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================================================================= INTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer in each of the following questions. . 1. It is the branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge for the purpose of law and in the administration of justice. a. c. Legal Medicine Forensic Medicine b. d. the b. d. Medical Jurisprudence Internal Medicine knowledge of law in

2. On the other hand, it denotes relation to the practice of medicine. a. c. Legal Medicine Forensic Medicine

Medical Jurisprudence Internal Medicine

3. It is species of proof, or probative matter, legally presented at the trial at an issue by the act of the parties for the purpose of inducing belief in the minds of the court as to their contention. a. c. Medical Records Medical Evidence b. d. Medical Documents Concrete Objects

4. It occurs when there is irreversible coma, absence of electrical brain activity and complete cessation of all the vital functions without possibility of resuscitation. a. c. brain-death cardio-respiratory death b. d. death termination of life

5. This is the state of the body in which there is complete, persistent and continuous cessation of the vital functions of the brain, heart and lungs that maintain life and health. a. c. apparent death somatic death b. d. molecular death death

6. This condition is really not death, but merely a transient loss of consciousness or temporary cessation of the vital functions of individual cells. a. c. apparent death somatic death b. d. molecular death death

7. Like heart action, in order for it to be considered as a sign of death, it must be continuous and persistent. a. b. c. d. cessation of heart action and circulation cessation of respiration algor mortis loss of power to move with

8. This condition must be observed in conjunction cessation of heartbeat, and cessation of respiration. a. b. c. d. cessation of heart action and circulation cessation of respiration algor mortis loss of power to move

9. This test is useful to determine whether death is real, it can produce dry blister. a. b. c. d. changes in and about the eyes tache noir dela scleretique action of heat on the skin changes in the skin

10. These can be manifested by the loss of corneal reflex, clouding of the cornea, flaccidity of the eyeball, and the pupil is in the position of rest. a. b. c. d. 11. changes in and about the eyes tache noir dela scleretique action of heat on the skin changes in the skin

It is firm in consistency and with uniform in color. a. c. post-mortem clot algor mortis b. d. hours b. d. ante-mortem clot rigor mortis after death, and it is

12. It appears three to six completed 12 hours after death. a. c. livor mortis rigor mortis

algor mortis cadeveric spasm

13. It can be manifested when the body is frozen, but exposure to warm conditions will make such stiffening disappear. a. cadaveric spasm c. heat stiffening 14. It occurs immediately after complete relaxation of the body. a. c. primary flaccidity heat stiffening b. cold stiffening d. instantaneous rigor death, wherein there is b. d. post-mortem rigidity instantenous rigor

15. This happens after the disappearance of rigor mortis, and the muscle becomes flaccid. a. c. cadaveric spasm heart stiffening b. d. cold stiffening post-mortem lividity

16. This appears during the later stage of its formation when the blood has coagulated inside the blood vessels and still fluid in form. a. c. hypostatic lividity cadaveric lividity b. d. diffusion lividity post-mortem lividity

17. It is the breaking down of the complex protein into simpler components associated with evolution of foul smelling gasses. a. c. decomposition mummification b. d. putrefaction marbolization

18. On account of the chemical changes, the color of the soft body tissue is gradually changed either of the following colors, EXCEPT:

a. c. greenish-yellow greenish-black b. d. greenish-blue greenish-gray

19. It can accelerate decomposition if moderate, but excessive amount will delay decomposition. a. c. air water b. d. moist clothing

20. It is a fluid coming out of the nostrils and mouth, and it is usually due to putrefaction of the gastro intestinal and respiratory tracts. a. c. froth blood b. d. saliva fluid

21. It use will delay the decomposition of the body, if it is airtight and hard. a. c. clothing embalming fluid b. d. coffin mummification

22. Usually the auricle of the heart contracts after somatic death for a longer period than the ventricle, this is called. a. c. 23. cessation of the heart ultimen mariens b. d. cessation of respiration decapitation

Autopsies shall be performed in the following case, EXCEPT. a. b. c. d. natural and violent death whenever required by special laws upon order by the competent court upon written request of police authorities

24. It can be manifested by exposure of the hand of the living persons to translucent lights, thus will allow the red color of circulation to be seen underneath the skin. a. c. opacity of the skin elasticity of the skin b. d. discoloration of skin all of the above

25. It initially hastens putrefaction by maintaining body temperature, but in the later stage, it can delay the decomposition by protecting the body from the ravage, flies, and other insects. a. c. clothing fluid of the b. d. environment air continuity of any

26. It is the desolution tissues of the living body. a. c. death wound

natural b. d.

physical injury disease of

27. Wound that is caused immediately after infliction shortly thereafter that is capable of causing death. a. c. non-mortal wound superficial wound b. d. mortal wound penetrating wound

28. It is a type of wound which involves only the layers of the skin. a. c. non-mortal wound superficial wound b. d. mortal wound deep

29. The wounding agent enters the body but did not come out or the mere piercing of solid organ or tissue of the body. a. c. superficial wound penetrating b. d. deep perforating

30. Wound which is result of a persons instinctive reaction of self protection. a. c. defense wound self inflicted wound b. d. patterned wound hesitation wound

31. It is wound produced on oneself, and as distinguished from suicide, the person has no intention to end his life. a. c. defense wound self inflicted wound b. d. patterned wound hesitation wound

32. It is a wound where there is no breach of continuity of the skin or mucous membrane. a. c. open wound closed wounds b. d. hematoma abrasions

33. A gradual breakdown or very shallow ulceration of the skin which involves only the epidermis and heals without scarring. a. c. skin 34. This kind of abrasion is caused by pressure accompanied by movement usually observed in hanging or strangulation, a. c. scratch impact or imprint b. d. graze pressure of friction pressure sore insects & fishes bites b. D. dermal erosion excoriation of the

35. These abrasions are usually caused by forcible contact with rough hard object resulting to irregular removal of the skin surface. a. c. scratch impact or imprint is b. d. located b. d. graze pressure of friction at the site of the

36. Physical injury which location of the force. a. c.

coup-contre-coup injury conter-coup injury

locus minoris resistencia coup injury

37. Physical injury located at the site and also opposite the site of the application of the force. a. c. coup-contre-coup injury conter-coup injury b. d. locus minoris resistencia coup injury

38. Physical injury involving greater area of the body beyond the site of the application of force. a. c. extensive injury contusion b. d. abrasion wound

39. This is a circumscribed extravasation of the blood in the subcutaneous tissue or underneath the mucous membrane. a. c. petechiae hematoma b. d. contussion internal hemorrhage

40. It is the extravasation or effusion of blood in a newly formed cavity underneath the skin. a. c. petechiae hematoma b. d. contussion internal hemorrhage of bones entering

41. Displacement of the articular into the formation of a joint. a. c. sprain fracture

surface b. d.

dislocation strain

42. The over-stretching, instead of an actual tearing or the rupture of a muscle or ligament which may not be associated with the joint. a. sprain b. dislocation c. fracture d. strain It is the incomplete or partial dislocation of the bone. a. c. musculo-skeletal injury pathologic fracture b. d. subluxation compound fracture


44. An abrasion which appears as a single line, it may be a straight of curved line. a. c. multiple confluent b. d. multi-linear linear

45. The linear marks on the skin are almost indistinguishable on account of the severity of the friction of the object. a. c. multiple confluent b. d. multi-linear linear

46. It is a comprehensive study of a dead body, performed by a trained physician employing recognized dissection techniques. a. c. medico legal examination autopsy b. d. hospital autopsy all of the above

47. This is an examination performed on a dead body for the purpose separating death due to disease from death due to external cause for the protection of the innocent. a. c. medico legal examination all of the above b. d. official examination none of the above

48. It includes appreciation of its condition and drawing of inference from it, also the collection of physical evidence.

a. c. investigation investigation. investigation of death b. d. special crime crime scene investigation

49. The injury or disease was survived for a sufficiency prolonged interval which permitted the development of serious sequalae which actually caused the death. a. b. c. d. 50. non-violent or natural death violent death or unnatural death immediate or primary cause of death proximate or secondary cause of death

Death cause by natural disease condition of the body. a. b. c. d. non-violent or natural death violent death or unnatural death immediate or primary cause of death proximate or secondary cause of death

51. It is produced by the penetration of a sharp pointed and sharp edge instrument. a. c. 52. stab wound gaping wound b. d. incised wound punctured wound

It is the result of a thrust of a sharp pointed instrument. a. c. stab wound gaping wound b. incised wound d. punctured wound

53. It is a tear of the skin and the underlying tissues due to forcible contact with blunt instrument. a. c. 54. stab wound lacerated wound b. d. incised wound punctured wound

It is the separation of the edges especially in deep wound. a. c. stab wound gaping wound b. d. incised wound punctured wound

55. It is the disturbance of fluid balance resulting to peripheral deficiency which is manifested by the decreased volume of blood, hemo concentration and renal deficiency. a. c. anoxemia infection b. d. hemorrhage shock

56. It is the reduction of effective volume of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. a. c. anoxemia infection b. d. hemorrhage shock

57. This is caused by immediate nerve impulse set up at the injured area which are conveyed to the central nervous system. a. c. shock primary shock b. d. secondary shock anoxemia pressure, subnormal

58. It is characterized by a low blood temperature, cold clammy perspiration.

a. c. shock primary shock b. d. secondary shock anoxemia

59. It is the extravasation or loss of blood from the circulation brought about by wounds in the cardio-vascular system. a. c. extravasation bleeding b. d. hemorrhage anoxemia

60. It is bleeding which occurs immediately after the traumatic injury of the blood vessel. a. c. hemorrhage secondary hemorrhage b. d. primary hemorrhage extravasation but

61. This occurs not immediately after the infliction, sometime thereafter on or near the injured area. a. c. hemorrhage secondary hemorrhage b. d. and b. d. primary hemorrhage extravasation development hemorrhage shock of

62. It is the appearance, growth organism at the site of injury. a. c. embolism infection


63. This is a condition in which foreign matters are introduced in the blood stream causing sudden block to the blood flow in the finer arterioles and capillaries. a. c. embolism infection b. d. hemorrhage shock

64. It is a condition of a female who has not experienced sexual intercourse, and whose organs have not been altered by carnal connection. a. c. moral virginity virtuous female b. d. physical virginity virginity

65. A woman is __________ if her body is pure and if she has never had any sexual intercourse with another. a. c. moral virginity virtuous female b. d. physical virginity virginity

66. The state of not knowing the nature of sexual life and not having experienced sexual relation. a. c. moral virginity virtuous female b. d. physical virginity virginity

67. A condition whereby a woman is conscious of the nature of sexual life but has not experienced sexual intercourse. a. c. moral virginity virtuous female b. d. physical virginity virginity

68. A condition wherein the hymen is intact with the edges distinct and regular and the opening is small to barely admit the tip of the smallest finger. a. c. false physical virginity moral virginity b. d. true physical virginity physical virginity the

69. A condition wherein the hymen is un-ruptured but orifice is wide and elastic to admit two or more fingers. a. c. false physical virginity moral virginity b. d.

true physical virginity physical virginity

70. This term refers to the condition of a woman who permits any form of sexual liberties as long as they abstain from rupturing the hymen by sexual act. a. c. virgo intacta moral virginity b. d. demi virginity physical virginity

71. Literally the term refers to a truly virgin woman, that there are no structural changes in her organ to infer previous sexual intercourse and that she is a virtuous women. a. c. 72. virgo intacta moral virginity b. d. demi virginity physical virginity

They are functionally related to the reproductive system. b. sex organs d. reproductive system straight but form part of b. d.

a. breast c. private parts 73. The contour lines are circle or half of a sphere. a. c. infantile breasts pendulous breasts


conical breasts hemispherical breasts

74. The outline consists of two converging lines which meet at the region of the nipple. a. c. infantile breasts pendulous breasts b. d. conical breasts hemispherical breasts chest without

75. It is only slightly elevated from the distinct boundary and showing no definite shape. a. c. infantile breasts pendulous breasts is loose, and is b. d. capable b. d.

conical breasts hemispherical breasts of swinging in any

76. The skin direction. a. c. 77.

infantile breasts pendulous breasts

conical breasts hemispherical breasts

It has a shape of a hemisphere but with loose skin. a. c. hemispherical pendulous breasts infantile pendulous breasts b. d. conical pendulous breasts extra ordinary shape breasts


This is death caused by the sudden loss of air or oxygen.

a. c. asphyxia monoxide poisoning b. d. air embolism all of these

79. The composition of the wall of vagina is smooth muscle and __________. a. c. sharp and prominent rugosities lubricating secretion b. d. fibro elastic connective tissue labia minora & majora

80. As a general rule, these are the characteristics of the vaginal canal of a virgin, EXCEPT. a. c. tight prominent b. d. sharp lax

81. It is a firm, elastic and plump and its medial borders are usually in close contact with each others. a. c. labia minora labia majora b. d. vaginal canal breasts

82. It is soft, pinkish in close contact with one another, and its vestibule is narrow. a. c. labia minora labia majora b. d. hymen fourchette

83. It presents a V-shape appearances as the two labia unite posteriorly. a. c. hymen fourchette b. d. vaginal canal labia minora & majora

84. It is given too much attention in the determination of virginity. a. c. hymen fourchette b. d. vaginal canal labia minora & majora

85. It is the laceration or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse. a. c. laceration sexual intercourse b. d. distention defloration

86. It is a position in which the thighs are hyperflexed, predisposes to deep penetration of male sex organs and is contributory to vaginal faults lacerations. a. c. doral decubitus uterine retroversion b. d. genital disproportion post-menopause

87. The genital organ is not yet fully developed to subject it to full physiological function. a. c. virginity pre-puberty b. d. unprepared or unaroused vaginal surgery

88. Almost simultaneous death of both partners during sexual intercourse may be due to the following, EXCEPT.

a. c. asphyxiation natural death b. d. homicide suicide

89. During sexual intercourse, the male as an active subject develops the following that may cause death, EXCEPT. a. c. tachycardia hyper ventilation b. d. increase in blood pressure cardio vascular disease

90. Women almost never suffer death from natural causes during the normal sexual act, the reason maybe that they are less susceptible to __________. a. c. tachycardia hyper ventilation b. d. increase in blood pressure cardio vascular disease

91. Opening is oval or circular, and there may be indentation of the borders. a. c. annular semilunar b. d. infantile crib form

92. The hymen presents several openings instead of a single one. a. c. annular semilunar may be facing b. d. either b. d. infantile crib form side or upwards or

93. The concavity downwards. a. c. 94. annular semilunar

infantile crib form

The opening is small, usually linear, fleshy and resistant. a. c. annular semilunar b. d. infantile crib form

95. There are two openings which may be of equal or different sizes separated by a bridge of hymenal tissue. a. c. septate imperforate b. d. fimbriated membranous

96. The border of the opening shows small irregular protrusion towards the opening. a. c. septate imperforate b. d. fimbriated membranous

97. There is no opening on the hymen. a. c. septate imperforate b. d. fimbriated membranous and may

98. Hymen is parchment-like, may be transparent lacerate without pain or appreciable bleeding. a. c. septate umperforate b. d. fimbriated membranous

99. In the determination whether the wounds were inflicted during life or after death, the following factors must be taken into consideration, EXCEPT. a. b. c. d. presence of hemorrhage sings of inflammation and repair retraction of the edges of the wound extravasation and clotting of blood

100. It is naturally occurring, and the principal component of cellular chromosomes, and it is responsible for the hereditary characteristics in all life forms. a. b. c. d. deoxyribonucleic acid test Jeffreys Probes & White Probes Multilocus Probe Test AGCT Test

Forensic Medicine and DNA Testing Answer Key

1C 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A 7B 8D 9C 10A 11A 12C 13B 14A 15D 16b 17B 18D 19B 20A 21B 22C 23A 24A 25A

26C 27B 28C 29C 30A 31C 32C 33B 34D 35B 36D 37A 38A 39A 40B 41B 42D 43B 44D 45C 46C 47C 48D 49D 50A

51A 52A 53B 54C 55D 56A 57C 58B 59B 60B 61C 62C 63A 64D 65C 66A 67B 68B 69A 70B 71B 72A 73D 74B 75A

76C 77A 78A 79B 80D 81C 82A 83C 84A 85D 86A 87C 88C 89D 90D 91A 92C 93C 94B 95A 96B 97C 98D 99D 100A


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