafseer) of the Surah Yousuf of the Quran. Qiyamatnama- On the trials and tribulations of the Day of Judgment. Merajnama- On the heavenly journey (Meraj) of the Muhammad Miladnama- On the Milad of Muhammad Gulzar Auliya- A brief introduction of the Elders of the Naqshbandi order of Tasawwuf.


Mawaiz Hasana, Volumes 1 and 2- The sayings and teachings of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan. Suluk-e-Mujaddidiya- A treatise on the teachings of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi order of Tasawwuf. Fadhail Ramadhan- On the excellence of the month of Ramadhan. Kitab ul Muhabbat- A treatise on the love of Allah. Ilaj Us Salikeen- A treatise on the spiritual diseases of the heart. Legacy. His spiritual and intellectual legacy are carried forward by his disciples and students. After him, his spiritual lineage was carried forward in the following way: His eldest son, Abul Barakaat Syed Khaleelullah Shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri. Khaleelullah's son and successor, Abul Khairaat Hadhrat Syed Anwarullah Shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri. The present successor of Abul Barakaat, Abul Faiz Hadhrat Syed Ataullah Shah Sahab Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri. The last song and present successor of Muhaddith-e-Deccan and the present Sajjada Nashin of Naqshbandi Chaman, Abul Khair Hadhrat Syed Rahmatullah Shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri. Apart from his sons, Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan has also authorized other persons to spread the teachings of Islam, who are carrying forward his legacy in their own way. Under the guidance of Abul Khair, Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri, Naib Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia started a research center, by name, Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center, which runs and manages the website, which is gradually uploading the works of Abdullah Shah. References.



1.Hazrath Abul Kharat Syed Anwarullah shah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Quadery(R.A) : Life History: Hazrath Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi :Grand Father of Hazrath Abul Kharat (R.A) Jaa... 2. 3.Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Biography, Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Biography. External links. A Lecture in Urdu by Abdullah Shah on "Disobedience to Allah and its relationship with the Heart and its ailments" A lecture on the Abdullah Shah's life and teachings by Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri, Shaykh Ul Fiqh Jamia Nizamia Works of Abdullah Shah at See also. Jamia Nizamia Zujajat al-Masabih Sadr Ush Shuyukh Syed Shah Tahir Razwi, Former vice-chancellor of Jamia Nizamia, famous for his exegesis of the Holy Quran. Barelwi List of Sufis List of Islamic studies scholars Hyderabad State Hadith.



1.2. Syedna Abu Baker Siddiq He was died in the city of Madina at the time between Maghreb (the sunset prayer) and Isha prayer time (the evening prayer) on 22 Jamidil Akhir in the year 13 Hijri when he was about 63 years old and his family name is known as Habib (friend). Upon his death as per his last advice his dead body was brought to the prophets holy mosque in Madina and it was kept before the mausoleum of Allahs last prophet and it was told Oh : Prophet of Allah this is Abu Baker who is presented here and who advised that if the door of the mausoleum will be opened automatically then he should be buried beside you otherwise he should be taken to the holy grave yard of Jannat-ul-Baqi (the sacred grave yard in Madina) for his burial there and but at that time the door of the mausoleum was automatically opened and all people who were present there heard a divine call in which it was told To bring habib (friend) near his Habib (friend ). Upon hearing this call they buried him beside the grave of Allahs last prophet in the holy mausoleum in Madina by grace of Allah .



3. Salman Farsi His status and position is very greatly as Allahs last prophet said about him which is as follows. Salman belongs to Ahle Bait. (Members of the holy prophet s family comprising Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Ali and their children). Salam Farsi has reported the tradition of holy prophet which is as follows. Oh : People should take the share from the world as much as the provision which is required for the horsemen for his journey. He used to say Oh: the lovers of the world think it and it is a very strange thing that you have longer lasting desire and wishes in the world but as a matter of fact the death is chasing you but you are careless one in this respect but the death is not careless in this matter. You are always living in the condition of happiness and pleasure so you never think whether your Lord is happy or angry with you. ? He was died in the year 33 Hijri during the caliphate of Usman Bin Afan when he was 250 old years . During his life period he has told Abdullah Bin Salam that among both of us one who ever will die first then he should come in the dream of another and reveal the details of things which will happen upon the death. Abdullah Bin Salam asked him what things a dead person can do and whether he can go into the dream of anybody.? So he has replied that yes a Muslim person can go anywhere in the earth and sky but non Muslim person upon his death will be kept in one place only. Abdullah bin Salam has reported that upon the death of Salman Farsi once he was sleeping and saw him in his dream and he (Salman) said Asslam Alaikum (peace be upon you) and he has replied him Wa Laikum Salam ( peace be upon you ) and he has asked him how Allah has blessed him.? And he replied that Allah granted his mercy and blessing. But two things which were helped him during the difficult situation which are as follows. 1. Tawakal (trust in Allah )


2. To accept willingly of Allah

4. Imam Qasim Bin Abu Baker Siddiq



There were seven Faqhies (jurists of Islamic law) during his time in Madina and he was one among them. He was a master in the following things and there was no other person like him in those days in the following things. 3. Sunnat (practice of the Allahs last prophet). 4. Scholar (a learned person). He was died in between Makkah and Madina in the year 106 Hijri during his journey for Hajj or Umra to Makkah .

5. Imam Jafer Sadiq He was born on 8th Ramadan in the year 83 Hijri.


His sayings are as follows. 1. To recite Istaghar (asking forgiveness from Allah) and for the thanks of grace (nemat) and for the increase of subsistence to say Lahool Wala Quwata Illah Billah ( there is no sway or strength save that of Allah) for the grant of any desire and wishes. He told Allah has ordered the world to become his slave so one should follow His servitude and one who will follow the world then in such case such person will be rejected by the World. He told Friends : to desire heaven without action is like to use the bow without an arrow . He used to recite the following prayer which is as always. Allahumma Aizzani Beatika Wala Taqzalni Beqasika Allahumma Arzuqtni Muwasta Min Fatarta Alaihe Rizaqaka Bema Wasat a Aliyya Min Fazllaka . He had died in Madina on 15th Rajab in the year 148 Hijri.

6. Ba Yazid Bustami Imam Jafer taught him great spiritual knowledge. One day he saw Allah in his dream and so he asked him Oh: The Lord of the worlds which


way one should follow to get the right path . And he has got reply that to leave the soul (nafas) so that one should reach the right path which leads towards Allah. Someone asked him how he had got knowledge of Allah (Marafat). He replied that he had got it with the help of following things. 1. With hungry stomach 2. With naked body Once he has said that people are afraid for the settlement of their accounts of deeds but he was used to pray Allah for the settlement of his account of deeds early. So the people asked him why it is so ?. He said it will be his great pleasure for him to settle his accounts of the deeds with Allah because He will ask him Ya Abadi (my slave) and I will reply Labaik (welcome) so in such situation a lover can see his beloved. He described love as follows. When the lover should think his many deeds are less and he should also think the beloveds some deeds as more and many . Somebody has seen him in the dream and has asked him what Allah has done with him.?. Then he told that upon his burial he was asked Oh : old man shows the things which you have brought here.? Then he told that when the beggars reach the court of royal kings and they are not asked what things they have brought with them there.? And he has heard a divine call in which it was told Yes, we have heard such things Oh : empty hand Fakir (beggar ) tell what do you need now .? He was died on 15th Shaban in the year 261 Hijri.

7. Abul Hasan Qarqani Ba Yazid taught him great spiritual knowledge. He was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time. He has said In the universe the best heart is that in which there is the remembrance of Allah is


available. Somebody has asked him how we can find the carefulness and carelessness of mans heart .?And he has replied When there is the remembrance of Allah is available to any person then he should feel fear of Allah from his head to his toe and in such case it is clear that the person is having a caring heart in his body and if there is no such case or if it is not the same situation then that the person is having carelessness of the heart in his body. He has said Not to live in the company of such persons when you say Allah Allah then they will ignore it and busy in the un-necessary and useless things. Shaikh Bu Ali Sena was also lived during his period. Also Mahmood of Gazni was lived during his time. He was advised Mahmood of Gazni about four things which are as follows. 1. Remember the favours which Allah did for you ,so you also do such favours for the others. 2. Always follow the commandments of Allah and traditions of the last prophet of Allah and keep away from the prohibited things. 3. Oh : Mahmood you are made of the soil so adopt your characters as soil because if you become the fire then you will be sent to the hell. 4. Oh : Mahmood , you always think about your every breath as it may be your last one and also never ignore your death at any time. He has searched a formula by his revelation (Kashaf) to find out the night of power (holy night occurring in the last ten days of Ramadan) and so those who want to find it during the month of Ramadan then they should refer the following chart which is as follows. If the month of Ramadan starts on these days then the night of power will occur on the below dates. But it is not mentioned in this chart if the month of Ramadan starts from Tuesday then, when the night of power will occur.? Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29 27 29 25 27 23


The above chart is also explained as follows. SECRET TREASURES CALCULATIONS: Arif-Billah Hadrat Khwaja Abul Hasan Qarqani (Rahmatullah Alahay) mentioned that he did not miss the Night of Power (Lail-a-tul Qadr) since his adolescence age based on the instruction/ quotations of Hadrat Imam Jafar Sadiq R.A. According to him, the night of Power will be on the following: If the first day of Ramadan starts on Monday, the night of Power will be on 27st Ramadan. If the first day of Ramadan starts on Saturday, the night of Power will be on 23rd Ramadan. If the first day of Ramadan starts on Thursday, the night of Power will be on 25th Ramadan. If the first day of Ramadan starts on Friday, the night of Power will be 27th Ramadan. If the first day of Ramadan starts on Wednesday or Sunday, the night of Power will be on 29th Ramadan.

Moulana Abdul Hai Farangi Mahli (Rahmatullah Alahay) has also mentioned in his book that he has implemented the above mentioned date and found they blessed with the Night of power.

He was died on 10th Muharram in the year 425 Hijri.

8. Abul Qasim Jurjani During his time there was no such great personality like him. His Islamic knowledge was so great so all Mashiq (learned persons) followed him.



9. Shaikh Abu Ali Farmadi He was great worshiper and mystic saint as well as a great preacher. He was the disciple of following great Sheikhs of his time. 1. Imam Abu Qasim Qaisheri. 2. Sheikh Abu Qasim Jurjani. In the last days he got spiritual favors from Sheikh Abdul Hasan Qarqani. He was died in the year 470 Hijri.



10. Khaja Yousuf Abu Yaqub Hamdani He was a great pious person and he belongs to Hanafi religion. He has got innermost favours from the following great Sheikhs. 4. Sheikh Abdul Quadir Jilani. 5. Sheikh Hasan Samnani. 6. Shaikh Abu Ali Faroni. He was born in the year 440 Hijri and was died in the year 535 Hijri and his grave is situated in Maru which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. There were his four caliphs after him. His great books are as follows. 1. Zenat al Hayat. 2. Manazil Salikin. 3. Manazil Sairin.


11. Khaja Abdul Khaliq Ghajidwani He belongs to the sons of Imam Malik and he was a great mystic saint of his time. He was perfect in the following things. 1. Knowledge of manifest. 2. Knowledge of innermost. His mother s genealogy tracing back to the royal family of Roman Kingdom. Before his birth Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) has informed his father that a great holy saint will be born in his family. Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) has advised him for Zikar Qalbi ( remembrance of Allah by heart). So Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) was his great teacher and also in the company of Khaja Yousuf Hamdani he has learnt many knowledges .



There were many miracles which were done by him and among them one miracle is mentioned as follows. Despite of his long distance of residence from the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah he was used to attend all five congregational prayers daily in the Holy Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah without fail. His famous teachings are as follows. 1. The Student should learn the knowledge of Islamic religion. 2. To follow Taqwa ( pity or fear of Allah) in all situations compulsorily. 3. To follow the traditions of Allahs last holy prophet and the teachings of holy saints who were passed away from the world. 4. Never leave the rules and regulations of the Sunnat Jamat ( followers of the prophet). 5. To ignore always the illiterate Sufi (mystic) persons. 6. To attend always the five congregational prayers in the mosque daily and ignore the job of the Imam of (leader) mosque and Moazan (one who shouts the call to prayer). 7. To ignore always the fame because there are many problems with it. 8. Not to accept any post and always lives at the un-known condition. 9. Do not represent in the government departments and do not sponsor anybody and not to support any persons and ignore always the kings and wealthy persons and officers. 10. Do not construct the shrines and not to sit there. 11. Do not hear ecstasy and but do not reject it. 12. Eat less, sleep less, talk less and ignore the people just like the human beings who will ignore the tigers. 13.Always live in loneliness and solitude and ignore the following. Boys, women, bidati (innovator in religion), singers, proud persons, and public reward. 14.Always to eat halal (legal) food and ignore such things which are doubtful and haram (Illegal). 15. Do not marry otherwise you will follow the worldly pleasure and happiness. 16. Avoid laughing and ridicule which will cause the death of the heart. 17. Be kind to all and never de-grade the other persons.


18. Do not keep the outside appearance good as it will show a fault in the innermost. 19. Do not fight with the people and do not demand anything from them. 20. Do not take service from others and do service to the elders and respect them greatly. 21. Do not get deceived by the world and the people. 22. Always live in condition from the sad heart. 23. He preferred the following things. Old and ill body, weeping eyes, good actions, sincere prayers, old dress, good and true friend, to own capital of poverty, like mosque as home, and friendship of Allah. His eleven sayings are well known and they are in practice of the Chistia Order of the Sufism which are as follows. 1. Woof Qalbi (discernment with heart), it meant not to be negligent at the time of Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and be careful at that time. 2. Woof Adadi, it means when there is Zikar (remembrance of Allah ) with help of Habas dam (holding the breath ) then breath at the Taq (odd) number. 3. Woof Zamani, it means to watch every moment of life and be grateful if it is spent in the worship and if it is spent in sins then beg pardon of Allah in this matter. 4.Hush Warum, it means to use every breath in Zikar (remembrance) of Allah. 5.Nazra Barqadam, to walk on the way while keeping head down and keep your sight at your backside. 6.Safar Dar Watan, to leave Sifat Bashriya (greed and desires ) and follow Sifat Malikya (angelic qualities ) and follow the worship and Tasbih (glorification of Allah). 7.Khilwat Dar Anjuman, it means while living with mankind but in that condition do not leave Batin (innermost ) with Allah. 8.Yad Karo, it means to leave carelessness with the help of Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of the tongue or Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of the heart.



9.Baz Gast, it means during Zikar ( remembrance of Allah), praying for the grant of Maqsad (goal ), willingness , knowledge and love of Allah. 10.Nighadast, it means not to reveal the condition and mysteries . 11.Yaddast, it means to be away from carelessness without endeavour and without work and to be busy in condition and mysteries and not to think about self-consciousness and selflessness and such status which will be available with the holy saints of Allah who will leave the world for the sake of love of Allah. He was died in the year 575 Hijri and his grave is available in Ghajdwan.

12 . Khaja Arif Rivkari He was perfect saint in the following things. 1. Knowledge. 2. Halam (toleration). 3. Zuhad (ascetic). 4. Taqwa (pity or fear of Allah ). 5. Worship. 6. Riyazat ( mystic exercise). 7. Sunnat ( practice ) of Allahs last prophet. He has lived for a long period. Till the life of Shaikh Abdul Khaliq he was with him in his service. Upon the death of above Sheikh he was busy for a long period in the preaching and helping the persons towards the right path of Allah. He was died in the year 715 Hijri and his grave is situated in village of Rivker which is near the city area of Bukhara.



13. Khaja Mahmud Anjir Fagoni He was always busy in Zikar (remembrance of Allah) with Jahri (loud voice) and he was very interested in it. So some person asked him the reason for it. So he said the following. Oh : Allah I desire You only so grant me your willingness, love and forgiveness. To wake up the heart of sleepy person and to alert the careless one. He said the following. Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of Jahri (loud voice) is good for the person who will not follow the following things. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Falsehood. Backbiting. Illegal food. Doubtful goods. Riya (pretense) of heart. To keep away from other than Allah. He was died in the year 717 Hijri.


14 . Khaja Azizan Rameti Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by fountain of life) has informed him that Khaja Mahmood Anjir is great Sheikh of his time. So when he was come to know the above details so he went into his service for the whole time basis and never left him. He did many strange miracles which are known to all. During his time Rukunuddin Alaudullah Samani was also a great Sheikh of his time and who was always busy in Zikar (remembrance of Allah ) of Jahri (loud voice). But he has advised the following Zikar (remembrances) to the persons. For the disciples of Mubtadi (new) he has advised for the Zikar ( remembrance) of Jahri ( loud voice). For the disciples of Muntahi (old) he has advised for the Zikar (remembrance) of Khafi ( hidden). Somebody has asked him what is Eman (faith)?. So he has replied to leave the world and to approach the right path towards Allah. His sayings are as follows. To control the conscience while talking and eating time as during this time these things will be become out of control.



Once he had told that If at the time of Mansur , Abdul Khaliq Ghajdani would have his spiritual sons, then they would have saved him from the hanging. Once he has said that Since Azal (beginning) the law of Shariat Islamic law was enforced . So in this matter if there will any objection of this clarification then one should refer the following command which is instructed by Allah in the holy Quran which is as follows. Is I am not your Lord? And all of them replied no doubt You are our Lord. It is the fact that since Azel (eternity), the world of Shariat (Islamic law) was started and in this matter there is no doubt. So for following question of Allah it was replied with the answer which is mentioned as follows. Is I am not your Lord?. And all of them replied No doubt You are our Lord. Since the time of Abed (eternity) , the world of Haqiqat (truth) was started and in this matter there is no doubt. So for this reason nobody answered for Liman Mulkul Yaum (Whose is king today ). In the following poetry lines translation , the benefits upon his death which is mentioned as follows. Upon his death, one who will visit his grave in Ramtin for the fulfillment of desires and then wishes he will help anybody in this matter. He was died at the age of 130 years. His grave is situated in Khwarizam and which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes.



15. Khaja Mohammed Baba Samasi He used to advise his first caliph Khaja Amir Kalan that Khaja Bahauddin Naqasbandi will be born soon so he has instructed him to take care of his spiritual training and education. He used to tell Oh : persons take care of your heart from the useless persons because in their company the heart will become useless. He was died in the year 577 Hijri and his grave is available in Samas village.



16 . Khaja Syed Amir Kalal When he was in the womb of his mother and for this reason she will feel severe pain in his stomach in case if she would eat any doubtful food item. Due to experiencing this problem she will use to take care in this matter and eat only Halal ( legal) food. Due to the kind attention of Baba Sahib he was attained very great status and position so for this reason he has left behind 114 caliphs after him. He died on Thursday during the prayer time on 8th Jamidal Awwal in the year 772 Hijri and his grave is situated in Soqar village.



17. Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband He was born in the month of Muharram in the year 718 Hijri. Since his childhood there were many miracles done by him. He was famous in the following things. 5. 6. 7. 8. Traiqat (the mystic way). Haqiqat ( the truth). Shariat ( Islamic law). Sunnat ( practice) of the last prophet of Allah .

Genealogy tracing back to Khaja Bahauddin Naqasband. 1. Khaja Bahauddin Naqashband. 2. Syed Mohammed Bukhari. 3. Syed Jalaluddin Syed Burhan uddin. 4. Syed Abdullah. 5. Zainul Abdin. 6. Syed Qasim. 7. Syed Shaban. 8. Syed Burhan uddin. 9. Syed Mahmood. 10.Syed Balaq 11.Syed Taqi Sufi Khalwati. 12. Syed Fakher uddin . 13. Syed Ali Akbar 14. Syed Imam Hasan Askari 15. Syed Imam Ali Naqi


16. Syed Imam Mohammed Taqi. 16. Syed Imam Musa Raza. 17. Syed Imam Musa Kazim. 18. Syed Imam Jafar Sadiq. He was followed the religion of Imam Abu Hanifa and many of the Mashiqs (learned persons) of the Naqshbandiya Sufi Order have also followed Imam Abu Hanifa. He has got spiritual knowledge from Khaja Mahmood Baba Siamese and has got a spiritual education from Amir Kalal and he also has got spiritual knowledge from Abdul Khaliq Ghadjwani . From Khaja Mahmood Anjir to Khaja Amir Kalal all of were great masters of the Naqshbandiya Sufi Order and all of them followed Zikr ( remembrance of Allah) of Jhari (loud voice ) and Khafi (hidden). But during the period of Khaja Baha uddin Naqshbandi , Abdul Khaliq khadjwanis spirit has instructed him to discontinue Zik ar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri (loud voice ) and to continue only Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Khafi ( hidden). So from that time he was adopted Zikar Khafi (hidden method of remembrance of Allah ) and so he has instructed his followers of this great chain in this matter. Somebody has asked Shah Naqshband that there is no Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri ( loud voice) or Khilwat ( sitting in solitude ) in your Sufi Order so please explain on which rules and regulations your order depend upon it ?, so in this matter he has explained the following details. That to live with mankind in the Zahri ( manifest ) way but do not leave Batin ( innermost) with Allah. Once he saw a chameleon who was very busy watching the suns shining beauty so he sat before him with respect and told him Oh : the lover of sun your love is so great. So you pray Allah for the following things which you have possess with you in your love with the sun so that such following things will be available with me for my love of Allah. 1.Shahud (deponent). 2.Istgfrar (attention).


So that with the help of above these two things he can get the love of Allah. Upon his request the chameleon turned his face towards him and saw him and he has stood there and prayed for him while looking at the sky for the longest time. When the chameleon was praying he was saying Amin (amen). Since that time there has been improvement of his Mushada (observation ) to a great extent. So think about his great position of selflessness and which was same like a pious person (arif) and who like a Mustaqi (a patient who suffer from thirst) and upon giving him everything still he will feel thirsty. He followed the sunnat (practice) of Allahs last prophet in the complete way. He used to recite day and night Rabi Zidni Elman ( Oh : Allah increase me in knowledge ) He was died on 3rd Rabil Awwal in the year 791 Hijri. His grave is situated in Qasar Arfan which is near from Bukhara.



18. Khaja Alauddin Attar He was married with the daughter of Khaja Bahauddin Naqshaband and Khaja Sahib used to like him very much. He was very perfect in all knowledges and his excellence is famous . To keep away from Ruwant (pride) of Mavliyat ( Muslim priest ) he was instructed him to sell the grapes in the bazaar. Khaja Sahib used to ask him always to sit near him and he always used to take care of his heart. So the people asked him what is the reason in this matter?. So he replied that Wolf of the Nafas (soul) is always looking to attack the man so for this reason he used to take care of him in this matter for his protection. To keep away from dangers, Khaja Sahib has instructed the following things. To think about his master at the time of danger and if there is no result of it then he should breath three times deeply and think that he is keeping away dangers from the mind and recite the following prayers three times and its translation is as follows. Oh : Allah I ask for your forgiveness for such things which are not liked by you and which are mentioned as follows. 1. Sayings. 2. Deeds. 3. Hearing. 4. Looking. 5. Power to do good deeds. 6. The power to escape from sins. Astafirallah Min Jamiu Ma Karra Allah Qawat Wa Fellan Wa Khataran Saamia Wa Naziran La Hawaool Wa Quwata Illa Billah and say Feyamal many times. Aladdins caliph Khaja Abdullah Imami said If there is no benefit from this for the protection of dangers then continue Zikar (remembrance of Allah) of La IIaha IIlah in heart and at the time of Zikar ( remembrance of Allah) then one should think in mind about La Majud Illalh. So the dangers which are there Majud (present) will be


going away from La (no). If also there will no protection from the dangers then continue La ilah ill with Zikar Jahri ( remembrance of Allah in a loud voice). Khaja Abdullah said If there will more silent than the relation (with Allah ) will be more and so it will become more powerful. The disciple should not be angry with anybody and in case of any problem of anger and in that situation he should take a bath with the cold water and if there is any problem with cold water then he should use hot water. The cold water is good for the cleansing of the heart. After taking bath as per above method then he should wear thin clothes and pray two rakats (one rakat is equal to one set of standing, genulexion and prostration in prayer) in the vacant house and pray Allah with sincerity for keeping away from the danger as per above the mentioned method. Khaja Bahauddin has instructed Aladdin to pray the following prayer at the time of commencement of any new work. The prayers are mentioned as follows. Allahumma Tan Wajhi Wa Fe kulli wajhi Wa Maqsadi Fe Lulli Maqsadi Wa Gasini Fe Kulli saie Wama Yuqai Wa Malazi Wa Kulli Shidati Wa Hum Wa Wakili Amrin Wa Tu Wallini Tawalli Mubadin Was Enayatihe Fe Kulli Hal. Its translation is mentioned as follows. Oh : Allah in my every deeds my attention will be there towards you only . Always I will desire and look at You only. In my every deed I seek your help. In every difficulty and easiness I look at You only . For my every work I seek your help and attention in this matter. I seek always your love and favour for me. His sayings are too many and some of them are mentioned which are as follows. 1. To work hard to obtain Tafiz (delegation of powers) and Taslim (acceptance ) and this is best condition. 2. To make Quran as the constitution of your life and to love Allah as per the innermost (Batin) way during the day and night. 3. Those who visited the graceful graves of the holy saints of Allah so at that time they should keep their attention towards Allah and with such attention towards Allah, they are able to get desires and wishes


fulfilled through Wasel (mediation) of the spirit of the holy saints of Allah. 4. The passion which is available with the help of negative and positive feelings but with the help of Maraqaba ( meditation) the passion which is available soon and such condition is not possible with negative and positive feelings. 5. Everybody knows the benefits of silence, but they will not act upon it. It is also the fact that many people did not know the ways of Saluk (mystic initiation). Dear friends when you follow silence then do not allow your heart without any work and control it from the dangers and doubts. If zikar (remembrance of Allah) of heart will commence then the heart will start Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and in such case you sit silently and hear the same. In the above situation the condition of the heart will be as follows. Sometimes the person will be in the height of high mountains and sometimes there will be no information for him about his foot and backside of his body. 6. During this present time Halal (legal) means of earning is possible from the business as well as from the occupation of the agriculture. 7. There will be increase of intelligence of next world in the company of pious persons and in the company worldly people there will be chances of the increase of economic sources but the intelligence of the next world will be helpful and useful in the other world upon the death. 8. Upon becoming the disciple one should visit his master on a daily basis without fail and present himself there with great respect and attention. If there is distance then he should send letters to him for every two months and mention his condition in it. Always one should busy towards him by the way of the innermost (Batin). During the period of his illness before his death he has told the following advices which are as follows. That world where we will go upon of our death is better and finer than this world.



Oh : it is sad that upon my death some friends will come here and will not find me and so for this reason they will feel the sadness in this matter and returned back from here helplessly. Oh : people leave tradition of the customs, public habits and for which Allahs last prophet and his companion came into the world to prohibit these things. 1. To act upon Azmiyat (intention). 2. Do not leave any tradition of the last prophet of Allah. 3. To act upon Wasya ( advice) completely. If you will not follow the above things then you will be in a difficult situation. Upon saying the above things he started saying La Ilha Illah in a loud voice . In his last time he saw Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband clearly and he has said something to him and also heard his instructions. He was died after Eisha ( the evening prayer) prayer on Wednesday on th 4 Rajab in the year 802 Hijri. His grave is situated in Noman village which is near Hisar city area. Upon his death one great holy saint saw in his dream in which he explained the following things that the last prophet of Allah has granted his permission which is as follows. That those who will be buried near his grave and if the distance will be 100 Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km ) and for such persons he will recommend for them . Baba Aladdin will recommend for those persons who will be buried near his grave and if the distance will be 40 Farsang (one Farsang = 6.24 km ) and also those who are his disciples and his followers will also recommend for those persons who will buried near their graves and if the distance will be one Farsang (one Farsang =6.24 km ) from their graves.

19. Khaja Yaqub Charqi



He was perfect in the knowledges of Zaheri (manifest) and Batani (innermost). He was a disciple of Khaja Bahauddin and under his service and his spiritual training he has passed many stages of Saluk (mystic initiation). At the time of death of Khaja Sahib was telling him to go into the service of Aladdin and complete and get mastery in the stages of Saluk (mystic initiation). As per instructions of Khaja Sahib he was going into the service of Aladdin and later he got his caliphate. He was died in the year 751 Hijri and his grave is situated in village Halaftu which is in the city area of Hisar.

20. Khaja Obaidullah Ahrar There was passion (Jazba) on his father before four months when he was come into the womb of her mother. When the pregnancy (Hamal) was developed then such condition was becoming less. His grandfather has given all things of Velayat (saintliness) to him. Since childhood he has got a relation of Huzur (presence) and May eats (company) with Allah. He was used to say that since adulthood he was used to think that everybody will have such condition of Huzuri (presence) with Allah. But at a later stage he came to know that those who are lucky and fortunate person only will have such condition with Allah to have Huzuri (presence ) and Mayeat (company). But other persons are not able to have such grand and great position with Allah. He never accepted gifts and presents from anybody or sincere persons. He said due to Kashf (revelation ) of graves, the spirit of grave person will come out in the shape of Tashkal (change) instead of Surat of Mashalia (original) and Satan has got this ability of power of Tashakal (change) so in such case it is difficult to differentiate whether it is grave


persons shape or it is Satan?. So for this reason in the Sufi Order of Naqshbandia this method is ignored and instead of this they conduct Maraqaba (meditation ) while sitting near the grave and while leaving all connections and conditions to watch the Zahurs (presence) condition and with this they will able to know about the grave persons details and information which are required by them. To know about the details of living (alive) unknown (Ajnabi) person they also apply the above method in this matter. His great sayings are as follows. 1. There are two kinds of flavors of Allah. A. For the general persons , the grace is granted to them despite of their sins and faults. B. For the special persons their condition is not disturbed despite of their mistakes. 2. Friends, try to avoid for Nikah (marriage) and if any persons has pressure from his Nafas (soul ) then in such case recite Astagfar (beg pardon of Allah) in this matter. And if there is no benefit from the above method then he should move in such place where there is no women will be available. If still there will no benefit in this matter of the above method, so to keep always fasts and eat less food and so in this way to control sex pressure in this matter. If there will be still more pressure of sex by the following above different methods and if also there is no control on it than one should visit the graveyard and say Oh : my Nafas (soul) see all of them who were once living in the world and they are now in the soil. There were used to live in this world in the shape of beautiful and lovely moon like maidens and where they are now ? And where their lovely actions and deeds had gone. ? They are now living in a corner of their graves in lonely condition. Now also the men of the past do not have beautiful and lovely maidens and their lovely connections. Due to their Nikah (marriage) which had caused the difficulties and problems in the world and if they would have a spiritual connection with the holy saints then they will have great positions in their graveyards. In the graveyards there are so many holy saints are buried there so we should take their help to avoid Nikah (marriage ) and so in this matter


we will able to get their help from their holy graves. If still there is thought of Nikah (marriage ) in your mind then in such case you can get help from living holy saint in this matter and they will decrease your pressure of sex so in this way you will have light pressure instead of high pressure for your Nikah (marriage ) . 3. The disciple should always take care for the actions and Zikar (remembrance ) of Allah and not to think about Huzur (presence ) and Jamit (peace) as Huzr (presence ) and Jamit (peace ) is reward from Allah and it is rare and it out of reach of the persons. But actions and Zikar (remembrance ) of Allah are Kasbi (skills) and it is within the reach of the persons. But due to the following actions and Zikar (remembrance ) of Allah which will lead us towards Huzur (presence ) and Jam it (peace). So one day with the help of the actions and Zikar (remembrance ) of Allah one can get Huzur (presence ) and Jamit (peace ) surely. 4. If you find these three signs in anybody then you can think them as the holy saints of Allah . When you look upon them , then you will have attraction and love towards them. When they talk , you will have much attraction and attention so that you feel not to leave their company and sit there with them for the unlimited time. They never commit any worse and worse things and also they will not do any useless deeds. 5. The Quran, the tradition of the last prophet , Fiqh (Islamic law) and the Khulasa (synopsis) of the above three things is called Sufism and Sufisms Khulasa (synopsis) is Wahdit al-Wajud (unity of existence ) and this is not gain merely by talking. But it can be attained by cleansing everything and Naqash (impression) from the mirror of the heart which prevail in it and by becoming like the verse of the Holy Quran and the details which are followed. As per Quranic verse Tabtil Alay Tabtila (devote thyself to him whole-heartedly) and while keeping away from all and to approach only towards Allah and after these stages the persons heart will be cleaned and it will be controlled and will become shining and then automatically there will be a possibility of availability of problem of Wahdat Wajud (unity of existence ) and it will be visible in it clearly.


6.At the time of cooking of foods, the food maker should not be careless about Yad (remembrance) of Allah. And also he should not be angry with another person. Ignore sexual and useless talking . With Huzur (presence ) of Qalab (heart ) and with cleanliness, cook the food so that food will enter into the stomach and it will become Noor (light) there and also it will enlighten the heart. If the food which is prepared without taking care of the above matters then such food will bring darkness and Kudrat (ill-will) in the heart. 7. If we take the help of any perfect person then there will be good results and upon acting such directions from him and which will lead us towards the highest level of status . 8. With the help of Riyazat (mystic exercise ) it is difficult task to remove the bad (Roya) character . So apply Iltizam (being necessary) for Batini (innermost ) actions and see its results. So there will be good results there suddenly and which will remove the bad (Roya) manners. 9. To keep away from bad (Khater) manners and sexual desires (Muqatiziat Tibbya) so in such cases to follow such instructions of good deeds which were given by holy saints of the Sufi Order of Naqasbandiya. It means to avoid Nikah (marriage) and in such case Allah is enough. Or considering our humility and our helplessness and to approach towards Allah with sincerity so in this way we will keep away from this difficulty and problem or to take the help of the innermost and courage of the sheikh in this matter to ignore this problem . This last method is best from all other methods. 10. Axel method, to clear unnecessary thorns of doubts and thinking from the heart. 11.In the Islamic law it is must follow the commandments of Zaheri (manifest). In the Tariqat (mystic way of life ) it is must to have satisfaction and peace of the innermost (Batin). The perfection of satisfaction and peace of the innermost (Batin) is called Haqiqat (reality). 12.Masq Surat (mutilated form ) is no more available in the Ummat (nation) of the last prophet of Allah but Masq Batin (mutilated innermost ) is still available and its two kinds are as follows.


A. Not to approach Allah for Kabira (major) sins. B. Not to censure the Nafas (soul). In the above two matters If someone will give them instructions but there is no effect on them and these are two signs of a mutilated form of the innermost. 13.Nikah is like a Bedi (shackle) so always keep away from it and which stops the perfection of the innermost (Batin Sair). 14. Truth (Haqiqat) of the worship and it will not available with Khuzu (humility ), sincerity and Tazre (supplication ). So there should be greatness of Allah in the heart and so Azmat ( greatness ) of Allah will not be available without the love of Allah. And love of Allah will be not possible without following the Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah and prophets knowledge of Islam. So we should follow such learned persons (Mashiqs) who are Waris (successors) of the knowledge of Islamic religion. Try to keep away from such learned persons (Mashiqs) who is using their knowledge of the worldly benefits and status. Also keep away from such Sufies (mystic persons ) who are interested in the dance and society and for this reason they are not concerned about the legal or illegal matters and accepts whatever come before them. He was died in the year 893 Hijri in the month of Rabial Awwal and his grave is situated in Samarqand city in locality of Kafshir which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there.

21. Khaja Mohammed Sharaf uddin Zahed He was the great caliph of Khaja Obaid Ullah Ahrar and he was perfect in knowledge of Zhari (manifest ) and Batini (innermost ). He was also perfect in the following things. 1. Fakhar (indigence ). 2. Tajrid (solitude).


3. 4. 5. 6.

Ware (abstinence). Taqwa (piety). Zuhad (mysticism). Sunnat (tradition) of last prophet of Allah.

He was busy in the worship of Allah for many years without any sleep during the nights. So he was great the sheikh as per his name and fame. He was perfect in Haq (truth), Zahed (mystic), and Reyazat (mystical exercise). As he was very perfect in the above things so he has completed all things in the first sitting in the company of Khaja Obaidullah Ahrar and upon obtaining the Qirqa (saintly dress) and permission he has left for his country. He was died in the year 936 Hijri and his grave is available in Waqsha village near city area of Hissar which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there.

22. Khaja Mohammed Darwesh He was first trained in the company of Khaja Obaid ullah Ahrar but later he was trained completely and got caliphate in the company of Khaja Zahed. He was perfect in the knowledge of Zaheri (manifest) and Batini (innermost) knowledge and also he knew the secrets (Ramouz) of these knowledges in the best possible manner of ( Suri and Manvi) extrinsic


and intrinsic ways . He was famous in the following things .

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1. Jazb (attraction). 2. Istarq (engrossment). 3. Shauq and Zauq ( fondness). 4. Saqa and Atta (Charity and bounty). 5. Perfection in training and preaching of the disciples. 6. He was a master in explanation of Quranic verses. 7. His style of teaching of Saluk (mystic initiation) was great and perfect. He was died in the year 970 Hijri and his grave is situated in Amkani village which is in the city area of Kush .

23 . Khaja Moulana Khjagi Mohammed Amaknagi He was disciple of Mohammed Zaher and was trained by him. But he was completing the stages of Sufism under the guidance of his father Khaja Dwaresh. He was perfect in the following things. 1. Perfect Sufi saint.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Great Mashiq (learned person) of Zaheri (manifest ) knowledge. Great Zahed (mystic). Great Abed (worshipper). Great Zakir (one who remembers Allah ). He was famous for many of his miracles and Khuariq (marvels). He used to keep himself always hidden and away from the mankind. 8. Without Istaqara (augury) he never accepted the enrollment of the new disciples for their training and preaching work. He has sent his message to his caliph Khaja Mohammed Baqi Billah which is as follows. I am remembering every moment about my death and I do not know what will happen to me in the future. I do not want separation from Allah and I need this only and for other things I do not care in this matter and also I do not care to look for them. He was died in the year 110 Hijri and his grave is situated in Amkana village which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there.

24. Khaja Khjagan Khaja Mohamed Baqi Billah His fathers is name is Qazi Abdul Salam and he was born in the year 972 Hijri in the city of Kabul. Since childhood there had been indications on his face showing the strong feeling of his love (Jazba) of Allah. In the company of Mohammed Sadiq Halwai he has become perfect in the knowledge of Zaheri (manifest). Later he became disciple of


Shaikh Khaja Obaid Ullah and learned the teachings of Sufism but when he feels no satisfaction with him then he has approached Shaikh Iftakhar and became his disciple. Upon not getting satisfaction from him also he went to see Amir Obedaid ullah and become his disciple but he was also not satisfied with him and so he was searching for any perfect master to guide him towards the height of Sufism and he saw a dream in which he saw himself becoming the disciples of Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband so from that day he was starting his search for the perfect master of the Sufi Order of Naqshbadi . So in his search he was reached to Kashmir and saw Shaikh Baba Wali Kubrawi Naqshandi and he was benefited greatly upon his spiritual training there and he has got manifestation of Gubiat (knowing hidden things) and during his training period the sheikh was died so he was very sad and helpless in this matter due to the above reason. During that period he has met Moulana Khajgi Amkangi and he has become his slave and the sheikh took him in the lonely place and taught him for three days continuously and due to the grace of Allah he was becoming perfect there in his company . One day the sheikh has instructed him to proceed to India so that with his presence there the Sufi Order of Naqhshbandi will be developed and will reach at its great heights there. As in his personality, there was great sincerity in him so for this reason he has told him in this matter about his helplessness. So for this reason sheikh told him for the Istaqara (augury). Upon Istaqara it was revealed in Alam Roya (in the dream) that in India there is a great holy saint Mujaddid Alif Thani who will be available for his company and who will help him in this matter. His perfect will be completed through his help and both will help each other and will have too much love and affection in between them. As per his spiritual masters instructions he was proceeding towards India for his preaching mission there and he was staying in Lahore city and after great benefits to the people there he went to Delhi where many people become his disciples and followers. In Delhi Fort of Ferozia there is a better natural resort in which there is a big canal and which flows from there and a big mosque is also


available and as the resort has beautiful location so for this reason which attracts large numbers of people . As the holy saints like such above places greatly so he liked this place and he was settled down there and lived there till his life. He was perfect in the following things. 1. Interest. 2. Wajd (ecstasy). 3. Hall (ecstasy). 4. Knowledge of Allah. 5. Haqiqat (truth). Despite of his above great merits he was very sincere and simple in the nature so he used to sit on the earth without mat or bedding and clothes. And he thinks himself not fit for the preaching work. He was very kind to the mankind. Once a cat slept on his blanket and so he stood near his bed till morning in the severe cold night and not disturbed the cat from his blanket. There was too much (Esar) selflessness in him and there was no limit on it in this matter. If there will any mistake by any of his disciples then he used to say that it was his mistake which reflected in his. In the worship and dealings he used to take too much Ihatiat ( too much care). And for this reason in the beginning being follower of Hanafi religion he used to recite himself Qirat ( recitation of the holy Quran ) behind the Imam (leader) in the mosque. One night he saw in his dream Imam Abu Hanifa and who told him that many great holy persons followed his religion. So he has understood Imam Abu Hanifs Tariz (objection) and discontinued reciting Quran behind the Imam (leader) in the mosque. One day he went to one place and prayed two rakats ( two sets of standing , genuflexion and prostration in prayers ) and said this soil will touch his Daman (edge) of his shirt and he saw Obdaid ullah Ahrar in his dream and who put on shirt on him. In the morning he has explained his dreams that if possible he will be recovered from the illness otherwise the shirt which he was seen in his dream will refer as his


Kafan (shroud). He was died due to illness on 25th Jamad Awwal and his grave is available in Delhi and this place is situated where there are relics (Asar Mubarak) of Allahs last prophet are available.

25. Mujadadid Alif Thani Sheikh Ahmed Faruqi Naqashbandi As per his inheritance he belongs to Faruqi family and he was direct 28 th descendent of Hazrat Omer Bin Qatab and in his genealogy line there were many great holy personalities and Islamic learned persons were born and did great endeavours for the preaching and propagation work of Islam . To write the details about the works and achievements of members of their family is not easy and will need many volumes to describe. In this chapter brief details are mentioned and which are as follows. He was born on 971 G in the city of Sarhind. When he was still young then Shaikh Shah Kamal Quadri predicted that he will have a long life and he will become great learned person and as well as a great Shaikh of his time. At the time of his death the sheikh asked the boy to suck his tongue so from that time there was inspired of the Sufi Order of Quaderia on him. Since his childhood he has great status with him so anybody who will look at him and used to say that he will become a great pious personality of his time. He has got many knowledges from his father and after this he went to Sialkot and approached Moulana Mohammed Kamal Kashimri and Moulana Yaqub Kashmiri and he had learned


many knowledges there and he got a certificate in prophets traditions from Qazi Bahlul Badhkshi. During his time there was no person like him as he had become a great master in many knowledges. He got khilafat (caliphate) and permission in the Sufi Order of Chistiaya and Quaderiya from his father. When he reached at the age of 17 years, he was become perfect in Batini (innermost) and Zaheri (manifest ) knowledge and he was beginning the teaching and preaching work of students and disciples in Batini (innermost )and Zaheri (manifest) knowledge and he was busy in these works for a long time. During the above period he had written the following booklets. 1. Magazine (Risla) Tehlia. 2. Magazine (Risala) Rad Rawafiz. At that time there was a great power of Rawafiz (Shia ) people but due to his courage and his right path of truth he was not afraid of them and he wrote the above magazines against them. Despite of his great ability and status he was anxious to join the Sufi Order of Naqshibaniya connection. He was also anxious to visit the Holy Harem (grand mosque) in Makkah but his father due to his love and affection was not allowing him to proceed on a long journey of Makkah. When his father died in the 1007 Hijri so he was proceeding to Makkah in the year 1008 Hijri for Hajj pilgrimage via Delhi and there he met Khaja Mohammed Baqi Billah and he was staying there for a period for two days and he has requested him to accept him his disciple so Baqi Billah was accepted him as his disciple without checking by Istagara (augury) and included him as disciple in the great circle of his chain. He (Baqi Billah) told him that long time ago he has seen a dream and its interpretation was given by Khajagi Amaknagi that some great Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) will be getting Faiz (favor) by him. So he finds all marks in him which were explained by Baqi Billah and he told him that he will be next Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time. After this he has completed the following things in the perfect style


of the Sufi Order of Naqshbandiya. 1. Worship. 2. Mujahidat (endeavors). 3. Daily recitals. 4.Maraqaba (meditation). In the short time of two months and some days there was great progress in him in the following things. 1.Ulum ladina (inspired knowledge). 2.Marif Yaqina ( knowledge of convincing proof). 3.Israr Vilayat (mysteries of saintliness). 4. Higher the status. 5.Anwar Fuzat ( favour). 6.Barkat Ilahi (grace of Allah). For the above reasons there was great progress of the above things with him so the great masters of Islamic religion were surprised in this matter and they said it is the grace of Allah that such favour is granted by Him to anyone whoever He likes. And then upon getting permission of caliphate he was returned back to his country. On his arrival there were many knowledge seekers who came to visit him and were benefitted greatly by him. He belongs to both the Sufi order of Chistiya and Sufi order of Quaderia but he was much interested in the preaching and propagation of the Sufi Order of Naqshibandiya. His condition become as such that Momen (Muslim ) and Masqi ( thirsty ) persons were used to like him very much and have his love in their hearts and the Fajir (sinful) and unfortunate persons were used to dislike and have enmity with him. Shaikh Abdul Haque was became his admirer and used to say the above saying about him. Shah Wali ullah also praised him too much . His miracles are too many and difficult to mention all of them. Once he has accepted one invitation of eating food at a particular occasion at ten places and by grace of Allah he was present in all ten places and eat the food at the same time as per schedule time. During the reign of Mughal King Jahangir he was imprisoned for


saying Kalmia Haq (Muslim creed of truth). But During his imprisonment he was used to attend congregational prayers on Friday despite of strict police security arrangements and policemen were unable to know when he will go outside and come back in again in the prison. When the king himself saw his miracle and was becoming his admirer and begged for his pardon for his great mistake. When he was freed from the prison then there were many prisoners who were converted into great persons of Islamic knowledge and many become great pious persons due to his hard endeavours during the time of his imprisonment. His great miracle was his Istaqamat ( firmness) of the Shariat (Islamic law). Once he wrote to somebody that if someone who flies in air and walks on the water but if leave any Mustshab (desirable) thing then he is nothing like a small barley of grain before Allah and the holy saints of Sufi Order of Naqhbandiya. He was too much interested to follow the Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah .So when became 50 years old then he was used to say that his age will not be more than 63 years. So he will leave this world at the age of 63 years and he was died at the same age. In the month of Muharram of 1034 Hijri he told that he will leave this world after 50 days and he was shown his burial place. He advised his sons to keep his burial place in secret so for this reason they became very upset and sad in this matter. Then he told them to bury him near his fathers grave and make his grave as per requirement of Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah so that it will finish soon. He was used to sleep in the desirable way and used to put his hand under his cheek and he was used to sleep on the right side .He was died on 27th Safar on 1034 Hijri. He was told he did many good deeds but once he prayed two Rakats (two sets of standing, genuflexion and prostration in prayers ) which helped him at this time. While saying about Salat (prayer ) as above his soul left to the spiritual world. The prayer (Salat ) is linked of all holy prophets of Allah.


26. Khaja Mohammed Masum He was born in the year 1009 Hijri. He was the third son of Imam Rabbani. Imam Rabbani has praised his higher qualities very much. In a period of less than 3 months time he was memorizing the Quran by heart and when he was 16 years old. He has completed the mastery in the following knowledges. 1. Knowledge of Aqlia (wisdom). 2. Knowledge of Naqlia ( tradition). Upon getting the above knowledge he has started teaching work of the students. His father Imam Rabbani has taught him Talqin (preaching) methods during his studies when he was eleven years old. In his younger age he has began his much interest in the following things. 1.Zikar (remembrance of Allah). 2.Maraqba (meditation). When his father Imam Rabbani comes to know his following qualities 1.Qal (theoretical knowledge). 2.Hal (rapture). 3.Waru (abstinence). 4.Taqva (piety). 5. Ahwal ( condition). 6. Warat (state). then he has granted his permission and caliphate and told him that Baba Masum you will become Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot )


in the areas around Syria and Rome. His caliphs were gone to the cities in above countries for the preaching and propagation of Islam there. His letters are available in three volumes of books in which he has explained in detail about the mysteries and Lataif (problems ) and in those books he also added letters of his father and discussed about them. He did many miracles and he was died on 9th Rabi Awwal in the year 1079 Hijri and his grave is situated in Sarhind.

27. Moulana Sheikh Saif uddin. He was the fifth son of Shaikh Museum . He was born in the year 1055 Hijri. He always acted as per his knowledge. Upon completion of the knowledges he was following the Sufi Order of Naqshbandiyas rules and regulations as per his fathers instructions. His Jazb Qaumi (national attraction) and higher status was such that so for this reason the people were surprised and uneasy due to his high level of Quwat Touja (power of inclination). As per his fathers instruction he was settled down in Delhi city where he was very popular among public and private persons. Even Mughal Sultan Aurangzeb Almamgir and his sons, family members and his royal courtiers were among his disciples and followers. Sultan Alamgir due to his knowledge of Batini (innermost) and benefits of his company and used to worship throughout the nights. So he wrote his father that in Almagir vilayat litifya (high level of saintliness ) is more so his father also checked by his Kashaf (augury )in this matter and found the details were correct and true. He was perfect in Amar (command of good deeds) and Nahi ( prohibition of bad deeds) and no other person could not reach to such higher level and he has also worked against Bidats (innovation in


religion ) and also he was becoming such great person in this matter and such personality was not available during his time. During his time all Bidats (innovation in religion ) were removed due to his hard endeavours and hard tasks in this matter. So for this reason his father named him as the supervisor of the Ummat (nation). One day Sultan Almagir invited him to his palace so he has accepted an invitation as per requirement of Sunnat (practice) of the holy prophet. When he has reached the royal fort and found a picture on the fort wall so for this reason he was immediately returned back from there to his residence area. When Sultan Alamgir comes to know the above details then he has ordered for the immediate removal of the picture from the fort wall and in this way Sultan Alamgir brought him back to his palace. Daily 1400 persons used to get food from his kitchen. Due to Faiz batani (favour of innermost) many poor and rich persons were benefitted. Also many thousands of persons have got complete knowledge of the religion of Islam. Once a disciple was there in his meeting of ecstasy who was trying to Zabat (control) in this matter too much but it was becoming unbearable for him and for this reason he was died immediately on the spot there. When he saw this situation then he has told that ecstasy will kill the sympathetic persons. So for this reason many Mashiqs (learned) have declared the ecstasy as illegal and un-lawful. Once one of his disciples was trying to decrease his habit of eating of the food so he told him that in the Sufi Order of Naqshbanidaya it is not allowed to decrease the eating of food habit. All our high level holy Saints had laid the foundation of our chain on Dawam Waquf Qalbi (to keep the heart always busy in remembrance of Allah) and the presence of Murid (a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism.) in the company of the sheikh. The result of Zahed (ascetic) and Mujadi Shaqa (endeavours and hard work) and Samra Karq habits (benefits of the miracles) which are not useful and not concerned for us. So we should pay attention to the following things. 1. Zikar (remembrance of Allah).


2. Attention towards Allah. 3. Sunnat (practice) of Allahs last prophet. 4. Grace and light. All such above things depend upon Dawm Waquf Qalbi (to keep the heart always busy in remembrance of Allah) and the presence of Murid (a Murid is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism.) in the company of the sheikh. He was died in the year 1095 Hijri Sarhind. and his grave is situated in

28. Sheikh Hafiz Mohammed Mohsen He belongs to the sons of Sheikh Abdul Haque Muhaidith Dehlavi and was the caliph of Sheikh Masum. Many persons were benefited by his Batini Faiz (favor of innermost). In the knowledge of Zaheri (manifest ) no such other person was available during his time. He perfect in the following things. 1. Waru (abstinence). 2.Taqwa (piety). 3.Zuhed (mysticism). 4.Worship. He was died in the year 1147 Hijri.



29. Moulana Syed Nur Mohammed Badayuni He was perfect in the knowledge of Zahari (manifest) and Batini (innermost). He was trained by Sheikh Saif Uddin in the teachings of the Sufi Order of Naqshibandiya. Then he approached Sheikh Hafiz Mohsen and was living in his company for many years and got his Faiz (favour) from him. After that there was a condition of engrossment (Istarq) which was prevailed on him for a period of 15 years but during the prayer timing he was used to become normal from the unconsciousness. He was perfect in the following things and there was no such person during his time. 1. Sunnat (practice ) of Allahs prophet. 2. Waru (abstinence). 3. Taqwa (piety). 4. Perfection. He was used to study always books of apathetic manners (Sard Akhlaq ) and he was used to find ways of Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah and whichever Sunnat (practice) he will find then he will act upon it. Once he has put his right foot by his mistake in the toilet room against the Sunnat (practice ) of the last prophet of Allah. Due to this


mistake there were the bad effects on his conditions of Batini (innermost). There was a great favor to him for three days and he did tazreh (humility) and after this there was condition of basit (expansion) which prevailed upon him. He used to take care of legal food and never eat the food of the rich persons which come under the doubtful category of food. During his whole life he has never eaten the food of rich persons. One day he received food from a rich person so he has told there is zulmat (darkness ) on this food and asked Mazher Jane Jan to look it? And Mahzer Jane Jan has told him that the food is from legal money but in it there is riya (show) which is included in it so due to this reason there is zulmat (darkness ) which was added in it. When he has used to take books on loan for the reading purpose from any rich person but he will not use to read it for three days and he used to say that in the books cover and in its binding due to the company of the rich person there is zulamat (darkness) which have added in it. Upon three days time due to his company when there will be light on the books then he used to read the books. He was perfect in the follow things. 1. Taqwa (piety). 2. Sunnat (practice) of last prophet of Allah. He used to follow of Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah and for this reason always two dishes of curry will be not available there on his dining cloth. Like others there will be no effect of cold (zuqam) on him. He was always followed willingness (Reza) and acceptance (taslim) of Allah. He was died on 11th Zeqada 1135 Hijri.



30. Moulana Shamsuddin Habib ullah Mirza Mazher Jane Jana He belongs to Alwai Syed (descendents of Syedna Ali through his other wives other than prophets daughter Fatima) and through Mohammed bin Hanifa and he was connected with the fourth caliph of All ahs last prophet Syedna Ali Ibn Abi Talib. He was born in the year 1111 Hijri On 11th Ramadhan. Since childhood there were indications on him for the following things. 1. Preaching and propagation. 2. Grace of velayat (saintliness). His father followed masrab (way of life ) of fakir (darwesh) and he has taken great care for his early education and training. He trained him perfectly in all knowledges and in all kinds of skills. He was even perfect in the tailoring work and so he used to cut trousers in the fifty styles and designs. He used to say that if twenty persons will attack on him with swords then he can defeat them with the help of small wooden stick or piece and able to take down their swords and defeat them easily and smoothly. He saw Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) in his dream with his kind look of favour and at that time when he was nine years old.


At the age of 18 years he was completed all knowledge of Aqli (wisdom) and Naqlia (traditional). Since childhood he was much interested in the loving nature so for this reason his poetry is very famous. His Diwan (collection ) in Persian language is very famous for his poetry of Ghazals (odes ) and poetry of love. He was having great interest to follow Sunnat (tradition) of the last prophet of Allah. He was having much interest in the knowledge of Batini (innermost) and love of Allah so for this reason he was anxious in this matter and so he was searching a perfect spiritual master and teacher for his guidance and training . His father was a disciple of Sheikh Abdul Rahman so he went to see that sheikh. That sheikh was famous for his miracles but he finds him that he was late in the prayer schedule. So he has said in this matter that one who neglect the Sunnat (tradition) of last prophet will not be good for him to follow him. So when Sheikh Abdul Rahman will not take care of Sunnat (practice) of last prophet so why he will follow him as his spiritual master so for this reason he began hating him. There was another fear with him that his father will force him in this matter and advised him to become disciple of Sheikh Abdul Rahman. One day he asked his father why Sheikh Abdul Rahman used to follow delay schedule in the prayers so his father was told him that he is always in the condition of Sukur (intoxication ) so for this reason he may be excused in this matter. So he had told his father that, at the time of prayer he will be in the condition of Sukr (intoxication ) but in other conditions and timings he will be found in the perfect state of condition. So upon his above speech, his father was surprised in this matter. His father told him May Allah increase your intelligence and wisdom and you have criticized our Sheikh. At that time this matter was ended smoothly but his father began thinking that with the guidance of Sheikh Abdul Rahman his son will ignore misunderstanding with him. At that time when he has heard about great characters of Syed Noor Mohammed Badayuni so there was great interest with him to see him. So for this reason he went to see him and find the following perfect things in him.


1. Islamic law. 2. Sunnat (tradition)of last prophet of Allah. 3. Character. That Sheikh asked him why he has come there.? So he replied him that to become his disciple. So sheikh included him in his disciples even without checking by Istqara (augury). In his first attention there was improvement of his five senses (latif khamsa) in him. Due to the grace of his holy company he forget his food and sleep and was started hating the mankind and was started also wandering in the lonely places without wearing the footwear and without covering his head. At time of hungry he used to eat leaves from the trees and think it as his Rizq (subsistence). In his Batin (innermost) there was too much improvement of impression and which was reached its height so he would able to see himself in the mirror same like the face and appearance of his sheikh. When there will discuss about Hadrat Sidiq Akber (first caliph of Allahs last prophet) then he will find near him and also he will see his presence with his eyes there . He was in the company of Sheikh Badayuni for a period of four years and did Riyazt (mystical exercise) there and sheikh was awarded him the preaching methods and Sufi Qarqa (saintly dress ) and after that Sheikh Badayuni died. Even though he was nominated him his caliph but still there were some in-perfection was with him so he was searching for the something more. So for this reason he has got Faiz (favour ) for a period of six hears from the grave of Sheikh Badayuni. One night he saw Shaikh Badayuni in his dream and who was told he Oh : Baba Mazher it is permissible to get Faiz (favour) from the graves but as per instructions of Allah one should get Faiz (favour) from the living person. So for this reason you must get completion of your knowledge from the living sheikh. In his dream many times sheikh instructed him in this matter to search for a living sheikh. So he left that place and lived in company of Sheikh Shah Gulshan but that sheikh told him that He is Malamati (censure)


Fakir (darwesh ) so for this reason ignore him. As there was Ghae b (overpowering ) of the Sunnat (tradition) of last prophet with him so he asked him that it is better to search for a another holy person. From there he went and approached Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) of his time Mohammed Zubair and lived in his company and the sheikh has paid his special attention towards him. One day the sheikh told him During this process, there is required the company of sheikh compulsory and due to distance you could not meet me so it is better you should keep your status which you have got from Shaikh Badayuni and take care of it and this is best for you and with your endeavours you should increase it and which will be best in your interest. As the fate wants him to make something else so with the above saying with which he was not satisfied him. So he approached Sheikh Haji Mohammed Afzal and who told him Baba Mazhar : your Saluk (mystic initiation ) was reached to higher lever with wisdom and you are having condition of the Kashaf (revelation ) which still I am not having with me and also I am not having such status of knowledge which you are possessing with you. So how you will be benefited with from me in my company. In this way Haji Sahib used to instruct him but despite of the above instructions he was in his service for a period of 20 years and got many benefits in his company due to his kind favour and attention and his Nisbat ( connection) was becoming very strong and powerful. During the above period he was completed knowledge of tradition (Hadith) of the last prophet of Allah . During Zikar ( teaching time ) of Hadith ( traditions of the last prophet of Allah ) Haji Sahib used to get Istaraq (engrossment) of the holy prophet of Allah and also there will be some Barkat ( grace ) and Anwar ( favor ) on him at that time and one who looked at Haji Sahib at that time then he will find him in the court of Allahs last prophet . He got favour from there and also got more benefits from there in his company and for this reason he has approached Haji Saheb for the learning knowledge of Hadith (traditions of the holy prophet of Allah ) from him.


After the above teaching he has approached in the service of Hafiz Sadad Allah and he was living there for a period of 12 years with him and during the above period he was taken responsibility of the keeper of his footwear of Hafiz Sahib. Due to his Faiz Batni (favour of his innermost ) of Hafiz Sahib his Nisbat ( connection) was very much improved. When due to his old age and weakness Hafiz Sahib was discontinued his teaching and training work so he left him and has approached Sheikh Mohammed Abid Sonami and he was there with him for a long period .During his stay of 8 years with him , his training was completed as per his wish and desire. One day Sheikh Abed Sahib told him Mazhar I and you are like two sun and it is not known whose light is more and whose light is less. It is good now that you should enlighten the hearts of the world and promote the following three Sufi Orders for which you are given permission in this matter. 1. Quaderia. 2. Chistisya. 3. Saherwardiya. For his above best qualities , so Wali Allah Sahib Muhadith Delhavi told that like Mirza Jan Janaan there was no such great person available during this time in any city or region . So he has got favour from four great sheikhs of his time and sat on the throne of the caliphate and began the preaching and propagation work of Islamic religion and there was great response from the persons and so for this reason a large number of people from all corners of the country were approaching him in this matter. He was perfect in Zahed (mystism) and Tawakal (trust of Allah) . He has got Asgana (ability to dispense with) of the world and people of the world. He never accepted gifts and presents from anybody. He was perfect in the following things. 1.Kashaf (revelation). 2.Kashaf (revelation ) of Allah. 3.Kashaf (revelation ) of graves. 4.Kashaf (revelation ) of places.


His teachings are as follows. 1. Due to Zulmat (darkness) of food of the rich persons there will be a disturbance on the condition of the innermost. 2. With the help of Saluk (mystic initiation) and due to this reason the love of Allah will available. Sometime abundance of love will be available without Kasab (skill) from Allah. In such case there will be no authority available for the disciple. And it is Farz ( obligation) for the disciples and it is the practice of the holy saints of Allah. So one should leave the desires and wishes of Nafs (soul) to get the love of Allah and to adopt more Zikar (remembrance) of Allah and follow it permanently and never discontinue it. Because the heart will not enlighten without too much Zikar (remembrance of Allah ). If there will be more Zikar (remembrance of Allah ) than there will be grace and due to this reason there will available Gubat (invisible) or any other condition will be rise in him so in such situation one should try hard to protect it. If such condition will disappear then follow Tazreh (humility) and with sincerity and to continue more Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and continue (Madamat) it and follow it on a permanent basis and never leave it so that it will become uninterrupted by time. 3.To respect and love of all holy personalities and general Mashiq (learned persons) and it is must and if somebody for the purpose of love thinks that his sheikh is superior than others in the case of benefits then such thing is not wrong. 4.If there is no act upon piety (Taqwa ) even for some minutes so it will be termed against the Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah. By avoiding Bidet (innovation in religion) and to act upon the Islamic (Fiqh) rules then it will be better for the disciple and so it is sufficient during this time. 5.One should busy in his schedule of Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and worship of Allah so that to enable him to keep control of his power of perception from other than Allah . Always one should take care of his courage and mind and in them keep the meaning of Allah so that he should get (Malka) ability of the presence (Huzer) and so that it should be well established. 6.It is good that one should correct his manners same like the manners of


the last prophet of Allah. So for this purpose the disciple while reciting the Islamic creed then he should repeat its attributes of censure for many days and follow the Islamic creed as comprising negation of all deities save Allah and instead of this to follow the love of Allah at the time of saying Illah (Allah). 7. To act against the desires and wishes of the soul (Nafsani) so that there will be Hall (the condition which comes and goes) and Muqam (the condition which will stay) will be available . 8. (A) Duwam maraqab (constant meditation), it will increase the power of the innermost . (B) Due to reciting La Ilha Illah (There is no god save Allah), it will finish human characters and it will increase Saluk (mystic initiation) and so with its help the disciple will cover the distance of the way and will reach the destination easily and smoothly. (C) Make a habit of reciting Darud (blessing of the holy prophet ) frequent and for this reason it will result good events. (D) With the help of the Nafil (supererogatory ) prayers there will be available sincerity. (E) Due to the reading of the holy Quran, qualities (Sifati) and light will be increased. (F) Due to Zikar (remembrance) of the names of Allah and it will increase Jazba ( passion) of Allah. 9. Zikar (remembrance of Allah ) is good for the mystic initiation (Saluk) so one should take care of its meaning otherwise the repetition of words will bring only reward (Sawab) and not more than this. 10. It should be noted that those who reject connection of Majjdia (revivalist) because it is delicate (Latif ) and so there is no color of it so for this reason the people will not understand it and refused it. Even Salik ( mystic initiate) who is perfect in it also not able to understand the situation whether he has the completed perfection or not and he will have doubts in this matter so he will think that he has disconnection of Saluk (mystic initiation). With the help of favours of four sheikhs he was busy for a period of thirty years in the preaching and propagation work of Islam and he brought millions of people towards the right path of Allah and also


awarded his caliphate to many thousand persons. This sun of saintliness (Velayat) left this world on 10th Muharram in the year 1195 Hijri and his grave is situated in Delhi which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there.

31. Moulana Shaikh Shah Abdullah Ghulam Ali Shah Dehlavi He was inherited from Syedna Ali, the fourth caliph of Allahs last prophet. He was born in a village Tabala in Punjab. Before his birth his father saw Syedna Ali ,the fourth caliph of Allahs last prophet in his dream who was telling him that Oh : Abdul Latif upon the birth of your son name him as Ali. So upon his birth he named his son as Ali. When he became young he changed his name as Ghulam Ali due to respect and this name was becoming very famous and popular among all people . When his uncle saw the prophet of Allah in his dream and who has told him to name his nephew as Abdullah so he renamed him as Abdullah. Sheikh Nasir uddin who was trained in company of Qizer (name of a prophet immortalized by the fountain of life) was his fathers sheikh. His father has called him from his country to become disciple of his sheikh. So he came to see his father in this matter but at the time when he was reached at the village and in that night Sheikh Nasir Uddin was died. So his father has explained him the purpose of his call and his visit but as there was no more chance of his purpose available . So he told him that now he is free to go anywhere and search any great sheikh for his spiritual training and teaching of Islamic knowledge. But at that time the city of Delhi was full of the sheikhs of Islamic knowledge and


training but he was not interested in any one of the above sheikhs. While wandering here and there he has reached the shrine of Mazher Jan Jana when he was 22 years old and he was much attracted by him and he became his lover so he has requested him to include him among his disciples so Sheikh Mirza told him Baba : this shrines meeting place is without attraction so search any better and better place than this as per your choice. So he has replied him I like this shrine and I need your slavery only . So Mirza Sahib was accepted his request and has enrolled him as his disciple. After becoming a disciple of Mirza Sahib , he became perfect in the following things. 1.Sleep with the legs un-stretched out in the sitting position of zikar (remembrance of Allah ). 2.Maraqaba (meditation). 3.Reyazat ( mystic exercise). 4.Mujahada ( endeavour). He has spent his life for the above works for a period of 15 years. He was used to be patient for his hunger and he was used to recite Istaghfar (asking forgiveness from Allah) and he has followed the following things. 1.To recite Kalmia La Ilha Illah (there is no god save Allah ) by the tongue. 2.Reciting the names of Allah. 3.Aurad (daily round ) of prayers. 4.To say 10,000 times La Ilah Illah (there is no god save Allah ) by heart and daily reading of ten parts of the holy Quran. He was having some economical source of income but he left it and followed the trust in Allah. He was having following belongings in his room. 1.One old hasir (mat ). 2.One brick which he has used as his pillow. He practiced all traditions (Sunnat) of Allahs last prophet. And he has obtained a certificate from the sons of Sheikh Wali Ullah Sahib (who was a famous scholar of the tradition of Allahs last prophet in Delhi) in this matter. He has memorized the whole Quran by heart in the


company of his master but he has kept it secret and did not disclose this matter to anybody. He used to sleep less and eat less. He used to wake up his disciples who used to neglect for the Tahjud (supererogatory prayers in the early hours of the morning ) prayers. He used to hate the food items received from the rich persons. When he used to receive the food items from the rich persons then he and his disciples never eat such food but he used to distribute it to his neighbours. He used to be busy throughout the nights in Zikar (remembrance) and Muraqba (meditation ). For the following Sunnat (tradition of the last prophet of Allah) he used to sit in the position of the legs un-stretched out as per requirement and desire of mystic saints and as per tradition of Arab people and if the sleep will come then he will use to sleep in sitting position with the legs un-stretched out and he never stretches his legs in sleeping position and he was died also in this position. Due to shyness he never look at the others. He also never saw his face in the mirror. If any needy person took some of his belongings then he used to turn his face from that thing. It always happened that the person who will take his book and approach him to sell then he used to purchase the same book. If somebody will object that sale when that man will find the marks on the book which actually belongs to him then he used to say that the copyist can write two books or our books copyist might have written the same book. He used to wear thick clothes and if somebody will send thin clothes as presentation to him then he used to sell it and with that money he used to purchase many thick clothes and keep one with him and used to give all others to the needy poor persons. In this connection he has said that the benefit of many persons is better than one persons benefit. As the meeting place of Sufian Suri, his meeting place was also best and wherein there will have no discussions about the world and its people. If somebody will backbite about someone then he used to tell him that his heart will not satisfy without his backbite of anyone. So he used to instruct such person to backbite about him as he is worst so do his backbite about him and be happy but never backbite about others in his presence in the meeting place.


One day he was keeping fast and somebody backbite Sultan Shah Alam of Delhi so he has said Oh : his fast was broken. So some person has asked how his fast was broken. ? So he has replied him that even though he did not backbite of anybody but he heard it so there is one commandment of hearing and doing of backbite and which clarifies that both are same and no difference at all. He was perfect in Maruf ( to command good deeds) and Nahi Manker (to prohibit bad deeds) and it has become his habit. So at the time of instructions in this matter he never dares instruct persons to rectify wrong so that that person should come to the right path and follow the right track. At that time he never distinguished the rich or poor but his instructions will be same to all and everybody for the right thing towards the right path of Allah. King and the rich persons tried many times for monthly funds and grants for the budget of the shrines expenditure and maintenance amount so at that time he was used to recite the following Quranic verse and refuse to accept any money in this matter. The meaning of the verse is as follows. Your Rizq (subsistence) for which you have been promised and which is available in the sky. Due to the kind grace of Allah there will be great arrangement were made from unknown sources for the subsistence of food for 200 persons daily in his shrine. He was perfect in the following things . 1.Love for Allahs last prophets and his companions. So for the above reason if somebody says the name of Allahs last prophet before him then due to his too much love he will become restless. At the time of reading holy Quran there will be many mysteries which will appear upon his heart. So he had much pleasure at the time of reading holy Quran. During his prayer of Awabeen (supererogatory prayers offering six to twenty rakats after the Maghrib obligatory prayer is commendable. This prayer is called Salaatul Awabeen.) and Tahjud (supererogatory prayers in the early hours of the morning) prayers he was always used to hear the holy Quran with great interest by Sheikh


Abu Saeed. Due to the above reasons there will be a condition of ecstasy on him. During that time he will have the condition of satisfaction and sit like a solid mountain on his place. One day he was told that Wajd (ecstasy ) and Hall (rapture) is against the Sunnat (traditions) of Allahs last prophet. So one shoul d try to ignore them from his Nafs (soul). Due to above mentioned great qualities and kindness he has got too much Tawaze (humility) and sincerity in him. One day a dog was entered his room so he prayed as follows. Oh : Allah I am not eligible for the Tawsel (mediation) of holy saints so for the sake this Maqluq (creature ) which belongs to you so grant your kindness for me. So while carrying the work of the caliphate of his master he was most successful in the preaching propagation of work of Islam in the best possible manner. So for this reason a large number of people from near and far away places approached him and got the right path towards Allah. For the above reason even Allahs last prophet in a dream has instructed many persons to approach him for the right path of Islam. Also many holy personalities used to send seekers on the path of Allah to him for their training and preaching as well as propagation work of Islam. His miracles and other tasks are too many so it is not possible to cover all of them in this brief chapter of this book. His sayings are as follows. 1.He told Fakir (darwesh ) should adopt the following things. From Fa, to Faqa follow hunger. From Khaf, to Qinat (content ). From Ra, to Riyazat (worship). And one who will follow the above three things then he will get the following things. a.From Fa, to Fazal Ilahi ( grace of Allah). b.From Qaf, to Qarbat Ilahi ( nearness of Allah ). c.From Ra, to Rahmat of Ilahi ( grace of Allah ). Otherwise he will face the following things .


a.From Fa, to Fashit (disgrace). b.From Qaf, to Qaher (punishment). c.From Ra, to Razalat ( downgrade). In this way these following things are must and necessarily. a.Broken hand (not to raise his hand to ask something before any person except Allah). b.Broken foot (not to go to others door and not to leave Allahs door). c.Right religion (It means not to leave any rules of the religion ). d.Right belief (not to be disturbed by any doubt). 3.One who is interested in the following things then he is not the real seeker of Allah. a. Pleasure and fondness. b. Kashaf (revelation ) and miracles. c. Sufi should leave both the worlds and seek always the love of Allah. So he should leave everybody and turn all his attention and love towards Allah and seek only the love of Allah. 4.There are three kinds of Bait (promise of allegiance) which are as follows. a. One which is done with Mashaiq (learned persons ) for getting their mediation. b. The second which Is agreeing to leave the sins. C.Third which is accepted for the Nisbat ( connection ) for reaching towards Allah. 5.There are four kinds of men which are as follows. a. Adim Marwa are those who will demand for the world. b. Sahib Marwa are those who will demand the other world. C.Sahib Wajud are those who will demand another world and Allah. D.Fard are those who will only demand for Allah. 6. There are three kinds of holy persons which are as follows. a. Arbab Kashaf and Irfan are those who knows Kashaf (revelation) and Irfan (intimate knowledge of Allah). b.Arbab Idrak and Wajdan are those who are able to know their Ahwal ( condition) and Irfan (intimate knowledge of Allah). c. Arbab Jahal Wa Fikran, are those who are unable to know their Ahwal (condition) and Irfan (intimate knowledge of Allah ).


There are two kinds of wisdom which are as follows. a. Noorani (with its help one can reach towards the destination without anybodys guidance.) b. Zulmani ( it is such wisdom which functions with the masters help, guidance and instructions). 7.The student should be very careful in this matter and always look at his destination. It is such wine of love that without the students death it cannot be tested. 8.The logical result from the above are very dangerous so one should be careful always for the expected results from it. So It is faulty to have love with the world and all these faults are termed as Kufar (infidelity). 9.In the great Sufi Order Majdadia, there are four canals of Naqshibandiya, Quaderiaya, Chistiaya, Saherwardiya which are flowing with great power but in all of these, the Naqshibandiya Sufi Order is very important and very popular among the people. 10. In Naqshabaniya Sufi Order four things are most necessary and must so the disciples should try hard to get them because the composition of these four things are known as the Sufi Order of Naqshandiya . The details of four things are as follows. a. Dangers, it means there should be no Wasas (doubts). b. Dawam Huzur, it always means one should live in such a condition that he is facing Allah. c. Juzbat, it means to have love and attraction towards Allah. d.Wardat, it means the condition which will prevail in the heart. He used to recite always the following Persian poetry line and its translation and meaning is as follows. The disciple should like the following things . a. Bread of barley. b. Blanket of wool. c. Salty water. d. To like 3o parts of the holy Quran. e. Follow the traditions of the holiness of the prophet of Allah. Always keep some copies of books which are good for the religion of Islam.


Always do not keep and follow Bu Ali Senas useless sayings and Ansaris sayings which have no value at all so these are not required by us. So that in this way we should not be grateful for the light of the sun in the darkness of the hut. Keep the friendship of two or three persons who are having their high level of courage and against their courage the greatness of the kingdom of Sanjari will become half value of the barley. Its value of felicity (Sadat) is great so for this importance , the owner of the throne of the Qaiser of Rome and the kingdom of Alexander will demand and desire such thing. If there will be possession of one small lungi (cloth sheet to cover the lower part of the body) and also if one more small Lungi (cloth sheet to cover the upper part of the body) is available and in such case there will be no fear of theft of things will be there and also there will be no matter of care to protect them. One yard of mat (Bouriya) and one small shirt and one Gudari (rag dress) which are required in the worship to attain willingness and love of Allah and these things are enough. He was died on 22nd Safar in the year 1240 Hijri. At the time of Ishraq prayer (it is a supererogatory prayer which is performed about 12 minutes after sunrise ) when he was busy in the observation of the grace of Allah.

32. Shah Saad Allah Sahib Before his birth one holy saint has informed his father that one Sufi saint will be born in his family and who will become a perfect Darwesh of


his time but he will be a disabled person by one leg. He was born in Uchdi village in Punjab province of India and he belongs to Tajik community. In the reference book Ghiyas it is mentioned that he is from Arabian connection but he was born in non- Arabic area. Since childhood he has been very pious (Mutaqi) and lover of Allah. He was always busy in the following things. 1. Knowledge of Islam. 2. Good deeds. His father has sent him to somewhere in the settlement of any case. When he was returning back from there and on the way 100 armed men attacked him but with his power of rope (habbi) and courage he had defeated all of them but during this encounter his left leg was injured severely so his father cured him very well but there was no good result of out it. So for this reason he has got his fathers permission to go somewhere to cure it. During his journey he saw a dream in which one pious person in Delhi was said to him Baba Saad ullah where you are going ? and your cure is available with us. So for this reason he went to Delhi and upon facing many difficulties on the way and in this manner he has started his search for a pious person there. At last he has approached Syedna Shah Ghulam Ali and who was the same person whom he has seen in his dream. For this reason he thanked Allah for his favour and became his disciple there. For a period of 12 years he was busy in the following things. 1. Riyazat (mystical exercises). 2. Mujahada (endeavours). 3. Zikar ( remembrance of Allah). 4. Muraqaba (mediatation). When he has completed all ways of the mystic initiation (Saluk) then Ghulam Ali Shah was kind enough to grant his permission for the preaching propagation work and caliphate in the following Sufi Orders. 1. Naqshbandiya. 2. Quaderia. 3. Suherwardia.


4. Kaberia. During the above period he has completed knowledge of theory (manifest ) with the help of co-disciple brother and friend Akwand Sher Mohammed. Since beginning of the Saluk (mystic initiation ) and till the end of Saluk (mystic initiation) he was used to visit the mausoleum of Bhakityar Kaki daily in Delhi and used to get Faiz (favour ) from there. He was very careful in the following things. 1.Action and movements. 2.Prayers, worships and habits. 3.Sunnat (traditions)of last the prophet of Allah. Nobody has not seen his any act which was done by him against the Sunnat (practice) of the last prophet of Allah. One year after death of Ghulam Ali Sahib he was proceeded for the Hajj pilgrimage and during the journey he met many great holy saints of Allah and got their Faiz (favour) from all of them. After performing the Hajj pilgrimage ,he went to visit Madina Munnwara and there Allahs last prophet has instructed him to go India where many people will be benefitted by his Faiz (favour). So for this reason he was proceeding to India and reached Hyderabad via Madras and Kurnool and settled down in Almas mosque which is located in Hyderabad near Aliabad gate and he was stayed there for a period of two years. During the above period many persons visited him and became his disciples and got his Fiaz (favour ). From there he was shifted to garden of Mohammed Jivan who was garrison commander of the Golconda Fort and he was re-settled down there which is situated near Mughalpura street and where he was living there for a period of two years and then he has purchased the garden of Nawab Jan which is situated in Urdu Sharif street. He was shifted from Mughalpura street to Urdu Sharif street and in the above garden a big mosque was constructed for him and in which he was shifted on 27th Ramadhan 1249 Hijri. By grace of Allah and where the lovers of Allah used to come there to see from Bukhara, Kabul, khandhar Sharif and Peshawar. 25o students from local and foreign lands used to be present at his


shrine and for them there was arrangement of two times food provision and also dress was provided by him and he was used to take care for their spiritual knowledge and training. So all students were free from all of their worldly requirements and were used to be busy in the following things. 1. Zikar (remembrance of Allah) 2. Good deeds. Many Ulmeas (learned persons ) have seen the Allahs last prophet in their dreams and in which who advised them to approach Saad Allah and to become his disciples and to get his Favour (Faiz) from him. So for this reason many persons approached him and got great status and favor of the innermost (Batani). The mosque in which he was stayed was not in good condition so it was re-constructed in the year 1268 Hijri and which is still available in good condition . In this mosque he used to pray there always . The details of his physical features are as follows. Medium height, charara (lean) body, red and white color, white graceful beard of thick hair. Even though there was injury on his leg but due to the kind grace of Allah he has got such power and strength to him that even powerful young men and wrestlers and strong powerful persons cannot perform such worship and hard endeavours which he used to perform. He was perfect in the following things . 1.Wisdom. 2.Mind. 3.Memory power. 4.Taba Rasa ( intelligence). 5. A master in all knowledges. He used to explain the problems in the best possible manner without referring any books and so for such problems other learned person could not reach to his high level of the search and knowledge even upon referring the books. He also knew the details of tactics of soldiers. Once there was discussion before him about the arrow and bow and somebody displayed


his mastery there. So he took the bow and arrows and tried in this matter and he touched the target seven times successfully. Wisdom. If any person who involved in some difficult cases against him and in such case with the help of his advises and wisdom he will become successful in those cases against him. He was a kind hearted person so when he used to hear any difficulty of another person then he was used to weep along with the person who have such problem with him. In the following things he used to take care of Sunnat (traditions) of Allahs last prophet. 1.Worship. 2.Daily Azkar (recitals) . He was used to perform the Fajar prayer (early morning prayer) in congregational on the prescribed time and up to the time of Ishraq (it is a supererogatory prayer which is performed about 12 minutes after sunrise ) prayer he was used to be busy giving instructions to his disciples. After ishraq ( it is a supererogatory prayer which is performed about 12 minutes after sunrise ) prayer and after Taharat (cleanliness) and ablution he was again used to busy himself in the training and propagation work of the disciples. After the above schedule he was used to attend Umlea (learned persons) and Mashiq ( saints) who will used to come to visit him and he will ask their conditions and affairs and whoever will visit him then he receives them with whole heartedly. He will have his food at eleven oclock in the morning. The disciples and rich persons were used to send him different varieties of food items for him but he will ask them to put all such food items on the dining cloth. He was used to eat only bread with stew which will be prepared in the house and he never looks at the rich food items sent by his disciples and rich the landlords. After the lunch he was used to take some rest and at one o clock he was used to wake up and perform Zuhar (afternoon) prayer with an attendance of a large number of people. After the prayer he was used to read the 15 parts of holy Quran on a daily basis and in case of illness he was used to read only 3 parts of holy Quran without fail. During his whole life he never read Quran less than above portion.


As per the above schedule he will see the Ulmea (learned persons) and Mashiq (saints) who will come to visit him and he will have discussions with them which will be continued for some time on the following topics. 1. Knowledge. 2. Biographies of the holy saints. He was used to perform Aser (late afternoon) prayer in its prescribed time along with the attendance of a large number of persons. After Aser (late afternoon) prayer Moulna Mohammed Rahim son of Ahmed Khair Uddin was used to attend his gathering on a daily basis and as per his instruction he was used to read the following in his gathering. 1.Letters of Imam Rabbani. 2.Masnavi of Moulavi Manavi. When the reading session will be in progress in the gathering then he was used to listen it carefully with great attention and care. After this reading session if time will be available then he was used to talk with their disciples and pay his special attention to them till the time of the sunset. After the Maghrib (sunset) prayer he will give instructions to his shrine persons and other relatives of Asifia (Hyderabad ) government who became his disciples so he will pay much attention and care for their preaching and training work . After the Eisha (evening) prayer he will start explanation and details of biographies of great and holy saints who were passed away from the world. Upon dinner he was used to busy in instructing learned person and shrine persons for Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and Fikar (thinking ) and then he will go to the bed at ten oclock in the night and he will wake up in the midnight for the Tahjud prayer (supererogatory prayers in the early hours of the morning) and the Salat Tasbih (supererogatory prayers in the early hours of the morning) prayer and busy with them for a long time. About four oclock he was used to sleep for some time and wake up immediately and perform the Fajr (early morning ) prayer after having a bath. Miskin Shah narrates that one day after the Tahjud (supererogatory prayers in early hours of morning) prayer he was busy in Zikr (remembrance of Allah ) and in Shagal (engagements) and he was also


sitting there with him then he had one apprehension with him so he told him that Baba Miskin, do not think that you alone follow the schedule of daily recital and Zikar (remembrance of Allah ) for 25,000 times as we also follow our daily recital and also Zikar (remembrance of Allah) for 25,000 times daily without fail. So in this way he has cleared his doubt. His conduct and character were so great so all rich as well as poor person will think that he is having such love and affection of parents for him only and he will not love others than him. At his shrine 200 disciples and servants were there and it was required great expenditure to maintain them and so in this matter no nobody knows from where the money will come there and thousands disciples were also fed from there. Some time if there will nothing available in the shrine then he was used to be hungry with other persons and live at that time on trust of Allah. King of Deccan Nawab Nasir Doulah has been always eager to see him but he never went to see him in his palace and not accepted daily and monthly funds and grant of villages for the expenditure of the shrine . Raja Chandu Lal minister and other Nawabs used to offer their grants and funds for daily and monthly expenditure of the shrine but he did not accept anything in this matter. He has received many requests in this matter but he did not grant any of it. Once Shamsul Umra visited him personally in the shrine and he kindly requested him to accept some funds from him so he considered his earnest request and he was kind enough to accept an amount of Rupees five hundred from him but at the same time he was distributed this amount among needy and poor persons. Maulavi Hafiz Mir Shuja Uddin who wrote his book Kashaf Khulsa was lived during the time and who used to visit him always at his residence. At that time many Mashiq (saints) of Hyderabad used to visit him and get benefitted by his father (Faiz) of the innermost ( batani) . He was used to celebrate the annual Urs (death anniversary) ceremony of his master Shah Ghulam Ali Sahib in a very simple way and he used to instruct to prepare 70 Maunds (The maund is the anglicized name for


a traditional unit of mass used in British India.) of Pakth (cooked food with dressing meat ) and number of times Quran was used to read on this occasion. So in this way he used to celebrate Urs (death anniversary) ceremonies. He used to celebrate Urs ( death anniversary) ceremony of the holy saints the Sufi Order of Naqshbanidya and Mujddiayaa very simple way by reading Quran and by distribution of sweets among his disciples and other person who will attend the ceremonies. He used to wear dresses of learning person as per the Sunnat (tradition) of the last prophet of Allah. He was used to like and love those persons who will follow the Sunnat (tradition) of the holy prophet and Shariat (Islamic law). When he will see any person acting against the Shariah law then he used to teach and give him instructions in this matter. In his gathering learned persons were also always present and due to their presence he was always feeling happiness and pleasure. There was a strange effect in his Bait (promise of allegiance) that one who will become his disciple then he will be away from doing any act against the Islamic law and there will be awareness in him in this matter so everybody thinks that it is a must for everybody to leave this temporary world. Before his death there was a weakness which prevailed on him and there were complaints of diseases which had caused for his ill health . At last this sun of grace of Allah left this world after bringing the following creature on the right path. 1.Thousands of Giants (devs). 2.Thousand of Jins. He was died on in the month of Jamal Awwal in the year 1270 Hijri. In Hyderabad Deccan. Many thousands rich and poor people gathered to offer the funeral prayer and he was buried in Urdu Sharif street opposite to the mosque which was mentioned above in this chapter. His grave is made up of soil only so it reminds to its lookers that he was a great follower of Sunnat (practice) of the holy prophet of Allah. But afterwards Nawab


Afzalul Doulah, the king of Hyderabad has constructed mausoleum over his grave due to his etqad (belief). But the grave is still made up of soil and it looks very simple and very fine due to the kind grace of Allah.

33. Syed Padsha Sahib Bukhari His inheritance was linked with Maqdoum Jehaniyan. His Jad Ala (ancestors) were natives of Bukhara and from there they have migrated to India and from there he was arrived in Kurnool city and settled down there . As per the historical records he was born in Kurnool city. He was perfect in the Zaheri (manifest) and Batini (innermost) knowledges. He was posted on a good job in Hyderabad and he was earning many hundred Rupees there. Since childhood he has been much interested in Darweshi (Sufism). So despite his wealthy position he used to spend his life of Zahed (mystic way). In his discussions with others one can find that he is not at all interested in the worldly life and its pleasure. He was used to busy day and night in the following things . 1.Reyazat (mystic exercise). 2.Endeavours. When he used to busy during his working hours in the court and even though he will be busy in his duty work but his attention of Batini (innermost ) will be attached with his creator and so in this way he will teach the mankind to live in the world but do not leave his Lord at any time then such life will be become best and useful. He has got Nisbat (connection) of the Sufi Order of Quarderia through his family links and connection and he was trained in this


matter and he was becoming perfect in Saluk (mystic initiation ) in the company and guidance of Shah Saad Allah Sahib and his grave is situated on the Urdu Sharif street. His grave is situated in Hyderabad and which is famous even today for the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons who visit his grave there. Afterwards his endeavors were so great that he was becoming an example of Daime Saum (constant fasting ) and Qaim Lail ( firm in night prayer ). As Allah was willing some other thing with him as he was not born to be engaged in the busy work of his office and schedule of his professional duties. So he followed his habit to visit Haji Mastan Shah Sahib Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) and he used to spend his remaining time with him after his schedule of duty work. So Saad Allah was his teacher of Tariqat (mystic way ) and he was used to live always in the company of Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) Sahib and for this reason Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) Sahib also became his teacher. One day he has requested Majzub Sahib (one lost in divine meditation) to advise him so he advised him the following things. The best slave is one who worships Allah and who ask his pardon with Allah in his court to ignore his mistakes . As it is not possible with anybody to worship Allah as per his status. At the time of death of Majzub Sahib (one lost in divine meditation) he asked him to bring water so he brought water urgently for him and Majzub Sahib (one lost in divine meditation) drinks some water and gave him the water glass and asked him to drink the remaining water. So he drank water immediately and became unconscious and fall down on the ground. After some time he was becoming normal but from that time he left all his interest in this world and its people as well as he lost his interest in his government service and desired for the interest in loneliness and solitude. For some days he was busy in thinking and not able to decide anything. So the time came when the people saw the repeat story of Ibrahim ben Adham in the year 1297 Hijri in Hyderabad. When Haji Mastan Shah Majzub was in his critical and in his last


condition of life and at that time he was present there and then he was remembered for his office duty work so he was standing to go to the office so Shah Sahib asked him to sit down so he was sitting there. Again he stood to go to the office then Shah Sahib asked to sit down so he was sitting there. For the third time he stood to go to the office so Shah Sahib asked to sit down so he was sitting there. From that time he left everything and followed Shah Sahib. Upon the death of Shah Sahib he was buried in the shrine of Ujalay Shah Sahib. Till the end of his life he sat at the grave of Majzub Sahib (one lost in divine meditation) sahib. There was a condition jazeba ( passion) always on him and so he left also he has the family members and the service responsibilities. Nawab Torab Ali Khan Salar Jung Bahadur who tried his best for his recovery from his present condition but he was not successful in this matter as he was always used to sit near the grave of Majzub sahib (one lost in divine meditation) and this was not a small matter or small thing as he was sitting there as per the instructions of Majzub Sahib (one lost in divine meditation) who had gained great status in his love of Allah . So he has also lost his everything in his love for the other world and actually due to this reason he was not in normal condition as his heart of love was taken by his beloved so in that situation he was unable to give his lost heart to some other one. His condition became as follows. 1.To see one. 2.To know one. 3.To ask one . 4.To love one . 5.To recite ones name. 6.To search one . Except five daily prayers he was not able to do anything. Even he was unable to wear his dress and eat his daily foods. If someone will give him dress then he used to wear it and if someone will give some food then he used to eat it as he lost his conscience in this matter. Some people thought that it is a matter of heart so there will be some changes at any time so they were waiting in this matter for some time


for his recovery from his abnormal condition but the condition was not changed. So for this reason Nawab Torab Ali Khan Salar Jung Bahadur during his period of his rule has constructed a shrine near the grave of Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) Sahib from the royal funds and in that shrine where he lived there for a long time. Afterwards as per recommendation of Nawab Tahinat Yar Doulah Bahadur , Nawab Laiq Ali Salar Jung II had ordered for the construction a big mosque and one room for him under the supervision of Siddi Amber Khansama and after a long time Nawab Asman Jah Bahadur during his period of rule had constructed minarets and the sheds for the mosque and this mosque is still available there which will remind the persons who constructed it. He has spent all his life in the above mosque and in his room and where he lived there in loneliness and solitude. This is the greatest miracle for those who demand it so for them it is a great miracle that he sat in one place for a period of 40 years and was never left the grave of Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) Sahib for a single minute. Allah has granted such a great status for him that with his status he has benefitted many Talibs (students) of Haq (truth). He got a great position in the following things. 1. Fana Fillah (contemplation). 2. Baqa Ya- Allah(survival for Allah ). At that time due the above great status he helped many people who were endeavoring for Allah and were facing difficulties of negative results in this matter but with his kind help and attention they find one abode from where they got their final destination towards the right path of Allah. Due to the above situation thousands of lovers whose hearts were passing through difficult situation were find a resort to approach towards lovers destination and with his help and attent ion of Batini (innermost) and them were becoming successful in the way of Haq (truth). The above helpless persons and lovers of the Haq (truth) with his help and attention were refreshed and have got energy and spread around many places. Thousands of worldly people were used to visit his place for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes from there and were used


to return back with benefits from there. This was a small example of his miracles of Batini (innermost) that seekers of Allah will find their final destination for leaving the world and their desires and wishes to live in the jungle or to sit in the rooms while leaving the world and its people and they were used to engage and busy in the remembrance of Allah ( Yad Allah) day and night. He used to instruct to listen and read Masnavi Sharif (The spiritual couplets of Maulana Jalal uddin Rumi) and he had memorized thousands of couplets form it. Always he used to recite important couplets from Masnavi in the gatherings with his great interest and attention so there will be an atmosphere of great attention and strange Bakhudi (ecstasy) and due to this reason there will be amazement which will cover the situation and gathering place. Many rich persons, officers and even the king of Deccan used to visit him with great respect and attention. But he used to meet with them as he used to meet with the general persons. Especially with learning persons and Mashiq (saints) he used to meet with them with great respect and attention and feel pleasure and happiness with their presence in his place. He saw the reigns of many prime ministers of kingdom of Hyderabad and many of them desired for the grant of funds but his heart which has complete trust in Allah never accepted any grants or help from them. Some time funds for daily expenses were presented to him but he refused it by saying that it may give to some other needy person and he does not require it. He used to accept gifts and presents from people and upon receiving them he used to put them under his bed cover and used to give the same to beggars or other needy persons when they approach him for his help but he will help them without informing the others. He used to love his every disciple greatly so everybody thinks that he loves him very much than others. His great habit was to follow each and every thing of Sunnat (tradition) of Allahs last prophet. There are many miracles which are linked with him but his greatest and last miracle is as follows. During his lifetime he has informed his caliphs that his burial and other


funeral processes should be performed as per the Sunnat (tradition) of the last prophet of Allah. As the above methods which were mentioned in the tradition of the last prophet of Allah and the Islamic law (Fiqah) also recommended the same methods. The Imam of Sufi Saints Mohiuddin Arabi also recommended that the funeral prayers should not be arranged in the local mosques. So he had instructed his disciples that his funeral prayers should not be arranged in the local mosque. So this was his last advice which was ignored by his disciples and others due to his sudden death and due to the large scale of arrangements and large numbers of attendance of the disciples and other general public at that time. At that time there was a practice in Hyderabad city that all dead bodies were used to bring to the Mecca mosque in Hyderabad in the grand traditional way and funeral prayers were used to be arranged there in the presence of a large number of city people who were used to present there. So as per the tradition in Hyderabad many persons started arrangements to take his dead body to Mecca mosque for his funeral prayer. And for this purpose many thousand persons went there and stayed there for a long time for waiting for the arrival of dead bodies for his funeral prayer. As his residence place was out of the city so to bring the outside dead bodies in the Hyderabad city were required direct permission in this matter from the King of Hyderabad. For this reason permission was sought in this matter but it was delayed in this respect for many hours even though the King of Hyderabad was his great admirer and like him very much due to his high level of sufi status and wisdom as well as his knowledge. Due to the delay in permission from the king his dead body was taken to the graveyard of Ujalay Shah Sahebs shrine in the outside area of Hyderabad city and in the open place the funeral prayers was arranged there in the presence of many thousands of people. After this prayer it was received the information from government sources that the king has granted the permission. But at that time the disciples and other persons were remembered his last advice and


instructions in this matter. So all of them said suddenly that Oh : his acting upon the traditions as per the Islamic law even after his death. So he is deserving to be called Mutsherah ( one who acts as per Islamic law ). All his deeds of Tariqat (mysticism) and Haqiqat (truth ) were so much so for this reason it is difficult task to cover all of them in this small chapter and for this reason many volumes of books are required. As the connection of Syedna Abu Baker Siddiq was Hubiat (friendship with the last prophet of Allah) and so has got this connection with Syedna Abu Baker by the way of the caliphate system . As Abu Baker SIddiq was from free all diseases and problems except his love and affection of Allah and the last prophet of Allah. So in the same way he was also free from all diseases and problems except his love and affection of Allah and the last prophet of Allah . Such love and his hard endeavours in this matter caused him very much weak and thin. So such weak and un-healthiness was not improved and caused for his death. Due to his sudden death in Hyderabad the situation was greatly affected and there it was a great loss which was not covered till long time. A great saint with the following great qualities left for Hyderabad. 1. The Sun tower of truth (haqiqat) 2. The Moon in Islamic laws sky. The person of such great qualities who was spreading his light of (guidance and instructions) from the mosque of Ujalay Shah Saheb and who has enlightened large number of persons was now no more in the city of Hyderabad so there was a great feeling of missing such a great pious persons among his disciples and other persons. It is fact that every person should have to face the death surely as per the Quranic verse. All that is on earth will perish. ( Quran 55-26) The sun of great wisdom and knowledge was set in the west and there was loss of permanent separation for his slaves due to his departure from this world. Kind and helping spiritual father left from their slaves and disciples.


So upon such departure there will be no hope of his return at all in their lives. So in such situation not only his disciples but even the whole world condoled in this matter but it will be less and not according to the great loss of his disappearance from Hyderabad city. He was died on tenth of Jamid Awwal in the year 1328 Hijri at the time of Tahjud (supererogatory prayer in the early hours of the morning ) prayer. When the Qari (reciter of the Holy Quran) was reached in his reading at the following verse of the holy Quran. Yea, enter thou My Heaven (Adkhal Jannta) (holy Quran 30 -89) then this great Sheikh of Deccan with his following qualities left this world. 1. Qutub of time (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) 2. Great person of his time. 3. Salik (mystic initiate) of Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) and Majzub (one lost in divine meditation) of Salik (mystic initiate) and lover of Allah Syed Mohammed Basha Sahib Bukhari left for heavenly abode while leaving his disciples and devotees in conditions of great pain and sorrow. He was buried near the grave of Haji Mastan Shah Mazjub and who was famous for the following things. 1. A person of great qualities. 2. Treasure of knowledge. 3. Treasure of Jazab (passion) and Saluk (mystic initiation ) In his burial place only four finger height of soil was spread there over his dead body. Oh : lookers come and see his masnun (as per tradition of Allahs last prophet) grave here and so it is called true love for the tradition of the last prophet of Allah. To leave the sadness of the heart of the above great loss the mind wants to say many things in this matter but it is very difficult to cover it as there is no space for its coverage. So in this great sorrowful situation I am mentioning herewith some instructions which I heard from my master in his great gatherings. 1. If you have tried your best in any case but the result was not fruitful


then you should not feel sorrow in this matter. So in such case with Aah Wah Zari (with wailing) and to recite Astagfar (beg pardon of Allah). So I asked him what is the situation for Astagfar (beg pardon of Allah) here. He said that the man had tried his best in legal and in permissible manner and when he will see that the case is down without any result and all his endeavors were becoming useless than he should think that this was the willingness of Allah so he had done against the will of Allah so for this mistake and which was known to him later and for this reason he should recite Astagfar (beg for pardon) of Allah. 2. Ecstasy and passion, uneasy and cry, These are against the Sufi Order of Naqshbandiya, Mujdadia traditions and if any Mujddai commit the above acts then he should rectify his mistakes. One who follows the tradition of the Sufi Order of Naqsbandiya and Majdadiya then his condition totally will become same as per the companions of the last prophet of Allah and he will have the following conditions with him. A. Satisfaction. B. Viaqr (dignity). C. Sincerity. D. Always in Huzur (presence). E. In high level of Ihsan (excellence) in which one should worship in such a way that he is looking Allah and if not having such situation then he should think that Allah is watching him and this condition will be available in higher level of sincerity just like the companions of the Allahs last prophet. As per companions of the last prophet of Allah they will also follow Amar Maruf (command good deeds ) and Nahi Almunkar (prohibit from bad deeds ) and so it should become their habit and practice. 3. To follow the Sunnat (tradition) of the last prophet of Allah. And always keep away from people of the world. So keep in your mind that those who approach the worldly people then in that case they will face disgrace and those who will ignore them (worldly people) then they will approach you and run after you like dogs. 4. Poverty and hunger are necessary habits of the Sufi Order of Naqshbandiya. 5. Nikah and the company of rich people are very dangerous for the


beginners and it will stop favors like the wall of Zul-Qarnain ( ZulQarnain of the Quran was a believer in the Oneness of God). 6. One who will become perfect if he will find a perfect sheikh. So one should stay in a room near his perfect sheikh and he should busy there in Zikar (remembrance of Allah) day and night and not to leave his room un-necessarily. 7. It is not right that Imam Rabbani was against the unity of existence issue but as a matter of fact Imam Saheb said that about the belief in Gods unity and it is required from Marif Qalab ( heart which have an intimate of the knowledge of god) and they are Ahle Vilayat (people of saintliness) and still the perfection is away from them due to this reason and the situation which prevails is that slave remains slave and Lord remains Lord. So the condition of the companions of prophet and their followers will be same. 8. The brief of good life is to surrender all our affairs to Allah and to sit and see the progress and development of condition by Allah whether it will set it right or not ? Or how Allah will set the wrong thing as right ?. See the condition and affairs but should not react in this matter. To remember Allahs promises and his treasures so in this way to encourage his mind and in this case he should disappointment from his personality and from the world. 9. The Sign of love is to sacrifice all our wishes and desires for the inclination and pleasures for the lover and one who do against this and keep away from its problems and then claim his love, so in such case he will be declared as false and proud person. Despite of his false love one who will think that he is having favour of his lover then such persons is false and unfortunate and forsaken. 10. The people who says that to complete the process of the Sufi Order , we have wasted six years without any gain and result and after this also it is not known what will be happening from it.? So its result is unknown and we do not know what we will get ? Or not get anything during this period. So those who think like this because in their fortune this wealth is not added so they are doing miserliness for a period of six years in the remembrance of Allah. So they should explain the purpose for which they have spent their whole life and what they have got for it.?


The Salik (mystic initiate ) should not become sad and mind in this matter and face difficulties and problems but do not leave the door and think that the caller who is sitting at the door of Karim (kind person) and who is shy of returning him without the grant of any benefit to his callers. So think that the kind Lord who rewards anybody whatever he wants and for him it is easy of such grant of anything like giving of one piece of bread. So he will never return anybody un-answered from his door so the Salik (mystic initiate) should work and increased his endeavours in this matter. 11. By following of Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and the company of sheikh we can able to get compulsory connection and it is sure and without any doubt . So such connection ( Nisbat) will be achieved slowly so Salik (mystic initiate ) will not understand it and he thinks that he could not able to get anything. The Salik (mystic initiate ) will become example of such person who will send his son to Khusnawis (calligraphist) to teach his son for learning good handwriting. The calligraphist keeps the daily progress sheets of writing with him. After some days the students father will approach the calligraphist and complain him that his son is writing since many days but there is no progress at all. So in such case calligraphist will show the father daily sheets of good handwriting of his son then the father will notice that there is considerable progress of good hand writing on a daily basis. So there is no link of the first days sheet with last days sheet and there was a great difference of sky and earth in this matter but this will not be understood by the son and his father in this respect. So in this way the Saliks (mystic initiate) condition will be improved slowly and which he will not be realized by him. To understand the progress of the connection (Nasbit) and how it is finding in the Salik (mystic initiate) gradually so study the following example carefully. If a beggar will be given too much wealth without any endeavours then he will spend it without caring it. If against this if he will be given too much wealth gradually then he will take care of it and get benefit from it. So in the same way if the connection (Nisbat) will be found suddenly without endeavorsvours then it will be spoiled due to not caring about it.


12. To cure the heart there are five things which are required and these are as follows. A. To read the holy Quran with care and attention. B. To keep stomach empty. C. Night prayers. D. Supplication of the morning time. E. To sit in the company of pious persons and attend their meetings. 13. Allah will be available near with that man if he will be away from the mankind. 14. This is agreed by all holy pious saints that if someone who eat illegal food then he will be kept away from the following things. A. He will not be able to make differentiate in between Ilham (revelation) and doubt. 15. Zanoon Masri has described the reasons of problem in the persons condition and their hearts malfunction are as follows. A. Their intentions are poor for their deeds of the other world. B. Their devotees will follow the sexual desires and wishes. C. Despite of nearness of the death their deeds are lengthy. D. They will give preference to the willingness of the mankind. E. They will follow their wishes and desires. F. They will leave the Sunnat (traditions) of Allahs last prophet. I. For the small mistakes of the past people they used to discuss about them and there have been a number of arguments offered in this matter G. They will ignore many good deeds of the past persons and also they do not follow them. 16. To get the favor and benefits of the Sufi Order of Naqshabandiya holy saints, one should take care of following three things. A. If one who will act upon on any good deed which is acted upon by the holy saints of the Sufi Order of Naqshibandiya then he should not think and look at his act and do not take pride in it and always follow humility and sincerity in this matter. If he will act upon on any act which they do not like with them then he should not think that he was rejected by them and so do not get disappointed in this matter and do not leave them and do not wander here and there. When they order for something then he should act upon it urgently with sincerity and


humility so that he can get his goal in this matter. 17.If one who will recite the verse Yasin from holy Quran in Tahjud (supererogatory prayers in the early hours of the morning) prayer and after the prayer if he will pray Allah for his desires and wishes then his desires and wishes will be fulfilled. 18. Once he said the following things in the praise of Allahs last prophet which are as follows. This is fact that in the world and in all particles your presen ce is there and some time you are seen in houri and sometime you are seen in men but as a matter of fact your personality is free from color of warmth and it is pure so for this reason oh : friend so I will not say you houri or human being and all these things became a veil for him so actually he is different from them. 19.Once he said that one day Moulana Hamid uddin was in condition of his last breath so his son Moulana Jasam uddin saw him in such condition of difficulty and problem so he told him Oh : father why you are in condition of such unrest and difficulty and what is this problem in this matter and what is this reason of it?. So he told Oh : my son now they are demanding such thing which I do not have with me nor I have learnt the method of it to get it so I am in this condition of worry and unrest due to this problem. It means they are demanding the perfect heart so I do not know what to do in this matter as I do not know from I should bring the same for them. So Moulana Jisam Uddin said he Oh : father for some time turn your attention towards him with care and attention of his heart. So he instructs his father in this matter in that way. Moulana Hamid uddin has felt satisfaction and peace in his heart and after one hour and opened his eyes immediately and said Oh my son may Allah give you best reward for this matter and it is matter of great sadness and sorry that I have spent my whole life without caring it and I should have spent my whole life to get this method and anyhow he has spent his life in different way but now he is grateful to Allah for granting him pious son and due to his help he is leaving this world with the perfect heart as well as with virtue and happiness. After saying the above event then he said Oh : people to get control


of the heart during good health period otherwise during the last hours of your life when mind and health condition will be worse and then all parts of the body will face many problems of health so in such time presence (Huzur) of Qalab (heart) will be not possible to get it .? And it will not only difficult but also it will be very impossible thing. The above are some of the samples of his advices and instructions. I belong to one of his worthless slaves on his door. I have written nine remedies in one letter which I have sent to one Islamic brother in which I have written how to control the hearts worse condition and suggested its nine remedies in this matter. Even the text and subject of this letter is mine but in reality the contents of the letter are a small lamp which was lite by my great masters light of knowledge and reality . In the following letter there are many instructions are there which will describe about perfect heart (Qalab Salim) so it may called as commentary on the perfect heart (Qalab Salim). The letter is presented herewith for the kind perusal of the readers which is as follows for their guidance and attention in this matter. Dear Islamic brothers Assalam Alaikum I have received the following letter from above sheikh and which is kept before me for some time and for which I could not reply him . The reply of the above letter is as follows in which I have mentioned my thoughts and suggestions. So I request you all to read the same carefully and to act upon it for which I shall be highly obliged to all of you. Dear friends please note that the obedient young person will follow advices of pious persons and like it very much. Long time ago I have left Naldurg so I have a desire to visit it again but I could not go there despite of my desire. If I would have poet than I would have blame the time which will not allow our wishes to be fulfilled. Oh : I remembered that I would have to ask about your health as per tradition which come under out word forms in which I am not interested


at all. Let us try to read some of the remedies to rectify the heart. 1. To look the world as a temporary abode so look it with a warning . It is house of homeless persons. It is mortal house and in which many kings came and left the world and they had very strong hold and powerful rule in their kingdoms. They are now available in broken graves in very bad condition and now nobody knows about them and also think about them. Oh : this is a cruel and an unfaithful world showed them many lovely dreams and plans and then put them under the ground without any name and mark on them. Even after the above sad acts the world buried their crown and palaces in the soil and put the soil on the kings and named it as a grave and also the world continued the cruelty on them and also by blow of the winds which disappeared the soil of their graves which caused them nameless in the world. Oh : It is a very sad story that you have not heard such cruelty that many thousands became homeless and their relatives and the members of their families were no more in the world. If some of the persons still alive from their royal connection and they are living in very bad condition and live on the door of the rich persons as beggars and needy persons. Oh : unfaithful world, your act is very bad, which you did with your friends so justify your act in this matter. You have killed beautiful maidens and buried them in the soil and you are not kind to their youth and their lovely features and their grand beauty is still seen in the broken graves and which will cause to shed the tears by it lookers. There are hairs and ringlets , their lovely wrists and their other beautiful body parts are scattered here and there. Their lovely bodies for which the floral wreath of beds even doesn't bear them due to the harshness and would move here and there and now such lovely maidens and beautiful bodies are un-known in the graveyards and they have finished by eating of the insects . So these personalities are helpless and could not do anything to anybody. As a matter of fact


they came into the world and they are not against any power or to face anybody. It is very surprising and strange that in this world many powerful and brave kings came and left their great power and name to whom you (world) destroyed them very badly. These mighty persons ruled the area of Arabia to Persian regions with great power and for their historical events the world knows them and also knows their wars and great achievements in the world. Oh : now the dead bodies of these mighty powerful rulers are available in their graves in very neglected and poor condition. It is very astonishing thing that we can understand and study all the above things but after passing some time we forget everything and these things will remove from our minds like our age which is gradually finishing. Even upon the studying of the above condition and affairs , the situation is same with us that we are following our old carelessness method with us so for this reason we are still in darkness. So we should have to think about whatever our life period has passed so ignore it and take care of our remaining part of our life and for this reason we should take care for it as this world is a temporary abode. So we should think in this matter as this world is unfaithful so we should not love it and live in it as a temporary traveler. As the world is not a permanent place for the mankind so everyone one who lives in it will die soon surely. In the world everybody possesses the liver with spots in his body like the sky which has the moon which bears spotted on it. If we see the word carefully and then we can find it nothing and so despite of this reason many persons are lovers of it as they do not have the perfection of their eyes. 2.The darkness of soul (nafas) and problems of human nature will be solved by the connection of the heart and soul with a particular level with Allah . The revelation of the mysteries and good knowledge depend upon the following things. A. Remembrance of Allah. B. With more worship and endeavours. C. To leave the general people.


D. To live in loneliness and solitude. The above instructions are the same which Moulana Jami has advised in this matter and who said that Allah can do anything. But as per experience to become the friend of Allah and pious person is not possible without the following four things and if one who wish and desire to become his friend then one should try hard for the following things to achieve his goal in this matter. A. Loneliness and solitude due to this reason we can free from sins and so this is least benefit from it. B. Silence, for this reason someone said that without saying something one will not face the situation of sorry. And so in case of saying something one will face the situation of sorry. C. Always keep fasting and if someone eats food then he should eat less food. D. Saher, it means not to sleep in the nights for the worship purpose. Allah has granted treasure of knowledge to great Persian poet Hafiz due to his night prayers and early morning recitals. Due to eating food and night sleep the disciple will be kept away from the status of love. One who will want nearness of Allah then he should will leave his habit of more eating food and night sleep. 3.Allah has kept three things concealed in the following three things. A. His willingness in his obedience. So do not think any obedience as small thing because there will be the willingness of Allah in it . B. His anger in dis-obedience, so one should not think any disobedience as small thing so that he will be free from Allahs anger and wrath for this matter. C. His Velayat (saintliness) in his persons so one should not think any person lower than him because that man may be Allahs friend and pious person.


4. He said that the disciples should love his spiritual master with great sincerity and with truthful heart and it means one should love his spiritual master by heart and which is required as per conditions of mystic initiation and he should always imagine about the face of his spiritual master. And the spiritual master has a position among his disciples just like the position of the prophets among his followers and this tradition of Allahs last prophet is available in the book Mirsad al Abad which is as follows. My Ummats learned persons are having the status of the prophets of Israeli Ummat (nation ) . Once I heard by sheikh that the mystic person (Darwesh) who will follow the Islamic law and recite the blessing (Darud) on the last prophet of Allah, so think it is good to follow his company and service. So keep his love with true heart. Because for this matter the following instruction is available in Quran Kuno Ma Sadiqin (live with truthful persons) which is correct and right. As the company of pious persons will bring good benefits and results. So in this matter Quran and the tradition of the Allahs prophets have instructed us to have company of pious persons for better benefits and results in our lives. Translation of Persian poetry line is as follows. To sit with lovers and have a feeling of love and leave such peoples who are not lovers of Allah. If for some reason you are away from your spiritual master then there is no problem in this matter so in that situation always think about the face of your spiritual master and follow his instructions of daily recital schedule which will help the disciples to get the benefits of his spiritual master even if someone is away from him by following his schedule of daily work. 5.Such pages of books in which biographies of pious persons have been published and upon reading the events of their stories and which will affect upon the readers greatly. So hear or read such books. With


the help of such great books which are mentioned above so that there will be an increase in courage of sincerity and also there will be an increase of interest in the mystic exercises. Even the perfection of the Worship is difficult and not easy thing . So in this matter one should be patient in case of difficulty and problems. By grace of Allah in the biographies of holy saints there will be a great effect on it to reduce love of the world and to keep sole clean and clear from bad thoughts and deeds. So I recommend all of you with great confidence that when you read the biography of any holy saint then you will feel that you are present in the presence of that sheikh and who is preaching something to you and you are listening that thing from him. So in this way there will be favour of his effect on the hearts of those persons who are reading or listening such valuable great books. During these days of problems in which we are facing problems and difficulties from our relatives and friends and their description is as follows in the Persian couplets and its translation from Persian language is mentioned as under. Keep away from such brothers who will sell you as they are not your real brothers and they are same like the brothers of Prophet Yousuf (peace be upon him) and you know well that they had sold away Prophet Yousuf (peace be upon ) in the bazaar of Egypt. If you need such a friend who will always entertain you and who will not leave your company at any time and for this reason follow the book reading habit on a perpetual basis. During this time of problems and difficulties by following these two things we will be free from the problem and difficulties. A. Spiritual Master , whose heart is full of love of Allah . B. Advises and books of biographies of holy saints.


6. If you want to reach to your goal and if you have desire and wish for the nearness of Allah and to attain success in the court of Allahs last prophet so then you should follow the Islamic (Shariat ) law of Allah which was enforced for all general and private persons. So we should follow the law of Islam strictly in all our problems and difficulties and for this reason we should not ignore it. In our worship and habits we should follow the traditions of Allahs last prophet and it is must and necessary thing for all of us. So acting against the Islamic law and declaring the love and nearness of Allahs last prophet who has brought us Islamic law is useless and an act of an insane person. Those who will act against the instructions of holy prophet will not get their goal. In this matter great Persian poet Sadi said the following. The improvement of the qualities of innermost will not be possible without following the traditions of Allahs last prophet. 7. It is fact that soon we will have to leave this mortal world and will have to shift into another world so till our stay here we have to live in it as a traveler and except Allah we should not have love with anybody here. When the time of our departure will come then we should leave this place of problems with happiness and pleasure. 8.Follow the remembrance of Allah in all conditions without fail because no action is not better than this. Allahs last prophet said the following advice which is as follows. It is better than Jihad (armed struggle ) and charity. He used to say Oh : people you all should remember Allah too much so that due to your such condition the people will declare you as an insane person . In many places In Holy Quran it mentions the importance of


remembrance of Allah and at one place it is mentioned one method how to become closer to Allah in the shortest way which is possible and which is as follows. But keep in remembrance The name of thy Lord, And devote thyself To him whole-heartedly. ( Quran 73-9) So remember Allah too much so that there should no carelessness in this matter at any time. So the importance of remembrance of Allah is so great which is well known since long time. There will be great effect of advices of the spiritual master for the clearance of the heart . So by following the instructions of your spiritual master and continue the remembrance of Allah 24 hours during the day and night with the daily routine of working, sitting as well as walking. When you are free from your daily routine then closing your eyes and remember the face of your spiritual master and continue the remembrance of Allah. So this way is very famous for the clearance of the heart . Even the remembrance of Allah during the day time is also good but the remembrance of Allah during the night time is not only good but it is very effective and will have many results and benefits. 9. If we compare our heart with iron mirror then it may not be wrong. During the early days of our creation our heart was like a mirror pure and clean but as per our growth we have damaged it. There are millions of thanks to Allah who is most Beneficent and Merciful who has provided many ways to rectify its defects and to bring clearance to get purity and cleanliness of the heart. In this world there are many things which will work effectively for heart defects and make it black. So for this reason we are mentioning here with two smaller lists. If one who wants truly the cleanliness of his heart then he should leave these bad things and follow the good


things so that after some days our defected heart will become as Jam Jamshid (goblet of the Persian king in which he could view the whole world ) and in which he could able to view the world of angels . The list of bad things which will bring defects in the heart. 1.Sins. 2.Illegal power. 3.Love for the things. 4. Love for the power and rule. 5. Envy and jealousy. 6. Wrong prejudice. 7. Enmity. 8. Proud. 9. Pretense. 10. Hatred and malice. 11. False talking. 12. Laughing and mocking. 13. Bad manners. 14. Backbiting. 15. Backbiter. 16. Anger. 17. Unkindness. 18. Talking wrong things. 19. Greed. 20. Miserliness. 21. To praise himself. 22. To desire praise from others. 23.To think himself better than others and others are treated low. 24. Carelessness. 25. Flattery. 26. Desire for hurt of others. 27. Rashness. 28. Backbiting of others. 29. Cunning and to make excuses.


30. To laugh and have doubts and to take easiness in the commandment of Allah. The list of good things which will help the heart. 1. Repentance. 2. Legal food. 3. Truth. 4. Speech. 5. Good deeds. 6. Silence. 7. Charity. 8. Humility. 9. Shyness. 10. To treat everybody with kindness. 11. Worship. 12. Remembrance of Allah. 13. Thinking. 14. Cleanliness. 15. Always with ablution. 16. To act against the sole and rectify it. 17. Mystical exercises and endeavours. 18. Checking of personal accounts. 19. Meditation. 20. Patience. 21. Thanks. 22. Fear of Allah. 23. Hope of grace. 24. Fear of evil death. 25. To follow mysticism. 26. True intention. 27. Sincerity. 28. To accept the fate of Allah. 29. Trust. 30. To be Content.


31. Kith relation. 32. Piousness. 33. Toleration. 34. Forgiveness. 35. Firmness. 36. Courage. 37. Kindness. 38. Good manners. 39. To leave longer hopes and to remember death always. 40. Agony of death. 41. To think about the difficulties of the grave. 42. Scold of Nakirin (the two angels questioning man in his grave about his faith). 43 To remember about the inquiry of accounts of deeds on the day of resurrection and its dangerous situation. 44. To have the desire of look and love of Allah and to follow and have a love of Allahs last prophet. The brief synopsis of this book is as follows which is taken from the great Persian poet Jamis poetry and its translation which is as follows. Oh : Jami in your every breath include the remembrance of Allah. You all have studied in this book the biographies of the holy saints of Naqshabandi Order and they all have left this world and so you too have to leave this mortal world soon so take care of another world as your present life is very short and only some days of your life are left. For this reason you are guest here so one day you will left this world, surely. Oh : Allah may forgive this books writer and his parents and other following persons who are related to the publication of the book. 1. Copyist. 2. Editor. 3. Readers. 4. All Muslims.


5. Translator. My last message is followed. All praise is Allahs, Lord of all creations. O Lord, with all beauteous names (Allahuma), bestow blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad, our supreme access to You in the answer to what we supplicate for, the achievement of what we aspire to, and the forgiving of such wrongdoings as we have committed, . and upon members of his household and his companions and those who support him (Amin). Genealogical table of Naqshbandiya Order Allahs last prophet Syedna Mohammed Rasool Allah S.A Syedna Abu Baker Siddiq Salman Farsi Imam Qasim bin Mohmmed bin Abi Baker Imam Jafer Sadiq Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami Khaja Abul Hasan Qarqani Khaja Abu Qasim Gorgani Khaja Abu Ali Farmadi Khaja Abu Yousuf Hamdani Khaja Abdul Khaliq Gajidwani Khaja Moulana Mohamed Arif Riukari Khaja Mahmud Anjir Fanavi


Khaja Azizan Ali Ramatini Khaja Mohamed Baba Samasi Khaja Amir Kalan Khaja Baha uddin Naqshband Khaja Alauddin Attar Khaja Mohamed Yaqub Chargqi Khaja Nasir uddin Obeidullah Ahrar Khaja Mohammed Sharaf Uddin Zahed Khaja Mohammed Darwesh Khaja Moulana Khjagi Mohammed Amakangi Khaja Mohamed Baqi Billah Imam Rabbani Shaikh Ahmed Farooqi Khaja Mohammed Masum Shaikh Saif uddin Hafiz Mohammed Mohsen Syed Noor Mohammed Badayuni Mirza Mazhar Jan Jana Shah Abdullah Shah Saad Allah Syed Mohammed Pasha Bukhari Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah ================================================== THE END



4.Biographies of Sufi Saints of Aurangabad.

Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez



Published by MOHAMMED ABDUL HAFEEZ First Published 1433/2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.



This book Auliya-E-Aurangabad (The saints of Aurangabad) and it is very new book and which is published in the 2012 A.D. It means it was published one years ago in Hyderabad in the Urdu language. Please note it is a biography about holy personalities of Aurangabad. This is a small book in which there is biographies of holy personalities are added and in this book there are some great achievements of this great sheikh of Deccan (South India) which are not yet known to the general persons and other persons are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great interest and attention in this matter. From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this books first chapter and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last chapter as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great miracles and endeavors of holy saint are added and this holy saint was passed away from the world many centuries years ago. Even though this is small book but due to its importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and information of holy saint and who was passed away from the world upon doing his great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the foreign lands so this book is small one but it will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam. This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western world where there is great search and demand of the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of Allahs last prophet. To write about these great Sufi saints is not only it is difficult and but


it is very hard task as they were not only great pious personalities of their time in Deccan (South India) region but they were also a great Sufi Masters in Deccan area who struggled hard for the preaching and propagation of Islam centuries ago so in brief among them some were Qutubs (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of their time in Deccan (South India) region and who did many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation of Islam in South India and around it and there was no such personality during their time. In this book there are four chapters. Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com. Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics (the Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar) Email : [email protected]



1.Biography of Hazrat Muntajib uddin Zar Zari Baksh Dulha.

Masuleum of of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin Zar Zari Baksh Dulha.

Name and lineage genealogy. He is resting in Khuldabad Sharif which is near Aurangabad and he is one of the pious personalities of Aurangabad. His name is famous and well known as Sheikh Muntajib uddin and Zari Zar Baksh Dulha was his distinguished title due to his love of the people so they used to call him as Dulha Miya (bridge groom). He was well connected with two genealogical records. He was connected in the 11th generation with Imam Abu Hanifa and in 21th generation his genealogical record was connected with the Allahs final apostle. He was pledge to Khaja Nizam uddin Auliya as his spiritual master and obtained the saintly dress from him. He belongs to devotes of pious personalities of his time. Parents. His father's name is Sheikh Mohammed and his mothers name is Bibi Hajira. His grave is situated in the tomb which is located in the compound in the western-northern side. His brothers and sisters.


His father had four sons and five daughters and the details are as follows. 1. Sheikh Burhan Uddin Gharib. He was older than Hazrat Syed Muntajib Uddin . He was the caliph of Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Auliya. He was famous and well known pious personality of the Deccan and his status and position is very great and well known. 2. Hazrat Khaja Syed Muntajib Uddin. 3. Aziz Qatal. His grave is situated in Khuldabad Sharif. 4. Hazrat Abul Fatah. His grave is situated in Doulatabad but the people of Doulatabad used to say that he is the brother the Syed Shah Raju Qattal Hussaini who is the father of Hazrat Mohammed Ahmed Banda Nawaz of Gulberga. 1. Bibi Khadija 2. Bibi Maraya. 3. Bibi Amana. 4. Bibi Hameeda. Except the grave of Hazrat Abul Fatah and Hazrat Aziz Qattal all graves of the above persons are situated in Khuldabad Sharif. Lineage of Genealogy. 1. Khaja Muntajib Uddin 2. Hazrat Mahmood. 3. Nasir Hanseri. 4. Sultan Muzafar. 5. Sultan Ibrahim. 6. Sheikh Aba Baker. 7. Sheikh Abdulla. 8. Sheikh Abdur Rashid. 9. Sheikh Abdus Samad. 10. Abdus Salam. 11.Imam Abu Hanifa. But the writer of book Ishaq Rabbani mentioned he was connected Imam Abu Hanif in the 12th generation and by 10th generation the above record is correct but in the 11th generation the name Aba Warsa or


Hazrat Hama so this personality is connected with him and in the 12th generation he is well connection with imam Abu Hanifa. But all historians have confirmed the above first record of the 11th generations but the writer of this Urdu book was confirmed the other record which is mentioned in the above line. Mystical genealogical record 1. Allah's final apostle. 2. Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb. 3. Hazrat Khaja Hasan Basri. 4. Hazrat Abdul Wahed Bin Zaid. 5. Hazrat Fazil Bin Ayaz. 6. Sultan Ibrahim Bin Adham. 7. Hazrat Huzefatal Almarashi. 8. Hazrat Habital Basri. 9. Hazrat Ali Danuri. 10.Hazrat Abu Ishqaue Chisti. 11.Hazrat Khaja Ahmed Abdal Chisti. 12 Hazrat Abu Ahmed Chisti. 13.Hazrat Abu Yousuf Chisti. 14.Khaja Maudud Chisti 15.Hazrat Khja Haji Sharif Zindani. 16.Khaja Usman Haruni. 17 Khaja Moin Uddin Chisti. 18.Hazrat Khaja Qutub Uddin Baqtiar Kaki. 19.Hazrat Farid Uddin Gunj Shaker. 20 Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Aulia. 21.Hazrat Khaja Muntajib Uddin Zar Zari Baksh. Blessed birth. All historians have confirmed that he was born in the year 675 A.H. All books of biography writers except the writer of book Qazintal Asfia have confirmed that he is younger than his brother Hazrat Burhan Uddin Garib. The writer of the book Ishasq Rabbani mentioned his year of birth as 675 Hijri and his brothers year of birth as 654 Hijri and from the above record it is clear that he is younger than his brother Burhan Uddin Garib and he was second son of Hazrat Sheikh


Mahmood. Childhood. He was saint by his birth. Since childhood there had been indications of saintliness on his face. So since childhood he was used to busy in the remembrance of Allah and he was also busy in the daily recitals. He was used to busy in the worship and perform the following prayers. 1. Five congregational prayers. 2. Israq prayer. (Supererogatory prayer in mid morning) 3. Chast prayer. (Supererogatory prayer) 4. Awabin prayer. (Supererogatory prayer) 5. Tahjud prayers (supererogatory prayer in the early morning hours) He strictly followed the Islamic law (Shariat) and he was very great lover of Sunnat (practice) of Allahs final apostle. He was in habit of ignoring worldly matters and he was used to be busy in mystical exercises and endeavors despite of hardship and effects in all seasonal without any interruption and gap in this matter. Higher status. Upon becoming disciple of Sheikh Nizam Uddin and also due to Sheikhs kind attention and favor he was passed successfully many stages of Fakher (indigence) and he reached to a higher status of Velayat (saintliness). His caliphate. Due to his following qualities. 1. Zahed (abstinence). 2. Taqwa (piety). 3. Mystical exercise 4. Endeavors. For the above reasons he was much liked by the Sheikh and who awarded him caliphate first to him despite of his young age among his disciples. The Sheikh also awarded him the following things. 1. Caliphate paper. 2. Prayer mat. 3. Staff. 4. Robe of honor.


The group of 1,400 palanquins. A group of 1,400 palanquins of holy pious personalities came to the Deccan from Delhi. This event is very famous in the history books and they described the details which are as follows. Sheikh Nizam Uddin Auliya has arranged and sent a group of 1,400 pious personalities towards Deccan and around Delhi areas for the guidance of mankind and to spread the teaching and favors of the Sufi order of Naqshibandiaya. He was selected the leader of caravan of 1,400 holy and pious persons to Deccan by Khaja Nizam Uddin Auiya as he thinks that he is fit for the job due to his best qualities. From this it is clear that he was made leader of 1,400 holy and great personalities and as a matter of fact in that caravan there were so many great pious personalities were there and they were perfect in the following things. 1. Flying in the air. 2. To walk on the water. The historian Mohammed Qasim who wrote his famous history book Tariq Farista mentioned that the number of his caravan members were 7,00 and among them many were perfect personalities of their time so for this reason due to their higher status and position they were allowed to travel in the palanquins. To obey spiritual masters order. To obey his masters order he left for Delhi for always and while becoming the leader of the caravan or like the bride groom of the marriage who moves in the procession so in this way he went towards Deccan along with a caravan of 1,400 holy pious personalities. During his journey he was passed away from many places of India and also moved from difficult places of mountains and at last he was reached to Doulatabad and which was the capital of the kingdom of Delhi at that time and its population was too much. In the books of history the following details are not available. 1. His departure date from Delhi. 2. When he was reached to Doulatabad. 3. The events of his journey from Delhi to Doulatabad.



His stay in Doulatabad. Upon his arrival he was staying near a place which is adjacent of one mountain and he was selected that place and which is famous as Doulatabad also he was buried there and his mausoleum is available there. Due to following reasons he was selected this mountain area and not moved from there and he was settled down along his dervish friends permanently. 1. Nafaskashi (Self-denial). 2. Life of zahed (mystic). Chilla Kashi (To retire (forty days) into mystic speculation). He was settled down on the mountain for Chilla Kashi (to retire (40 days) into mystic speculation) and now on this place his mausoleum is situated there. Near this mountain area there is one natural cave is there in which he was used to engage himself in the following things. 1. Chilla Kashi (to retire (40 days) into mystic speculation). 2. Mystical exercises. 3. Endeavors. The above place is very famous in Doulatabad for this reason a large number of people used to visit this place. This mountain area is known as mount of Mashaiq (learned persons). His friends. His friends were also settled down around this mountainous area and so for this reason their graves are there on this spot around this area and their children are still available in this place. Islamic services. During his stay in Khuldabad he was followed all directions and instruction from his great spiritual master and fulfilled his duties perfectly to the entire satisfaction of his master. Due to this reason large number people from neighboring areas were greatly benefitted due to his favor of Zaheri (manifest) and Batni (innermost) and many thousand people were accepted his guidance towards the path of Allah. His daily routine of life and practices in the meeting place were as per dervish system. Till his entire life he was disconnected with the worldly life and its people.


Death. He left this world on 7th Rabil Awwal in the year 709 Hijri at the age of 34 years in his house of residence in Khuldabad and his date of death is available from the following words. Shahinsha Auliya Mausoleum His mausoleum is situated in Khuldabad Sharif which is famous and for this reason the visitors in large numbers will visit the shrine and pray Allah for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Sheikhs name. The meaning of Khuldbad Sharif. This place which is known today as Khuldabad Sharif but before its name was Baghe Roudah but after death of king Aurangzeb Alamgir and his mausoleum is situated in the shrine area of Hazrat Khaja Zain Al-Abidin and who is also known as Bawis Khaja and from that time this area was becoming famous as Khuld Ashian and in his name all area of the mountain become famous as Khuldabad Sharif. The meaning of Zar Zari Zar Baksh. When he was leaving Delhi along with 1400 groups of holy personalities as per his spiritual master's instruction but at that time he was reluctant in this matter that how he will manage the expenses of all these large number of persons and from which source the huge required money will come for this purpose. So for this reason he was worried due to this problem and so he was visited his master in this matter and told him his difficulty that he is not having strength and capacity to maintain the expenses of such a large group of persons . So upon this matter his spiritual master went into meditation and told him that at the time of Tahjud (supererogatory in the early hours of morning) prayer all the expenses in this matter will be arranged to him. As per reference from Mohammed Qasim who wrote his famous history book Tariq Farishta that at the time of Tahjud (supererogatory prayer in the early hours of the morning) there will arrive one box full of gold for the expenses of the darvish persons from an invisible source. So he used to collect the gold in the morning and for that money he will run the expenses of Darvish persons. For this reason he was well known and


become famous with the title of Zar Zari Zar Baksh. Maulavi Ghulam Ali Sahib Azad wrote from reference from the book Roudah Auliya Deccan that when his endeavors, mystical exercises were reached at the highest level and he got status and position of Mahbibiat (loveliness) then from that time daily in the morning and evening time he will used to get two robes of honor of gold from invisible source and which he will use to sell and spend the amount on the expenses of his Dervish friends and from that amount he will not use any amount for his personal expenses. So for this reason he was getting title Zar Zari Baksh. One more tradition which is known in this matter that there was severe starvation in that area and for this reason many persons in large numbers were present in his shrine due to poverty and worst problems in this matter and they requested him to consider their worst situation so for this reason he was prayed in this matter and due to his prayer in the morning there were branches of gold developed on the trees from the ground level of the length of a span and so he will used to cut the same and sold gold in the market and used to spend on the people. But in the book Roudah Alaqtab this event was mentioned about Hazrat Burhan uddin Garib. Also it was heard that when he was in the womb of his mother and despite of her delivering pains but he was not being delivered. So for this reason his father Sheikh Mahmood went to see his spiritual master Hazrat Mahboob Ilahi and explained him all details in this matter. So Hazrat mahboob Ilahi gave some him one pill of raw sugar (gud ) with a mix of gold and told from his tongue of favor that the boy should not delivered in the naked condition. So Sheikh Mahmood gave the pill to his wife and afterwards he was born in the condition that he was covered with loincloth of gold on his lower part of the body.

The meaning of Dulha Miyan (bride groom).



When he was died in the younger age without marriage so for this reason he was called as Dulha Miyan (bride groom). Miracles. It is very hard and tough task to cover all his miracles which are famous and well known to all persons. Due to fear of length I am afraid to mention in this small book all of them. So I mention here only one of his miracle which is as follows. Once Hazrat Muntajab Uddin was busy in meditation upon the favor and attention of his spiritual master Hazrat Nizam Uddin auliya and at that time his younger brother Burhan Uddin Garib went to see him so to welcome his brother he spread the eating cloth and offered him food items. So his brother told him that he is keeping fast so he did not eat the food items there. So he told him it was supererogatory fast so you can eat the food items there. But he did not accept his advice and went away from there and went to see Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya and to kiss his feet in his shrine building. Upon seeing him the Sheikh asked his servants to bring some food for Burhan Uddin Garib so as per obedience of his Sheikhs order he eat some food there. When he left from there the prayer time of Asr (evening) was started so he went to the mosque for praying there. When he reached in the mosque and asked the person for prayer of Asr (evening) but all persons told him that they have already performed the prayer. At last he prayed the Asr (evening) prayer lonely with confession and thought in his mind that due to not eating with brother Hazrat Muntajab uddin so he was lost his fast as well his congressional Asr (evening) prayer. Great respect. In the book Nafis Al Anfas it is mentioned that Hazrat Burhan Uddin Auliya once told that Hazrat Muntajib uddin had one friend and all people used to call him as Syed and that person not used to convey Salam to rich persons on his way but he used to convey Salam to poor and insane persons who will be find him in the worst condition of their clothes and so in this way he used to pay them his respect. When Hazrat Muntajib Uddin able to known his habit then he told that respect of such group of persons is very great work.


Hazrat Khaja Mohammed Sahib. He was a disciple of Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya and he was the brother of Tariqat (mystic) of the Hazrat Muntajib Uddi so he used to love and like him too much and also Khaja Mohammed Sahib used to like him very much . The event of his death is very famous that on the day of death of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin when all people left from the grave of Hazrat Mountajib Uddin upon his funeral rites and Khaja Sahib was left lonely there and he was become silent for some time and after some time suddenly due to passion of his love and due to his separation he was began weeping and crying in this matter and when he was become in uncontrolled condition he was fallen on the grave of his friend while reciting one couplet in Persian and he was died suddenly. He was died on the same day beside the grave of his friend. His Urs (death anniversary) ceremony is also celebrated on 7th Rabi Awwal along with Urs (death anniversary) of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin. Some details of persons of palanquins. In the book Roudatal Aqtab the writer was mentioned the details of some persons who came from Delhi to Doulatabad along with Hazrat Muntajib Uddin and their details are as follows. 1. Hazrat Khaja Mohammed Sahib. He was his spiritual brother and he was buried in the tomb of Hazrat Mountajib Uddin. 2. Hazrat Khaja Shams Uddin His grave is situated outside of the tomb of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin near the wall in the eastern side and he was his sister's son. 3.Hazrat Khaja Siraj Uddin. He was his maternal uncle and his brother and sister's grave are available at the back side to the tomb Hazrat mountjib Uddin sahib in the western side in other tombs. 4. Hazrat Syed Kabir. He was the first teacher of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin. His grave is situated in the western side of one well which is at the head side of the mausoleum.


5.Hazrat Sader Uddin Bhakri. 6.Hazrat Fakher Uddin Bhakri The graves of above two pious persons are available on the outside of the shrine area in the north side under the acacia (kiker) tree at the side of the road. 7. Hazrat Zahir Uddin Bhakri. 8. Hazrat Husam Uddin Bhakri. 9. Hazrat Bahu Uddin Bhakri. 10. Hazrat Siraj Uddin Bhakri. Serial number 7 to 10 were buried in the mosque of Char Sadah Auliya and above all were spiritual brothers of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin. 11.Hazrat Peer Bader Uddin Nav Lakhi. He was buried in the near the mountain area of Howda. He was spiritual brother of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin. 12.Hazrat Kamal Uddin and he was a spiritual brother of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin Sahib. His grave is situated in the of the Mandi Takeri area in the northern side. Also his brothers and sisters and one courtier Doulat Shah Darbari was also coming along with him from Delhi to Doulatabad. As the servants of shrine used to point out many hundred graves there. At the foot side of the tomb and in the shrine area and around it there are many graves are there and for all these graves they say that all these persons of the graves are belong to friends of Hazrat Mantajib Uddin. Also in some other places of India and in the land of Deccan there are available many thousand holy persons and among most of them belongs to friends of the Hazrat Muntajib Uddin and who were with them in the group of 1400 palanquins and who came there for the preaching and the propagation purpose of Islam in Deccan and in its surrounding areas. Tomb. There are two compounds of shrine of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin are there and in the area in which the tomb is situated is small and it is at a higher level than the other area. There is a grand mausoleum over the grave of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin. There are available some copies of holy Quran and one steel mirror inside the tomb building which belongs


to the period of Tana Shah of Golconda kingdom. On the grave there is cover of golden-lace work and inside of the tomb there is velvet tent available. At the door of the tomb there is available black marble flooring . At the side of the eastern wall grave of his sisters son is situated and at the side of the western wall grave of his other sister's son is there. At the western side of his tomb his mother Hejira Bibis grave is situated. And she is well known there as Ma Sahiba. The Urs (death anniversary). On this occasion people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which takes place on the 4th Rabil Awwal of Muslim calendar at the famous Hazrat Muntajib Uddin's Dargah (shrine) in Khuldabad Sharif every year. Several hundred thousand devotees from near and far, irrespective of religion and beliefs, gather there to seek blessings. During the Urs (death anniversary) the visitors in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Sheikhs name. In this way the above ceremony will be arranged on a grand scale and the visitors will visit the mausoleum from near and far away places. His Urs (death anniversary) is celebrated on the large scale comparing to other holy pious personalities of Khuldabad Sharif and also it is well known in the area of the Deccan. It is commenced with celebration of Urs (death anniversary) of Hazrat Burhan Uddin. Upon arrival of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Garibs arrival to Khuldabad he used to celebrate Urs (death anniversary) of his younger brother Hazrat Muntajib Uddin with great love and affection and he was celebrated it for a period of 20 years. And the same type of celebrations and formalities were in the practice since 700 years and till now there is no change at all. Urs (death anniversary). The following ceremonies are organized. 1. White washing. 2. Farashan. 3. Sandal ceremony.


4. Illumination of lights on the tomb 5. Reciting of the Quran. Every year the preparation Urs (death anniversary) ceremony used to start from first of Rabil Awwal but actually all formalities are commencing from 4tH Rabil Awwal. On the 4th Rabil Awwal the ceremony of Urs (death anniversary) started in the following way. After passing of some years so it became a tradition in the shrine for the arrangement of flowers on the Kalas (spire pinnacle ) of the mausoleum on the commencement of Urs (anniversay) ceremony and this ceremony (flower bouquet) which will organized there in the presence of large of persons in the shrine building. After this ceremony upon reciting Faith (first verse of Quran) the white washing work will be started and this ceremony is famous and well known and it is called locally as Taqrib Chuna. On the 5th Rabil Awwal aftr reciting Fatiha (frist verse of Quran ) and after distribution of sweets the sandal work is done inside the tomb and which is known as Sandal Mali and upon closing the doors of the tomb the service of the grave is being done and this ceremony is known as Farashan and after this the used cover of the grave will be removed with great respect and honor and will be taken to Satkonda area which is one mile from the shrine building and where there are some wells are there in which the cover of the tomb is washed and brought back in the evening time in the shrine building. The washing water of the cover of the tomb will be collected by the persons as benediction (tabrek) and will be distributed among all persons and it will well known and famous that the water is elixir (aksir) for all diseases and problems.On 6th Rabil Awwal after the Zuhar (afternoon) prayer the reciting of Quran will be started and which will be continued up to next day. On the 7th Rabil Awwal the procession of sandal will be started from the Khuldabad Sharif with great grandeur and on the large scale basis. In the procession more than 60,000 persons will participate and get felicity for it. In the midnight at 12o clock the meeting of ecstasy (samah) will be started at the opposite side of the shrine and at that time the doors of the tomb will be closed and service of the tomb will be commenced in this matter.


On the grave the devotees will specially arrange for the pavilion with bedecked with shoots and sprays (mandawa) which is well known local tradition and upon this the doors of the mausoleum will be opened to all general visitors persons to visit the tomb . At this time there will be such condition on the persons which is not desirable in the writing and which is required to see the same physically. The Qawwali (mystic chorus) will be stopped at the time for (morning) prayer and after Fajr (morning) prayer the reciting of Quran will be commenced. On the seventh Rabil Awwal the lights will be illuminated and at the time of midnight at 12 O clock the Qawwali (mystic chorus) programs will be stopped and in its place Melad Sharif (meeting to held to celebrate the holy prophets nativity) program will be started and which will be continued up to prayer time of Fajr (morning prayer) and after the prayer there will be permission of the Qawwali (mystic chorus) programs which will be continue again up until the next day. On the 8th Rabil Awwal at the time of 12o clock midnight a special Qawwali (mystic chorus) program will be commenced and which will continue up to Fajr (morning time) prayer time and after reciting of Quran will be started and after this there will be a recitation of Faitha ( first verse of the Quran) program and after this the sweets will be distributed among the visitors of the shrine and in this way the Urs (death anniversary) celebrations will be ended. At the end of this article it is prayed for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the visitors who will visit the shrine in large numbers for the sake of the Sheikhs name (Amin) =============



2.Biography Hazrat Burhan Uddin Auliya Gharib.



Mausoleum of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Auliya Gharib.

Name and lineage genealogy. His name was Burhan Uddin Auliya Gharib and he is resting in Khudabad Sharif and he is one of the pious personalities of Aurangabad. His name is famous and well known as Burhan Uddin Gharib. He was well connected with two gengeogical records. He was contacted by 11th generation with Imam Abu Hanifa and in 21th generation he was connected with the Allahs final apostle. He was pledge to Khaja Nizam Uddin Auliya and obtained the saintly dress from .He belongs to devotees of old pious personalities. He was the elder brother of Hazrat Muntaqab Uddin Zari Zari Baksh. So for this reason the people of Khuldabad called his shrine as a big shrine (Dargah). Upon the death of Hazrat Muntaqab Uddin as per


his spiritual master's instruction he came to Khuldabad from Delhi. Birth. As per reference from the book Roudha Al-Aqtab Hazrat Burhan Uddin was born in the year 654 Hijri in city Hansi and his parents used to call him as Burhani instead of Burhan Uddin. Parents. His father's name is Sheikh Mohammed and his mothers name is Bibi Hajira. His grave is situated in the tomb which is located in the compound in the western-northern side. Sheikh Mahmood had 4 sons and 5 daughters and among all of them Burhan Uddin was the elder son of his parents. Genealogical record. 1. Khaja Burhan Uddin Gharib. 2. Hazrat Mahmood. 3. Nasir Hanseri. 4. Sultan Muzafar. 5. Sultan Ibrahim. 6. Sheikh Aba Baker. 7. Sheikh Abdalla. 8. Sheikh Abdur Rashid. 9. Sheikh Abdus Samad. 10.Abdus Salam. 11.Imam Abu Hanifa. The meaning of Gharib. Since long time he has been much interested to learn alchemy so he was searching a perfect Sheikh in this matter. Due to his search he left Hansi city and reached in Delhi and at that time he was passing through poor conditions of his life. Hazrat Zain Uddin who was his Murid ( disciple) and his caliph and he says that when he left Hansi city and reached to Delhi and where he stayed in one deserted mosque which was situated near a bridge and due to his blessing it was lighted and a large number of people started to come to that mosque. At that time there was great fame and name for the favor and attention of Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliyas general dining cloth and his public kitchen were famous in the all over the world.


When he heard about the events of the Sheikhs perfection and general favor then he used to think in this matter that on trust of Allah it is not possible such great eating cloth for poor persons and even for the kings and for others without alchemy and invisible hand it is not possible. But he was not known that Sheikhs tongue will work like alchemy and the eating cloth was due to kindness and grace of Allah. Whoever will be entered in a shrine will become like philosophers stone not like an alchemist. So in this way in his search of his interest in alchemy he was entered in the shrine of Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Auliya. Upon seeing his worst poverty condition Sheikhs special servant told the Sheikh that Burhan Uddin Gharib presented here and upon learning this the Sheikh told that the general persons known him well but he is still poor . So from that day he was become famous and well known with the title of Gharib. His interest towards indigence. Gradually he got a special position in the shrine of Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin. After some days the Sheikh was known by the revelation of batani (innermost) his intention and so asked him for his service in the public kitchen. One day the Sheikh came into the public kitchen and asked to bring one clod for toilet. So he went outside and in search of it and found one clod and collected it and upon his touch it was converted into gold so he was thrown it immediately and he picked another clod which also converted into gold and so he thrown it and went away and covered long distances in this matter. But in all places clods were converted into gold. So he began again his searched for the clods but he could not find it. He came back in the presence of the Sheikh and explained him all details in this matter. So the Sheikh told him To search such a thing which is useful for toilet and to desire such a thing and for it wasting of precious life period is not also a good thing. Upon hearing his Sheikhs instruction Burhan Uddin left his thinking to learn alchemy in this matter and he began his interest in indigence.



Caliphate. He came from Ghiyaspur to Delhi in the year 693 A.H. At that time there were following two persons were there in the service of Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Aulia. 1.Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib. 2. Hazrat Kamal Uddin Yaqub (his grave is situated in Patan Gujrat). Dream. Hazrat Sheikh Burhan Uddin Gharib said that before his pledge to Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya he saw a dream in which he was fallen in a trench and he was tried his best to come out from there but he was not successful in this matter. Suddenly Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya helped him in this matter as he came out from there by holding his hand in this matter. Upon his pledge to the Sheikh he explained him the details of his dream to him and the Sheikh told him that On that day I have given my hand into your hand. Renewal of his pledge. As per reference from the history book Tariq Farista that once he was sitting on the earth in the public kitchen. Due to too much cold he spread his kitchens small mattress which was on his shoulder on the earth and he sat on it. For this reason someone had complained in this matter with Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya that Burhan Uddin Gharib used to sit in the public kitchen on the small mattress . Upon hearing this the Sheikh told that it is not good and still in his head lust is there. So for this reason he asked him not to come into his presence. When he heard the Sheikhs order in this matter then Burhan Uddin Gharib became upset due to separation from of the Sheikh. Many times many friends tried in this matter but the Sheikh did not accept any recommendation in this matter. When all endeavors were become unsuccessful then he was requested Amir Qusro in this matter and as he loved him very much so for this reason Amir Khusro put his turban on his neck and asked him to stay at the place where the footwear are kept. At that time the Sheikh was doing ablution while was putting his cap in the bent style on his head and when Amir Khusro saw the Sheikh then he recited one Persian couplet


with which Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya was too much happy and he stood and took both of them under his shoulders and was renewed the pledge of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib. Wisdom. In the reference from the book Fatuh Auliya that on the day on which Hazrat Muntajib Uddin was dead in Khuldabad and on that day this event was happened that Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya was doing abulution and the Hazrat Burhan Uddin was there in his service while hold the water jug and he was pouring water for ablution for him. Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya asked him whether his brother was elder or younger with him.? So for this reason Hazrat Burhan uddin was able to know in this matter that his brother is no more in this world. On the next day he brought the goods which are required for Ziart (third day funeral rites) of his deceased brother Hazrat Muntajib Uddin and he came into the meeting place of his Sheikh. So all persons who were present there asked him in this matter. So Burhan Uddin told them that yesterday Sheikh asked him that whether Hazrat Muntajib Uddin was his younger or elder brother so by his wisdom he got this idea that his brother already left this world as word was referring to past tense. After the end of this meeting the Sheikh told him that he was selected him as successor of his brother in Khuldabad Sharif so you should proceed soon to Khuldabad. Upon his Sheikhs order he was become silent and was upset with the thought of separation from his great Sheikh so he was sad in this matter. But due to manners and etiquette he did not say anything in this matter. Upon watching this condition and due to his silence in this matter the Sheikh asked the reason for his silence. So Hazrat Burhan Uddin told him that he will be left away from his sandals. So Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya told him to keep the sandals on his head and due to pain of leaving him and which was so severe that he was becoming uncontrolled in this matter and he began weeping in this matter. So the Sheikh told him why he is reluctant in this matter to go to Khuldabad Sharif. So he told him with humility and sincerity that he will be away from his meeting place. Due to his favor and attention he told him to took away all disciples and caliphs who were present in the


meeting place at that time and to go Khuldabad along with them there. In the book Fatuh Auliya it is mentioned that there were total 700 persons and some other historians says that they were total 400 persons who were present at the meeting place at that time. But Mohammed Qasim Farista has mentioned that they were total 400 persons . And also the following persons were also going to Khuldabad along with Hazrat Burhan Uddin Garib. 1. Hazrat Amir Hasan. 2. Hazrat Ala Sanjari. 3. Hazrat Sheikh Kamal Khajandi. 4. Hazrat Sheikh Jam. 5. Hazrat Sheikh Fakher Uddin. Last try. Hazrat Burhan Uddin helplessly started his preparation of his journey to Deccan and in this matter he tried last time to stay in the company of his Sheikh and requested him that it is very difficult for him to leave his company so the Sheikh did meditation in this matter and told him that Burhan Uddin it is prudence of Allah is there that you should go immediately to Deccan and be satisfy in this matter that there will no veil among us. Departure from Delhi. As per spiritual master's orders he left Delhi for his journey towards Khuldabad Sharif . At the time of departure the Sheikh awarded him the following which are mentioned as follows. 1. Some relics. 2. Saintly dress of caliphate. 3. Grace (namat) of innermost (batini). He was advised following five instructions which are as follows. 1. To give the relics and saintly dress to Maulana Dawood Hussain (Syed Zain Al-din). 2. To give preference to mothers' willingness than other things and to think it as mercy of Allah. 3. To perform five congressional and Friday prayers and never ignore these prayers. 4. Always to be live as bachelors.


5. To take care of my spiritual sister who is living in Doulatabad. Upon kissing the feet of the Sheikh he left from the residence of his spiritual master towards his journey to Doultabad. New city. Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib along with his friends after covering many places and jungle areas and they found one village in healthy resort of jungle area so they stayed there one night in that village. At the side of village and at the bank of river Tapti he sat on the stone and made ablution and prayed in congressional and after his prayer he was prayed for one big citys rehabilitation there and his prayer was accepted and one big city was rehabilitated there and its name is well known as famous as Burhanpur and he left from there after Fajar (morning ) prayer for his onward journey towards Deccan. After some days of journey he was arrived in Doulatabad which is also known and famous as Baghe Roudah in the year 718 Hijri Or 720 Hijri. Due to his favor and his attention there were great benefits to the following persons in Doulatabad. 1. Poor persons. 2. Mashaiq (learned persons). 3. Fakirs (Darvish). Also a large number of persons become his disciples and devotees. The list of persons who came to Doulatabad from Delhi is very lengthy and if we try to write all of them then it will require a lengthy book on this matter so for this reason the details of names of pious persons are not included in this brief episode and only the details of events of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Garib are added in it. Prediction of his death. He was staying in Doulatabad for a period of 18 years upon arrival from Delhi. When he become 80 years old in the year 735 A.H. then he was becoming ill so for this reason the persons thought that he will be died soon. So when he heard this news in this matter then he told Abdullah Matbaqi that the people are reluctant for his illness but this time he will be recovered as his spiritual master has given me some things which are still pending with him. But during his next illness


period which will be continued for a period of 3 years and during such condition by the grace of Allah I will be benefitted by night of power (Shabe Qader) and after that time I will leave this world and see the all Mighty Allah. It means he will be died during his second period of illness. Abdullah Matbaqi says that the Sheikh predicted his second illness details before four years and asked him not to say this secret to anybody. So during his life time I never disclose in this matter to anybody. So in this way he was recovered from his first period of illness. Death. He was become ill again in the year 736 A.H. And during this period of illness he was used to weep some time. So the Sheikhs disciples Khaja Mumbark Ghouri who was his disciple once he was in his presence so he told me that Mubark do not think that he is weeping due to fear of death or illness. But to reason of absence of remembrance of Allah for a while so he will weep in this matter. The lover of Allah never weeps for the following conditions. 1. In all condition. 2. Pain or grief. As the pious personalities used to think that illness and problems are a mercy from Allah.When his illness extended for longer period so the persons of manifest thought it is illness so they brought experienced doctors to check his health condition. So the doctors after checking his pulse beating told that his body was converted as the soul. So for this reason there is no cure available with us or even the other doctors could not able to cure him in this matter. Before his death he was in the following conditions. 1. Engrossment 2. Absorption. Due to the above conditions when any person will use to come there to kiss his feet then the servant will call the name of visitor. When his time of death came nearer when somebody will present there then he will give something to him and used to ask to leave him. Once he was distributed many coverlets. During his period of illness he was informed disciples about his death and place of his burial.At last days of his


death he was called all his disciples one day and give them his special advises to them. Some time before his death he kept bead of Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya before him and wear turban on his head and he began saying as follows. That he is Muslim and belongs to Ummat (nation) of Allahs final prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and he is disciple of the Sheikh. As a matter of fact he was not pious person but he was lived in the company of pious personalities and did the work of carrying their sandals and by saying this he was taken his face into prostration on the bead of Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya. There is difference about his date of death. As per saying of his disciple Mujad Uddin that on 12th Safar 738 A.H. on the Tuesday at the time of chast (mid-morning) prayer Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib called his servants and instructed them to go into the kitchen to eat the food from there. As per Sheikhs instruction all persons who were present near him were went in to the kitchen for eating the food from there. Only Khaja Rasheed Uddin who was his disciple was there with him in his service. He told him where is the dress of our Khaja Sahib and to bring the same. Khaja Rasheed Uddin told him that the dress is kept in the room and he moved further to hear what the Sheikh will give instruction in this matter but upon watching him carefully and found him that he was already left the world. On that day the dead body was kept safely and on the next day on 13th Safar in the year 738 Hijri. on the Wednesday treasure (Gunj) of secrets of Allah was buried. As per tradition it is known that he was died on the 8th of Safar in the year 738 Hijri. So as per this custom every year his Urs (death anniversary) is celebrated on 8th Safar. Mausoleum. Hazrat Khaja Sheikh Burhan Uddins mausoleum is situated in Khuldabad Sharif which is famous and well known so the visitors from near and far away places in large number who will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of Shaikhs name. There is grand mausoleum was constructed over his grave and in front side of tomb there is stone floor is available .On stone floor there are marks of silver nails available there. About silver nails it is


famous in the shrine that when there was no source of income available to the servants of the shrine then at that time these nails used to grow longer so for this reason the servants used to cut these silver nails at a particular time and used to sell in the bazaar and used to cover the expenses of the shrine as well as they used the money for their personal house expenses. When system of jagir (estate) was started then the growth of silver nail was stopped and now only mark of the silver nails left on the floor of the shrine and the servants of the shrine point out the marks of the silver nails. The Urs (death anniversary ) ceremony. Every year on the 8th of Safar the Urs (death anniversary) ceremony used to commence in the shrine building. The schedule of programs are as follows. On the 8th Safar White washing. On the 9th Safar Farashan. On 10th Safar Sandal ceremony. On 11th Safar illumination of lights. On 12th Safar reciting of Quran and cover of the grave will be removed and will be taken for the washing at Satkande place. In the Urs (death anniversary) ceremony there is no large number of persons are found. It mean only local persons used to participate in the ceremony and all other ceremonies are held as per the Urs (death anniversary) programs of Hazrat Mutabjib Uddin Zar Zari Baksh. Miracles. As status and position of the Sheikh was increased too much so in the same way his miracles were also increased. In his life history he performed so many miracles at different occasions. So for this reason it is not possible and it is hard task to mention all of them here in this brief episode. Due to this fact some miracles are mentioned which are as follows. 1. Once a woman came there to see him upon suffering to severe pain in her head and due to this problem she was very upset and restless in this matter. She requested him and told him that she had severe pain in her head so please cut her head or pray in this matter so that she could find relief in this matter. When he heard her request he was smiled and


told her that if the head will not be broken then her pain will not be gone. Upon hearing this she left from there to her house and she sat at the side of one old wall and at that time suddenly one stone was fell on her head from the upper side and blood was discharged from her head and upon this there was no more pain in her head. 2. As per reference from the book Gharib Karamat that once two persons came to see the Sheikh to pledge him but he was accepted one person for his pledge but he told another person that he had some doubts or suspicions in mind so he is no good for the pledge. So one should not visit the darvish person in that condition and it is not good so it will be termed as insolence in this matter. When the two persons left from the Sheikh and one person who become his Murid (disciple) asked him when the Sheikh did not accept you for his pledge and what is secret in this matter.? So the other person told him that there many ideas were coming in his mind at that time and some time it were coming to become his disciple and some time there were ideas in his mind not to become his disciple. Also there is necessity of bathing for him. 3. One day one person came there to check the Sheikh and he sat there in cross legged position and started to discussion on some issue. So in that condition the Sheikh called him to sit near him so for this reason he was began shivering due to his discussion and for this reason his first idea about the Sheikh was left from his mind. In the discussion the Sheikh told him the details of events which were happened to him during the period of 12 years and his description were so perfect that as he was also present there and watched all events personally. In those past events he was also told him about his love story of a woman so for this narration that person was surprised in this matter and then he come become his disciples and pledge to him. 3. One person who was known and famous as Taj Uddin who was having large family with him but his source of income was very less. Once he complained his problems with the Sheikh. So the sheikh told him that if Allah wills there will be available prosperity to him soon but at that time he didn't live in the world. It is fact that it was happened as per his prediction.


4. Once Fakher Haider came to see him and he had a thought in her mind that if the Sheikh is perfect pious personality then he will give him sugar-candies. So as per his thought the Sheikh was called his servant and asked him to give some sugar-candies and told Fakher Uddin do not take examination of the darvish persons. 5. Khaja Ramzan says that once in his house all members of his family were become ill so for this reason his father sent one water pot to the Sheikh and instructed him to explain the details of condition of illness of all family members in this matter. So when arrived there and explained the details of illness to the Sheikh so he did blow over on the water and asked to give water to all persons except one persons. Upon reaching back his house he was given water to all persons except that persons so all patients become well and the person whom the Sheikh was prohibited to give the water was died. Quotes. The Sheikh sayings are too many and some of them are mentioned as follows. 1. The darvesh should not keep amant (entrusted things) with him and should not involve in the matters of surety and witness. 2. The darvesh should remove the things which he had in his hand and in his head it means he should remove money and proud from him. 3. The darvesh should not wear thin clothes. 4. The world is like a shadow and when he will go towards it then the shadow will run ahead of him. When one person who will turn away his back from the world then it will come to his face side of him in the same way one who will turn his face toward the world then the world will to come to his back side and those who will turn away his faces towards from the world then the word will turn his back towards them. 5. The goat will drink water without making wet of the feet while sitting on the support of the knees and when she will die then the skin of her body is used for water purpose and in the same way the human being not allowed any dust particles on his clothes but when he will leave the world then he will be buried in the earth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------323


3 Hazrat Syed Dawood Hussain Shirazi alias Syed Zian Uddin Sahib alias Bawis Khaja.

Mausoleum of Hazrat Syed Dawood Hussain Shirazi. His name and lineage genealogy. His name is Syed Dawood Hussian and he was given title from his Murshid (spiritual master) and the people will call him with the name of Bawis Khaja and he is famous with this name. His fathers name is Khaja Hussain and paternal uncles name is Khaja Umru. Hazrat Khaja Hussain and Hazrat Khaja Umru are both real brothers and their fathers name is known as Syed Mahmood Shirazi Bin Syed Mohammed Rouz Miya. Birth. Hazrat Syed Zian Uddin was born in the year 701 city of Shiraz in Persia. During his childhood his mother was died and she was well known for her following qualities. 1. Abida (worshipper).


2. Zaheda (ascetic). He was seven years old when his mother left this world. After his mothers death his father Khaja Hussain took care of his bring up. Childhood. In his younger age he went to Hajj pilgrimage under guidance of the following two pious personalities of Shiraz and in this way he left his home city Shiraz and reached to Makkah and he was visited all holy places in Makkah and Madina. 1. Moulana Nasir Uddin Sahib. 2. Moulana Shahab Uddin Sahib. As per his fate the key of the doors of success was with Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib so for this purpose he came to India from Arabia and arrived in capital city Delhi. Education. Upon his arrival in Delhi he was memorized holy Quran in very short period of time and started learning many knowledges. He was learned knowledge from Moulana Kamal Uddin Samana and other famous Mashaiqs (learned persons) of Delhi and obtained certificates from them. Arrival in Doulatabad. At the time of Sultan Mohammed Tuqhlaq when he ordered Delhi persons to migrate to Devagiri then he was also went there with his teacher Moulana Kamla Uddin Samana. In Doulatabad he was become famous and well known for his knowledge and wisdom so for this reason many famous learned persons (Mashaiq) and students came to see him to obtain knowledge from him. Teachings. He was always used to busy in one mosque teaching and explaining the exegesis of Quran and Ahadis (traditions of holy prophet) of Allahs final apostle and he was also busy there in the following. 1. Teaching and instructions. 2. Mystical exercise and worships. He used to ignore Sufi pious personalities and will not like them also will not listen Samah (ecstasy) and for Samah he used say


remarks of taunt in this matters. During those days there was great fame and name for the pious personality of time Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib and his Samah (ecstasy) meetings were well known and famous in Khuldabad Sharif. Many disciples of Hazrat Zain Uddin used to participate in the Samah (ecstasy) meetings of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib and due to his attention there was much favor available to them. So for this reason Sheikh Zain Uddin was upset and angry with their disciples in this matter. Event of his pledge. One day Hazrat Burhan Uddins one disciple who was also deciple of Syed Zain Uddin went to see him to learn the book Miskawat alMisbah and upon finish of the lesson he was joined in the ecstasy meeting of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib and due to attention of Sheikh there was condition of ecstasy on him and this news spread to Hazrat Zain Uddin. On the next day in the presence of many Mashaiq (learned persons) who were his followers he called his disciple and he was upset and angry with him and told him that He is also present in the company of dancing people and for this it is very sad thing that he have destroyed whatever knowledge which he have taught him. So for this reason that disciple was silent and not said anything in this matter. Again he told him that he will ask one thing so he should reply truly in this matter whether he is better in knowledge and wisdom or his other spiritual master. In the beginning the disciple was silent and not replied him in this matter. But when there too much pressure on him then he replied him that He is his lower servant and so he could not dare to reply in this matter and he could not able to know his status and position and as well as Hazrat Burhan Gharibs status and position in the fields of knowledge and wisdom and so for this reason to show the superiority of each other he is helpless and not able to reply in this matter . But Syed Zain Uddin told him that it is sad that being of his disciple he is not saying truly in this matter. So until he will not say truly then he will not be relieved in this matter. So in this situation the disciple thought that his master is very upset and angry in this matter so there is no relief


unless to tell the truth. So he helplessly told that as a matter of fact he is superior in the knowledge of manifest but Hazrat Burhan Uddin is more perfect in the knowledge of innermost due to favor and attention of his spiritual master Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Auliya. So the edge of his shirt will not get its dust in this matter. Upon hearing this Sheikh was become very upset and angry in this matter. So he went into his room and brought four sheet of papers on which were written the following items and problems which he was faced during his entire life of teaching and instructions of knowledges. 1. Difficult dictionary items. 2. UN-soluble question. To answer the above questions the learned persons of time were become helpless in this matter. As per his daily practice he used to write the same and hope that he will get the answers from the holy Harem (grand mosque) in Makkah upon his visit to that place. So he brought the four sheets of papers of his questions and told his disciple that if his master is superior in the knowledge of manifest and innermost than him then he should bring the solution of these question in this matter and he will allow him a period of six months to solve these question to him otherwise he will punish him severally so that he should not speak such useless talking in the meeting of the learned persons. So that disciple went from there to see Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharibs house. On the way he began thinking that if he will have not went there to study then such difficult and problem would have not been arise in this matter. So thinking in this matter he reached Sheikh Burhan uddin Gharibs shrine. When Burhan Uddin Gharib looked at him and told him that come soon here he was waiting for him since long time. Without his reply he told him that upon the time of difficulty of Syed Zain Uddin due to help of Allah he used to keep to write all answers on the some papers. Solution of all problems have been explained in different styles so go inside the room and bring 8 paper sheets from the room and hand over the same to Syed Zain Uddin. After conveying his Salam tell him that the solution of all questions are available on the paper sheets. Upon hearing this the disciple was very happy and took 8 paper sheets and went to hand over the same to his


master Syed Zian Uddin. So he went there and sit there in the position of folding his two legs with great respect handed over 8 papers of solutions of the questions to him. Upon seeing the disciple he was smiled and he thought that due to urgent come back of the disciple which shows that Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib is helpless to answer his questions. So it is impossible for him to answer his questions. His was thinking as above but during this time the disciple told him that the solutions of his all questions are presented here with. Upon the checking the papers Syed Zain Uddin come to know that the papers which the disciple was brought were not the same which he was sent through him. So he began his careful study of each and every question from the beginning and find every question was thoroughly answered clearly and upon study of all answers the veil of ego was no more there on his eyes of pride and there were indication of changes on his face and there tears were started from his eyes. So for this reason all disciples surprised upon the condition of their master but no one could not able to ask the reason in this matter. At last his heart become restless and so he stood to see Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib with so much interest and affection in this matter and he was started towards the shrine of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib. Also some of his disciples who were perfect in many knowledges were also accompanied with him as the fate was written on his face the line of felicity .So when he reached in his shrine and when he saw him and run towards him and put his head on his foot and Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib told him this is not good as per Islamic (shariat) rule. So Syed Sahib told him that he used to think this practice against the Islamic rule and for this reason he was kept away from the grace of innermost in this matter. As per tradition when he left towards Shrine of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib then he instructed all his disciples to kept away from the unIslamic acts but when reached upper side of Ghat Doulatabad and when he looked at the residence of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib then suddenly he bow down his head and continued his journey towards his shrine. When the disciples saw his masters action so they could not control in this matter and at last one of disciples dare in this matter and asked him sir you have acted against the Islamic law and you have


prohibited us in this matter and now you have doing against your instruction and so what is its reason in this matter.? So first he become silent and then upon their too much insisting in this matter so he told them that do you not see that two tigers are running at his sides if he do not respect of Hazrat Burhan Uddin to this extent in this matter then he did not know what they will do for him.?. So in this way he reached the shrine of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib and kissed his foot so he told him Oh : Dawood Hussain this act is not legal as per Islamic rule and Syed Saheb told him that sir when I did not know in this matter so he was not aware of the grace of innermost (batini). Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib removed his dust of repentance from his face and with great respect asked him to sit at his side and called servant Shad Bakht who is famous with the name of Kaka Sahib to bring something for Moulana Dawood Hussain so he told him that Spiritual master know well that nothing is there in the kitchen now. So he told him in the house of Darvesh there will be something available so go and bring the same from there. So Kaka Sahib went again in the kitchen and found there was hot halwa (batter pudding) and cold water jug was available there so he brought the two things before Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin and Moulana eat the Halwa (batter pudding) and drink the cold water. Then he asked his disciples to leave from there and after this he pledge to him along with compiler of the Moulana Rukun Uddin Kashan who compiled the book Tafas Anfasin the year 736 A.H. Caliphate. When the last time of Hazrat Khaja Haruni came then he had given the following things to Hazrat Khaja Moin Uddin Chisti and told him one saintly dress is for you and another saintly dress should be kept with him as entrusted thing (amant) and which will be reach to Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin by the chain of this Sufi order. 1. Two saintly dresses. 2. Order of calphipate. 3. Order of Amanat (entrusted thing). So for this reason during his whole life Hazrat Khaja Moin Uddin Chisti kept the above things with him and when his last time came he


was handed over the following things to Khaja Qutub Uddin Bakhtiar Kaki. 1. Saintly dress. 2. Order of calphipate. 3. Order of Amanat (entrusted thing). So these things have reached to Doultabad thourgh the following chain of Sufi persons whose names are as follows. 1. Hazrat Farid Uddin Gunj Shaker. 2.Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya. 3.Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib. Hazrat Nizam Uddin Auliya was given the above three things to Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib at the time of his departure to Deccan and told him that Hazarat Moulana Dawood Hussain Shirazi will entered into your Sufi order so give him saintly dress and to keep the saintly dress as amant (entrusted thing) with him and with saintly dress and give the order of caliphate to him. When he made pledge to him in the year 736 Hijri. and from that time he was used to live in the company of his spiritual master Hazrat Khaja Burhan Uddin Gharib and who trained him in the following things. 1.Education. 2.Mystical exercise and worship. 3. Daily engagements and recitals. 4.Zikar (remembrance of Allah). He was awarded him saintly dress and order of caliphate and all other things which he received from Hazrat Khaja Nizam Uddin Auliya on 18th Rabil Thani in the year 737 Hijri. So was freed himself from the burden of responsibility in this matter. Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib left this world on 8th Safar in the 738 Hijri. So he was become his successor and caliph after three days and started his teaching and preaching mission. The Saintly dress. The saintly dress which was reached to Moulana Dawood Hussain Shirazi through Hazrat Khaja Haruni and in this matter it is said as per confirmed tradition and it is well known fact that the holy dress belongs to Allahs final apostle.


Relics. It is well known and famous in Doulatabad that there are two things which are available are as follows. 1. Saintly dress. 2. Moui Mubarak (relics of Allahs last prophet). The saintly dress is available in the north side of the mausoleum and Mau Mubrak (relics of Allahs last prophet) is available in the mausoleum of Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib in the hall which is known as Darchaks southern room. Ziarat (public show). Every year on the 12th Rabil Awwal after Zuhar (afternoon) prayer it will be kept for Ziarat (public show) for the people. First there will recitation of Quran session will be organized and after some time some Natia Qasaid (encomium on the holy prophet) are recited then one wooden box will be brought from the room in which there will be available in one small box in which Mua Mubrak (relics of Allahs last prophet.) is kept and it will be brought on the head by the trustee and upon sitting on the pulpit which is there under a molsari ( tree bearing jasmine like flower) tree and they used to open the box first and upon opening it they will open small box and from the box the persons used to watch the Mou Mubrak. (Relics of Allahs last prophet.) Upon watching this all persons used to gather in small shrine to watch the saintly dress there. Where also after reciting Quran and Natiya Qasaid (encomium on the holy prophet) the trustee used carry the box of the saintly dress on his head and will come out of the room and then he will used to take it to the pulpit which is situated in the tomb of Syed Zain Uddin in the eastern side with great respect and honor and the saintly dress is taken from the box and upon this the people will watch the same. The visitors and custodians used to pour scent and rose powder on the saintly dress. Among the kings of Deccan Nawab Mir Usman Ali Khan was honor of to see it many times. Journey of Delhi. At the time of revolt of courtiers of Doulatabad against Sultan Mohammed Shah and when they dethroned Ismail so for this reason Sultan Muhammed Shah came to Doultabad to solve this problem there


and upon settlement of this problem he arranged return journey of all residents of Delhi who were residing in Doulatabad and he was sent them to Delhi and he also requested Sheikh Syed Zian Uddin to move to Delhi. So for this reason Syed Sahib also went to Delhi along with royal army on Friday in the year 847 A.H. and he lived there some years in Delhi and come back again to Doulatabad. Sultan Feroz Mohammed Shah who was best friend of darvesh persons came into his presence and requested him that not go anywhere and live in Delhi and to favor and pay attention of the mankind there. So he told him Oh : Sultan forgive me in this matter as he want to die in the shrine of his spiritual master Hazrat Sheikh Burhan Gharib. Upon hearing this the Sultan arranged his travel arrangements for his journey to Doultabad. Departure from Delhi. At the time of his departure from Delhi Khaja Sheikh Nasir Uddin Chiraq Dehlavi and many other disciples and Mashaiq (learned persons) and courtiers and princes came at Shamsi reservoir . At that time Sheikh Nasir Chirag Dehlavi prayed at the side of the Shamsi reservoir at the direction of Qibla (direction in which Muslims turn in prayer) and put his turban on his head and he was given him many relics of Hazrat Khaja Niazam Uddin Aulia . In Pakpatan. From Delhi he was reached to Pakpatn. Upon his arrival the custodian of the shrine Hazrat Sheikh Mohammed Sahib came out side of the shrine to welcome him despite of his old age of over 100 years due to his status and position of Syed Zain Uddin. He was busy there day and night in meditation for a period of 30 days while closing the door of the shrine and he will be out only for the congressional prayers. Upon his stay for a period of one month in Pakpatan he left from there. At the time of his departure Hazrat Sheikh Mohammed Sahib was given him some relics of Hazrat Baba Farid Uddin and up to one destination he came to say him goodbye. In Pakpatan large number of persons pledge him and among them great Sheikh of Islam Mufti Sader Uddin is well known and famous. Arrival in Ajmair.


From Pakpatn he came direct to Ajmair city and visited the grand mausoleum of light of Hazrat Khaja Moin Uddin Chisti. He was stayed lonely in the tomb and in a period of 28 days he was memorized the holy Quran and he was attained great favor and attention from the mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Moin Uddin Chisti. Here also many persons become his disciples and devotees and after his stay of one week he left from there towards Deccan. Reached back to Doulatabad. Upon leaving from Ajmair he reached back to Doulatabad and graced this city. This time large number of persons and Sultans and Amirs (courtiers) visited him and got favor from him. The period before death of Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin Sahib. Alang It is word from Turkish language and its means fort wall. In Khuldabad Sharif there is one building which is known and famous and all Muslims think it as holy place. As a matter of fact its structure is not grand comparing to other grand buildings of Doulatabad but its looks as holy place. But other buildings are tall and well decorated with impression and art work but other buildings will not reach to its greatness. Because in this building Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin lived his whole life. Since long time this building was known and famous for blessing and greatness and due to this importance it was visited by the peoples large numbers in the past. Now the condition of this building is not good but the first floor on which he used to live was also damaged and only walls are available. Now this building was damaged and deserted. Maulavi Ghulam Ali Azad wrote one reference about this building which is as follows. Once one darvesh was coming from the jungle with bundle of firewood on his head to the shrine building. Due to hardships of way and sun heat he was kept the bundle on the side of the house building and he took some rest there and later he came into the shrine building. They tried to used the wood in the kitchen but there was no effect of fire on the wood. So for this reason all persons in the shrine asked the darvesh the details in this matter. So he told them he kept the fire wood bundle for some time at the side of the house of Hazrat Syed Zain


Uddin while coming from the jungle. After this event when there will be any death in Doulatabad then the people used bring the funeral and pass under the north wall of the building so by the grace and mercy of Allah there will be protection to deceased person from the fire of the hell. Prediction about his last resting place. Three years before his death he was stayed on the first floor of his house and two years before his death at the time of chast (midmorning) prayer he was called Khaja Shahab Uddin and left from the prayer mat and went towards eastern Daricha (door) where his mausoleum is situated and he pointed out him his final place of resting and told from this place to clear the earth up to Jamat Khana (meeting place) and this place will be used for his mausoleum. When as per his instruction they cleared the earth from there and Khaja Shahab uddin requested him to proceed there so he went there and inspected the spot and said his living and death will be happen on this place. Illness. On Monday on 13th Rabil Awwal in the year 771 Hijri. he become ill due to cold and fever. Despite of his weakness he used to perform his prayers in the standing condition. All obligatory prayers as well he will also used to offer the following prayers. 1. Sunnat (practice of the holy prophet) prayer. 2. Nafil (supererogatory prayers) prayer. 3. Mustahsab (desirable) prayer. In those day one disciple told him that the weather condition of Roudah is very cold so if he will like then we will take him to Doulabad so that upon his health recovery he can come back to Roudah again there. So he said that leave him there because he want to die at the shrine of his Sheikh because where ever he will die then they will bring him back to Roudah. Death. He was seriously ill for a period of complete 12 days and since beginning to ending of his illness he did not eat except he lived on water only. On Sunday as per practice on a particular time he recited Sura (verse) Fatiha (first Sura of holy Qurn) for the following purposes. 1. First time for his Sheikh.


2. Second time for Safety of the mankind. 3. Third time to keeps away from calamity. Reciting 3 times Sura Fatiha (first verse from holy Quran) was his daily practice and routine. Before Zuhar (after noon) prayer some servants of Hazrat Khaja Shahab Uddin and Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib were present there. Khaja Shahab Uddin told him that servants want to say something with him and if there will be permission in this matter so that they present their request. So he told I know it. After some time he put his thumb on his eyes and asked whether Azan (prayer call) was over?. So Khaja Shahab Uddin told him the time is near but prayer call of Azan was not begin. He told yes time is now for the prayer and asked all persons to ready for the prayer and he went on the prayer mat. When all persons have finished their prayers then all servants came before him so that he can give them final advises there. As per reference in the book Dalail Salikin in which it was written that at his last time there were no goods available with him. Some things which were left with him and which were given to him as gifts so he asked the servants to distribute these items and went on the couch. The persons who were present there requested him for his final advises and to appoint his caliph. Upon hearing this he was turned his face at the Qiblah (direction in which Muslims turn in prayer). Moulana Nasir Uddin with dares reminded him in this matter. So he told in Hindi language the following words and its translation is as follows. Do not call me. When Shams Uddin Fazal Ullah who was present at that time and asked all persons to be silent there and told them there is no situation for this these things. So he did not appoint his successor and caliphate and not given permission to anybody to make disciples. During the period of illness he told his special servants that he is not found suitable persons for his caliphate due to their skill and qualities as well as their endeavors in this matter. At the time of Asar (evening) prayer there was some condition of unconsciousness which was prevailed on him and time becoming out for him. Moulana Aziz Uddin Imam came from his head side and Khaja Shahab Uddin came from his foot side and have informed him about


prayer time. So when he heard about this then there was some condition of un-consciousness was over on him and he sat on the couch without help of pillow or servants and from there he was got down on the prayer mat and completed his prayer. After his obligation prayer was over he prostrate his head and he left the world on 25th Rabil Awwal 771 A.H. on Sunday after Asr (evening) prayer. His mausoleum is situated in Khuldabad Sharfi which is well known and famous and due to this reason the visitors in large numbers will visit the shrine and pray Allah for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Sheikhs name. Miracles. As status and position of the Sheikh was increased so in the same way his miracles were also increased. In his life history he performed so many miracles on different occasions. So for this reason it is not possible and it is very hard and difficult task to mention all of them in this small episode. Due to this fact some miracles are mentioned as follows. We are mentioning herewith one surprising miracle of the Sheikh which is as follows. In Delhi one person who is called as Mir Hasan who was young, educated and handsome, best singer of Delhi was there. His father arranged his engagement with a very lovely and beautiful girl and in her a local cruel ruler was much interested and want to marry her by his force and by illegal methods due to her grand beauty and loveliness. Mir Hasans father tried his best in this matter and he was successful to marry his son with that beautiful girl. Upon this marriage the cruel ruler come to know the details in this matter and for this reason he was very upset and angry and he wanted that Mir Hasan should not do intercourse with girl in that night so that he will try his best in this matter next day. So for this reason Mir Hasan worried in this matter upon hearing all these news in the city. So he went to the house and thought if there will be intercourse with the girl then the ruler will leave his ill will and ignore the girl so he did intercourse with the girl in the day time to be free and safe from this great problem. When this matter was known to the cruel ruler then he was upset and angry in this matter. One day he ordered his policemen for his arrest and sent him to court for the


jugdement and ordered to cut his genital. So for this reason Mir Sahib suffered many problems in this matter. As kindness of Allah was there so he recovered from the problem and left Delhi due to his disrespect as his name was become bad there and so he directly reached Doulatabad and present in the service of Hazrat Syed Zain uddin. Upon depeature of Mir Hasan the ruler called the wife of Mir Hasan in his palace by force. Due to kindness and mercy of Allah when the girl went into the palace from that day the ruler was suffered in many diseases and problems so that he was not become successful in his illegal desire and wishes for the beautiful girl of Delhi. In Doulatabad Mir Hasan used to live in company of Haztat Syed Zain Uddin Sahib and some time he used to recite poetry of praise of God and encomium on the holy prophet and one day he recited some poetry to him and due to this reason there was condition of ecstasy on Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin Sahib so he stood and started walking here and there and he was walking for long time. He asked Mir Hasan what do you need? But he was silent in this matter. Second time he asked him what did he want ?. Then also he did not replied in this matter and continued his singing. Third time he asked him in loud noise what did he want.? So Mir Hasan told him the event of Delhi and requested his help in this matter in the Persian couplet for his favor of consideration and necessary action. Upon hearing this he told him to go in side of the corner and see the miracles of Allah. So Mir Sahib stood suddenly and went into the corner and looked at his private part and he saw that the genital which was cut by the order of Delhi ruler was already available on his body due to kind miracles of Hazrat Zain Uddin Sahib. So in this way he got back his lost property and due to this reason he thanked Allah in this matter and ran suddenly and kissed the Sheikhs feet and for this reason he was become his disciple upon his pledge to him. Slowly the details of event of Mir Hasan Qawwal and the miracle of Syed Zain Uddin Sahib become famous and well known to the general persons. On the other side the ruler of Delhi who was suffered badly due to his bad acts and sins and one day upon getting chance visited Doulatabad from Delhi and visited Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin Sahib and


he also present that beautiful woman in his presence there and explained his all details of events and he regretted in this matter. Due to his great sin and for this reason he position and status was got down and for this reason he is still facing many problems and difficulties of health and bad results. If your honor will help him in this matter then it is possible that he will be free from these difficulties and problems. And he also presented the woman in his presence and told him that still he did not touched her with his hands. From the event of that time he did not get peace and comfort of a single minute in this matter and since that period he is suffering from many diseases and problems. So for all these details you can also get confirmation of facts from this lady. So Now I want to hand over this lady to her legal owner. Sheikh Zain Uddin called Mir Hasan and told him this is your wife so you can take her away and she is still pure and nobody did not touch her so take her to your house. As a matter of fact Mir Sahebs had another love as his world of life was changed so he told him that now he did not need her. So Sheikh told him if you have no desire of her then divorce her. Mir Sahib given her divorce at the same time. After completion of Eidat (probationary period of 3 months for divorced woman) period he was married with the Delhi ruler and both the husband and wife lived in the company of the Sheikh for some time. After some days the rulers was regained his health due to kind favor of Allah and due to prayer of the Sheikh. Mir Hasan was died during the life of his Sheikh and he was buried in the Alang area and the visitors also visit his grave upon visit of shrine of Hazrat Syed Zain Uddin Sahib. The Urs (death anniversary). The Urs (death anniversary) ceremony usually commenced from 21th Rabil Awwal every year and its schedule is as follows. 21t Rabil Awwal white washing work. 22nd Rabil Awwal Farrashan. 24 Rabil Awwal night, Sandal ceremony. 25 Rabil Awwal illumination of lights. 26th Rabil Awwal Recitation of holy Quran. All the Urs (death anniversary) formalities are performed same as per


Urs (death anniversary) of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin and Hazrat Burhan Uddin Gharib. On this occasion the number of people will be less than Urs of Hazrat Muntajib Uddin Sahib but its number will be more than Urs of hazrat Burhan uddin Gharib Sahib. In the Urs (death anniversary) ceremonies of Khuldabad its last ceremony of the year so for this purpose all persons of Khuldabad used to participate in it. Recitation of Qatam (recitation ) Sharif Khajagan of Chist Bahshit. On the 26th Rabbil Awwal Nabat (kettle-drum) will be continue till 11o clock and mats are arranged under tents and the visitors used to sit there with by holding plates of sweets in their hands in the line and upon commence of Qatam (recitation) they used to lit the lamps in which ghee is used instead of oil and from the start of Qatam (recitation) till its end nobody will not allow his lamp put off . Upon reciting Fatiha (first verse of holy Quran) sweets will be distributed among all the visitors and Qawwali (mystical chorus) programs will be started there. In the reference from book Rouda Alqatab it is mentioned that this Qatam (recitation) is best in all Qatams (recitations) through out of India as which is recited there due to the following reasons. 1. Respect. 2. Titles. 3. Method. Those who are interested to listen it then they should visit the shrine at the time of Urs (death anniversary) and get the favor and benefits in this matter.




4. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin Auliya of Aurangabad.



Mausoleum of Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin Auliya of Aurangabad. He was great pious personality of Sufi order of Chistiaya and his status and position is well known and famous. Due to his endeavors and preaching as well as teaching and instructions many Lakhs (one lakh = 100,000) persons were benefitted and followed the right path of Allah. Even today in sub-continent the favor of this Sufi order is still continue. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin was arrived in Deccan as per instruction of his spiritual master Hazrat Shah Kalim Ullah Jehanabadi for the teaching and preaching purpose. At that time the area of Deccan was passing from a difficult situation of problems in the history of India. The down fall of Mughal empire started and wars with Marathas were in progress at that time and it were at final and last stage. During that difficult time it was not easy to protect and care of the capital of the community. So for this reason for this great cause of Allah, his spiritual master has selected him as who was a great and ranked pious personality of his time.


Upon his arrival into Deccan he was started teaching and preaching work and due to his hard work there was new life was born in the dishearted persons. All persons of caste and creed without any discrimination came into his service and their details are as follows. 1. Rich and poor. 2. Learned and un-learned persons. Due to his following great qualities he was become popular and attracted in the area of Deccan and many Lakhs (one lakh =100, 000) persons were benefitted by his guidance and favor. 1. Good conduct and manners. 2. Kindness. 3. Helping nature 4. Simplicity. Birth. The Sheikhs details of birth are still not available in the books of history. He was died at the age of 82 years and as per this record his date of birth was calculated and it found his year of birth as 1060 A.H. and he was left this world in the 1142 A.H. He genealogical record is connected with Hazrat Abu Baker Siddiq through Sheikh Shabab Uddin Suherwardi. As per reference from Tadhkirta Auliya Deccan in which Maulavi Abdul Jabbar Khan Malkapuri who mentioned one reference from book Qizan Wa Bahar that his name was Shah Nizam Uddin and his title was well known and famous as Sheikh Islam and he was born in the year 1070 A.H. Native place. Regarding his native place there is difference with historians in the following books and in which it was written that his native place was Purab and he came to Delhi for completion of early education there. 1. Manqab Fakheria. 2. Shajra Anwar. 3. Takmila. 4. Siratal Auliya. 5.Qazinatal Asfia. As per reference from the book Manaqbi al-Mahbubian that his native place is Eshian in district Purab and village Kakori and Tagron


which are adjacent of Lucknow City. As per reference from Khaja Hasan Nizami and Nawab Muslah Uddin Khan that his native place is Kakori. Now it is confirmed from all sources that he belongs to Kakori village. As a matter of fact his grandfather or great grandfather Hazrat Sheikh Saadis grave is available in Kakur Sharif. Also compiler of the book Qizan Wa Bahar mentioned that his native place is as follows. Village Takraun in district Purab. Education. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin completed his formal education in his native place and for further education he left his native place at a age of 11 years and he was reached to Delhi and at that time Delhi was famous and well known center of learning for the knowledges of manifest (Zaheri) and innermost (Batini). Upon completion of the knowledge of manifest (Zaheri) in few years and he began his interest in the knowledge of innermost (Batini) so he heard great fame and name of Hazrat Shah Kalim Ullah and for this purpose of learning the knowledge of innermost he went into the service of the above great Sheikh of his time and he reached his shrine. At that time the ecstasy session was in progress at the shrine of Hazrat Shah Kalimullah and as per his instruction all doors were closed there and outsiders were not given permission in this matter. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin went the shrine building and knocked the door so the Sheikh asked his servant to go out and see who is there at the door. The servant watched that one stranger person was standing there and he asked his name and went inside of the building and inform the Sheikh all details in this matter. So upon hearing the details the Sheikh asked him to bring that person inside. So for his un-usual routine and behavior and for this reason all disciples were surprised in this matter. So the Sheikh clarified in this matter that from this person and from his name there is smell of friendliness is coming so for this reason he is not strange person. The Sheikh met with him with special sincerity and love and he was accepted the responsibility of his training of knowledge of manifest (Zaheri). Pledge to Sheikh Kalim Uddin Jehanbadi. Hazrat Shah Niazm Uddin lived in the service of his Sheikh for long


period and completed his training in the knowledge of manifest. During that period one disciple of Sheikh Yahiah Madini came to visit Sheikh Kalimullah and at that time Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin was learning there some book. When new the comer looked at the Sheikh he was become intoxicated and become out of control. With this event Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin was very much effected in this matter and his devotion and irdat (religious zeal) was increased more. One day the Sheikh left his meeting place and reached to corner place then suddenly Shah Nizam Uddin stood from his place and took the Sheikhs sandals and cleaned the same with his dress and presented before him with great respect and honor. So the Sheikh told him he liked his action too much and he was much effected in this matter. So at that time the Sheikh told him Nizam Uddin the learning of knowledge of manifest will be continue but now pay attention towards the learning of knowledge of innermost (batini). So Shah Nizam Uddin requested him to become his disciple by pledge him. So the Sheikh asked him in which Sufi order?. So Shah Nizam Uddin recited one Persian couplet in this matter and its picture is as follows.

For this reason then Shah Kalimullah remembered his spiritual masters saying in which he told him during his stay in Madina. When Shah Kalim Ullah visited Madina to see his spiritual master Sheikh Yahiah Madni and he was talking with him there. So the Sheikh told him that why did you come there and you should have stay there. So go back from there as there will be one Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) from your chain. So Shah Kalimullah asked him whether Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) will be from his sons or from disciples. So he told him that he will be from his chain of Sufi persons and he will be called as Nizam Uddin and he will come to see you in this matter. So wait for him and he will be owner of our connection .During the way if you will find any news do not go back


.So the Sheikh told him there many persons are well known with the name of Nizam Uddin with this slave. So the Sheikh of Madina told him that he did not come yet but he will come and he recite one Persian couplet which is as follows.

The above couplet was recited by Sheikh Yahiah Madni to his disciple Hazrat Shah Kalimullah. When Shah Nizam Uddin recited the above Persian couplet then Sheikh remembered that this couplet was already recited to him by his great Sheikh in Madina during his visit there and he was informed already him that one Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis) of his time will become his disciple. He was included him in his circle of disciples and accepted his pledge. Worship and endeavors. When he was made his pledge to the Sheikh then his endeavor and worship was increased. His spiritual master was given him permission of Zikr (remembrance of Allah) Jahri in loud noise). He used to go in summer season at the bank of river Yamuna and he used sit there on the sand for Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri ( in loud noise) and used to busy in it from midnight up to Fajr (morning ) prayer continuously. He used to say that He was benefited greatly by Zikar of (remembrance of Allah) Jahri ( in loud noise) than any other thing. Velayat (Saintliness) of Deccan. After completion learning of Zaheri (manifest) and Baitini (innermost) knowledge and upon completion of perfection he obtained caliphate and saintly dress from the Sheiks hands and at that time the Sheikh instructed him to proceed towards Deccan. At that time political conditions in Deccan were very worse and for this reason the persons of Deccan were migrating towards north India in this matter. Sheikh Kalimullah wrote the following details in his letter. You are awarded the Velayat (Saintliness) of Deccan by grace of Allah. You should perform this work with much attention. Before you


were addressed to join in the army. Now you are instructed where ever you live but you should busy in the preaching and teaching work of Islam and spend your life and property in this cause. Deccan. For Sufi order of Nizamia there was no new place available. The following pious personalities were resting in land of Deccan. 1. Hazrat Amir Hasan Ala Sanjari. 2. Hazrat Sheikh Burhan Uddin Gharib. 3.Khazrat Khaja Muntajid Zar Zari Baksh. 4. Hazrat Zain Uddin Shirazi. 5.Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz During that critical period of history and he was proceeded towards Deccan to spread the Sufi order of Chistia Nizami in the area of Deccan. As per reference from the book Maktobat Kalimi it is well known that Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin came to Deccan with the royal army and he used to move in the area with the royal army. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin used to send his letters to his Sheikh through army troops and also used to receive the replies from his Sheikh in this matter. So for this reason in one of his letter Hazrat Sheikh Shah Kalimullah wrote the following details. In the Deccan the political situation is not good so work there with care and attention in this matter. He was stayed in different parts of Deccan and he visited also Bejapur and Sholapur. And in this way upon covering many destinations he was finally reached to city of Aurangabad and he was settled down there permanently. Stay in Aurangabad. So he decided to live permanently in Aurangabad and he was settled down there. Khaja Kamgar Khan was given offer for his stay in his Haveli (mansion) so he accepted his offer and shifted into his mansion. During the beginning period upon seeing huge crowd of people he was annoyed and worried in this matter. But afterwards as per his spiritual masters advice Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin used to meet with the persons with great sincerity and happiness. As there was instruction of Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullah that he should see all persons with favour and kindness. So he was there in Deccan for this work for the long


period. He was busy in great endeavours and works for the teaching and preaching mission in the areas of Deccan and he was much successful in this matter due to grace of Allah. The above details are available from the letter number 100 on page number 79. The Sheikh used to stay in the house which has two floors and in the nd 2 floor he used to stay there and also he used to busy there in the worship and on the ground floor he was used to busy in the teaching and preaching work of the mankind. On the ground floor there was one small ladies room was available in which Hazrat Moulana Fakher Uddin Mohammed was born there. Desires and wishes. As per reference from the book Malfuzat Tounasvi that in the Sheikhs residence there were ten doors available and on each door there was used to sit one copyist and who used to write the visitors desire and wishes on the papers and put the stamp of the Sheikh and on the application papers and on which there was available one Persian couplet. When the applicants used to take those papers from there to the rulers in such cases they will think it as great honour and respect for him and used to help the applicants in this matter. The doors of shrine building will be used to be opened for all persons for their help and attention in this matter. Miracles. It is well known and famous event that one year there was no rainfall and for this reason there was a severe starvation and animals were become weak and near to death. So somebody requested him to pray for the rain fall so prayed for it and for the above reason he has requested him for supplication for rains. It so happened that it rained heavily. It is written in history books that when Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan Asif Jah Bahadur came to Deccan and with small number of army was there with him. So there was war with Mubarz Khan who was Subadar (governor) of Deccan and who had large number army with him. In the area of Shaker Khed Pargana in state of Barar the two armies were expected to meet together. So for this purpose Nawab Sahib visited the Sheikh and requested with him for success and victory in this matter.


The Nawab told that to fight with small number army with large number of army and to keep hope of success and victory in this matter which seems impossible thing as per wisdom. As a matter of success and victory is possible due to repeat of prayers of Allah. So he told the Sheikh that he want some mark in this matter so please help him in this matter so that there will be peace of his mind for him in this matter. So the Sheikh told after short period time that on Thursday on all pavilions and tents of the camps there will be mark of open hand with sandal impressions will be available there. So this will be your mark of your success and victory. So on that day on all tents impression of open hand in sandal color impression was appeared. At last Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan was successful in this great with Mubaraz Khan and all details of this event are available in the book Tadhkira Salatin Part 3. Worship and endeavours. In the beginning Hazrat Shah Nazam Uddin was much interested in books. So for this reason he used to read books all time. But upon his arrival in Aurangabad he was much busy in the following things and he left all other things. 1. Worship 2, Mystical exercise. 3. Azkar (daily recitals). 4. Afkar (meditation). 5. Daily engagements and practices. After morning prayer he used to go into the room and up to Zuhar (after noon) prayer he was used to busy there in the worship of Allah. After Zuhar (afternoon) prayer the door of the room was closed and it will be opened at the time of Asr (evening) prayer. At that time Khaja Noor Uddin used to read some parts from the book Miskawat or any other book. After Asr (evening ) prayer books of biographies of Mashaiq (learned persons) were used to be read by Khaja Kamagar Khanand and all person who used to present in the meeting will hear the same silently. After performing Mahgrib (sunset) prayer the Sheikh used to go into his room and at that time only special persons will be allowed to enter there. At the time of Eisha (night) prayer he will be


come out of the room and participate in the congressional prayer of Eisha (night) prayer and after this he used to enter into his room and used to busy there for the following things in the whole night. 1. Worship. 2. Mystical exercise. He did not like discussions and debates .If somebody will come to see him and ask any solution for problem then in that case he will ask him to refer some book in this matter and asked that person to study book in this matter. He never used to eat the food lonely. Dress. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin will not care in the dress matters and whatever available he will used to wear the same. In his dress there will be always many patches. He used to ask for the dye of his dresses in earth color. For the Friday prayer he used to wear frilled gown and turban. In the house he used to wear cap and turban. He used to go for Fridays prayer always by walking and some time he will ask the horse from somebody. Manners and conduct. He was well known and famous for his good manners and conduct. He used meet with all persons whether he will be known or un-known with good manners and conduct. He used to offer him something to eat and if nothing available in the house then in such case he used to give some scent. Nobody did not left without empty hands from his meeting place. The visitors who will visit him and due to his prayers and due to kind grace of Allah their desires and wishes will be fulfilled. He was also famous and well known for the following things. 1. Bounteousness. 2. Generosity. Nobody did not saw him in sitting position on the cross legged in the general and special meetings. He was always used to sit on the sitting position of two legs. Some of his advises are as follows. 1. He thinks hurting anybody is as a great sin. So he advice all persons to avoid it. 2. He used to be silent and he prefer it.


3. He used to talk as per requirement. 4. His life was a sample of simplicity. The Sheikh used to be away from kings and rulers and did not meet them and if he will accept their gifts then at the same time he will use to distribute the same to poor and indigent persons and never keep anything with him or with his relatives. As per one tradition Hazrat Skeikh Kalimullahs instruction he used to accept the presents from the persons and used to give to the poor persons. Hazrat Sheikh Kaleemullah told that there will be heartbreaking of persons so if any person present anything in gift with sincerity then he will use to accept the gifts and give the same to poor and deprived persons. Samah (ecstasy). In the matter of Samah (ecstasy) he used to follow the rules and regulation of his spiritual master. He used to take care of time and place and disciples in these meetings. In these meetings there will be observation of the following things. 1. Respect. 2. Care. On every Friday after Friday prayer the meeting of Samah (ecstasy) will be conducted. In such meetings always some needy person used to be present there and due to his favour there will be fulfillment of their desires and wishes and his shrine is place for the unfortunate persons for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes. One day he was arranged the meeting of Samah (ecstasy) on the occasion of Urs (death anniversary) ceremony of some pious personality. In the meeting one person who was among professional reciter started reciting Arabic poetry and at that time one Maulavi Saheb came there and he began his objection for recitation of Arabic poetry. So the Sheikh tried his best to convince him in this matter but due to his un-advisability he was not satisfied with his explanation. He told him while treating with him as per his kindness of hospitality that this is meeting place of ecstasy (Samah) and it is not for the time of discussion. Due to his best handling the discussion was stopped at the time of ecstasy (Samah). He asked his name and Maulavi Saheb told


him his name as Abdul Ghani. So he told him it is not good to say false name to darvesh person. So he told him his name as Abdullah so he become silent in this matter. The Maulave Sahib came to see him after three days and the Sheikh told him to have discussion at the time of ecstasy (Samah) is against the manners. So please tell your opinion in this matter. So that he will explain him in this matter. Maulavi Saheb regretted him that he was understood the point at the same time so now he came there to see him for his regret in this matter. The Sheikh smiled and told him to inform his name ? Then Maulavi Saheb told him his name as Abdullah. So the Sheikh told him his name is not Abdul Ghani or Abdullah and he told him the following correct details. 1. His real name. 2. His house address and street name. 3. His place of study. Upon hearing all his history record by the Sheikh the Maulavi Saheb put his head down on his foot and with sincerity become his disciple. Training and teachings of disciples. As per instruction of Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullah he used to do spiritual training of the disciples. The Sheikh used to say that the purpose of creation of mankind is worship only. So he used care too much for the following things. 1. Daily recitals and practice 2. Daily round of prayer formula. He used to go and see the disciples in the midnight time and used to wake up the sleepy disciples. He was taken too much importance for the following things in his spiritual training of his disciples. 1. Soul. 2. Zikar (remembrance of Allah) Jahri ( in loud noise). He used to say that with the help of the above things the training of Batini (innmermost) is possible. He also used teach the disciples for the following things. 1. To follow the sheikh. 2. Manners. He used to say that Hazrat Nasir Uddin Chiragh Delhiavi used to


beat the disciples for their training purpose but his disciples never left him. Now such time has come that if the Sheikh say something to his disciple then he will become upset in this matter and leave his spiritual master. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin did not like pride and he did not used bead (Tasbih). He used to say that in his inside there is bead (Tasbih) so he is busy with that thing. As one who has bead of innermost (Batin) then he will not hold bead (Tasbih) of manifest (Zaheri). Death. He was died on 12th Ziqad in the year 1142 Hijri at the age of 82 years in Aurnagabad. He was buried in the compound of his shrine building. Nawab Mir Qamar Uddin Khan Nizamul Mulk Asif Jah constricted the following buildings. 1. Tomb. 2. Mosque. 3. Shrine building. Marriage and children. When Shah Nizam Uddin came to Deccan he was not married at that time. Upon reaching Aurangabad he spent some period of life as bachelor. As there was instruction for him from his Sheikh Kalim Ullah Jehanabadi to avoid marriage if there is no requirement. But as per his health condition the Sheikh was given him permission to marry. From his first wife there were four sons and four daughters were born. Hazrat Shah Nizam uddins four daughters were buried at the foot side of his tomb and out of three sons one son was left for Calcutta and he was settled down there and it is said that his children are available there. Hazrat Moulana Fakher. Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin upon the death of his first wife married with Hazrat Syeda Begum Sahiba. She was great granddaughter of Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz. From her one son was born who is known as Fakher Uddin and who become proud of Muslim Nation and his name was Moulana Fakher Uddin Mohammed . He was very young at the time of death of his mother and when his father left the world then he was 15 years old. Hazrat Moulana Fakher Uddin Mohammed was died on 17th Jamid


Akhir in the year 1199 Hijri and he was buried in the compound of shrine of Hazrat Bakhtiar Kaki and he was 73 years old at that time. Caliphs. The historian wrote that the Sheikh had many caliphs and for their training he worked hard and did many endeavours. Some famous caliphs are as follows and all these pious persons are resting in Aurgangabad. 1. Hazrat Khaja Kamgar Khan. 2. Hazrat Mohammed Ali. 3. Hazrat Khaja Noor Uddin. 4. Hazrat Syed Shah Sharif. 5. Hazrat Shah Gharib Ullah. 6. Hazrat Shah Isqh Ullah. 7. Hazrat Ghulam Quader Khan. 8. Hazrat Mohammed Jaffer. 9. Hazrat Mohammed Yar Baig. 10. Hazrat Sher Mohammed. 11. Hazrat Karam Ali Shah. 12. Hazrat Imam Uddin. 13. Hazrat Sheikh Mahmood. 14. Hazrat Hafiz Moudud. 15. Hazrat Syed Shah Sharif. 16. Hazrat Khaja Noor Uddin. 17. Hazrat Khaja Kamgar Khan. 18. Hazrat Shah Garib Ullah Books. There were many books of biographies are available about Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin. One book with details of the events of the life of Sheikh was written by Nawab Qamar Uddin Nizamul Mulk Asif Jah first and its title is known as Rashke Arm. This book was seen by Moulavi Rahim Baksh who wrote his book Shajrat Anwar with Hazrat Haji Wasil who was caliph of Hazrat Moulana Fakher Uddin Mohammed. Another book with life details of Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin was written by Khaja Kamgar Khan and its title is known as Ahsanal Shamil and also in the following books his life details are


available. 1. Manaqab Fakheria. 2. Mashaiq Chist. 3. Tadhkira Aulia Deccan. 4. Fakher-al Talibin. 5. Shajratal Anwar. 6. Sair Auliya. 7. Qaznitul Asfia. 8. Qatim Sulaimani. Devotion of King Asif Jah. Upon conquering of Mubaraz Khans army Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan went to the Sheikh and he offered him one paper to the Sheikh so he was given him back the paper and told him Qamar Uddin when the full is not acceptable to him so what he will do with half of it. It was certificate of half of his kingdom. Again he told him that what will darvesh do with it. As he used to follow the policy of new day with new food provision as he used to live on the trust of Allah and for this reason you have become the King of Deccan. When Qamar Uddin started to live in Aurangabad then the Sheikh told him that Qamar Uddin due to your stay here the darvesh will face difficulties in this matter as the people will come to see him as he is your spiritual master for recommendations. So it is better that you should proceed to Deccan. So Qamar uddin told him that His throne is in his feet. Upon this he was presented one stamp and requested him to put stamp on the plain paper when any needy person will come to see him in this matter and in this way that persons desire and wish will be fulfilled by him. So he told him Qamar Uddin he did not have time to put stamp on the papers and the person who will get his desires from invisible source what he will do with it. So Qamar Uddin helplessly given order to Kamgar Khan who was disciple of the Sheikh to hang the stamp on the door of the shrine. So as per his order the stamp was kept hang on the door of the Sheikhs house building. Once one person prepared one forgery bond paper of loan with details in it that an amount of Rupees of one Lakh (one Lakh =100, 000) was taken by Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin so this amount should be re354


paid to him from the Royal Treasury as per rules and regulations. That person put the stamp on the bond paper and he was presented the bond paper to Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan. Upon seeing the bond paper Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan went to see the Sheikh and told him with folding his hands that your honour you have treated this slave not fit for your service and you have taken the loan amount from another strange person. So the Sheikh told him that he did not taken loan amount from him but the stamp belongs to him. In this matter darvesh told him already that there is no need of stamp for him but you have not agreed in this matter and you left it on his door. So now you should handle this work as per you wish and desire in this matter. So give him one Lakh Rupees amount and take away your stamp from my door. At that time the amount was paid to that false person and he took away the stamp from there. After some days Nawab Qamar Uddin Ali Khan submitted his requested with the Sheikh that he want to construct one building for him with the cost of three Lakhs Rupees (one Lakh = 100,000). So the Sheikh told him that he did not seen such a huge amount so bring the same in his presence. So he ordered the treasurer to bring the amount there at once. The amount was brought there in the presence of Sheikh and the coins were in packing of 1,000 coins in each bag. So the Sheikh distributed all money to poor and needy persons. Qamar Uddin was silent till the distribution of all amount and he did not say any word in this matter. Upon distribution of money he told him that sir you have asked to see the amount but you have distributed the said amount. So the Sheikh told him that you were intend to construction of the building so in how many years it will be completed.? He told him that it will be completed within the period of three or four yours. Upon this the Sheikh told him that he made his work easy and such building was completed within a period of three hours and your wish and desire was fulfilled as well as my purpose was also completed. The building was completed where it was required and it will not be damaged by the effects of the time. When Nawab Qamar Uddin Khan was received title of Asif Jah from Sultan of Delhi so he went to see the Sheikh and informed him


that he was intended to return back this title to the Sultan of Delhi. The Sheikh told him why he did want to return back it.? Qamar Uddin told him that as the Sheikh did not accepted so far any offer from him so for this reason he want to return back it. When there will be no connection of the Sheikh with this title he will not accept the same and most probably this thing was told him by his heart. So the Sheikh was silent for some time and told him Qamar Uddin you should be responsible in this matter that it should not come into the history record and this is your matter so you should give word to him in this matter. So in this way he was accepted his offer. So Nawab Qamar Uddin Ali Khan told him that he will take care in this matter and he told him further that the kingdom which was given by him to this slave so it will be called with Sheikhs name and the color of the kingdom will be yellow as per the color of the Sheikhs shrine. In this way the kingdom of Qamar Uddin was become well known and famous in the world as follows and he was adopted the color of kingdom as yellow. Nizam Sultant. On the demise of Hazrat Shah Nizam Uddin, King Asif Jah First constructed the following buildings in the shrine of the Sheikh in Aurangabad. 1. Tomb. 2. Mosque. In the year 1748 Hijri Nizamul Mulk Asif Jah First was left this world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Reference book : Fiazan Auliya By Mohammed Ali Khan Mujjaddi. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Translated into English by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com. Translator Muslim Saints and Mystics (The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)


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History of Sufi Saints of Aurgangabad. Aurangabad furnished a genial soil for the spread of the religion of the Prophet, and was the centre of great missionary movements in the 8th century of the Hijri. The district is home to the earliest of Sufi saints of the Deccan. The town of Khuldabad contains the shrines of the most famous saints of the Deccan. Initially it was known as Rauza meaning garden of paradise. It is known as the Valley of Saints, or the Abode of Eternity, because in the 14th century, several Sufi saints chose to reside here. The tomb of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and his trusted general Qamar-ud-din Khan, Asaf Jah I first Nizam of Hyderabad are located in this town, so is the tomb of Malik Ambar. There is scarcely a village in the district which is without its tomb to its patron saint, known by the general name of "Aulia". "Saiad" "Wali", or "Sadat". The "Urs" or the anniversary day of each saint is observed by the Muhammedans and weekly offerings are also made at some of the principal shrines, on every Thursday or Friday. The following is a brief account of the chief Muhammedan saints of the district and the different orders to which they belonged.

Naqshbandi. Founded by Baha-ud-din whose surname was Nakshbandi, the painter. Baba Shah Mosafar.


He was one of the most celebrated Nakshbandis of Aurangabad. He was born at Ghajdavan and studied at Bukhara under Baba Palang Posh Nakshbandi. As Hasan Abdal, his spiritual preceptor gave him his final initiation of Baiat and invested him with the cap and mantle. Baba Shah Mosafar travelled over Bengal and Orissa, and arrived at Aurangabad by way of Ginj and Hyderabad. He resided in the tekkieh (convent) of Shah Enalit in Katabpura; but resumed his travels again, and after proceeding as far as Mecca, returned once more to Aurangabad. Shah Mosafar was not welcomed this time by Shah Enait, and moved to the Mahmud darwaza, where Shah Sherin, an Azad or free dervish was living. The Azad was well versed in theological literature, but had a regular tavern for his dwelling place as he belonged to the Be-shara class of fakirs, who are hermits and live without the law. However, he courteously gave up the mosque, and retired to Sultanganj; and Baba Shah Mosafar cleared the place of the bhang drinking vessels. As he belonged to fakirs who are travellers and pilgrims living within the law. Shah Mosafar settled down to a monastic life, and was visited by various prominent persons, who reconstructed his humble dwelling with more substantial materials, and added a madrissa, a travellers bungalow, and a system of water-supply with cisterns and fountains. Among those who called on him were Haji Jamil Beg Khan, Muhammad Tahir of Persia, haji Manzur, a eunuch of the royal harem. Hafiz Abdul Maoni a learned poet of Balkh, and Tahir Beg of Tashkand. Muhammad Kalich Khan gave him the jagir of Kasab-Khera in the Elora pargana, and a mansab of 150 Rupees a month. The emperor Bahadur Shah expressed a wish to call on him, but sent the prime minister instead. And afterwards the emperor's son prince Muiz ud din visited the Baba. Shah Mosafar died in H. 1110, and in H. 1117. Turktaz Khan Bahadur, a noble on the staff of Nizam ul Mulk 'Asaf Jah' erected the present handsome stone tekkieh the mosque, and the Panchaki or water-mill. Twenty years later Jamil Beg Khan added the-ablong reservoir with fountains, in honour of which, the poet Saiad Gholam 'Ali Bilgrami composed a Mesnavi and


consecrated it to Imam Husain. Of the other Nakshbandis: Mir Muhammad of Walkan in Bukhara succeeded Shah Mosafar as Kaliph and went to Karnul with Khaja Koli Khan, a companion to Chin Kalich Khan, where he was killed in a scuffle in H. 1119. Khaja Yadgar Khan worshipped in the mosque of Jamil Beg Khan, and received an annual allowance from the emperor Aurangzeb. Saiad Masum lies buried towards Sangvi for whom Aurangzeb built the Shabina masjid.

Rehmat Alla Shah. He came from Baghdad in the time of Aurangzeb, and stayed in Mosafar Shah's tekkieh for thirty years. He then returned to Aurangapura, where Mir Khalil, the emperor's steward, built him a mosque, etc. Rehmat Alla Shah sent his Kalish Hussain Ali to Jalna. Suhrawardiyya. Suhrawardiyya - Sprang from the Nakshbandi at Baghdad, and was founded by Shahabu-d din in H. 602. Ganj Rawan Ganj Baksh:


Saiad Shah Jalal ud din or Ganj Rawan Ganj Baksh (which means "moving treasure'), was born at Khirkan near Bukhara, and established the earliest Islamic mission in the Deccan about H. 700, or a little before the invasion of 'Alaud din Khilji. He settled down at Unasnagar, between Daulatabad and Roza. Ganj Rawan's tomb at Roza has two trees growing near it, one of which is reputed to have grown from a staff given him by his preceptor, and the other from a branch of the first. Both are said to possess miraculous properties. Shahab uddin. Shahab ud din was an able author, who flourished in the 9th century Hijri, and wrote several works. He spent the greater part of his life at Daulatabad of which he was the "Qazi", and had a dispute with Saiad Ajmal the minister of justice about Saiads and Ulemas. Shahabud din died at Daulatabad about H. 848. Nizam uddin. Nizam ud din came into the Daccan with a number of Mahomedan missionaries in the beginning of the 11th century of the Hijri era, and lived at 'Ambad,. He possessed great literary qualifications, and Malik Ambar appointed him "Qazi " of 'Ambad. His son Bahauddin suffered martyrdom at Ahmednagar, where his tomb is still venerated. Nizam ud din's daughter was buried with her husband at "Nag-jhari", a mile south of 'Ambad. A document dated H. 1113 in the possession of the present descendant, is sealed by Amjad 'Ali Khan Fiawar, an employe of Shah 'Alam Badshah Ghazi. Shah Latif Tawizi came to Paithan and was invested with spiritual power by Maulana Muizzu-ddin. His tomb on the bank of the Godavari, opposite to Maulana Sahib's dargah, is without a dome. Dawal Shah Wali. Dawal Shah Wali or Abdul Malik Latif is said to have been the


groom of 'Ali. After the death of his master, Dawal Shah Wali travelled about; and monuments were erected to his memory in the different places which he visited. In this manner, there are about 360 " chillas" to him in the Deccan, besides numerous "astanas" containing some of his sacred relics. He suffered martyrdom at Kattiawad. A "chilla" to Dawal Shah Wali is found within the city walls of Aurangabad to the left of the Mecca gate, and is resorted to every Thursday by Mahomedans and Hindus. The poor people ascribe all manner of sickness to Shah Wali, and make offerings to his tomb. There is another " chilla" to him at Elora, and a shrine to his mother called "Man sahib ki chilla." Babulgaon in the Gangapur taluka, and Pipalwari 6 miles from Paithan, have " astanas" to Shah Wali. Two more " astanas" occur in the Baijapur taluka. Qadiriyyah. Qadiriyyah.-Originated about H. 561, with Saiad 'Abdul Kadar Gilani whose shrine is at Baghdad, and is the chief order of fakirs in the district. Shah Nasir ud din or Shah Nasir Alla Kadar was instructed by Said ud din of Delhi to accompany Burhan ud din to the Dakhan on a religious mission. The party arrived at Pirbohra, a village 24 miles north of Aurangabad, where the members separated. Shah Nasiru-ddin. Shah Nasir erected the earliest mosque in Jalna on the site " tekri" or mound not far from the "ashaba", . Jala Rao, or Mahomed Islam Khan, a freebooter whom Shah Nasir converted, built the " Khas bhag", and on his death which happened in a religious war, Nasir Alla became possessed of the "shish" or mud fort. Nasir Alla died in the 8th century Hijri, and was buried on the Aurangabad road, not far from the "shish." Shah Latif.



Shah Latif Kadari, one of the seven patron saints of Jalna, was a learned man of Delhi, who accompanied Burhanu-d din to the Deccan, and separated from him at Pirbohra. He opened two " maktabs" or schools near the Jama Masjid at Jalna, and his tomb lies close by. Students offer sugar on the threshold of the tomb, in the hope of improving their memories.

Luta Ali Shah. There is a mosque, reservoir, and tomb at Wakla in the Baijapur taluka, to Luta 'Ali Shah of the Kadari order, who arrived in the Dakhan about 400 years ago. Saiad Rahman. Saiad Rahman or Saiad Rafi came with Aurangzeb, and settled at Jalna. The Malis or gardeners give an annual feast called "kundun" at his tomb in Anandi's garden beyond the 'Ambad darwaza. Taj uddin. Tajud din and Saif uddin of Baghdad, the descendants of Abdul Kadar Jilani, proceeded to Mecca, and then came to India, where they separated. Taj uddin arrived at Aurangabad in H. 1070, and on his way, converted a band of robbers 14 miles north of the city, some of whom settled down on the spot and founded a village called Tajnanur. He subsequently became a recluse, and retired into a cave on Chaman Tekri, to the east of Daulatabad, where he was accidentally discovered by Aurangzeb when out hunting. The saint was taken out in a very emaciated state, and was attended by the emperor's physicians who carried him to the Bharkal gate of Aurangabad. Taj uddin improved in health, and his staff which was buried in the ground began to grow after forty days. The emperor ordered a mosque to be erected at Chaman


Tekri and called it "Taimur Beg masjid". In the meantime Ruknud din, the son of Taj uddin, who had been left behind at Baghdad, as being too young to travel, had heard nothing of Taj uddin for twenty years, and traveled by way of Mecca for the Deccan in search of his father. At last he came to the mosque at Chaman Tekri where he obtained news of Tij uddin, and soon afterwards joined the latter at the Bharkal gate in the city. On the ensuing "Urus" of 'Abdul Quadar Jilani, Ruknuddin, under the title of Mir Mahomed Shaikh Soliman, was appointed successor to his father. Tijud din had an aversion to music and singing, and earned his livelihood by carpet-weaving. He died in H. 1110, and his dargah stands near the Bharkal gate of the city. Rukn uddin. Rukn uddin or Shaikh Soliman left two months later for Mecca, and returned to Aurangabad after an absence of nine months. He died in H. 1156, and was buried near his father. Chin Begam, the daughter of H. H. 'Asaf Jah, was a staunch disciple of Ruknu-d din's, and was buried near him in H. 1161. An inscription mentions that Saiad Shah Aziz Badshah, the grandson of Ruknuddin, erected the present dargah in H. 1190. He also composed a small Persian work in H. 1291, called "Nokat-a-Azizi", and dedicated it to his son Saiad Shah Azim Badshah, tutor to H. H. the Nizam. Shah Nur Hamwi. Saiad Shah Nur Hamwi came from Baghdad and lived for some time at Burhanpur and then at Ahmadnagar. He visited Aurangabad after Aurangzeb's arrival, and initiated Nawab Diyanut Khan, the emperor's minister, into the Quadaria order. He died in H. 1104, and was buried outside the Paithan gate of the city of Aurangabad. Shah Nur was succeeded as "Caliph" by Shah Mazlum, and the latter by Shahabud din Farrakabadi.


Shah Unas. Shah Unas Quadari flourished at Harsul in the time of Aurangzeb. He probably came from Constantinople, and belonged to the Kavas-jilar order of dervishes. Kanduri is a feast held in his honor. The elders of the "Kalbay Kadar ka fakir " come from Bidar to Siwar in the Baijapur taluka. The members of this order are often absorbed in silent meditation, with eyes closed or fixed on the ground. Kalbay Kadar. There is a Kalbay Kadar tekkieh at Badnapur near Jalna, and another close to the Killa Arak in the city of Aurangabad. When the latter was deserted, it was sold to the Shiahs of the city, who converted the place into a burial ground. The wealthier Shiahs only temporarily interred their dead in the cemetery, and afterwards transferred the remains to Kerbela. Shaha Jang, uncle of the late Sir Salar Jang, was buried in this cemetery. An inscription over his tomb gives the date of his death as H. 1210. Chishtiyya. Chishti Order contains some of the most famous saints of the Dakhan. Shah Muntajab uddin. Shah Muntajab ud din, surnamed Zar Zari Zar Baksh, meaning "generous", was one of the earliest of the Chishtias, and was sent to the Deccan by Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi, in the beginning of the 8th century Hijri. He was accompanied by 700 disciples, and is said to have converted a Hindu princess near a well at Roza. The place is called "Sohan baoli" or " pleasing well", and the princess is buried close to the saint. The tomb of Zar Zari Baksh is between Malik Ambar's tomb and the northern gate of the town. It contains a number of ornaments and relics, the most remarkable of which is a circular looking-glass of steel


mounted on a steel pedestal of four feet in height. It is said to have been presented by king Tana Shah. Burhan uddin. Shah Burhan uddin studied under Nizamuddin Auliya, the sultan ul mashaikh of Delhi; and Saiad Mahomed of Karmania relates in the "Seyar ul Aulia", that Burhanud din was invested with the mantle and cap, the symbols of the kaliphat, in succession to the sultan ul mashaikh. Other writers state, that on the death of Shah Muntajab ud din at Daulatabad, his brother Burhan ud din was sent to succeed him, and was accompanied by 1,400 disciples. It appears more probable however, that Burhan ud din succeeded the sultan ul mashaikh as kaliph, and that he emigrated to the Dakhan when sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq transferred the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. Mujud ud din in his " Bakiat-el-Gharib" gives a biography of Burhan ud din; and haji Saiad Baksh and Shams ud din, the nephew of Hasan bin es Sanjari, were the particular friends of the saint. Burhan ud din allowed music and dancing in the religious exercises at his convent. He remained for some time at Daulatabad and then left for Roza, where ho died in H. 741(1344 A. D) approx. Opposite the building which contains the tombs of Aurangzeb & Zainud-din is that of Shah Burhanud din. It has a large quadrangular courtyard having open fronted building on all sides, and a nagarkhana at the east end. The west end of the quadrangle is used as a school and a door here gives access to an inner courtyard containing several graves. Facing the entrance is the tomb of Sayyad Burhan-ud-din. Within the shrine are preserved some hair of the prophet's beard. The shrine doors are plated with plates of metal wrought into fanciful designs of trees and flowers. There is a mosque in front of the dargah. Zain uddin. Shaikh Zain ud din Daud was born at Shiraz in H. 701 and went to


Delhi by way of Mecca. He studied under Maulana Kamal uddin of Samana, and came with him to Daulatabad. The author of the "Mayratal Walayeh" mentions that Zain ud din on his arrival at Daulatabad, disapproved of the singing and dancing in the convent of Burhan ud din; but when he visited the " tekkieh", he was perfectly satisfied, and he and his companions were initiated in the Chishtia order. Shaikh Zain ud din held the office of "Qazi" at Daulatabad, and in H. 737 was invested with the mantle of the kaliphat, but did not actually succeed till after Burhan ud din's death in H. 741. Shaikh Husain has recorded all the sayings of Zainu-d din in his "Hidayat ul Kalul", and mentions that in H. 747, Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq directed him to leave for Delhi with the other inhabitants. After the death of the sultan, his successor Firoz Shah permitted the saint to return to Daulatabad. Zainu-ddin was greatly respected by the Bahmani king Sultan Mahmud, who was first reproved by the saint for misgovernment. Malik Raja the founder of the Faruki dynasty of Kandesh became one of Zainu-ddin's disciples, and when the next sovereign Nasir ud din Nasir Khan Faruki captured Asirgarh in A.D. 1399, Zainu-ddin went expressly from Daulatabad to Asirgarh, to tender his congratulations. It was to commemorate this visit that the town of Zainabad, on the left bank of the Tapti, was founded after him; and Burhanpur on the opposite bank was founded about the same time in honor of Burhan uddin. Zain ud din died in H. 771, and a handsome mausoleum was erected over his tomb at Roza, which is visited by devout Musalmans of the Deccan. The relics of the "parahan" (the robe of the prophet) and "taj" given to Burhanu-d din on succeeding to the caliphate, are carefully preserved in a wooden box placed in one of the apartments of Zain uddin's dargah. Every year on the 12th Rabiu-l Awal, the sacred hair of the Prophet is first shown to visitors, and then the "parahan", the " taj,' and a few likenesses of some of the most sacred personages among the Mahomedans are exhibited. The tombs of Azam Shah, of his Begum, and of a Mahomedan saint, are in a small enclosure to the east of Zainu-d din's mausoleum; while Aurangzeb's tomb lies to the west. Opposite this last is a large


quadrangular courtyard, having open-fronted buildings on all sides, and a "nakar-khana" or Samah (ecstasy) hall at the east end. The west end is used as a school where the Quran is taught, and gives access to an inner courtyard which contains a number of graves. Facing the entrance is the shrine of Burhan ud din; and a little to the right is the last resting-place of Asaf Jah and of one of his consorts. To the left is the tomb of Nasir Jang, the son of 'Asaf Jah, who at one time contemplated rebellion against his father, but overcome by contrition for his conduct, performed penance at the tomb of saint Zain uddin. Saiad Yousaf. Saiad Yousaf or Shah Raju Qatal was instructed by Charagh Dehlwi to proceed to the Deccan, and arrived there in H. 726. He was accompanied by his sons Saiad Chanda and Saiad Mahomed Banda Nawaz surnamed "Gaysu Daraz" or " the long-ringletted. The latter is the patron saint of Gulbarga. Saiad Yousaf was a Sufi "mashaiq", and wrote a religious, poem called "Tuhfet-en-nasayeh." He died in H. 726 and was buried at Roza. Amir Hasan. Amir Hasan bin es Sanjari came from Seistan also known as Amir Hasan Dihlawi Sijzi and was a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya. He was called the "Sadi of Hindostan", and recorded all his preceptor's sayings in the "Fawaid-ul Fawad." His "Lataif-al-Ashrafi" is full of jokes; and his writings were eulogized by Jami the Persian poet, by Shaikh Faizi, and by others. He left for Daulatabad on the transfer of the capital from Delhi, and died in H. 737. His tomb is outside of Roza, and is surrounded by a wall, but has no dome over it. Students offer sugar on the threshold of the tomb on Thursdays, to improve their memories. A mosque and " tekkieh are attached to the tomb; and close by is the grave of the poet Mir Gholam Ali Azad Bilgrami of the 12th century Hijri.



Maulana Farid ud din. Maulana Farid ud din the Adib was one of the leading disciples of Burhdn ud din and died 17 days before his preceptor. His tomb lies to the west of that of Muntajab ud din. Haji Husain. He was born at Shiraz, and was a merchant. His son Zain ud din started for Mecca en route to India; and haji and his brother came to Delhi in search of Zain ud din. They then left for Daulatabad where they settled down and died, and were buried to the north-east of Roza. In former days, religious Mahomedans spent 40 days in this dome, in prayer and fasting. Nizam uddin. Nizam uddin came in the 8th century Hijri, and Burhan ud din gave him a " turra" or crest for his turban, and the title of " Saidus Sadat" or " chief of chiefs." He left Daulatabad for Paithan, and on his way, he erected a mosque and dome. Saiad Sadat performed a " chilla" or fast for 40 days within the dome, and after his death a cenotaph was raised to his memory. The patelship of the village of Bhirkan which he populated, was for a long time in the hands of Saiads, whose tombs are scattered over the kasba and pet, and are objects of veneration to the inhabitants. He peopled the eastern portion of the town and died in H. 792. On the Urus day, the spire of the dome over his tomb is adorned by the Mainars or builders of Paithan with a " turra" or tuft, at the ceremony called " turra churhana", to commemorate the crested turban which Saiad Sadat wore. The Mainars, the Dhanday Momins, and the descendants of the Moghals and Persians who settled about Paithan in the time of Aurangzeb, are among the "khadims" of Saiad Sahib. A date stick, and a "kutchkoal" or beggar's bowl which belonged to the saint, are carefully preserved in the darga. Newly married persons


perambulate the tomb three times, and place offerings of food in the beggar's bowl. Bawa Ramzan or Kanoba was a Hindu sorcerer who was converted by Saiad Sadat. He was called Bawa Ramzan, from having been converted in the month of Ramzan; and died at Tisgaon Marri near Ahmednagar. He was hold in great reverence; and a pitcher with which he drew water for 12 years and filled a large jar for Saiad Sadat to wash in, is preserved in the dargah.

Jalaluddin Pir Manik Bhandari. He is also amongst the earliest disciples of Nizamuddin Auliya. He ran the Langar khana of Nizamuddin Auliya. After the death of Nizamuddin Auliya, he went to the Deccan with Burhanuddin Gharib, and became famous by the name of Bhandari. His shrine is in Fatehabad in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. Soliman Shah, a rich dervish, accompanied Aurangzeb in his early expeditions into the Deccan, and retired to Gangapur where he died. His darga is in the " barra tekkieh" close to the " shahi bagh" or royal garden. A cenotaph and lamp-pillar to Zinda Shah Madar were also erected in the "barra tekkieh" by Azmat ul la, a son of Soliman Shah who joined the Khadman sect of the Madaria order. Habib ul la or Hakkani Haknuma flourished at Ranjani in the Jalna taluk; and respect is paid to his memory by the Hindus and Mahomedans, especially by the females. Jana Shah Mian came in the time of the first Nizam, and settled at Seona, where he practised fixed meditation. A hill six miles from Kanhar, near Nandarbari, is called "Kalandar-ki-pahar", possibly after one of the Kalandri order, which is a


branch of the Chishtia. Shah Bu Ali Kalandar came with Burhan ud din, and is said to have had his seat on a huge boulder, close to one of the Kanhar hills. Great reverence is paid to this boulder by the Hindus and Mahomedans of the surrounding country. Shah Bu Ali afterwards went to the Punjab and died there. The Mewatis of Kunjkhaira in the Kanhar taluk, belong either to the Chishtia or some other branch of the Kadaria order. A little to the east of Kunjkhaira is a darga to Jangli Shah Mian, and another to Chumman Shah Dulah. Shattaria. Shattari - A branch of the Qadaria, in which the members repeat their devotions with great rapidity. Arif Alla Shah was about the earliest arrival in the Deccan, who belonged to this sect. He was buried in his " tekkieh" outside the western gate of' Ambad, near a mosque about 400 years old, called " Bin khami masjid." Saiad Ahmad of Gujarat spread the Shattaria sect in Aurangabad Maharashtra, probably in the time of Aurangzeb. He was a follower of Burhan ud din, and his shrine is outside the Jafar gate.

Razak Shahi. RAZAK SHAHI.-A branch of the Quadaria, founded by Abdul Razak of Baghdad. Arif Shah Sain of this sect came to 'Ambad, where he erected a mosque. His "tekkieh" and tomb are to the north of 'Ambad; and the graves of his six successors are close by. Sher 'Ali Shah Sain arrived from the Panjab, and his "tekkieh" and tomb are near the Shahgarh darwaza of'Ambad. The remains of a furnace are close by, where he made amber beads which he distributed to fakirs, &c. Shah Khaksar came from Bijapur to Roza in the time of Akbar, and his "tekkieh" and tomb are at Sulibhajan.


Khaksari. Shah Khaksar came from Bijapur to Roza in the time of Akbar, and his "tekkieh" and tomb are at Sulibhajan. He established the Khaksari sect at Daulatabad; and the graves of several of his followers are near his tomb. Mohkam Shahi. It is another branch of the Quadaria to which Data Wali of 'Ambad belonged. Data Wali never left his "tekkieh" which is outside the Jalna darwaza, and when he died, was buried in the convent.

Jan Alla Shahi. JAN ALLA SHAHI - A sect founded at Jalna by Jan Mohammed, who was born at Sinnur near Delhi in H. 1030. He was early left an orphan, and started with his brother for Baghdad; and on completing his studies, was instructed at the tomb of 'Abdul Kadar Jilani to proceed to the great spiritualist, Miranji of Burhanpur. After studying with Miranji for five years, Jan Mahomed's name was changed in open congregation to Jan Alla (Life of God), and that of his brother to Bab Alla (Door of God). In H. 1046 he started for Mecca accompanied by the ancestors of the present "khadims;" and on his journey, was assisted by the "Jins." Jan Alla. After an absence of twelve years Jan Alla was instructed to proceed


to Jalna, which he did by way of Baghdad. On arriving at Aurangabad, he occupied a chamber on the left of the Jumma masjid of Malik Ambar, and was quite a recluse, performing the "Sunnat" prayers in his own room, and only the "Fars" prayers in the mosque. His sanctity was noised about, and he was invited to Jalna by haji Bur Khurdar the faujdar. Aurangzeb also wished to see him and went for the purpose to the Jumma masjid, and even to the " Hujra" or chamber, but did not succeed in his object. A copy of a letter is still shown, which is said to have been written to Jan Alla by order of Aurangzeb. The emperor next sent his vizier, but before the latter could come, Jan Alla and his brother had quietly gone away to Mungi Paitan, and from thence proceeded with Abdur Rahman, the deputy faujdar, to Jalna. Aurangzeb then sent prince Muazzam to Jalna, and the saint received the prince kindly in a small dwelling in a mango grove where Jan Alla's tomb has since been erected. It was on this occasion that Jan Alla received a sanad (certificate) for five hundred bighas of land near Jalnapur, where Kadrabad and the cantonment now stand. Quadims (servants): Khadim Shah Abdul Wahab, or Janaza Rawan, a "khadim" of Jan Alla, conducted the funeral services for the colony of Kadrabad. He compelled the "Jins" to carry him on his cot to Bijapur, to meet Shah Azimu-d din or "Tazim Turk" who mistook him for Jan Alla. Of the other "khadims", Hidayat Alla in H. 1070 copied Imam Gazib's work in the Kufio character. In H. 1085 Ali Bin Mohammed wrote the " Monovarul Kalub", a work on spiritualism. Haji Shah Ismail was buried at Bajipura in Aurangabad ; and his grandson Amam Alla's tomb is near Jan Alla's in Jalna. Amam Alla wrote a Persian work in H. 1169. Saiad 'Abdulla was a "mohudis" versed in tradition; and Mian Haji Mohammed Kasim was tutor to Bahadur Shah I. Miral Hasan was a studious khadim who died at Haidarabad, and his remains were transferred to Kadrabad. He was a prominent subject of H. H. Nasir-udDaula, and was contemporary with Maulvi Shaja ud din of Hyderabad, and Alla Wali Sahib of Burhanpur, two of the most learned men of the


time. Nur-al Hasan or Gholami Sahib collected a number of books, and had the honor of bringing from Mecca, a copy of the Quran, and a sacred book called Dalail-us Sharif", which he kept in Jalna. The clan of Ghori Pathans found about Jalna belong to the "khadims" of Jan Alla. They fought under Ranmust Khan against raja Sambha of Sattara; and Nahir Khan, a Ghori Pathan, held Jalna in jaghir. According to an inscription, Nahir Khan built the 'Ambad darwaza with a bastion on each side, and a well and masjid for his spiritual director Shah Miran. There is another mosque close by, which was built by Sultan Mohammed, son of Malik 'Abdulla Beg, faujdar of Jalna. Nirgun shah Wali. Nirgun Shah Wali came from Bengal, and lived as a recluse at Nidhara, two miles north of Jalna. His principle was, "retirement from the eyes of the world, and cessation from seeking the honor and respect of any one." When Aurangzeb was at Jalna, he is said to have visited Nirgun Shah Wali. Many others called to see him, including Jan Alla, Bab Alla, Raja Bagh Sawar., and Nirgun received them, seated on a stone which is still pointed out. He also paid return visits, and took with him a starling (maina), which was always his companion and was able to talk. There is a story current, that Nirgun was murdered by the patels of Nidhara and Tandulwara, for the sake of this maina, which Jan Alla coveted It is said that three days after Nirgun's death, Jan Alla gave a great feast to all the dervishes, on which occasion, the, maina pointed out the corpse of Nirgun, and denouncing Jan Alla as his murderer, fell down dead upon its master. From that day, Jan Alla was stigmatised as " Jan Alla maina mar", and the fakirs of the Nakshbandi, Quadaria, Madaria, Rafai, Sada Sohag, and Jalali orders, and the numerous sects to which these gave rise, consider the khadims of Kadrabad out of caste and will not eat with them. The khadims on the other hand deny the accusation, and assert that there was no talking bird, but that the maina refers to a woman named mana. They further state that the woman was instructed to say that she had been cruelly wronged, because the other dervishes were envious of the 500 bigahs of land which the khadims


possessed. Regarding Nirgun the khadims and the patels of Nidhara and Tandulwara affirm, that he was a " ghaus", and that at midnight, in one of his acts of worship called " Tahajud", the intensity of his devotion was so great, that his head and limbs fell asunder. Rafai. RAFAI - Founded in Syria in the 6th century Hijri by Saiad Ahmad Rafai, nephew to Abdul Kadar Jilani. The Rafais are celebrated for their penances with red-hot irons, and are also called howling dervishes. The order was introduced into Aurangabad by Rahmat Alla Shah Rafai in the time of Aurangzeb; and the members became very numerous in the days of H. H. Nizam ' Ali Khan, when there were 360 houses belonging to them in Aurangabad. During the subahship of Shabar Yar Jang, the Rafais cut themselves with lances whenever alms were refused them.

Rahmat Alla. Rahmat Alla came from Baghdad, and lived for thirty years in Mosafar Shah's "tekkieh" at Panchakki. He then moved into a house in Aurangpura which Aurangzeb's steward built for him. His tomb is beyond the western gate of Aurangabad. Medina Sahib came from Medina, and his frenzy as a Rafai is still spoken of by dervishes. He was buried inside the Jafar darwaza. Masum Shah was a famed Rafai of Tisgaon Mori, ten kos from Paitan towards Ahmadnagar. He often visited Kadrabad and built a "tekkieh" near the "Ranger khirki." He was buried in front of the "darga" of Nur Shah Wali. Chand Bi founded Chandaigaon in the Baijapur taluk, and held it in fief under Malik Ambar. It is said that the earth from the grave of Chand Bi has a salutary effect on those bitten by snakes, so that she probably belonged to the Saadi order, the fakirs of which go about with snakes. The


ordinary snake jugglers of the district are called "Miran-Summa-kagaruri", and are followers of Miran Sum-ma, whose shrine is at Mirj Tajgaon near Kolhapur. Biabani. BIABANI - Originated with a disciple of Nizam ud din Aulia, called 'Abdulla, who interceded with the emperor Babar on behalf of certain Saiada, but without success. He then retired to Mandur and requested the governor to be allowed to dwell unmolested in the "Biabani" or desert, from which the order took its name. Abdul Karim. The Biabanis of 'Ambad are descended from 'Abdul Karim the son of 'Abdulla. According to some writers, 'Abdul Karim and four of his relatives came from the Arabian desert to "Ambica" or 'Ambad, and hence they were called "Biabani" or children of the desert. They settled down near a Hemad Panti well called "Mahadari baoli" in proximity to the "Shamsher masjid", and were known as the "Panj Pir Biabani" or the five Biaban elders. 'Abdul Karim belonged to the Rafai order, and married the daughter of Sankaray Sultan Mushkil 'Asan, whose shrine is at Kandahar near Nanded. The tombs of the five Biabanis are within the walls of the 'Ambad fort, and are situated to the north. Zain uddin. Zain ud din Biabani, the son of Abdul Karim, who was born in H. 811 at 'Ambad, became the Rafai caliph in H. 811, and died in H. 909. His fakirs inhabited the village of Fukrabad, a mile from 'Ambad; and a hill close by, on which he was fond of spending his time in meditation and prayer is called "Fukrabad-ka-pahar." The tombs of his mother and wife are also at Fukrabad, and are called respectively "Pirani Man" and "Bua Man." Offerings of sugar-candy and dates are made to the former. The Biabanis have a tradition that Zain uddin was on one occasion seen by a woman in a convulsive state of religious ecstasy. The woman


swooned away, but recovered after an hour, and observed something moving under a scarlet cloth (sakilat). In her fright, she called out " Sakilati Sahib" several times, which attracted the attention of passers by, but on examination the movement ceased, and only a " sakilat" or scarlet cloth was found. To commemorate this event, a tomb was raised, which for eight months in the year is much frequented by the surrounding population and by the women in particular; but it is not visited during the rains. The tomb is called "Baghwan" and " Sakilati Sahib" or " Sakalati Bawa", and sacrifices and offerings are made to it on Thursdays and Fridays. It is thus a source of revenue, and was a subject of dispute between two rival parties. A commission was appointed in H. 1284, which settled the matter in favor of the "khadims" of Ravna and Parora. These assert that 'Alau-d din was buried beneath the tomb in the nalla, and that they are the descendants of his "kluidims." Ala-uddin. He was the son of Zianu-d din, a native of Gujarat, who married a daughter of Burhan ud din and died at Roza. He visited the tombs of the saints of Gulbarga and Bidar, and was returning to Roza by way of ' Ambad, when he is said to have encountered a troublesome band of demons, and in fighting with them, 'Alau-d din suffered martyrdom. The "sakilat" or scarlet cloth which he wore served as a shroud for his remains, and hence he is called " Sakilati Sahib." Shah Ashraf. Shah Ashraf the son of Zain ud din assisted the army of a governor of Daulatabad, who changed the name of 'Ambika to Ambad, and endowed the " tekkieh" at Fukrabad with lands and cash. There is a local saying that "Ashraf the Biabani supplies bread to the hungry and water to the thirsty." Sakray Sultan.


Sakray Sultan is reckoned among the great saints of the Dakhan. His tomb is at Kandahar in the Bidar district, and there is a "chilla" to him on the platform above the subterranean passage in the Daulatabad fort. Some Hindus think that the "chilla" contained an image of Ganpati, and say that it was removed to Kaigaon Toka in H. 1207. The place is held in more or less reverence by both Mahomedans and Hindus, and especially by the females. According to a "khadim" at Roza, who is the guardian of this "chilla", Sakray Sultan came with the missionaries who accompanied Burhan ud din, and his proper name was Ain ud din. The missionaries separated at Roza, and Ain ud din proceeded to Kandahar, but before leaving for that place, he performed a "chilla" or fast at Daulatabad. Madaria. MADARIA - One of the four Tafuria sects founded in Asia Minor by Badi ud din Rustami surnamed Zinda Shah Madar. The Madaria is in four subdivisions,-1 Diwangan, 2 Talban, 3 Ashkan, and 4 Khadman. Some of the fakirs are jugglers, or take about bears, monkeys, &c, from place to place; while others go about playing on a fiddle and singing in praise of Shah Madar. The Madaria do not shave their beard and moustaches on being initiated; and when any person has gained the object of his desires, he invites the fakirs of this order to perform a ceremony called dhammal Those who allow their hair to grow are called malang, and adopt celibacy like their preceptor. Shah Gul Husain. About H. 1000 Shah Gul Husain, also called Shah Nur Ganj Lashkar, and Shah Daud Ganj Lashkar Maghrobi,two Madaria fakirs, came to Roza and Aurangabad respectively, to propagate the tenets of their order. Shah Nur Ganj's tomb is near the " Nakhar Khana" gate of Roza; and Sultan Saiad Shah Nur, one of his kaliphs, was buried near the Pangri gate. Zabarak Ali Shah another kaliph was taken by H. H. Nizam


'Ali Khan to Hyderabad, but he subsequently returned to Roza where he died, and was buried near the Chauk. Shah Daud Ganj Lashkar Maghrobi introduced the suborder Diwangdn into Aurangabad. His tomb stands near the "tekkieh" called "Til-ki-Mundi." There are "astanas" and "tekkiehs" at Sangwi, Salaikaon, Dhamori, Borgaon, and Lasur in the Gangapur taluk; at Kandalla in the Baijapur taluk; and at Roza, inhabited by one or more fakirs of the Khadman subdivision; while Salal Ghogargaon and other villages contain " tekkiehs" of the Diwangdn subdivision. The Talban sect is not represented. Chingi Shah. He came about a hundred years ago to 'Ambad, and introduced the Ashkan subdivision. Joat 'Ali the Sain, also of this subdivision, came from northern India and died at Debgaon Murmi in the Gandapur taluk in H. 1275. He was accompanied by a Hindu ascetic, who retired to Kaigaon Toka; and was himself a Kanoja Brahman, but was subsequently converted. Joat 'Ali was also called "Malang Shall Maharaja", and was in Tabkati. TABKATI - The fakirs of this order beg from door to door and many of them are athletes. The athletic arts and the "talims" of Aurangabad owe their origin to Pir Murshad Chatan Shah who came from Upper India in the 17th century of the Christian era. Fata Shah was an athlete of Aurangzeb's time, and won a wrestling match at Mujunburj, one of the bastions near the Delhi gate, against " Makhna pahalwan", an Ahir athlete. He was buried in the "Fata Shah-ki-talim" to the left of the road loading into the Paitan gate. At the foot of the grave is the tomb of his friend Mausaras, a Hindu convert; and close by are the tombs of Pir Murshad Chatan Shah and of two others. Dewana Nawab.


Dewana Nawab or the mad nawab was an athlete who had charge of the great doors of the Delhi darwaza. His tomb is near the Aiwaz-Khanki-baradari." Aplatun Khan. Aplatun Khan came with Aurangzeb. He broke the tusk of a wild elephant that was set on him, and dashed it against the "Hathi darwaza. Shah Kuds Shah. Shah Kuds Shah was a very strong man of Jalna (city), and a large boulder which he lifted is shown within the Nagar darwaza. This stone is chunamed every year, and is held in great reverence. A smaller boulder which stands near is said to cure persons suffering from lumbago. The Hindus ascribe the healing properties to a certain "taili" or oilman; and offer "gur" and "chana" to the stone. Shah Kuds Shah was buried near his "talim" outside the Nagar darwaza; and mothers bring their children when they begin to walk, and present offerings to the tomb. Sada Sohag. Sada Sohag owes its origin to Musa Sohag of Ahmedabad. The members dress in women's attire, and wear a "dupata" of deep red colour. About 50 years ago, Bahar' Ali Shah of Tonk sent two Sada Sohag fakirs, Golah Shah and Chamali Shah, to Aurangabad. They lived in Nawabpura, and erected a "tekkieh" to the right of the Jafar darwaza. Chamili Shah went to Hyderabad, and Golah Shah subsequently joined him, but died soon after his arrival and was buried at Gadjigora. Shah Bungri Lahil of this order was buried in front of the "Rakash-ki-masjid" at Jalna. Young Mahomedan females visit the tomb to consult their prospects of marriage, and tie a piece of cloth on the " turbet" in evidence of their "nazars" or vows. After marriage, they offer prayers at the tomb, and present one of their marriage bangles.


Ehl-ul-Haque. Ehl-ul Haque Hakkam Sahib accompanied Aurangzeb, and probably belonged to the " Ehl-ul-Haque" or People of Truth. His tomb is at Goraigaon in the Baijapur taluk. Other saints. Kourgaon, an ancient village in the Baijapur taluk, has a tomb to Said Sahib under a "bar" tree (ficus indica). Bhikan Shah Wali accompanied Burhan uddin, and his tomb is under an old tree at Loni Khurd on the Nandgaon road. He came with his mother and his horse; and the latter is buried close to his master. The tomb is called "Ghora-Pir-ki-kabar", and the Kunbis make offerings to it when their cattle fall sick. A large and elegant mausoleum was erected about 400 years ago at Wakla, by a Hindu convert, Bibi Bohra Khatum. It has seven tombs inside, with two smaller ones in two of the inner corners, and eighteen other tombs in the verandah. There is a story current that a certain person Achal Rao had two sons, Amai Rao and Yeswant Rao. Amai Rao became a Mahomedan, and he and his family are buried in this mausoleum.

Mir Mahomed Shah. Mir Mahomed Shah of Badakshan was made killadar of Peotala fort by Aurangzeb. He belonged to the Vaisi sect, and was buried at Harsul. Mir Fukru-d din Aurangabadi Tirmusi was a Sufi doctor who composed several Persian verses. Shah 'Ali Sahib Barri was a recluse who lived in the hill to the northwest of Aurangabad.


Shah Ali Sahib Shairi lived within the city; and so did Shah Ali Sahib Nabari, who constructed canals. Saiadi Sahib, a religious Abyssinian, lived in the shop of a poor dyer in the "chauk "of Aurangabad. Offerings of flowers, &c, are placed on his tomb. A ruined mosque inside one of the gateways of the Daulatabad fort was erected by a Mohammadan of great sanctity; and to the right of the last entrance is Pir Kudus Sahib's darga. Elora has a shrine to a Mahomedan saint which is visited by large numbers of Hindus and Mahomedans. Tuttu sodagar. Tuttu Sodagar was a wealthy merchant of Surat and a Bohra by caste, who built the "Tuttu " darwaza of Jalna (city) in H. 1126. He died near the 'Ambad gate, on his way back from Rakisbon, and was buried near the mosque which he built. There were six other rich Musalmans, and in former days Jalna was noted for its wealth. According to an old Urdu proverb, "the children in Jalna were lulled to sleep in cradles of gold", and a kasar or dealer in bangles named Gangaji, is said to have had such a cradle. Malis and poor people offer fruit to Pir Ghaib Sahib's tomb in front of the "Tuttu " darwaza. Similar presents are made to the darga of Dervash Shah Awaz on the Aurangabad road, - especially by the dhobis, in order to preserve the clothes in the " bhattis" from getting burnt. The inhabitants of Jalna pray for worldly success at Shah Shumli's tomb; and mothers offer supplications at Pir Darbari's tomb, so that their children may attend " darbars", or become Courtiers. Shah Mauik's tomb is in the "churi mohulla "of Jalna, where glass bangles are manufactured and sold. Shah Shubli had his residence in the "manik chauk", and was a follower of 'Abu Bekr Shubli, a renowned mystic Shaikh of Baghdad. Musi Makai possessed a valuable library, and was buried in the Ashaba to the north of Jalna.


Jamshad Khan. Jamshad Khan built the "Kali" masjid, inside the Mecca gate, together with the "hammam "or bath, and the "sarai." He also constructed the large tank at Jalna, and laid down pipes and reservoirs for the water supply of the city. Jamshad Khan flourished in the 10th century of the Hijri, and was buried in his garden to the north of Jalna. The cultivators sacrifice to his tomb, so that their erops may not suffer. A masjid at Georahi, not far from Jalna, is resorted to by Hindus and Mahomedans, as it is believed to possess powers of divination. A saint Rafi ud din is said to have possessed similar powers, and his masjid has a " woqf " or pious legacy of 200-bigahs of land, granted by Aurangzeb. Bahar Khan. He was a religious man that came from Bidar to Ranjani in the 8th century Hijri. A mosque beyond Ranjani was built by his wife Ayisha Bi; and near it is the dargah of Latif Shah Aulia. Gudar Shah Wali arrived in Aurangzeb's time, he erected a mosque. A mound called "Islam tekri" at 'Ambad contains an old Mahomedan building known as "Fatehay Islam" or the "conquest of Islam". A piece of land at the foot of the tekri is appropriated as a "waqf" in support of the mosque. Nur Shah Wili's tomb is outside the Shahgarh darwaza. He made lanterns, which the inhabitants purchased as votive offerings; and at his death he left his money to a Hindu devotee. The"chilla" of Maul 'Ali is on one of the tekris of ' Ambad. The Jumma masjid is ascribed to Malik Ambar. The Mecca masjid is attributed to a devout Musalman who constructed it about 200 years ago; while others affirm that it was raised by the Kharar Khani Pathans who served in Holkar's army. A colony of these Pathans settled at 'Ambad, and built a mosque to the west of the town. 'Ambad further contains a " Kadami Resul" or footprint of the Prophet, which is placed on a brick platform covered over with a small


dome, within the Auranga'bad gate There is a tradition that seven Saiads of Arabia were commissioned to deliver Paitan from four goddesses, Hatai Devi, Durga Devi, Revona Devi, and Agna Devi; and that on their arrival, they were arrested and imprisoned in a cave. Muizu-ddin. Maulana Muiz ud din, popularly called Maulana Moaz, or Maulana Sahib, a native of Shiraz, proceeded to Mecca at an early age, and was directed to liberate the seven Saiads. He left for Paitan, which was then presided over by Revona Devi; and in a battle fought outside its walls, lost many faithful attendants and disciples. The Maulana triumphed in the end, and the seven Saiads were released; but they died soon afterwards, and their tombs are pointed out in a mosque called "SatSaiadon-ki-masjid." The saint's darga, which stands in front of this mosque, has a little room attached to it for holy meditation; and his disciples resort to this room in times of difficulty. Each Momin or Mahomedan weaver of Paitan subscribes 8 annas per cent from his income for the maintenance of the darga. According to some people, the Maulana obtained his surname of " Moaz", which means a " wave, from having saved a ship that was foundering; and according to others, he received the name from having miraculously brought up waves of water to quench the fires. Samah (ecstasy) meeting is allowed at his dargah, and the Urus is observed by Hindus as well as Mahomedans. Abdulla Changal. Abdulla Changal accompanied Maulana, and had a contest with a demon called Goglia, who presided over a village of that name in British territory 1 miles from Paitan. Both 'Abdulla and Goglia perished, and the former was buried beyond the mud walls of the village. Sona Mian, called also Eusaini Saiad and Siddiki Shaikl was another companion of the Maulana's, and suffered martyrdom at Seogaon, 14 miles from Paitan. His head was buried at Khontaphul, 2 miles nearer Paitan, and the body at Seogaon. Shah Mian Duryai, a


general merchant of Arabia, possessed many ships, and it was one of these that Maulana Moaz is said to have saved in a storm. He gave up his wealth and joined Maulana's band, and his tomb is inside the gateway of the saint's darga. Shah Mian erected a mosque, nakarkhana, and house for travellers, within the precincts of the darga. Moiz-uddin. Moizu-d din the Bhandari came with the band of missionaries that accompanied Mantajabu-d din; and his duty was to take charge of the stores and distribute cooked provisions to the different members. He was also surnamed "Nanpash", or the bread-giver. After the party arrived at Roza, Moizu-d din and five others left for Gangapurbarri, the present Gangapur. A gosain was practising austerities in a "mat", from which he retired before the new-comers; and the Nanpash and his party dismantled the building and erected a mosque on the site. Gangapurbarri was then infested with freebooting Mangs, the Mangs offered human sacrifices. The saint tried to convert these outlaws, when a religious war ensued; and in H. 748, the Nanpash, Saiad Kharay Pir Pakhar Sahib, and many others suffered martyrdom. The survivors however, succeeded and a mausoleum to the Nanpash was built. Newly married couples kiss the threshold of the tomb; and presents of food, . are offered in times of sickness. The nakarkhana attached to the dargah was built by a Kharar Khani Pathan in fulfilment of a vow. The tomb of Saiad Kharay Pir Pakhar Sahib is to the east of Gangapur, and is frequented by the poorer people on Thursdays.

The seven Saidas. The Mangs continued their depredations till the advent of the seven Saiads, who surprised the freebooters, and numbers of the latter settled down to a peaceful life; but the wilder spirits still kept at large, and in a subsequent raid, succeeding in killing the seven Saiads. After this, the depredations gradually ceased, as the Saiads destroyed the jungle of


brush wood that was used as an ambush. The descendants of the Saiads were also made patels of Gangapurbarri, an office which is still partly in their hands. A legend about Gangapurbarri relates that a Mahomedan saint miraculously supplied a large quantity of "ganda" or sugar-cane juice, to some ruler who was passing by and was famishing with thirst. When the prince heard the name of the place, he requested that it should be called "Naishakarpur,'" in reference to the sugar-cane juice; and this was changed to a similar word in Hindostani, Gandapur. The "Shahi Bagh", or royal garden, commemorates the event, but it exists in name only, and is covered with cultivation. When the"janazah" or bier of the emperor Aurangzeb was being carried from Ahmadnagar to Khuldabad, it was kept for the night in the "Shahi Bagb." A "chilla" or cenotaph was erected on the spot, but it has since fallen down. A similar "chilla" was built at Botaibargaon, 12 miles north of Gandapur. Saiad sadat. Saiad Sadat of Waluj came with the Mahomedan missionaries of the 8th century Hijri, and lost his head in fighting at Balore in Berar; but the body is reputed to have continued fighting till it reached Waluj, where it fell down and was buried. The dargah was erected in H. 1100 by a Beldar, in fulfilment of a vow, and is frequently visited by the villagers. Behind the dargah is the tomb of Saiad Sadat's brother, Saiad Summon, who came with him from Balore. A niee tree close by is said to possess some remarkable qualities. Kanhar has a dargah to Saiad Sahib, another to Sidi Sahib, and a third to Imam Sahib. A mosque near the kacheri was built by Momin Khan, one of the Khatkar Pathans who were stationed at Kanhar to protect the country from the ravages of the Bhils. There is a dargah at Pisora to Muskin Shah Mian; and another called "Chihal-tan-ki-dargah " contains a brick that was brought from Medina. Sillode possesses a masjid erected by Haji Kabir of Northern India. He was made Qazi, as well as Qatib, of the Seona pargana, by Aurangzeb. Arif uddin surnamed Mogar Shah Wali, is the patron saint of Ajanta, which was formerly called Ranjani or Anjani. He died in H. 1101, and


was buried beneath a neem tree. His tomb is propitiated in times of sickness, and the "Dub ghat, " or " Chusmah Mogar Shah", where he occasionally performed a "chilla" or fast, is also visited. Bokardan has a dargah to Bahir Shah Walli. References. Gazetter of Aurangabad - H. H. The Nizam's Government 1884. (Chapter VI page 385427) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END.


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