Taleb 2009

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Errors, Robustness, and The Fourth Quadrant

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

New York University-Polytechnic Institute

Abstract: The paper presents evidence that econometric techniques

based on variance- L2 norm are flawed –and do not replicate. The result
is un-computability of role of tail events. The paper proposes a
methodology to calibrate decisions to the degree (and computability) of
forecast error. It classifies decision payoffs in two types: simple payoffs
(true/false or binary) and complex (higher moments); and randomness
into type-1 (thin tails) and type-2 (true fat tails) and shows the errors
for the estimation of small probability payoffs for type 2 randomness.
The Fourth Quadrant is where payoffs are complex with type-2
randomness. We propose solutions to mitigate the effect of the Fourth
Quadrant based on the nature of complex systems.
Keywords: complexity, decision theory, fat tails, risk management
Second Draft

unheeded, often ridiculed 3 . Where did such

I- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE1 sophistication go? In the face of such proportion of
miscalculation, it would seem fitting to start an
examination of the conventional forecasting methods
It appears scandalous that, of the hundreds of
for risky outcomes and assess their fragility –indeed the
thousands of professionals involved, including prime
size of the damage comes from confidence in
public institutions such as the World Bank, the
forecasting and the mis-estimation of potential forecast
International Monetary Fund, different governmental
errors for a certain classes of variables and a certain
agencies and central banks, private institutions such as
type of exposures. But this was not the first time such
banks, insurance companies, and large corporations,
events happened –nor was it a “Black Swan” (when
and, finally, academic departments, only a few
capitalized, an unpredictable outcome of high impact)
individuals considered the possibility of the total
to the observer who took a close view at the robustness
collapse of the banking system that started in 2007
and empirical validity of the methods used in economic
(and is still worsening at the time of writing), as well as
forecasting and risk measurement.
the economic consequences of such breakdown. Not a
single official forecast turned out to be close to the This examination, while grounded in economic data,
outcome experienced –even those issuing “warnings” generalizes to all decision-making under uncertainty in
did not come close to the true gravity of the situation. A which there is a potential miscalculation of the risk of a
few warnings about the risks such as Taleb (2007) or consequential rare event. The problem of concern is the
the works of the economist Nouriel Roubini 2 went rare event, and the exposure to it, of the kind that can
fool a decision maker into taking a certain course of
action based on the misunderstanding of the risks

1 A longer literary version of some of the ideas of this

paper was posted on the web on the EDGE website at

www.edge.org, eliciting close to 600 comments and letters –
which helped in the elaboration of this version. The author
thanks the commentators and various reviewers, and Yossi 3 Note the irony that the ridicule of the warnings in Taleb

Vardi for the material on the events of Sept 18, 2008. (2007) and other ideas came from the academic establishment,
2 "Dr. Doom", New York Times, August 15, 2008 not from the popular press.

© Copyright 2008 by N. N. Taleb.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1343042
II- INTRODUCTION - “Thick-tails” imply more difficulties in
getting a handle on the forecast errors and the fragility
Forecasting is a serious professional and scientific of the forecast.
endeavor with a certain purpose, namely to provide Close to 1000 financial institutions have shut down in
predictions to be used in formulating decisions, and 2007 and 2008 from the underestimation of outsized
taking actions. The forecast translates into a decision, market moves, with losses up to 3.6 trillion4. Had their
and, accordingly, the uncertainty attached to the managers been aware of the unreliability of the
forecast, i.e., the error, needs to be endogenous to the forecasting methods (which were already apparent in
decision itself. This holds particularly true of risk the data), they would have requested a different risk
decisions. In other words, the use of the forecast needs profile, with more robustness in risk management and
to be determined –or modified – based on the smaller dependence on complex derivatives.
estimated accuracy of the forecast. This, in turn creates
an interdependency about what we should or should
A- The Smoking Gun
not forecast –as some forecasts can be harmful to
decision makers.
We conducted a simple scientific examination of
Figure 1 illustrates such example of harm coming from economic data, using a near-exhaustive set that
building risk management on the basis of extrapolative includes 38 “tradable” variables 5 that allow for daily
(usually highly technical) econometric methods, prices: major equity indices across the globe (US,
providing decision-makers with false confidence about Europe, Asia, Latin America), most metals (gold, silver),
the risks, and finding society exposed to several trillions major interest rate securities, main currencies –what
in losses that put capitalism on the verge of collapse. we believe represents around 98% of tradable volume.
We analyzed the properties of the logarithmic returns

where Δt can be 1 day, 10 days,

or 66 days (non-overlapping intervals)6.

A conventional test of nonnormality used in the
literature is the excess kurtosis over the normal
distribution. Thus we measured the fourth noncentral

moment of the distributions and

focused on the stability of the measurements.

Figure 1- Fat tails at work. Tragic errors from

underestimating potential losses, best known 4 Bloomberg, Feb 5, 2009.
cases: FNMA, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, 5 We selected a set of near-exhaustive economic data that
Northern Rock, Lehman Brothers, in includes “tradable” securities that allow for a future or a
forward market: most equity indices across the globe, most
addition to numerous hedge funds. metals, most interest rate securities, most currencies. We
collected all available traded futures data –what we believe
represents around 98% of tradable volume. The reason we
A key word here, fat tails, implies the outsized role in selected tradable data is because of the certainty of the
practical aspect of a price on which one can transact: a
the total statistical properties coming from one single nontradable currency price can lend itself to all manner of
observation –such as one massive loss coming after manipulation. More precisely we selected “continuously rolled”
years of stable profits or one massive variation unseen futures in which the returns from holding a security are built-
in past data. in. For instance analyses of Dow Jones that fail to account for
dividend payments or analyses of currencies that do not
- “Thin-tails” allow for an ease in include interest rates provide a bias in the measurement of the
forecasting and tractability of the errors; mean and higher moments.

6 By convention we use t=1 as one business day.

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1343042
Table 1 – Fourth Noncentral Moment at daily, Yen/USD 9.7 6.1 2.5 0.27 38.
10-day, 66 day window for the random variables
K Max
K (1) K(10) Years
(66) Quartic
6.3 3.8 2.9 0.12 22.
Australia TB 10y 7.5 6.2 3.5 0.08 25.
Australia TB 3y 7.5 5.4 4.2 0.06 21.
BeanOil 5.5 7. 4.9 0.11 47.
Bonds 30Y 5.6 4.7 3.9 0.02 32.
Bovespa 24.9 5. 2.3 0.27 16.
British Pound/USD 6.9 7.4 5.3 0.05 38.
CAC40 6.5 4.7 3.6 0.05 20.
Canadian Dollar 7.4 4.1 3.9 0.06 38.
Cocoa NY 4.9 4. 5.2 0.04 47. Figure 2 The Smoking Gun: Maximum
Coffee NY 10.7 5.2 5.3 0.13 37. contribution to the Fourth moment Kurtosis
Copper 6.4 5.5 4.5 0.05 48. coming from the largest observation in ~
Corn 9.4 8. 5. 0.18 49. 10,000 (29-40 years of daily observations) for
43 economic variables. For the Gaussian the
Crude Oil 29. 4.7 5.1 0.79 26.
number is expected to be ~.006 for n=10,000.
CT 7.8 4.8 3.7 0.25 48.
DAX 8. 6.5 3.7 0.2 18.
Euro Bund 4.9 3.2 3.3 0.06 18.
Currency/DEM 5.5 3.8 2.8 0.06 38.
Eurodollar Depo
41.5 28. 6. 0.31 19.
Eurodollar Depo
21.1 8.1 7. 0.25 28.
FTSE 15.2 27.4 6.5 0.54 25.
Gold 11.9 14.5 16.6 0.04 35.
Heating Oil 20. 4.1 4.4 0.74 31.
Hogs 4.5 4.6 4.8 0.05 43.
Figure 3- A selection of 12 most acute cases
Jakarta Stock Index 40.5 6.2 4.2 0.19 16. among the 43 economic variables.
Japanese Gov
17.2 16.9 4.3 0.48 24.
Bonds By examining Table 1 and Figures 2 and 3, it appears
Live Cattle 4.2 4.9 5.6 0.04 44. that:
Nasdaq Index 11.4 9.3 5. 0.13 21. 1) Economic variables (currency rates,
Natural Gas 6. 3.9 3.8 0.06 19. financial assets, interest rates, commodities)
Nikkei 52.6 4. 2.9 0.72 23. are patently fat tailed –to no known exception.
The literature (Bundt and Murphy, 2006)
Notes 5Y 5.1 3.2 2.5 0.06 21.
shows that this also applies to data not
Russia RTSI 13.3 6. 7.3 0.13 17. considered here owing to lack of daily changes
Short Sterling 851.8 93. 3. 0.75 17. such as GDP, or inflation.
Silver 160.3 22.6 10.2 0.94 46.
2) Conventional methods, not just those
Smallcap 6.1 5.7 6.8 0.06 17.
relying on a Gaussian distribution, but those
SoyBeans 7.1 8.8 6.7 0.17 47. based on least-square methods, or using
SoyMeal 8.9 9.8 8.5 0.09 48. variance as a measure of dispersion, are
Sp500 38.2 7.7 5.1 0.79 56. according to the data, incapable of tracking
the kind of “fat-tails” we see (more technically,
Sugar #11 9.4 6.4 3.8 0.3 48.
in the L2 norm, as will be discussed in section
SwissFranc 5.1 3.8 2.6 0.05 38. V). The reason is that most of the kurtosis is
TY10Y Notes 5.9 5.5 4.9 0.1 27. concentrated in a few observations, making it
Wheat 5.6 6. 6.9 0.02 49.

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

practically unknowable using conventional effective with a 5% error rate, but offers no side effects
methods –see Figure 2. Other tests in Section otherwise, it is foolish to play Russian roulette with the
V (the conditional expectation above a threshold) knowledge one should win with a 5% error rate –
show further instability. This incapacitates indeed standard theory of choice under uncertainty
least-square methods, linear regression, and requires the use of full probability distributions, or at
similar tools, including risk management least a probability associated with every payoff. But so
methods such as “Gaussian Copulas” that rely far this simple truism has not been integrated into the
on correlations or any form of the product of forecasting activity itself –as no classification has been
random variables 7 ,8,9. made concerning the tractability and consequences of
the errors. To put it simply, the mere separation
3) There is no evidence of “convergence to between forecasting and decisions lacks in both rigor
Normality “ by aggregation, i.e., looking at the and practicality –as it ruptures the link between
kurtosis of weekly or monthly changes. The forecast error and the quality of the decision.
“fatness” of the tails seems to be conserved
The extensive literature on decision theory and choices
under aggregation.
under uncertainty so far has limited itself to 1)
assuming known probability distributions (except for a
few exceptions in which this type of uncertainty has
Clearly had decision-makers been aware of such facts,
been called “ambiguity” 10 ), 2) ignoring fat tails. This
and such unreliability of conventional methods in
paper introduces a new structure of fat tails and
tracking large deviations, fewer losses would have been
classification of classes of randomness into the analysis,
incurred as they would have reduced exposures in
and focuses on the interrelation between errors and
some areas rather than rely on more “sophisticated”
decisions. To establish a link between decision and
methods. The financial system has been fragile, as this
quality of forecast, this analysis operates along two
simple test shows, with the evidence staring at us all
qualitative lines: qualitative differences between
decisions along their vulnerability to error rates on one
hand, and qualitative differences between two types of
The Problem of Large Deviations distributions of error rates. So there are two distinct
types of decisions, and two distinct classes of
The empirical problem of small probabilities: The randomness.
central problem addressed in this paper is that small
probabilities are difficult to estimate empirically (since This classification allows us to isolate situations in
the sample set for these is small), with a greater error which forecasting needs to be suspended –or a revision
rate than the one for more frequent events. But since, of the decision or exposure may be necessary. What we
in some domains, their effects can be consequential, call the “fourth quadrant” is the area in which both the
the error concerning the contribution of small magnitude of forecast errors are large and the
probabilities to the total moments of the distribution sensitivity on these errors is consequential. What we
becomes disproportionately large. The problem has recommend is either changes in the payoff itself
been dealt with by assuming a probability distribution (clipping exposure) or the shifting of exposures away
and extrapolating into the tails –which brings model from that part. For that we will provide precise rules.
error into play. Yet, as we will discuss, model error The paper is organized as follows. First, we classify
plays a larger role with large deviations. decisions according to targeted payoffs. Second, we
Links to decision theory: It is not necessary here to discuss the problem of rare events, as these are the
argue that a decision maker needs to use a full tableau ones that are both consequential and hard to predict.
of payoffs (rather than the simple one-dimensional Third, we present the classification of the two
average forecast) and that payoffs from decisions vary categories of probability distributions. Finally we
in their sensitivity to forecast errors. For instance, while present the “fourth quadrant” and what we need to
it is acceptable to take a medicine that might be escape it, thus answering the call for how to handle
“decision making under low predictability”.
7 This should predict, for instance, the total failure in

practice of the ARCH/GARCH methods (Engle, 1982), in spite

of their successes in-sample, and in academic citations, as they
are based on the behavior of squares.
8 One counterintuive result is that sophisticated operators

do not seem to be aware of the norm they are using, thus mis- The first type of decisions is simple, it aims at "binary"
estimating volatility, see Goldstein and Taleb (2007) . payoffs, i.e. you just care if something is true or false.
9 Practitioners have blamed the naive L-2 reliance in the

risk management of credit risk for the blowup of banks in the

crisis that started in 2007. See Felix Salmon’s “Recipe For
Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street” in Wired. 10 Ellsberg’s paradox, Ellsberg (1961); see also Gardenfors

02/23/2009. and Sahlin (1982), Levi (1986).

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

Very true or very false does not matter. Someone is Note that some financial products can even depend on
either pregnant or not pregnant. A biological the fourth moment12.
experiment in the laboratory or a bet about the
outcome of an election belong to this category. A
scientific statement is traditionally considered "true" or Table 2 Tableau of Decisions
"false" with some confidence interval. More technically,
they depend on the zero moment, namely just on Mo M1 M2+
probability of events, and not their magnitude —for
these one just cares about "raw" probability11. “True/False” Expectations

Clearly these are not very prevalent in life –they mostly LINEAR NONLINEAR
exist in laboratory experiments and in research papers. PAYOFF PAYOFF
The second type of decisions depends on more complex f(x)=1 f(x)
payoffs. The decision maker does not just care of the nonlinear(=
frequency—but of the impact as well, or, even more x2, x3, etc.)
complex, some function of the impact. So there is
another layer of uncertainty of impact. These depend Medicine Finance : Derivative
on higher moments of the distribution. When one (health not nonleveraged payoffs
invests one does not care about the frequency, how epidemics) Investment
many times he makes or loses, he cares about the
expectation: how many times money is made or lost
times the amount made or lost. We will see that there Psychology Insurance, Dynamically
are even more complex decisions. experiments measures of hedged
expected portfolios
More formally, where p[x] is the probability distribution shortfall
of the random variable x, D the domain on which the
distribution is defined, the payoff λ(x) is defined by
integrating on D as: Bets General risk Leveraged
(prediction management portfolios
markets) (around the
loss point)
Note that we can incorporate utility or nonlinearities of
the payoff in the function f(x). But let us ignore utility
for the sake of simplification. Binary/Digital Climate Cubic payoffs
derivatives (strips of out
For a simple payoff, f(x) = 1. So L(x) becomes the of the money
simple probability of exceeding x, since the final options)
outcome is either 1 or 0 (or 1 and -1).
For more complicated payoffs, f(x) can be complex. If Life/Death Economics Errors in
the payoff depends on a simple expectation, i.e., λ(x) = (Policy) analyses of
E[x], the corresponding function f(x)=x, and we need volatility
to ignore frequencies since it is the payoff that matters.
One can be right 99% of the time, but it does not Security: Calibration of
matter at all since with some skewed distribution, the Terrorism, nonlinear
consequence on the expectation of the 1% error can be Natural models
too large. Forecasting typically has f(x)=x, a linear catastrophes
function of x, while measures such as least squares
depend on the higher moments f(x)= x2.
Epidemics Expectation
weighted by

More formally, a linear function with respect to the variable
11 The difference can be best illustrated as follows. One of x has no second derivative; a convex function is one with a
the most erroneous comparisons encountered in economics is positive second derivative. By expanding the expectation of f(x)
the one between “wine rating” and “credit rating” of complex we end up with E[f(x)]= f(x) e[Δx] + ½ f’’(x) E[Δx2] +... hence
securities. Errors in wine rating are hardly consequential for higher orders matter to the extent of the importance of higher
the buyer (the “payoff” is binary); errors in credit ratings derivatives.
bankrupted banks as these carry massive payoffs.

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.


Casinos Kurtosis-based

Next we turn to a discussion of the problem of rare



The passage from theory to the real world presents two Figure 4 The Confirmation Bias At Work. The
distinct difficulties: "inverse problems" and "pre- shaded area shows what tend to be missing
asymptotics". from the observations. For negatively-skewed,
fat-tailed distributions, we do not see much of
Inverse Problems. It is the greatest difficulty one can negative outcomes for surviving entities AND we
encounter in deriving properties. In real life we do not have a small sample in the left tail. This
observe probability distributions. We just observe illustrates why we tend to see a better past for a
events. So we do not know the statistical properties— certain class of time series than warranted.
until, of course, after the fact –as we can see in Figure
1. Given a set of observations, plenty of statistical
distributions can correspond to the exact same
realizations—each would extrapolate differently outside
the set of events on which it was derived. The inverse
problem is more acute when more theories, more
distributions can fit a set a data –particularly in the
presence of nonlinearities or nonparsimonious
So this inverse problem is compounded two problems:
+ The small sample properties of rare events as these
will be naturally rare in a past sample. It is also acute in
the presence of nonlinearities as the families of possible
models/parametrization explode in numbers.
+ The survivorship bias effect of high impact rare Figure 5 Outliers don’t Predict Outliers. The
events. For negatively skewed distributions (with a plot shows (in Logarithmic scale) a shortfall in
thicker left tail), the problem is worse. Clearly, one given year against the shortfall the following
catastrophic events will be necessarily absent from the one, repeated throughout for the 43 variables. A
data –since the survivorship of the variable itself will shortfall here is defined as the sum of deviations
depend on such effect. Thus left tailed distributions will in excess of 7%. Past large deviations do not
1) overestimate the mean; 2) underestimate the appear to predict future large deviations, at
variance and the risk. different lags.

Figure 4 shows how we normally lack data in the tails;

Figure 5 shows the empirical effect.

13 A Gaussian distribution is parsimonious (with only two

parameters to fit). But the problem of adding layers of possible

jumps, each with a different probabilities opens up endless
possibilities of combinations of parameters.

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

amenable to analyses like the first –except with fatter
tails. In reality, a fact commonly encountered by
practitioners, fat-tailed distributions are very unwieldy –
as we can see in Figure 2. Furthermore we often face a
problem of mistaking one for the other: a process that
is extremely well behaved, but, on the occasion,
delivers a very large deviation, can be easily mistaken
for a thin-tailed one –a problem known as the “problem
of confirmation” (Taleb, 2007). So we need to be
suspicious of the mistake of taking Type-2 for Type-1
as it is more severe (and more readily made) than the
one in the other direction16.

Figure 6 Regular Events Predict Regular As we will saw from the data presented, this
Events. This plot shows, by comparison with classification, “fat tails” does not just mean having a
Figure 5, how, for the same variables, mean fourth moment worse than the Gaussian. The Poisson
deviation in one period predicts the one in the distribution, or a mixed distribution with a known
subsequent period. Poisson jump, would have tails thicker than the
Gaussian; but this mild form of fat tails can be dealt
Pre-asymptotics. Theories can be extremely with rather easily –the distribution has all its moments
dangerous when they were derived in idealized finite. The problem comes from the structure of the
situations, the asymptote, but are used outside the decline in probabilities for larger deviations and the
asymptote (its limit, say infinity or the infinitesimal). ease with which the tools at our disposal can be tripped
Some asymptotic properties do work well into producing erroneous results from observations of
preasymptotically (as we’ll see, with type-1 data in a finite sample and jumping to wrong decisions.
distributions), which is why casinos do well, but others
do not, particularly when it comes to the class of fat- The scalable property of Type-2 distributions:
tailed distributions. Take a random variable x. With scalable distributions,
asymptotically, for x large enough, (i.e. “in the tails”),
Most statistical education is based on these asymptotic,
laboratory-style Platonic properties—yet we take depends on n, not on x (the same
economic decisions in the real world that very rarely
resembles the asymptote. Most of what students of property can hold for P[X<n x] for negative values).
statistics do is assume a structure, typically with a This induces statistical self-similarities. Note that owing
known probability. Yet the problem we have is not so to the finiteness of the realizations of random variables,
much making computations once you know the and lack of samples in the tails we might not be able to
probabilities, but finding the true distribution. observe such property –yet not be able to rule out.
For economic variables, there is no fundamental reason
V- THE TWO PROBABILISTIC STRUCTURES for the ratio of “exceedances” (i.e., the cumulative
probability of exceeding a certain threshold) to decline
There are two classes of probability domains—very as both the numerator and the denominators are
distinct qualitatively and quantitatively –according to multiplied by 2.
precise mathematical properties. The first, Type-1, we
This self-similarity at all scales generates power-law, or
call “benign” thin-tailed nonscalable, the second, Type
Paretian, tails, i.e., above a crossover point, P[X>x]=K
2, “wild” thick tailed scalable, or fractal (the attribution
x-α.17 18
“wild” comes from Mandelbrot’s classification of
Taleb (2009) shows that one of the mistakes in the
16 Makridakis et al(1993), Makridakis and Hibon (2000)
economics literature that “fattens the tails”, with two
present evidence that more complicated methods of
main classes of nonparsimonious models and processes forecasting do not deliver superior results to simple ones
(the jump-diffusion processes of Merton, 1973 14 or (already bad). The obvious reason is that the errors in
stochastic volatility models such as Engels’ ARCH15) is calibration swell with the complexity of the model.
to believe that the second type of distributions are 17 Scalable discussions: introduced in Mandelbrot(1963),

Mandelbrot (1997), Mandelbrot and Taleb (2009).

18 Complexity and power laws: Sornette (2004), Stanley et

al (2000), Amaral et al (1997); for scalability in different

14 See the general decomposition into diffusion and jump aspects of financial data, Gabaix et al. (2003a,2003b,2003c),
(non-scalable) in Merton(1976), Duffie, Pan, and Gopikrishnan et al. (1998,1999,2000), Plerou et al (2000). For
Singleton(2000); discussion in Baz and Chacko (2004), Haug the statistical mechanics of scale-free networks Barabasi and
(2007). Albert (1999), Albert and Barabasi(2000),Albert et Al (2002).
15 Engle(1982). The “sandpile effect” (i.e., avalanches and cascades) is

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

Let’s draw the implications of type-2 distributions:
Finiteness of Moments and Higher Order Effects.
where c is a constant. For instance, the conditional
For thick tailed distributions, moments higher than α
expectation of a market move, given that it is in excess
are not “finite”, i.e., they cannot be computed. They of 3 mean deviations, will be around 5 mean deviations.
can certainly be measured in finite samples –thus giving The expectation of a move conditional on it being
the illusion of finiteness. But they typically show a great higher than 10 mean deviations will be around 18. This
degree of instability. For instance distribution with property is quite crucial.
infinite variance will always provide, in a sample, the
illusion of finiteness of variance. The atypicality of moves has the following significance.
In other words, while for type-1 errors converge (the - One may correctly predict a given event, say,
expectations of higher orders of x, say or order n, such a war, a market crash, a credit crisis. But the
as 1/n! E[xn], where x is the error, do not decline. In amplitude of the damage will be unpredicted.
fact they become explosive). The open-endedness of the outcomes can
cause severe miscalculation of the expected
payoff function. For instance the investment
bank Morgan Stanley predicted a credit crisis
but was severely hurt (and needed to be
rescued) because it did not anticipate the
extent of the damage.
- Methods like Value-at-Risk19 that may
correctly compute, say, a 99% probability of
not losing no more than a given sum, called
“value-at-risk”, will nevertheless miscompute
the conditional expectation should such
threshold be exceeded. For instance one has
99% probability of not exceeding a $1 million
loss, but should such a loss occur, it can be
$10 million or $100 million.
Figure 7-Kurtosis over time: example of an
“infinite moment”. The graph shows the fourth This lack of typicality is of some significance. Stress
moment for crude oil in annual nonoverlapping testing and scenario generation are based on assuming
observations between 1982 and 2008. The a “crisis” scenario and checking robustness to it.
instability show in the dependence of the Unfortunately such luxury is not available for fat tails as
measurement on the observation window. “crisis” does not have a typical magnitude.

2) “Atypicality” of Moves. For thin tailed domains, The following table shows the evidence of lack of
the conditional expectation of a random variable X , convergence to thin tails –hence lack of “typicality” of
conditional on its exceeding a number K, converge to K the moves. We stopped for segments for which the
for larger values of K. number of observations becomes small –since lack of
observations in the tails can provide the illusion of
“thin” tails.
Table 3- Conditional expectation for moves > K,
43 economic variables
For instance the conditional expectation for a Gaussian
variable (assuming a mean of 0) conditional that the
variable exceeds 0 is approximately .8 standard K Mean Move (in MAD) in excess of
deviations. But with K equals 6 standard deviations, the n
Mean Deviations K
conditional expectation converges to 6 standard
deviations. The same applies to all the random
variables that do not have a Paretan tail. This induces 1 2.01443 65958
some “typicality” of large moves. 2 3.0814 23450
3 4.19842 8355
For tat tailed variables, such limit does not seem to
19 For the definition of Value at Risk, Jorion (2001);

discussed in Bak et al (1987, 1988), Bak (1996), as power laws critique: Joe Nocera, “Risk Mismanagement: What led to the
arise from conditions of self-organized criticality. Financial Meltdown”, New York Time Magazine, Jan 2, 2009

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

4 5.33587 3202 [2003] showed that the tails remain heavy while the
5 6.52524 1360 body of the distribution becomes Gaussian.
6 7.74405 660
7 9.10917 340
8 10.3649 192
9 11.6737 120
10 13.8726 84
11 15.3832 65
12 19.3987 47
13 21.0189 36
14 21.7426 29
15 24.1414 21
16 25.1188 18
17 27.8408 13
18 31.2309 11
19 35.6161 7
20 35.9036 6
Figure 8- Behavior of Kurtosis under
aggregation: we lengthen the window of
changes from 1 day to 50 days. Even for
Table 4 Conditional expectation for moves < K, variables with infinite fourth moment, the
43 economic variables kurtosis tends to drop under aggregation in
small samples, then rise abruptly after a large
Mean Deviations
Average Move (in MAD) below K n observation.
-1 -2.06689 62803
-2 -3.13423 23258
-3 -4.24303 8676 4) Metrics.
-4 -5.40792 3346
-5 -6.66288 1415 Much of times series work seems to be based on
-6 -7.95766 689 metrics in the square domain, hence patently
-7 -9.43672 392 intractable. Define the norm Lp:
-8 -11.0048 226
-9 -13.158 133
-10 -14.6851 95
-11 -17.02 66
-12 -19.5828 46
-13 -21.353 38 it will increase along with p. The numbers can become
-14 -25.0956 27 explosive, with rare events taking a disproportionately
-15 -25.7004 22 larger share of the metric at higher orders of p. Thus
-16 -27.5269 20 variance/standard deviation (p=2), as a measure of
-17 -33.6529 16
dispersion, will be far more unstable than mean
-18 -35.0807 14
-19 -35.5523 13 deviation (p=1). The ratio of mean-deviation to
-20 -38.7657 11 variance (Taleb, 2009) is highly unstable for economic
variables. Thus modelizations based on variance
become incapacitated. More practically, this means that
for distribution with finite mean (tail exponent greater
3) Preasymptotics: Even if we eventually converge
than 1), the mean deviation is more “robust”20.
to a probability distribution, of the kind well known and
tractable, it is central that time to convergence plays a 5) Incidence of Rare Events
large role.
For instance, much of the literature invokes the Central 20 Note on the weaknesses of nonparametric statistics:
Limit Theorem to assume that fat-tailed distribution Mean deviation is often used as robust, nonparametric or
with finite variance converge to a Gaussian under distribution-free statistic. It does work better than variance, as
summation. If daily errors are fat-tailed, cumulative we saw, but does not contain information on rare events by
monthly errors will become Gaussian. In practice, this the argument seen before. Likewise nonparametric statistical
methods (relying on empirical frequency) will be extremely
does not appear to hold. The data in the appendix fragile to the “black swan problem”, since the absence of large
show that economic variables do not remotely converge deviations in the past leave us in a near-total opacity about
to the Gaussian under aggregation. their occurrence in the future –as we saw in Figure 4, these are
confirmatory. In other words nonparametric statistics, those
Furthermore, finiteness of variance is necessary but that consist in fitting a kernel to empirical frequencies,
highly insufficient a condition. Bouchaud and Potters assume, even more than other methods, that a large deviation
will have a predecessor.

© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

One common error is to believe that thickening the tails you find that the variations between single variables are
leads to an increase of the probability of rare events. In extremely significant21.
fact, it usually leads to the decrease of incidence of
such events, but the magnitude of the event, should it
happen, will be much larger.
Take, for instance, a normally distributed random
variable. The probability of exceeding 1 standard
deviation is about 16%. Observed returns in the
markets, with a higher kurtosis, present a lower
probability, around 7-10% of exceeding the same
threshold –but the depth of the excursions is greater.
6) Calibration Errors and Fat Tails
One does not need to accept power laws to use them.
A convincing argument is that if we don't know what a
"typical" event is, fractal power laws are the most Figure 9 Estimation error in α from 40 thousand
effective way to discuss the extremes mathematically. economic variables.
It does not mean that the real world generator is
actually a power law—it means that we don't Now this mean error has massive consequences. Figure
understand the structure of the external events it 10 shows the effect: the expected value of your losses
delivers and need a tool of analysis so you do not in excess of a certain amount (called "shortfall") is
become a turkey. Also, fractals simplify the multiplied by >10 from a small change in the α that is
mathematical discussions because all you need is less than its mean error22.
perturbate one parameter, here the α, and it increases
or decreases the role of the rare event in the total
Say, for instance, that, in an analysis, you move α from
2.3 to 2 for data in the publishing business; the sales of
books in excess of 1 million copies would triple! This
method is akin to generating combinations of scenarios
with series of probabilities and series of payoffs,
fattening the tail at each time.
The following argument will help illustrate the general
problem with forecasting under fat tails. Now the
problem: Parametrizing a power law lends itself to
extremely large estimation errors (since heavy tails
Figure 10 The value of the expected shortfall
have inverse problems). Small changes in the α main
(expected losses in excess of a certain
parameter used by power laws leads to extremely large threshold) in response to changes in tail
effects in the tails. Monstrous. exponent α. We can see it explode by an order
And we don't observe the α --an uncertainty that of magnitude.
comes from the measurement error. Figure 9 shows
more than 40 thousand computations of the tail
exponent α from different samples of different
economic variables (data for which it is impossible to
refute fractal power laws). We clearly have problems
figuring it what the α is: our results are marred with
errors. The mean absolute error in the measurement of
the tail exponent is in excess of 1 (i.e. between α=2 21 One aspect of this inverse problem is even pervasive in
and α=3). Numerous papers in econophysics found an Monte Carlo experiments (much better behaved than the real
"average" alpha between 2 and 3—but if you process world), see Weron (2001).
the >20 million pieces of data analyzed in the literature, 22 Note that the literature on extreme value theory

(Embrecht et al. , 1997) does not solve much of the problem as

the calibration errors stay the same. The argument about
calibration we saw earlier makes the values depend on the
unknowable tail exponent. This calibration problem explains
how Extreme Value Theory works better on computers than in
the real world (and has failed completely in the economic crisis
of 2008-2009).


© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

Distribution 2 Third Fourth
First Quadrant: Simple binary decisions, under type-1 Quadrant: Quadrant:
(no or unknown
distributions: forecasting is safe. These situations are, characteristic Safe Dangers23
unfortunately, more common in laboratories and games
than real life. We rarely observe these in payoffs in
economic decision making. Examples: some medical
decisions, casino bets, prediction markets.
Second Quadrant: Complex decisions under type-1
distributions: Statistical methods may work
satisfactorily, though there are some risks. True, thin-
tails may not be a panacea owing to preasymptotics,
lack of independence, and model error. There, clearly,
are problems there, but these have been addressed
extensively in the literature (see Freedman, 2007).
Third Quadrant: Simple decisions, under type-2
distributions: there is little harm in being wrong –the
tails do not impact the payoffs.
Fourth Quadrant: Complex decisions under type-2
distributions: that is where the problem resides. We
need to avoid prediction of remote payoffs—though not
necessarily ordinary ones. Payoffs from remote parts of
the distribution are more difficult to predict than closer
A general principle is that, while in the first three
quadrants you can use the best model you can find,
this is dangerous in the fourth quadrant: no model
should be better than just any model. So the idea is to
exit the fourth quadrant.
The recommendation is to move into the third quadrant
–it is not possible to change the distribution; it is
possible to change the payoff , as will be discussed in
the next section.

Table 5 The Four Quadrants.

Simple payoffs Complex payoffs

Distribution 1 First
(“thin tailed”) Quadrant Second

23 The dangers are limited to exposures in the negative

domain (i.e., adverse payoffs). Some exposures, we will see,

can be only “positive”.


© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

The subtlety is that, while we have a poor idea about (usually) faces positive uncertainty, a bank faces almost
the expectation in the 4th quadrant, exposures to rare exclusively negative shocks.
events are not symmetric.
More significantly, by raising the L (the lower bound),
one can easily produce positive skewness, with a set
VI- DECISION-MAKING AND FORECASTING IN THE FOURTH floor for potential adverse outcomes and open upside.
QUADRANT For instance what Taleb calls a “barbell” investment
strategy consists in allocating a high portion of a
1- Solutions by changing the payoff: portfolio to T-Bills (or equivalent), say α, with 0<α<1,
and a small portion (1-α) to high-variance securities.
Finally, the main idea proposed in this paper is to While the total portfolio has medium variance, L= (1-
endogenize decisions, i.e., escape the 4th quadrant α) times the face value invested while another portfolio
whenever possible by changing the payoff in reaction to of the same variance might lose 100%.
the high degree of unpredictability and the harm it
Convex and Concave to Error: More generally, we
causes. How?
can consider concave to model error if the payoff from
Just consider that the property of “atypicality” of the the error (obtained by changing the tails of the
moves can be compensated by truncating the payoffs, distribution) has a negative second derivative with
thus creating an organic “worst case” scenario that is respect to that change in the tails, or is negatively
resistant to forecast errors. Recall that a binary payoff skewed (like the payoff of a short option). It will be
is insensitive to fat tails precisely because above a convex if the payoff is positively skewed, (like the
certain level, the domain of integration, changes in payoff of a long option).
probabilities do not impact the payoff. So making the
The Effect of Leverage in Operations and
payoff no longer open-ended mitigates the problems,
thus making it more tractable mathematically.
Leveraging in finance has the effect of increasing
A way to express it using moments: all moments of the
concavity to model error. As we will see, it is exactly
distribution become finite in the absence of open-ended
the opposite of redundancy –it causes payoffs to
payoffs –by putting a floor L below which f(x) =0, as
increase, but at the costs of an absorbing barrier should
well a ceiling H. Just consider that if you are
there be an extreme event that exceeds the allowance
integrating payoffs in a finite, not open-ended domain,
made in the risk measurement. Redundancy, on the
i.e. between L and H, respectively, the tails of the
other hand, is the equivalent of de-leveraging, i.e. by
distributions outside that domain no longer matter.
having more idle “inefficient” capital on the side. But a
Thus the domain of integration becomes the domain of
a second look at such funds can reveal that there may
be a direct expected value from being able to benefit
from opportunities in the event of asset deflation –
hence “idle” capital needs to be analyzed as an option.

With an investment portfolio, for instance, it is possible

to “put a floor” on the payoff using insurance, or, better
even, by changing the allocation. Insurance products 2- Solutions by mitigating forecasting
are tailored with a maximum payoff; catastrophe errors
insurance products are also set with a “cap”, though
the cap might be high enough to allow for a Optimization v/s Redundancy. The optimization
dependence on the error of the distribution24. paradigm of the economics literature meets some
problems in the fourth quadrant: what if we have a
consequential forecasting error? Aside from the issue
The Effect of Skewness: We omitted earlier to that the economic agent is optimizing on the future
discuss asymmetry in either the payoff or in the states of the world, with a given probability distribution,
distribution. Clearly the Fourth Quadrant can present nowhere25 have the equations taken into account the
left or right skewness. If we suspect right-skewness, possibility of a large deviation that would allow not
the true mean is more likely to be underestimated by optimizing consumption and having idle capital. Also,
measurement of past realizations, and the total the psychological literature on well-being (Kahneman,
potential is likewise poorly gauged. A biotech company 1999) shows an extremely concave utility function of
income —if one spends such income. But if one hides it
under the mattress, he will be less vulnerable to an
24 Insurance companies might cap the payoff of a single

claim, but a collection of capped claims might represent some

problems as the maximum loss becomes too large as to be 25 Merton 1992, for a discussion of the general
almost undistinguishable from that with an uncapped payoff. consumption Capital Asset Pricing Market.


© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

extreme event. So there is an enhanced survival
probability for those who have additional margin.
While economics have been mired in conventional linear
analysis, stochastic optimization with Bellman-style
equations that fall into the category Type-1, some
intuitions of the point are provided by complex systems.
One of the central attributes of complex systems is
redundancy (May et al, 2008).
Biological systems—those that survived millions of
years—include a large share of redundancies26 27. Just
consider the number of double organs (lungs, kidneys,
ears). This may suggest an option-theoretic analysis:
redundancy is like an option. One certainly pay for it, Figure 11- Comparison between Gaussian-style
but it may be necessary for survival. And while noise and Type-2 noise with extreme spikes –
redundancy means similar functions used by identical which necessitates more redundancy (or
organs or resources, biological systems have, in insurance) than required. Policymakers and
addition, recourse to “degeneracy”, the possibility of forecasters were not aware that complex
one organ to perform more than one function, which is systems tend to produce the second type of
the analog of redundancy at a functional level (Edelman noise.
and Gally, 2001).
When institutions such as banks optimize, they often do
not realizing that a simple model error can blow Examples: In one day in August 2007, Goldman Sachs
through their capital (as it just did). experienced 24 time the average daily transaction
volume28—would 29 times have blown up the clearing
system? Another severe instance of an extreme
“spike” lies in an event of September 18, 2008, in the
aftermath of the Lehman Bothers Bankruptcy.
According to congress documents, only made public in
February 2009.
On Thursday (Sept 18), at 11am the Federal
Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of
money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of
$550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an
hour or two.
If they had not done that[ add liquidity], their
estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5
trillion would have been drawn out of the money
market system of the U.S., would have collapsed
the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours
the world economy would have collapsed. It would
have been the end of our economic system and our
political system as we know it .

For naive economics, the best way to effectively reduce

costs is to minimize redundancy, hence avoiding the
option premium of insurance. Indeed some systems
tend to optimize—therefore become more fragile.
Barabasi and Albert (1999), Albert and Barabasi (2002)
warned (ahead of the North Eastern power outage of
August 2003) how electricity grids for example optimize
to the point of not coping with unexpected surges –
which predicted the possibility of a blackout of the
magnitude of the one that took place in the North
Eastern U.S. in August 2003. We cannot discuss "flat

26 May et al. (2008)

27For the scalability of biological systems, see Burlando 28 Personal communication, Pentagon Highland Forum,

(1993), Harte et al. (1999), Solé et al (1999), Ritchie et al April meeting, 2008.
(1999), Enquist and Niklas (2001). 29 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ca2_1234032281


© Copyright 2009 by N. N. Taleb.

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