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10/20/2010 11:21

NSCP 2010
Revisions in Chapter 6 Wood

Summary of Revisions
1. The

provisions are refined to incorporate local practices and corrections in the NSCP 2001. 2. List of available wood species has been updated. 3. Machine-Graded Lumber is included.

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Summary of Revisions

provisions are refined to incorporate local practices and corrections in the NSCP 2001.

2. 3.

List of available wood species has been updated. Machine-Graded Lumber is included.

Revision 1
Example: Item 619.5 Miscellaneous Fasteners Figures 619.5.2-A to 619.5.2-C are included to show Withdrawal Connections Example: Mention of UBC Standard 23-1 is removed.

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Revision 1
Example: Reasonable and more practical roundingoff of numbers (relaxed conversion of English unit equivalents, i.e. 278 mm2 to 270 mm2; 30 m instead of 30.5 m.) Example: Units are made consistent. For size dimensions, use of mm. For distances, lengths, use of m.

Summary of Revisions

The provisions are refined to incorporate local practices and corrections in the NSCP 2001.


of available wood species has been updated.

Machine-Graded Lumber is included.

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Revision 2
Table 6-1: List per NSCP 2001 + Table 6-35: Additional Unseasoned Structural Timber of Philippine Woods

Summary of Revisions

The provisions are refined to incorporate local practices and corrections in the NSCP 2001. List of available wood species has been updated.



Lumber is


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Revision 3
NSCP 2001 : up to Section 621 only. NSCP 2010 : Additional Section 622 Use of Machine-Graded Lumber

Detailed Comparison


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Section 601 - General

NSCP 2001
601.1 601.2 Scope Design Method Allowable Stress Design Conventional Light-Frame Construction Same Same Same

NSCP 2010

601.2.1 601.2.2

Same except that mention of NSCP Volume 3 on Housing is added.


Section 601.2.1 Allowable Stress Design Design using ASD methods shall resist the different load combinations in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 604. 203.4.1 Basic Load Combinations D+F; D + H + F + (Lr or R) ; D + H + F + (W or E/1.4) D+H+F+L+T D + H + F + 0.75[L + T + (Lr or R)]

No increase in allowable stresses shall be used with these load comb except as specifically permitted by Section 203.4.2.


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Section 203.4.2 Alternate Basic Load Combinations When using these alternate basic load comb, a 1/3 increase shall be permitted in allowable stresses for all combinations , including W or E. D + H + F + 0.75[ L + Lr + (W or E/1.4)] ; 0.60D + W + H ; D + L + (Lr or R) ; D + L + E/1.4 0.60D + E/1.4 + H D+L+W


Section 601.2.2 Conventional Light-Frame Construction.

The design and construction. of conventional light-frame wood structures shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 604 and the NSCP Vol 3. 604.1.2 Wind and Earthquake load-resisting systems for all engineered wood structures shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 614. Section 614 WOOD SHEAR WALLS AND DIAPHRAGMS Unless permitted by the Bldg Official or by relevant provisions of NSCP Vol. 3,, use of wood shear walls and diaphragms shall be limited to 1 to 2-storey dwellings.

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Section 602 - Definitions

NSCP 2001

NSCP 2010
New Terms defined


Section 603 Minimum Quality

NSCP 2001
603.1 Quality and Identification

NSCP 2010
603.1 Quality and Identification
All preservatively treated wood required to be treated shall be identified by the quality mark of an approved inspection agency. - DELETED


Minimum Capacity or Grade Studs, joists, rafters... shall be of at least minimum grades... set forth in Table 6.1 or Table 6.2


Minimum Capacity or Grade Studs, joists, rafters... shall be of at least minimum grades... set forth in Table 6.1 or Table 6.2 or Table 6.35

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Section 603 Minimum Quality

NSCP 2001
603.2 Minimum Capacity or Grade - Continued Wood structural panels shall be of grades specified in .... UBC Standard 23-2 and UBC 23-3 603.3 Timber Connectors and Fasteners Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture 603.3 603.4 603.2

NSCP 2010
Minimum Capacity or Grade - Continued Wood structural panels shall be of grades specified in .... PNS

Timber Connectors and Fasteners Same Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture - Same


Section 603 Minimum Quality

NSCP 2001

NSCP 2010
603.4 Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture Additional 603.4.4 Structural Glued-Laminated Lumber Fire Retardant603.4.5 Dried Treated Wood

603.4 Fabrication, Installation and Manufacture 603.4.1 603.4.2 General Timber, Connectors and Fasteners Metal Plate-Connected Wood Trusses



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Section 603 Minimum Quality

NSCP 2001
603.5 603.6 603.7 603.8 Dried Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood Size of Structural Members Shrinkage Rejection

NSCP 2010
603.5 ~ 603.8 Same


Section 604 Design and Construction Requirements

NSCP 2001
604.1 General 604.1

NSCP 2010
General Basically the same, except for Additional User Note Re: Use of NSCP 3 for single-family dwellings


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Section 604.1.4 The design and construction of conventional lightframe wood structures shall be in accordance with Section 620. Section 620 CONVENTIONAL LIGHT-FRAME CONSTRUCTION DESIGN PROVISIONS Only the ff: occupancies may be constructed in accordance with this division; 1. One, two or 3-storey residential buildings 2. One-storey Occupancy Category IV Bldgs (Table 103-1) 3. Category V Occupancies


Section 605

Decay and Termite Protection

NSCP 2010
605.1 ~ 605.4 Same

NSCP 2001
605.1 605.2 605.3 605.4 605.5 Preparation of Building Site Wood Support Embedded in Ground Under-floor Clearance Plates, Sills and Sleepers

Columns and Posts 605.5 Columns and Posts ... pedestal shall project at least ... pedestal shall project at least 200 mm above exposed earth... 150 mm above exposed earth... concrete or masonry piers ... of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. concrete or masonry piers ... of approved wood of natural resistance to decay.


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Section 605

Decay and Termite Protection

NSCP 2010
605.6 ~ 605.10 Same

NSCP 2001
605.6 605.7 605.8 605.9 Girders Entering Masonry or Concrete Walls Under-Floor Ventilation Wood and Earth Separation Wood Supporting Roofs and Floors

605.10 Moisture Content of Treated Wood


Section 605

Decay and Termite Protection

NSCP 2010
605.11 Similar, re-worded Wood used in retaining or crib walls... 605.12 Weather Exposure Additional provision for glued-laminated timbers. 605.13 Water Splash Similar, reworded Where wood-frame walls and partitions... shall be protected with approved waterproofing.

NSCP 2001
605.11 Retaining Walls All wood used as permanent parts of retaining or crib walls... 605.12 Weather Exposure


Water Splash

Where wood-frame walls and partitions... shall be protected with approved waterproof paper conforming to Section on Weather Protection.

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Section 606

Wood Supporting Masonry or Concrete

NSCP 2010
606.1 606.2 Similar, re-worded Same, except that Exceptions are not shown. Instead, referred to Section 614.2.

NSCP 2001
606.1 606.2 Dead Load Horizontal Force


Section 607

Wall Framing

NSCP 2001

NSCP 2010


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Section 608

Floor Framing

NSCP 2001

NSCP 2010
-Essentially the same except for some relaxation in unit conversion from English to metric equivalents. Hence, instead of 93 mm2 --90 mm2; instead of 278 mm2 --- 270 mm2; instead of 30.50 m---30 m. -Instead of Fire stopping shall consist of ... --- Fire blocks shall consist of ...


Section 609

Exterior Wall Coverings

NSCP 2010
609.1 ~ 609.7 Same

NSCP 2001
609.1 General 609.2 Siding 609.3 Plywood 609.4 Shingles or Shakes 609.5 Particleboard 609.6 Hardboard 609.7 Nailing


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Section 610

Interior Paneling

NSCP 2001
Section 610 Same

NSCP 2010


Section 611


NSCP 2001
611.1 611.2 Structural Floor Sheathing Structural Roof Sheathing

NSCP 2010
611.1 ~ 611.2 Same


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Section 612

Mechanically Laminated Floors

NSCP 2010

NSCP 2001
Section 612

- Essentially the same,

except that all distances are now in meters (m), dimensions are in millimeters (mm).


Section 613

Post-Beam Connection

NSCP 2001
Section 613 Same

NSCP 2010


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Section 614

Wood Shear Walls and Diaphragms

NSCP 2010
614.1 General Additional User Note: Unless permitted by the Building Official or by relevant provisions of NSCP Volume III, use of wood shear walls and diaphragms shall be limited...

NSCP 2001
614.1 General


Wood Resisting Horizontal Forces Contributed by Masonry and Concrete




Section 614

Wood Shear Walls and Diaphragms

NSCP 2010
614.3 Wood Diaphragms Essentially the same except that Wood structural panels used for horizontal and vertical diaphragms shall conform to or PNS

NSCP 2001
614.3 Diagonally Sheathed Diaphragms

614.4 614.5

Particleboard Diaphragms Wood Shear Walls and Diaphragms in Seismic Zone 4 Fiberboard Sheathing Diaphragms

Same For 614.5 ~ 614.6 Essentially the same except that NSCP Volume 3 is mentioned in the scope and lengths are in meters (m).



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Section 615


NSCP 2001
615.1 General 615.1

NSCP 2010
General Additional Note: Values therein indicated are reference design values. All the tabulated design values include reductions for safety and are primarily intended for direct application in ASD. Symbols are explained.


Section 615


NSCP 2001
615.2 Stresses in Piles Used as Structural Members 615.3 Adjustment of Stresses Same

NSCP 2010

Essentially the same except that the representative variables used in the provisions are listed and defined.


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Section 616

Horizontal Member Design

NSCP 2010
616.1~616.8 Essentially the same ERRATUM: 616.6 Cb = ( Ib + 9.5 ) / Ib; lb = mm

NSCP 2001
616.1 616.2 616.3 616.4 616.5 616.6 616.7 616.8 Beam Span Flexure Horizontal Shear Horizontal Shear in Notched Beams Design of Joints in Shear Compression Perpendicular to Grain Lateral Support Lateral Support of Arches, Compression Chords of Trusses and Studs


Section 617

Column Design

NSCP 2001
617.1 617.2 Column Classifications Limitation on l/d Ratio Same

NSCP 2010

DELETED: For individual members of spaced columns, see UBC Standard No. 25-15 ... or Division II of the Uniform Building Code, Volume 2, 1994.

617.3 617.4

Simple Solid-Column Design Tapered Columns

Basically the same, except for bottom note. Now, le = Ke l. Same


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Section 618

Flexural and Axial Loading Combined

NSCP 2010
Additional: Variables redefined. Same Same Essentially the same, except that all distances are now in meters (m), size dimensions are now in millimeters (mm).

NSCP 2001
618.1 Flexure and Axial Tension 618.2 Flexure and Axial Compression 618.3 Spaced Columns 618.4 Truss Compression Chords


Section 619

Timber Connectors and Fasteners

NSCP 2010
Basically the same except that referrals to UBC sections have been removed. Same Same Same Basically the same except that referrals to UBC sections have been removed.

NSCP 2001
619.1 General

619.2 619.3 619.4 619.5

Bolts Nails and Spikes Joist Hangers and Framing Anchors Miscellaneous Fasteners


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Section 620 Conventional LightFrame Construction Provisions

NSCP 2001
620.1 General

NSCP 2010
Classification Group U Occupancies in NSCP 2001 has been corrected to Category V Same Essentially the same except that referral to UBC has been deleted.

620.2 620.3

Design of Portions Additional Requirements for Conventional Construction in High-wind Areas


Section 620 Conventional LightFrame Construction Provisions

NSCP 2001
Requirements for 620.4 Additional Conventional Construction in Seismic Zone 2

NSCP 2010
Minor changes: Wind speed referred to now is 125 kph (formerly 129 kph in NSCP 2001) and 10.0m (formerly 10.20 in NSCP 2001) DELETED Braced Wall Lines for High Wind provisions

620.5 Additional Requirements for Conventional Construction in Seismic Zone 4

Essentially the same except that all lengths are in meters (m), and significant digits have been reduced, i.e. Instead of 83.61 m2--84 m2 is used.


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Section 620 Conventional LightFrame Construction Provisions

NSCP 2001
620.6 620.7 Girders Floor Joists

NSCP 2010
Essentially the same, except there is mention of NSCP Volume 3. Essentially the same, except there is mention of NSCP Volume 3; All lengths are in meters (m). Same Same Essentially the same except that all lengths are in meters (m).

620.8 620.9

Subflooring Particleboard Underlayment

620.10 Wall Framing


Section 621

Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Design

NSCP 2010
Same Same Same Same

NSCP 2001
621.1 621.2 621.3 621.4 Design and Fabrication Performance In-plant Inspection Marking END OF CHAPTER 6 FOR NSCP 2001


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Section 622

Use of Machine Graded Lumber (MGL)

NSCP 2010
622.1 General 622.2 Design Properties for Machine Graded Lumber 622.3 622.4 622.5 622.6 Design Using Machine Graded Lumber Preservative Treatment Moisture Content Markings END

NSCP 2001


THANK YOU ! It was a pleasure having you all!


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