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(ShatkonaYantraCreatedbySriBhogarSiddharcurrentlyinatempleinSriLanka,takenonce inayearforrituals,believedtoemanatesupremesubtledivineenergies.)

ThinkingHearts(RaguramGopalan) ([email protected])

Curiousbynature,inalifesouncertain Thirstyforthetruth,whichissocertain IsoughtforsomewaterinourVedasthefountain ThoughIcantunderstandfullywhatitcontains Iamamazed&speechlesswithwhatIcouldascertain Thisisjustaspeckofdustfromthatgoldenmountain ThankfultomyfamilyforhelpingmeinwhatIcouldattain Gratefulforthewisdomandworksfromallthechieftains WishIrepayeveryatomofitthroughmygratuitoustearstains

This effort is to share what I read, understood and enjoyed about the scientific aspects in ancient India which are codified in our language, arts and in 1000s of temples. The quotes and examples are predominantly in Tamil but I have tried to give the meaning which can enable a reader to grasp the meaning and progress. Any shortcomings you notice are purely reflective of my abilities to understand and express. There was not even an iota of intention to hurt any sentiments or beliefs of others. A piece of my mind is available @ I initially thought that I shall reproduce a prayer from one of the books which I had read but at one fine moment I decided to capture my feelings in my own words. So I scribbled few lines in Englishsummingupmyfeelingsasabove,fewlinesfortheSageofKanchiandaprayerinTamil withitsmeaninginEnglish.Youmayunderstandthisprayerbetterafteryoureadthisbook.

January2012,Version1.0 Please feel free to copy and reproduce in whichever form or shape as you deem fit without any acknowledgements. In fact see how much of this can you share to dispel the ignorance. The moreyousharethebetter. If I have acknowledged any books or authors please recognize them and ensure that you either buytheirbooksordonatetotheircause.Theydeserveallthecredits.

Adivinesoul Withanoblegoal Walkedthisearth Whendivinitywasdearth Beyondanytreasure'sworth Toavoidourdeath&rebirth Seekhisguidance&grace Forheshalleverembrace!


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(Mind is the source, primordial gods particle as the form, The luminescent space, the Pranava as consciousness Consciousness as the Oms Light, Oms Light as Oms sound Isnt time a pulsation thats the dance of Lord of Dance?)

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Time creates Rhythm & order, Rhythm creates shapes Shapes become universe, the beginning and the end Universe merges with source, it is awareness & bliss Ever searching for the feet of the divine & graceful mean

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The mass in energy (Space), the energy in mass(earth) The energy as thoughts, our thoughts as numbers (octets) To me find me within me, he who stands as my eyes pupil Beseech his feet who is devoid of may blemish

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The one who is dancing in the microbode, the one who is sleeping in arangam The one who is wearing snakes, the one who is dancing on a snake The one who is consort of Goddess Bhairavi, the one who is the Lord of goddess Lakshmi Beseech his feet, the one who kills our minds tamasic darkness

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Time=SpaceSeries.Part1Introduction............................................................................................................ 6 Time=SpaceSeries.Part2Soundmergesinlight............................................................................................. 9 Time=SpaceSeries.Part3VaakArthaImportanceofword........................................................................ 11 Time=SpaceSeries.Part4ScientificlanguagesTamil&Sanskrit................................................................ 14 Time=SpaceSeries.Part5Energy&matterconundrum............................................................................... 16 Time=SpaceSeries.Part6TheUnfoldingSelfUniversehasevolvedandwasnotcreated......................... 19 Time=SpaceSeries.Part7TheChidambararagasyam&theGodsparticle................................................. 21 Time=SpaceSeries.Part8CharacteristicsoftheGodsparticle(Paramaanu).............................................. 24 Time=SpaceSeries.Part9Light,GodsparticleandGod............................................................................... 27 Time=SpaceSeries.Part10LordNatarajaandTheStringtheory............................................................. 30 Time=SpaceSeries.Part11VasturevaVaastuandE=mc2......................................................................... 34 Time=SpaceSeries.Part12VedicConceptoftime&itsmeasurements.................................................. 38 Time=SpaceSeries.Part13SouthAmericanMayan&SouthIndianMaayan.......................................... 40 Time=SpaceSeries.Part14Mayan,Tamil,Pleiades&iCHING................................................................... 43 Time=SpaceSeries.Part15ShivaLingamisnotaPhallus......................................................................... 45 Time=SpaceSeries.Part16SeelamThePrimordialcircularforceGanapthi&Mathematics............... 50 Time=SpaceSeries.Part17SeelamThePrimordialrhythm&fundamentals......................................... 53 Time=SpaceSeries.Part18SeelamSignificanceof2&3.................................................................... 56 Time=SpaceSeries.Part19SeelamVesicaPiscis,5,&Goldenmean()............................................. 58 Time=SpaceSeries.Part20SankhyayogaandSageKapila....................................................................... 63 Time=SpaceSeries.Part215and8theUniversalrhythm........................................................................ 65 Time=SpaceSeries.Part22Eight(Octet)andthe5sacredarts................................................................ 67 Time=SpaceSeries.Part23Nanotechnologyinancientindia&sizeofgodsparticle .............................. 69 Time=SpaceSeries.Part24Octet,OctaveandtheGandharvaveda(ClassicalMusic)............................. 72 Time=SpaceSeries.Part25AdiTala,NavaTalaandSthapatyaveda(Sculpture)..................................... 74 Time=SpaceSeries.Part26SabdaVeda,Chandas&Poetry(MaNishaada).......................................... 78 Time=SpaceSeries.Part27ArchitectureTheZenithofmathematics(Vaastu)..................................... 82 Time=SpaceSeries.Part28CapturingthedivineenergySquares&Circles ........................................... 87 Time=SpaceSeries.Part29Heaven&EarthLordNataraja&LordRanganatha.................................... 91 Time=SpaceSeries.Part30TemplesandIdolworship............................................................................. 95 Time=SpaceSeries.Part31Mayan&hisworks...................................................................................... 101 Time=SpaceSeries.Part32Conclusion................................................................................................... 105

Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Abheda Darsanam Gnanam*. Nothing defines what wisdom is better than these 3 words. Experience of unity / oneness in all is wisdom. The roots of Indian wisdom are captured in these 3 words that everything in this universe is the manifestation from a single source, and we can call it God or Consciousness. This naturally leads us to one of the mahavakya Pragyanam Brahma which means Consciousness is god. But for people who are stingier with words and wants these 2 concepts to be putinjustoneword,thenitiscalledAdvaita. It is not very often that nature reveals itself its absolute oneness and the unmanifested interconnections. You consider yourself fortunate when you come across such knowledge in however small measure, even if it happens very rarely and even if you have an illusion that you have understood something. It has been very overwhelming for me to come across some of the details I have been readingandhearingandthedotsIcouldconnectsomeofwhichIhaddecidedtowriteasabook. IfyouareinterestedinknowinghowscientificancientIndianSanatanaDharmaisandhowwellwehave codified natures secret in our languages, arts and temples and if you are interested in any of the followingquestionsthenyoumaylikethisbook.Mostoftheaspectsstatedhereasscientificproofhasa referencetooneormoreofourscripturesandIwouldreferandquotethematvariousplaces. Would you be surprised to know that the size, shape, color and characteristics of Gods particle are very clearly documented in our scriptures at least 12000 years back? What the scientists at CERN are spending billions of $, is well documented and we will discuss the characteristics of Godsparticleinthisbook. Would you want to know how Time = Space and more over time is nothing but the vibration of space? If I tell you that this was known us Indians at least 12000 years back and currently availableinawrittenformwouldyoubelieve? Whenyouthrowastoneinwater/pondtheripplesthatformtaketheshapeofacircle(in2D)/ sphere (in 3D). Can you guess what the shape of the ripple would be if you throw the same stoneinspace? What is the similarity between Poetry, classical music, Classical dance like Bharatanatyam, Sculpture and a building? Apart from the fact that we dont clearly understand any of them in depthwhatisthesimilarity?WouldyoubesurprisedifIsaythatallareessentiallythesameand in fact a well constructed building is nothing more than a frozen music and the relationship betweenalltheaboveconfirmstoasinglegrammardocumented12000years+back?

Would you be interested in knowing how E = mc2 an equation stated by our great Einstein has been known to us for years and not just that but we know the root of this energy and how to engineeritwithpreciseformulas?Wouldyoubesurprisedthatthisisthebasisourlanguage? WhatifIsaythattheageoftheuniverse,everyastronomicalunitofthebodies,bigbangtheory, stringtheory,Godsparticleetcarealldocumentedandtheyareallcodifiedinourtemples? Youwouldhaveheardaboutthegoldenrationbutdoyouknowthephilosophicalsignificance of and how it is derived? Moreover would be interested in knowing the significance of key numbers and ratio like 0, 1, 5, 8, 9 and 2, 3, 5 ? What is I say that 3 can be correlated with Iyengar Namam? Does it sound funny? What if there is a deep mathematical and philosophicalsignificance?Andhowarealltheseratiosrelated? As a wise man said that Mathematics is the language of the gods. What if this formula is codified in our texts from which we understand the Gods particle, its shape, characteristics and itsmanifestation? WhatifItellyouthatsoundisasubsetoflightandsoundmergeswithlightatapointandthatis attherootconsciousness?Anynontakersforthis? If you agree on the above then Sabda Brahman or the belief that sound is god merges with something higher, isnt this contradictory? Also why many religions did believed that Word is god.Wasitamerebelieforwasthereanyscientificreasonbehindit? WhatisthecorrelationbetweenCarnaticmusicandahumanbeingsheight? What if I say that the Mayan from South America and the Mayan from South India are one and thesame?

Thesearesomeofthequestionswhichmightgetaddressedinthisbook.Iamgoingtoquoteaseriesof references and books and links to understand and learn more about these topics and I would request youtoutilizethemifyouareinterestedinthesetopics. This may not only refer you to the experts but also can help you overcome any weakness I have in understanding and articulating some of these topics. Some of the topics may touch upon religious beliefs (mostly Hinduism) but if you read with an open mind you would notice the underlying science behindit.

Iwouldbehappyifanyoftheseblogsmotivateandinspireyoutoexploretherootsofourtraditionand knowledge and give you an insatiable hunger for knowledge, wisdom to pursue the nature and its secrets. May the ancient Sanskrit quote May I meditate on the supreme truth Satyam Param deemahi, resonatewithinyouasitdoeswithinme. Happyreading! PS: AbhedaDarshanamGnanam,DhyanamNirvishayamManam; Snaanammanomalathyagam,ShowchamindriyaNigraham",saystheUpanishad. The real Gnana is seeing all as one, real Dhyana is controlling the Manas from all temptations, the real snanaorBathingisCleansingofAllMindlyimpurities,notphysicalimpuritiesaloneandrealShowchaor cleanliness is controlling the Indriyas, this controlling of Indriyas, emotions, weaknesses and temptations. IamalsoquotingpartsofKahlilGibranhere, Yourheartsknowinsilencethesecretsofthedaysandthenights. Butyourearsthirstforthesoundofyourheart'sknowledge. Youwouldknowinwordsthatwhichyouhavealwaysknowninthought. Youwouldtouchwithyourfingersthenakedbodyofyourdreams. Andthetreasureofyourinfinitedepthswouldberevealedtoyoureyes. Butlettherebenoscalestoweighyourunknowntreasure; Andseeknotthedepthsofyourknowledgewithstafforsoundingline. Forselfisaseaboundlessandmeasureless. Saynot,"Ihavefoundthetruth,"butrather,"Ihavefoundatruth."

What if I say that Sound is a subset of light. Scientifically you may agree that both are electro magnetic vibrations at different frequencies in the spectrum though one may not be the subset of another. So, What if I say that every other frequency is the subset of light? I am sure many may disagree. Some of the religious pundits may claim that Sound is god which I am not disputing but light too is god andasweprogresstowardstheprimordialstatesoundmergesintolight. Let me try to explain this with a simple exercise. Please sit in a place with a calm mind few deep breathsmayhelp. ImaginethatIamTALKINGtoyouandavoidthinkingthatyouarereadingthisblog. I am going to TELL the following 5 words and you are going to LISTEN to it. Please just observe whathappenswithinyou. o CAT,BOAT,MOM,DEVIL,BESTFRIEND ThefollowingarethefundamentalsofperceptionasperHinduscriptures: Everywordhasameaning(Letusignorethesocalledmeaninglesswordsforthetimebeing.). Everymeaninginvokesaformorshapewithinourmind. o For example when I say MOM you associate this word with your mother and the picture/imageofyourmotherisperceivedinside.Youneedtobelittlemoreobservant tounderstandthis.Thefundamentalprincipleisthat o Every word is first associated its meaning then the meaning is associated with a form. The form is associated with a Guna (Quality) and then the quality or Guna is associatedwithitsexperience.Whatisstoredinsideisjusttheexperience.

LetmeTRYtoexplaintheabstractconceptofconsciousnessasbelow: Consciousness / existence exist in 3 states (deeper explanation is 5 / 7 states but we will discussthesimpleralternative). o FormlessstatecalledExperience/feeling/bhava.Thisisthesuperconsciousstate. o Grossstatewithformwhichhasphysicalattributes.Thisistheconsciousstate. o Inbetween state (Not formless and no form) called Guna state which has subtle quality attributes. This is the Subconscious state. If this is difficult to comprehend for you please imagine Egg which is inbetween the formless and state with form. Gotcha?

Letslookatanexample.Roseisaflower.WhensomeonetellsyouROSEthenthefollowinghappens: The sound rose associates with a flower usually. (I am ignoring it being a name of your girl friend).Soherethewordisassociatedwithitsmeaning. This flower is associated with red color and perhaps with thorns. Here the sound does not exist anymorebutonlyaform.Yo!,thesoundhasmergedintolight. The third step is this form is associated with a quality which is fragrance of a rose. For someonesensitivetheycansmelltherosewhentheythinkaboutit.Howelsecouldwesalivate atthethought/smellofafavoritedishifthisstepdoesnotexist? Now the last step is, this quality invokes an experience and hence a feeling. This rose may be associated with your inner self for love and hence the emotion of love surfaces. This is called Bhava/RasainSanskrit.

If you are not clear about this then please do not move to the next part and think or discuss about it. A littlecontemplationwouldhelpyouunderstandthis5stageprocessofperception. SOUNDMEANINGFORMQUALITY(GUNA)EXPERIENCE(FEELING/BHAVA) Our ancient forefathers knew this science and interconnection. Let me now quote these Slokas as an examplefromBharatnatyam,whichtalksaboutthislinkage. Kanteenaalambayetgeetam,HasteenaardhamPradarsayet, Chakshurbhyaamdarsayeetbhaavam,Paadaabhyamtaalamaacharet. AccordingtoNandikesharathedancershouldsingwiththemouth,expressthemeaningofthesongwith hand gestures, her eyes should express the emotions or bhava, the tala, the beat or rhythm should be donewithherfeet.Furtherhegoesontosay 'Yatohastastatodrushti,Yatodrushitistatomanaha Yatomanahastatobhavo,YatobhavastatoRasaha' 'Wherethehandgoes,thereshouldfollowtheeyes,Wheretheeyesmove,mindshouldfollowit, Wherethemindfollow,Bhavaoremotioniscreated,&lastlywhenBhavaiscreatedthesentimentor Rasawillarise.' All the Mudras or gestures represent word when held at a particular position around the frame of the bodyandwhenusedinaparticularway. Alas we Indians have ignored this great science & art and its linkages and are like ignorant fools followingthemeaninglesswesterntraditionanddances! Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!

SOUNDMEANINGFORMQUALITY(GUNA)EXPERIENCE(FEELING/BHAVA) In the 5 stage process of perception, one important factor which I missed is the Self / EGO which interprets the Guna to an experience. For example when I say Dog, the Self interprets Dog to a loyal friendorabikechaserorarabbiesgenerator.Essentiallywhatisthequalityofdogmeantome?Ifyou understand this process this explains the uniqueness between individuals or the root cause of differencesinasociety. I am also going to add but not going to focus on the fact that the inputs are never limited to sound and when see a picture the process of perception starts with step 3. Just to poke the individuals who think Sound / Word is the only god Sabda Brahman, please tell me when you see a picture and when thereisnosoundassociatedwithit,whereisGodasSabdaBrahmaninthissituation? Does that mean that the very important Hindu belief that the Sound Om is sabda Brahman or god doesnotholdanymeaning?ItcertainlydoesandIshallsharemythoughtsonitcontinuereading. WhatistheimportanceofWord? ThegreatestofIndianpoetKalidassaid
"Vaak artha viva samprakthov vaakartha prathipathaye Jagadha: pitharov vandhe parvathe parameswarow"

he compared Lord Shiva and Shakti like sound (Shakti) and meaning (Shiva). Both sound and meaning are inseparable. You would now understand the wisdom behind this sloka since there is no sound without a meaning. Also Sabda Brahman merges with the Artha Brahman and both are inseparable. Here Artha Brahman is the light and the meaning of the word. Remember we say that Throw some lightwhenwedontunderstandsomething. In Tamil (porul) means a thing and it also means meaning. We will see how
(Paramporul) is the Lord Shiva as a Gods particle and how he is referred to as the

meaning too. The same applies to Sanskrit where artha means wealth / things remember Arthasastra?Anditalsoreferstomeaningasintheabovesloka.Howrichtheselanguagesare? AndinAbhiramiAndadi,bhattar sees devi as "Arthanareswara" and confirms us that the grace of devi will brings us both richness and mukthi. "Sollum porulum ena nadamadum"

A word is made up of letters called Akshara in Sanskrit. The meaning of Akshara is that which cannot be broken down further. ie. Word can be broken down to letters but it cannot be broken down further. A letterhasaformlikeAandhasasoundassociatedwithit.Thismeansthelightandsoundaremerged in a letter. As per the principle stated above in the process of perception, the primordial state is one wherelightandsoundismergedintoeachother. If you dont dispute the philosophy that everything merges into god at the primordial state and at this state, sound and light are inseparable, and then you would agree that an Akshara is God / Brahman. Each letter has significance and meaning in Indian languages especially Tamil and Sanskrit. A word is a combination of Form (Light), Sound and meaning and these are first 3 aspects of perception which takesusfromagrossstatetoaformlesssubtleunmanifeststate. Hence the statement from New Testament In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God reflects the same principle. But as per Hindu scriptures Veda is the breath of god (not word of god) or the aural vibration of consciousness cannot take you to the state of moksha. Words dont take you to God, it can help you in the process but has its limit, since the sound and meaning merges into something else as we move towardsmoresubtlespace. This is what my friend Kambar said in Kambaramayanam as
!!. Thismeansthatthe

supreme truth who could not be found by Vedas came and solved the problem of an elephant, can someonedisputethis? Every word or Akshara has four states Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikari. Vaikari is the fourth state where the sound is audible to us. If I recite something mentally then the sound has 3 states only and these 4 states signify as to how a feeling (bhava) becomes thought and thought becomes form and then a sound. Just note here that as per Frank outlaw, its the thoughts which are primordial but as per our scriptures it is feeling or Bhava or deep rooted desire or also known as vasanas which drive your thoughts.SoFranksquotesarehalfbakedplagiarism. In a work called Tarka Samgraha, we have classified 9 different physical attributes (substances / dhravyas) and 24 different qualities / GUNA in all. If you are interested reading more about this, please readtheseblogsortheoriginalwork. This is a 2 part series.

Tosummarizethistopic: Broadlyconsciousnessexistsin3states. Theprocessofperceptionifunderstoodwellwouldthrowalotofsecretsaboutnature. The5stageprocessofperceptionSoundmeaningFormGunaBhavaisasimplisticway ofportrayingthis. Sound merges into light and light is worshipped as God in most of the religions and belief. We canexplorelittlemoreofthisinthefuturesections. A word is a unique combination where Light, Sound and meaning merges and hence it is consideredasgod.ThiswordrepresentsArthenareeswaraoryinyangorStarofDavid.

In the future sections let us explore as to what is the relationship between Maths and God and some of thecriticalnumbersanditsphilosophicalandscientificsignificance. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading

OneofthemainreasonsIbelieveastowhyourwisdomhasdegradedsomuchinthelastcenturyisour ignorance and reluctance to learn our rich language. Our language offers richness not just in literary sensebutissupremelyscientifictoo.Iamgoingtotouchuponjust3to4aspectsofitwhichIknewand understandatafundamentallevelandrequestyoutolearnyourmothertonguewell. Many of my friends dont exhibit a sense of remorse when they say I can understand Tamil but cant read or write it. I wanted to tell them how much in life do they miss in terms of knowledge and richness. This is not just about Tamil but every major Indian language is rich in its own way. Since my mothertongueisTamil,Iamgoingtoarticulatesomeofthescienceinit. Vigyan/Vigyanam( ) meansScience: But most importantly for this series I wanted to take the word called Science as meant in Tamil and Sanskrit. A word always can be broken down to its dhatus for its exact meaning in Tamil and Sanskrit. Someexamplesbelow: Science in Tamil is Vigyanam and in Sanskrit is Vigyan. This is split as Vin and Gnanam / Gyan. Vin means space and Gyan means knowledge. Hence according to Indian system science means it is the nature / knowledge of the space. This has very deep significance since western science has not agreed the existence of space for a long time and their gross and materialistic approach prevented them from seeing the most subtle component and its nature. We were masters of it ages back. Most of the questions in Chapter 1 would be answered based on the knowledgeofspaceVigyan. UniverseiscalledasBrahmandainSanskrit.Brahma+Andawhichliterallymeansabigegg.This means we knew that the galaxy is elliptical in shape ages back and it required hubble telescope in1950totellusthat. BhoogolmeansEarth(Studyof)/GeographyThisSplitsasBhoo+Gol.BhoomeansEarthand Gol means round. We did not throw stones at a scientist as late as 17th century when he said thatearthisroundandnotflat.Wewouldhavelaughedourheartoutandignoredhim.

Be it the age of the universe, all of the astronomical measurements, health, spirituality etc, many of us needawhiteskinwithblueeyestotellusthatwhatweknewwasrightandtheyhavecertifiedit.When wedecidetocomeoutofthismentalitythentheprocessofreclaimingourrichheritageshallstart. OriginofUniverseandlinkagewithTamil: The initial evolutionary process for the universe consisted of 5 stages states Aintiram. You can imagine that these are the movements of particles during the Big bang. They are , ,
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Withdrawl(Amizhdal) Imizhdal(Overflowing) Kumizhdal(clusteringroundinanorder) Umizhdal(Emitting) Tamizhdal(resultingintoawelldefinedform)

These are the first stages from the Big bang till a well defined shape is formed. Now the last level is called Tamizhdal which results in a well defined form. This state has emanated from the Pranava and not been created by some one. Hence a language as rich with the sweetness of inherent order, originatingfromtheluminosityoftheoriginalparticleiscalledTamil.Tamiliswordbasedonthefinal resultantstatecalledTamizhdal(). I shall address the other 2 interesting aspects that include a Chicken and Egg analogy for Energy and matterconundruminthenextblog. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!


EnergyandMatterconceptinformationofletters: The concept of Energy and matter is not new to us and does not start with Einsteins days of E=mc2. Let us look at how our letters are formed from Aksharas then people would know that the concept of Energy and Matter is old as our language. In Tamil there are two kinds of Aksharas Uyir Ezhuthu (Life / Energy letters 12 letters) and - Mei Ezhuthu (Body / Matter letters 18 letters). Both put together it is 30 letter pack for Tamil as alphabets. Now both have to combinetogiveletterscalledbodywithlifewhicharecalleduyirmeiEzhuthu.Thiscombinestoform 18*12 which is 216 letters as Uyir Mei Ezhuthu. For example + = in Tamil and + = in Sanskrit. So the formation of letters itself is a science where Matter (Body) combines with Energy (Life) and thenthelivingorganisms(Bodylifeletters)areformed. I want to ask you a Chicken & Egg question here which is very relevant to todays scientists. Did the energy come first or is it the matter that came first? Modern science is still scratching its head. I can answerthisquestionin2ways,firstisobviouslyusinglanguageasascience. In the above example + = , is the body and is life. So as per our language sciences beitTamilorSanskritthematterisformedfirstandthenthelifecameandattachedtoit.Thisis verywelldocumentedinTamilscripturesasfollows:

- . Thisisover2500yearsoldwhich


This is over 12000+ years old which

states that same thing and adds that body is like light and life is like sound and they merge and this is sivas nature.This certainly means that both Body and life are not formed at the same as popularly believed. Life comes and joins the body to give a living being in the above case the letters are the livingbeings.

The second reference I am going to take for the same concept is our Yogic /Siddha / Ayurvedic science as to how fetus is formed in mothers womb. As per our (Siddha) belief the conception of a child in a motherswombhappensasfollows: The first organ that is formed for the fetus is the cells of the Eyes (Single Eye). This eye cell starts vibrating due to its heat and multiplies as 2 eyes and then as the whole body. This is the vibration seen in the initial days of the fetus and not the heart beat. As per modern medical science the heart takes shape only by the end of the 8th week and not before. I am requesting someonetovalidatethis. Life comes to this body at the 3rd month of conception only. This is the belief as per Ayurvedic andSiddhascience. Instancesofthethirdmonthnaturalabortionsareveryhighthanthelatermonthsbasedonthe above reasons. This means that the life is not destined for that matter / life force is not sufficientenough. How many of you know that the size of eyes never change as you grow and stays the same fromthetimewewereborn,whileallotherorgansundergogrowth? Also the eyes hold a very important significance in the spiritual science which I shall address later.TheeyesaretheseatofSungodandarecharacterizedbyheatandlight.

It is through the heat in the eyes the subtle became a gross living being in this world and if the living being wants to merge back with the subtle which is the process of Samadhi then the living beings should use their eyes, increase the heat in the eyes and start the devolution process. This is a supreme secretkeptbythesagesevenintodaysworld.Youmaywanttoaskanyspiritualschoolastowhythey recommend meditation with eyes fully or half open instead of closed eyes? Ask yourselves why the freemasonsandothersecretsocietiesuseeyeasoneoftheirsymbols?Weshalladdressthislater. Now you want to answer the Chicken and Egg analogy to the Energy and Matter conundrum based on the above 2 thoughts, we can conclude it is the matter which came first. We shall try to explain this basedonSpacesciencesalittlelater. MasculineandFemininenamesbasedonendingletters: I am also going to give you as to how Indians distinguished masculine from feminine names. Kanchi Mahaperiyava,theSageofKachihadexplainedthisbeautifullyinhisArulVakku.Iamgivingagistof itherejusttoconcludethis: Masculine names: All the names shall end with the phonetic a, im, in , ir, aha etc. Examples are Ram, Shyam, Raman, Kannan, Kishan, Vivek, Adam. So phonetically names like Catherine is a masculinenamebecauseitendswithinphonetically. Feminine names: All names ending with phonetics aa, e, I, oo etc. Examples are Radha, Ramya, Savithri,Gayathri,Uma,Rosy,Isabellaetc.SamewayphoneticallyJoshuaisafemininename.

Vishnu and Lalitha sahasranamam follows this rule and hence one invokes Shakthi as lalitha and the otherinvokesPurushaasVishnu. Justtoconcludethispart,Ithinkwelookedathowscienceisanintegralpart ofourlanguageformation and for us science has always been about the knowledge and nature of the space and we believed that space manifested itself as the physical world. So in the next few parts we shall look at how this manifestationhashappenedandotherinterestingaspects. I would conclude this part with a earnest request that please encourage your kids to learn their mothertonguetoreadandwriteandyouwouldnothavedoneanythingbetterthanthistoadvance theirspiritualgrowthandaddingrichnesstotheirlife. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions.


Aspermany scripturesin Hinduism thisuniversehasevolvedfromitselfand notcreatedbysomeone.If you want to quickly ask as me as to what Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra mean I would attribute them to differentprocessheadsinthisevolution.Theyarealldifferentaspectsofthesameconsciousnessbased ontheirstateofbeingintheprocessofevolution/devolution.Thisismyunderstandingbutletusavoid thisdiscussionhere. Here I am indebted and thankful to the nobel soul Late. Dr. Ganapathi Stapathi, ( time but also brought to light 2 important books which were over 12000+ years old written in Tamil by MahamuniMaayan. Mamuni Maayan is believed to be the same person who is popularly known in South America as Mayanandthe2012phenomenonbasedonMayancalendar.Dr.Ganapathihasestablishedproofsthat the pyramids in Middle East, the temple architecture in India and the structures in Mexico and GuatemalaconfirmtoasingleScienceandMathematicsseeninalltheseworks. At the end of the blog I am listing few books which helped me understand this topic but most of the books (Aintiram and Pranava Veda) are out of print now and if you are lucky, you would get some of them. Now let us understand briefly how this evolution process has come about. According to Mayans Aintiram: The free space is the unified field of energy and matter and source of all forms that we see in material world. That is why we were defined science as Vingyanam. This space consists of very minute particle called Vinporul, nunporul, Sittrambalam, Paramanu, Oliporul, Microbode (, , , , ) and in manynames.Youcanpickwhatyoulike.IamgoingtouseParamaanuintherestoftheblog. Thewholeprocessofevolutionisa5stageprocess.(Keepnotingtheimportanceof5andatthe backgroundrememberShivaisrepresentedbyPanchaksharamantra(Na~Ma~Si~Va~ya).

Sowhatisthefivestageprocess? o ThisspaceiscalledasMoolam(Source). o This Moolam starts vibrating and this vibration of the space is called Kalam (Absolute Timeandnotphysicaltime.Wewillreferthisastimeonly). o ThisKalam(time)vibratestoamathematicalresonancecalledSeelam(Rhythm). o ThisSeelamasitresonatescreatesKolam(ShapesCircles,cubesetc). o ThisKolambecomesourvisibleUniversewhichiscalledGnalam.

SoitisMOOLAM(Source) KALAM(TIME)SEELAM(RHYTHM)KOLAM(SHAPE)GNALAM (UNIVERSE). - - - , these are 5 stages of evolution.

This means that the Space itself becomes spatial forms and time is the instrument that creates, sustains and destroys. Lord Siva in Tamil is also called as Kalan () as to who controls time since Kalam

istime. To put it differently, unmanifest state when pulsates becomes absolute time and this is the creative energy. The process of pulsation confirms to a mathematical order and we will see this order in detail later. You may now understand the phrase that Time creates, sustains and destroys. Since if there is nopulsationthennothinghappens. For those who need quote from a foreigner to convince themselves of this can be referred to the BertrandRusselsquoteWhatweperceiveasqualitiesofmatteraredifferencesinperiodicity. Ishallquotesomefromtheoldestliteraturesforreferencebelow:
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... Time splits as Maths in proportion it pulsates.

Vyasa says in Adi parva chapter 1, shloka 249, says the same thing that Time Creates, sustains and destroyseverything. kalahsrijatibhutanikalahsanharatiprajah sanharantahprajahkalamkalahshamyatepunah!! The same is quoted as Vastur eva Vaastu which means the unmanifest Paramaanu which is called Vastu (with Single a) becomes Vaastu (gross form with two aa). You can relate this Vaastu as the building science which is grossly misused and misrepresented and commercialized in todays TV programs.Wewilladdressthescienceinitlater. I shall leave this part with this thought, the space is considered as Nataraja (Shiva) subtle component and Ranganatha is considered as the Earth component. So Shiva and Vishnu are two aspects of the sameseed.Wewillseemorescientificproofofthislater.
"Shivasya hridayam vishnur, Vishnoscha hridayam shivah:" and "Shivaya Vishnu rupaya Vishnave Shiva rupine" Vishnu is the heart of Shiva and likewise Shiva is the heart of Vishnu and they both are the representation of each other.

Now if you are clear about the five stage process of evolution we can delve into each and every aspect ofthisinlittlemoredetailthatwouldanswereverything. Ref: Check out all the ones here. Key recommendations are item 6, 11, 14 and 43.

Therewere2questionsIhadconfrontedmyselfwhenIwasreadingthesepassages.Theyare: Whydidtheunmanifestspaceenergystartedpulsatingandbecameabsolutetime? What did the unmanifest space energy contain? Was it a point of singularity as the modern scientistswantedustobelieve?Ifsothenhowmuchmasswasconcentratedinthatpointwhich isobviouslyverydifficulttobelieve. TheanswertothefirstquestionishereTheselfunfoldsitselfforitsselfBhagavadGita.Thereisno convincing answer to the rational mind as to what the reason that the consciousness which was passive decidedtobecomedynamicandstartedpulsating.Soletsleavethisforthetimebeing. Butthesecondquestionisansweredverycomprehensively.Butbeforewegetintothedetailsofwhatit is, I want you to check Figure 1. This gives the overall picture of evolution and the five stage process. I also want you to recollect the EGG state which is called as the GUNA state where in the form and sound manifests. They say that this pulsation started with OM. This OM as popularly believed is just not anauralformbutalsohasavisualformandthatislight.Wewilldiscussaboutthislaterindetail. ButletusfocusontheactualsecondquestionastowhatthecontentsofthisSpaceenergywere: The space is filled with Paramanu or Microbodes which are tiny particles. These are the Gods (HiggsBoson)particleourCERNscientistsareafter. Now,weareprobablyayearawaybeforeCERNpublishtheresultswhenthisblogispublished.I would not be surprised to see the results of that experiment is closely aligned with what is availableinourscripturesandproducedinthisblog. The primal manifest form of the unmanifest is a square (primal wave pattern). This is the shape of the Paramanu or Microbode. This is very luminescent, means filled with light and on a 3D planethisshapeisaSquareCuboid. ASquareCuboidisashapewhichisequalinallsidessayofunitmeasurewhichisthesmallest measure possible and has 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. You can start figuring out in Hinduism,whytheidolsofLordShivaandLordMurugahassixfaces,12eyes,handsetc. You may want to note that 6 faces can be represented in 2 ways as below. Figure 3 is Lord Murugas star or a Star of David in 3D which has 6 faces and 12 edges, popularly known as Tetrahedron.SodontbesurprisediftheBosonHiggsparticleisofthesameshape.

Figure1:Scienceofmanifestation (Courtesy:PranavaVedabyMamuniMayan12000+yearsback,recreatedbyDr.GanapathiSthapati)

Figure2:Acubewithallequalsides Figure3:Atetrahedron(fromInternet) The free space is packed with cubical atoms of energy. They are building blocks of the structure of the universe. So what is clear is that all these atoms existed in a resonant state of non vibrationbeforethesocalledbigbanghappenedorthepulsationstarted. It did not burst out of a single point as popularly believed. Alternatively, in space every point is the center. When the pulsation started these cubical atoms underwent a shape change and manifestedasshapesandforms. This cube is called as microabode called Sittravai / Chittrambalam (mini hall in Tamil). This is secret in Chaidambaram, Sage Appar (Chidambara ragasyam) realized. Chidambaram is a Shiva templeassociatedwithSpaceenergyandwhenyougotosanctorumyouwouldnotfindanyidol butjustemptyspacewithsomelightsthere.ThisistosignifythisconceptofParamanuwhichis luminescent and is a Cuboid in shape. This is the smallest particle possible and can be called as Godsparticle. The micro space, in the cubical shape is fetus or Garbha. This is known as Vinkaru in Tamil. This microabodeistherepositoryoflightandsound. The free space is Light and the Light is Moolam or source of the universe and universal forms. LightisBrahman,Atman,VastuBrahmanNunporulinTamil. In the subsequent blogs we will correlate String theory, Brahma Sutra, Nataraja, Vishnu and how they areallcontainedinorderandproportioninpulsation. Happyreading! Ref:AgoodreadFabricoftheuniverse,JessieJMercay.

This part is going to be a bit controversial hence read it with an open mind. Per our scriptures when analyzed deeply we can state that At the beginning it was just Consciousness (Pragnanam) that was luminescent with unmanifested potential energy and residing at resonant state of nonvibration. This energy was unmanifest and was present as Paramaanu or Microbode or Vinporul aka a subatomic particle.Yes!Itwasaparticlewithoutvibrationandwasatresonantstateofnonvibration. The entire Space was supposed to be filled with these particles only and these were primal potential matterwhichiseverlasting. Nowletusaskfewquestionsandseehowourscripturesanswerthis: 1. Whatwastheshapeofthisparticle? We have already answered that. In 2D it is square and in 3D it is a cuboid with all equal sides. Please note that in space it is always 3D and not 2D. It has 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. This is known is currentscientificcommunityasTetrahedron. 2. WhatisinsidetheMicrobodeorSubatomicparticle? This is a very interesting question. Our scriptures say that it is purely space inside but with an energy grid. 3. Whatisthisenergygridandwhatisitsshape? Itsaysthatitisan8x8energygridinsidethismicrobode.Thisessentiallymeansitisasquareenergygrid of64squaresinsidethisParamaanu. 4. WhatisthiscolorofthisParamaanu? Itisluminescentandhencethegoldencolorofthelightiswhatitisassociatedwith.Hiranyavarnnaam harineem.. says Sri Suktha in the vedas, confirming the color of this Paramanu. Their variations exist butthefundamentaloneisofgoldencolor. 5. WhatisthissizeofthisGodsparticle? Itiscalculatedtobe~133nm.Wewillseethisindetaillater. 6. Whatisthesignificanceoftheenergygrid? Forthetime beingletme statethatanythingsubtle isafunction of8andanythinggrossisafunctionof 9. Let me also add that iChing which is a Chinese divination book and the hexagram which deals with theScienceofthesubtleisinan8x8squarematrix. ThementalgameChessis playedin an 8x8square.

You would find 8 is the number or dimension for the subtle. We will see the importance of 8 and 9 and howbeautifullytheseproportionsadorneverythinginnatureinourdailylife. 7. Aretheseparticlesfasterthanlight? FranklyIhavenotreadadirectanswertothisquestionbutsincethisparticleitselfislightthevelocityof this particle cannot be faster than light. This is my opinion. Modern experiments are suggesting that it could be faster than light. In Mahabharatha, Yakshaprasna, the Yaksha will question this to King Yudhishtraastowhatisfastestthinginthisworld?KingYudhishtrawouldreplyasmind. Some of the sages have interpreted that since Consciousness is omnipotent and ever connected the communication is seamless, instantaneous and not subjected to the concept of distance. The example given is if there is a pain in your leg, it does not take time to travel to your head. It is instantaneous and hencethewholeuniverseshouldbeconsideredasalivingorganism. So to conclude on this question the particles are not faster than light but each particle is filled with intelligence and consciousness (just like a human cell) and their communication to anything is not subject toconceptofdistance.Ifourscientistscomebackand tellusthattheseparticlesarefasterthan light,thenwaitforsomeoneelsetotellusalittlelaterthatitisntfasterthanlight. 8. Ok.Whohasseentheseparticlesandgivemeempiricalproof?
! (Paramaanuriti proktam Yoginaam, drishti gocharam) says Mayamatham. This means the microspace or Paramaanu is visible to the trained contemplatives and

meditators only. One quick example as proof is the Temple in Chidambaram which represents Space tattvawherethetempleisbuiltaroundtheconceptwithenoughdocumentationonit. But we have been trained under Lord Macaulys education system and how can we accept this as proof whichissubjectiveandsuperstitious.IfImayaskpleasetellmehowmanyofushaveseentheelectrons orprotons?DowenotbelieveeverythingwhensomeonetellsusinEnglish? It is true that because of its existence we can see its manifestations and results of some experiments in our day today world. So we will look at tons of manifestations which we have been in nature as we progress. I would like us to be philosophically very clear as to what these things mean which we have been blindly following. For the time being please note down your questions and I am positive that this wouldbeansweredinduecourse. Our sages have not only seen this, but have given the dimensions of this and the mathematical formula tomanagethisenergy.Wewillseeallofthem.Afterreadingallofthemifyoustilldontwanttobelieve inourscriptures,thenmaybeCERNsresultifitsinthesamelineswouldproveitforyou. Happyreading!

Figure4:MANDUKAMANDALA8x8(subtleform)&PARAMASAYIKAMANDALA9x9Grossforms Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati

At the beginning it was just Consciousness (Pragnanam) that was luminescent with unmanifested potential energy and residing at resonant state of nonvibration. This energy was self manifest and was ever present as Paramaanu or Microbode or Vinporul aka a subatomic particle. This is omnipotent, omniscientandomnipresent. Ignore religion for the time being and just look at this particles characteristics scientifically. It is Eternal (Anaadi), primordial (Aadi), without any quality (Nirguna), it cannot be reached / grasped by thoughts (Achintyasincethoughtsasenergyaremuchmoregrossthanthisandwewouldseethis),itcannotbe measured (Aprameya), Luminescent (Jyothi swaroopa), its omnipotence, omnipresence (Visvam) and Omniscienceisalreadyknown.SosaidthemahavakyaPragnanamBrahma! All the characteristics of the particle are attributed to a personality or a state by the founders of religions. Hindus called this state as Paramasiva or Purusha. Hence everything subtle is called Sivamayam. The essential pulsation which started and the universal evolution began was called as ParashaktiorPrakruthiorMaya.WewilltalkabouttheShaktiaspectlater. This subtle unmanifest energy evolves to become universe which is gross. This gross energy also known as earth is called as Vishnu and the subtle energy is called as Space / Akash / Heaven. So the term became Sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat. Please note that it is just Sivamayam and there is not Jagatthere.SinceitisallsubtleandthereisnoJagatwhichisgross.ButitisVishnuMayamJagat. IneedtoaddthateverysectinHinduismhasnamedthisGodsparticlewithadifferentname.Narayana hasreplacedparamasivainVaishnavismandsoon.InHindutemplesthereare2primeidolsMoolavar and Archakar The Moolavar does not undergo any archana or any decoration and it is always for the Archakar for which all poojas are performed. This gods particle refers to the Moolavar and not Archakar. To my knowledge, every religion and every sage / saint has agreed with the fact this fundamental particleorenergyunitisLUMINISCENT.Notethatthereisnosoundorwordinthisyet.Letusseefew quotesonthis(therearethousandsofquotes): Be it vedic culture, Zoroastrians, Greek or any major culture fire / sun god which represents lightisworshipped. OmJyothirasahasaysVedas InGayatrimantrayoumeditateonthesupremelighttoilluminateyou. VallalarsaidArutperumjyothi,Arutperumjyothiwhichmeansmightygracefullight.

Ifthereforeyoureyebesingle,yourwholebodyshallbefulloflight.Mathew6:22 Thirumoolar states brilliantly that who realizes that the light (physical light which means the world)mergeswithlight(subtlelight),hehasrealizedSIVA.
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SowhathashappenedtotheSabdaBrahmanhere?IthasmergedwiththeArthaBrahmanwhichisthe light.Whatcanyouusetorepresentthisstate? LightrepresentsFormandoureyesrepresentLight/Form.Soobviouslysoundisrepresentedbyears. WhensoundhasmergedwithlightthenitmeansEyesandearsaremergedtogether. Can you think of anything that represents this state? This concept is captured by representing a Manduka (Frog) or Sarpa (Snake) always. Since for a frog and a snake the ears and eyes are merged. Manduka Upanishad, represents a knowledge of this state. And obviously the 8x8 square / cube representthemostsubtleenergyasanenergygridiscalledasMandukaPada/Mandala.. Now the same aspect when it is applied to a gross form / body or a building then it is a 9x9 energy grid and it is called as Paramasyika Mandala. At the gross level the same concept as applied is the WORD where Light (form) and sound and meaning merged into one. You cannot separate them. We will look atthislater. Unfortunately we have lost the science and we neither understand the philosophy nor the symbolism behind this supreme science but we made fun of the fact that the supreme science is named after an absolutelymenialcreaturelikefrogwhichisusedonlyforzoologicallabstudiesacrosstheworldorends upinthedinnerplateasitdoesinfareasterncountries. I would like to conclude this section by stating (may be a little controversial) that First it was Consiousness as the Vinkaru, Microbode, Sittrambalam, Nunporul, subatomic particle which was luminescent.LatertheconceptofGodevolvedoutofit. So God is not light, but the right of saying it is the primordial aspect of luminescence has been adoptedasGod So, of the 5 fold evolution process we are still at the source (Moolam). We will see the concept of time andthemathematicalscienceinthesubsequentparts. MOOLAM (Source) KALAM (TIME) SEELAM (RHYTHM) KOLAM (SHAPE) GNALAM (UNIVERSE). ( - - - ) Happyreading!

Figure5:LordNatarajaintheMandukaMandala(8x8grid)(Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati) Our next topic is Nataraja and String theory!, so check out this picture. I want you to note the light / fire in the left hand and sound / damru in the right hand. If you notice little closely, you would find a central linealongthepicturessternumandallthepartshaveminutemeasurementsfromthecentralline.



TheselfunfoldsitselfforitsselfBhagavadGita. This self unfolded itself with a pulsation and this pulsation is the start of Absolute time (KAALAM). As I said nothing to my knowledge tell us clearly as to why this pulsation happened. This is the point of singularity in the scientific language and the event is termed as Big Bang. Just as I expressed earlier it was an event of primordial pulsation and not of an explosion which threw away mass because of the explosionintothespace. The entire space existed with its subatomic particles and this pulsation made the space to vibrate and this vibration was rhythmic and led to the evolution of this universe. Popularly known as That one becamemanyand..VasturevaVaastu. This pulsation happened because of the Pranava or the first pulsation resulted in the Pranava both conceptuallyright.Soatthetimeofthisprimordialpulsation2thingshappened: Theabsolutetimestarted.ThisiscalledKaalam. PrimordialandthemostsacredPranavaemerged. Both these happened simultaneously and it is futile to ask whether Kalam created Pranava or Pranava created the pulsation. In many of the texts it offered as Pranava that created the pulsation. So lets go bythat. ThisisthereasonthatPranava/PrimordialOmissosacredinHinduism. ThisPranavahadmanifestedin2forms: o Luminescent form as OM the Light. This is the source of all visual forms. The o primordialformisrepresentedasinTamilandinSanskrit. AuralformasOmthesound.Thisisthesourceofallauralforms.Ishouldsaythatthis ismorepopularformcomparedtotheluminescentform.

Now this concept is very important, since in the Pranava meditation they say us to meditate on the silenceafterthewordOMandalsomediateOMaslight,OMjyotirasahainvedas. So,whenIsaythatsound mergesintolight,itisalltheauralformmergesintoITSluminescentform.All luminescent forms merge with the Paramaanu which is also luminescent. I am reproducing this passage againforemphasisandclarity. Sage Thirumoolar states brilliantly that who realizes that the light (physical light which means theworld)mergeswithlight(subtlelight),hehasrealizedSIVA.
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IhavereadmanytimesovertounderstandthisconceptandIwouldsuggestthatyouallowthisconcept tosinkin. Now lets come to the 8x8 energy grid of the Paramaanu and imagine that it is pulsating because of PranavaandthisPranavahasbothlightandauralform. Theysaythatthispulsationisrhythmicandsymmetric. When something is Symmetric, then there has to be a central line along with the Symmetry comes. For example if our right and left sides are symmetric then the body is divided along the sternum&backbone. Within the 8x8 energy grid / hall there is a vertical luminous shaft called Brahma Sutra (Oli nool).SutrainSanskritandNoolinTamilmeansThread/String. This Olinool / Brahma Sutra is a shaft of consciousness also called Moolathoon / Moolasthambham. This shaft of consciousness vibrates in a particular order called rhythm. This is the order of nature. This rhythmic vibration of the shaft of consciousness is the dance of Shiva, the CELESTIAL DANCE/THECOSMICDANCE/THEDANCEOFEVOLUTIONoftheLORDNATARAJA. Look again at the picture of LORD NATARAJA, he is drawn inside a 8x8 Manduka mandala (now you know what it is), his left leg is raised suggesting a movement from left to right. Imagine that heisgoingtolandtheleftlegtohisrightside. Whyshouldhesuggestthatheismovingfromlefttoright? His left hand holds light / fire and his right hand holds Drum / Damru / Sound. The process of Evolution which starts with the absolute time and Pranava is fantastically represented pictorially. It suggests that the evolution process starts with the rhythmic dance of the PARAMAANU in a 8x8 energy grid and this process evolves first as light and then as sound. This light and sound creates furtherformsandtheentireuniverse. Itisveryeasytoanswerastowhysoundevolvesfromlight?Weallknowthatthelightisatahigher frequency and velocity than sound. This is the same reason we see lightning first then hear the thunders. SoletssummarizetheDANCEOFEVOLUTIONofLORDNATARAJA: From being unmanifest the Pranava emerges. Or the Pranava evolves the unmanifest to themanifestandstartsthecycleofevolution. Thisleadstoapulsationwhichiscalled astheCOSMICDANCE/CELESTIAL DANCE/DANCE OFEVOLUTION. Thispulsationisrhythmicandsymmetric. The luminescent shaft of consciousness is called as Brahma Sutra or popularly called as Stringtheoryinthemodernscience. The process of creation evolves from the dance as light then sound evolves from light and thenallthevisualandauralformsinthisuniverse.

If this is so then the process of dissolution should be that Lord Natarajas right leg should be lifted suggestingamovementfromrighttoleftisnt? Look at the majestic picture suggesting the DANCE of EVOLUTION and the DANCE of DISSOLUTION as below:

Figure6:LORDNATARAJA/DANCEOFEVOLUTION Figure7:DANCEOFDISSOLUTION In my opinion there is nothing more scientific in this world that is pictorially represented about the evolution of universe. You should read a book called The Tao of Physics by Frijat Capra where as physicistheexplainshowheexperiencedthisandhighlightsthedanceofthequantumparticlesinspace correspondstothedanceofLordNataraja. Now this central shaft of Consciousness is called Brahma Sutra and according to our scriptures every Paramaanuhasthisstring,whichmeanseverybeing,matter,inanimatethingsinthisuniverseincluding the tiniest of subatomic particles have this string / sutra. In the future parts we will see the Maths behind this sutra and the pulsation but let us look at what the modern science says about Superstring theory here, can read it how many times ever you want but thistheoreticalpostulationisadirectadaptationofthecosmicdanceandourBrahmaSutraandnothing more. NowcheckoutLordNatarajaattheCERN Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions.

Now you may understand as to why I started this series with the above line. We have a very rich past that is most scientific and it is left codified in a form across thousands of temples in India. Let us just openyoureyesandunderstandthescientificmeaningaroundit. If you are so far surprised at our richness and advancement, please wait till we will get into real hard coremathematicsandgeometryofournatureinthesubsequentparts. MaythatSutradhaaridispelourignoranceandrevealtousthesecretsofnature. Happyreading!


Wehaveseenthattheuniverseinitsunmanifeststateisfilledwithluminescentcuboidsandtherewas a trigger in the form of Pranava which started the absolute time and gave forth visual forms and aural forms. Thisprocessofevolutionisdepictedverynicelyinthefollowingdiagram:

Figure8:TransitionformsofBrahman(Coutesy:Dr.GanapathiStapathi) The square (in 2D) which is an 8x8 energy grid became a 9x9 energy grid which is manifest / gross. The transitionformswereanoctagonandacircle.Aintiramsuggestshowthistransitiontakesplace.Current physics accepts that a pulse and a sine wave can be created from each other and this happens because ofsimpleadditionofharmonicfrequencies. The primordial pulsation initiates a rotational force and this rotational force as it gains momentum converts the square into a circle and if you notice that the octagon is just an in between state betweenasquareandacircle. We see confirmation of the details of this manifestation process in Chapter 9, verse 8 of the Bhagavad GitawhereLordKrsnadescribesHismanifestationprocesstoArjuna: prakritim svaam avastabhya visrijaami punah punah, meaning Curving back onto myself, I create againandagain Whatitsuggestsisthattheessentialshapeofeverygrossforminitsnaturalstateisacircle(in2D)anda sphere in (3D). This is the reason we find every planetary body is almost spherical in shape and this is also the reason as to why the ripples in a water body when we throw a stone in the water are in circles. Be it the center of a tornado or the shape of a hurricane or a tsunami it always a circular force. The supreme secret in martial arts is that the Chi moves in a circular fashion and hence Tai Chi is the most

deadly form of martial arts. Lord Vishnu has Chakra as his weapon to suggest not only light but also the rotationalforce. The process of manifestation is captured in these 2 pictures at all the significant stages. If you notice that a single dot becomes multiple dots, then a line, then a pulse and then goes on to becoming a 8x8 energygridandthentoa9x9energygrid.8x8isunmanifestand9x9ismanifest.Theseaspectsarevery wellcapturedassutrasinthebookAintiramandPranavaVedam.

Figure9:TransitionformsofBrahmanindetail(Coutesy:FabricoftheUniverse) IfyoulookattheFig10conceptuallythefollowingthingshappen: Subtle Energy becomes gross universe and the fundamental 5 elements are created in the process. It is said that 1/10th of the space becomes Air, 1/10th of air becomes Fire, 1/10th Fire becomes Waterand1/10thofWaterbecomesEarth. SowecanconcludethatwearelivinginaSpacedelineatedworld.

Figure10:SubtleEnergytogross(Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati) This wisdom was so succinctly captured by my good friend Lao Tzu in Tao Te Ching as follows: (Read heavenasunmanifestspaceandEarthasmanifestgross) Heaven and Earth last forever. Why do heaven and Earth last forever? They are unborn, so ever living. Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub; It is the center hole that makes it useful. Shape clay into a vessel; It is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows for a room; It is the holes which make it useful. Therefore benefit comes from what is there; Usefulness from what is not there.

ButIwantedtohighlightmoreimportantaspectstothisprocessofmanifestation. Advaita philosophy states that there is no duality. If you note that the Parammanu is what is present every living being and inanimate thing. What is within you is what is within me and hencethemahavakyaTatTvamAsiYouarethat. VasturevaVaastuVastuwhichisunmanifestandsubtlebecomesVaastuwhichismanifestand gross. If we assume that Paramaanu is Gods particle and hence it is divine, then everything in this world is divine. This is the most important philosophy in Hindusim. See the oneness in all and seeAllinone. Thats why Hindus saw divinity in everything. Trees, snakes, animals, insects, birds, human beingsetc.Thereisnothingwithoutthatdivineenergyorparticlehoweveryoucallit. This philosophy is UNIVERSAL, OPEN SOURCE, ALL COMPASSING and the highest state of consciousness. Butletslookatsomethingevenmoreimportant: We all note that Subtle has become Gross. Hence conceptually Gross = Subtle or both are proportionate. We all note that Space has become Earth. Hence conceptually Space = Earth or both are proportionate. Weallnotethat8havebecome9.Henceconceptually8=9orbothareproportionate. We all note that ENERGY has become MATTER. Hence conceptually ENERGY = MATTER or both are proportionate. This is represented by E = mc2 by our great scientist Einstein. While we did not have this specific formula, the concept and the associated texts were very much with us for ages.
So this is what Einstein quoted after reading Bhagavad Gita. "When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous." ~ Albert Einstein

Now lets try to answer this question:

Whenyouthrowastoneinwater/pondtheripplesthatformtaketheshapeofacircle(in2D)/ sphere (in 3D). Can you guess what the shape of the ripple would be if you throw the same stoneinspace? You wouldhaveprobablyguessed the answer.The ripplesinspaceshouldbe and wouldbein square/cubeinshape.

Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!



The importance of time (Kaalam) is so high in the Vedic tradition that they ensured that the accuracy, continuity of time and the easy measurability of it is maintained for who knows how many years. Time creates,sustainsanddestroyseverythingandthisisverynicelycapturedinthese2lines:
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The god of time is Kaala Bhairava a form of Shiva and hence both Shiva and Yama the lord of death both wereknownasKaalan.Thetimeisrepresented bynumber13anditbelongstoKalabhairava.We will see the interesting linkage between Vedic system and the Mayan calendar found in Guatemala and Mexicolater. Swami Chinmayananda states that Time is the periodicity between 2 thoughts. Nothing captures the concept of time more wisely. What is clear from our scriptures and Swami Chinmayanda is that time is the pulsation that creates this universe. It is the vibration with very accurate periodicity and our sages suggestedthatyoucanlivebeyondtimeprovidedyoumanagetoescapetheeffectsofthatpulsation. Einsteins view on time and its relativity is very realistically captured in this quote When you are courtinganicegirlanhourseemslikeasecond.Whenyousitonaredhotcinderasecondseemslike an hour. That's relativity. More than relativity I found that the root cause of relativity is the pulsation ofmindastime.Einsteinonaseriousnoteprovedthatourviewoftimeisnotabsolute,itisrelativeand itisacontinuumwithspace.Wewillinthenextfewpartsofthisblogwouldseethattimeandspaceare thesameorTime=Space. Aintiram states that there are 5 things that vibrates which have a common root and are not under our control. They are Space, Earth (vibration of earth is gravity), Eye lids, thoughts and Musical notes and very nicely put in Tamil as (Vin), (man), (Kan), (Yen), (Pan). Pan is musical metre/chandasandYenistheyennamorthoughts. Correlate this with the first line of Patanjali Yoga Sutra which says Yoga Chitta Vrtti Nirodah, means Yogaisonewhichstopsthevibrationofmind/pulsationofmindandhenceisakillerofthoughts.The meditation techniques of keeping your eyes opened without battling the eyelids is another way of overcomingthispulsationinstinctthatisprimordialandinherentinournature. LetslookhowintricateourmeasurementstimeareinVedicsystem.Checkouttheimagebelow. Thesmallestunitoftimeisapproximately2microsecond. Thelargestunitisabout155trillionyears.YET. Brahmaslinearageis50yearsandincurrentlyinhis51styearwhichmakestheuniversetobe 155+trillionyears.Brahmaslifetimeis100yearswhichmeansitwouldbe300trillion+yearsof universallifewhichfollowsacycle.

After100yearsofpulsationcyclesBrahmastaysasdormantenergyforthesameperiodand thenpulsatesagainforthenextlifeof100years. ABrahma'slife is also known as a Para. Each half Param is referred to as aparardham. This second half is termed as 'dviteeya paraardhe' (the second half of Brahma's term) is stated in all vedicrituals. After every Chatur yuga, the world recycles. After every 2000 years / a Brahma day the world dissolves and remerges. The important point to note is that there is no CONCEPT OF CREATION here. It evolves and dissolves as per the science of pulsation. We also note that this pulsation expands and contracts. This cyclical nature of time as believed in Indian mythology refers to timeas'anaadi'orthatwithoutabeginning.

Figure11:TimemeasurementsinAncientIndia Whiledoing Vedicritualthetimeandspace coordinateisinvokedtosaythat youaredoingthisritualat this place in the universe and at this time with reference to Brahmas age to the time and star of the day. This tradition is unbroken and the Indian Almanac can predict the position of astronomical objects withoutanyerrorforthousandsofyearswithoutanysophisticatedinstrumentsandspaceships. On the contrary just read the history of the Gregorian calendar which we are following here, Thereisneitheraccuracy norcontinuityandtotop it up there are authorities who reform the calendar as if time stops and waits for them to affect that reform. Why should we ignore the best of time science that we have for an inaccurate, discontinuous reformedcalendar? Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. HappyReading!


Since we are discussing about time, let us address the Mamuni Maayan and the South American Mayan. A lot has been talked about Mayan calendar and the imminent destruction to planet earth in the year 2012. I would recommend The Mayan Factor Path beyond technology by Jose Arguelles if you are interestedinthistopic. In this part I am interested in highlighting that the South American Mayan and the South Indian Mamuni Maayan who wrote Aintiram and Pranava Veda are one and the same. Extensive research have been conducted by many and I found, both the works of Jose Arguelles and late Dr. Ganapathi Stapathi who has spent about 3 decades each, very impressive. Dr. Ganapathi concluded that they both arethesameandhehasshownsomeinterestinglinkages. Iamgoingtopresentwhatimpressedmeinboththesegreatresearchersworks. First let me state that the doomsayers of 2012 phenomenon picked up Mayans calendar which started in 3113 BC ran for 5125 years and the calendar ended in year 2012. Since the calendar ended they thought this signified that the world is ending. Jose argues that this is wrong and most probably the human race is entering into the next phase of evolution and the next cycle would begin. If you strongly believe that this is not true and the world would certainly end by 2012, then please ensure that you transfer all your assets and savings to my name effective 22, Dec2012. Mayan in his calendar in South America used very unique numerals in his calendar that is given below:

Figure12:Mayansnumeralsystem(Courtesy:Wikipedia,Internet) Now let me reproduce a Tamil poem written by Mamuni Maayan in his work called Kanithamaa sennool. This song is part of the book written by Maayan in Tamil during his time 12000 years+. This songexpresseshowthenumeralsareformedtill10.Itsays, o 1isonedot,2is2dots,3is3dots,4is4dots,5isalineand10isadoubleline.

!! ( - )

Among the books written during Mayans time in Guatamala are Popol Vuh, The annals of cakchiquelsandtheBookofChilamBalam.TheresemblanceofChilamBalamtoChidambaram withwhichS.IndianMaayanwassoinvolvedisverystriking. Be the pyramids that were built in the jungles of S. America that has a striking resemblance to the viamanas from south India, the earths revolution around the sun measured within 1/1000th ofthedecimalpointwhichisavailableinabookcalledSuryaSiddhaantaInSanskritbyMayan and the identical measurements available in South America the similarities are difficult to ignore. Jose Arguelles makes a compelling argument about the shift in consciousness in 2012 due to a majorgalacticsynchronization.Butwhatimpressedmearethefollowing: o Comparison between iChing (8x8 hexagram) and Mayans Tzolkin which is 13x20 matrix.InfactthereisaFranklinsmagicsquarewhichisbasedonthe8x8gridofiChing thataddsupto260whichisthegalacticconstantofTzolkin.Thiswasamazing. He refers to Radiogenesis Universal transmission of information through or as light orradiantenergywhichisverymuchrelevanttoourdiscussionsoflightandsound. The revelation he received from a Maya Humbatz men belonging to the universal great brotherhood organization revealingthatouruniverseisthe7thsuchsystemwhichMaya haschartedintheuniverse.So,wearenotalone

o o

Wouldconcludethistopicinthenextpart Happyreading!

Figure 13: Galactic Communication Channel to Hunab Ku (Courtesy: The Mayan Factor, Jose Arguelles)



Jose Arguelles was also mentioning that the pyramid structures of Mayan civilization in South America with the Tzolkin calendar matrix communicates with 2 constellations Pleiades and Arcturus. Jose mentionsthatheissureaboutcommunicationwithPleiadesconstellation. WhydidPleiadesinterestme? According to Tamil history, Tamil is a divine language and the Lord associated is Lord Muruga. HeistheTamildeityandheisfromtheConstellationPleiadeswhichiscalledKritikanakshatra. ThisemphasisthattheSouthAmericanMayancouldbeaTamilianfromIndia,asmanyintheET studies circuit opine that Pleiades is a constellation which is like our distant cousin where Tamil is spoken. There are many links but you can check this out.. LookattheMayancalendarinFig14,itisa13x20Tzolkinmatrix. o Pleaserecallthatwementioned13isthenumberforKalaBhairava. o Tzolkin has a mystical central column around which 6 and 6 columns exist. The belief is that this central column is the frame of reference to the galaxy and it is believed to connecttoHunabKuthecenterofthegalaxy. o This mysterious centre column is believed to be the road to the sky leading to the umbilical cord of the universe. I immediately correlated this with the thread of consciousness which is connected to the Hiranyagarba (the center of the galaxy as per Indiantexts.)CheckFigure13. o So understanding that this shaft of consciousness is connected to the center of the galaxy (Hunab Ku / Hiranyagarbha) at the one end and to our solar plexus at the other end with communication and galactic information transmission happening through resonanceoflight,openedmanygateswithinme. Nothing in this universe exists without purpose and the form and shape of any being / thing is explained as a state of consciousness at a particular resonant frequency adds to the Seelam (Rhythm) aspectoftheKaalamwhichwearegoingtoseelater. Forthespaceandtimetravelenthusiasts,Mayanhasthefollowing: All space travel is intelligence as information transmitted through light by the principle of harmonicresonance. Mayan says that Sun is the lens through which galactic information is transmitted from the galactic core and interpreting this with Gayatri Mantra where we meditate on the supreme lightSavitranaspectofSungodisamazinglystriking.

Mayan highlights that time is a function of principle harmonic resonance and he attaches significantimportancetothenumeralswhichhestatesarethegalacticharmonicconstants.This isexactlywhatAintiramstates. HeinterpretstheiChingtocontaintheGeneticcodeofthehumanDNAasahexagramina8x8 matrix which is a binary progression to the 6th power corresponding 64 six part words /codons. At the same time he interprets number 260 to be galactic constant and 360 which is the factor for a calendar year or the total angle in a circle to a harmonic calibrator. His explanations more on this and on the mystical number 7 do not resonate in my tiny brain and I ambeggingforholygracetoexpandmymindtounderstandtheseconcepts. When he says that flowers open to light just does not mean that it is sensitive to be light but deeply it aspires to be LIGHT. I am not sure if you understand the depth of this statement as against the Sage molar statement which states gross light should merge with subtle light. I have beenleftspeechlessfordaysafterunderstandingthiscorrelation.

ItisinterestingtonotethatsignificanceofnumeralsasperMayanfactor: 1 Thepulsation RayofUnity 2 Thepulsation RayofPolarity 3 Thepulsation RayofRhythm 4 Thepulsation RayofMeasure 5 Thepulsation Rayofcenter 6 Thepulsation Rayoforganicbalance 7 Thepulsation Rayofmysticpower. 8 Thepulsation Rayofharmonicresonance.Wewillseemoreofthis. 9 Thepulsation RayofcyclicPeriodicity 10 Thepulsation RayofManifestation 11 Thepulsation RayofDissonantStructure 12 Thepulsation RayofComplexstability 13 Thepulsation RayofUniversalmovement In all 2 independent researchers working 6000 miles apart, conducting their studies independently seems to be pointing to just one person and one philosophy and science. What else we could do other than thanking our fortune to have read them and made this connection. I thought of writing just a page onthistopicandIhaveendedupwith2partsandIamstoppingmytemptationtowritefewmorepages onthistopic.Forallofthoseinterested,pleasereadthebookbyJoseArguelles. It is amazing to find out how most of the ancient civilizations seem to have a common root and the communication between various geographies looks stunningly simple and the metrics on astronomical objects and other space sciences seems to be so accurate despite the absence of precision instruments and spacecrafts. One tends to believe that we had far advanced knowledge of nature which we seems to have lost and most certainly few thousand years back we were not nakedly roaming in the jungles of India and Africa hunting animals as the western experts wants you to believe but had a far superior & scientificallyadvancedcivilization. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. HappyReading!



IfthereisonepartintheseriesIwantyoutoreadandtalkaboutitwithyourfriendsthenitisthistopic. If I ask you as to what Shiva Linga stands for then more than 99% of the responses would be that it represents a Phallus symbolizing the male sex organ / creative energy with the female sex organ / creative energy Yoni as the base and both together representing inseparability and totality in the processofcreation. Nothing is more misunderstood and misquoted than this concept of Hinduism. Every idiot including me who has read few books about Hinduism thinks that they are experts of Indology / Vedic studies. The wisest of sages who gave us Vedas and Upanishads did not boast that it is their work. At the end of everyworktheyacknowledgedthattheyaretellinguswhatthey havebeentoldby theirancestors.Itis 155 trillion+ years of universal knowledge available today in the richest of the languages Tamil and Sanskrit.Thiscannotbeaccuratelyinterpretedinaforeignlanguage.Lestintheweakestofalllanguages English. The other contributing factor to this misunderstanding has been the Sanskrit language or should I say therichnessofthelanguage. We have already noted that the same word can have multiple meanings. This is not limited to Sanskrit, buttheallthelanguages.Forexample, Sutra means thread, Aphorisms (the ability to express something in terse and concise manner). Ex. Kama sutra the most understood of all the sutras. Brahma Sutra The thread of consciousnessinanyformthatrunsinthisuniversethemostunheardof. Artha in Sanskrit means meaning and wealth, we have already seen this. As in VaakArtha andArthaSastra(thescienceofwealthmanagement). Same way Lingam means Symptom, Proof, Gender, Male sex organ etc. Hence it was very easy to get confused, associate the lingam with a Phallus and also to ignore the philosophy and the supreme science behind it. Even people who believed that it represented much more did not knewthephilosophyandthesciencebehindit.Letslookatwhatitmeans. Iamgoingtorequestyoutokindlyrefertoboththepicturesbelow:


Figure15ShivaLingaShapeandSignificance(Courtesy;Dr.GanpathiSthapati) We have already seen that the subtle energy is takes the form of a square and the gross energy takes theformofacirclewithaninbetweenstateittakestheshapeofatetrahedronandoctagon.Nowlook attheShivalingamfromthetop.Itsbaseisalwaysasquareandthetopisalwaysacircle.


Figure 17 Shiva Linga with shape of the Gods particle(Star)engraved.

If I have to merge all the 3 shapes together and it naturally takes the shape of a Lingam with a round top.ShivaLingacapturestheoverallprocessofevolutioninoneformandshape subtle to gross stateitencompasseseverystateofconsciousnessthatispossibleinthisuniverse. Why the figure above states that Square shape is Sattvic, circle is Tamasic and the in between state is Rajasic?Letsunderstandthedefinitionsofallthethreequalities. Sattvic represents the perfect state of balance. When it is subtle it is luminescent and in a perfect state of resonant nonvibration. The energy levels were perfect so that the resultant vibrationisnilanditisinabsolutebalance. Tamasic state represents a state where the height of evolution is reached and hence it is farthest away from the core. This is a different explanation from the usual one available in the web and books. Let me explain this. The core is very subtle and the tamasic state is very gross

and hence it is away from the core. Tamasic state then should be considered as the darkest statepossible.Why? Because the core is luminescent and if the gross state is farthest from the core hence it should be dark. This is the meaning behind the most famous statement Tamasoma Jyothir gamaya take me from darkness to light. It is not about just your mind but abouttheentirebeingaspiringtobecomealightandmergewithprimordiallight. o ThereisnoevolutionpossiblebeyondtheTamasicstateandithastodevolvetoreach itscore/subtlestate. Rajasic is a state where the pulsation has resulted in a rotational force and hence things are setintoaction.Thisrepresentstheevolutionprocessandhenceassociatedwithaction. o

Then the natural next question is, if Shiva Lingam is associated with the entire spectrum of consciousnessthenweshouldseeitassociatedtheelementsandthelight.Isnt? There is a story in Indian Purana that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva discussed who is the most powerful among them. Lord Shiva challenged Brahma and Vishnu to reach his head and feet respectively. Brahma tried to find Shivas head and Vishnu tried to reach Shivas feet, both of them failed. Most of us would have heard the story but would not have understood the philosophicalandscientificsignificance. o Lord Shiva in the form of Linga stood there as a PILLAR OF LIGHT. This pillar of light is the Brahma Sutra / light of consciousness which spanned from the center of the galaxy (Hiranyagarba)toeverybeing&nonbeingintheUniverse. o Brahma could not find the head because; Brahma is always associated with intelligence inIndiantexts.HegavethesupremewisdomtheVedasandstandsforIntelligence.He could not reach Shivas head signifies that Intelligence will not take you to God. Intelligenceasanenergyistoogrossandcannotreachthemostsubtlestateoflight. o Vishu represents earthly life Rajasic in character this is the tetrahedron & octagon state. He could not reach Lord Shivas feet signifying you cannot reach the core through actions. Lord Shiva in the form of Lingam is represented as one of the elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, andSpace)intheHindutemples. IfyoureadthefollowingUpanishadquote,youcanprobablyunderstandthemeaning: nakarmaNaanaprajayaadhanenatyaagenaikeamRitatvamaanashuH pareNanaakamnihitamguhaayaaMvibhraajateyadyatayovishanti Not by work, not by progeny, not by wealth, they have attained Immortality. Some have attained Immortality by renunciation. That which the hermits attain is laid beyond the heaven; yet it shines brilliantlyinthe(purified)heart. AndthisquotealsobrilliantlyarticulatestheluminescentnatureoftheParamaanu:

natatra(notthere)suryobhati(sunshines)nacandra(moondoesnot)natarakam(northestars) nemavidyuto(northelightning)bhanti(shines)kutaayamagnih(howcanfireshine) tam(that)eva(alone)bhantam(shines)anubhati(thereaftershines)sarvam(everything) tasyabhasa(inthatlight)sarvamidamvibhati(everythingshines) The sun does not shine there, nor does the moon, nor the stars or the lightning, much less this fire (deepam).WhenHeshines,everythingshinesafterHim;byHislightaloneeverythingisillumined. The trick is to take the definition & meaning from Upanishads or any scripture and apply it to the Gods particle and the process of evolution and you would understand it perfectly. Many a times the concept of God & faith obscures our mind to look beyond and rationally think about it. It is not the problem of religion but our system of education which has ruined our thinking.Today the biggest challenge we haveisto"Unlearn"thantolearn. Sotoconclude: Shiva Lingam does not represent Phallus. To represent male and female totality and inseparabilityHindusdohaveArthanareeswaraanditisnotrepresentedthroughLingam. Shiva Lingam represents the Pillar of Light and the entire spectrum of consciousness. From the mostsubtletothemostgross. ItrepresentsaninbetweenGuna/EGGstate(betweenunmanifestandmanifest)andhenceit isformlesswithaform. While Lord Nataraja represented the rhythmic pulsation of this Brahma sutra, the cosmic dance/thedanceoftheevolution,ShivaLingamrepresentstheprimordiallightitselfinallits stateofconsciousness. Bythisanalogy,ourbodyitselfisalingamwiththevisiblebodyasthegrosspartatoneendand themostsubtlebodywhichisinvisibleandispartoftheprimordiallightattheother. Checkoutthepicturebelowwhichrepresentsmostoftheaspectswehavediscussedsofar. MayLordShivahelpusalltounderstandhimbetter.. As a wise man said, Indians are the most ignorant about their rich past and scientific traditions. Yet wishthatthisquoteisntwiseranymore. Happyreading!

Figure18Manifestationinanutshell(courtesy:Dr.GanpathiSthpati) This diagram represents everything we have discussed so far. The central red line is the Brahma Sutra which runs from the center of Galaxy to the terrestrial forms. Just correlate this with the Mayan Hunab Kuinthepreviouspart.
This summarizes as to how Energy becomes matter, Subtle becomes Gross, UnManifest becomes manifest, how 8 becomes 9, and Square / Cuboid becomes a circle / Sphere. All represented in one formless form called SHIVALINGAM.


Inthelastfewdecadesthemainstreamwesternsciencehasstartedacceptingconceptslikeuncertainty principle, wave mechanics, quantum mechanics, and periodicity of the wave pattern. Most importantly it is about the fundamental wave pattern of any energy or matter and the harmonics of these wave patterns falling in a particular form and proportion which is dictated by geometry / mathematics. In all the western scientists are scratching their heads on the depths of science of the subtle aka the sacred spatialgeometry. Most of the eastern philosophies have mastered this science and have codified these natural laws as a part of their religion, which is often dismissed as superstition. I already highlighted that in Tamil and SanskritthedefinitionforscienceisKnowledgeofthespace. Modern science is moving in the right direction albeit very slow and they are trying to understand as to howelementsarebondedwithinamoleculeinadditiontowhatelementsconstitutethem.Forexample Chlorophyll molecule consists of Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and magnesium (Mg at its core) has a complex 12 fold Pattern just one such typical pattern which can convert sunlight into life substance. ThesamepatternexistsinourRBCcellsjustthatithasanironatitscoreinsteadofmagnesium. The understanding about the human body especially, the spatial awareness that exists in each and every cell is due to the different sensory organs tuned at frequencies, led the scientists to unravel the innatespatialgeometryoflife. Be it living, nonliving beings, abstract forces like gravity, nuclear force, electromagnetism, heat, movement of astronomical bodies it does not matter what, everything in this universe adheres to a vibration / periodicity and is reducible to a number or a ratio. As a wise man said, Mathematics is the language of gods. This primordial rhythm & its harmonics are captured under the topic Seelam by Mayaninancienttamiltexts.Letslookatthisindetail. Ihavebeenfindingitdifficulttosequencetheflowforthistopicandletmetrystartingfromthebasics: We know that the Paramaanu or Gods particle is a cube. This particle with the primordial vibration combines with other particles to create a shape. The Paramaanu combines in the multiples of 8 to evolve the next structure. Let us see the importance of 8 later, but remember 8isthenumberforLordNarayanaandOmnamoNarayanahas8Aksharas. WhatdoyoucallacubecalledinTamil?ItiscalledGanam(). Thisalsomeansheaviness,

gravity, honor, dignity, abundance, plenty. To indicate it is a square cuboid they call it

TheprocessoftheadditionofParamaanuintobiggerunitsiscalledasGanam(, ). In
Tamil both the Cube and the additive resultant are called as Ganam and the only difference being that in Cube it uses a small na () as an alphabet. In the additive additive process the small (na) becomes big (na).

process / resultant it uses a Big na(). The big na signifies that due to the

This additive process starts because of the first rhythmic circular force also called as a Suzhi () intamilwhichmeansloop.

Herecomesthebeauty.TheLordofortheenergyassociatedwiththisadditiveforce(Ganam)is called as Ganapathi (, ). Note this is the bigger na used and notsmallerna.HeisassociatedwiththefirstcircularforceSuzhi(andhencehe takes the first honor in any Vedic ritual. This means Lord Ganapati is the first process in the evolution and everything has to start with him. Even if it is Lord ShivaorVishnuitdoesnotmatter,the veryfirsthonorgoestotheLordofGanas. ManyIndians when they start writing (atleast few decades back) they first start with this symbol at the top of thepagebeforeanythingforasuccessfulcompletionofthatactivity. IfIaddmyowninferencestotheabovewitha caveatthat everythingelse Ihavewrittenhavea solid back up mostly from our own study of languages (as you can yourself see) and our scriptures. o The symbol above signifies that what was a point with untouched / noninteracting energies / resulted in the primordial first circular force out of a pulse and also signifying thateverycircularforceshallalsocollapsebacktoapoint. o Also the bigger / heavier things are formed or created by its smallest unit and hence symbolically the heavier ones are carried by the smaller units. To signify this may be a godintheformofanelephantiscarriedbyamouse. NowyouknowwhyeveryritualstartswiththisSlokatoGanapathi: o GanAnAm tva Ganapati gum Havamahe, Kavim Kavinam Upamasra vastamam Jyestharajam Brahmanam Brahmanaspat aanaSrnvan nuti bhissi dasadanam ThismeansMayyoutheLordofGanas,Ganapati",....soitgoes. Now what do we call the study of this additive force Ganas? Mathematics Ganith / Ganitham(, ). SoweIndianshavecodified: o theprimordialGodsparticleasParamaanuormicrobodeorLordShiva, o therhythmicmovementofthepillaroflightasLordNataraja, o thefirstcircularforceasthesymbolforLordGanapathi, o thelordoftheadditiveforceasLordGanapthiand o the Study of this additive force which leads to the formation of everything in the universeisMathematicsinSanskritandTamil.

EverypossiblestateofconsciousnessandmanifestationisrepresentedinShivaLinga We will see that the multiples of 8 in which the additive force moves is codified as Lord Narayana or Vishnu and the five state manifestation process as the five letters associatedwithLordShiva. Justforgetthatthese namesarethe namesofthe Hindugods,andtell meonereligionorphilosophyor one branch of science in this world which can capture the natures primordial secret in this way and codifyitforthecommonbenefitoftheworldandcarryitforthousands/millionsofyears. Thesearejustastartandpleasewaitfortheotherinterestingaspectstounfold. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. o o HappyReading!


Now,letusgetintosomerealheavystuffMathematics(GanithamthestudyofGanam)thatgoverns thisrhythmandharmonics.Myfirstconcernishowtomakeiteasilydigestibleforanaverageindividual who hates Math? So I shall take the easiest route that I know. I shall first explain the concept, then the actual Math part of it and then go to the philosophy and significance of the same. Later we shall look at how these are codified in nature and our scriptures and available in front of our eyes which we have failedtorecognize. Let us be clear about the following terminologies like Progression, Proportion, root, Diagonal and Pythagorastheorem: Let us take a series as follows: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. In this we need to be clear about what is Progression and proportion. As many of you know that whole series is a geometric progression where the next number in the series is a function of the current number and a multiple. This multiple here is 2, so that 2*2 = 4, 4*2 = 8 and so on. This multiple or the constant is called as proportion. You derive the value of the proportion by dividing the number by its previous number(n+1)/n:(n+2)/(n+1).Hopethisisclear. We know that a square has 4 equal sides. Each side of a square is called as root and the line that connects the 2 opposite ends is called as Diagonal. In the figure below sides AB, BC, CD, DAarecalledasRoot.LinesAC,BDarecalledasDiagonal.

Figure19;Square Figure20:Pythagorastheorem Pythagoras theorem This theorem gave us the formula to calculate the sides of a right angle triangleasgivenabove.Ifyouarenotfamiliarwiththis,thenpleaseunderstandthatifyouknow any 2 sides of the triangle the 3rd side can be calculated by the formula given above. I am not going to focus on the argument that this theorem was available in Indian scriptures before the Greek mathematician gave it. Lets look at the concepts and not which civilization gets credit as ofnow. Since the fundamental structure is a square in 2D and Cube in 3D and also in the process of evolution onebecomesmany,letsaskourselvesthefollowingquestions:

Howonesquaredoescreateanothersquarewhichislargerinsize,progressively?Whatisthe progressionandproportioninthisseries? How one cube does create shapes which are polygonal (Hexagon, Octagon, decagon, dodecagonetc)progressively?Whatistheprogressionandproportioninthisseries?

Now let us see Figure 21 where and consider the square ABGF. You can enlarge the image to see the alphabets clearly. Now as we know sides AB, BG, GF, AF are called root remember this well and let us assume the smallest root possible is unity and hence each root is of unit length. AB=BG=GF=AF=1. Areaofthissquare=1*1=1.

Figure21;Square Figure22:Cube Line AG is called as the diagonal and as per Pythagoras theorem the length of AG should be 2. AG = (AF2+GF2).SotosummarizetherootofthesquareABGFis1andthediagnolis2. Now consider a larger square AGHJ, here AG, GH, HJ, AJ are the sides and hence called as root. AH, GJ are the diagonal in the 2nd square. We know AG =2, then AH = GJ = 2 as per Pythagoras theorem. To sumuptherootofthesquareAGHJis2andthediagonalis2.Areaofthissquareis2. If you look at the ratio root/diagonal (root to diagonal ratio) of both the squares it is 1/2 and 2/2 whichresultsin1/2.Thiswillprogressivelyholdgood.Themagicproportioninthisprogressionis2. What we can infer from this is if we consider a progression of squares from a unit square to larger squares, then the proportion of the progression is 2. But before we jump into its philosophical significanceletsanswerthesecondquestion. Consider the cube above whose side is of unit length. We know a cube is made of squares. We know ABCD is a square of length (root) =1 and diagonal = AC = 2. If we want to find out the length of the diagonalofthecubewhichisAE,thenACEisarightangletrianglewithAC=2.AndCE=1andhenceAE =3. What we can infer from this is if we consider a progression of cubes from a unit cube to larger ones, thentheproportionoftheprogressionis3.

Iamgoingtohandlethesignificanceof2and3inthenextpart. Happyreading!


Lets look at the significance of 2 and3 but before that lets capture the philosophical significance of ProgressionandProportion: The whole world is conceptualized as wave harmonics of the primordial rhythm with a progression and proportion. Philosophically the Proportion which does not change / which is constant is the immutable component and the progression which changes / is volatile is called astheMutuablecomponentintheprocessofevolution.Thewholeuniverseis theprogression and God is the proportion. So if I know the Gods proportion and the formula behind it I can create anything in this universe including a universe. This secret is called as the Brahma Vidya / Sree Vidya (Knowledge of Brahman, Sree) in Indian texts. What we are going to see further are veryminorpartsoftheBrahmaVidya. In the last part we saw, that the primordial square multiplied itself to be a larger square (progression of squares) using the proportion2. The diagonal of the square 1 (ABCD) forms therootofSquare2(AGHJ).Thisisveryprofoundifyougettheconcept. Ifweconsidersquare1asthecausethenitsdiagonalistheeffect.Thisdiagonalistherootfor the next square (AGHJ) and hence the effect of Square 1 is the cause of Square 2, this cause results in square 2s diagonal which is its effect and this is how the progression or evolution happens. If you can see glimpses of Cause and effect cycle and the famous law of Karma in this analogythenyoucanpatyourself. A square halved by the diagonal (square 1 with area 1) produces a square twice its area (square 2, area = 2). The mystery of biological growth from cellular division or the different musical notesfromthebasetoneiscontainedinthis. Robert Lawlor in his book Sacred Geometry very nicely puts it as the root of a plant (like the root in a square) is causative and embedded in the earth (and embedded in the square). These areveryheavyandprofoundconceptsjustletitsinkintoyou. When you divide the full height of the human being considering the total height as unity then belly as called as Hara in Japanese, Dantein in Chinese, Nabhi in India which is below the navel will measure (2 2) from the soles of the feet to belly and (2 1) from navel to the head. In Yoga, Zen and Chinese meditation techniques this point corresponds to the transformative and generative aspects of the individual that involves rooting techniques for self transmutation. So LaoTzusaid,Toseektherootisthegoal. 2signiesthepowerofmul plicity.HencetheGenerativeaspectofthisrhythmisattributed to2.Thisrepresentstheprincipleoftransformation.

Remember 2 is a proportion in the progression of squares and a square does not become a higher form. We have seen that the diagonal of the cube (sides of unit length) is 3. It is this3 which divides the volume form of a cube and the diagonal of the cube becomes a root for the highershapeslikepentagon,hexagonetc. Hence 3 signifies the formative power of the rhythm while2 signifies the generative power ofthenature.

We will touch the same using Vesica Piscis in the next part which shall take us to 5 and the golden mean . I am not going to touch upon important topics like Gnomic spirals and the relation between variousprogressionsandhenceIwouldrequestyoutoGooglethemifyouareinterested. Happyreading! PS: There are many books on this topic and I would recommend Sacred Geometry Philosophy & PracticebyRobertLawlorwhichIfoundeasytoreadandunderstand. You tube and Internet is replete with tons of images, articles and videos on this topic and you can learn agreatdealfromthem.


Ifyoudontknowwhatisvesicapiscis,pleasegoogleandyouwouldfinditinteresting.Iamnotgoingto explainithereandIwouldfocusonthesummaryandaspectswhichareoftenleftout.Thephilosophical aspect of Vesica Piscis, is a rotating point becomes as circle of unity. Two circle of unity (with its radius as unity) interacting / intersecting each other in a perfect manner offers an overlapping area which is considered to be sacred and fundamental to all the geometric forms in the universe. We will first see how2,3&5arepartofthisVesicaPiscis. Please look at 2 circles who radius is unity and AB = 1, intersecting as per the diagram. The overlapping area ABCD is the Vesica Piscis and we can see 2, 3 & 5 all partofthisVesicaPiscis. ABPQ and ABRS are 2 squares and the side of the square is 1. 5 is as significant as 2 and3. In the diagram here 5 is the diagonal of the rectangle PQRS / diagonal of 2 squaresonebelowtheother. Figure23;VesicaPiscis 5 is the regenerative factor that binds 2 squares or that factor that transcends two worlds or the bonding factor for 2 cosmic entities. This 5 shall take us to the most important ratio which is the GoldenmeanortheGodsratio. But before that let me share what stuck my mind when I was engrossed with Vesica Piscis and3. Look atthepicturesbelow.ThesearepicturesofforeheadmarksofHinduBrahminssectscalledIyengarsand their supreme deity is Narayana. I correlated the striking similarity of the rectangle around the Vesica piscisandIyengarsnamam.Youjusthavetoimaginethe2overlappingcirclesaretherightandleftside ofthefacewiththe VesicaPiscisstartingfrom the toptipof the nose.Tome theformativeprinciple of 3 is in line with the Bhootha krut and Vishwa karma manu stvashtha aspects of Maha Vishnu as perVishnusahasranamam.Ihadagoodlaughonthiscorrelation.

Figure24;IyengarNamam1 (Courtesy:Internet)

Figure25:IyengarNamam2 (Courtesy:Internet)

Coming to the Golden mean, If you have not heard about it, just Google or here is a quick link Some of you might be even have fatigue repeatedly reading and listening about it, like I do. Hence I am not going to rewrite what is widely available. But lets look at the philosophicalaspectofit,itsrelationto5anditsmanifestation. Now so far in 2,3 &5 what we have seen is how Unity evolves as many. But if I am interested in geometricallydividingtheUnitysothatthisproportionevolvesasunitythenhowdoIdoit? Consider a line of unit length and also consider two segmentsa,bsothata+b=1. AandBaresuchthatithastofulfillthisconditionof Proportionalitythata/b:b/1. (Figure26:Lineand) Thismeanswhataistob,isthesameaswhatbistothewholelengthwhichis1. Mathematically resolving this equation a/b : b/1, hence b2 = a and hence b= a. This means a +a = 1. TheanswertothisequationisonlyonevaluewhichiscalledtheGoldenmean/Godsratiodenotedby = 1.6180339 and a = 1/. Philosophically it is the division of unity and the only possible creative dualitywithintheunity. You may ask as to why unity is not divided into 2 equal parts and why is should be 1/ (0.6180339..). This is effectively answered by our Upanishad Whether we know it or not, all things take their existence from that which perceives them. Adi Shankara said the universe is an illusion / maya becauseitiswhatweperceive.Wetendtoignorethemasphilosophyorsuperstition. But lets look at it scientifically as we understand. When the unity is divided into equal parts there is no asymmetryanddifferenceandhencethereisnoperceptualuniverse.Anasymmetricdivisionisneeded tocreatethedynamicsnecessaryforprogressionandextensionofunity. Letssummarizeourunderstandingagain: 2 the generative component and a multiplying factor creates multiple squares from a unity ofsquare. 3theformativecomponentthatcreatesmultidimensionalpolygonalshapesfromacube. 5 the regenerative component or the binding component that transcends and binds both theworlds. Golden mean or the Gods ratio, which is an evolutionary principle that is guided from withinandanindisputablemathematicalevidenceoftheconsciousevolutionofthisUniverse. Is a selfsimilar variable which can be used to derive Unity and it is the only proportion by whichthePrimordialrhythmmaintainsitperpetualoscillationtosustainthisuniverse. Relationbetweenand5is,=(5+1)/2

Nowletsgeometricallyastohow and5areintricatelylinked.Consider thePentagonpicturewhosesideisof unitlength.Ie. AB=BC=CD=DE=AE=1and EG=FB=CG=DF=1and EB==1.61803399andBG=1/= 0.61803399andhencealltheratios likeAG=AF=EF=GB=1/. AlsoFG=1/2,whichmeansEB= EF+FG+GB=1/+1/+1/2 AlsoGI=1/2andGJ=1/3 (Figure27:Pentagon&,Courtesy:Internet) IfyouareinterestedmorepleasecheckouttheFibonacciseriesanditsrelationto.Theimportanceof 5 is dominant in every living organism while 6 and 8 are the characteristic of mineral and inanimate structures. It used to be rule of thumb that any plants / flowers which has 5 petals is an edible plant andhence5andpentagonarethesymbolsoflifewhichcontainstheGodsratioorthegoldenmean. Nowletsalsounderstandhowa5isrelatedto2and3.Ifweconsiderarightangletrianglewiththe base of 2 and height of 3 or vice versa then the hypotenuse is 5. Now let me draw the connection between2,3,5, and. If you think they are all some random numbers which cannot be fixed to their10thdecimalandnotrelatedtoeachother,justseethefollowingrelationship. oralternatively =(*5)/(2*3) Thisisthebindingfactor.Ishallproducebelowsomepictureswhicharealignedbasedonpentagonand thewebisrepletewiththemforyoutounderstandmore. These 2 parts were little heavy and I shall move to easier aspects on the universal rhythm from next blog. The point I was trying to make is that everything in this universe is subject to a proportion and its fractalsandletsseethemanifestationofitinourdailylife. Happyreading! =2x6/5

(Figure28:Pentagon&Humanshape, Courtesy:Internet)

(Figure29:Pentagon&Humanface, Courtesy:Internet)

(Figure30:HumanhandandFibonacciSeries Courtesy:Internet)

(Figure31:Bharatanatyamandbodyalignment(Courtesy:RobertLawlor,TheSacredGeometry) The positionsofHinduclassical dance (BharatNatyam)describe geometricrelationshipsfromtheaxisof the body and the alignment of center of gravity at hara invoking rooting and divine power of transformation.InHinduismharaisoneofthenamesofLordShivaasinHaraHaraShakara



Now, lets look at what Sankhyakarika one of the greatest scientific works by Sage Kapila. I need to highlight that the Sankhya philosophy is one of the most evolved philosophies about the secrets of nature; it contains only 72 verses of which 68 of them define the complete spectrum of universal manifestation. This Sankhya Yoga is referred in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 is called Sankhya Yoga and inChapter10,verse26,LordKrishnaidentifieshimselfwithSageKapila. SankhyainSanskritmeansnumerals/numbers.SageKapilastates: Any measurement is a relational process and only a change can be measured but it takes time. The difference between the yardstick and the measured object constitutes the measured variable, which in effect is an incremental change. Since the observer can detect or measure only a change then logically, the incremental unit of measurement itself should form the basis toderivethewhole.Thisisthegenesisof. Correlate the above statement with the equation a + a = 1. The unity is derived from the proportionaor1/. As an example, the arch of a bow has expansive stress on the outer side and compressive stressesontheinnerside,whilethestringisintensionandallarebalancedateveryinstant.The expansive,compressiveandtensilestressescanbeexpressedbyonelaw. Alternatively, a single variable describes the proportionality of three types of forces existing at the same time. Such a variable should be scale invariant, selfsimilar and have an axiomatic relationshiptothewhole. SoSageKapilacalled1/asaselfsimilarvariablefromwhichtheunitycanbederived. So he postulated if x is the value of a measured increment then the total value 1+x must be related to the ratio of change as 1/x at the same instant of time or simultaneously. This means 1+x=1/x,andwouldleadustoX2+X=1. Hequotesthatiftheprimordialrhythmhastobeselfsustainingthentheproportioniscertainly governedby1/.Hegivestheformulaforthisoscillationsasfollows: o X=1/=0.61803399 o Increment/Expansion=1+x=1.61803399= o Compression=1x=0.38196601=X2 o Resonance=X3=XX2=0.23606798 3 Resonance or X is the factor which protects this rhythm from decaying and dying off. So or 1/ is suchanimportantratioorproportionsoitiscalledastheGoldenmeanorGodsratio.

I shall highlight some of the factors / ratio which are part of Sankhya Yoga and what is amazing and you find formulas for Tamasic, Sattwic and Rajasic Guna states. (Please refer Secret of Sankhya Yoga G. Srinivasanintheweb). Kapila defines the four qualities of the unmanifested state as Aikaantha (Synchronized), Aathyanta(perpetual),Atho(Dynamic)andAbhavath(unmanifest). TakingCascyclicrateofoscillationorvibrationand xasrateof change per cycle thenthe three Gunaselfsimilarinteractivestatesareshownasvibratorycountspercyclebytheformula. Thaama=C1+x.Rajasic=Cx+x.Sathwa=C1x. Some of the numbers that Sankhya Karika deals with are 1/7 (0.142857),/10 (0.314159), 1/ (0.618034), 2 (1.414), (1.61803399), 3 (1.732), 5 (2.23), e (2.718282), (3.14159) and declares that the unmanifested state (Abhavaat) can exist only when the oscillations are between/10 (0.314159) and e(2.718282). This is simply amazing since the state of Abhavvat isthestateofBrahman. Despite herculean efforts I am unable to understand the Bhashya for the 72 verses which is about 500 pages explaining the secrets of Sankhya in any significant measure. I wish someone can step in and help usbyexplainingSankhyaYogathatiscomprehensibletoourlevelofintelligence. We have a treasure of secrets and richness hidden in our scriptures and it seems we have already lost mostofthemandthefundamentalreasonbeingourindifferencetoSanskritandourmothertongue. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading! Thepassageproducedbelowisjustthesummaryofverse1. The Sankhya view that evolves out of the complete theory is that only vibrations are detected by the observer... Since only relative changes can be be detected, any fundamental component that is not in a vibratory state cannot be detected. Vibrations are caused by components in an interactive state or a cyclicstateofcollidingandseparatingthatiscommontoallinteractionsandwavephenomenon. The interactions create three distinct modes of stresses. Collisions are compressive or inelastic. The resultant reaction is expansive or elastic. When the interacting components lack the freedom to move away the interactive state is maintained in a cyclic or shuttling mode in the same location in a resonant state. This important Sutra lays emphasis that if the observed process of detection is dependant on vibrations, then fundamental space must contain components with those four characteristics described as states, whichmakesitfunctioninaholographicway.Thatisallvibrationsremaininfixedrelationshiprelativeto eachvibratorypointinacoherentandresonantstate.


Letssummarizewhatwehaveseensofarandthenmoveontomoreinterestingaspects. We have touched upon the Gods particle and its characteristics. We also looked at the 5 fold manifestation process and in that we looked at how Moolam becomes Kaalam (time) and how time rhythmically (Seelam) vibrates with a proportion and creates forms and shapes (Kolam). We also touched upon some of the ways we had codified the secrets of nature like Lord Shiva, Lord Nataraja, LordGanapatietc. Before we see how rhythm (Seelam) and shapes (Kolam) manifests itself as universe, lets first look at one specific word from Tamil which has three significant meanings converging into one, Yen (),

means number eight, generic term for Number / numeral and also root for which means thought.Ishallexplainthesignificanceofthisbelow. Importanceof8/Octet: It is stated that these Gods particles combine in the multiples of 8 / octaves ONLY and the states of manifestationfrombeingsubtletogrossisasgivenbelow. o FormlessUnmanifestState 0(ThisistheAbhavaatstate) o GunaState 80=1 o Firststage 81=8 o Secondstage 82=64 o Thirdstage 83=512 o FourthStage 84=4096 o FifthStage 85=32768.Thisisthestatewithmanifestform. Thisruleisapplicabletoboththevisualandauralformswhichmeanwecanseeorhearanythingonlyin the fifth stage of evolution. So as per Pranava veda, the fundamental numbers are 0,1 and the key numeralsforproportionsare5,8. Significanceof5and8: PranavaVedadescribesthat8/octetsistheessentialharmonicoscillatorforthemanifestationofthe universe since this generative force is the multiple with which the whole universe manifests and sustains. You many note that number 8 is associated with Lord Narayana and his Ashtakshara mantra (OmNaMoNaRaYaNaYa). The principle of 5 / Penta, we have seen is the regenerative binding force earlier. It is always a5 stage process.ThisisassociatedwithLordShiva(OmNaMaSiVaYa).TheunmanifestformcomestotheGuna statewiththeforceof5andinthemultiplesof8.Itisalsoimportanttohighlightthat5and8arepartof theFibonacciseriesandtheirproportionis8/5=1.6,whichis.

But it is important to realize that the building of octets is a 5 step process for manifestation. This highlightsthatonecannotexistwithoutanotherandbothareinterdependent.Nowletsrecall:
"Shivasya hridayam vishnur, Vishnoscha hridayam shivah:" and "Shivaya Vishnu rupaya Vishnave Shiva rupine" Vishnu (8) is the heart of Shiva (5) and likewise Shiva is the heart of Vishnu and they both are the representation of each other.

If you have noted Tamil language stressed the importance of words and its meaning this was addressedinthefirstfewpartsofthisseries.HereTamillanguagegivestheimportanceofnumeralsand itssignificanceintheformationofuniverse.BoththegreatsagesAuvaiyaarandThiruvallularstatedthe importance of numerals and letters in an identical fashion. Both these lines mean, Numerals and letters arelikeeyesforlivingbeings/equaltoeyes.
! !

Nowwhatshouldbenotedhereisthat() importanceofnumeralsprecedesthatoflettersandwe know why. The aural and visual forces become letters & its associated sound at the 5th stage but the numerals are from the Guna state. Numerals were associated with 8 / Lord Vishnu and letters were associated with 5 / Lord Shiva. Guess you can get the scientific knowledge and significance we have in ourlanguages. Since what is in macro is there in microcosm, taking the analogy to microcosm our mind becomes the Moolam(Source),ourthoughtsarethevibration,timeismeasuredastheperiodicitybetweenthoughts, based on the rhythm of our vibration we perceive the world. This is given very nicely as
! means Our mind is the source and its awareness becomes

term for Number / numeral and also root for thoughts. Just this one word in Tamil highlights the supreme secret that thoughts become form and words with the help of numbers and numericalproportionconvertsauralandvisualformstothoughts. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!

This wonderful concept is what is linked in the word Yen (), which means number eight, generic




The above lines from the work Aintiram means Eight / Octa (multiples of 8) is the fundamental numeralforanymeasurements.Wedidseethatthefundamentalgodsparticleaddupwitheachother inthemultiplesof8inthepreviouspart. In ancient India there were about 64 arts ( ) known as Chatuhsasti kala(" "aspopularlyknowninTamil),butIamgoingto talkabout5sacredarts. Wewilllookattheimportanceofnumeral8andhowthisisfundamental toeverythinginthisUniverse. But lets again start again with etymology. The word arts in Sanskrit is Kala () and Time in
Sanskrit is (Kaala). So etymologically we can say that classical arts are all about variation of time (or harmonics of this pulsation of time in the multiples of 8).

After etymology lets get to the basics. Our understanding of the universe is that the primordial space manifests itself as spatial forms through pulsation (Time) and its periodicity (Rhythm & order). This evolutionstartedwithPranavawhichcameoutasauralandvisualform(Sound&light).Whentheysay The one became two they refer to the Pranava which is light and sound from the unmanifested consciousness. AintiramstatesthatthedualformofPranavagaveforth5sacredartswhicharefundamentaltomostof the other arts. The Aural form of Pranava gave forth Poetry and Classical Carnatic music, which can only be heard. The Visual form of Pranava gave forth Sculpture and Building architecture, which can only be seen. Both the aural and visual forms merged to create the classical dance (Bharatnatyam), whichinvolvesbothseeingandhearing.
Pranava (Om) Om() Auralform Timevariation Classical music Classical Dance Om() Visualform SpaceVariation Building Architecture

Figure32:5 Sacredarts



Theywereclassifiedas5vedas: PoetrySabdaveda ClassicalmusicGandharvaVeda ClassicalDanceNaatyaveda SculptureSthapatyaVeda(Sthapatiisaclanthatisthemasterofthisveda) ArchitecturePranavaVeda

PendaticTamilanditsconstruction: Pendatic Tamil is called as (Aintamizh) which consists all the five above arts, ,
, , , . It is these 5 arts which were formed out of the Tamil

language and the language itself is created from the word Om. They say that it is not 12 basic vowels in Tamilbutonly5.Theyare, , , , . These5letters combine to form the rest of the letters like
+ = , += + = , + = , + = , + = , + = ,

Here you may want to note that 5 has become 12. Same way in classical music they say that the basic svarasare5(, r, , , ) Sa,Ri,Ga,Pa,Dawhichbecame7andthen12. So 5 is the fundamental numeral for evolution and Tamil language has grown based on this philosophy and science. I am sure some of the other Indian languages have the same basics. The book which describesthisphenomenonofevolutionoflanguagefromPranavaandartsfromlanguageisAintiram(it means5works)()authoredbyMamuniMayandated10000BC. You would agree that the aural forms are predominantly variations in time and visual forms are of spatial variations. But our ears stand for akash tatva (space) and it can perceive variation of time and space and we will see this in detail. When we said Time = Space we will see that both of them are governed by the same laws and measurements and hence there is no difference between Time and Space. Happyreading!


Letmestartwiththesequestions: WhatisthesizeoftheGodsparticleandhowisitcalculated? Doesnatureendowastandardmeasureforanaveragehumanbeingsheight?

Before we proceed to the next section I want to give the very detailed space calculation table used in ancient India. Our rishis did not stop just with telling us that the Paramaanu / Gods particle is very smallbutwentaheadandestablisheditssize. If you have to see such minute particles then your sensory organs Eye and mind should be tuned to it so that it can see things at that size. From the formula available in our ancient texts I was trying to reconstruct by working backwards to find out the size of the Paramaanu / Gods particle should be. PleasereferthetablebelowwhichIhavearrivedat.

ANCIENTSPACIALMEASUREMENTS Unitscale Ancientmetric CurrentdayMetrics 1Paramaanu= Smallestparticle 133nanometers 1TherThugil= 8Paramaanu 1065nanometers 1Mayirnuni= 8TherThugil 8526nanometers 1Eer= 8Mayirnuni 68Micrometers 1Paen= 8Eer 545Micrometers 1Yavai= 8Paen 0.4365cms 1Angula= 8yavai 3.4925cms 1Tala= 6Angula 8.25inches 1Muzham= 24Angula 33inches 1Muzham= 4Tala 33inches 8tala 66inches 2Muzham= Universal heightofman 9Tala 74.25Inches
(Figure33:AncientSpatialmeasurements.CourtesyDr.GanapathiSthapati) I have given the exact word used in Tamil for these measurements instead of translating it in English. TherThugilisthedustfromchariotwheel,Mayirnuniisthewidthofahairtip,EerandPaenarethelice

eggs and lice. Some of you may jump that most of the units were subjective and would have variations in normal life. I agree but there is a reference point Angula and its exact measure based on which othervaluesarederivedbackwardstoarriveatthevalueofParamaanu. Now if you note the smallest particle aka Gods particle / Paramaanu is 133 nm in size which is currently under study by the CERN scientists. Nanotechnologists today confirm that the width of a hair strand is about 25000 nm and our ancient texts give the size at the tip of the hair strand (and not the width) as 8526 nm. I see that to be a reasonable estimate when no such precision instruments were availableinthosedays. One Angula is 11/8 of an inch. This is the fundamental measure which is used in any of the worldly measurements. Now you can see that 6 Angula is 1 Tala which is about 8.25 inches and then comes the mostimportantrevelation.Doesnatureendowameasureforanaveragehumanbeingsheight? The answer is yes. As I said an average human being should be 9 Talas height and hence the nature endowed height for any human being is 74.25 inches. This is the ideal height and the variation is attributedtoourKarma,hereditaryandlifestyle. Nowletmegivefewtipstofindoutyourheightfromtypicalmeasurements: Measurethelengthoftheface(fromforeheadtochin).Yourtotalheightshouldbe9timesthat height. This is the principle of Nava tala. As an extension measure your thigh or legs length excludingthekneeandfeetandyourtotalheightshouldbe4.5timesthat. Take your right hand middle finger (No. Dont show it to anyone). You would notice that the finger is divided into 3 parts. Measure the length of the lowest part from the end of the palm tothefirstsubsection.Yourheighttypicallyshouldbe54timesthismeasure.Sincethismeasure for an average man with nature endowed length shall be 1 Angula. Hence your height shall be 54timesthatmeasure. The length of the thumb from the base of the wrist should be about 3 Angula and hence 18 timesofthatshouldbeyourheight.Thiscangoonandon.

So,tosumupthissection: Instead of looking them as Rishis or Sages or religious figures if we look at them as scientists in the field of nanotechnology, quantum physics and Astro dynamics we would accept most of the secretswithoutanyprejudice. Not just the measure for the height of the man but they had formula for every object and this was the secret of their wisdom. For any astronomical object, they had formulas to measure bodys core (width) and also the width of the mantle. The roots of their wisdom lie in understandingthatmanyarejustaharmonicvariationoftheonesubjecttoamathematical

proportion.Hencetherewasnorocketscienceinthosedaysandallofthemwereassimpleas itlookslike. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!



Lets start with classical music where Octaves form the fundamental for it. There are seven svaras (Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni) which is made into an octave with another Sa after Ni. So it becomes Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni, Sa (Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do). The first rule of classical music is Shruthi Mata, Layam Pita, which means Shruthi is the mother and this corresponds to the frequency or the spatial componentandLayaistheTalacomponentwhichisafunctionoftimecomparedasfather.
Tala Dhruva Matya Rupaka Jhampa Triputa Ata Eka Anga Notation Tisra lOll lOl Ol lUO lOO llOO l Chatusra Khanda Misra Sankeerna 14 17 23 29 10 12 16 20 6 7 9 11 7 8 10 12 8 9 11 13 12 14 18 22 4 5 7 9

11 8 5 6 7 10 3

(Figure34:35typesofTala.Courtesy:Wikipedia,internet) Thereare7fundamentalTalasincarnaticmusicandeachTalahas5differentvariationbasedonJathiso in all there are 35 different Talas as given in the tabulation. These Talas are measured as the matras the unit duration of time. There is another concept called Nadai or Gati which we will not touch upon now.Butletslookatthese35variationsandcanyoutellmewherethemostfamousAdiTalaisinthis 35?MostimportantlywhyitisalsocalledasAdiTalawhichistheprimordialrhythm? TheanswerisChatusraJathiTriputatalahighlightedinthetableiscalledasAdiTalaanditiscalled sosinceitgavethemostprimordialrhythmwith8timeunits.Buttherearecouplesofmorecellswhere wecansee8inthetableandwhythesearenotcalledAdiTala? The primordial rhythm has a pattern of 1, 3, 2 and 2 which adds to 8. Further on we will see just the variation of this Adi Tala in anything and everything. Tisra Jati matya Thala has a structure of 3, 2, 3 and KandaJatijhampaTalahasastructureof5,1,2,hencetheyarenotclassifiedastheprimordialrhythm. Letsquicklytouchuponthespatialvariationorthefrequency/pitchaspectofthisdivineartbeforewe branch off to other topics. The image below gives the 16 levels of Savaras which includes tones and sub tones. The seven svaras become 22 tones based on the frequency variation / harmonics. Here 7 are fundamentalsvarasand16asgivenbelowisthemostpracticedvariationand22isnotpopular.

Levels Svaras Ratio Factor Freq (Hz)

1 s









ra ri ru ga gi gu ma mi p dha dhi dhu na ni nu s 1 32/31 16/15 10/9 32/27 6/5 5/4 4/3 27/20 3/2 128/81 8/5 5/3 16/9 9/5 15/8 2 1.0000 1.0323 1.0667 1.1111 1.1852 1.2000 1.2500 1.3333 1.3500 1.5000 1.5802 1.6000 1.6667 1.7778 1.8000 1.8750 2.0000 240.00 247.74 256.00 266.67 284.44 288.00 300.00 320.00 324.00 360.00 379.26 384.00 400.00 426.67 432.00 450.00 480.00

(Figure35:Svarasandfrequencies) You can note that Sa starts with 240 Hz and the last Sa is 480 Hz doubling the frequency and hence an octave.WhileSahas240hzand480Hzlevels,thetonePa(P)orSoldoesnothaveanyvariationandthis is at 360Hz. I am going to correlate the Mayan studies with Carnatic music and instead of seeing the wholespectrumfromSa,IamgoingtoseethisspectrumfromPa. You would note that Pa at 360 Hz corresponds to the Harmonic osciallator constant number and the whole spectrum is almost like a Sine wave from 360Hz to 480 hz and falling down to 240 Hz with a uniform gap of 120Hz above and below. All the tones would fall within this 240Hz centered around 360 hz. So the spatial variation in carnatic music can be summed as It originates at a value (240Hz) and varies by the same measure (240Hz) centered on the harmonic oscillator. Since the objective is about lookingattheprimordialrhythmwewillnottouchanyotheraspectonthistopic. WewillseehowthisAdiTalaisthefundamentalpattern/rhythmthatmanifestsineveryotherart. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!


Lets look at how Octet and the primordial rhythm (Adi Tala) that defines Sculpture. Lets recap some of thefollowing: The process of evolution starts with Pranava which has aural and visual forms. We have also seenthatanythingsubtleisrepresentedina8x8energygridandanythinggrossisin9x9grid. The fundamental measure with which the particles bond is Eight or its multiple and hence the primordialrhythmisanOctet. The fundamental measure of time is Tala and the primordial Tala is Adi tala with 8 units and a patternof1,3,2and2.


Nowletsseethemeasurementrulesastohowtomakeasculptureofahumanbeing. The overall human height is measured as 9 talas. Yes the same time measurement is used to measure height. Pinch yourself now, since height is a space variation and not a time variation yet it is measured with a metric of time. This is a secret which is unknown to many and even some of the experts in this field. This is where Time and spaces merges without any difference andthisisthefundamentalrulewithwhichwehavebeencreatingvisualandauralstructuresin theuniverse. Divide a mans height as 9 units of which head, torso, thigh and legs would fall into the patternof1,3,2and2whichaddsupto8.ThisistheprimordialrhythmtheAdiTalanowas ahumanform. Then how 8 became 9? No other branch of Vedas or science tells us this secret so explicitly to my knowledge. The following parts, Top of the head to forehead, Neck, Knee and feet eachmeasure0.25talas andhenceadd1additionaltala to8anditbecomes9.SoAditala which is a subtle version of human becomes Nava Tala which is the gross version of human being.Intheprocessof8becomingnineallthejointsareformedinthebody. Let me add one more dimension to this. Our human body has a gross body (Sthula) and a subtle body (Sookshma sarira). The Sthapatya veda tells us that the gross body is nava tala andsookshmasariraisAdiTala. IfelloffthechairwhenIunderstoodthisandthelinkages.Checkifyouarestillonyourchair andmaybeyoushouldsitonthefloorfromnowon. MartialArtsandLordNatarajasstance: Letmeaskyouthefollowingquestionshere: Look at the image of the Lord Nataraja below. If a gross image should have Nava Tala which is a 9x9 grid then why the human image of Lord Nataraja which is a Nava Tala fitted into a 8x8squareinsteadofa9x9square? Both in Classical dance and in martial arts why do they ask you to stand in a posture where the knee is slightly or significantly bent. Not all of the stances but most of the basic stances correspond to this why? Let me know if you have received a satisfactory answer for this question.

(Figure5reproduced) Theanswertothisquestionrevealsonemoresecrettous. a. In Sthapatya veda each grid line is divided into 10 or 11 or 12 (usually 12) and hence a 9x9 grid has 9*12 = 108 blocks or levels of energy. This may explain why 108 is a sacred number from an energy perspective. This covers the entire spectrum. b. When we create a gross image its always sculpted to 9 talas but when they sculpt imageofthe godsandinthiscaseNataraja,theyfitthegrossimagetoa8x8energy gridtoinvokethesubtleenergies. c. How do they fit a 9 tala to 8 tala? The technique is not to change the proportion of nava tala but they ensure that 9 fits into 8 by making the image to bend it legs such thattheheightreducesbyoneunit. You can notice that Lord Natarajas right leg is bent to fit the image in 8x8 grid. This is believedtoinvokethesubtleenergiescorrespondingtothatimage. This is the same reason why martial arts and in Bharatnatyam your teacher asks you to take a basic stance which reduces the height from 9 units to 8 to invoke subtle energies. Of coursetheotherreasonisthealignmentandfocustoHara/Danteinwiththatpose.

If I tell you that the science of nature and the associated philosophy codified in Hindu religious symbols are unmatched and amazing then I hope you would whole heartedly agree now. These religious texts andsymbolsofferthekeytounlockthesecretsofnature. So to sum up, so far we have seen one variation of time as Gandharva veda that manifests as classical music and the primordial rhythm is Adi Tala. Next we saw that the Sthapatya veda in the form of sculpturesofferedthesecretofspacevariationinAdiTalaandNavaTala. This is where Time and Space were equated with the same measure yet offered completely different arts. The whole universe has these underlying and unmanifested interconnections and hence the Hindu philosophy of That one became many is the supreme truth. Seeing the divinity in everything is the onlytruthfulwayofrecognizingthisscience. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!


Shuklaambaradharam Vissnnum Shashivarnnam Caturbhujam | Prasannavadanam Dhyaayet Sarvavighnopashaantaye ||

Lets start with this Sloka as a sample to see how 8 and its harmonics are integrated with Poetry. In this slokathereare4lines(alineiscalledPadaandPadameansfeetinSanskrit)andeachlinehas8Sanskrit Aksharas (Only vowels and vowels with consonants imposed on them should be counted and pure consonantsarenotpartofthecount.)Thisisusuallywrittenin2linesasshowninEnglish. This is the most popular way of creating a sloka or poem in most of the Indian languages. This metre resonatesas32aksharasin4padas.Youmaywanttocorrelatethiswith1,3,2,2wherethelast2stands foryourfeet.Sofeet(pada)measures1/4thoftheoveralllengthofthesubtlebody(8units)and4padas create the full blown subtle body. So such a constructed poem is a throbbing and vibrating energy body oralivingorganismandhencecarriesthepowerofthewordsitcontains. If all the padas have equal metre say 8 units then it is called Sama Vrtta, and if all are different it is called ViSama Vrtta (not equal). This 8 and 32 is the same as Adi Tala in carnatic music and ashta tala insculpture.Canyoumaketheconnectionnow? InSanskrit thismetreiscalledasChandas andinTamilitiscalledChandam.Chandas isalsooneof the 4 important Vendagas and is called as the feet of the Vedas. Let me ask you as to which language the Vedas are available in its primordial form? The most popular and incorrect answer is Sanskrit. This is the level of awareness we have. Lets quickly look at these important points about Vedas and I shall correlatethiswithourtopicofdiscussion. Unlike other faiths Hindus dont attribute the Vedas as word of god or given by some prophet. WeconsiderVedasasthebreathofgod(Nishwasitam)andnotthewordwhichmeans,Vedas are not created by god, but the breath. If there is no breath that person would not leave and henceitisassociatedwiththeverypresenceofgod. Vedas are also Apourusheya which means it is not created by man and Anaadi, that does not haveabeginning. But you can ignore them stating these are blind beliefs. Lets look at how this correlated with the science. Vedas are created by Pranava and these should be considered as the harmonics of theprimordialvibrationandnothingmore.

If it is pure vibration then the which language it is written? sounds stupid isnt. If its pure vibration it has to be expressed in Hz or wavelength equivalent in ancient India. This is what Chandas or metre is all about. This measures pure vibration and anyone capable of tuning themselves to those frequencies have SEEN the Vedas and not createdthem.HenceallourrishisareMantraDrishtasandnotKarthas.

DifferencebetweenVedasandPoetry: Vedas contains both poetic verses (Padya) and prose (Gadya). All the poetic verses are called Chandas and it complies with the rule as stated above. The difference between normal poetry and Vedas are, Vedas contain tonal variations (high pitch and low pitch) apart from the time, space variations but in Poetry there are no tonal variations. What has tonal variations and are not part of Vedas are called Slokas.Sotosumup: Vedas are both in Padya and Gadya. What is in Padya is called chandas and it has tonal variationsinadditiontothetimespacevariations. WhathastonalvariationsbutnotpartofVedasiscalledasslokas. WhatdoesnothavetonalvariationbutcomplywiththechandasrulesarecalledPoetry. HarmonicsandtypesinChandas: Wesaweverylinetohave8matras/units/aksharas.Therearevariationsandthesearetheharmonics available. GayatriThisisaveryspecialchandaswiththemantrawhereinsteadof4padas,thereareonly 3 padas and hence it is called Tripada Gayatri. Each pada has 8 Aksharas and hence 24 Aksharas in Gayatri Mantra. This is also the only chandas where a mantra is named after the chandas. Somepeoplewriteitas6lettersperlineand4padaswhichmakesit24. UshnikChandas7lettersperpadaand28lettersinall. Anushtub Chandas This is the fundamental and popular one with 8 matras per pada and32 in all.Ramayanathefirstpoetrywassetinthismetre. BrihateeChandas9lettersperpadaand36lettersinall PangtiChandas10lettersperpadaand40lettersinall TrishtupChandas11lettersperpadaand44lettersinall Jagti Chandas 12 letters per pada and 48 letters in all. This has a subtype called bhujangam whichissplitas66andthatmoveslikeasnake.(Ex.SubramanyaBhujangam) ShikariniChandas17lettersperpadaand68lettersinall.InSoundaryaLahiriitissplitas6and 11byAdiShankara. UdkritiChandas26lettersperpadaand104lettersinall. Dhandakamabove26perpada.Ex.GarudaDandakambyVedanthaDiskshitar. The reason I have given all the above is to emphasis that nothing in our religious scriptures, literatures arewithoutagrammar,order,formorproportion.Everythingconfirmstoamathematicalproportion. Just like Vedas are the breath of god, Chandas is the breath of every mantra. The mantra is powerful onlyifitisrecitedtothismetre.Thisisthereasonssomeofthepoemevenifitisnotrelatedtoreligion

stands the test of time. Also if you recite a mantra even without knowing its meaning but as per the chandasthenthemantrashallbearitsfruit. MaNishada..OriginofPoetry: Wouldyoubelievethatthefirstpoetryinthisuniversestartedwithacurse? SageValmikisawahunterwhokilledoneofthebirdsofapairwhichwereinlove.Thesagegotenraged and cursed the hunter, O, Hunter, may you not fare well anytime as you killed one of pair of the Krounchabirdswhichwerehappilyengagedinlove. mAniShAdapratiShThA.ntvamagamaHshAshvatI.nsamAH| yatkrauJNchamithunAdekamavadhIHkAmamohitam.h||(bAlakANDa2.14) The above sloka also meant O Lord of Lakshmi, it will bring you eternal glory for having killed a male of a happy couple who lost his head completely in lust.. This male is Ravana who lost his head in lust despite being happily married with his wife Mandodari. The other interesting connection I have this sloka with this series is that the Mamuni Mayan is the father of queen Mandodari and father in law of demonkingRavana. Once the sage realized that this curse also meant something very auspicious and referred to Rama avatar he wrote Ramayana which is the origin of poetry as known in the world and it is called Adi Kaavya.ValmikiRamayanasetinAnushtubChandaswhichisanoctet. Soifyoulookatboththepoetryandclassicalmusiccomposition: Therhythminwhichitissetisapulsationoftimewhichconfirmstoadivineproportion. The raga and the pitch variation is a pulsation of space / frequency which again confirms to a divineproportion.Wedidnotdiscussaboutragasthough. Thewordsusedaredivineandwehaveseenthedivinityofthelettersandwords. Themeaningofthesong/poemusuallyexhortsthequalitiesofthegodandhenceisdivine. Theclassicalmusicandpoetryinvokethesubtledivineenergyintheauralformjustasmuchthe sculpture(whenitconfirmstothedivineproportion)invokesthesubtleenergyfrominitsvisual form. This is how we see that one became many and binding factors in this process of evolution beingthenumerals5and8.

Alas! Today, we are the fanatic fans of musicians who lacks morality & humility, who is ignorant of any divine proportion, most of the music we hear is a cacophony and very mechanical, the words are indecipherable and lacks depth, the meaning of the song if at all any are just suggestive of sexual emotions and nothing else and the dance movements we see are the gyrations of the hip with a great blendoffitnesstrainingexercisesassociatedwithit.Thisisnottonegatesomeofthefineworkswesee even today but to stress that we had such high science and taste which we seems to be losing / lost for nogoodreasonotherthanignorance.

Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!


Just look back in history and see what stands the test of time. Even if a civilization is completely extinct what stand beyond their time is the architecture of the civilization which stands tall as a witness to the richnessandmaturityofthecivilization. Aintiram states that Architecture (Space engineering) is the zenith of the mathematics in
... This space science is called as Vaastu Sastra in India.

TherearefewimportantconceptsinVaastusciencewhichIwanttopresentasbelow: Thewholeworldismade upofGods particle(Vastu, )andnothingelse.Itis this Gods particle which actually manifests itself as gross forms (Vaastu, ). You would note that Vastu(Subtle)hasbecomeVaastu(gross)byadditionofletteraandthisdifferenceisreflected in our languages too. When / become / the subtle becomes gross. Hence the most important statement for this science is Vastur eva Vaastu, this means the subtle becomes gross or energy becomes matter or the space becomes earth. This is purely manifestation / evolutionandthereisnocreation.Thishasnothingtodowithreligionbutsupremescience. Since it is all only one energy and it ever vibrates based on the harmonics and resonance, this vibrationiscalledlifeandeverythinginthisworld,beitalivingbeingoranonlivingbeingasper our current definition everything vibrates. The chair you sit and the vehicle you use are all living beings. Everything throbs with energy and there is nothing which is a nonliving being in this universe. Without this vibration there would not be any difference between iron and cotton. The difference between particles is essentially the molecular constitution which is a function of its elements and its periodicity. This defines presence or absence of quality and sensory perceptions. This was put very nicely by Poet Subramanya Bharathi as
, Whereeveryouseeitsjustenergy.

The above concept is very profound and this is called as Science in our scriptures since it deals withKnowledgeofthespace( , Vingyan). By the same concept when a subtle energy which is in the open space is converted to a gross formlikeabuildingthenthisbody/buildingvibratesbasedonthedesignspecificationsandthe material used for that building. It does not matter what is the measure and what is the material used, it vibrates. When a structure is created with a divine proportion then we breathe life

into it. Thus the structure becomes a living organism. This is how some of the structure stands thetestoftimeforthousandsofyears. Vaastu is that science which aligns the vibration of the building with the vibration of the dweller in the building so that both the living organisms (the building and the dweller) are in harmonyandresonance. It sounds simple but for this science we need to know includes the vibration pattern of the dweller, mathematics of space engineering, the knowledge of materials and its nature so that we can match it up to create harmony. This is precisely what Vaastu as a science does. Again it has nothing to do with religion. If you Google you would find thousands of Vaastu experts outsideIndiawhoperceiveandpursuethisasasupremespatialscience. Let us look at the word vas which is the root. This means to shine; to grow bright, to bestow by shining upon, becoming light. Vaas is its derivative which means to perfume, an intoxicant, dwelling place, to assume the appearance of matter. This is the root for SriniVAAS, SreeVAASan, VAASam in Tamil means living. Most importantly the ability to feel this subtle thing(whichcannotbetouched)iscalledVAASanai(, inTamilitmeanssmell). Thisspatialscienceincludesknowledgeonthefollowing: o Natureofsoilandmaterial,andthequalitiesofitsenergy. o Measures for spatial engineering that best resonates with the environment and the dweller. Note that the dwelling unit cannot be compatible to all the human beings universally. This varies with individual to individual and hence the Vaastu compatibility for the house is always seen for the housewife than the man with the assumption that what is compatible to the lady of the house would suit all others. o Accurate calculation of time and the position of astronomical bodies. The time engineering merges here with the space engineering. Consider the following to understandthis: In some temples you would notice that the sunlight falls on the deity on a specific day / time of the day. This is not possible if the future position of astronomicalbodiesatagiventimeiscalculatedveryaccurately. When we build a house / temple the inauguration ceremony should be conducted at a specific time. So its just not Space Engineering but time engineeringalso. o Weseethattheconceptofspaceandtimearenotjustacontinuumbut: The measures of time and space merge and results in the same unit measure called Tala. It is Adi Tala in Poetry, Music and the same measure is used in buildingandsculpturedimensions.

Space is created because of the pulsation called Time and hence the unit time measure(forpulsation)andtheunitspacemeasure(resultofpulsation)areone and the same. This means the pulsation causes proportional displacement or creationofSpace. Itisthesameconceptusedinmeditationtechniques.WithPranayama,Dharana and Dhyana you control the pulsation and align with it. In Samadhi you stop the pulsation and hence you are beyond time and space and you reach a luminescentstateofresonantnonvibration.

HenceInamedthisbookasTime=Space. We have seen that each subtle unit is represented in 8x8 energy grid and the gross unit is represented ina9x9energygrid. Mayanstates that Eachmoduleorpada within the8x8/9x9structureresonates with a specific energy. Based on Space, Time, Light, and Sound coordinates the frequency of vibration has its unique position in the Space/ Time continuum. This energy level of frequency of vibration is called a luminous body or Devata. This devata has particular attributes based upon its position and qualitiesintheSpace/Timecontinuum(placementamongthe64/81subcubesorpadas).

Figure37:5statesof8x8EnergyGrid(Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati) Nowwhatisevidenthereinthisscienceis8and5mergesandsodoesSpaceandtime. Manifestation occurs in additive values of eight and in 5 stages. You can note that the Bindu (Point)hasbecome4,then12,then20andthen28.(4+8=12+8=20+8=28withatotaladditive factorof64).ManifestationoccursinsequencesoffivestepsknownasthePentadicOrder. The mathematical calculation which gives form to consciousness / space / subtle matter is calledAyadiGananam.WeknowthatGanamastheadditiveprocess.

Dr.JessicaMarceyinherFabricofUniversestatesthat: Thesubtleenergypointinthecenterbecomesaselfeffulgentenergygeneratorpouringout wavesofenergy becomingaselfspinningstabilizedstructureoffourpadas/modulesthen addingeightunitsofenergytomanifestthe4X4structureof16unitsormodules;then addinganothereightunitsofenergytomanifestthe6X6structureof36unitsormodules;then Addseightmoreunitsculminatingin64unitsormodulesstrungconcentricallyaroundtheBindu pointorcentralgenerator. So a central point with 4 concentric square belts around, each has its own frequency, vibration and energy characteristics evolving into a 9x9 unit as a gross matter. While this knowledge is significant of itself, when these phenomena are viewed in light of material manifestation as built space in architecture,thesignificancebecomesstunningandprofound.

Figure38:9x9energygridwithcorrespondingenergylevelsforeachgrid. (Courtesy:Dr.JessicaMarcey,FabricoftheUniverse)

So, to sum up this section, we have seen that how every inanimate thing in this universe is still a living being and how with the spatial science we can pump throbbing energy into a building. This is the supreme science where Time and Space merges. This is the 4th sacred art we talked about which is a manifestationofthevisualformofOm.

As you would have noticed I have avoided talking about rituals and rules here but focused on the concept and philosophy. When we talk about rituals there are very many variations and we get into an unnecessary argument that whether it is rational or superstitious. Since most of the arts have become commercialized,thepersonsqualificationandhisintentionsarealwaysquestionable. The objective of this book is to highlight the scientific aspects of the universe in a small way and emphasis that our culture is built on this science. Be it language or arts or religion all are built on scientific facts. They all were nourished and nurtured in thousands of Temples across India which is the containerandprotectorofthissubtlescienceandenergy. Letsseesomemoreinterestingaspectsofthisinthenextsection. Happyreading!



It is told that the sanctorum of Lord Ranganathas temple at Sri Rangam is circle from outside and squarefrominside.Why? Subtle energy is represented by 8x8 square grid and the perimeter of the square is 4r and the area of the square is r*r. When each grid length is 1 unit then r = 8, so perimeter is 32 and area ofthissquareis64. Gross energy is represented by 9x9 square grids and with the same measurements perimeter is 36andareaofthissquareis91. It has been an architects dream to create and capture subtle energy in a gross structure. This is fundamental objective of spatial engineering. How do you go about to achieve this? It looks that they foundthat theywould takethehelpof acircleeitheroutsidethesquareorinsidethesquaretoachieve this.Rememberalmosteveryyantrahasasquareandacirclecomponentinit. Themeasurementsaresotakensuchthateithertheperimeterortheareaofboththecircleandthe8x8 square are matched. Most of the Hindu temples follow such rules to invoke the subtle energy in a gross structureliketemple.Thisisoneofthewellkeptsecretsandthisisthereasoneachandeverytempleis saidtointeractwithyoursubtlebodydifferentlywhenyouvisitit. This is why Lord Ranganathas sanctorum in Sri Rangam temple is a circle from outside and square frominside.ThissecretiscalledasSquaringaCircle.Thisisallabouttocreatingdivineenergiesandthis is the science that is implemented in all the Hindu temples which are built as per the Sastra. You need just basic math knowledge and patience to understand this supreme secret and I shall give below 2 techniquestomatchtheareaortheperimeterofthecirclewiththatofthe8x8square. Perimetermatch: Letslookattheimageofacircleofunit radius.Theareaofthelargecircleis(r2)and thecircumferenceis2.Herer=1. Draw 2 circles inside as shown with half theradius.Theareaofeachcircleis/4andthe combined area of both the circles is /2. The circumference of each circle is and the combined circumference of both the circles puttogetheris2. Figure39:SquaringaCircle(Courtesy:Dr.RobertLawlor,SacredGeometry)


Just note that when a larger circle divides itself as 2 smaller circles the area is halved but the circumference is the same. This gives the first philosophical metaphor that One has become two which are bipolar yet nondual. This is one of the fundamental principles of Advaita and alsoinChinesephilosophy.Thisbipolarnondualforceisthebasisoflifeandisrepresentedas male/femaleandYang/Yin. Now draw 2 arcs NDM and NEM from A and A with the radius as AP and AQ as shown in the dotted line. You would note that point D and E would divide the radius of the circle by divine proportion 1/ and 1/2. Radius of the arc AE is . The Yin Yang symbol is based on this principlewhichembedsthedivineproportioninit. Now let me draw a square ABCD around this circle (Fig 40) where the side of the square is the diameter of the circle whichisunit 2.HereOP=1,AB=BC=CD=DA = 2. The perimeter of the square is 8 and the areaofthesquareis4. Now draw a circle with O as the center and NO as the radius as shown in the figure. Here NO = . You can take this figure as such if you find it difficult to follow but for those who are interested, the derivation to calculate radius NO is as below: Figure40:SquaringaCircle2(Courtesy:Dr.RobertLawlor,SacredGeometry) o Consider a right angle triangle OPN. We know OP = 1 and PN which is the radius of the arc=.HenceasperPythagorastheoremPN2=OP2+ON2whichis2=1+r2.Letussay theradiusisON=r. o Sor=(21).Weknowis1.61803399sor=. We have got a larger outer circle with a radius and hence the perimeter should be 2. This is numerically equal to 7.9924576, which is equal to 8. Now we have created a structure whereasquarewhoseperimeterandacirclewhoseperimeter arethesame.Thistechniqueis notlimitedtoIndiabutusedinthesamewayforpyramidconstruction. Thisistheperimetermatchbetween8x8squaregridsandacirclearoundit.

Vaastuhasaneasierwaytogetthisdone.Drawacircleinsidea9x9energygridwhosediameter isequaltothesideofthesquare.Ifeachenergygridlengthis1unit,thensideofthesquareis9 unitsandtheradiusis4.5units.

Theareaofthiscircleisr2wherer=4.5andhencetheareaofthecircleis63.64whichisalmost equaltoareaofthe8x8squarewithunitgridlengthas1unit. This is the area match between a circle and 8x8 square. So as per Vaastu every building is dividedinto9x9gridandtheenergylevelofeachgridisusedtodesignthelivingspace.

CapturingthedirectionofSubtleenergyflow: The subtle divine energy flows is as per the diagram given below. It starts from the center and always flowsclockwise.ThatiswhyHindusalwayssticktoclockwiseflowofmovementsbeintheirtemplesor anywhere else. This clockwise flow ofmovement iscaptured in the sacred symbol Swastik. Here 1 is the source/Moolam,2isKaalam(Time),3Seelam(Rhythm),4Kolam(Form),5(Universe)Gnalam.

Figure41:Clockwiseflowofsubtleenergy Relationshipbetween2,3,5,and:


Nowletmedrawtheconnectionbetween2,3,5,and.Understandingthisrelationshipis orgasmicandnothingless.Ifyouthinktheyareallsomerandomnumberswhichcannotbefixed totheir10thdecimalandnotrelatedtoeachother,justseethefollowingrelationship. 2 = x6/5 Philosophically 6/5 is the relation of a hexagon to a pentagon and the other way to express thisrelationshipis =(*5)/(2*3). This goes to prove that we did not just knew the numerals but divine fractions and proportions including their linkages. I am convinced, there is not even an iota of superstition in our temple andidolworshipbuttheyaresupremesciencescodifiedandleftforourbenefits. ThetempleofSriRangamdatesbackfromRamayana,whichisTretaYugathatis800000+years back as per Hindu Scriptures. This is our rich past and supreme science is embedded in our cultureandcodifiedinthousandsoftemplesacrossnookandcornerofthecountry.Whyshould

we ignore this? We have a lot more to offer this world which is struggling to understand the natureofnature. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!

Figure 43: Similarity between Indian temples, Pyramids. The Tamil text states how the structure should bebuilt.(Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati)


LetsstaywithLordRanganathaandseetherelationshipbetweenhimandLordNataraja.Wouldyoube surprised if one is the mirror image of the other? Look at the majestic picture of Lord Nataraja below. Wonderwhythisisalwaysmadeinmetalandnotinwoodorearth?

Figure6reproduced. In Pancha bhoota (Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth) Metal is always associated with Space and Wood is associated with Air. This system is reflected well in the Chinese system and it was not any different in our Vaastu system either. Since Lord Nataraja signifies Akasha tatva, (Vin porul) he is always made in metalCopperorGoldorBronzeoramixofit.Thestatueswhichwereancienthadagenerousamount of gold giving a luminescent look about the statues. The art and science of moulding metals to create divine forms with precise proportion dates back to thousands of years in India and the western experts think that this is a recent phenomenon. This is a complete surprise to the western world since they cannotbelievethatsuchsophisticationexistedbefore. Dr. Ganapathi states, Lord Nataraja also signifies the primal image being expressive of the secret of creationintheprocessofwhichformlessbecomesinstantaneouslyendowedwithfeaturesandofperfect form. This is the reason why the statue of Lord Nataraja is called as Silpa, the primal image and everything else which is sculpted in this universe is called as Pratima (replica) and the original and one andonlysculptureistheimageofLordNataraja.

Mamuni Mayan states, Bhumih pradhana vastu Syat, means Earth by virtue of being the very basic supportofallthings,thisistheprimalanddominantVastu.Earthandspacearemanifestationsofeach other in the cyclical process of evolution. They both should always be considered to be in unison. This vibrant,energetic,manifestearthenergy(PrithviTatva)iscalledasVishnu. In Vaastu satra, the Vaastu purusha is Lord Vishnu and understandably Vishnu is invoked as Vaastu purushainSrirangamtempleandofferedaseatintheheartofLordRanganathaeventodayasaritual.

Figure44:LordRanganathaintherecliningpose Lord Ranganatha represents manifest earth energy (Man porul) and hence is always made out of seasoned earth only and it should be properly painted too. He is never to be made of metal. This earth form does not support frequent mobility and symbolizes stability and immobility. This is the reason whenVibhishanakepttheidolofLordRanganathadownatSriRangamitcouldnotbemoved. Theenergy thatisinavailableinevery universalformisrepresentedasVishnuandhenceheiscalledas Antaryami. Once the subtle becomes grosser the vibration is reduced and the grossest form would not have any creative pulsation in it. It would still have the vibration based on its nature which ensures that it retains the form and shape. But it does not have any creative pulsation and it has reached the zenith ofevolution.ThiszenithischaracterizedbyLordRanganathaintherecliningpose. The creative pulsation (Space) is the dance and the zenith of manifestation is a reclining posture (Earth).

As we have seen, Lord Nataraja carries Light in his left hand and sound in his right hand. Lord Ranganatha carries Chakra representing light in the right hand and Conch representing sound in the left hand. The principle that the primal substance (space) has manifested as the universe (earth) and bothofthemaremirrorimagesofeachotherisreflectedinboththeimages. InChinesetextstheYangenergyisassociatedwithHeavenandtheYinasearth.Nowassociatethesame heavenwithShiva,EarthwithVishnuandTaowiththeGodsparticlewithsomeofthetextbelowfrom LaoTzusTaoteChing TheTaothatcanbetoldisnottheeternalTao. Thenamethatcanbenamedisnottheeternalname. ThenamelessisthebeginningofheavenandEarth. Thenamedisthemotherofthetenthousandthings. Somethingmysteriouslyformed,BornbeforeheavenandEarth. Inthesilenceandthevoid,Standingaloneandunchanging, Everpresentandinmotion,Perhapsitisthemotheroftenthousandthings. Idonotknowitsname.CallitTao. ManfollowsEarth.Earthfollowsheaven.HeavenfollowstheTao. Taofollowswhatisnatural. TosumupinthewordsofDr.GanapathiSthapati: Lord Nataraja represents energy with matter and Lord Ranganatha matter with energy. In the equationE=mc2,LordNatarajarepresentsEandLordRanganatharepresentsmc2. Both these temples are a must see and a periodic see types and you would be amazed that the qualitative change in your mental state even if you dont pray inside the temple but spend sometimesittingorwalkinginthepremisesofthetemple. Both these temples are perfect symbols of ancient science codified for the benefit of the societyandleftforgenerationswithstandingthetestoftime. Lord Ranganatha signifies Prithvi Tatva, inner space, microcosm, manifest gross energy, is the Vaastupurushaisalwaysinrecliningpose,depictedinacircleora9x9gridandmadeofearth. BoththetemplesChidambaramandSrirangamaresouthfacingtemples. Lord Nataraja signifies Akasha Tatva, outer space, macrocosm, subtle unmanifested energy is theVastupurusha,isalwaysindancingpose,circumscribedin8x8squareandmadeofmetal.

Figure45:SriChakraTheSupremeshapeinsacredGeometry Chidambaram and Sri Rangam should be ground zero for any lab that wants looks into the secrets of spaceandtimeastheyrepresentsupremescienceasmuchastheyrepresentspirituality.Wenowsee that science was the basis of our spiritual faith unlike it being 2 completely different aspects today acrosstheworld. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Maywebeblessedbythedivinepowertounravelunknownsecretsaboutthenature! Happyreading!


Let us forget Hinduism, its symbols and names of god for the time being and consider these aspects as puresciencefromananotechnologistandcosmologistcalledMayan. We have been told that the universe is full of luminescent particles and this particle manifests itself becauseoftheprimordialpulsation.Wehavehadasneakpeekintothegeometryandthemathematical proportion which is used in the creation of many things. We know that the universe rhythm confirms to amathematicalcodetotheextentthatwecancreatedivineenergiesinatemplebasedonthatscience. If time is pulsation of consciousness and if it creates, sustains and destroys everything, then time is the architect sculpting the universe and every object in this universe should be a sculpture of time and this concept is very beautifully captured in Jagat Sarvaram Silpameva meaning the entire universe is nothingmorethanashilpa/sculpture(anditlatentlyconveysthatTimeistheShilpi). If all the above things are right then is it not right to say that Man created the concept of God or Mancancreatedivineenergyaroundhim?Letmesumupmythoughtsasbelow: The sages and rishis were essentially scientists and understood the secret of nature very well. Theywereunderstandablymastersinnanotechnologyandcosmology. They knew that One thing with which they could understand the nature and science of all other things in this universe. This is obviously supported by the mathematical knowledge they had. AsperVedas nothingiscreatedby godincluding the Vedas,but universeisthemanifestationof god. They also understood that man is the most evolved of this manifestation. This is why they createdallthegodformsintheimageofaman. Be it language, poetry, classical music, classical dance, sculpture and architecture it was the manifestation of this divinity that was the underlying link. Sacred geometry and sacred proportionswereusedtogeneratethesubtleenergythattookusclosertodivine. Hindu temples were created to capture all these aspects in one place and which could sustain and grow forthebenefitofmankind. Secret of nature heard through the vibrations of Vedas were codified as supreme science and weavedintoaphilosophycalledSanatanaDharma. Architecture of temples confirmed to divine proportions and space time engineering was accurate to capture sunlight and moon light at the same position for thousands of years. The designofthetemplecleanedthesubtleenergiesandpointsofthehumanbody.

Figure46:GanapathiIdol(Courtesy:Dr.GanapathiSthapati) The sloka above in Sanskrit gives the measure of different parts of this Idol which would confirm to total 64 units (resonance of 8). Hair (3), Face(12), neck(2), Chest(11), Stomach(12), Belly &Pelvis (6), Thigh(6), Knee(3), Legs (6), Feet (3). Total 64 units. Just as much a Sloka with right metre and letters becomes a livingorganism,anidolwithrightproportionsbecomesalivingorganism.

Divine Idol forms confirmed to a mathematical proportion that invoked subtle energies within and around us. This is where the external forms were used to create energies internally to a human. This is the basis of idol worship. If it is scientific to create a form with divine energies basedonmathematicalproportionthenidolworshipisthesupremeproofforthatscience. This supreme mathematical law is called as Dharma (natures law) and the unfolding of that lawistheKarmictheoryofcauseandeffect/lawofkarma. Poetry,classicalmusicandclassicaldanceareintimatelylinkedtothisHindutempleculture.Adi Tala and octaves were used to create subtle energies in poetry using words, and the same tala maana is used in classical music with rhythm and raga, in classical dance with light and sound andinsculptureasavisualform.

Figure47:Humanbodyasarepresentationofatemple (Courtesy:

A Hindu temple is a divine and yogic representation of a human being with the Deity in the temple representing the God as indweller in humans and all beings. In a temple the feet represents Rajagopura, thehandsrepresentPraakaara,theabdomenrepresentMandapa,theheartrepresentsAntaraalaandthe crown of the head represents the sanctum sanctorum (garbha griha). The temple is used as a reminder thatourinnerspiritualjourneyisthroughinternalyogatorealizetheindwellerGod.Thisanalogyisshown through the representation of various chakras namely Moolaadhara to Sahasraara in the body to various locationsinthetemple.

It may be of interest to note that the same harmonics of 8 are reflected in every other domain. For example, if you have been practicing Pranayama then your master would have asked you to practice breathing based on some counts. The most popular counts are 6(inhale), 3 (Exhale) or 7(inhale), 2 (Exhale). If you notice this count 9, this cleans up your gross body. Advanced Pranayamstudentsmaybeaskedtostickto1(Inhale),4(Retain),2(Exhale),2(Retainoutside)or asavariation1,4,2,1or1,3,2,2.Thecountswhichaddupto8cleanthesubtlebody. Till few decades back the fundamental dimension for money in India was Ana called as Eight Anas()andthiswasequivalenttoRs.0.5asthefundamentalmeasure. Thus a Poetry is an idol in aural form and a building is a frozen music. A Poet by the way of his mental frequency has first become the poem itself and then the actual poem was created in its aural form and an artist by the same frequency has become the idol first and then he gave a shape to the idol externally through this hands. This is very beautifully given as Raso vai saha, SoVairasikaha,whichmeanshe(god)istheenjoyerandheistheartist. All of this reflects the supreme philosophy that Oneness in all and everything is just a manifestationofthatonething. Now in this light understand the meaning of this Upanishad prayer, Aum Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornam Udachyathe, Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameva Vasishyathe. This means God is perfect (infinite). This Universe is also perfect (infinite). If perfection (infinity) is taken from anything perfect (infinite) what remains is still perfect(infinite).Isntthisistheactualrealitytoday? Everything scientific is philosophically, mythological and ritually well interwoven that proves that Sanatana Dharma is the most ancient and supreme representation of science and natures secretinourpossession.Ourtempleworshipwhichintegratesallthisscience,5sacredartswith languageandMathisthestandingexampleofourunderstandingofthenatureofgod.

Figure47:LayoutofSriRangamtemplewith7Prakaras It is the same Sugarcane but an elephant eats it from the field directly, a young adult peels the skin off andchewsit,ifakidhastoeatthensomeone hastopeel theskinand cutitintopiecesandanold man withoutteethneedsittobemadeassugarcanejuice.Dependingononesabilitytochewanddigestthe foodhastobeprocessed. Same way depending on ones mental ability to grasp the supreme truth it has to be processed and presented. If someone is mentally well evolved then they can be fed with Upanishads and he can meditateon theformless Brahman.To ayoungadultUpanishadsmaynotbepalatabledirectlybutthey may have to start with Upavedas and Vedangas to mature to a higher level. For the less evolved kids, ItihasaandPuranalikeRamayanaandMahabharatawithstoriesmaydrivehomethepointandtheycan start with Shlokas and mantras. But for the least evolved it has to start with a personal deity with name andform,bhajansandsongstoinvoketheconceptofBhakthi. In all the four cases temple culture forms the lowest common denominator. Even the most evolved relish the arts and architecture in the temples. We should be proud of our rich cultural and scientific

heritage and be passionate about the science and philosophy and be rational about rituals and symbolisms. Image / Idol worship is not deplorable or despicable. This is the highest scientific form of worship which enables us to see face to face the one which is beyond reach of sight and speech. This kindles devotion, community development and helps one to climb the steep walls of spirituality in the initial stages.Everyreligioninthisworldhassomeimageoridolassymbolismtoachievethisobjective. Anidolisagodinformwhenmadewiththescienceofdivineproportionandseasonedmaterialisthe highestproductofourintelligencetilltoday. It should however be noted that this idol worship should not be lost in the din of rituals which does not reflect the very philosophy it had come to symbolize. So the advice I follow is Be passionate about our culturebutberationalabouttherituals. The advancement of science can progress rapidly when the western scientists who are objective and empirical, partner with the pundits in India and learn the science of the subtle from our scriptures and temples. For this to happen we need to learn our own scriptures and past which is not possible without learning our mother tongue and Sanskrit. Else in the near future we may have to import knowledge of ourcultureandrichpastfromthewesternworld. Asawisemansaid,Indiansarethemostignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions. Happyreading!



Mahamuni Mayan was the fatherinlaw of Demon King Ravana and is referred in both Mahabharata and Ramayana. He is attributed with building the palace for Yudhishtar in Indraprasta and also the architect for Sri Lanka which Ravana ruled. His son Nalan helped Lord Rama build the Ramasethu the bridgebetweenIndiaandSriLanka.HeisbelievedtohavelivedintheIlamuridesampopularlyknownas Lemuria continent (Kumari Kandam) which spanned 4500+ kms from Sri Lanka to Antartica connecting currentAustralia,AfricaandAmericas.Checkout

Understandablywhenthislandmasswasconsumedbytheseatheirclanmovedtodifferentpartsofthe world including Guatemala, Egypt, and to current south Indian region. This explains as to how we find common science across India,SouthAmericaandEgypt. He has written books in both Sanskrit and Tamil and I am going to produce the list of technical works he has created and look at the contents of a specific book called Surya Siddhanta. Just the list of works and also the topics in Surya Siddhanta is amazing,highlightingthedepthofsciencewehadatthattime. Figure48:KumariKandamdepiction TheSuryaSiddhanta The most ancient treatise on Astronomy is a treatise authored by Mayan. It is called The Surya Siddhanta.Includedinthistreatisearethefollowingchaptertopicsfollowing: TheMotionsofthePlanets ThePlacesofthePlanets Direction,PlaceandTime TheMoonandEclipses TheSunandEclipses TheProjectionofEclipses PlanetaryConjunctions ConjunctionoftheStars RisingsandSettings TheMoonsRisingsandSettings CertainMalignantAspectsoftheSunandMoon Cosmogony,Geography,andDimensionsoftheCreation TheGnomon TheMovementoftheHeavensandHumanActivity

Figure49:MamumiMayan Mayan is also attributed with the start and spread of Temple culture in India. The song below in Tamil states that since Mayan sat under the Banyan tree and taught this science of universe and also of the sacred arts, so that every town was endowed with Temples for social betterment. Because he was from the southern region and also he sat under the Banyan tree, he is also equated with Lord Dakshinamoorthy.


TheMayansaysinhisPranavaVedaverseone: Om Light and Om Sound are the Primal Source of all manifest forms. Om Light is aroused by its own effort in a state of disorder and appears as a flame. The state of Om Light and Om Sound in Space is a magnificent luminous six faced Light form that is called murukoli. The transformation of Om Light and Om Sound through the five stages is concealed in the five fold knowledge, of which, this is the first. This process of transformation of disorderly Om Light and Om Sound into orderliness is found in all five foldmaterialforms. Sage Veda Vyasa says in the Bhagavatam, eka eva pura vedo pranavha sarva vangmayha (9th skandha, 14th chapter, sloka 48 of Bhagavatam). This means that there was only one Veda called Pranava Veda. It is believed that Sage Vyasa created 4 vedas from this Veda since he believed that the oncominggenerationswouldnothavethementalstrengthtomastereverything.

Figure50:AerialviewofSriRangamtemplewith7Prakaras Technicalworks ThefollowingaretechnicalworkswrittenbyMayanandrepresentthe12vowelsoftheTamillanguage: OviaChennool TreatiseonDraftingandPainting SirpamaChenool TreatiseonIconometry KattidaChennool TreatiseonArchitecture NilamanaiChennool TreatiseonHouseBuildingbasedonqualityofland ManainilaChennool TreatiseonLandbasedonthenatureofhousebuilding BaniyalChenool TreatiseonAstroPhysics PerunataChenool TreatiseonDivinedance MuligaiChenool TreatiseonHerbs GanitamaChenool TreatiseonMathematics ArakkalaChenool TreatiseonShipBuilding VinkalaChennool TreatiseonSpaceShip ElisaiChennool TreatiseonScienceofMusic

MAYAN,inAintiramstatesthat: "ThereexistsanorderintheUniversesubtleuniverse,andmaterialuniverse.Thispowerisattributedto the consciousness of the cosmic space as well as of the inner space of the animate beings. This consciousness, by its personal effort to express its own inner feelings, causes a kind of vibration or pulsation in the inner space, resulting in energygrids. The vibration or pulsation, being the causal element of all these events, is called KAALA. This is actually the force of energy aroused by the inner consciousness, causing waves and contributing to the growth of living forms. This KAALA resides in all living beings. So, space is the offshoot of the vibration of the primordial energy. This is how the space was born. All forms of nature are manifest forms of subtle energy. For all to get manifested, the force is KAALAM.Thiswaveformfrequencyrealmisthecreativeelementoftheuniverse." Thereisnoothertreatisethatwehaveinourpossessiontodaywhichisdated10000BCthatdepictsthe secret of nature so explicitly and gives the unmanifested interconnections and mathematical proportionsbetweeneverythingintheuniverse. AsDr.GanapathiSthapatiruesUnfortunatelymostoftheTamilexpertsdontunderstandthesciencein these texts and hence these books are idling without anyone extracting the truths from it. In the next few generations when we are less equipped in our own mother tongue we may lose this treasure completelyjustlikethemanywehavelostsofar. Hence the first step we need to ensure is even if you are not equipped well in your mother tongue pleasemakesurethatyourkidscanreadandwriteitwell.Thisbecomesourmostimportantduty.AndI finditworrisomewhensomeoneisindifferenttothefactthattheycanunderstandtheirmothertongue butcannotreadandwrite. Withsomesignificanteffortswecanandweshouldprovethatthismanwhosaid,Indiansarethemost ignorantabouttheirrichpastandscientifictraditions.isnotwiseanymore. Happyreading!



WhatIhaveunderstoodinanutshellisasfollows: Theinnerbeingofboththeindividualandtheuniverseisluminescentconsciousnesswhichhas theability tobecomeawareofit.Thisluminescentconsciousnessiscalledbyvariousnamesbut it is essentially the only existent Vastu in this world. This Vastu manifests itself as time, space andspatialforms. Aanor aniyaan mahato Mahiyaan! this means what is in the atom is the same makes up the universe. That which is present in the atom is the Space energy and the meaning of the word Akasa is stated as Aa kashayati aakasa ha!, That which imparts light to others or make others shine is called Akasa. This means that Space Vastu is luminescent. I am stressing the aspect of luminescentagainandagainforyoutostartperceivingGodaslight. Pranava is the causal element which triggers this evolution process and this manifests as visual and aural forms. Pranava results in the primordial pulsation and this pulsation is triggered and sustainedbyadivineprogressionandproportionwhichiscalledAbsolutetime. Absolute time creates Absolute Space. These 4 things Absolute time, absolute space, Aural PranavaandVisualPranavacombinetogethertoformspatialformsandhencethisuniverse. The Vastu as Gods particle, its characteristics, the Pranava, the pulsation, the rhythm, the progression, its proportion and the resultant energy states all the scientific facts, theories and processesarecapturedandcodifiedasaDharmawhichiscalledasHinduismtoday.Thescience behind this subtle energy is reflected in various art forms that includes Poetry, Classical music, dance,Sculptureandbuildingarchitecture. All these manifestations are harmonics of 5 and 8 differentiated by the Golden proportion / Gods ratio to reflect the various states of consciousness. This intrinsic order is called Dharma and the cyclic nature of this evolution is the Karmic code embedded in the universe. Nothing inthisuniverseissuperiortotheDharmaandKarmiccode. The divinity manifests in us and the space within us is nothing different from the macrocosm. Consciousness which exhibits itself as a state of being because of our mental vibration can evolvetoahigherplanetodevolvebackintotheluminescentcore. Sanatana Dharma popularly today known as Hinduism is the repository of this supreme secret not just as a philosophy but integrated with every stage of our life. This can be understood betteronlyifwecangiveduerespectandattentiontothelanguageandscriptures,ourspiritual traditioninterwovenwithartsandarchitecturethatcontainsthesetreasures. Thetempleculture&Idolworshipthatwehavesymbolizesthebestofscienceknowntohuman beingsandweneedtounderstandthisandpreservethisinthebestpossiblemanner.

Figure51:VedicKnowledgeasaninvertedtreewithBrahmanastherootssignifyingthat everythinghasacommonroot.(Courtesy:Internet)

(Figure52:Goddess Sarasvati.Courtesy: Internet)

SheistheGoddessofspeech, musicandknowledge.She carriestherosarybeads (akshamala)representsthe alphabetsofalanguage (Sanskrit),themusical instrument(Veena)andVedas aspalmleafmanuscriptinher handsthatdenotesthe knowledge.Thuswecansee thatidolworshipsignifies deeperscientificaspectsofa commonrootbetween Language,Music,knowledge andarts.

Figure52:MusicalinstrumentVeenaasarepresentationofHumanBody(Sariraveena)(Courtesy: Internet)

I am happy to note the coincidence that this book has 32 chapters with 108 pages both being key universal numerals. Chapter 19 (the golden mean of this book) deals with the Golden mean or Gods ratioofnatureisagaincoincidental. Iwouldliketothankyouforreadingthisbook.IwouldliketostatethatIamneitheradeptinanyofthe topics discussed in this book nor an expert in any of the arts including the languages Tamil or Sanskrit language. A curious mind driven by my passion to understand the underlying aspect in all things and my liking to reading has helped me to compile this book. My exposure as a student to Chinese martial arts, Indian yogicstudies,PranichealingandSiddhaphilosophyhelpedmetoconnectofthepointsIhadarticulated. Any authoritative statements in these books reflect my belief in the topic or from the author / teacher fromwhomIsubscribeditanditiscertainlynotreflectiveofmyabilities. I am open to constructive criticisms on any of the topics and I can be reached at the mail ID shared in the first page of this book. My only request to you is Please share this book or parts of this book without any hesitation to your friends and family and help us dispel the ignorance about rich ancient Indianculture. IshallendthisbookwithsomeofmyfavoritequotesofDr.Einstein. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms myideaofGod.Westilldonotknowonethousandthofonepercentofwhatnaturehasrevealedtous. SatyamParamDeemahi! Maywemeditateonthesupremetruth!

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