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GENERAL Coaching Dice (blue) can be added to your teams dice test before rolled.

Dice removed after used. p28 Models - may not enter hex with another model. p14 SETUP p29 Front Arc - anything in front half of standing model. p11 Give each player Fan Support Card (Visitor or Home) Threat Hexes - 3 hexes in front of standing model. p11 Shuffle cards and place face down with event (?) counter near. Subs Bench - store extra players. players block if in entrance hex. p15 Deal starting cards. May discard any / all for replacements. Sin Bin - injured/fouling players stored for # of turns out of play. p15 Place Score counter at 0, Rush at 1 and Referee on checkered hex. Selecting a Random Player - Identify eligible players & draw card. p49 Coaches get 5 Team Action Tokens and Dice of their color Use 1st matching player # on right. Mark w/(?) if needed.If Event, resolve Home then Visitor team places 6 models anywhere on their half of board. Push Back - Winner moves player into 1 of 3 hexes away from pusher. p36 Remaining models in Subs Bench. If all 3 hexes have models already, player does not move. Ball launched onto pitch, Home team goes first. Event Cards - Stay active until another event (except Ball Shatters). p48 If drawn as action, may play at any time (after current action). RUSH SEQUENCE p32 If drawn for Fan Check, Ref Move, or Random Player, event after. Start of Rush - move rush marker (14 turns) & Launch ball if it's not in play Move / Pushed onto Ball - try pick up if standing & able or ball scatters p42 Launching the Ball - from Rushing coachs left board side, roll die: p30 On 1-5: place on DB hex that # of spaces from side. LEAGUE PLAY On 6: ricochets off opposite wall (roll die) 1-3:to Rushing coach, 4-6:away Games - may play 1 for league points per round. Any # for XP / $. p52 If ball hits player, works like hitting player in Scattering the Ball Pick Opponents - lowest players on league table pick first. If Rushing team fails Catch, Rush Ends. League Table - by Ranking ($), Points (W/L), Strike Difference. p55 Take Actions - 5 team actions (track w/tokens) + special action cards p33 Underdog - $ for MVP/Free Agent, = difference in team rankings. p54 Each player max: 2 team, 1 special, unlimited Free After MVP auction, for every 10mc left, roll on Free Agent Table. Rush Ends When - run out of team actions / cards or players. 1=Human Jack 3=Human Striker 5=Forge Father Guard Throw Strike or at opposing player or Keeper Punts 2=Human Guard 4=Veer-Myn Striker 6=Orx Guard Drop the ball (fail pick up/catch or fall over with ball) Free Agents - may take any/all rolled. No XP, roster limit applies. Rush does not end if you catch scatter from any above action. Between Match Sequence p56 End of Rush - move your out of play(Sin Bin) players 1 step to Subs Bench 1. Man of the Match - Team (both on tie) w/ most Fans: random player who Move Ref = # spaces <= # in upper left of a drawn card. May not end played and is alive gain 1 XP. No award if game was tie. p56 move in colored space or move onto ball. If Event, resolve. p49 2. Results - W:2pts, L/T:1pt. Score 7=W:3/L:0, Note Strike difference. p57 3. Player Advancement - Mark as occurs in game. p57-58 SCATTERING THE BALL p31 Gain 1 XP - Scoring 3/4 strike, Injuring 3+ hits, Man of the Match. Declare which direction is 1. Roll die for direction and distance. Advance - spend XP = to next rank (player max 1 rank / game). If ball hits standing player from front arc, must attempt Catch if able Player value +5mc / rank. (0 success Throw). If not able or fail, ball scatters. Roll on Table - matching role or spend coach die for coach table. Double on Catch allows free Run/Throw, even Non-Rushing team. Table Maxed - choose another role table. Knocked down players dont block ball, but scatter if stops on top. Invalid Result - choose another from same table. Hitting the Wall - Ball bounces off the wall at a 60 degree angle. p14 Max Game Value - 3+ & max 1 gain per. (Strength, Speed, Skill) If the ball hits the wall in one of the 6 hexes with 3 sides touching the Abilities - may not have same Ability more than once. outside of the board, it bounces straight back. SCORING AND WINNING Strike / Scoring - Throw Strike within strike zone hex to its strike hex. p13 1 point for closest 2 zones, 3 points for farthest zone. p14 Bonus +1 point if scores from farthest hex in zone. p14 Adjust score track up or down. p16 Winning - If any player gets 7+ points, they win instantly. p16 After 14 turns, highest score wins. If tie, go to Sudden Death. Sudden Death - Reset rush counter, first team to score wins. No new players may come on field. Team also wins if opponent has no Throwers. Draw if both have none. EXHIBITION MATCHES p50 Agree on team budget. Starter team (100mc) + extra Spend extra on MVPs bidding / advancements (5mc / table roll) May also agree to spend money on extra players.

TEAM / MVP STATS p66-75 M Str Spd Skill Arm $ # Humans - Start with: 1 Coaching Dice, 2 Cards Guard 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 10mc x2 Jack 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 8mc x3 Striker 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 10mc x3 Orx and Goblins - Start with: 1 Coaching Dice, 1 Card Guard 5 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 13mc x3 Jack 5 5+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x5 Veer-Myn - Start with: 0 Coaching Dice, 1 Card Guard 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 12mc x2 Striker 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 11mc x6 Forge Fathers - Start with: 1 Coaching Dice, 1 Card Guard 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 13mc x3 Jack 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 9mc x3 Striker 4 3+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 9mc x2 MVPs p76-82 Buzzcut G 6 Number J 8 88 John Doe G 4 Reek G Rolat Lucky J Logan Slippery S Joe Gorim S Ironstone Enforcer G 5 6 5 5 7 2+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 2+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 11mc 8mc 8mc


Orx Goblin


No Gotcha! OG Cant Feel a 9mc V Thing 8mc

Grizzled, Cant Feel a Thing Mind Like Water, Jump

H Really Lucky A Safe Pair of Hands,Jump,Roll Jump, Backflip

7mc OG

8mc FF Grizzled, Steady 10mc

ABILITIES p62-65 A Safe Pair of Hands (S/J) +1 to Catch inaccurate pass (scattering ball or 0 success Throw) Back Flip (Any) Auto pass Stand Up action as if Doubled. Cant Feel a Thing (Any) +1 success on Armour Checks. Does This Hurt? (J/G) Treat Stomp as a Slam for move/adjacent bonus. Still a Foul. STRIKER JACK GUARD COACH 1.Roll 1.Running Interference 1.Cant Feel a Thing 1.Lucky/Really Lucky Gotcha! (Any) Causes -2 Threat instead of -1. Failed Evades away from player dont move. 2.Jump 2.Strength 2.Does This Hurt? 2.Cant Feel a Thing 3.A Safe Pair of Hands 3.Speed 3.Keeper 3.Grizzled Grizzled (Any) -1 for Slams against this player. 4.Backflip 4.Skill 4.Steady 4.Backflip Jump (S/J) 2 hex move part of run/sprint (counts as 2 movement and no 5.Skill 5.Choose 5.Strength 5.Str., Speed, Skill Evade Check), 1st hex must have player. See Actions. 6.Choose 6.Choose Any S/J/G 6.Choose 6.Choose Keeper (G) Role change to Keeper, type of Guard. Still Guard, unless specifically says otherwise. 3+ Armour. May Pick up Ball or Catch at -1. 4. Team Revenue - Roll 1d per league point earned + 1d per 10 team Punt action - place ball anywhere on field, ball scatters twice, Rush Ends. rankings lower than opponent before game. Add sum to cash. p59 Dead Player - lose unspent & game XP. buy (base $+1d mc) or sell (5mc) Lucky (Any) Once per rush, player may re-roll one dice. Mind Like Water (Any) Always responds to Slams with Slamback (using Buy New Players - Max 14 players, Each role max # = 2x starting #. Speed) and rolls same # dice as Slammer. Buy Cards (10mc) & Dice (6mc) - Max 1 each / game. Max 7 each p61 Really Lucky (Any) Replaces Lucky. Lucky per action now. 5. Team Ranking - MVPs/Free Agents dont count. p61 Players(base $ +5mc / rank) + Cards(10mc) + Dice(6mc) + unspent cash Roll (S/J) If target of Stomp, treat normal Dodge as Double. Running Interference (J/G) May use once per match, see Actions. MVPs - auction available MVPs after next round games assigned. p60 Steady (J/G) Not knocked down by Slam. Still pushed/armor check Minimum Bid - cost listed (minimum) or cost last round. Start bidding w/ last owner or random. If no bids, cost -2mc next round. Available for all games in next round. Roster limit applies.
DreadBall Reference v1.5 by RangerRob (from BGG) / RangerRobAZ (Mantic)

ACTIONS AND FOULS Action DICE TESTS p26 = Reaction Outcome / Notes (1) test - need 1 success. #d: Roll # dice (x) test - need > opponent roll (123) test - need 1 1st time, then 2 for next, etc. S = Striker >=stat: success 6: roll extra die ignore acting players Double - 2x needed successes J = Jack G = Guard & targets threat Opponent rolls 0 - need 1+ Throw Actions p38-39 STRIKE - target must be in front arc. 0 - ball scatters from target. Rush Ends 1 - adjust score track. Rush Ends 2+ - (or score 3+ points) Also do Fan Check. Xd Skill (1) SJ
3d: 1-3 hex range -1 per threat (max -2) PASS - target must be in front arc & able to Catch. 0 - Inaccurate Pass, attempt Catch 2d: 4-6 hex range -1 if moved 1d: 7-9 hex range -1 target is Strike hex 1 - Accurate Pass, attempt Catch



Modifiers +/- dice for modifiers + coaching dice?


Movement Actions p34,41,42 SJG Move # hexes = Movement, turning freely. May Dash. Must Evade if move out of threat hex SJG Move # hexes = 2x Movement, straight forward. May turn 1 hex side per Movement point. May Dash. Must Evade if move out of threat hex THROW STRIKE PASS AT PLAYER
J may move 1 S may Run

Dash - move 1 extra hex, then test. Evade - after move out of enemy threat hex. DASH -1 per threat (max -2) Jump - uses 2 move,1st hex player. No Evade p63 EVADE SJG 3d Speed (123) on hex moving from JUMP* +1 if Striker 0/1/2 - fall down in hex moved to. * Req. Ability If ball carrier - ball scatters and Rush Ends 1/2/3+ - success PICK UP BALL SJ 3d Skill (1) -1 per threat (max -2) 0 - ball scatters. -1 if Sprinted 1 - pick up ball, action ends. -1 if Keeper 2+ - Also free Run/Throw action. +1 if Striker Rush Ends

+1 if Striker

A clear (no standing models), shortest path to target is required.

AT PLAYER - target must be in front arc & Dodges if

Thrower in front arc (vs. 0 if back). - push back, target faces vacated hex, ball scatters from vacated. Rush Ends Double - Also knock down and Armour Check. Win

Slam / Steal Actions p35-37 Target may Dodge (front/rear) or Slamback (front) SLAM
J may move 1 G may Run



Xd Skill (1)

JG 3d Strength (x)

-1 per threat (max -2) Draw - players turn to face each other +1 if moved adjacent Win - push back (may follow up), players face +1 if Guard each other if follow up, vacated hex if not Double - Also knock down & Armour Check. Target may Dodge (front/rear) or Slamback (front) -1 per threat (max -2) Draw - players turn to face each other +1 if Striker Win - ball scatters. Double - Stealing player takes ball. see Slam -1 per threat (max -2) Win - turn any way; enemy turns to face -1 if knocked down Double - Also free 1-hex move (even if down) +1 if Striker +1 if Guard Hits = Slam winner successes - loser successes Reduce Hits - by 1 per Armour success Out of Play - 1 turn per hit. 4+ hits: player killed. Fan Check - for injuring team if 3+ hits.

Ball must come (via throw or scatter) from front arc -1 per threat (max -2) 0 - ball scatters from target. Rush Ends X=throw successes -1 if Keeper X=0 on scatter +1 if Striker 1 - catch ball, action ends. 2+ - Also free Run/Throw action. -1 per threat (max -2) Draw / Win - Ball scatters from target. Rush Ends +1 if Striker Double - Also free 1-hex move & turn any way Fouls p44-46 Draw / Win - Ref only on this player until Rush end +1 if Guard Do Ref Check w/ -1d (no eye) Double - As Draw/Win, but no Ref Check. -1 per threat (max -2) Win - do Ref Check against player from distracting team Double - player thrown out for rest of game


SJG 3d Speed (x)

J may move 1 S may Run


3d Speed (x)


SJG 3d 4+ test (x) Ref 3d 4+ test (x)


JG Start a Slam action in the front arc of target, but Slam from the back. JG Slam a knocked down player, but may not move. Target Dodges. Double - target makes Armour Check. Any other result - turn to face target. If team has > 6 players on field, may Call Foul after any actions by that team. Ref can be within 7 of any player on team. Random player out of play on Ref Check success Actions Done on Opponents Turn p42-43 Requires ability or card to use. Player running interference may not have the ball. During opponents Rush, may interrupt any action (max 1 interrupt per action) & do a Slam. If Slam successful, action ends, otherwise target may resume action. If called by opponent during/after foul and before next action, Ref Check done after action. 1d 1-3 +1 if Ref <= 7 spaces Sum all dice < 4; player out of play # turns = sum. 4+ sum: out for game.
DreadBall Reference v1.5 by RangerRob (from BGG) / RangerRobAZ (Mantic)

SJG 3d Armour

SJG If player in opponent entrance hex, may Call Foul on him after any actions by his team. SJG


SJG 3d Speed (1)

Other Actions p40,48 -1 per threat (max -2) 1 - stand up and turn any way. +1 if Striker 2+ - Also free action (not Sprint)

Draw card, max draws per Rush = # of cards on team roster. No hand limit. Do After - a 3/4 point strike, Double on strike, injuring player for 3+ turns. Draw Card - place under fan support card, with fans (red dots) sticking out. If 3+ fans - turn cards face down and get a coaching die. If Event, resolve.


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