Designing The Questionnaire: This Chapter Is For Survey Coordinators. It Will Enable You To

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This chapter is for survey coordinators. It will enable you to: U Decide which indicators will be measured with the survey. U Decide what information you need to collect. U Design a good questionnaire. U Decide how to ask the questions to obtain the information. U Decide who the respondents will be.


Seven Mid-Decade Goals can be monitored with surveys.1 Each goal has a quantified target to be reached. Box 3.1 summarises these goals. A set of health indicators, like those defined to measure the Mid-Decade Goals, specifies the minimum information that should be available from the health information system. Full information on the indicators of the Mid-Decade Goals and guidelines for measuring them are found in Technical Guidelines for Monitoring Progress Toward Mid-Decade Goals,2 sent to every UNICEF country office in March 1994. Many of these indicators rely on routine data collection or collecting special data from health services, but a number of them can be measured in a survey. For some indicators, we must rely entirely upon surveys to provide information representing the whole population. That is why surveys are an integral part of the health information system. Special modules of questions have been devised to obtain the information needed to estimate indicators of these goals. The modules contain the minimum number of questions needed to estimate these indicators. The Model Questionnaire found at the end of this chapter can be used to obtain survey data on indicators for seven of the Mid-Decade Goals, and for several indicators of two World Summit for Children (Year 2000) goals (see below).

Reporting on Progress towards the Mid-Decade Goals , UNICEF Executive Directive CF/EXD/1994001 (10 March 1994).

Programme Instructions, UNICEF CF/PROG/IC/94-003 (15 March 1994).


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