I-Can Tell A Story Through A Magic Garden' I-Can Play Football'

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i-can tell a story through A Magic Garden

Description of Garden: A garden where things appear to have g Small strawberries become big; g there changed as if by magic! u ured are different coloured f ful beans and colourful edible flowers arker emerging from darker h here coloured herbs. There is also a pumpkin r growing ready for the cooking pot. Curriculum The focus of the ell ll garden is I can tell a story and is based on one of the classes favourite books, can you guess which one from the clues? The children used d their speaking and th when t e talking i about the bo ook k and w when listening skills both book o to o express e creating the design. Some used symbols and photos tical ti al k knowledge wl d e t to their ideas. The class also put their mathematical ng t their counting n great use when designing the garden including ape e and amounts a n and measuring skills, to work out the size, shape ook k pumpkin p p soup o p of things needed for the garden. We plan to cook ve c cooked d in the e in the pot over a fire just as people would have past and do today in some parts of the world.
Pink Butterfly Class

i-can Play Football

Description of Garden: A garden designed around a miniature football pitch. With grass head players and boiled egg fans, listen to them cheer as you press a switch. Choose a team; will it be red or blue? Or are you one of the few that doesnt have a clue? Curriculum The children designed the garden around their passion for football and keeping fit. During an Ask-It session childrens ideas were discussed and shared and a class design was created. The children developed their maths skills by counting the number of players and estimating the number of plants needed. They talked about what plants needed to grow and how they would look after their plants.

RHS Flower Show Tatton Park

Camberwell Park School are delighted to be part of the RHS Tatton Flower Show 2013. As part of our Curriculum development we have been working with the Open Futures Trust, initiated by the Helen Hamlyn Trust, for over a year on their Open Futures Curriculum Programme that inspires children to become inquisitive about their environment and learning for life. As part of our curriculum planning we have incorporated the four strands of Grow It, Cook It, Film It and Ask It into our thematic curriculum, alongside other aspects of learning, including The Rights of the Child (RRS), Eco-schools, Healthy Schools and Cultural Diversity. Each class across the school has been involved in designing their own garden around the theme of i-can, with a strong emphasis on one subject and cross curricular links to other subjects. We are excited to share our plans with you for this exhibition.

Silver Butterfly Class


Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Bank House Road Blackley Manchester M9 8LT Tel: 0161 740 1897 Fax: 0161 740 3473 www.camberwellpark.manchester.dbprimary.com

i-can Cook up a Rainbow

Description of Garden: A healthy diet consists of all the colours of the rainbow. We are growing a healthy eating hd different coloured o e foo foods foods. rainbow with Curriculum The children and d staff st ff talked about t the different colours ours of o the rainbow and thought of foods oods o o of that w we each colour t e used d can grow. We tin ting ing g and an n sponge painting reate eate te stickers to create fferent fe arches of different rea reate re at colours to create We e our rainbow. W designed a nner growing planner s to remind us when to sow and ops ops. plant our crops. ren All the children t in n played a part d loo oking after the h planting and looking eco corating t our u miniature i garden seeds and decorating garden. Personal,Social,Health,Education (PSHE) Healthy Eating Art Colours Science Growing RRS Children across the World have the Right to be Healthy Eco-schools Recycled pots including making newspaper pots.
White Butterfly Class

i-cani-can Count count with The with Very The Very Healthy Caterpillar Healthy Caterpillar
Description of Garden: A spiral trail the caterpillar follows and eats healthy plants on his way to the cocoon. Insert Plan

Description of Garden: i-can grow the food we buy in tins from seed to crop. The ipad shows our journey. I wonder what weve got? 200 years to celebrate the goodness from our crop; Garden Peas and Summer Fruits, Tomatoes, Corn and Beans are foods we love to taste and eat; Good Health is what it means. Curriculum Science growing from seeds. Cross curricular Maths, English, PSHE, Geography, History, RE, Music, Design Technology, Information, Communication Technology, Art RRS Children across the World have the right to eat. Children across the World have the right to fun. Children across the World have the right to learn. Eco-schools s recycling tins t Cultural diversity versity e choice of foods. ods ods. d

The Staff and children have worked together to create a class book called The Healthy Caterpillar. The children made the different plants that De Description escriptio ription of f Garde G Garden: rden en: n: A spiral l trail trail tra i the he e caterpillar cat r fo f follows d the caterpillar enjoyed eating including llo Oneand ea healthy eats ea thy plants on his hi is way y to the h co cocoon cocoon. oon. Pansy Two Sprigs of Mint Three Strawberries The Staff and children have worked together to create a class Four Marigolds Five Bunches of Chives Six book called The Healthy Caterpillar. The children made the Tomatoes Seven Stalks ofenjoyed Lemon Balm and different plants that the caterpillar eating including finally Eight Nasturtiums that helped the caterpilOne Pansy Two Sprigs of Mint Three Strawberries Four Marigolds Five Bunches of Chives Six Tomatoes Seven Stalks lar to sleep in his cocoon before transforming of Lemon Balm and finally Eight Nasturtiums that helped the into a beautiful butterfly.
As well as making the book the children have had great fun for great fun planting seeds, watering and caring planting seeds, watering and caring for them and watching them and watching them grow to eventually them be grow to eventually be planted into our Creative Garden.

caterpillar to sleep in his cocoon before transforming into a beautiful As well butterfly. as making the book the children have had

planted into our Creative Garden.

Maths Number / counting English - Story Healthy Eating Healthy food Science Life cycles Planting and growing
Orange Butterfly Class Violet Butterfly Class

Orange Butterfly Class

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