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Facts : At 3:00 oclock in the morning of 27 June 1993, the Pilapil brothers Eugene, 21, and Juan, Jr.

, 18, were fishing in the sea around 3 kilometers away from the shores of Tabogon, Cebu. Suddenly, another boat caught up with them. They were later identified as the accused Emiliano Catantan and Jose Ursal alias Bimbo. They boarded the pumpboat of the Pilapils and pointed his gun at Eugene. With his gun, Catantan struck Eugene on the left cheekbone and ordered him and Juan, Jr. to dapa. They hogtied Eugene and covered him up with tarpaulin, stepped on him and ordered Juan to ferry them to Daan Tabogon using their pumpboat. However, as they went farther out into the open sea the engine stopped running. And as they passed the shoreline of Nipa, they saw another boat. This was operated by Juanito and its engine was new. Catantan ordered the Pilapil brothers to approach the boat cautioning them not to say anything. On a pretext that they were buying fish Catantan boarded Juanitos pumpboat. And ordered him to take them to Mungaz. Juanito tried to beg-off by saying that he would still pull up his net and harvest his catch, but Catalan threatened to kill him. As Ursal was transferring to the Juanitos pumpboat, the Pilapil brothers got the chance to escape. The Regional Trial Court of Cebu, found both accused Emiliano Catantan y Tayong and Jose Macven Ursal alias Bimbo guilty of violating of PD No. 532 otherwise known as the Anti-Piracy and Highway Robbery Law of 1974. They were charged and sentenced to reclusion perpetua. Of the duo only Emiliano Catantan appealed. He contends that the trial court erred in convicting him of piracy as the facts proved only constitute grave coercion defined in Art. 286 of the Revised Penal Code and not piracy under PD No. 532. Issue: Whether or not Emiliano Catalan violated PD No. 532 or Anti-Piracy and Highway Robbery Law Held: The court held that there was no reversible error in the decision appealed. They convicted EMILIANO CATANTAN y TAYONG for the crime of piracy penalized under PD No. 532 and sentenced him accordingly to reclusion perpetua. The costs against accused-appellant. There was piracy, not grave coercion, where, as part of the act of seizing their boat, the occupants of the vessel were forced to go elsewhere other than their place of destination. Grave coercion as penalized in Art. 286 of the Revised Penal Code, this case falls squarely within the concept of piracy. While it may be true that Eugene and Juan, Jr. were compelled to go elsewhere other than their place of destination, such compulsion was part of the act of seizing their boat. Pilapil brothers are mere fisherfolk whose only means of livelihood is fishing in sea waters. To impede the livelihood of small fishermen would be to deprive them of their very survival, and the likes of the accused within the purview of P.D. No. 532 are the obstacle to the economic, social, educational and community progress of the people.

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