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POEM RECITAL COMPETITION A poem recital competition will be held during PSS week starting 28 April to 2 May 2018.

Below are the information of the competition. Day: Tuesday Time: 1.30 Venue: SK Seri Kemamans Hall. Rules 1. Each class MUST JOIN the competition. You can send the contestant as a solo/duo/trio. However, one class is only allowed to send ONE 2. The poem must be in English language. 3. You are given between one to three minutes to recite your poem. The theme for your poem shall be about health, teacher, school, friends, my country or etc. 4. You are ALLOWED to bring the paper with you when you recite the poem. However, to be able to memorize the poem will be a BONUS for you. 5. These are the criterias that we would judged during competition; (1) Pronunciation and intonation (2) voice projection, (3) performance

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