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June 20, 2013 Lawrence Biondi SJ President Saint Louis University (SLU) 221 N. Grand Blvd. St.

Louis, MO 63103 Dear Father Biondi: From SLU Scientists Partner on Malaria Research , a February 18, 2011 SLU press release: ST. LOUIS -- The Center for World Health & Medicine at Saint Louis University and China's Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH) are forming a global research partnership that initially will focus on new treatments for malaria. ...GIBH is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a premier government scientific research organization in China, which is similar to the U.S. National Science Foundation. Its chief technology officer and vice president of research, Micky Tortorella, has held the position for more than a year after leaving Pfizer. ..."This alliance gives us a global expertise, and provides a real opportunity to succeed, in terms of developing safe, effective and affordable new drugs," said Peter Ruminski, executive director of the Center for World Health & Medicine. From the Center for World Health & Medicine's web page, Strategic Partnerships: GIBH is a medical research institute affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. CWHM has been collaborating with GIBH scientists since 2010 on a project to discover and develop new medicines for malaria. From the online biography of Dr. Xiaoping Chen (aka Chen Xiao Ping), Principal Investigator and Director of Center for Infection and Immunity at GIBH: Currently, we are further developing antimalarial drugs based on a new target, plasmepsin V in collaboration with the scientists at Saint Louis University and Washington University... From page 14 of a 2012 GIBH Drug Discovery Report:

Based on the following and other related information (available on request), this is to request that SLU re-evaluate its relationship with Dr. Chen. From Scientists linked to Heimlich investigated Experiment infects AIDS patients in China with malaria by Robert Anglen, Cincinnati Enquirer, February 16, 2003: (Dr.) Heimlich's experiments - which seek to destroy HIV, the AIDS-causing virus, by inducing high malarial fevers- have been criticized by the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration and condemned by other health professionals and human rights advocates as a medical "atrocity.'' ...(Documents) obtained by the Enquirer show (UCLA) doctors have been active in the malaria experiments since 1996. ..."I greatly appreciated all of the data you shared with us on this visit," Dr. (John) Fahey wrote to Chen Xiao Ping, the doctor overseeing the experiments for Dr. Heimlich in China. ...Peter Lurie, a former AIDS researcher and now a physician with Public Citizen's Health Research Group in Washington, D.C., calls the malariotherapy studies dangerous and unnecessary. Public Citizen is a 32-year-old, nonprofit group founded by consumer advocate Ralph Nader. The Health Research Group provides oversight concerning drugs, medical devices, doctors and hospitals and occupational health. It works to identify and ban unsafe or ineffective drugs, medical devices and procedures. "It is charlatanism of the highest order," Dr. Lurie says of malariotherapy. "It is exploiting the lack of decent medical care in China." ...In 2000, an FDA compliance director described Dr. Heimlich's procedures as inadequate. He said the experiments would not be permitted in the United States, that researchers failed to consider community attitudes in China and that there was no description of lifelong risks facing patients injected with malaria. ...In 1999, Dr. Chen and Dr. Heimlich coauthored a report on the malaria experiments for the Chinese Medical Sciences Journal. The paper notes that UCLA helped measure serums. And in letters to Dr. Chen, Dr. Fahey arranged ways to ship reagents for studies to and from Los Angeles and Guangzhou, China. From Malarial Treatment for Chinese AIDS Patients Prompts Inquiry in U.S. by Donald G. McNeil Jr, The New York Times, March 04, 2003: On April 29, 1993, noting that Dr. Heimlich was encouraging the use of malaria to treat Lyme disease and AIDS, C.D.C. officials issued a memorandum saying the practice ''cannot be justified''...Deliberately giving patients malaria risked killing them, the C.D.C. said. Dr. Heimlich went ahead nonetheless, in conjunction with Chinese scientists led by Dr. Chen Xiao Ping. From Dr. Chen's GIBH biography: (During) his Ph. D. research program, (Dr. Chen) studied and worked at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) as a visiting scholar in 1997...Dr. Chen is a pioneer in the studies of interaction between malaria and HIV/SIV infection....

From UCLA Medical Institutional Review Board Issues Its Determination in the Fahey Case Regarding Claims About Malariotherapy Studies for HIV by Max Benavidez , an April 16, 2003 UCLA news release: The MIRB determined that Fahey, while not personally involved in the clinical trials, was involved in evaluating data and biological samples brought to UCLA from China by Dr. Xiao Peng [sic] Chen under the Fogarty International Program. Since Chen's work was performed as part of the Fogarty Program at UCLA and was under Fahey's supervision, the MIRB determined that Fahey was engaged in human subjects research. From UCLA Reopens Probe of Two Researchers New information suggests they took part in experiments to inject AIDS patients with malaria-tainted blood, university says by Rebecca Trounson and Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2003: UCLA officials have said Chen participated in 1997 in the UCLA/Fogarty AIDS international training and research program, which provides AIDS control training to visiting scholars from developing countries. From Ethics in International Health Research: A Perspective from the Developing World by Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta, published in 2002 by the WHO's Commission on Macroeconomics and Health: The recent guidelines for regulation of human experimentation must be seen in the backdrop of atrocities committed by doctors upon vulnerable subjects within recent memory. The highly controversial trials of induction of malaria in HIV patients (Heimlich et al 1997) and the trovafloxacin trial in Nigeria (Boseley 2001, Stephens 2000 & 2001) are two recent examples. ...(Clearly) unscrupulous and opportune research which exploits the vulnerability and want of a given population, must be condemned. The case of the Trovan drug trial in the midst of a meningitis outbreak in Nigeria (Stephens 2000) and the induction of malaria in HIV patients (Heimlich et al 1997) are examples where the need for ethical guidelines and minimal universal ethical standards for research becomes absolute. Also please see my May 13, 2013 letter to Jerry A. Menikoff, MD JD, Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services's Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). Also please click here to download a 602-page pdf file which accompanied that letter, consisting of newly-available records from the University of Cincinnati's Henry J. Heimlich Archival Collection that document the malariotherapy experiments. The file includes voluminous correspondence and other records exchanged between Dr. Chen and Henry J. Heimlich MD (my father). Please see below my signature for a copy of page two of my letter to Dr. Menikoff which lists a variety of concerns raised by those records. (The parenthetical numbers refer to page numbers in the pdf file.) This is also to request that you ask Peter Ruminski, executive director of the Center for World Health & Medicine, when he became aware of Dr. Chen's role in the malariotherapy experiments and that you provide me with his response. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply. Please feel free to communicate with me by via e-mail.


Peter M. Heimlich 3630 River Hollow Run Duluth, GA 30096 ph: (208)474-7283 e-mail: [email protected] website: blog: The Sidebar cc: Saint Louis University Philip O. Alderson MD, Dean, School of Medicine, VP for Medical Affairs Jeffrey P. Bishop MD PhD, Director, Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics


Please be advised that, prior to providing copies to me, redactions were made by a University of Cincinnati librarian to de-identify confidential patient information. Unredacted records may be inspected at the the library. Also, there are many thousands of pages in the collection -- due to time restrictions, there are many other documents I have yet to access. The parenthetical numbers refer to the page numbers of File Three. Prisoners were used as research subjects and infected with malaria (118-120 and 127-128, 152-153) Active IV drug users were used as research subjects and infected with malaria (various pages) Security guards were hired to oversee patients, raising concerns about consent (130-132) Numerous descriptions of seemingly chaotic patient care, haphazard follow-up, unexplained patient deaths, etc. (various pages) Acknowledgment that the research was conducted in apparent violation of Chinese law (131) May 7, 1996 letter from the Eleanor Naylor Dana Trust -- a Park Avenue foundation that was the primary funder of the China experiments -- confirming the first payment ($50,000) to the Heimlich Institute (197); a July 25, 1996 letter from the Dana Trust confirms a pending $100,000 payment (213) In a August 8, 1996 letter to Dr. Heimlich on UCLA letterhead, John L. Fahey MD of UCLA asks to participate in the work and suggests that Chinese doctors involved in the experiments could be assisted by UCLA's Fogarty program and could be provided with medical supplies (214) Dr. Heimlich's report of his September 24-27, 1996 visit to UCLA's immunology department hosted by Dr. Fahey and involving other UCLA staff with a description of UCLA's partnership with the Heimlich Institute's malariotherapy experiments in China, UCLA designing the research and providing laboratory tests of blood samples, and that Our Chinese colleague, Dr. Chen Xiau [sic] Ping is invited, at the expense of UCLA, to spend three months in 1997 studying in Dr. F's laboratories. Dr. F. will have Hong Bass contact Dr. Chen and provide his laboratories in Guangzhou with training and assistance. He will also provide reagents for laboratory studies to Chen without cost. (232-237) In a November 6, 1996 letter to Dr. Heimlich, Dr. Fahey states he has invited Dr. Chen to take UCLA's Fogarty course the following Spring and invited Chen to bring blood samples with him for testing at UCLA (250-251) Records mentioning Dr. Fahey's direct communications with David Mahoney, Chairman of the Dana Trust (238 and 250-251) UCLA staffers analyzed patient records and blood samples (numerous pages) In a March 6, 1997 letter to Dr. Heimlich on UCLA letterhead, Dr. Fahey writes, (We) we are looking forward to meeting Dr. Chen Xiao Ping and having him here this spring. We had told him that we would be pleased to help him analyze any specimens that he brings from China in connection with HlV studies conducted there. It occurred to us that you might like to have him visit you in Cincinnati and I would like to help you in any way that I can. Certainly our association has been stimulating and mutually rewarding. (279) In an August 6, 1997 letter to Dr. Heimlich, Dr. Fahey wrote, We would appreciate an acknowledgment and credit to the support provided by NIH grants TW 00003 and AI 36086. (316) November 13, 1997 letter from Dr. Fahey to Dr. Chen discussing Fahey's recent visit to China; his meetings with Chen and his colleagues; the malariotherapy experiments; and his suggestions about patient selection (356-358) Dr. Fahey is identified as Principal Investigator in a 1998 malariotherapy fundraising prospectus produced and circulated by Deaconess Associations, the parent corporation of the Heimlich Institute (407-419) Najib Aziz MD of UCLA identified as obtaining permission from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ship blood samples in 1999 (469 per Chen, 496 per Heimlich) and 1997 blood sample testing records (317-322) Dr. Fahey's review of journal articles about the China experiments intended for publication and publishing suggestions from late 1990s through 2002 (various pages)

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