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Social Mom Report

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#1 pregnancy and parenting site and mobile platform


15MM users in the US alone

7 out of 10 babies born in the
US last year are BabyCenter babies


Nearly 2x more trusted than

any other pregnancy and
parenting site
Used 2x more often than health
care professionals for pregnancy &
parenting information


More than 3 out of 4 moms share

the information they find on
BabyCenter with other moms
10 Webby Awards,
5 Peoples Choice Awards


Customer engagement
3-4x closest US competitor
measured in pageviews per visit
Frequent guest at the
White House, Today Show,
International Medical conferences

Source: comScore US MultiPlatform, January 2013. 2012 Peoples Voice Webby awards for both best parenting site and community.
Boston Consulting Group, independent study of parenting websites, March 2012. CDC preliminary 2011 birth statistics, released October 2012.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.


Qualitative Research
Social media diaries
14 new and expectant moms
Recruited from across the US via
Facebook, Twitter, BabyCenter
In-home friendship groups in Chicago
and San Francisco

In-depth Survey
21st Century Social Mom survey of moms
compared to general online population
928 expectant women or moms with kids
up to 8 years old
552 other online adults

Behavioral & Secondary

eCommerce: Online spending by
Social analytics including social brand
exposure and referrals
Moms 18-34 compared to Internet users
age 18+

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Mom is a social leader

Social powers her life

Different social for different needs

The most social consumer youll meet

Marketing to Social Mom

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Mom is a social leader

Moms lead social usage

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013. comScore desktop US data,
W18-34 with children compared to Internet population age 18+, March 2013. comScore Multi Platform US data, women
18-34, February 2013.

Moms lead across major platforms

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013. comScore desktop US data,
W18-34 with children compared to Internet population age 18+, March 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Social powers her life

Media Moms are early adopters


Do you have any of the following devices or services?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

Her social behaviors change dramatically


have less in common with non-mom friends,

starting in pregnancy


say their new mom friends are very important

to them


use parenting social media for brand & product

recommendations (+66% from 2009)

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Social media makes life better

45% are communicating more through
social media and emailing less often
2x more likely to say social helps her
get information quickly (61%)

92% share family milestones on Facebook

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Social even comes before coffee


Which of these do you check first in the morning?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

Mobile & Social: 1+1=3


How often do you visit each of these types of sites or apps

on your smartphone or tablet? (Weekly or more often)

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Different social for different needs

Facebook is for socializing & sharing


Which of these sites or types of sites do you use for

each activity?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

Parenting social media is for support

and information


Which of these sites or types of sites do you use for

each activity?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.


BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Twitter is for following news, brands, celebrities


Whats the best thing about Twitter?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 American Social Mom Report, April 2013.

Pinterest inspires Mom


Imagine you are going to buy a new product. How would use
each of these resources throughout the shopping process?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Talk Tracker, March 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.


The most social consumer youll meet

Social Mom spends more

Mom & Social

Mom outspend online
general population

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013. comScore eCommerce
data. Percent of Women 18-49 w/ child, High Social Networkers buying online, defined as top 20% of social networking
moms 18-49, compared to Internet users age 18+.

Social Mom is well connected


Approximately how many people do you follow or are you

connected to on each of these sites? (among users)

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.


BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

Common interests expand her network


For each of these sites, what types of people are you

connected to? (among moms)

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

Social media drives purchasing


Have ever bought something because...

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.


Marketing to Social Mom

Brands must understand Moms mindset


On which of the following social media do you do the


Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.

She expects to save and learn from brands


Why do you like or follow brands on social media?

Source: BabyCenter 21st Century Mom Insights Series, 2013 Social Mom Report, April 2013.


BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

New rules for marketing to

Social Mom
Recognize shes different, and so are her
needs; how and what you talk about matters

Create a give-and-take relationship based

on what she finds valuable

Listen to her. Act on what she says; if she

asks a question, answer it every time

Talk to her about things that have nothing

to do with you

Support her busy life, dont make demands,

nurture her journey

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.



BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.



BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.


to receive exclusive 21st Century Mom
insights and marketing solutions
to reach her.

BabyCenter LLC. Confidential. All rights reserved.

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