CH 301 Unit 2 Exam-Solutions

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Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) This print-out should have 31 questions.

ns. Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page nd all choices before answering. 001 2.6 points Which of the following statements is true regarding electromagnetic radiation? 1. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 400 nm has a frequency that is lower than that with a wavelength of 600 nm. 2. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 400 nm travels faster than that with a wavelength of 600 nm. 3. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 600 nm travels faster than that with a wavelength of 400 nm. 4. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 600 nm has a frequency that is lower than that with a wavelength of 400 nm. correct 5. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation determines how fast it travels. Explanation: 1 . Higher wavelengths corf respond to lower frequencies, and vice versa. v = f , so = 3e8 / 500e-9 = 6e14

003 2.6 points Which color in the rainbow has the shortest wavelength? 1. green 2. blue correct 3. orange 4. red 5. yellow Explanation: Ordered by wavelengths, blue < green < yellow < orange < red 004 2.6 points An orbital with n = 4 and = 2 would be described as 1. 4s. 2. 2p. 3. 4d. correct 4. 2s. 5. 4p. Explanation: = 2 refers to the d orbital, so the orbital is 4d. 005 2.6 points Rank the following species from smallest to largest atomic radius: K, Mg, Rb, Ca. 1. Mg < Rb < K < Ca 2. Mg < Ca < Rb < K 3. Mg < K < Ca < Rb 4. Mg < Ca < K < Rb correct

002 2.6 points What is the frequency of a 500 nm photon? 1. 9.0 1017 Hz 2. 15 Hz 3. 4.0 107 Hz 4. 5.0 106 Hz 5. 1.5 1016 Hz 6. 6.0 1014 Hz correct Explanation: frequency = speed of light / wavelength =

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) 5. Rb < K < Ca < Mg Explanation: Atomic radii increase down and to the left. 006 2.6 points When two H atoms are brought together from large distances they can make H2 . As the bond begins to form, the force between the atoms becomes more (attractive, repulsive) and the potential energy (increases, stays the same, decreases). 1. attractive; increases 2. attractive; decreases correct 3. attractive; stays the same 4. repulsive; increases 5. repulsive; decreases 6. repulsive; stays the same Explanation: 007 2.6 points In a pure covalent bond, electrons are 1. uncharged. 2. shared equally. correct 3. transferred. 4. shared unequally. Explanation: 008 2.6 points In which compound is the bond the LEAST polar? 1. HCl 2. HBr 3. HF 4. HI correct Explanation:

009 2.6 points The number of single bonds, double bonds, triple bonds, and unshared (lone) pairs on the central atom in the sulte ion (SO2 3 ) is 1. 3,0,0,1 correct 2. 2,1,0,0 3. 1,1,0,2 4. 1,2,0,1 5. 2,1,0,1 Explanation: To draw the dot structure for SO2 3 we must rst calculate the number of valence electrons available from the atoms: A = 6 1 (S atom) + 6 3 (O atoms) + 2 (from 2 charge) = 26 e We choose the least electronegative element as the central atom (sulfur in this case) and place the other atoms symmetrically around it. The correct dot structure for the molecule should show a complete octet (8 electrons) around each atom and a total of 26 valence electrons for the entire structure: 2 O S O O As can be seen above, there is one lone pair on the central atom. (If using the S = N A rule to determine the dot structure, N = (81)+(83) = 32 e and S = 32 26 = 6 e . This would indicate 3 bonds and correspond to the structure shown above.) 010 2.6 points The carbon and oxygen in carbon monoxide

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) (CO) are joined by what type of bond or bonds? 1. two double bonds 2. one triple bond correct 3. one single bond 4. one double bond 5. four single bonds Explanation: The total number of valence electrons is C O 1 4 e = 4 e 1 6 e = 6 e 10 e C O 1. 5 2. 3 3. 7 4. 8 correct 5. 9

Explanation: To draw the dot structure for SO3 we must rst calculate the number of valence electrons available from the atoms: A = 6 1(S atom) + 6 3(O atoms) = 24 e We choose the least electronegative element as the central atom (sulfur in this case) and place the other atoms symmetrically around it. The correct dot structure for the molecule should show a complete octet (8 electrons) around each atom and a total of 24 valence electrons for the entire structure: O S O O As can be seen above, there are 8 lone pairs on the oxygen atoms. (If using the S = N A rule to determine the dot structure, N = 8 1 + 8 3 = 32 e and S = 32 24 = 8 e . This would indicate 4 bonds and correspond to the structure shown above.) Alternate Solution: SO3 has 24 valence electrons. 6 of these come from S, and the remaining 18 come from O (3 atoms at 6 electrons each). In drawing the Lewis structure for SO3 , three resonance forms must be depicted for S to obey the octet rule. Ultimately, 8 of the available 24 electrons are used to form the three S O bonds, and the remaining 16 electrons (8 pairs) exist as lone pairs on oxygen.

and the Lewis dot structure is

The 3 lines represent a triple bond between the C and O. 011 2.6 points Which of the following is the correct Lewis structure of ethynol (C2 H2 O)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H H H H H C C C C C C C C C C O O O O O H H H H correct H

Explanation: All of the other choices have octet rule violations, and because Carbon and Oxygen are Period 2 elements, they cannot form hypervalent compounds. 012 2.6 points Draw the Lewis electron dot structure for SO3 . What is the total number of lone pairs of electrons on the three oxygen atoms?

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) 013 2.6 points Which one of the following compounds does NOT obey the octet rule? 1. CH4 2. BF3 correct 3. NaCl 4. H2 O Explanation: 014 2.6 points How many lone pairs are on the central atom of AsF5 ? 1. 4 2. 0 correct 3. 1 4. 2 5. 3 Explanation: The Lewis dot structure for AsF5 is F F As F F F , H 016 2.6 points In the following molecule H C H C



1. the carbon/oxygen bonds have two distinct bond strengths and all carbon/hydrogen bonds have two distinct bond strengths 2. all the carbon/hydrogen bonds have the same strength but the carbon/oxygen bonds are found to have two distinct bond strengths 3. all the carbon/oxygen bonds have the same strength but the carbon/hydrogen bonds are found to have two distinct bond strengths 4. all the carbon/oxygen bonds have the same strength and all the carbon/hydrogen bonds have the same strength correct Explanation: Resonance is when there are two equivalent ways of drawing a Lewis structure, so you draw both, as the true structure is somewhere in between. The true structure is not switching back and forth but is essentially the average of these two structures. Thus the carbon/oxygen bonds are both 1.5 bonds. The molecule does not have two types of carbon/oxygen bonds. The dicult is with our drawings not the molecule. Because we insist on having Lewis structure with only single and double bonds the only way we can capture this idea of a 1.5 bond is to draw two equivalent resonance structures. 017 2.6 points

015 2.6 points The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is 1. K3 (SO4 )2 2. KSO4 3. K(SO4 )2 4. K2 SO4 correct Explanation: K+ and SO2 4 forms K2 SO4 : 2(+1) + 1(2) = 0

For an ionic compound, the lattice energy is the energy associated with 1. generating the ionic compound from the neutral elements

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) 2. dissolving the compound in water to form aqueous ions. 3. moving a pair of ions to innite separation. 4. breaking up the solid crystal into gas phase ions. CORRECT Explanation: The lattice energy is the energy associated with taking the ions from the solid crystalline structure and separating them into ions in the gas phase. The energy associated with simply separating two isolated ions is the Coulomb energy. The energy for dissolving the compound to for aqueous ions is the enthalpy of solution. And the energy for forming the ionic compound from neutral elements is the enthalpy of formation. 018 2.6 points Consider the rst three energy levels for an electron in a helium ion. 1st energy level : 6.41 1019 J 2nd energy level : 1.60 1019 J 3rd energy level : 0.72 1019 J A 413 nm photon interacts with the ion. What might happen as a result of this interaction? 1. An electron could be excited from the 2nd to 3rd energy level. 2. An electron could be excited from the 1st to 3rd energy level. 3. None of the transitions listed would occur. 4. An electron could be excited from the 1st to 2nd energy level. correct Explanation: 019 2.6 points 2. 3. 4. 5. phosphorus pentachloride PCl5 sulfur trioxide SO3 carbon tetrachloride CCl4 dinitrogen pentoxide N2 O5

Explanation: SeO2 is selenium dioxide. The prex lable di is misplaced in the answer indicating a ratio of 2:1 Se to O. 020 2.6 points

The oxygen/oxygen bond in O2 is stronger than in HOOH because 1. the oxygen/oxygen bond in O2 is more polar than in HOOH. 2. O2 has a oxygen/oxygen double bond and HOOH has a oxygen/oxygen single bond. CORRECT 3. O2 has only one structure, while HOOH has a resonance structure that weakens the bond. 4. O2 has an oxygen/oxgyen triple bond where HOOH has an oxygen/oxygen double bond. 5. O2 has a resonance structure that provides extra stability compared to the HOOH which has only one contributing structure. 6. the oxygen/oxygen bond in O2 is less polar than in HOOH. Explanation: The Lewis dot structure of O2 shows it has a oxygen/oxygen double bond. HOOH only has a oxygen/oxygen single bond. 021 2.6 points Which of the following species is isoelectronic with S2 ? 1. Br 2. As3 3. Rb+ 4. Mg2+

Which of the following is NOT correctly matched name to formula 1. diselenium oxide SeO2 CORRECT

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) 5. None of these 5. Ar correct Explanation: Isoelectronic means has the same number of electrons as. Locate each element in the Periodic Table. The atomic number will give the number of protons, which equals the number of electrons for the neutral atom; for an ion, you will have to add or subtract from this value. 022 2.6 points Let X be a hypothetical element. Which of the following would be largest? 1. X2+ 2. X 3. X2 correct 4. X 5. X+ Explanation: X2 would be largest as it has 2 more electrons than protons, and the protons here would be at the greatest disadvantage when trying to draw the electrons towards the nucleus. 2.6 points Cobalt-60 is an articial radioisotope that is produced in a nuclear reactor for use as a gamma-ray source in the treatment of certain types of cancer. If the wavelength of the gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 source is 1.00 103 nm, calculate the energy of a photon of this radiation. (60 27 Co) 1. 2.0 1013 J correct 2. 2.0 1016 J 3. 2.0 1019 J 4. 6.4 1014 J 023 6. 6.63 1034 J 7. 6.4 1010 J Explanation: = 1.00 103 nm Ephoton = h =

Ephoton = ?

hc (6.626 1034 J s)(3.0 108 m/s) = (1.00 103 nm)(109 m/nm) = 2.0 1013 J

024 2.6 points An electron in a hydrogen atom moves from the n = 2 to n = 5 level. What is the wavelength of the photon that corresponds to this transition and is the photon emitted or absorbed during this process? 1. 276 nm; absorbed 2. 1875 nm; absorbed 3. 1875 nm; emitted 4. 434 nm; emitted 5. 434 nm; absorbed correct 6. 276 nm; emitted Explanation: 025 2.6 points Which of the following is correct with respect to the photoelectric eect? 1. A plot of the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons versus the frequency of the incident radiation has a slope that is equal to the value of the work function. 2. The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons increases with the intensity of the incident radiation. 3. A plot of the kinetic energy of the ejected

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) electrons versus the frequency of the incident radiation is linear. correct 4. All metals have the same work function. Explanation: The photoelectric eect is summarized by KE = h , which ts the standard equation for a line : y = mx c, where is the work function of the metal, and varies for dierent metals. The intensity of the incident radiation does not show here as it is just the number of photons hitting a surface in a given time. 026 2.6 points You shine white light through a sample of neon atoms and then through a holographic diraction grating. From this experiment, you would expect to observe 1. mostly black space with thin lines of color. 2. a continuous spectrum broken by thin black lines. correct 3. a continuous spectrum. Explanation: 027 2.6 points Phosphorus has a higher ionization energy than silicon because 1. False; phosphorus has a lower ionization energy than silicon. 2. the outer orbitals of phosphorus are located closer to the nucleus than the outer orbitals of silicon. 3. the eective nuclear charge of phosphorus is less than that of silicon. 4. the outer orbitals of phosphorus are located farther from the nucleus than the outer orbitals of silicon. Explanation:

5. the eective nuclear charge of silicon is less than that of phosphorus. correct

: [Ne] 3s 3p 14 Si : [Ne] 3s 3p

15 P

In both cases, the valence electrons are located in 3s and 3p orbitals. However, P has a greater nuclear charge due to its greater number of protons, so more energy is required to remove an electron from P relative to Si. 028 2.6 points Which of the following will not have ionic bonds? 1. NaCl 2. methane (CH4 ) correct 3. calcium oxide 4. KBr 5. magnesium chloride

Explanation: All of the options except CH4 have ionic bonds, which are formed between metals and nonmetals. CH4 has only covalent (nonmetal-nonmetal) bonds. 029 2.6 points The graph shows the radial distribution plots for the 1s wavefunctions for H, He, and He+ .

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) A B 4r 22 C

radius Which plot is the 1s wavefunction for the He+ ion? 1. A correct 2. C 3. There is no way to know 4. B Explanation: H has one electron and one proton. He has two electrons and two protons. He+ has one electron and two protons. Therefore the electron will have the greatest attraction to the the nuclei with two protons. In He there will be a slight reduction in the eective nuclear charge due to the electron-electron repulsion. In He+ , there is only one electron so the radius will be the smallest. Plot A is peaked closest to the nucleus so it will be the smallest. 030 2.6 points Any neutral atom having an odd (i.e., uneven) atomic number must be 1. metallic. 2. non-magnetic. 3. paramagnetic. correct 4. inert. 5. a transition element. Explanation:

Version 396 Unit 2 Exam vandenbout (51335) 031 22.0 points

This question is merely a placeholder for the points in the hand-graded portion of the exam. Explanation: This question is merely a placeholder for the points in the hand-graded portion of the exam.

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