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Bicol University College of Business Economics and Management Daraga, Albay

Family Planning (Society Collage)

Ma. Guadalyn Muareen S. Bicol BSA II-C

How I view Society Today? (Seen Nothing, Heard Nothing and Speak Nothing) Our society today is very diverse. It changes very rapidly and keeps blending different aspects of peoples cultures together. For that very reason, our society is full of controversy. There is a lot of racism, arguments, protests, and contradicting beliefs. Therefore, many people are not as safe as they would like to be. I believe this quote by Anne Frank best summarizes my overall perception of the world: In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. Like Anne Frank, I believe that even though people can be so different in appearance and mind, mostly all people are good at heart and all want happiness. That is what everyone would naturally strive for in life; happiness. Everyone has that in common no matter how smart you are or what you look like. Everyone starts out having a good heart. It just depends on the person as to how long they keep that good heart. But today I have noticed, Dalagang Filipanas are not what they are from the past. Yes, I can say people change like the environment they are into. I have witnesses a lot this 18 years of my existence, I can say I am so young but it didnt make me see the world its perspective. The teaching of my grandparents still came crawling back to the back of my mind. We can say, that we are just following the flow of change but somehow I can never ceased to realize and accept that till I get gray hair like my lola was, her teaching would not be the same. When I do have the chance to teach my granddaughter the life someday. For today, I cannot see the lightness that beckons the traditional Filipino. Full of ancestry teaching and cultural affection. Yes, I do have to say that I have like this new generation of teaching of society, but then again we have lost our identity this past years. The younger generation had not in mind what is happening today. To see what they have wanted to see, to hear what they have wanted to hear and to speak only for the times that they have in mind. To see what is must but instead they have overlooked everything. Women and Todays Society Throughout history, men have traditionally been regarded as superior to women in both power and status. A common view in most societies was that daughters should obey their fathers and wives should obey their husbands, and this view still holds true in most Eastern countries. Recently, however, feminists in Western societies have fought against the societal structures that have allowed men to be dominant over women. Much has been accomplished; women, for example, are now attending colleges and graduate schools in record numbers. But some change are acceptable for it is the identity they have been looking for, not for the answers in everybodys question but for their own. I have agreed that I would not tend to be in the statement that Be yourself. But sometimes being yourself is the most difficult part of ones life. In our society that are many bad workers and poor students. The Poor

students are not flunked. The bad workers are not fired. Their accepted in our poor society. My opinion on this is that it's not fair to the students and workers that are working hard to do good on their work. The poor workers and students dont care about thier work. They don't care if they succede or fail. These lazy people still get the job or grade that someone else deserves. Society today will still accept them and they will pay the workers and pass the lazy students. First of all, these students and workers do not care to succede in this word. They just want to be lazy. They only apply themseves to what they want to do. he effect of modern technology among the Filipino youth today no longer seem spend their leisure activities like in the olden days; playing outdoor games or with toys, instead, they spend their time in internet cafes or in front of their computers or laptops just to satisfy their hunger of online gaming. It also has impact on not only the young, but dynamically every age group as well. As in any situation where new technology is introduced, the social impact of the Internet is being looked at. They rather play than to study though their parents ask them to quit online gaming. As them being a student, they rather cut or not to attend classes in order for them to play online gaming. Today, Filipino youth tend to engage in early sexual initiations like premarital sex. Because of our modern day culture the youth chose to engage on premarital sex before marriage. But I think, people should see the truth rather what they have in their dreams or in their minds. But that would be the best way to say that I have seen, heard and spoke about the things that I have discovered and prevail.

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