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Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task pipe elements : steel 1.4301, DN 500, EN 10220, pc = 22 bar, t = 162 C M 1.

1 EN 13480-3:2002-8 / Code-Revision until 2007: 6.1 pipe, 6.2 pipe elbow standard method 2 field of application 3 literature, source Rohrleitungstechnik, W.W. 9.Auflage Vogel Verlag, TabBuch fr Rohrl.Bau,15.Aufl.Vulkan-Verlag 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Pipe calculation. Strength criteria for all pipe components from non-austenitic (NA) and austenitic (A) steel 6 7 8 9 NA : EN 13480; A < 30%; f = min (R p0,2 t /1,5 ; R m /2,4) A : EN 13480; A > 35% (DB : A40) : f = R p1,0 t /1,5 A : EN 13480; 30% A 35% (DB : A35) : f = min (R p1,0 t /1,5 ; R m /2,4) Test: EN 13480; and unit

e ord

e ord

10 name 11 design pressure internal 12 design temperature in C 13 material selection, pipe 14 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 15 additional - safety factor 16 strength value, yield point 17 allowed tension 18 design details 19 outer : pipe, cylindrical shell 20 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 21 guide value: min. wall thickness : pipe, cylindrical shell 22 order wall thickness 23 field of application, parameter 24

formular / symbol

data 2,20 165 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / S 1,00 500,00 0,00 111,67 correct 508,00 1,00

intern 40

p c P S, p c p operat N/mm2 -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5

N/mm2 N/mm2 mm

data base

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fs



D 0 10 0,7 z 1

e s* mm T > e s*, recommended 2 [mm] mm/mm mm/mm T/ D0 D0 / Di D 0 / D i 1,7 : e D 0 / D i >1,7 : e C1

[mm] note

7,10 0,014 1,029 4,955 0,000 0,892 0,90 5,855 6,200 2,759 correct

25 required thickness minimum mm 26 according Pkt.(6.1-1 / 6.1-3) mm 27 guide value: minus tolerance of pipe according EU-Norm mm 28 order according code and outer 29 out off code, C1 fixed by user 30 C:Corrosion / abrasion (wear), tolerance 31 min required order thickness 32 available netto strength thickness 33 allowed internal pressure 34 elbow, standard method section mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm N/mm2

C 0,1 = (C 0 + C 1) 0 T = e ord,s,min e a= e ord,s -C 0,1 p allow

35 C:Corrosion / abrasion (wear), tolerance 36 guide value: radius pipe elbow 37 radius: pipe bend / pipe elbow 38 39 required min thickness straight pipe 40 parameter 41 min thickness internal side 42 min order wall thickness internal side 43 min thickness exterior side 44 min order wall thickness exterior side 45 name 46 order wall thickness internal side 47 order wall thickness exterior side 48 arch - circumferential tension, 49 EN1594:2000 50 51 52 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

(C 0,1+ C 2) 0 R min D 0 R 10D 0 e

(6.1-1 / 6.1-3) 508,0

0,90 R max 762,00 correct 4,955 1,500 6,19 7,09 4,34 5,24 DIN 2605/2 - 3 - 90 7,90 5,60 87,20 86,50

R / D0 e int e int,ord* =e int +C 0,1,2 e ex e e x,ord* =e ex +C 0,1,2

elbow .

e int,ord e int,ord* e e x,ord e ex,ord* f c,int f c,ex

< <

111,67 111,67

note editor

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 1.1 M 1.3 EN 13480-3:2002-8 / Code-Revision until 2007. 2 field of application Rohrleitungstechnik, W.W. 9.Auflage Vogel Verlag, TabBuch fr Rohrl.Bau,15.Aufl.Vulkan-Verlag 3 literature, source 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Concentric reducer: rating according design pressure or geomtry 6 surface of cone = constant over complete length 7 e 1; e 2, e 3 = strength thickness without allowance 8 Note: distance to disturbances 1.4 L1 and 2 L2 respectively 9 disturbances (endcaps, flanges, armatures etc.) note 10 11 name 12 design pressure internal 13 design temperature in C 14 material selection, part 1 - 3 15 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 16 additional - safety factor 17 strength value, yield point 18 allowed tension 19 20 design details 21 outer large cylinder 22 outer small cylinder 23 aperture angle of the cone 24 radius of welding seam in mm 25 C:Corrosion / abrasion (wear), tolerance 26 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 27 guide value: thickness of part 1 28 thickness calculation part 1 29 30 calculation 31 32 33 34 35 36 mean cylinder parameter cone (6.4.4-4 / -7) cone shell thickness outside of die out length reinforcement thickness larger cylinder thickness cone shell mm mm unit formular / symbol p c P S, p c p operat N/mm2 -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


ri D01 e3


3 2


data 2,200 165 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 1,00 520,00 0,00 111,67 correct 508,00 273,00 24 80,00 0,50 0,85

intern 40

N/mm2 N/mm2

data base

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fs


mm mm

D 01 20 10 D 02 < D 01

5 60 grd 0 r i 0,3D cyl, welded : r i = 0 mm mm mm

note, help

C 0,1 0 0,8 z 1 C 0,1 = 0 e 1*, e 1 ~ e 1*


6,0024 correct

correct row 29 ? then

0,5133 445,54

click here 502,00


D c,1 =D cyl,1 =D 01 - e 1

* 0,5


D i =D K / D e / D m e con,3 (6.4.4-2) mm Max (e cyl ; e 1) (6.4.6-1/-2) mm Max (e con,3 ; e 1) (6.4.6-1/-2) N/mm2 mm / mm mm / mm

note, help

456,50 5,725 6,002 6,002 p allow p c


1,2813 451,02

37 allowed internal pressure: part 1, 3 38 guide value: S* 39 design value 40 41 calculation 42 43 44 45 required thickness from part 2 mean smaller parameter allowed internal pressure: part 2, 3

p allow S* = e 3 / e 2 S ~ S*



1,8863823 correct

correct row 40 ? then mm mm N/mm2

click here 3,182 269,818 3,169 2,200348052

e2 = e3/ S D c,2 =D cyl,2 =D 02 - e 2 (6.4.8-2) P cyl (6.4.8-5)


p allow p c

1,017 2,200

46 min required construction dimension, including allowance C 0,1 e ord,1 47 large cylinder , part 1 mm e ord,2 48 small cylinder part 2 mm e ord,3 49 cone shell thickness, constant part 3 mm L 1 1,4l 50 die out length mm 51 For the die out length L1 applies: wall thickness = max (eord,1; eord,3) . etc. [mm] 1,4 L 1 52 distance to disturbance: flange, branch pipe, 60 ; e cos / D 0,001 53 field of application 6.4.1 a C 54 allowed internal pressure: reducer 55 56 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

76,8 107,6 0,01092

6,50 6,22 6,50 L2 1,4 L 2 > 2,2003

55,0 77,0 0,0010

For L2 applies: wall thickness = max (eord,2; eord,3)


p allow

note editor

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 1.1 M 2.1 EN 13480-3: 2002-05 / 8.3; FDBR-M. 2004: cut out, cut out re-inforcements 2 field of application 3 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 4 Selected Joints : Neck or mainpipe reinforced / non reinforced, - with disc 5 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 name 19 design pressure internal 20 design temperature in C 21 reinforment construction 22 area of disturbance, see distance X 23 construction: reinforcement 24 welded in neck 25 material selection: pipe 26 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 27 additional - safety factor 28 strength value, yield point 29 allowed tension 30 material selection: neck or branch 31 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 32 additional - safety factor 33 strength value, yield point 34 allowed tension 35 material selection: plate 36 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 37 additional - safety factor 38 strength value, yield point 39 allowed tension 40 design details 41 outer : pipe, cylindrical shell 42 C:Corrosion /abrasion (wear),tolerance 43 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 44 guide value: min order wall thickness 45 order wall thickness: pipe, cylindrical shell 46 outer : neck 47 C:Corrosion /abrasion (wear),tolerance 48 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 49 guide value: min order wall thickness 50 order wall thickness : neck 52 dimension: length around the neck 53 guide value: effective length of neck 54 dimension: effective length of neck 55 inserted through length 56 57 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm D0 C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,s
Di x x e as l'b e as e ab ls di

p in bar
e ab ls lb

Bild EN 13480 / 8.3.6-1

ls l pl

60 50 40 30 20 0 20 100 200 300 45 / 160

e as

t in C

Allowed patch plate reinforcement d i / D i 0,8

Close-by disturbance, allowed distance X unit formular / symbol data 2,20 165 correct cap, head, reducer, flange, armature cut out with reinforment pad inserted through internal flush correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / S 1,00 500,00 0,00 111,67 correct 1,00 500,00 0,00 110,33 correct 1,00 520,00 0,00 111,67 correct 508,0 0,90 1,00


p c P S, p c p operat N/mm2 -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


select select select

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

data base

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fs

data base


1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / N 165,50

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fb

data base

1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 167,50

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t f Pl

e ord,s 2

7,10 323,90 0,80 1,00


d0 < D0 C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,b


e ord,b 2 Ls ls


51 guide value: effective, undisturbed length around the neck



lb LB lb l b* 0, if plate l b* = 0

100,00 0,00 correct

page 1 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 58 name 59 construction, reinforcement plate 60 thickness of stiffening plate 61 guide value: plate width 62 selected: plate width 63 64 field of application, data 65 strength thickness: shell, neck, plate 66 factor , factor thickness 67 allowed tension: pipe,neck, plate 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 calculation section 8.3 84 reinforcements length: pipe, neck, plate 85 pressure imposed area 86 pressure supporting area 87 condition : 88 allowed internal pressure 89 90 further required construction dimensions 91 min required plate 92 min distance to disturbance 93 section 8.3 / 8.4, see figure row 14-15 94 95 96 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag


formular / symbol



mm mm mm

e pl > 0 L pl * L pl


60,00 correct

mm mm / mm mm2

e as fs

e ab d i /D i fb

e apl f Pl

6,20 0,611 111,67

10,20 e ab /e as 110,33 correct

6,20 1,645 111,67

69 check area of application, allowed conditions according EN 13480 / section 8.3.1-1

eab eas
2,0 2,0

eab eas





Diagram : wallthickness ratio as function of diameters

Diagram : wallthickness ratio as function of diameters

di Di
0,0 0 0,5 1,0

di Di
0,0 0 0,3 0,8 1,0

steel: f s 250 N/mm

steel: f s > 250 Nmm2 click here > conditions checked and in limits 55,78 346 146.405,7 56,57 63.478 640 346 139.651,0 0,00 55,78

mm mm2 mm2

l s l b l b* l pl (8.4.3-1/2) Ap

A f,s A f,b A f,pl term (8.4.3-3 ; 8.4.3-6 ; 8.4.3-7) p c A p N/mm2 p allow.

2,305 correct

mm mm

D pl X min (8.3.2-1/ 2)

447,9 56

note editor
page 2 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 1.1 M 2.4 EN 13480-3: 2002-05 / E ; cut out, cut out reinforcements 2 field of application 3 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 4 Branch pipe joint: put on neck in elbow 5 The figures are defining the design arrangement, the indicated construction dimensions must be maintained 6 7 Application range, Conditions 8 9 10 - seamless 3d (1,5 R) - and 5d (2,5 R) elbows - seamless / welded (non spiral), pipe bend - Load alterations n 1000
R > 1,5 d R = 1,5 d d0 D0 e ord,b

11 - not for creep strength 12 - cut out Y D 0 13 14 15 16 name 17 design pressure internal 18 design temperature in C 19 construction 20 material selection: pipe elbow 21 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 22 additional - safety factor 23 strength value, yield point 24 allowed tension 25 material selection: neck or branch 26 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 27 additional - safety factor 28 strength value, yield point 29 allowed tension 30 design details 31 outer elbow, allowable : 32 construction 33 bending radius, dimension 34 C:Corrosion/abrasion (wear), tolerance 35 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 36 guide value: min. order wall thickness pipie elbow 37 thickenss: internal arch side 38 thickness: external arch side 39 40 Tab.EN 13480-3 / E.1.1-2 and -3 41 42 bending radius R = 1,5D 43 44 bending radius R >1,5D 45 neck or branch 46 external 47 C:Corrosion/abrasion (wear), tolerance 48 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 49 guide value: min. wall thickness neck 50 order wall thickness: neck 51 guide value: allowed built in distance 52 built in distance, see figure 53 mm mm mm mm mm mm
Tab.E.1.1-2 und 3



d0 e ord,b


formular / symbol

data 2,20 165 pipe elbow insulated, tmax = 350 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / S 1,00 500,00 0,00 111,67 correct 1,00 500,00 0,00 110,33 correct 165,50 167,50


p c 4, p c p operat N/mm -10 t 200 (350) ending 0 or 5



N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm pressure N/mm2 p 0,5

0,5 < p 1

data base

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fs

data base

1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / N

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fb 168,3 D 0 609,6


508,00 seamless pipe elbow R = 1,5 Do 762,00 1,00 1,00


R 1,5 D 0, toler = 10%

C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,int* e ord,int e ord,int* e ord,ex e ord,ex*

e ord,ex* 11,00 11,00 correct


recommended combination
select select select select

1<p 4 0<p 4

pipe elbow 508 max neck 114,3 correct 88,90 0,35 1,00

C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,b e ord,b 2 X max X min X

762,00 762,00

762,00 correct

page 1 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 54 name 55 calculation, - E.1, Pkt. 8.4 56 factor: radius / arch 57 factor pipe elbow 58 available netto strength thickness 59 effective length elbow, neck 60 61 parameter E.2.1.1 mm/mm mm mm grd grd mm2 mm2 N/mm


formular / symbol



R / D0
internal / external

1,500 1,250 eb 10,00 70,57 B* 41,410 4,000 3.852,61 759,9 3,573 2,748 2,748 correct 45,069 40,930 10,00 0,875 3,25 16,68 37,463 33,463 30.874,07

e int Ls

e ext lb A* G2

62 sector area, max pressure area 63 tension strained area 64 allowed internal pressure without neck 65 with neck bordered to the external side 66 allowed internal pressure 67

E.2.1-6 / -7

S2= SB + SS p allow p c S 2f / G 2 p allow

N/mm2 N/mm2

68 required further construction dimensions 69 min neck length / reinforcement 70 built in distance 71 72 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

mm mm

l b thickenss = const. X

17,0 762,0

note editor
page 2 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 1.1 M 3.2 EN 13480-3 / 7.1.3; EN 13445-3 / 2003-07:Torospherical head, Dished head, Basket arch head 2 field of application Rohrleitungstechnik, W.W. 9.Auflage Vogel Verlag, TabBuch fr Rohrl.Bau,15.Aufl.Vulkan-Verlag 3 literature, source 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Selected Joints : Neck in bottom axis or neck with offset axis 6 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. 7 Conditions : 8 1. Neck does not touch the brim 9 2. Wall thickness ratio d i /D i > 0,3 10 11 13 14 name 15 head shape 16 welded in neck 18 design pressure internal 19 design temperature in C 20 material selection: head 21 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 22 additional - safety factor 23 factor of cold hardening against buckling 24 strength value, yield point 25 allowed tension / - buckling tension 26 material selection: neck 27 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 28 additional - safety factor 29 strength value, yield point 30 allowed tension 31 design details 32 outer : dished head 33 welding seam efficiency rating segments 34 C: Corrosion/abrasion (wear), tolerance 35 guide value: min thickness brim 36 order wall thickness: spherical shell 37 order wall thickness: brim 38 guide value: allowed brim radius 39 internal radius of brim 40 guide value: radius spherical shell 41 radius spherical shell 42 outer : neck 43 C: Corrosion /abrasion (wear),tolerance 44 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 45 guide value: min. oder wall thickness 46 order wall thickness : neck mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm D0 0,85 z 1 C 0,1 0 e* kn e ord,s e ord,kn e* kn+ C 0,1 r i,min
min r i max Ri 50,800

eb ls lb ea

ls l* b


always cut out reinforcement by increasing of wall thickness according section 8.4.3
l* b d0 Ri

12 3. Recommended : L s l s (computation value) unit

formular / symbol

data dished head, neck in shell welded on 2,20 165 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 1,00 1,00 520,00 111,67 0,00 f buck correct 167,50 111,67


select p c P S, p c p operat N/mm2 -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


N/mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2


data base

S Z =1 oder S Z 1,2 1,6 1,0 or R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fc


data base

1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / N 1,00 500,00 0,00 110,33 correct 508,0 1,00 0,90

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fb


8,00 8,00 r i,max 50,80

508,00 50,800

Ri d0 C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,b e ord,b 1 0 50 ls

recommended L s l s

508,00 168,30 0,40 1,00


8,00 0,00

, grd 47 angle, neck position 48 guide value: effective, undisturbed length around the neck 49 dimension: length around the neck 50 guide value: effective length branch neck 51 dimension: effective neck length 52 inserted through length 53 mm mm mm mm


lb LB lb l b* 0

80,00 0,00 correct

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 54 name 55 field of application 56 strength thickness: spherical shell, neck mm e as, e kn, e ab 7,10 d i /D i 0,6 0,310 57 factor , thickness ratio mm / mm 58 fs 111,67 allowed tension: head, neck N/mm 59 60 61 check area of application, allowed conditions according EN 13480 / section 8.3.1-2 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 calculation Pt. 8.3 77 coeffcient: 78 coeffcient : 79 coeffcient : Y ; Z X ; N 0,06 ; 0,1 ; 0,2 N/mm2 N/mm N/mm N/mm mm mm2 mm2
2 2 2


formular / symbol



7,10 e ab /e as 2 fb correct

7,60 1,070 110,33


eab eas


eab eas




Diagram: wallthickness ratio as function of diam eters

Diagram: wallthickness ratio as f unction of diam eters

di Di
0,0 0 0,3 0,6

d i Di
0,0 0 0,3 0,6

steel: f s 250 N/mm

steel: f s > 250 N/mm2 click here >

Y (7.1.5-1 bis 7.1.5-8)

conditions checked and in limits 0,01398 0,1033 0,9532 Z N 0,7473 0,7392 3,100 2,235 3,418 2,235 85,23 34,95 46.241,0 924,7 101.885,4 2,220 0,00 1,85461 0,8911 0,5000

0,06 X = r i /D i 0,2 0,06 ; 0,1 ; 0,2 0,4 1,6 ps p kny p knb

(7.1.3-6) (7.1.3-7) (7.1.3-8)

80 coeffcient, field of application 81 head without neck 82 allowed pressure spherical shell 83 allow. pressure of brim against yielding 84 allow. pressure of brim against buckling 85 allowed internal pressure 86 head with neck 87 reinforcements length: head, neck 88 pressure imposed area 89 pressure supporting area 90 condition : 91 allowed internal pressure 92 with neck to spherical shell 93 94 95 date note editor
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

p allow l s l b l *b


Af term (8.4.3-3 ; 8.4.3-6 ; 8.4.3-7) p c A p N/mm2 p allow p c

> >

101.730,3 2,200

page 2 / 1

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 1.1 : head DN 500, neck A = DN 100, neck B = DN 80 M 4.2

EN 13480-3 / 7.2.4 2 field of application EN 10216-1,- 2, -3,- 5, EN 10217- 1,-2,-3 ,-5, prEN 10217-7 ; EN 10028-2,-3, EN 10222-2,-4,-5 3 literature, source 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Non fixed, flat heads (cover, blind flange) section. 7.2.4 6 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. Dp 7 Dt =Dp Dt e1 e 8 A E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 name 17 design pressure internal 18 design temperature in C 19 material selection: flat head 20 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 21 additional - safety factor Pt. 22 strength value, yield point 23 allowed tension 24 design details 25 kind of joint 26 internal of the head 27 C: Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 28 pitch 29 bore diameter 30 outer : gasket 31 internal : gasket 32 gasket width, real contact face width 33 middle : gasket 34 design gasket / effective gasket width 35 select: gasket 36 specific gasket value m / y 37 head with inboard gasket 38 bolt tensile force at pre-deformation 39 min.head thickness for pre-deformation 40 min.head thickness in state of operatio. 41 min. head thickness at border area 42 strength thickness of the head 43 head thickness in border area N mm mm mm mm mm FA eA ep e1
( 7.2.4-3 ) ( 7.2.4-2 ) ( 7.2.4-4 ) ( 7.2.4-5 )




D t = Dp
unit N/mm

data 2,20 165 correct


formular / symbol p c P S, p c p operat -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


N/mm2 N/mm2

data base

1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 1,00 520,00 166,67 0,00 f1 correct 167,50 111,67

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t f A,20 f1

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


head with end-to-end gasket, figure D 488,0 0,0 660,0 36,00 720,0 600,0 60,0 660,0 660,00 2,50 b y correct result see row 48 30,00 20,00 spiral carbon steel, asbestos filling

Di C 0,1 0 Dt dL
internal :d aG < (D t - d L) end-to-end :d aG>(D t + d L)

d iG w Dp Dp
data base

, N/mm2

m table 7.2.4-1

e = max (e A ; e p) e 1 = max (e A ; e 1) 37,98 30,39

44 head with end-to-end gasket, no bending moment 45 strength thickness of the head 46 min. head thickness in border area 47 result 48 min order thickness of the head 49 order thickness: flat head 50 51 52 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

mm mm

e e1

( 7.2.4-6 ) ( 7.2.4-7 )

mm mm

e ord,heat e +C 0,1 e ord,heat

37,98 38,00 correct

note editor

weiter siehe : fitted neck

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 Task data see M 4.2 M 4.3 EN 13480-3 / 7.2.5 2 field of application EN 10216-1,- 2, -3,- 5, EN 10217- 1,-2,-3 ,-5, prEN 10217-7 ; EN 10028-2,-3, EN 10222-2,-4,-5 3 literature, source 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Brimmed or flat head with 1-2 fitted necks 6 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Distance : h 1 0,5d i + r i cut out out of brim area 15 16 name 17 selected: head with neck 19 design pressure internal 20 design temperature in C 21 material of the head 22 allowed tension 23 head inner ; gasket 24 C:Corros./abrasion (wear), toleranc 25 thickness of head, no cut out 26 guide value C 1 of the brimmed head 27 C *1 confirmed or other value unit

not allowed



Di h1 h1

h2 k1

e ord,b e ord,s di di

eord,b Lb

The proof with cut out and neck is only allowed after completed head calculation (w/o cut outs ) formular / symbol
data base

data bolted head / blind flange, 2 neck correct 2,20 165 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 111,67 488,00 Dp 0,00 37,98


18 data full head (complete uniform wall thickness) p c P S, p c p operat N/mm -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5 N/mm2 mm mm mm mm mm
data base


f1 Di C 0,1 0 e op,Bo C 1* C 1 C 1*


0,00 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / N 1,00 500,00 0,00 110,33 correct
Datei B

28 material selection: neck (if 2 necks then same steel type) data base 29 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 30 additional - safety factor Pt. 31 strength value, yield point N/mm2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t f2 32 allowed tension N/mm2 33 34 design details 35 welded in neck 36 cut out respectively neck inner 37 C: Corros./abrasion (wear), toleranc 38 welding seam factor 39 guide value: min. order wall tickness neck 40 order wall thickness: neck 41 strength thickness: neck 42 guide value: min.distance of outer edge 43 distance dimensions h 1, h 2 44 guide value: allowed distance A B 45 distance dimension K 1 46 47 48 neck reinforcement 49 min required neck thickness mm 50 residual thickness of the pipe reinforcement 51 reinforcement length, thickness = constant 52 factor head / neck 53 e rb
required : e r,v 1


mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
Datei A

internal flush 88,90 0,30 1,0

internal flush 108,00 0,35 1,0


d i,A + d i,B 0,5D i C 0,1 0 0,7 z 1 e ord,b* e ord,b e ord,b* e a,b h 1min h 1 h 1min / h 2 h 2min
K min e op,Bo+ (d A+d B)/2

3,60 3,25

3,20 2,90

h 2min



K 1 K min or K 1=0 click here

200,0 correct conditions checked and in limits 1,088 2,162 15,1 1,00 correct

0,895 2,005 13,2 1,00 correct

page 1 / 2



min (1;f 1 / f 2)

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 54 name 55 proof: single cut out 56 reinforcement area 57 equivalent 58 distance cut out 59 calculation distance cut out 60 coefficient brimmed head mm2 mm mm mm A r f 1/ f 2 d1 K = 2h Y1 Y2
(7.2.5-3) (7.2.5-3) (7.2.5-4)


formular / symbol



156,16 106,98 240,00 488,00 1,2174 1,1317 correct K (7.2.5-4) Y1 Y2 42,98 A r f 1/ f 2 d2

136,61 88,11 190,00 488,00 1,2308 1,1047 correct

K = D i (7.2.5-3)

61 bolted / brimmed head 62 63 required head thickness A or max ( A; B ) 64 proof: with 2 cut outs / necks 65 average: d 1 / d 2 66 distance 67 coefficient Y 68 69 required head thickness 70 71 min. order thickness of the head 72 order thickness: flat head 73 min. thickness at border area 74 75 76 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

e op [ mm ]

mm mm

d m= (d 1+ d 2) /2 K1 Y 1 (7.2.5-3) Y 2 (7.2.5-4) e op e ord,Bo *+ C 0,1 e ord,s e ord,Bo *+ C 0,1 e 1 0,8e ord,s

97,54 200,00 0,00 1,40 53,07

mm mm mm

53,07 54,0 43,2 correct

note editor
page 2 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3 2002-05 1 Task 2 field of application data see M 4.2, no leak-tightness required M 4.4 EN 13480-3; EN 13445-3 / 2002/prA16:2006 ;RKF-Festigkeitsberechnungen BR-A9 / 1973

3 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 4 Circular flat head with stiffening ribs, welded or bolted with end to end gasket 5 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. 6 to screw, leak-proof : recommended 6 bar 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 name 19 design pressure internal 20 design temperature in C 21 material selection: flat head 22 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 23 additional - safety factor 24 strength value, yield point 25 allowed tension N/mm2 N/mm2
data base

L d1 d2 d4 d1 g h e d2 e

t 2 A B d4 eR

d2 d4



Distance of ribs related to diameter d2

unit N/mm

formular / symbol p c P S, p c p operat

data 2,20 165 correct 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 1,00 520,00 0,00 111,67 correct 1.0036 / S235JRG1 / 16 1,00 340,00 170,10 113,40 correct 488,0 720,0 1,0 0,5


-10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fB

data base


26 material selection: reinforcement ribs, centring ring 27 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 28 additional - safety factor 29 strength value, yield point 30 allowed tension 31 design details 32 pressure imposed 33 bolting: d2 pitch , see figure 34 outer : head / flange 35 welding seam factor head 36 C: Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 37 guide value: max / min thickness of heat 38 selected : head thickness incl. C 0,1 39 guide value: number of ribs 40 selected: number of ribs 41 guide value: rib thickness 42 selected: rib thickness 43 guide value: outer centring 44 outer : centring 45 guide value: length of ribs, see figure 46 length of ribs 47 guide value: height of ribs 48 selected: height of ribs 49 welding seam: head with rib 50 length of stitchweld, l = const 52 length of lag seam, l 0 53 welding seam factor all joints 54 guide value: fillet weld thickness 55 fillet weld thickness rib, centring ring 56

N/mm2 N/mm2

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2 R m20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t fR


mm mm

d2 d4 0,7 z 1 head : C 0,1 0 e* min e e* min (recomm .= 8)

calculation (22.4-1) : n V,min

mm mm mm

e* max 10,0 n V,max 8,0


13,5 24

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


n V 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 --e R*

recommended e R e R*


d 1,min* d 1 d 1,min* L *min L L *min h* min h h *min

select 216,5 50,0

55,0 L *max 320,0 h max 100 50,0 4,0 100,0 0,80

5,33 332,5 113,3

mm mm

stitched seams, not fully welded

l 1 = l i ; no stitchweld = 0
n g,i 0 l 0 0,2L or l 0 = 0 0,7 z 1 g0 g 1 g 0 ( 3)

51 number of stitch weldings without end lag seaml 0

mm mm

6,0 correct
page 1 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3 2002-05 57 name 58 faktor 59 faktor welding joint 62 63 check: thickness of welding seam 64 65 66 67 critical pressure 68 allowed internal pressure 69 70 within the sector 2 (red) .. 71 no cut out allowed 72 field of application, section 22.4 73 pitch distance relating to d 2 74 rib height 75 rib thickness 76 77 78 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag


formular / symbol C
figure ( 22.5-1)

data 0,130 0,5875 K Z

( 22.5-2) (22.5-6)

intern 0,124 0,2348

mm mm2 mm N/mm2 N/mm


correct g0

5,33 1.066,1 100,0 2,504


< < 200,0 correct p A2


6,00 1.200,0 256,0 2,671

conditions for interrupted seam

2 l 0g 0 (l i g 1) l 0 l i 0,8l p A1

P A = min (p A1; p A2)

2,504 correct 5,6


critical angle recommended limits

mm mm mm

t (20 .. 28)e a 5e R h 15e R 0,5e e R 1,5e

191,6 50,0 5,0

< 100,0 10,0

280,0 150,0 15,0

note editor
page 2 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-05 1 task data elected : pipe line, load alterations < 7000 M5 EN 13480-3:2002 - 2007; ANSI- method ; TGL 22160/06-07:1985, Pkt.4 2 field of application Rohrleitungstechnik W.Wagner; Vogel Verlag 2006, Tabb.Rohrltg.-Bau / Rohrleitg-Handbuch Vulkan-V. 3 literature, source 4 mathem.symbols, units and comments:see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be consider. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 6 simplified elasticity analysis, EN 13480-3 7 figure isometrie: practical installation in plants 8 9 recommendations and tips - for well proven or comparable systems

y -Lx Ly x

10 - straightforward strain characteristic 11 - constant pipe cross section between fixed points 12 - free moving space available: loose bearing, hanger 1000, others 7000 13 - load alterations: gas pipeline 14 15 16 name 17 design pressure internal 18 design temperature in C 19 material selection: pipe 20 steel name / Rp,t / T / N / S / Bl 21 additional - safety factor 22 strength value, yield point 23 allowed tension 24 thermal expansion coefficient 25 pipeline design 26 outer : pipe 27 C: Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 28 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 29 guide value: order wall thickness pipe 30 order wall thickness pipe 31 coordinates length, analysis according 32 figure 33 allowed internal pressure 34 thermal expansion 35 unit N/mm

l l


2 1

Lx Lz
formula / symbol p PS, p p operat. 5 data 0,80 285 correct N/mm 2 N/mm 2 1/K mm mm mm mm mm N/mm mm


-10 t 650 ending 0 or


data base

1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 / N 1,00 500,00 0,00 92,00 1,7120E-05 correct 273,00 0,80 1,00

S z = 1 or S z 1,2 R m 20 R p 0,2,t R p 1,0,t ft t D0 8 C 0,1 0 0,8 z 1 e ord,s* e ord,s e ord,s* Lx 0



3,20 Ly 0 3.220,0 1,632 L y 15,71 7.399,7 36,10


Lz 0 3.760,0 L z 18,35

5.500,0 L x

pc L x,y,z l FP L res L min* L min L min* 381,9 26,83

36 resulting fix point distance mm 37 resulting strain mm 38 guide value: required elongated length of the pipeline 39 elongated length, pipe centreline 40 L = |L x| + |L y| + |L z| 41 elasticity conditions 42 43 with pre-tension, if criterium incorrect 44 pre-tension factor 45 pre-tension length, installation 46 lenght: Lx,y,z are controlled reduced mm


D 0Y / ( L S - l FP ) 2 208,3



0 < V 50

50,0 L x 13,4 L y 7,9 18,1 12.263,8 12.480,0 190,95 stress analysis passed, no further calculations required L z 9,2

[ mm ] L res L min* L min L min*

47 residual strain in operation mm 48 guide value: required elongated length of the pipeline 49 elongated length, pipe centreline 50 elasticity conditions 51 52 53 date
Copyright Vogel Buch Verlag


D 0Y / ( L S - l FP ) 2 208,3 L = 5500 + 3220 + 3760 = 12480 editor


Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 1591 1 Task data see M 1.1 : flange DN 500 / PN 25, user defined gasket, see gask1 - gask3 M 6.1 Integrated flange / welded neck flange; EN 1591-1:2001/ A1:2005 2 field of application literature, source physic.specific value EN 13445-3, TGL 32903 / 13-1983 3 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 6 7 8 9 d4 10 dS 11 es 12 LS e1 13 d3 14 LH e2 15 d0 16 eFt d5 d 11 17 f 18 19 e Gt e*F t 20 dG1 21 dG2 22 23 24 guide value: ideal outer dG 2 615,0 25 42,10 mm available flange thickness for load capacity eF . 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 operation parameter / load 40 name 41 selection of load types to proof 42 max inter. pressure in operation status (1) 43 max internal pressure in test status (2) 44 design temperature 45 operation temperature 46 bolt: design temperature 47 test temperature, no test=0 48 external axial additional loads, torques 49 installation (0) 50 operation status (1) 51 test status (2) 52 torque in operation status (1) 53 54 safety factor: 55 56 operation status (1) test status (2) S (1) 1,5 S (2) = 0 or S (2) 1,05 unit N/mm2 N/mm C C C N N N Nmm

Welded neck flange - joint , allowed: equal / similar counter flange (armature) in comparable steel type The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. gasket system: flat face or groove - key name input data of flange connection; dimensions in mm calculation symbol data d4 ds d3 d0 d 5 10 es e1 e2 > e1 Ls 0 LH > 0 e Ft d 11 0 f 0 e* Ft e Gt d G1 d G2 h 0 730,0 508,0 660,0 488,0 36,0 7,1 10,0 35,0 20,0 61,0 44,0 615,0 4,0 44,0 2,0 500,0 550,0 0,0 correct
d m=d s-e s

flange outer cylindrical shell pitch flange internal bolt hole thickness neck thickness shoulder thickness flange neck flange neck conical flange thickness of gasket face height of gasket face counter flange gasket thickness gasket internal gasket outer groove depth
database database database

500,9 498,0 523,0

mm mm mm

d1 = d2 =

b Gt = 25

d B0

d Be

d Bs

rolled thread with shaft manually, competend checked d B0 = M 33 4,0 94,0 72,0 31,0 29,70 0,25 20 correct guide value, dimensions lB 94,0
l S 0,8 l B

lS lB

washer, thickness U = mm lB clamping length shaft length ls 0 d Bs shaft d Be effective mean friction coeffic. 29,70 mm number of bolts n4

d Bs d Be

72,0 31,00 29,72

available for load capacity d Bzul..

formular / symbol

data install.(0), operation stat (1), test stat (2) 2,20 3,10 correct 165,0 155,0 20,0 correct 0,0 5.000,0 0,0 350.000,0 correct 1,50 1,05 correct


P (1) - 0,1 P (2) 0 ending 0 or 5 0 T 650 0 T T operat. 10 T 40 F compress < 0 or F tensile 0 F compress < 0 or F tensile 0 F compress < 0 or F tensile 0 M bending

page 1 v 5

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 1591 57 name 58 flange couple 59 material flange
2 60 strength value, max tension [ N/mm ] 61 modulus of elasticity calculation EN13445

unit K 20 N/mm 2 N/mm 2 1/ K 1/ K K 20 K 20 N/mm 2 N/mm 2 1/ K 1/ K %

formular / symbol user defined : spezification


data vessel-flange 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 250,0 199964,0 200000,0 238,1 238,1 199964,0 200000,0 0,00001635 0,00001635 1.4301 / X5CrNi18-10 / Rp1,0 250,0 238,1 1,00 correct strength A5-50, M 39 238,1 111,7 111,7 187668,0 187700,0


K 20 /1,05 E F (0)

K /S (2) E F (2)

K /S (1) E F (1)

62 value confirmed or other value 63 thermal expansion coefficient 64 value confirmed or other value 65 material cylinder shell
2 66 strength value, max tension [ N/mm ]

E t 0,95E F Ft [EN 13445]


K 20 /1,05

K/S (2) 0,8 v 1


K/S (1)

67 welding seam rating 68 69 material bolt

2 70 strength value, max tension [ N/mm ] 71 modulus of elasticity calculation EN13445

test row 14, 15 thickness: e s,1,min = K 20 /1,05 E B (0) K/S (2) E B (2) K/S (1) E B (1) 210,0 199964,0 200000,0

200,0 200,0 199964,0 200000,0 0,00001628 0,00001628 10 % 8

109,3 188516,0 188600,0

72 value confirmed or other value 73 thermal expansion coefficient 74 value confirmed or other value 75 ultimate strain of bolt 76 number of re-tightening sequences 77 range of dispersion: tightening of bolt 78

E t 0,95E B Ft [EN 13445] A N Rmin 1 1 1+

0,200 correct


79 gasket according sheet of ENV 1591-2:2001 / prA1 : 2005 ( D ), annex: user defined entry in gasket 1-3 80 81 flat gasket / shape / materials
database database select

user defined gasket / specific values Gylon X

L0,1:standard leakage tightness L 0,1mg /sm

82 gasket class, leakage rate

83 gasket characteristics 84 important: read notes 85 min contact pressure per unit: installation N/mm2 gask1: guide value ~ Q min (L0,1)* for optimized pressure / surface alignment note 86 Q min (L0,1) ~ Q min (L0,1)* 87 value confirmed or other value guide value : ~ Q / P 88 min contact pressure per unit in operation for note 89 keeping leakage free Q /P Q Smin(L) n Q /P [N/mm2] 90 value confirmed or other value gask1: guide value ~ Q max* 91 max allowed contact pressure per unit operation Q max,y Q max* note 92 value confirmed or other value N/mm2 93 94 95 96 97 98 modulus of elasticity: installation/operation value confirmed or other value middle module, EN 1591 / prA1:2005 E Gm : inscribed according formular creeping factor: installation / operation value confirmed or other value N/mm




1.060,0 950,0

gask2: guide value E G0, E G1

E G0 > 0

E G1 > 0

1.060,0 530,0


N/mm2 1/ K

soft matrieal : E Gm = 0,5E G0 metal : E Gm = E G0 gask3: guide value P QR,0, P QR,1


P QR,0 > 0 Gt > 0

P QR,1 > 0


0,85 0,00001635 correct 923.722,5 1.000.000,0 25,00 18,2194 correct

99 thermal expansion coefficient of gasket 100 value confirmed or other value 101 assembling during installation 102 103 guide value: min pre-tension force 104 confirmed or other pre-tension force 105 computing result after iteration 106 theoretical gasket width 107 entry : theoretical gasket width 108 computing result after iteration 110 111 112

guide value: Ft

N N N mm mm mm

F G0,min (37) F G0 F G0,min F G0, erf b Gt = (d G2 - d G1) / 2 b Gt b Ge b Gt correct row 109, then
important note

109 entry check: geometrical data, materials, parameter

click here ideal, accuracy 0,1 %

page 2 v 5

calculation values and results

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 1591 113 name 114 calculation / results 115 hole distance 116 effective hole 117 effective flange width 118 effective mean flange 119 calculation flange cross section 120 121 122 123 effective flange plate thickness effective pitch effective ratio of flange neck thickness effective value of connecting shell unit mm mm mm mm mm2 mm mm mm mm mm 1/mm3 1/mm3 arm of lever flange - correction mm mm mm mm mm2 1/mm mm mm2 mm 1/mm pB d 5e bF dF
(1) (2) (5) (5)

formular / symbol

data flange 1 103,67 21,21 99,79 609,00 5094,00 42,10 656,70 3,500 20,64 508,64 0,2477 1,3386 0,0000 0,1456 1,1375E-05 0 16,3842 17,5875 15,9299 -2,4576 13.855,8 0,007901 525,00 41.233,4 25,0 0,00006562 flange 2 103,67 21,21 99,79 609,00


A F = e F(d 4 - d 0)/ 2 e F = e P (5 , 6) d 3e (4) = e 2 /e 1 e E (9) d E (10) CF

(17) (18) (19) (20)

relevant for load capacity 42,10 656,70 20,64 508,64 0,2477 1,3386 0,0000 0,1456 1,1375E-05 0 16,3842 17,5875 15,9299 -2,4576

124 effective mean upper shell 125 elasticity related flange parameter 126 of cylinder shell 127 128 129 elasticity factor of the flange 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

Z F (27) Z L (27) hs hT hQ hR
(21) (22) (23) (23)

bolt: SUM section elasticity parameter gasket: theoretical theoretical gasket face theoretical gasket width elasticity parameter

A B (33) X B (34) d Gt A Gt b Gt X G (42)

141 opimized calculation parameter 142 effective gasket 143 effective gasket face 144 effective arms of lever 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 mm mm2 mm mm mm N N N N N mm mm d Ge = d G2 - b Ge A Ge (39) h P (13) h G (40) h H (14) F Q1 (43) F Q2 (43) F R0 F R (2) (44) F R (1) (44) e B (45) U (45)
test operation installation test operation installation operation

531,78 30.438 8,130 62,460 74,030 688.520 488.627 0 0 7.132 94,0 -0,006774 74,030 8,130

internal forces due to medium pressure outer additional force outer additional force outer resulting force ( from F A, MA) decisive clamping length axial thermal expansion

154 axial elasticity of the mounted flange connection 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 E-modulus of gasket E G,1,2 = E 0 + F G0 / A GE
DIN EN1591-1:2001/ A1:2005

elasticity under sealing compressing force

elasticity under medium presssure force elasticity under additional force F RI 0 Y RI = 0

N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N mm / N


E Gi (46)

test operation installation

Y Gi (46)

test operation Montage

Y Qi (47)

installation operation installation

Y Ri (48)

test operation

1.092,9 1.092,9 982,9 5,43301E-07 5,43301E-07 5,81488E-07 0 6,2088E-07 6,61366E-07 0 0 5,83712E-07

page 3 v 5

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 1591 167 name 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 min gasket force min gasket force in latter stage required mounting sealing force for tightness in state of test-/ operation actual required sealing force actual required bolt force existing pre tension sealing force checking of gasket parameter in state of installation unit formular / symbol data 608.760 213.066 213.066 999.902 999.902 999.902 1.000.000 correct intern

F G0min (49) installation N test N F Gmin (50) operation N N F G (51) installation N F G0req (52) installation N F B0,req = F G0req + F R0 installation F G0req F G0 installation N F B0 F G0req installation N Q min(L) F G0/AGe Qmax,y
important note

20,0 < 32,854 < 160,0 criterion leak-tightness Pkt.5.3.2- see NOTE : correct

179 consideration of dispersion at bolt tightening (approximation of systematic error at tightening: 57a,b) + (58a) installation 0,1044 180 resulting dispersion 181 at tightening of all bolts 183 nominal bolt force for tightening 184 max. possible bolt force 185 max. possible sealing force 187 nominal bolt force for tightening 188 fixed min bolt force 189 criterion N N N N N (58b) F B0nom (63) F B0max (65) F G0max (66) F B0nom (63) F B0nom = F B0av

0,0835 1.091.049 1.204.984 1.204.984 0 0

182 monitored bolt forces and method of tightening

installation installation installation

186 calculation valid for non controlled bolt forces/torque, manual tightening; see data base row 29
installation installation

F B0nom = F B0av 2 F B0req

190 mounting - load limits: maximum forces for proof of load bearing capacity(under consideration of dispersion) 191 max considered bolt force 192 max considered stress to the gasket 193 always to maintain sealing force N N N F B0max (65) F G0max (66) F G0d (67)
installation installation installation

1.204.984 1.204.984 999.902

194 loads in state of testing / operation: max forces for proof of load bearing capacity 195 196 197 198 existing gasket force existing bolt force N N N F G (68) F B (69)
test operation test operation

213.066 242.843 901.586 738.602 27,34

N 199 calculation parameter of flange connection according section 6.4 e D (75) 200 wall thickness of equivalent shell mm 201 standard calculation of tension 202 203 204 auxilary variables(77) 205 207 auxilary variables(78) 208 209 210 211 212 auxilary variables flange 213 215 216 auxilary variables (79) 217 218 jM = sign () (80) js = +1 oder -1; als f ( jM ) FL1 FL2 C s ( js=+1) C s ( js=-1 ) N / mm2 N / mm2 fE Q R

install / test operation installation test operation installation

238,1 111,7



test operation

0,0000 0,0000 0,1211 0,0000 0,2582 0,0015 1,3330 1,1546 1,3147 1,1466 1,2473 1,1168 load capacity for flange-cylinder : correct 62.453.566,734 58.681.736,374 47.896.582,884 0,78540 0,71298 0,62883 0,78540 0,85565 0,93189
page 4 v 5

installation test operation installation test operation

1 1 1

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 1591 219 name 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 flange section modulus 242 243 flange slanting position / inclination 244 critical maximum value appr. 0.5 245 247 248 249 250 251 252 gasket : degree of utilisation 1 253 254 255 256 flange : degree of utilisation 1 257 258 259 261 262 263 264 265 Nmm Nm
flange correction correction gasket installation installation

unit ( js, kM, ks ) js = +1; js = -1 -1 kM +1 0 ks 1

formular / symbol

data 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 0,51684 0,45755 0,38409 -0,51684 -0,52392 -0,52560 0,51684 0,53760 0,55331 -0,51684 -0,53760 -0,62446


opt (83)

test operation installation

max = ( +1, +1, + 1 )


test operation installation

min = ( -1, -1, +1 ) (82)

test operation installation

0 = ( 0, 0, 0 ) (82)

test operation

0,00000 -0,03318 -0,07075 load capacity : correct 1 1 1 parameter correct 0,516838348 0,457554073 0,384093881 198.945.585,2 194.358.791,7 87.521.807,5 0,2454 0,2660 correct 0,5355 0,3253 0,4876 correct 0,1826 0,0323 0,0368 correct 0,3783 0,3019 0,5473 correct proof correct 540.069,4 541,0 < +1 > -1


parameter k M

k M = f ( jM ; opt )

test operation

parameter z

z = min ( opt ; max ) Nmm Nmm Nmm grd grd F E .3 WF


test operation installation test operation installation operation

246 proof of load bearing capacity bolt, gasket, flange

recommended : utilization > 0,3 installation test operation

bolt : degree of utilisation 1

(71) correction bolt



test operation


test operation

260 required bolt tightening torque at installation, calculated according annex D torque for tightening of each bolt note date
Copyright Vogel Buch Verlag

M t,nom



page 5 v 5

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-5 1 Task external pressure : 3,6 bar superheated steam, double jacket M 7.2 EN 13480-3: 2002 / 9.3; Appendix G; not valid for creep behavior 2 field of application AD -2000- B6: 2005; EN 13445-3: 2002; FDBR-MB 5-4 / 2004-01 3 literature, source 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Pipe / cylindrical shell with outer welded square bar ring under external pressure 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 out of roundness tolerance 1%, to reference D o Effective stiffening of pipe / cylindical shell length Statically efective double wall joint Circumferential profile with all around welding seam





15 name 16 design pressure external 17 design temperature in C 18 material selection: pipe 19 steel name / R p0,2,t / T / N / S / Bl 20 safety factor 21 strength value, yield point 22 elast.-value:non-austenitic and austenitic 23 modulus of elasticity 24 value confirmed or other value 25 material selection: stiffening 26 steel name / R p0,2,t / T / N / S / Bl 27 production line, factor 28 strength value, yield point 29 elast.-value: non-austenitic and austenitic 30 modulus of elasticity 31 value confirmed or other value 32 design details 33 outer : pipe, cylindrical shell 34 guide value: min.wall thickness pipe, 35 order wall thickness 36 C:Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 37 max distance between 2 stiffener 38 max length of stiffener 39 stiffener: bar width 40 bar height, h max = recommended 41 42 buckling proof between stiffeners 43 available strength at thickness 44 mean cylinder radius 45 buckling number (condition:p m = min) 46 coefficient 47 crictical pressure limit against yielding 48 elastic buckling pressure at failure 49 pressure ratio 50 stiffness ratio 51 lower failure pressure 52 verified external pressure 53 condition against material buckling press. 54 max. allowed external pressure 55 between stiffeners 56


formular / symbol

data 0,3600 180 correct 1.0345 / P235GH, Rp0,2 / T 16 1,50 177,00 177,00 200.131,0 200.130,0 correct 1.0036 / S235JRG1 / 16 1,20 166,20 166,20 200131,0 200.130,0 correct 2200,0


p 0,1 N/mm2 -10 t 650 ending 0 or 5

N/mm2 S NA = R p0,2 t N/mm2 N/mm2


data base

k 1,5 R p0,2 t S A = 0,8R p0,2 t

E t* =C 0+ t cC 1+ t c 2C 2 E t 0,95E t*
data base

k s = 1,2 ; k s = 1,33 R p0,2 t S A = 0,8R p0,2 t E t 0,95E t* D0 e ord* e ord C 0,1 0 L Lc b 3 h s h max = 8b

N/mm S NA = R p0,2 t N/mm2 N/mm2 mm


E t* =C 0+ t cC 1+ t c 2C 2

mm mm mm mm mm mm

12,00 0,80 2000,0 2000,0 20,0 160,0 correct

mm mm N/mm2 N/mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2


ea R m=0,5 (D 0 - e a) n 2 Z = R m / L p y =S e a /R m p m=E te a /R m p m / p y table 9.3.2-1 pr/ py p p r kp p max

table 9.3.2-1

11,20 1094,4 6,0 1,719 1,8114 1,0989 0,6067 0,3056 0,5535 0,360 0,5535 0,3690 correct
page 1 / 2


p r = p y (table 9.3.2-1) (k 1,5) p (9.3.2-5)


0,540 0,5400

field of application :U 1%

Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-5 57 name 58 proof against total failure 59 design pressure external 60 internal radius 61 R + profil height; Rs (center of gravity) 62 effective stiffening length pipe 63 stiffening area: profil / pipe 64 combinded stiffening areas 65 coefficient 67 moment of intertia of combined area 68 tension coefficient of stiffener 69 yield pressure in circumferential orientat. 70 theoretical elastic buckling pressure 71 verified safe stiffening 72 condtion against buckling 73 condition of the tension N/mm2 mm mm mm mm2 mm


formular / symbol



p max or Rf l ps As Xc

p Rs 1260,00

0,3600 1088,00 1145,87 192,21 3.200,0 5352,7 57,5528 16.279.108 113,65 2,304 3,728 0,648 0,648 112,33 correct 3,728 166,20 2.152,7

R i =0,5( D 0 -2e a) (9.3.4-4) A R = l pse a Ac (9.3.3-6) I c (Satz v.Steiner) (9.3.3-5) p ys pn (9.3.3-3) (9.3.3-1) k k sp k k sp p n (9.3.3-2) 0 s S s (9.3.3-7)

mm mm4 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm N/mm

2 2

74 stability of stiffening 75 EN 13480-3: buckling can't occur at n > 10 and hs /R m > 0,01 under external pressure 76 calculation values 78 outer stiffening, matrix value 79 existing equivalent tension 80 buckling tension: lateral buckling 81 stability of stiffening 82 maximum allowed external pressure 83 under operation or testing conditions 84 85 86 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

N/mm2 N/mm

h s /R m table 9.3.4-2 4p S s / p ys i = table E t / (h s / e w)2 i > 4p S s / p ys p max

0,1462 1,140000 103,9 3.564,8 3564,8 0,3600 correct


N/mm2 N/mm2


note editor
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Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-5 1 Task 2 field of application 3 literature, source see M 7.2 EN 13480-3: 2002 / 9.3; Appendix G; not valid for creep behavior M 7.3

EN 13445-3: 2002; FDBR-MB 5-4 / 2004-01 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 reducer under external pressure with stiffener 6 out of roundness tolerance 1%, to reference D o, max 7 The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. 8 9 effective stiffened. b L 1 3 E eord,1 2 10 large cylinder / converging cone 11 with an angle > 10 (AD 2000) 12 stiffening of smaller cylinder part 3 13 designed as ring or with increased 14 thickness 15 16 name 17 design pressure external 18 design temperature in C 19 material selection: reducer + stiffening 20 steel name / R p0,2,t / T / N / S / Bl 21 safety factor 22 strength value, yield point 23 elast.-value: non-austenitic and austenitic 24 standard proof design stress .. 25 stiffening: rule of interpretat. AD 2000-B2 26 modulus of elasticity 27 value confirmed or other value 28 design details 29 outer : large cylinder 30 brim radius: large cylinder 31 brim angle, see figure 32 outer : small cylinder 33 guide value: equivalent cylinder shell, length 34 L = distance between 2 effective stiffener 35 see figure 36 C:Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 37 wall thickness large cylinder, part 1 38 testing: allowed pressure of joint from part 1 + part 2 39 wall thickness cone shell, part 2 40 wall thickness small cylinder, part 3 41 testing: allowed pressure of joint from part 3 + part 2 42 mm mm mm mm grd; mm mm mm mm mm D 01 r 0 10 60 D 02 L* L L* C 0,1 0
recommended : e ord,1 2


l S1 D 01

eord,2 l S3 l S3

eord,3 D 02


l S3

unit N/mm

formular / symbol p 0,1

data 0,3600 180 correct 1.0345 / P235GH, Rp0,2 / T 16 1,50 177,00 177,00 1,80 Rp/ S 200.131,0 200.130,0 correct 2200,0 80,00 30,00 1600,0


-10 t 650 ending 0 or 5


N/mm2 S NA = R p0,2 t , N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm


data base

k 1,5 R p0,2 t S A = 0,8R p0,2 t




E t* =C 0+ t cC 1+ t c C 2 E t 0,95E t*

700,0 1,00 8,50


p allow* p e ord,2 e ord,1 e ord,3 e ord,2 p allow* p

8,50 8,50





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Technical calculation pipe elements : EN 13480-3:2002-5 43 name unit formular / symbol data Intern

44 proof of the equivalent pipe = cone shell, section 9.4.4 e 45 available strength at thickness mm Dm D eq (9.4.3-1) 46 mean , equivalent compensation mm Rm 47 mean radius mm n cyl 2 48 buckling number (condition:p m = min ) 49 ceoefficient Z = R m / L p y =S e a /R m 50 critical pressure limit against yielding N/mm2 51 elastic buckling pressure at failure p m=E te a /R m N/mm2 p m / p y table 9.3.2-1 52 pressure ratio (real ) / computed value p r / p y table 9.3.2-1 53 stiffness ratio p r = p y (table 9.3.2-1) 54 lower failure pressure N/mm2 55 56 57 58 59 verified external pressure condition against material buckling press. max. allowed external pressure under operation or testing conditions effectivity verification of N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 p (k 1,5) p p r kp (9.3.2-5) p max field of application :U 1% kriterium : p v p


7,50 D eq (9.4.3-1) 1093,2155 11 4,9063 1,2143 1,2166

table 9.3.2-1




0,3600 0,6072

0,5000 0,6072 kp > 0,3843 correct

0,5400 0,5400




60 Re-inforcement: Part 3 and Part 2 with all around corner joint weld 61 Additional Stiffening : 1.) by increasing of thickness of part 3.

additional reinforcements necessary 2.) by implementing a stiffening ring see E

62 Rating of effective stiffening of divergent cone - cylinder joint 63 selected ring stiffener, see figure E 64 selected profile 65 Width of square profile 66 height of ring 67 Center of gravity distance,effective length 68 existing / required moment of intertia 69 existing / required cross sectional area 70 recommended order wall thickness 71 constructing effective length 72 73 date
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

mm mm mm mm4 mm

data base recommended

dimension b x h = 1 : 7 b 6 25,75 1.753.714 1008,0 8,50 136,6 12,00 84,00

h Xs I xexist > I xrequired (9.4.2-1) A exist > A required e ord,1 e ord,2 e ord,3

l S3 > >

136,6 1.332.138 710,4 8,50 136,6

correct correct

mm mm

l S1

l S3

note editor
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Technical calculation pipe elemnets : EN 13480-3 :2002-05 1 Task data selected M 8.2 EN 13480-3:2002-8 / Code-Revision until 2007: 10.0 alternating loading 2 field of application 3 literature, source Rohrleitungstechnik, W.W. 9.Auflage Vogel Verlag, Fachbereichstandard TGL 32903/15 4 mathematical symbols, units and comments: see red corner triangle are part of computing and shall be considered. To read: move the curser into the cell 5 Proof of welded components under alternating loading; approximation seam construction for cylinder and dished head 6 7 Design conditions: 8 No time dependent tention factors allowed 9 p max, p min = controlling cycle 10 11 12 13 14 15 name unit formular / symbol
) pressure p



( p



16 Design shape according EN 13480-3: specific value: K and 17 main component with welded in neck 18 welding seam construction, see figures
select select

dished head, thickness=const, neck in shell

B: single-sided fully penetrating weld with counter weld

19 guide value: welding class = K1- K3, tension factor table 10.3.2-4 20 enter guide value or other allowed value 21 welding class 22 tension factor 23 operation data: static loads 24 allowed internal design pressure 25 of construction elements 26 max. design temperature 27 K1 - K3 1 5 p c,max p operat p cmax = design pressure 0 t 650 ending 0 or 5 t c = t max


K2 3,00 correct 2,20 285 correct 3500 2,20 20 correct


N/mm2 C


28 operation data: periodic loads N > 1000 29 numbers of cycles within same / different window (p max - p min ) p c,max (min = 0,1) 30 max. range of pressure fluctuation 31 min. design temperature 32 selection of materials: body material 33 steel name / R p,t / T / N / S / Bl 34 additional - safety factor 35 strength value, yield point 36 allowed tension 37 design details: pipeline U 1,5 % 38 outer : pipe, cylindrical shell, head 39 guide value: radius head 40 radius: head, no head R i = 0 41 C:Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 42 welding seam factor longitudinal seam 43 guide value: min. wall thickness cylinder, head 44 order wall thickness 45 interposed neck 46 strenght ratio: neck / cylindrical shell 47 outer : neck 48 C:Corros./abrasion (wear), tolerance 49 welding seam rating longitudinal seam 50 guide value: min. wall thickness neck 51 order wall thickness: neck 52 guide value: min. effective neck lenght 53 effective neck lenght 54 neck inserted through 55 guide value: unhindered, clear width neck 56 clear width / lenght at neck 57 mm/mm mm mm
mm recomm. 0,8 f b/f s 1

0 t min t c

N/mm N/mm2 mm mm mm mm mm

data base

1.0345 / P235GH, Rp0,2 / T 16 1,00 360,00 150,00 235,00 correct 137,00 91,33 0,00

S Z =1 or S Z 1,2
R m20, R p20, R p0,2,t, R p1,0,t f 20 fs

D 0 > 10 Ri Ri D0 C 0,1 0 0,8 z 1 e ord,cyl

recomm. : e ord 2 0,00


508,00 1,00 1,00 e ord,head 10,00 correct 1,00 273,00 1,00 1,00
4,25 8,65

d0 C 0,1 0 0,8 z 1 e ord,min

recomm : e ord,b 2


mm mm mm mm mm mm


l b* l b l b* l b,i 0 L R* [mm]
recomm. L R 0,8L R*

50,00 0,00

100,00 correct

page 1 / 2

Technical calculation pipe elemnets : EN 13480-3 :2002-05 58 name 59 parameter: allowed substitute pressure 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 available netto strength thickness internal weakening rating, Kellog method max. range of pressure fluctuation
guide value: allowed substitute pressure


formular / symbol



mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

value confirmed or other value pr

ea Di = DR VA (p max - p min ) p r* pc p r* p r p c

9,00 1.016,00

eb dR 0,567 2,20 > 2,80 correct 1,00 218,8

7,00 259,00



67 calculation: allowed numbers of load cycle 68 wall thickness correction factor 69 temperature intervall 70 temperat.effect factor, ferrit/austenit 71 standard tension value 72 welding class / coefficient m 73 calculation constant 74 tension amplitude 75 allowed numbers of load cycles 76 77 78 79 80 81 data
Copyright Vogel Buchverlag

C N/mm2

Fd t* F t*,ferr

10.3.2-2 10.3.2-3 10.3.2-4 / 5 K () K2 0,925

F t*,aust 3,000 m 6.300 382,1

0,000 3,00

B 2 a

tab.10.3.2-2 10.3.2-1
m note

N all = [ B /2 a* ]


> correct


the max.allowed stress cycle coefficient is the smallest value, which results from the calculation within the pipe system used components note editor
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