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August 2013




Pinch Analysis for Production Planning Focus on Screening Employing Process Simulation Software Bio-Based Chemicals

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Facts at Your Fingertips: Heat-Transfer-Fluid Leaks

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VOLUME 120, NO. 8

Cover Story Ten Things You May Not Know About Liquid Mixing Scaleup Follow the guidance provided here to ensure success when moving liquid-mixing systems from small-scale to commercial-scale units

Chementator Commercialization is set for a biomass-to-gasoline process; Ethylene in FCC off-gas is upgraded for motor fuels; Inorganic membranes show promise to halve energy consumption in distillation; A solid way to eliminate contaminants from wastewater; Reduce air consumption by AODD pumps with this technology; and more Newsfront Bio-Based Chemicals Gain Market Acceptance An acceleration of commercialization for a number of bio-based building blocks, including several four-carbon compounds, signals further confidence in the industry as a whole Newsfront Modeling Optimized Processes Advanced features in easier-to-use formats allow chemical engineers to take advantage of process-modeling solutions for organization-wide optimization





ENGINEERING 24a Facts at Your Fingertips Detection and Prevention of

DP:DPO Fluid Leaks This one-page reference discusses how to maintain a leak-tight heat-transfer-fluid system when using diphenyldiphenyl oxide (DP:DPO) eutectic heat-transfer fluids


Technology Profile Methanol-to-Propylene Technology This one-page profile describes the technology and economic considerations for the production of propylene from methanol Feature Report Pinch Analysis for Production Planning in Manufacturing Industries The two new graphical techniques presented here can help optimize factory capacity and financial resources





Engineering Practice Absorber Optimization: Employing ProcessSimulation Software Applying simulation-model case studies in the field yields significant savings with no capital cost



Focus on Screening All screening needs are contained in this mobile trailer; Magnetic, metal-detectable screen cleaners; Reduce power, noise and more with this fine-mesh screener; Meter, screen and convey just about any dry material; This minerals screener also accepts hot materials; and more New Products Wireless capability simplifies level and interface modeling; Use this explosion-proof LED lamp in hazardous locations; These hose assemblies offer greater vacuum resistance; These permeation tubes blend high-pressure gases; Use this pressure sensor with very viscous media; Use these plastic flow switches in very tight spaces; and more



The Fourth ChemInnovations Conference and Expo will be held September 25 and 26 in Galveston, Tex. at the Moody Gardens Convention Center. Programmed by chemical industry leaders and designed for professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI), the event aims to supply information that will help companies and individuals prepare for the future of the industry

Editors Page The Greening of China Judging by the content and exhibits of the AchemAsia tradeshow in Beijing, China's attention is heavily on environmental protection and water treatment


The Fractionation Column Evil Chemicals? The environmentalists of the world have been effective at alerting us all to the dangers of pollution and over-consumption, but they are not always right

Letters Calendar Reader Service

54 55
Whos Who Economic Indicators

Product Showcase/Classified Advertiser Index

Look for: Feature Reports on the Maintenance of Pumps and Other Assets; and Steam Traps; a Solids Processing article on Bulk-Solids Mixing; an Engineering Practice article on Finned Heat-Exchanger Performance; a Focus on Sensors; A Facts at Your Fingertips on Materials of Construction; News articles on Modular Construction; and the Chemical Industry in India; and more
Cover: David Whitcher

Look for a Web-exclusive Article on Solar Power; A Test your Knowledge Quiz; additional New Products; Latest News; and more


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The ChemInnovations conference & expo will cover critical issues in operating and managing a chemical/petrochemical plant that have been identied by plant management teams.


OK Shale, now what? HEAR David Bem, Dow Chemical Company, detail suspected but little-discussed impacts from increased ethane cracking at the Keynote LEARN how to develop sustainable water management practices DISCOVER tips on how to develop and manage a strong workforce Get a REVIEW of recent incidents by the Chemical Safety Board and how they impact guidelines LEARN about practical solutions for detecting problems and maintaining the integrity of plant equipment

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The greening of China

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he AchemAsia exhibition and conferences ( are a pretty good guide to trends in the chemical process industries (CPI) in China. Held every three years, you can measure changes simply by studying what is on show, and what delegates have come to hear. When the 15,000 or so attendees came to Beijing this past May, one of the biggest things on their collective mind was environmental protection and water treatment. Organizer, Dechema e.V. (Frankfurt am Main, Germany;, says that of 418 exhibitors, 116 were showing environmental solutions, while 135 were displaying water treatment technologies. The AchemAsia conference program was no less focused on the environmental future. We have come to think of environmental concerns as being at the bottom of the list for China in its dash for growth. But that may be changing. Heres why: First, Chinas business model is shifting fast. The last 30 years have seen the country become the worlds factory, based on low-cost production. Those days are over. Chinas costs are rising rapidly, for labor, for raw materials, and for energy. It no longer makes sense to import oil valued at $90100/ barrel to convert it into cheap plastic goods for Americans and Europeans to buy. There may be a transition period as commodity industries move inland to the West of the country to take advantage of lower wage costs there, but Chinas will have to become a high-tech economy. Nothing else will be sustainable in the long-term. The shift to high-tech will be accompanied by more efficient use of energy and resources, and a shift out of commodity businesses. Expect to see the rise of materials science companies, focused on and enabling the growth of sectors such as energy efficiency, renewables technology, biotechnology, batteries, electric cars and semiconductors. The second reason is that China is investing in alternative energy with the same all-out ferocity that it once reserved for coal investments. Its current five-year plan calls for a rise in the proportion of power generated from non-fossil fuels of 3.4% to 11.4% of total energy use by 2015, to be accompanied by a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 17% compared with 2010. Solar, wind, renewable fuels and nuclear all have growing shares of the energy mix. China also has big reserves of shale gas. The deposits are not in wide flat beds like in the U.S., but are often affected by fault lines and other geological features that make drilling difficult. The country lacks the technology to recover shale gas over long distances from the well head and many basins are in water-poor areas. But when these problems are overcome, as they will be, we can expect China to shift its energy generation platform quickly to include a significant proportion of gas, resulting in cleaner-burning fuel, with much lower greenhouse gas emissions than coal, if it is managed properly. Finally, you cannot forget that China is a centrally planned economy, at least for now, and that the full weight of the state can get behind renewable fuels, for example, without waiting for legal and incentive structures to come into place, as would happen in the U.S. or Europe. And while five-year plans are not reliable guides to what happens in practice, they do indicate intent in this case to go greener. Chinas green shift will have implications for the CPI around the world. We can expect more basic R&D and process design to originate in China as it searches out a high-tech future. We can expect a redrawing of the world map of where high- and low-tech products are made. Finally, as the wealth and power of Chinas 1.2 billion people starts to rise, we will see that Chinas decisions today will affect the manufacturing standards we adopt tomorrow. John Pearson, CEO, Chemical Industry Roundtables

4 Choke Cherry Road, Second Floor Rockville, MD 20850

Energy Storage North America. Messe Dsseldorf North America (Chicago, Ill.). Phone: 312-781-5185; Web: San Jose, Calif. Sept. 1012 Winding: Machines, Mechanics and Measurements. Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (Fort Mill, S.C.). Phone: 803-948-9470; Web: Chicago, Ill. Sept. 1920 The 2013 Polyurethanes Technical Conference. American Chemistry Council, Center for the Polyurethanes (Washington, D.C.). Phone: 202-249-7000; Web: Phoenix, Ariz. Sept. 2325 4th Annual ChemInnovations Conference & Expo. TradeFair Group, an Access Intelligence Company (Houston). Phone: 713-343-1891; Web: Galveston Sept. 2526 42nd Turbomachinery and 29th International Pump Users Symposia. Texas A&M University (College Station, Tex.). Phone: 979-845-7417; Web: Houston, Tex. Sept. 30Oct. 3 Coating Process Development. Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (Fort Mill, S.C.). Phone: 803-948-9470; Web: Chicago, Ill. Oct. 12 Solution Preparation and Mixing. Assn. of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (Fort Mill, S.C.). Phone: 803-948-9470; Web: Chicago, Ill. Oct. 34 Valve Manufacturers Assn. Annual Meeting. VMA (Washington, D.C.). Phone: 703-554-3609; Web: Palm Beach, Fla. Oct. 35 WEFTEC 2013. Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.). Phone: 751-830-1545. Web: Chicago, Ill. Oct. 59 Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for the Oil & Gas Industry. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400 Web: Houston Oct. 8 2013 AFPM Q&A and Technology Forum. American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM; formerly NPRA; Washington, D.C.). Phone: 202-457-0480. Web: Dallas, Tex. Oct. 79 Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for Oil & Gas. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400 Web: Houston Oct. 8 Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for the Semiconductor Industry. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400 Web: Santa Clara, Calif. Oct. 10 Gasification Technologies 2013 Conference. The Gasification Technologies Council (Arlington, Va.). Phone: 703-276-0110. Web: Colorado Springs, Colo. Oct. 1316 Process Expo: Food and Beverage Processing. Messe Dsseldorf (Chicago, Ill.) Phone: 312-781-5185; Web: Chicago, Ill. Nov. 36

5th Symposium on Continuous Flow Reactor Technology. AIC ASTI Incentives & Congressi S.r.l. (Pisa, Italy). Phone: +39-50-598808; Web: Pisa, Italy Sept. 1112 K 2013 Annual Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber. Messe Dsseldorf North America (Chicago, Ill.). Phone: 312-781-5185; Web: Dsseldorf, Germany Oct. 1623 Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for Oil & Gas. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400; Web: Duisberg, Germany Oct. 22 Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for the Semiconductor Industry. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400; Web: Dresden, Germany Oct. 24


Elastomer Technology & Seal Design for Critical Sealing Applications. Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd. (Blackburn, U.K.). Phone: +44-1254-295400; Web: Suzhou, China Sept. 13 2013 International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Solid-State Research. Crystal Pharmatech Co. Ltd. China (Princeton, N.J.) and American Chemical Soc. (Washington, D.C.). Phone: 609-529-4135; Web: Suzhou, China Oct. 1719 Suzanne Shelley

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To secure a sponsorship or attendance, contact Christy Coleman, Director, at 713-343-1873 or [email protected]

Edited by Gerald Ondrey

August 2013

Commercialization is set for a biomass-to-gasoline process

process that is expected to produce highoctane gasoline from non-food biomass for an average cost of $1.50/gal, depending on feed costs, will be commercialized by Cool Planet Energy Systems (Denver, Colo.; www. The company has tested the process in a 200,000-gal/yr pilot plant in Camarillo, Calif., and now plans to install 400 10-million-gal/yr microrefineries across the U.S. by 2020. The plants will be built from modules. Construction is scheduled to start early next year on a manufacturing plant to produce the modules, which will be shipped to the field for assembly. We will take the modular plants to where the biomass is and we dont intend to ship biomass from farther than a 30-mile radius, says Michael Rocke, vice-president. In Cool Planets process (flowsheet), biomass is fractionated thermo-mechanically by a patented Biomass Fractionator at 300500C and 2 bars in a controlled flashpyrolysis step. The carbonized biomass residue (biochar) is recovered from the bottom of the fractionator for use as a soil enhancer, while the gases (a mix of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) exit the top of the unit. The gases pass to a reactor and are

Biomass in


Advanced catalysts A&B

PATH 2 Biomass fractionator

Advanced catalysts C&D

Jet gasoline diesel


Soil enhancement process Soil enhancer

converted to gasoline, diesel fuel or jet fuel by proprietary zeolite catalysts. Cool Planet has programmable catalysts and uses up to two per reactor, says Rocke. The structure of the modified ZSM-5 catalysts, as well as the process conditions, are tailored to obtain the desired product. Rocke emphasizes that the fuels are identical to those obtained from petroleum and contain no oxygen, normally an undesired component of biofuels. In Cool Planets process, he says, O2 combines with H2 to form byproduct water. He adds that the char soil enhancer not only increases crop yields, but when it is sequestered in the ground, it removes CO2 from the atmosphere, resulting in a carbon footprint reduction of up to 150%.

Carbon sequestered

Anti-hydrolysis agent
Teijin Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan; has developed a new carbodiimide anti-hydrolysis agent that is said to exhibit superior anti-hydrolysis properties to improve the durability of plastics. The agent has the additional advantage of not emitting isocyanate gas, which is usually generated during the use of carbodiimide agents. Thus, the new agent is expected to help improve working environments for manufacturers. Samples are being provided to potential users, and the company plans commercialization by 2015, with Continuestarget on p. 12 an annual ( production of ) 100 tons by 2018. Based on an agent already used in Teijins Biofront heat-resistant bioplastic, the new agent has now been con rmed for application in other types of plastic, including polyesters, polyamides and polyurethanes. The cyclic carbodiimide can be used in relatively smaller quantities to increase plastics durability, and because it is heat resistant to at least 300C, it can be mixed with plastics at higher temperatures. It can also be used as a crosslinking agent to harden or adjust the viscosity of paint and coating agents.

Inorganic membranes show promise to halve energy consumption in distillation

apanese researchers from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO; Kawasaki City;, Waseda University, JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp. (JX_NOE) and five other companies along with five more universities have developed an inorganic membrane that enables energy savings of up to 50% compared to conventional dewatering distillation processes. Developed under a five-year NEDO research project that began in 2009, the membrane has already achieved 200 h of continuous operation since February in a 60 kg/h bench plant at JX_NOEs Kawasaki factory. The membrane is said to be more hydrophobic than existing inorganic membranes made of A-type zeolite, and thus more

widely applicable. It is made by a crystalfabrication technology that optimizes the crystal composition at the nanoscale. The research group has also developed a manufacturing process to produce separation modules with membranes on a porous ceramic support. The membranes are used in a hybrid process within the reflux section of a distillation column. Initially, the test application is the dewatering of an isopropanol/water mixture. The group plans to demonstrate 1,000 h of continuous operation under real industrial conditions, and scale up the process in 2016. Another membrane with acidresistant characteristics is also being codeveloped in the project for the dewatering of acetic acid.

Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number on p. 52, or use the website designation.



Syngas from CO2 + H2

Last month, a three-year, 9.2-million research project was started to develop a process to make synthesis gas (syngas) from CO2 and H2. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; Bonn, Germany; within its Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection Chemical Processes and Use of CO2 scheme (for more projects, see CE, July 2013, pp. 1619). The partners BASF SE (Ludwigshafen), the Linde Group (Munich), ThyssenKrupp Uhde GmbH (Dortmund) ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe (Duisburg), hte AG (Heidelberg), VDEh Betriebsforschungsinstitute (Dsseldorf) and the Technical University of Dortmund are developing a two-stage process. First, methane is decomposed thermally at high temperatures into H2 and carbon, without the addition of O2 or water. This H2 is then catalytically reacted with CO2 to form syngas (CO and H2). The H2-production step alone is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by about 50% compared to conventional steam methane reforming, and the solid carbon byproduct may potentially be used to replace hard coal in the coke and steel industries, says BASF. The partners hope to develop a pilot plant design and a concept for integrating the technology into existing chemical and steel-producing sites.

Linde to help commercialize an oil-from-algae process

apphire Energy, Inc. (San Diego, Calif.; and The Linde Group (Munich; have signed an agreement, with a minimum span of five years, to commercialize Sapphires process for producing crude oil from algae. The agreement expands an existing partnership in which the two companies have developed a low-cost method for delivering CO2 to algae ponds. Linde will now help refine and scale up Sapphires hydrothermal process for crude production. The two companies also plan to adapt the process for other feed materials, including municipal solid waste and farm waste, and to license the technology jointly. Sapphires process differs from conventional algae-to-crude methods in that the feed is not concentrated to an algae content of greater than 90% solids for oil extraction. Instead, the feed is subjected to a simple dewatering, using technology adapted from the wastewater industry, to obtain an algae concentration of about 20%. The solution is then pumped to a hydrothermal reactor, where the algae is converted to crude at

250350C and 7003,000 psig in a continuous process. When the mixture leaves the reactor the oil is separated from the water by conventional liquid-liquid solvent extraction, says Ben Saydah, Sapphires director of conversion and upgrading. The solvent is then boiled off and recycled and the water phase is recycled as nutrients. The main advantage of the process is that it avoids the costly dewatering step prior to oil extraction, says Saydah. With our process, once you produce oil the dewatering is much easier. Also, we dont boil the water, which saves energy, and we will be able to recover a lot of the heat. A 2-barrels-per-day (bbl/d) pilot plant has been operating for nine months in Las Cruces, N.M., processing algae produced at Sapphires algae farm in Columbus, N.M. A 100-bbl/d demonstration plant is in the design stage. Sapphire has an agreement with Tesoro Corp. (San Antonio, Tex.) under which Tesoro will purchase crude from Sapphire. In test runs, about 85% of the carbon in the algae oil has been converted to diesel fuel after hydrotreating, says Saydah.

This FCC process shown to enhance olefins production

X Nippon Oil & Energy Corp. (JX_NOE; Tokyo, Japan; has demonstrated enhanced propylene and butenes yields by its high-severity, fluidcatalytic cracking (HS-FCC) technology. In a 3,000-bbl/d semi-commercial plant, which has been operating at the companys Mizushima Refinery since May 2011, propylene yields have been found to be enhanced by 25 wt.% 5% higher than previously anticipated, and much higher than the 4 wt.% yield achieved in the existing FCC unit. The butenes yield was also enhanced by 6% to 20 wt.%, and the yield of high-octane gasoline was 29 wt.%. The HS-FCC process features a downflow

reactor, which has the advantage of suppressing backmixing, and also results in shorter contact times (0.50.6 s) between the feed and the catalyst, which allows higher catalyst-to-oil ratios. The short contact times also enable the process to operate at higher (600C) temperatures (For more process information, see CE, August 2009, p. 12). JX_NOE has been developing the HS-FCC process for several years. In cooperation with Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum (JCCP; Tokyo) and King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (Dharan, Saudi Arabia), the company built a 30-bbl/d demonstration plant at Saudi Aramacos Ras Tanura Refinery that operated in 20032004.

Utilizing offgases
Siemens Metals Technologies (Linz, Austria; www.siemens. com/metals) and LanzaTech (Roselle, Ill.; www.lanzatech. com) have signed a ten-year cooperation agreement to develop and market integrated environmental solutions for the global

(Continues on p. 12)

Ethylene in FCC off-gas is upgraded to motor fuels

typical fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCC) generates about 200 tons/d of dry gas a mixture of off-gases that is burned as refinery fuel. However, about 40 tons of that gas is ethylene, which would have much greater value as gasoline or diesel fuel. A process that converts better than 40% of the ethyl10

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ene to motor fuels in a single pass is being developed by UOP LLC, a Honeywell company (Des Plaines, Ill.; www. A conventional way to recover the ethylene is by oligomerization to fuels, says Christopher Nicholas, lead scientist in exploratory catalyst research with UOP,

but the recovery is usually below 25%. This is because dry gas contains impurities (NH3, H2S, CO and CO2) that can poison the catalyst, which is often a zeolite. UOPs catalyst, consisting of nickel on an amorphous silica-alumina (ASA) base, is stable in the presence of the impurities, he says. (Continues on p. 13)



Modified PU foam shows promise as sponge for soaking up oil spills

cientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing; have found a way to transform polyurethane (PU) foam into a sponge that is strongly water-repellent and oil-absorbing, making it suitable for soaking up chemicals and petroleum from spills. One of the Chinese scientists, Zhaozhu Zhang, says that sponges previously developed to absorb oil from spills also soak up water as well, so their absorption capacity is not fully utilized to remove the oil. And although several superhydrophobic and superoliophilic materials have been prepared in the past, they require complex and time-consuming methods to make them, and they exhibit low stability and flexibility, as well as poor absorption capacity and poor recyclability, says Zhang. The new oil-absorbing sponges are made by a simple vapor-phase polymerization of pyrrole onto PU foam (purchased from a local furniture store). To prepare the sponge for its coating, the

foam is first dipped into ferric chloride and 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (PTES). The PTES-coated sponge is placed into a sealed chamber over a pool of volatile pyrrole. The PTES helps the pyrrole adhere to the sponge surface while the iron from the ferric chloride catalyzes the polymerization of the pyrrole into a thin coating of polypyrrole over the sponges pores.

The new sponge was shown to absorb more than 20 times its dry weight for each of the oils tested (including motor oil and soybean oil). After a simple mechanical squeezing and washing process, the oil contaminated sponges can be recovered and recycled many times in the oil-water separation. After many such cycles, the sponges could still absorb at least 17 times their own weight in oil, says Zhang.

Electromagnetic separation technology applied to aquaculture

echnology originally developed for harvesting oil from algae has now been applied to sanitize water and remove ammonia from commercial aquaculture ponds. Electro Water Separation (EWS) technology, developed by OriginOil Technologies (Los Angeles, Calif.;, applies pulses of tuned electromagnetic waves in specific

patterns to a series of long tubes containing the fluid needing separation. In the case of algae dewatering and harvesting, the electric pulses cause algae cells to cluster together (flocculate) for efficient harvesting, while for water-oil mixtures in treating produced water from hydraulic fracturing (Continues on p. 12)

Model relief devices in owbalanced simulations.

Good thinking.
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(Continued from p. 10)


Reduce air consumption from AODD pumps with this technology

ew technology developed for air-operated, double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps can reduce consumption of compressed air by up to 60% without electronic components, while maintaining the same flowrates. The reduced air consumption translates directly to lower energy usage. Developed by Wilden Pump Inc. (Grand Terrace, Calif.;, and tradenamed the Pro-Flo Shift Air Distribution System, the technology consists of a cylindrical-shaped air-control spool that shifts back-and-forth between the two diaphragms of the AODD pump. The spool automatically meters air toward the end of the pump stroke, optimizing the pumps performance, explains Wilden innovation specialist and technology inventor Carl Glauber. The mechanically actuated spool works by controlling the timing of the air intake during the pump cycle, restricting the airflow from the compressor toward the end of each pump stroke. The pump cavity is thereby

filled with only enough air to maintain the fluid flowrate, but no excess air. Although improvements have been made to the airdistribution system of traditional AODD pumps, a significant amount of air is still being lost during the time period from the end of the pump stroke to when the air valve shift is completed, explains Glauber. By restricting the air supply to the air chamber toward the end of each pump stroke, Pro-Flo Shift prevents overfilling and saves air and power, while the pump still performs the same amount of work. Wilden has built a laboratory test skid to mimic plant conditions to compare the ProFlo Shifts fluid-flow and air-consumption performance to other AODD pumps. According to Wilden, pumps equipped with the ProFlo Shift consume up to 60% less air compared to a host of popular AODD pumps. The Pro-Flo Shift technology is commercially available and can be retrofitted onto existing pumps, says the company.

steel industry. The collaboration will use fermentation technology developed by Lanzatech, to reuse the offgases from the converter, coking plant or blast furnace processes as nutrients and a source of energy. The patented fermentation process allows steel-plant operators to make use of the chemical energy contained in the offgases (CO, CO2 and H2) for the production of bioethanol or other base chemicals, such as acetic acid, acetone, isopropanol, nbutanol or 2,3-butadiene. LanzaTech has been operating a pilot plant in Auckland, New Zealand since 2008 utilizing raw steel-mill gases. In 2012, LanzaTech became the irst company to scale up gas-fermentation technology to a pre-commercial level. It developed and operated two facilities, each with a capacity of 300 ton/yr, that convert luegas from Baosteel and Shougang steel plants into ethanol. The company is now planning to begin construction on two commercial facilities in China in 2013, with production expected in 2014 (for more process details, see CE, December 2010; p. 12).

A solid way to eliminate contaminants from wastewater

SIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship (Perth, Western Australia; www.csiro. au/MDU) has developed a method that uses hydrotalcite formation to simultaneously remove contaminants from mining and industrial wastewaters in a single step. Current wastewater-treatment processes typically produce lime-based slurries, often with large amounts of water, which requires additional treatment. In contrast, hydrotalcites settle rapidly out of solution and can be easily removed using centrifugation, leaving behind a much cleaner solution. Hydrotalcites, [general formula, Mg6Al2(CO3)(OH)16.4(H2O)], consist

of layers rich in Al and Mg that are separated by interlayers of negatively charged ions, such as sulfates. They form when Al and Mg are present in an ideal ratio and in a medium with a pH of 6 or higher. As hydrotalcites form, the Al and Mg can be partially replaced by other metals, such as Cu, Pb and Cd, and anions such as chromate and arsenate can also be incorporated into the interlayers. This property makes it possible to trap contaminants into hydrotalcites, which can then be easily removed as a solid. Because mining wastewater often already contains substantial amounts of Al and Mg, it is possible to create hydrosults of a demonstration carried out at aquaculture facilities in Coachella Valley, Calif. Operated in a continuously circulated loop, the EWS technology eliminates microorganisms from pond water without the need for chemicals or antibiotics, helping protect fish and shellfish from disease. The EWS can also remove ammonia from the water, by converting it to nitrates or nitrogen gas. The nitraterich water can be used to nourish algae, which is then harvested using EWS

talcites utilizing common contaminants also present in the wastewater by simply adjusting their concentration and adding alkaline compounds to rapidly increase the pH level, explains CSIRO scientist Grant Douglas. Initial applications of the CSIRO process have focused on treating wastewater generated from mining and extraction of uranium at the Ranger mine in the Northern Territory. The process effectively removes a range of contaminants, including uranium, rare-earth elements, transition metals and anions. Commercialization of the process is under way with Virtual Curtain Ltd. (Perth, Australia). to be pelletized into nutritious feed. The ability to remove ammonia can greatly increase productivity in aquaculture ponds without adding capital costs, comments Jose Sanchez, OriginOil vice president of quality assurance and service. Continuously removing ammonia allows densities of shrimp or fish that are twice or three times as high as with conventional ammonia handling, without changing pond infrastructure, Sanchez says.

ELECTROMAGNETIC SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY (Continued from p. 11) wells, the pulses break oil-water emulsions (see CE, July 2012, p. 12). The same technology can effectively rupture bacteria cells and denature viruses, allowing its use in increasing algae shelflife, eliminating bacteria from produced water, and sanitizing water from aquaculture ponds. The company recently announced re12

CHemICAL eNgINeerINg www.CHe.COm AuguST 2013


Thin-film deposition

ast month, Southwest Research Institute (SWRI; San Antonio, Tex.; www. was awarded $1.5 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA; Arlington, Va.; for a three-year project to develop alternative technologies for depositing thin films. The project is part of DARPAs Local Control of Materials (LoCo) program, which aims to overcome the reliance on high-thermal-energy inputs by examining the process of thinfilm deposition at the molecular level in areas including reactant flux, surface

mobility and reaction energy. The LoCo program will try to develop low-temperature deposition processes and a new range of coating-substrate pairings to improve the surface properties of rotor blades, infrared missile domes, photovoltaics and others. The first year of the project will focus on a proof-of-concept demonstration of SWRIs HiPIPS (high-power impulse plasma source), which provides a high flux of reactive species to a surface, while maintaining an overall low deposition temperature. In subsequent years, the project will integrate the plasma source with other technologies, and more. to 1,100 psia, says Nicholas, with gasoline yield coming at lower temperature and pressure than maximum distillate yield. The product is readily separated from unconverted components in the dry gas feed via a single boiling-point column fractionation, due to the large difference in molecular weight between the product and the feed.

esearchers from the University of Texas at Austin ( and the University of Marburg (Germany; www. are developing a process, called electrochemically mediated seawater desalination, that promises to be an inexpensive way to desalinate small volumes of water. The patent-pending method described in the June issue of Angewante Chemie uses a plastic chip with a branched microchannel. At the junction of the branch, an embedded electrode neutralizes some of the Cl ions, creating an ion-depletion zone, which increases the local electric field compared to the rest of the channel. The resulting electric-field gradient redirects the salts into one branch, allowing desalinated water to pass through the other branch. Startup company Okeanostech (Union, Ky.; is working to commercialize the technology with its so-called WaterChip a solid-state, massively parallel desalination (MPD) platform.

ETHYLENE IN FCC OFF-GAS (Continued from p. 10) The process obtains motor fuels from ethylene in a two-step oligomerization. First, the Ni converts ethylene to butanes and hexenes, then the ASA finishes the oligomerization to fuels. Process conditions range from 200 to 400C and 700

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An acceleration of commercialization for a number of bio-based building-block chemicals signals further confidence in the industry as a whole

s an industry sector, bio-based chemicals have seen significant expansion over the past year, with several commercial developments occurring in a group of fourcarbon commodity chemicals, including succinic acid, butanols, butadiene and butanediol. While a host of technologybased companies have built new facilities and scaled up production capabilities, others have formed alliances with established players in the chemical industry in the form of strategic partnerships and development agreements. Meanwhile, larger chemical companies are seeking to incorporate bioderived chemicals into their product portfolios, either through their own development or through partnerships. Cumulatively, the activity may have placed the bio-based chemicals industry on the cusp of a rapid acceleration, in terms of volume increases and market uptake for bio-based products. However, the successes in commercialization have not come without difficulties. Some companies have shifted their focus toward lowervolume, higher-margin products, and away from the larger market for fuels. Also, they have had to navigate a set of changes to the chemical industry that have been wrought by increased natural gas production from shale. The industry has been somewhat soured by over-promising and under-delivering in the past, but there is now the potential for explosive growth, says Fred Moesler, chief

technology officer at Renmatix Inc. (King of Prussia, Pa.;, a maker of cellulosic sugar for the biobased chemicals industry. Taking stock of the recent activity in setting up demonstration- and commercial-scale plants, Alif Saleh, vice president of sales and marketing for the succinic acid and derivatives business unit of Myriant (Quincy, Mass.;, says The chemical markets are starting to take the advent of commercial supply of bio-based chemicals more seriously. Combined with the new facilities, this factor helps create an environment for bio-based chemicals where commercialization will start occurring even more rapidly going forward, he adds. While there hasnt been across-theboard success in this sector, there is a growing sense of credibility for the biobased chemicals industry, says Ronald Cascone, a principal with Nexant (White Plains, N.Y.; Bio-based chemicals may be at a tipping point preceding even more rapid growth, he explains, where a critical mass of companies has adopted a stance favorable to using bio-based materials, and enough technologies have advanced to the point where they are at or approaching cost parity with corresponding petroleum-based products. Along with Nexant colleague Bruce Orr and others, Cascone has developed and applied a capacity analysis coupled with a risk analysis methodol-

FIGURE 1. Lanxess produced polybutylene terephthalate from Genomaticas bio-based 1,4-butanediol at this plant in Leverkusen, Germany

ogy for assessing developments in the bio-based chemicals market. Nexant projects that the bio-based industry will have added 4 million tons of novel bio-based capacity between 2012 and 2015, out of a total of 6 million tons of announced capacity, including cellulosic sugars, Cascone says. Other Nexant work suggests there may be as much as 15 million tons of cumulative capacity by 2020.

C4 chemicals opportunity
The flood of inexpensive natural gas from shale in the U.S. has had a transformative effect on the chemical industry in the region, and the effect has been felt by the bio-based chemicals industry in a number of ways. Shale gas has made it more difficult for biobased chemical producers to compete economically in the C2 and C3 olefins space. But the shift on the part of flexible-feedstock crackers toward using ethane and away from naptha in making ethylene (see Chem. Eng., October 2012, pp. 1719) has created a shortage of C4 chemicals, and this has opened up an opportunity for biobased chemical makers. When you run a cracker with lighter feeds, you end up with dramatically lower output of C4 chemicals, says Christophe Schilling, CEO of Genomatica (San Diego, Calif.; www. That plays havoc




that non-food biomass will be the feedstock. The recent activity in C4 intermediates has coincided with a shift in philosophy on the part of several biobased companies to focus on higher-margin, lower volume chemicals. Theres a growing realization that FIGURE 2. Bio-based isobutanol produced by bio-based chemicals have Gevo will be made into para-xylene and oligomerized higher margins and require for jet fuel at this facility in Silsbee, Tex. somewhat lower volumes, explains Nexants Cascone, with regional availability, overall sup- so theres been a shift away from biofuplies, contracts and pricing both for els to fungible intermediate chemicals, the C4 chemicals themselves, and for such as para-xylene and butadiene. the value chains and products that However, the shift may not be permadepend on them. So if youre in the nent. As technology improves and ecobusiness of supplying C4s or you nomics change, some companies may are dependent on them you are re- move back toward the huge market for ally, really hungry for a strategic al- fuels particularly because of govternative that lessens your business ernment support and mandates. dependence on the ups and downs of how crackers are fed, he says. The re- Succinic acid and BDO sult, Schilling points out, helps drive Two related four-carbon compounds the companies desire for renewable succinic acid and 1,4-butanediol chemicals as strategic alternatives (BDO) have advanced significantly not just for all the benefits of a re- this year in terms of commercial produced environmental footprint, but as duction. BDO is used in the manufaca business necessity. ture of over 2 million tons of plastics, Nexants Cascone says cheap shale polyesters and fibers annually. Sucgas is a boon for makers of C2 and cinic acid is used in markets such as C3 olefins, and there have been an- pigments, coatings, pharmaceuticals, nouncements of additional ethane solvents and polymers. cracking (for ethylene) and propane BioAmber Inc. (Plymouth, Minn.; dehydrogenation (propylene) capac- currently supity. In the U.S., bio-based chemicals plies its brand of bio-based succinic are not competitive in this space, acid from a production facility in but there are many opportunities Pomacle, France and the company for biobased chemicals in the C4, C5 plans to expand capacity in 2014 with and C6 compounds, such as isoprene, a 30,000 metric ton (m.t./yr) plant in butadiene, bio-benzene (and other Sarnia, Canada. In resins and coataromatics) and others, Cascone ings applications, BioAmber says its says. Nexant is currently developing succinic acid product enables formulaa PERP (process economic/research tion flexibility for customers, and the planning) report on bio-butadiene opportunity to develop tailored propthat illustrates the opportunity. erties that offer performance in more In April of this year, Genomatica an- sustainable solutions. The company nounced the establishment of a tech- has a licensing agreement with Dunology joint-venture development with Pont (Wilmington, Del.; Versalis S.p.A. (a subsidiary of Eni; com), which has set specific goals for Milan, Italy; sourcing a large portion of its plastics for developing a complete end-to-end products from renewable chemicals. process for the on-purpose production In December 2012, Reverdia (www. of butadiene from non-food biomass.; a joint venture between Genomatica has not shared details of Royal DSM N.V. (Heerlen, The Neththe technological route that this proj- erlands; and starchect will take, other than confirming derivatives maker Roquette (Lestrem,

France; began producing bio-based succinic acid at what is said to be the worlds first largescale plant for producing bio-based succinic acid. The facility, in Cassano Spinola, Italy at a Roquette property, uses a low-pH yeast-based fermentation technology and has a capacity of 10,000 ton/yr of bio-succinic acid. In June 2013, Myriant began customer shipments of its high-purity bio-based succinic acid from a new plant in Lake Providence, La., the first full-scale commercial facility for biosuccinic acid in North America and the largest in the world. We are ramping up production volumes now, says Myriants Saleh. The plant has a capacity of 15,000 ton/yr succinic acid and the production costs for bio-succinic acid are lower than its conventional petroleum-derived counterpart, Saleh says. Myriant also teamed with Johnson Matthey-Davy Technologies (JM Davy; London, U.K.;, a leading chemical technology licensing company, in the successful production of bio-butanediol and tetrahydrofuran (THF) from Myriants bio-succinic acid. Qualification work for the project was conducted at JM Davys facility at Teesside, England using bio-succinic acid supplied by Myriant and the JM Davy BDO/THF process. Combining the efficiencies of Myriants bio-succinic acid process and the JM Davy BDO/THF process, the bio-butanediol and bio tetrahydrofuran has an overall carbon efficiency of 87%, a percentage that Myriant believes to be substantially better than that achieved in the direct-fermentation route to bio-butanediol. Myriants Saleh thinks the multiple players in the bio-succinic acid market will help each other by increasing purchasers confidence in the supply of the chemical. For customers to switch from petroleum-based to bio-based succinic acid, they need to see more than one commercial supplier in the market to assure supply security, he says. In the BDO space, Genomatica announced in May 2013 that it has licensed its technology for producing bio-based BDO to BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany; The licensing deal represents a huge landmark for both the industrial bio15



technology industry and for the overall mainstream chemical industry, says Genomaticas Schilling. Genomaticas BDO has also been used by the Far Eastern New Century Corp. to make high-performance fibers with high bio-based content. Genomatica also partnered with Lanxess AG (Cologne, Germany; www. in a project where Genomaticas bio-based BDO was used to make polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) in Lanxess regular commercial process (Figure 1). In June, the two companies announced that Lanxess had fed 20 m.t. of 100% bio-based BDO into its continuous PBT production process. Lanxess said the properties and quality of the resulting bio-derived PBT are fully equivalent to conventional PBT in all tested parameters. Mountain View, Calif; produced n -butanol at the fermentation scale of 100 m3 per run, demonstrating lower production cost than butanol produced from petroleum (see Chem. Eng., July 2013, p. 15).

Three enablers
Three factors that will have a large impact on the future of bio-based building-block chemicals are: the availability of economically priced sugars from outside the foodchain; establishing new supply chains to connect feedstock and manufacturing; and market pull from end-use companies of biobased materials. One of the key enablers [for the future bio-based chemicals industry] is the ability to economically convert cellulosic feedstock to sugars that can then be processed into chemicals, explains Nexants Cascone, avoiding the need for corn-based sugars. Murray McLaughlin, of the Sustainable Chemistry Alliance (SCA; Sarnia, Ont., Canada; agrees, calling the economic extraction of sugars from non-food sources a key to the future of the industry (Figure 3). Renmatix is one company trying to serve the need for a bridge between upstream biomass and downstream processing of bio-based chemicals. Cellulosic feedstock is significantly more stable than the price of crude oil, and is not subject to the same perils that annual crops are subjected, says Renmatix CTO Fred Moesler. Renmatix converts three dry tons per day of cellulosic biomass to sugar in its facility in Kennesaw, Ga. (Figure 4). The privately held company recently entered an exclusive joint-development agreement with pulp-and-paper manufacturer UPM (Helsinki, Finland; to further develop Renmatixs Plantrose process, which breaks down woody biomass through supercritical hydrolysis to make lowcost sugar intermediates (C5 and C6 sugars) for subsequent downstream processing into bio-based chemicals. Trying to develop a process to breakdown cellulosic biomass into sugar feedstock and simultaneously work on a process for making building block chemicals from the sugar is difficult. It compounds risk; so many

FIGURE 3. Fermentation-based chemical processes require economically produced sugars from cellulosic biomass

Another C4 chemical that has seen significant commercial activity recently is bio-based butanol. Gevo (Englewood, Colo.; manufactures isobutanol through a fermentation process for both chemical and fuel applications. The bio-isobutanol can be manufactured into various chemicals and can be used as an alternative to ethanol as gasoline blendstock. The company is anticipating its next commercial facility, in Silsbee, Tex., to come online at the end of 2013 (Figure 2), following the successful production of isobutanol at its Luverne, Minn. facility since a year ago. At the Texas site, Gevo will use isobutanol from the Luverne plant to make para-xylene for renewable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) for beverage bottles, says Brett Lund, Gevos executive vice president. The company also has an operational isobutanol-based jet fuel plant in Silsbee that started production last year. Gevo has a supply agreement with the U.S. Air Force surrounding renewable jet fuel. Gevos commercialization model has been to retrofit former corn ethanol plants with its proprietary technology to produce bio-isobutanol. Its second such endeavor will occur at a former ethanol plant in South Dakota. Other companies are pursuing biobutanol as well. In April development tests, Cobalt Technologies (Cobalt;

companies focus on one or the other, says Gevos Brett Lund. A second driver for increased traction of bio-based intermediates is the pull from large companies that have consumer-facing brands. Many large product manufacturers are increasingly seeking bio-based products. If you can get pull (demand) from endmarket companies, like what happened with [Coca Colas PlantBottle], that is very good for everyone in the supply chain, says Lund. The PlantBottle is a PET beverage bottle containing a portion of bio-based PET. Being a green product means more as you get closer to consumer products, says Nexants Cascone, citing Coca Colas PlantBottle as an example where there is market value derived from the bio-based product. There is high interest right now for bio-based chemicals in disposable products, in biologically derived para-xylene and in recycling bio-based components, Cascone says. Because the demand for renewable content in products has grown so much in the last year, the challenge becomes establishing effective supply chains. The challenge for the biobased chemicals industry is piecing together a new value chain and bridging feedstock suppliers with chemical producers, says Max Senechal, vice president for bio-based chemicals at Metabolix Inc. (Cambridge, Mass.;

Economics are king

Although it appears that the three enabling elements are moving into place, challenges remain for the bio-based commodity chemical makers. These include achieving process economics with their core technology, securing financing for expansion and scaleup. With shale gas available in the U.S., all players in the bio-based chemicals space realize that its all about eco-



ous applications, manufacturers must be able to secure financing to expand to the volumes necessary to take advantage of economies of scale. And the funding challenge continues even after commercialization, says David Berry, partner FIGURE 4. The Renmatix Plantrose process at Flagship Ventures (Cambridge, uses supercritical water to produce fermentMass.; able sugars from woody biomass The two biggest challenges are nomics now, comments Cascone. Eco- funding and scaleup, says Gevos Lund. Financing growth has become nomics has taken the front seat. Bio-based chemicals need to be more difficult, he says, but a comequal to or better on price than pe- pany with a strategically important troleum-derived alternatives, or else product that is within striking disno one will buy them, says SCAs tance of the market will have a much easier time. McLaughlin. Ten years ago, the funding enviThat philosophy has been central at Myriant and elsewhere. Myriant does ronment was more favorable, and a not believe the market will accept a number of bio-based chemical and fuel price premium [for bio-based products], companies started in that timeframe, remarks Berry, so there has been a nor do we count on it, explains Saleh. If bio-based chemicals are to become lot of commercialization activity with a viable alternative to petroleum-de- those companies. But a potential probrived chemicals for customers in vari- lem for the industry is that there are

not as many companies in the second wave, he says. Part of that drop-off is that there is a massive funding gap, and getting the large amount of capital needed to bring ideas to commercial products is not easy.

Into the mainstream

Having a sufficient number of biobased companies in enough product areas producing bio-based chemical building blocks commercially in highenough volumes will take time, and the industry should not have any illusions of displacing the petrochemicals industry, explains SCAs McLaughlin. We think the bio-based chemicals industry should not try to compete with the petrochemicals industry we want them to work together to complement the petrochem industry. We want to reduce the dependency on petroleum feedstocks, but were not going to displace the petrochem industry. Scott Jenkins

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Advanced features in easier-to-use formats allow chemical engineers to take advantage of process modeling solutions for organization-wide optimization
FIGURE 1. Advanced features in easier-to-use formats allow process engineers to take advantage of process modeling solutions for organization-wide optimization

odeling and simulation are at the heart of chemical engineering design and operations today, whether it is using traditional process flowsheeting tools, computational fluid dynamics, advanced process-modeling environments, or specific equipment design packages (Figure 1). However, much of this modeling is currently performed in isolated silos within organizations. In oil production, for example, the reservoir is typically modeled using one simulation environment, the subsea production network using another, and the topside facilities, a third, says Mark Matzopoulos, marketing director with Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) Ltd. (London, England; www. Operations like this could benefit significantly from an integrated modeling approach that would open up the possibility for largescale optimization (Figure 2). Matzopoulos adds that since much of todays modeling is in the form of traditional process steady-state flowsheet simulation, which calculates heatand-material-balance information and stream properties, and optimization tends to be by trial-and-error analysis, chemical process organizations could benefit significantly by taking advantage of more sophisticated advanced process-modeling techniques. The [other] chemical process industries [CPI] would do well to learn from the food and pharmaceutical industries where having an accurate predictive model of a plant or process allows

chemical engineers and scientists to rapidly explore the decision space from laboratory to operating plant, he says. Why? Because this expanded view enables chemical engineers to quickly rank and screen design alternatives, come up with optimized process designs, confidently scale up to industrial size, and perform plant-wide process optimization, to list just some of the benefits. For new chemical processes, it is now possible to deploy modeling systematically across the process lifecycle, from R&D and conceptual design, through detailed design, and on to online operation. This can be done in a way that not only leverages knowledge contributed from different parts of the organization, but also provides a vehicle for knowledge transfer between groups or silos. Matzopoulos shares an example: Early-stage experimental data can be used with a model of the experimental setup to estimate kinetic parameters and build a definitive reaction set. This forms the heart of a reactor model used by reaction engineers for ranking different reactor configurations. The model of the chosen reactor configuration is then used by process engineers in simultaneous wholeplant process optimization to trade off reactor and separation costs, based on high-fidelity predictive models. Some companies, according to Matzopoulos, have reported improvements in process economics of tens of millions of dollars using such techniques.

And then, once the process is built, the same models can be run online for monitoring, yield accounting, lookahead analysis, as part of advanced process-control systems, or to troubleshoot poor operation. And, much of the application of advanced process modeling software is about optimizing process economics by maximizing or minimizing headline key performance indicators, such as annualized operating profit or cost, or secondary KPIs (key performance indicators), such as quality, throughput, or energy use, using process flowsheet models that incorporate detailed predictive unit operation models. Typical applications may range from detailed design of individual units, such as multi-tubular reactors or crystallizers to whole-plant process optimization. According to Matzopoulos, some examples are: reliable scaleup of units such as reactors and crystallizers; maximizing batch reactor or crystallizer throughput by minimizing recipe time; maximizing the yield of high-value grades of polymer from a batch polymer process by determining the optimal temperature profile; optimizing the mechanical design of a reactor to give the maximum catalyst life by avoiding hot spots; optimizing the de-coking interval for a cracking furnace in an olefins plant, to avoid the extremes of excessive downtime or poor conversion; optimizing the feedtray locations and number of stages (or even the number of columns) in a distillation train to give the best (capi-




ccording to PSEs Matzopoulos, the major benefits of modeling, especially advanced process modeling, can be summarized as follows: The ability to innovate quickly and reduce time to market. Innovation is not just about new processes, it can refer to applying a new catalyst within an existing reactor, or devising a new process control strategy for an old plant. Acceleration comes from the ability to explore the process decision space rapidly to screen and rank alternatives, the potential to avoid building costly pilot plants, the integration of experimentation and process design and engineering phases to shorten project cycles, and the ability to make decisions confidently and rapidly based on accurate numbers. The ability to manage technology risk during innovation. Model-based engineering approaches are now being used to scale up new processes with confidence. Also, the integration of experimental data and models can be used to provide information about key model parameters. This has two benefits: first, it is possible to identify where the greatest data risk lies and devote resources to eliminating this or bringing it to an acceptable level; and, second, it is possible to analyze the propagation of parameter uncertainty on process/plant KPIs to understand the real operational risk. Better designs and better operations. A model-based approach allows designs to be optimized for whatever objective function is important, such as maximized profit, maximized flexibility for different feedstock options, minimized energy use or pollutant generation. R&D efficiency. For many companies, particularly in R&D-intensive sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, this is a key target. Modeling can be used to guide experimentation to minimize time and cost. Model-targeted experimentation can be used to generate information to maximize the accuracy of models, which are then used to scale up or optimize the process rapidly (as opposed to trying to optimize the process through experimentation, which many companies still do).


Many chemical processors use process modeling software throughout the plant, but most owner operators do not use the modeling software that models their physical assets, the software that was used to design the facility, the physical assets or the pipelines joining equipment, says Anne-Marie Walters, global director for industrial process and operations with Bentley Systems, Inc. (Exton, Pa.; But they should take advantage of these very advanced 3D-plant-modeling tools, beyond having them serve as a record. In the past, a few adventurous processors might have used the plant models from the design firm for training or maintenance purposes, but in todays optimization environment, so much more can and should be done with these models, according to Walters. We are trying to encourage operations to use the 3D models and link them into a mobile environment to provide a sophisticated walk-through product, says Walters. We also encourage owner operators to use laser scanning techniques and match the results against the models they have to see what has been added and what may be different from the as-built models. Need another reason to not just leave plant models on a shelf? Aside from making training, plant inspections and maintenance easier, plant models can be used to determine the cost efficiency of building a new facility or line or adding on to the existing one, says Walters. Virtually every plant will be faced with adding another line or finding another place for required environmental protection equipment, she says. Having a good 3D plant model not only helps determine if there is a place to put the things they need now or in the future, but it helps them determine whether it is financially more sound to add on or build new. But, these benefits will be best realized, if like process modeling and simulation software, the 3D models can be integrated to work with other tools. For this reason, Bentley opted to provide true interoperability for 2D and 3D plant design engineering through integration of the ISO 15926 standard as an intrinsic data model. The open scheme provides interoperability with any other design system using ISO 15926. This allows the software to share design information for small projects and can help manage multi-billion dollar engineering design projects with global design teams.


FIGURE 2. PSEs gPROMS ModelBuilder advanced process modeling package allows simultaneous optimization of reaction and separation sections using high- delity predictive models to determine optimal process economics

tal plus operating) economics; or optimizing startup of plants to minimize startup time; and more. Once seen as a management dream, this type of workflow is possible today, if companies are willing to adopt a systematic model-based engineering approach that focuses on plant-wide optimization, says Matzopoulos. So, the question is, why arent more chemical processors doing this?

Optimization of a single variable or the entire plant is something most users simply dont take advantage of, says Steve Brown, COO with Chemstations, Inc. (Houston; www.chemstations. com). But built into most simulation software tools are very powerful optimization algorithms that allow users to set constraints, set boundary conditions, and define objective functions. They can look and seem very complex

and we find that our users are daunted by that technology, even though the benefits of having a more optimized process are very significant. For this reason, Chemstations and other modeling-and-simulation software providers, are looking into making their tools easier to use and more intuitive. One of the biggest challenges facing the simulation industry is what we call the chemical engineer19



ing computing environment, which includes all the tools, applications, and operating systems chemical engineers use to attack their job. This environment is constantly changing, so we are likely to find anything from Windows XP to Windows 8 in use. There are different versions of Microsoft Office in use, which means there are different versions of Excel. Because the chemical engineering computing environment is not static and is not homogeneous, we have to make sure that any tool or update we release will fit into any of these environments so that our tools not only successfully communicate the data to Excel and run in a given interface, but also look intuitive to users. If it appears to be difficult or daunting, users wont even embrace the program basics, much less advanced features, continues Brown. So, Chemstations has been working on a new graphical user interface that will be released this year. This will solve not only the first problem of fitting into multiple computing environments as they are changing, but it also involves a tool set that is easier to use. Aspen Technology, Inc. (Burlington, Mass.; has redesigned the user experience so that workflow is upfront and provided capabilities to get users started with online training. We provide access to pre-built models, tricks and tips on a support website, so that our users are able to start quickly, notes Vikas Dhole, vice president of engineering product management with AspenTech. We also streamlined the workflow so that the tools all users occasional and experienced alike will use are upfront and then grouped more complex features in a systematic way behind the front workflow. The company also offers a Web interface that provides a single user interface that is common across its product lines, allowing plant engineers and operators to have a common reference point for easier exchange of information and data (Figure 3). In addition, AspenTech has instituted what it refers to as activation to certain activities. To perform activities such as energy, equipment, or cost
20 FIGURE 3. The new aspenONE adds a Web-based interface to Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS. Now it is possible to access AspenTechs process simulators to view models and plant data through Web-enabled devices without special software installation

FIGURE 4. A well designed DYNSIM model accurately depicts the same hydraulic, heat transfer and other equipment constraints as the actual plant and provides a single scalable application that can help companies reduce capital costs, improve plant design, trim commissioning time, increase asset availability and train and certify control room and eld operators in a safe environment

analyses, users have to bring data from the simulation product into different analysis products. Through activation we have brought those capabilities inside the simulation environment, he says. At the click of a button, the software analyzes the model and gives results to the user so they dont need expertise in equipment modeling or analysis, but can still get information in a simple-to-execute and simple-tounderstand way. This makes it easier to change from modeling alone to modeling for process optimization. Integration between tools also makes modeling for process optimization easier, according to Tobias Scheele, vice president, advanced applications, with Invensys PLC (Houston; www.; Figure 4). For example, in the petroleum refinery industry, the company offers an off-site solution that integrates planning, scheduling, and

off-site systems to its optimization software. This new solution allows refineries that already have blend operations and optimization practices in place to leverage these two sources of information, ultimately improving efficiency and profitability. The integration provides an easier way to update linear programming models when refinery feedstock profiles or physical configurations are significantly changed. This also works with knowledge-management software that provides accurate and timely crude oil information across an enterprise, from ranking crude oils in trading to optimizing petroleum refinery processes and maximizing reliability. The planning and scheduling solution provides a collaborative, multi-user environment for sharing common data and models across all supply chain work processes. Joy LePree


Sifter Parts & Services


Haver & Boecker

Great Western Manufacturing

Triple/S Dynamics

All screening needs are contained in this mobile trailer The Mobile Quality Assurance Sifter (photo) is said to be ideal for inline sifting on product delivery or receipt; sifting at a trans-loading location; silo evacuation or load-out; and emergency situations. The self-contained trailer includes this companys inline sifter, which features stainless-steel trays containing all of the interior serviceable components (gaskets, screens and cleaners). The screens are mechanically stretched and bonded to the screen trays, which can be rescreened indefinitely. Because the tray is a structural component, the intermediate stainless-steel sieve rings are of simple design, thereby eliminating much internal structure making the trays lightweight and easy to clean. Hinged guards provide full access to the sifter and drives for inspection and maintenance. The trailer also includes a touchscreen PLC workstation; smooth Al interior panels, Al diamondplate decking; hydraulic leveling legs and controls; generator and compressor. Great Western Manufacturing Co., Inc., Leavenworth, Kan.

Magnetic, metal-detectable screen cleaners This company recommends the use of U.S. Food and Drug Admin. (FDA; Washington, D.C.) approved polyurethane (PU) screen-cleaning balls (photo) and cubes to prevent sifter screens from clogging with product. PU balls are said to be more abrasionresistant than screen cleaners manufactured from other materials, and provide a much longer life. Unlike rubber, PU balls are non-porous and extremely oil-, moisture- and chemical-resistant, says the company. The addition of a stainless-steel core to the ball and cube make them both magnetic and metaldetectable. PU balls range in size from 5/8- to 2-in. dia. Sifter Parts & Services, Inc. Wesley Chapel, Fla. Reduce power, noise and more with this ne-mesh screener Unlike typical vibrating screens that shake the entire screen box, the new Longhorn Fine Mesh Screener moves only the screen cloth through a vibrating rail. Among the advantages of the Longhorn are the following: minimal structural vibration; low power con-

sumption; very low noise levels; very low maintenance requirements; and no screen blinding, even at very fine mesh sizes, says the company. The Longhorn can screen down to 325 mesh. Standard size decks (in feet) include 4 8, 5 10, 6 10 and 6 12. Up to five decks can be configured in series. A 5 10, three-deck unit (photo) is available for free testing of products at the companys laboratory. Triple/S Dynamics, Dallas, Tex.
Screens with variable-frequency ultrasound cleaners This company offers ultrasonic screening systems (photo) with innovative frequency variation, developed in cooperation with Artech Ultrasonic Systems. This type of equipped screening system provides efficient screening that improves screen throughput, promotes the disintegration of agglomerates, reduces the share of oversized material and delivers a permanent cleaning effect for the screen, says the company. Ultrasonic solutions can be used for cut sizes from approximately 25 to 1,000 m. With ultrasonic screening, a special sound conductor is put

Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number on p. 48, or use the website designation.


into high frequency vibration, which spreads over the screen deck. Through this action, the frictional resistance between the particles and screen mesh is less, the tendency to clog is reduced, clog cleaning is minimized, and throughput is increased. Whats special about the Artech process is that the varying frequency as opposed to the usual resonance processes avoids patterns of continuous large resonance amplitudes. As a result, not only the mechanical loads on the screen decks are reduced, but so is the formation of so-called hot spots. Haver & Boecker, Oelde, Germany
Meter, screen and convey just about any dry material This companys line of vibrating pan feeders and conveyers (photo) offers a simple and efficient way to meter, screen and convey virtually any dry

Vibra Screw

Rotex Global

bulk material. Feeders are available with variable speed drives and can be paired with the companys vibrated pins to provide a compact, low-cost hopper/feeder package. With the addition of one or two screen decks, these machines offer an alternative to conventional gyratory screens. As conveyers, they can handle up to 15,000 ft3/h and are available in lengths up to 25 ft. All feeders, screeners and conveyors are in carbon steel and stainless steel

with a variety of surface finishes and liners. Vibra Screw, Totowa, N.J.
An alternative to bar rakes and screens in headworks The Max-Flow Annihilator Grinder System (photo, p. 23) is a custom-engineered headworks debris-handling system that protects pumps, valves and process equipment in water treatment plants. The low-maintenance

Circle 7 on p. 52 or go to 22



elliptical-linear motion of the separator and equal feed distribution to all screening decks ensures material quickly stratifies and quickly spreads across the width of the screen surface. The long-stroke, low-frequency of the unit gently separates material without violent action that can reduce yield of on-specification product. Rotex Global, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio
Screeners with full access, fast disassembly for easy cleaning Vibrating screeners (photo) from this company are designed to permit fast, easy and full access to the loading tray, screening area and pan to allow frequent, thorough cleaning and speed product changeover while minimizing downtime. Easily disassembled in minutes by a single person with no tools, these low-maintenance vibratory screeners are accessed by opening the companys one-handed C-clamps

system can be used in place of bar rakes and screens, as well as drum screen grinders for enhanced performance, says the company. The MaxFlow system contains two or more Annihilator grinders mounted sideby-side in a stainless-steel retrieval frame. They can be installed in an inline, staggered or offset configuration to accommodate a variety of channel widths. The frame includes guide rails to permit the independent retrieval of each grinder. Steel panels can also be inserted in place of a grinder to divert

the flow to the remaining grinders during maintenance. Moyno, Inc., Springfield, Ohio
This minerals screener also accepts hot materials The Megatex XD/Mineral Separator (photo, p. 22) is designed for superior screening performance and increased uptime. The machines design also allows for material with temperatures up to 400F (205C) to be effectively screened at constant feedrates. The

MONITOR PUMP POWER BestSensitivity DigitalDisplay TWO ADJUSTABLE SET POINTS RelayOutputs AdjustableDelayTimers 4-20 MILLIAMP ANALOG OUTPUT COMPACT EASY MOUNTING Only3.25"x6.25"x2" StarterDoor Panel Raceway Wall UNIQUE RANGE FINDER SENSOR WorksonWide-rangeofMotors Simpli esInstallation





Power is Linear-Equal Sensitivity at Both Low and High Loads NO LOAD FULL LOAD

No Sensitivity For Low Loads NO LOAD FULL LOAD




Circle 8 on p. 52 or go to


mounted around the perimeter. This releases the optional dust-control covers and screens for removal and reveals the entire pan for inspection. The screeners are available with a choice of wire mesh or perforated screens in standard widths of 10, 23, 35 and 47 in. The screen is also available in 100% stainless steel with continuously welded and polished seams to meet FDA requirements. Witte Company, Inc., South Washington, N.J.
Backush screen changers can reduce material losses This company recently equipped a food-packaging-film producers recycling lines with backflush screen changers. The filtration process enables PET flakes to be processed at a throughput of 500 kg/h. The backflush screen changer has a self-cleaning function, which is activated when the specified pressure limit is reached.

In this process, a filter screen is automatically moved out of the production position, and then backflushed by the redirected melt stream. The contamination is removed from the screen cavity and ejected via the drain channels. Compared to the use of a screen-wheel filter, the backflush screen changer reduced product losses by 50%, says the manufacturer. It was also possible to increase the fineness of the filter mesh, the company adds. Kreyenborg GmbH, Muenster, Germany
Clean-in-place sanitary screener scalps and dedusts A new sanitary, clean-in-place (CIP) Vibroscreen Double-Deck Screener removes oversize and undersize particles from on-size chemicals, minerals, plastics, foods, dairy products, pharmaceuticals and other bulk materials. The 40-in.-dia. unit contains

two horizontally mounted screens in a cylindrical housing supported on a circular base by rugged springs. The screener is equipped with quick-disconnect clamps between each screen frame, providing rapid interior access for inspection and screen changes. An integral CIP wash system employs spray nozzles strategically placed to emit cleaning solutions, rinsing solutions or steam for sanitizing the interior of the screening chambers without the need to open or otherwise disassemble the unit. Constructed of stainless steel with ground and polished welds, it meets 3-A, FDA and BISSC sanitary standards, as well as UL, ATEX, CSA and CE electrical standards. The unit is also offered in diameters from 18 to 100 in., and can operate on a batch or continuous basis, screening several pounds to 70 ton/h. Kason Corp., Millburn, N.J. Gerald Ondrey


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Department Editor: Scott Jenkins

he management of process plants requires understanding and applying the fundamental tenets of safe design, construction and operation of facilities. This overview summarizes best practices that have been developed to ensure the safest possible use of DP:DPO (diphenyldiphenyl oxide) eutectic heat-transfer uids. A review of the concepts necessary for effectively maintaining a leak-tight heat-transfer-uid (HTF) system is provided.

Detection and Prevention of DP:DPO Fluid Leaks

Simply put, three keys for adequate maintenance practice are: Respond to identified leaks promptly with repairs Repairs should address the cause of the failure, and not just the consequence Learn, document, and practice recommended preventive maintenance of the equipment
established airborne exposure limits for either component. In indoor areas, the airborne HTF may not dissipate readily, preventing easy tracing back to the leak point. In outdoor environments, the odor is more closely localized around the leak point due to the more rapid dissipation in air. Process level indications. Todays installations will have installed instrumentation for the routine measurement of liquid HTF levels. Changes in liquid level in vessels can be a somewhat crude, but important component of detecting material loss. Specialized instrumentation. Instruments using the principal of photoionization are well suited for use in all kinds of process plants. These instruments can readily detect concentrations as low as the ppb range. For realtime personnel exposure monitoring, the ppb sensitivity is appropriate to quantify exposure. For maintenance needs, parts-per-million (ppm) sensitivity is sufcient to determine orders of magnitude of identied leak sources so that repairs can be scheduled on a prioritized basis. The instruments are available as handheld units or as xed-mount, continuous area monitoring stations. While not comprehensive, the above guidance can help develop practices enabling a safer system design, reduce leaks and lower make-up uid costs.

Component selection
Because the HTF is signicantly above its normal boiling point at process temperatures, adequate overpressure protection in the form of pressure relief valves (PRVs) and rupture disks must be provided with adequate capacity for relief between selected points of isolation. Piping, anges and gaskets. Seamless carbon steel has been shown to be an appropriate selection for piping with organic HTFs in plants up to their maximum bulk-operating temperatures. Fully welded construction in piping is preferable to threaded fittings, which should be avoided. Graphite-based, paste thread sealants have demonstrated marginal success with threaded connections, in cases where they cannot be avoided, such as in instrument connections, pump-casing drain plugs and others. With any metallurgy employed, the linear expansion and contraction of the piping must be accounted for through the use of expansion loops and exible connection members. Pipe supports should be generously spaced to prevent sagging. Where anges are necessary, Class 300 and Class 600 ring-joint anges or raised-face anges are commonly used. When using raised-face anges, gaskets should have a metal ring for blowout resistance, and graphite-ller with 316 stainless-steel spiral windings for re-resistance. A key necessity for anged connections is to ensure that adequate and uniform sealing compression (seating stress) is provided on the gasket faces. Pumps and pump seals. Pumps in high-temperature service can have double mechanical seals, or can be of a sealless design. Excessive temperatures at mechanical seal faces can vaporize the HTF, resulting in an absence of lubrication and mechanical damage to sealface materials. In order to avoid excessive temperatures (which can create particles that can erode the seal face and result in leakage), cooling of the stufng box and seal gland is important to maintain lower temperatures and also improve lubricity of the HTF. Valves. Valves in DP:DPO service may include forged or cast steel, or stainless steel bodies, balls, plugs and disks. Bellows seal designs can provide physical barriers for reduced emissions and leaks. Soft-seat materials should be avoided, since they can burn out in case of re, potentially adding to the complexity of the HTF release. Small valves with welded end-connections should be considered to reduce potential leak points, and larger valves should be considered with anged end connections. Relief valves can use engineered installations of rupture disks beneath.

HTF system requirements

A typical HTF system is composed of an energy source, such as red heaters or waste-heat recovery systems, as well as pumps to force the uid ow, an expansion tank to accomodate the volume expansion of the uid and one or more heat consumers. High-temperature heat-transfer systems are usually closed systems, so a release of uid can only occur in the case of accidents or malfunctions. As with all HTF systems, the design must accommodate the volume expansion of the heating uid. The extensive network of piping, instruments, and vessels, combined with elevated vapor pressures, can increase the potential for leaks from systems if adequate design and maintenance measures are not incorporated.

Leak sources
Primary sources of leaks are anged connections, exible connectors or rotary joints, and pump seals. When insufcient exibility is provided in piping networks, the resulting force applied to the ange pair can reduce gasket compression and lead to leakage. Stainlesssteel exible hoses were extensively installed on the early concentrating solar power (CSP) systems. Experience in the mode of failure in such hoses has found that the hoses develop small cracks. A properly installed ex hose will avoid torsion and misalignment, and maximize its usable life. When exible hose is used in place of rigid pipe, consult manufacturers recommendations of inspection and replacement frequency. Rotary joints have the advantage of greater wall thickness, which give rise to a more robust joint, yet maintaining the exibility to support the demands of mobile piping. For high-temperature service, the joints will typically require periodic injection of graphite-based packing to maintain leak-free performance in a re-resistant design. Standard centrifugal pumps will typically use mechanical seals. While some seepage is not uncommon, problems can arise that can reduce seal life and lead to more significant leakage (see Pump and pump seals section). When DP:DPO eutectic fluids freeze, the material contracts in volume by over 6%. If the product then melts between frozen plugs of product or other mechanical boundaries, tremendous pressure can result. The pressure can lead to release of the product through the weakest constraint. When thawing a frozen section of piping or equipment, it is very important to accommodate the expansion in volume into unobstructed piping or equipment.

1. Gamble, C.E., Schopf, M., Heat Transfer Fluid Leaks: Break the Fire Triangle, Chem. Eng., Dec. 2010, pp. 2633. 2. Solutia Inc., Systems Design Data, Pub. No. 7239193 version C, Therminol Heat Transfer Fluids, Solutia Inc. Notice. Although the information and recommendations set forth herein are presented in good faith, Eastman Chemical Company and its wholly owned subsidiary Solutia Inc. make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. You must make your own determination of its suitability and completeness for your own use, the protection of the environment and the health and safety of your employees and purchasers of your products. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment or formulation in conflict with any patent, and we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any patent. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information or the product to which information refers and nothing herein waives any of the sellers conditions of sale. As used herein, denotes registered trademarked status in the U.S. only.

Leak detection
Human senses. When there is leakage, even above its normal boiling point, the vapor emitted can quickly condense to form a visible, near-white mist cloud. For small leaks it may be possible to observe liquid droplets present at the source of the leak, such as valve stems, pump seals, anges, and so on, as well as on the ground. Also, the odor threshold is 9 parts per billion (ppb) for DP:DPO in air, making detection by odor possible without exceeding


Circle 3 on p. 52 or go to

Methanol-to-Propylene Technology
By Intratec Solutions
ropylene has been established as an important part of the global olens business, trailing only ethylene in terms of volume of product. Because inexpensive natural gas from shale in the U.S. is increasingly used as a feedstock for producing ethylene, lower quantities of three- and four-carbon olens are available. For this reason, new chemical processes for on-purpose propylene using low-cost raw materials are gaining importance. An example of such a process is methanol-topropylene (MTP) technology. The main raw material used in the MTP process is methanol that is produced from synthesis gas which, in turn, can be obtained in large-scale from natural gas or coal. The process The MTP process consists basically of two reaction steps: an initial one to dehydrate methanol to dimethyl ether (DME) on an aluminum oxide catalyst, and a second one to transform DME and methanol into a variety of olens, ranging from ethylene to octenes. However, using a zeolite-based catalyst (ZSM5), the process yields mainly propylene. A set of purication columns is necessary to obtain the polymer-grade (PG) propylene. Figure 1 illustrates a process similar to the ones licensed by Lurgi GmbH (the MTP process; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; www.lurgi. com) and JGC Corp. (Yokohama, Japan; www. and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.s (Tokyo; DTP process, which can be divided into three main areas: reaction and regeneration; quench and compression; and product fractionation. Reaction and regeneration. In this stage, the methanol feed is vaporized, mixed with recovered methanol and dimethyl ether (DME), superheated and sent to the DME reactor, where dehydration occurs. The product is mixed with recycled hydrocarbons and steam before being fed into the MTP reactors. The reactors were designed with several stages to better approach isothermal conditions. Propylene synthesis is conducted in multiple reactors: while one set of reactors conducts the reaction, the remaining ones are in regeneration or on stand-by mode. The recy-

$/metric ton of product

cling of olens increases propylene yield and absorbs the heat generated in the reaction. After leaving the reactors, the mixture is cooled and sent to the quench and compression steps. Quench and compression. The output from the reactors is quenched, where most of the water is removed. A portion of this water is sent to the methanol-recovery column, while the remaining water is vaporized and used as dilution steam in the MTP reactors. The vapor stream from the quench stage is compressed, partially condensed and then separated into liquid and vapor streams. Product fractionation. The liquid stream from the quench and compression stages is sent to the debutanizer, to separate four-carbon C4 hydrocarbons (and those with less than four carbons) and DME from those with greater than ve carbons (C5+ components). The C5+ stream from the column bottom is then separated (in the dehexanizer) into a C5/C6 stream that is to be recycled to the MTP reactors and into a heavier-hydrocarbons stream (gasoline). The debutanizer overhead stream is mixed with the vapor stream from the compression stage and sent to the DME removal system. The system overhead product, mainly propylene, is sent to the de-ethanizer, while the bottom is mostly recycled. The bottoms from the deethanizer is routed to the C3 splitter, to obtain polymer-grade propylene, while the overhead is recycled to the MTP reactors. The bottoms material from the C3 splitter is purged as liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Economic performance An economic evaluation of the process was conducted based on data from the fourth quarter of 2012. The following assumptions were taken into consideration: A 560,000 ton/yr unit erected on the U.S. Gulf Coast (the process equipment is represented in the simplied owsheet) There is no storage for feedstock and product Outside battery limits (OSBL) units considered: propylene refrigeration system The estimated capital investment (including total xed investment, working capital and other capital expenses) to build the MTP plant

1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

Raw materials costs Main utilities consumptions Fixed costs

U.S. Gulf Coast


FIGURE 2. Both China and the U.S. are favorable regions for MTP plants because of coal in China and shale gas in the U.S.

is about $370 million. The capital investment for a similar plant built in China is about $295 million. Figure 2 illustrates the operating costs for both regions. Currently, the existing MTP commercial units were constructed in China, inside huge complexes, where coal is extracted and transformed to synthesis gas, which is used to synthesize methanol in high-capacity facilities (over 1 million ton/yr of methanol). China possesses large reserves of coal, making it a favorable region for MTP plants. In the U.S., the growing availability of natural gas extracted from shale guarantees the availability of synthesis gas to produce the methanol required for the MTP process. Therefore, the country is also a promising region for future MTP units. Edited by Scott Jenkins Editors Note: The content for this column is supplied by Intratec Solutions LLC (Houston; and edited by Chemical Engineering. The analyses and models presented herein are prepared on the basis of publicly available and non-confidential information. The information and analysis are the opinions of Intratec and do not represent the point of view of any third parties. More information about the methodology for preparing this type of analysis can be found, along with terms of use, at
Fuel gas
1. DME reactor 2. MTP reactors 3. Quench 4. Compression 5. Methanol recovery column 6. DME removal system (col.1) 7. DME removal system (col.2) 8. Debutanizer column 9. Dehexanizer column 10. Deethanizer column 11. Propylene-propane splitter 12. Refrigeration unit CW Cooling water RF Refrigeration fluid ST Steam

Methanol ST 2 Recycles 1, 2 and 3


RF Recycle 3

6 ST 4 CW CW CW Recycle 2 3

10 CW ST 11 PG Propylene

1 CW

Recycle 1


CW 8 9


ST Water ST ST RF 12

FIGURE 1. Propylene production from methanol, according to a process similar to the Lurgi MTP and JGC Mitsubishi DTP processes

Emerson Process Management

Wireless capability simplies level and interface monitoring The Rosemount 3308 Wireless Guided-Wave-Radar (GWR) transmitter (photo) is designed for continuous level and interface monitoring in remote locations where installing cable is costly or impractical. GWR transmitters are used for process level measurement in vessels and storage tanks in refineries, oil fields, offshore petroleum platforms, chemical and industrial plants. Top-mounted for direct level and interface measurement, the Rosemount 3308 is virtually unaffected by changing process conditions, such as density, conductivity, temperature and pressure. The transmitter has no moving parts, thus minimizing calibration and maintenance needs. Costs are further reduced when compared to wired transmitters since there is Alfa Laval no need for cabling, trenching, conduit runs or cable trays. Emerson Process Management, St. Louis, Mo. Use this explosion-proof LED lamp in hazardous locations The EHL-LED-230X24LV-300 Explosion-Proof Hand Lamp (photo) is designed for rugged use with an aluminum lamp body and globe guard, impact-resistant bulb cover, and rubber housing bumpers for added protection. The high-output LED lamp runs on low-voltage 12 or 24Volt current supplied by an inline transformer and offers international 230V d.c. operating capability. The risk of accidental burns is greatly reduced due to the lamps cooler operation when compared to typical incandescent bulbs. This lamp is also impervious to shattering and blowout when dropped. The lamp includes a long-reaching 300ft cord, which comes without an attached plug, allowing operators to match plugs to the design of local outlets. Larson Electronics, LLC., Dallas, Tex.

Larson Electronics

Parker Hannifin

Kin-Tek Laboratories

Use this exchanger for heat recovery with corrosive media The Diabon S15 plate heat exchanger (photo) provides efficient heat transfer in a corrosion-resistant environment, suitable for use with corrosive media up to 200C. It is constructed from Diabon graphite material, which is a dense, synthetic resinimpregnated graphite with a fine pore structure. Combining high turbulence and countercurrent flow, the Diabon S15 maximizes heat recovery, yielding energy savings. Designed to reduce maintenance, the exchanger features accessible plates and a special plate pattern that reduces fouling. The S15 is larger than other heat exchanger types, with the potential to replace several shell-and-tube or block exchangers. Alfa Laval, Lund, Sweden

These hose assemblies offer greater vacuum resistance This companys heavy-wall convoluted hose assemblies (photo) can handle vacuum applications in temperatures up to 500F. These hoses thicker PTFE walls provide improved vacuum resistance at high temperatures as well as greater kink resistance and reduced permeation. The PTFE core also serves to reduce friction, effectively minimizing pressure drops and deposits. Manufactured in sizes from - to 4-in. I.D., stainless-steel or polypropylene braids are available. Additional accessories include fire sleeves, spring guards, heat-shrink for color-coding and static dissipative assemblies. Parker Hannifin Corp., Cleveland, Ohio


Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number on p. 52, or use the website designation.

Bionomic Industries


compounds, such as high-pressure gases (O2, CO, CO2 and CH4) as the permeate source. Usage of controlledpressure analyte vapor as the permeate source allows for permeation of low-boiling compounds. Mixtures at the parts-per-million and parts-perbillion levels can be directly blended from pure gases with these tubes. Kin-Tek Laboratories, Inc., La Marque, Tex. These external spray nozzles provide precise ow control This companys new external spray mix nozzles (photo) atomize fluids in various spray patterns for a wide range of uses, especially in applications requiring high liquid volumes or viscous liquids (up to 800 cP). Available in a round or flat pattern, these external mix nozzles combine liquid and compressed air to create a coating of liquid. Liquid and airflow are controlled independently, providing precise liquid flow. Constructed of stainless steel for corrosion resistance, these nozzles are useful in painting, coating, cooling and treating a variety of products. Exair Corp., Cincinnati, Ohio This unit simultaneously scrubs gas and particulate matter The Series 6500 Jet Venturi Scrubber (photo) utilizes a high-velocity spray and scrubbing liquid flow to achieve simultaneous removal of gaseous contaminants and particulate matter as small as 0.75 m. Standard gas capacity is 560,000 ft3/min. Featuring a high liquid-to-gas ratio, this scrubber is appropriate for applications such as temperature reduction of highly exothermic reactive gases, steam condensation and operations involving large variations in gas volume. Offered as a standalone device, additional accessories are available, including proprietary multi-spray zone staging and polishing packed tower, complimented by a full range of mist eliminator and sump tank capacities. Pre-engineered skidmounted system arrangements are also available. Bionomic Industries, Inc., Mahwah, N.J.



sensors and hydraulic and pneumatic solenoid valves. Turck, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. A portable pressure calibrator with diverse measuring ranges The new CA700 Portable Pressure Calibrator (photo) features many functions including a variety of measuring ranges, as-found/as-left data storage and memory capacity to store calibration procedures. Equipped with a silicon resonant sensor, the CA700 provides a calibration and verification tool for pressure or differential pressure transmitters and other types of field devices for commissioning or regular inspection. This calibrator can also generate and measure both current and voltage. Maintenance is streamlined through the calibrators ability to store and record data and error rates, allowing for analysis of device performance and service requirements. The CA700 is available in three different models. Yokogawa Corp. of America, Sugar Land, Tex. These permeation tubes blend high-pressure gases The Trace Source 57 Series refillable, gas-fed permeation tubes are used for preparing trace mixtures containing atmospheric gases, light hydrocarbons, hydrides, acid gases and dilute multi-component mixtures. These permeation tubes can employ analyte

Overmolded cordset is alternative to eld-wireable connectors New overmolded valve plug cordsets (photo) from this company provide connectivity in harsh environments, as the overmolded face eliminates the need for an additional sealing gasket. Featuring a translucent molding material with embedded LEDs, these cordsets provide visibility for power indication from any angle with black, grey, yellow and clear coloring options to accommodate diverse applications. These fully assembled cordsets require no wiring prior to use. Fully factory tested, the cordsets conform to both NEMA #1,#3,#4, #6P and IEC IP67 standards, as well as meeting the EN 17 5301-803 standard for electrical connectors that service pressure


Honeywell International

Omega Engineering

New Products
Use this pressure sensor with very viscous media The new Model 427 Wing Union/Hammer Union pressure sensor (photo) provides a wide and shallow sensing port that facilitates the flow of viscous fluids. The sensors one-piece design and stainless-steel construction allow for quick installation and durability, even with abrasive or corrosive media. Featuring 0.2% accuracy, the sensor detects small changes in pressure for applications such as drilling, mud pumping, fracturing, cementing and acidizing. Giving personnel the ability to quickly adjust flow pressure, potentially dangerous conditions such as the emergence of gas bubbles are decreased. Multiple electrical connections are available. Honeywell International,Inc., Morristown, N.J. This pump series gets an upgrade The A Series eccentric-disc pump (photo) incorporates a variety of upgrades, including the implementation of ISO PN 16/ANSI 150 flanges. The A Series has also doubled its maximum differential pressure from 5 bars (72 psi) to 10 bars (145 psi), enabling it to be used for the safe transfer of viscous, non-lubricating, volatile or delicate fluids in a variety of new applications. These pumps enable product transfer at temperatures up to 250C. They have a maximum speeds of up to 7,450 rpm, maximum flowrates to 55 m3/h, as well as suction and discharge ports from 1- to 4-in. size. These positivedisplacement pumps utilize eccentric disc technology, which enables selfpriming and dry-running capabilities. Mouvex, Auxerre, France Use these plastic ow switches in very tight spaces The FS-120 Series of mini plastic flow switches (photo) are designed for use with water and water-based solutions and can handle high-volume applications. Weighing only five ounces, the compact switches are suitable for space-constrained applications, such as coolant or chemical monitoring in portable equipment. As the switch

Rotork Fairchild


points are calibrated based on water flow, other liquids may require fieldtesting. Constructed of plastic and stainless steel, the switches feature an operating temperature range of 17 to 107C. Setpoint differential is 20% maximum and setpoint accuracy is 15% maximum. Omega Engineering Inc., Stamford, Conn. Precise pressure regulation in a small-footprint design The Model 55 polymer pressure regulator (photo) provides high-precision pressure control within a lightweight, compact package. Manufactured entirely from polymer and stainless steel, the small-footprint Model 55 offers compatibility with gases such as nitrogen, helium and oxygen. The regulator features a non-rising stem and a patent-pending Venturi design. Applications for this regulator include precision pressure-decay and leak-testing, medical ventilators, respiratory diagnostic systems, balloon pumps and sterilization equipment.

Reliable Fire Sprinkler

Featuring a supply capacity up to 10 bars and and flow capacity up to 280 L/min, the Model 55 precisely controls output pressure up to 0.7 bars, even with fluctuating or rapidly decreasing supply pressure. The regulator also operates accurately at low control pressures of 0.5 bars or less. Rotork Fairchild, Winston-Salem, N.C. This wet alarm valve has a new stainless-steel trim The new Euro Trim Model E2 in stainless steel is designed for use with the companys Model E and E3 Wet Alarm Valves (photo). This new trim has a rated working pressure of 175 psi and 300 psi, respectively, and is available in 4-, 6-, and 8-in. sizes. The trim conforms to EN12259-2 and meets the requirements of BS EN 12845. All trim pipework is prefabricated in stainless


Eriez Manufacturing

Schubert & Salzer Control Systems

Dow Corning

well as vertical upside-down washing to clean the entrainment matrix, reducing clogging. Whims are available in a number of models and sizes. Eriez Manufacturing Co., Erie, Pa. Motorized valve actuation with precision and speed The new motorized actuation of the 2030 series valve actuator (photo) is composed of an electric stepping motor (400 steps per revolution), a flexible coupling, a gear box and stroke detector. Every part of the gear box is made of stainless steel to ensure long service life. The actuator can achieve positioning speeds of up to 1.3 mm/s, and each step of the motor results in a displacement of just 1.5 m. The use of a 12-bit a.c./d.c. converter and a special interpolation process makes it possible to detect the position the stroke with a resolution of about 1.3 m. Schubert & Salzer Control Systems GmbH, Ingolstadt, Germany Address thermal challenges in electronics with these materials The TC-5622 and TC-5351 Thermally Conductive Compounds (photo) are designed for electronics applications in many markets, including transportation, semiconductors, power electronics, solid-state lighting, data centers, telecommunications and consumer electronics. Using these compounds can aid in maintaining the long-term performance and reliability of equipment. Boasting low specific gravity and high bulk-thermal conductivity,

Quantachrome Instruments

TC-5622 offers high-quality thermal performance and improved stability against hardening or dry-out in enduse applications. TC-5622 also exhibits low thermal resistance in both thin and thicker bond line thickness (BLT) applications that demand high heat dissipation. Formulated with high viscosity, TC-5351 is well suited for applications demanding resistance to high temperatures and large gap thicknesses, as well as vertical applications requiring a thermal material able to remove heat without flowing out of the gap or changing viscosity as temperatures rise. Dow Corning, Midland, Mich. This water sorption analyzer features large temperature range The Aquadyne DVS-2HT precision water sorption analyzer (photo) is capable of analysis temperatures from 10 to 85C. This analyzer measures the amount of water vapor a sample can adsorb, and the rate at which it is adsorbed and desorbed. The instruments precision microbalances are located inside the temperature-controlled housing, providing a high level of sensitivity and reproducibility. The DVS-2HTs high temperature range makes this model appropriate for simulating real-world conditions of a products exposure to moisture over time, especially in fuel cell and building material applications. Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton Beach, Fla. Mary Page Bailey and Gerald Ondrey

steel, which reduces the potential for internal or external corrosion. Reduced connections minimize the risks for leakage onsite. Reliable Fire Sprinkler Ltd., East Grinstead, U.K. Purify non-metallic ores with these magnetic separators New Wet High-Intensity Magnetic Separators (Whims; photo) provide maximum recovery on even weakly magnetic materials. Whims separate weakly and moderately magnetic minerals and can remove impurities from non-metallic minerals. Typical applications include hematitic iron ore, metallic ores, rare earth ores and more. These separators simplify operation and maintenance with features such as direct water-cooling, no-step motion, air-assisted discharge for less water usage and drier concentrate, as


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TRACK 1: Process and Occupational Safety TRACK 2: Industrial Water Management TRACK 3: Maintenance and Reliability TRACK 4: Regulatory Issues Affecting the CPI

he fourth ChemInnovations Conference and Expo will be held September 25 and 26 in Galveston, Tex. at the Moody Gardens Convention Center. Programmed by chemical industry leaders and designed for professionals in the chemical process industries (CPI), the event aims to supply information that will help companies and individuals prepare for the future of the industry. The conference portion of ChemInnovations is organized into eight tracks and also includes two general sessions, networking opportunities and a set of pre-conference workshops that will be held on September 24.

ences and Technology (BCST) and to the scientific advisory board at Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorates. He holds a Ph.D. from West Virginia University (Morgantown, W.Va.; and nine U.S. patents. On the events second day, the general session will mark the return of the Plant Managers Roundtable, an opportunity to hear insights and perspectives on the CPIs current trends from a panel of plant managers from the Gulf Coast Region. The makeup of the roundtable is currently being finalized.

TRACK 5: Critical Workforce Issues TRACK 6: Automation and Control Solutions and Strategies TRACK 7: Energy Optimization and Efficiency TRACK 8: Practical Tools for CPI Professionals

General sessions Conference tracks The keynote address The ChemInnovaon the morning of tions conference track September 25 at the topics were developed conference will focus with the help of a dison the impact of the tinguished advisory shifting feedstock Keynote speaker David Bem, Dow panel, who helped slate that the shale Chemical Co. global R&D director identify and frame gas boom has enkey issues for the abled. To be delivered by David Bem, CPI. The group focused on assembling global R&D director for the Dow sessions to include as much practical Chemical Co. (Midland, Mich.; www. information and insightful context for, the presentation will begin conference attendees as possible in with how shale gas has revitalized the each track. The conference topics are CPI in the U.S. While the economic indicated by the track titles listed in benefits of inexpensive shale gas have the box. been widely described, discussion Acknowledging the central role of about the impact of the great increase safety in the CPI, the Process and Ocin ethane cracking has been much cupational Safety track is designed to more limited. Bem will explain how identify a variety of safety risks and the shifting feedstock slate creates present solutions to address them. The both challenges to the industry and track is divided into three sessions, the opportunities for new technologies. first two of which concentrate on proBem joined Dow in 2007 and has cess safety, while the third focuses on held various leadership positions occupational safety. The track features at the company. Prior to working at a talk from Beth Rosenberg, a member Dow, Bem held positions at Celanese of the U.S. Chemical Safety and HazCorp. and UOP LLC. He was recently ard Investigation Board (CSB; Washnamed part of the National Academy ington, D.C.; In her preof Sciences Board on Chemical Sci- sentation, Rosenberg will discuss how

incidents drive the Boards recommendations. She will also give updates on recent incidents at the Chevron Refinery in Richmond, Calif. and the fertilizer plant in West, Tex. Prior to being confirmed to the CSB at the beginning of 2013, Rosenberg was a researcher in environmental and occupational health at Tufts University School of Medicine. Lessons learned from industrial incidents, along with team situational awareness, will be the topic of another presentation in the process safety track. The talk will come from two partners at Human Centered Solutions LLC (Lone Tree, Colo.; Additional presentations in the track will focus on controlling static electricity in hazardous areas and managing plant-worker fatigue. Another issue that is increasing in importance globally is maintaining a longterm water supply. The conferences Water Management track consists of three sessions, all surrounding the theme of implications of water management for the chemical and petroleum refining industries. This track at ChemInnovations includes a session on water reuse and conservation in the CPI, where conference attendees will hear from speakers at Dow Water & Process Solutions,, Veolia Water Solutions (Paris; www. and Seimens En-

(Irving, Tex.; www.fluor. ergy Inc. (Orlando, Fla.; com), Jeffrey Goetz, is titled From Integrated In addition to conservaAutomated Plant Detion, attendees will also sign to Excellence in hear talks on wastewater Operational Optimizatreatment and discharge tion through Energy Effrom representatives of ficiency. The track also Nalco Co. (Naperville, Ill.; contains a presentation and Yates on combined heat and Environmental Services power (CHP). (Spokane, Wash.; www. The Practical Tools Also, the track Beth Rosenberg, U.S. Chemi- track offers engineers will feature a session on cal Safety and Hazard Inves- a chance to learn both tigation Board (CSB) about vital technical the water-management and non-technical skills. issues that may be speIn the non-technical session, attendcific to the U.S. Gulf Coast region. Properly maintained process ma- ees will hear talks on effective comchinery maximizes equipment life- munication, executing investigations times and reduces process downtime. and asset performance. The technical In the Maintenance and Reliabil- skills session of this track includes ity track, conference participants presentations on troubleshooting of will hear from experienced speak- process pumps and statistical process ers about risk-based inspections for control in the chemical industry. Currently being finalized, the Reginstrumentation, fitness-for-service techniques and the future of manag- ulatory Issues track will examine the ing asset-intensive businesses. Other most recent changes on the regulapresentations in the track will cover tory front, and how they are likely to practical solutions for maintenance impact the CPI. and reliability. Along with water management, an- Awards, exhibits and workshops other topic of growing importance for In addition to the conference sessions, the CPI is hiring and retaining the the ChemInnovations staff will host workforce needed to accomplish busi- an awards banquet on the evening of ness goals. To address this critical cur- September 25 at the conference lorent issue, the Workforce Issues track cation. At the banquet, the winners features presentations on developing of the 2013 Kirkpatrick Award for technical leaders, accelerating opera- Chemical Engineering Achievement tor development and recruiting, and will be announced. Also, a group of hiring key employees. other awards, both company and inThe Automation and Control track dividual, will be presented in areas focuses on introducing new technolo- such as innovative energy strategies, gies and on applying existing tech- community involvement, safety innologies in new ways. One focus of vestment and others. the track will be the use of wireless ChemInnovations attendees will devices in the CPI. also be invited to explore the exhibit As a key input for chemical facili- floor, where over 100 companies will ties, energy is an ever-present con- display their equipment and services. cern. Its efficient and sustainable use The September issue of Chemical Enhelps companies compete more effec- gineering will contain more informatively. The Energy Efficiency confer- tion on the specific technologies being ence track includes a presentation on showcased on the exhibit floor. how energy will be used out to 2040, The pre-conference workshops on given by Larry Gros, the polyolefins September 24 cover topics including production technology manager at the basics of corrosion, root-cause ExxonMobil Corp. (Houston; www. analysis and integrating a TWIC Another talk, to be (transportation worker identification delivered by the director of operations credential) reader. and sustainability for the Fluor Corp. Scott Jenkins


Feature Cover Story Report

Ten Things You May Not Know About Liquid Mixing Scaleup
Close attention to these aspects of scaleup can ensure greater success
David S. Dickey MixTech, Inc.
Scale-up FIGURE 1. Scaleup applies to any kind of development or testing conducted in smaller equipment, and using those results to design and operate successfully in larger equipment. While absolute size does not matter, the small-scale results must be relevant to the large-scale equipment

he scaleup of liquid mixing systems does not have to be a mystery. The principles are quite well understood, although knowing which principles apply is not always obvious. Follow this guidance to improve operation. 1. Liquid mixing scaleup. Liquid mixing is the most common use of scaleup methods in chemical engineering. The concept of scaleup is to take small-scale results and predict results in larger-scale equipment (Figure 1). The term liquid mixing, more broadly called agitation, can be extended to include most types of mechanically induced fluid motion that is carried out for the purpose of increasing the uniformity of concentration, composition or temperature. In this article, the term mixing applies to all types of mechanically induced fluid motion, including blending, suspension and dispersion. Fluid mixing also includes the blending of viscous fluids, the suspension of solids in liquids, the dispersion of gases in liquids, the dispersion of immiscible liquids and other efforts to combine materials that behave as fluids. The reason that scaleup efforts are so prevalent for mixing processes is that the possible combinations of tank geometry, impeller types and process applications related to combining fluids are almost limitless. To understand how fluids behave when they are mixed or agitated, you must understand the fluid properties, the tank size and shape, the impeller type and

the rotational speed of the impeller. In basic terms, three factors determine the size of any mixer required: 1) How much fluid must be agitated; 2) How difficult the fluid is to move; 3) How intense the agitation needs to be for the application. The answer to the question of how much can be quantified by either volume or mass. However, because fluid density is an important factor in turbulent power, all combinations of volume, mass, and density should be known. The how difficult question is measured by the properties of the fluid. Viscosity describes the difficulty for the motion of liquids, and may be applied to high concentrations of solids in slurries or pastes. The settling rate of solids for a solids suspension or the volumetric flowrate of a gas for gas dispersion are also difficult factors for multi-phase systems. Small-scale testing is often the best and sometimes the only way to decide how intense mixing needs to be. Properly designed and evaluated testing will include all three factors. Deciding how much fluid needs to be mixed may also involve knowledge about the shape of the tank. Tall, slender tanks and short, fat tanks may present different mixing problems for the same quantity of fluid. Tank features, such as the existence of baffles

and feed locations, may also influence mixing intensity. Testing is usually done with a fluid that has the same properties as expected in the full-scale application, although a test fluid with a different viscosity may be chosen if the flow pattern will change with scale. For instance, the flow pattern in larger tanks, with a higher impeller Reynolds number, is less influenced by viscosity than in smaller tanks. Scaleup efforts will never be successful unless the real objective and critical variables have been identified correctly. For instance, scaleup for product quality may be different from scaleup for yield quantity. In some cases, a high-quality product may result in less quantity, or the opposite. For example, the investigator should ask if a minimum requirement exists for either quality or quantity, and how much can be achieved for the other objective within the limiting constraint? The process of testing should explore the alternatives so that engineers can choose a successful direction for scaleup and truly understand how certain adjustments might be made on the large-scale system to compensate for potential uncertainties. Testing to identify a range of possible conditions that will be successful provides valuable information about how production-scale adjustments can be





Z2 Z1 W1


D1 C1




FIGURE 2. With geometric similarity, linear dimensions are in the same proportion in both scales. For instance, the ratio of impeller dia. to tank dia. will be the same in both scales.The relative size of all of the large-scale dimensions will be in the same proportion to the small-scale dimensions

made to ensure the desired outcome. Other examples of problem definition arise when considering solids suspension. What aspect is the most important for the specific application: Keeping solids from settling on the bottom? Or distributing solids uniformly? Or dissolving solids in the liquid? Or reacting the solids with something in the liquid? Each may be governed by a different scaleup requirement. The box on p. 35 shows sn off-bottom solids suspension, which is one type of suspension that can be observed visually. Similarly, gas dispersion may be limited by several factors, including: Mass transfer between the bubbles and the liquid Concentration uniformity in liquid A reaction taking place in the liquid Stoichiometric depletion of a component in the sparged gas Correct identification of the primary or a key process element is essential. 2. Small failures. One major advantage of conducting small-scale tests before designing full-scale applications is that mistakes or problems can be observed using a smaller quantity of material. For instance, a reaction or formulation failure on the small scale is less likely to create significant hazard or excessive quantities of waste. For investigators, one essential aspect of those small-scale failures is noting the conditions that lead to the failure, and establishing the reason for failure whether the problem is formulation or mixing related to avoid repeating those conditions. Insufficient mixing is more likely to cause a problem than excessive mix-

ing, but both extremes need to be understood. Often knowing the lowest intensity of mixing that is necessary for success will result in the most economical mixer scaleup. 3. Geometric similarity. Geometric similarity means that all of the length dimensions in the different scale tanks are in the same relative proportions to one another (Figure 2). Geometric similarity is not essential for all small-scale mixing tests, but it usually helps. Geometric similarity alone may be a sufficient reason for conducting some small-scale tests. Unusual tank geometry, impeller type or fluid properties may be the primary reason for small-scale testing. Geometry will dictate what flow patterns are created and whether they will effectively control the entire tank. Scaleup with geometric similarity means that the only remaining variable to be chosen is the rotational speed of the large-scale mixer. Because geometric scaleup from one size to another means that every length dimension of the small scale is in the same proportion to the corresponding length dimension in the large-scale unit, any convenient length ratio can be used to calculate a large-scale mixer speed. The most common length ratios to use for this approach are the impeller dia. or the tank dia.

D = the impeller dia., in. or m or mm T = the tank dia., in. or m or mm n = the exponent on the scale ratio, unitless Because all calculations are ratios, the units for each variable should be the same for the different sizes. During scaleup with geometric similarity, the ratio of impeller diameter (from small scale to large scale) is the same as the ratio of the tank diameter (from small scale to large scale) so the calculation can be carried out either way. The exponent, n, on the scale ratio determines how much the impeller speed changes from small to large scale. For any positive value of n and any practical scaleup criterion, the large-scale rotational speed will be less than that of the small-scale mixer. Some values for the exponent n have a physically significant meaning for turbulent mixing. For instance, an exponent value of n = 1 means that the rotational speed is reduced in proportion to the linear dimension increase. This speed change means that the impeller tip speed, ND, will be held constant for scaleup. The constant cancels out of the ratio of tip speeds, so ND is held constant on scaleup. If n = 2/3, the power per volume or power per mass is held constant with scaleup. The exponent n can be developed by simple algebra, using Equation 2: (2) where: P = impeller power, hp, W or kW = fluid density, lb/gal or kg/m3 or g/cm3 N = rotational speed, rpm or rps D = impeller dia., in. or m or mm Equation 2 is only a proportionality not an equality, so appropriate constants and conversion factors are needed to calculate actual values. The constant of proportionality for power involves the impeller power number, which is a characteristic of the impeller geometry. Conversion factors are necessary to ensure consistent units for power, speed, and diameter. If the same fluid is used in both scales, the fluid density will be a constant for scaleup, and will cancel out of the ratio

(1) where: N = the rotational speed of the mixer, rpm or rps


Cover Story
for small to large scale. For scaleup using the same fluid, the power-pervolume and power-per-mass scaleup are equivalent. As shown in Equation 3, the tank volume, V, is proportional to the tank diameter cubed, which is also proportional to the impeller diameter cubed with geometric similarity. (3 ) The constant of proportionality is determined by the tank geometry for T, and by the impeller-to-tank diameter ratio for D. Combining the expression for power with the expression for volume results in the Equation 4:
FIGURE 3. Scale-down is most often used as a means of investigating possible improvements to an existing process. The smaller scale provides a means of conducting tests more quickly and efficiently, while avoiding large errors or waste if a failure occurs

(4) Keeping N3 times D2 constant or equal at both scales maintains power per volume as a constant, as shown in Equation 5:

(5 ) This equality can be rearranged to obtain the large-scale speed as a function of the small-scale speed times the scale ratio raised to the 2/3 exponent.

(6) In practice, nearly all of the practical scaleup exponents for mixing fall between the exponents for equal tip speed (1) and equal power per volume (2/3). Other less practical scaleup exponents for geometric similarity can be derived by similar rearrangements of expressions. An expression for equal Reynolds number can be obtained by keeping D2N constant, resulting in an exponent of 2 on the scale ratio. Equal Reynolds number scaleup results in too little mixing in the large scale. An expression for equal blend time can be obtained by keeping rotational speed constant, resulting in an exponent of zero. Equal blend time requires an impractical increase in power for any significant tank size increase. Reasonable expectations would be that blend times in a large tank would

be longer than those for a small tank. With some justification, equal fluid motion can be achieved with equal torque per volume. Torque is proportional to power divided by speed, or is proportional to the rotational speed squared times the impeller diameter to the fifth power for turbulent conditions. Equal torque per volume results in an exponent of one, like equal tip speed, but only with geometric similarity. Testing is strongly recommended if the effects of impeller type are involved. For instance, test results obtained in a small-scale tank with a pitched-blade turbine may be difficult to interpret in a large-scale tank with a hydrofoil impeller. The flow patterns created by different impeller types are likely to be different sometimes in a critical way. Some small-scale testing may be devoted exclusively to understanding flow patterns within a tank. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides another means of modeling flow patterns. However, CFD usually lacks the ability to establish the effects of mixing intensity and flow pattern fluctuations that can be observed or tested in a physical model. In these instances, small-scale testing can provide more practical information compared with computer modeling. Geometric similarity is also strongly recommended for solids-suspension testing. The way the discharge flow pattern from the impeller strikes the bottom of the tank affects both the intensity and the direction of the fluid flow, which will lift particles off the bottom and carry them upward. Off-bottom clearance of the impeller can be an important factor affecting the bottom flow pattern. Liquid level and other tank geometry will further influence the fluid flow and thus the suspension uniformity. 4. Determining scaleup rules. The

rules for scaleup usually mean keeping one variable such as tip speed, power per volume, off-bottom suspension, or torque per volume constant. The variable held constant depends on the application, although general rules are not absolutes. Ideally, the scaleup method chosen will maintain a controlling aspect of mixing intensity. If testing shows that power per volume must be held constant for the desired results, then power per volume should be maintained for scaleup. Deciding which aspect of mixing intensity gives the desired process results needs to be determined as part of the small-scale testing effort. Merely changing the mixer speed in a series of tests will only determine the mixing intensity that is required in the small scale. Knowing the small-scale intensity will not adequately identify the intensity characteristic that must be held constant for successful scaleup. Increasing the rotational speed of a mixer will increase the power, tip speed and torque, simultaneously. However, changing both the impeller diameter and the rotational speed can test equal power, equal tip speed and equal torque independently. Matching equivalent conditions in the small scale will help to identify the most appropriate aspect of intensity that must be held constant. 5. Different scaleup for different applications. Although doing scaleup by fixed rules can lead to problems, some processes are controlled by fluid dynamic mechanisms, and those mechanisms behave in predictable ways during scaleup. For instance, rapid chemical reactions will occur when micro-scale turbulence brings the reactants together. For complicated chemical processes that follow series-parallel reaction paths, the mixing intensity and local turbulence may result in different products, because of different reactant com-



ne process result that can be observed and defined is off-bottom solids suspension. Off-bottom suspension occurs when the mixer speed is just sufficient to keep all of the particles from resting on the bottom for more than a second. The transition from solids just moving on the bottom, to solids being lifted

off the bottom, can be observed visually in a transparent tank. Off-bottom suspension is defined well enough that it is usually described in terms of a just-suspended mixer speed, Njs. The speed depends on the impeller type, impeller location, tank geometry, solids properties and concentration.
FIGURE 5 (RIGHT). This photo shows solids suspension with a hydrofoil impeller operating at the same power, speed, and torque as the pitched-blade turbine in Figure 4. Using an impeller operating at the same power, speed, and torque is equivalent to replacing a different type of impeller on the same mixer drive. Because the hydrofoil impeller has a lower power number than the pitched-blade turbine, the observed hydrofoil impeller has a slightly larger dia. than the corresponding pitchedblade turbine.The hydrofoil impeller creates strong downward axial low, which lifts the solids off the bottom and carries them further into the upper portion of the tank compared with the pitched-blade turbine

FIGURE 4 (LEFT). Off-bottom suspension with a pitched-blade turbine is shown with red plastic beads in a transparent tank. The mixing intensity provided by the this type of turbine is sufficient to achieve off-bottom suspension. None of the particles remain on the bottom of the tank for more than a second and the particles are lifted into the upper portion of the tank

binations. The length of the turbulent micro-scale eddies is related to the local dissipation of power per mass, which is also power per volume for the same density fluid. For scaleup efforts with geometric similarity, the local power per volume is some proportion to the total or average power per volume For instance, the local power per volume in the impeller region might be ten times the average power per volume. With geometric similarity, that ratio between local power per volume and average power per volume should remain the same. So while the power per volume in the impeller region may be greater than the average power per volume, the average will scale proportionately for similar locations in the tank. Scaleup by power-per-volume with reactant injection near the impeller is often the best approach for controlling rapid chemical reactions. Using power-per-volume scaleup also results in a conservative scaleup, providing intense mixing in the large scale. Simpler rapid chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization reactions, which have only one path and produce consistent final products, may be more influenced by liquid blending. Mixing intensity may affect the rate of reaction, but not the final product constituents. In those cases, assuring that all parts of the tank are in motion may be enough for successful scaleup. Applications with simple reactions

may hardly need small-scale testing for proper design experience with similarly sized tanks may suffice. Note that small-scale mixer testing does not always involve chemical reactions. Many mixing processes involve just formulation blending different materials to uniformity. What makes formulation difficult is the variety of types of mixing (such as blending different liquids, suspending solids, dissolving solids, heat transfer, dispersion of immiscible liquids, dispersion of gas, viscous mixing and more) that may be needed for a single batch. The challenge is that no single mixer design may be best for all of these process steps, yet the batch operation still needs to be completed in a single tank. Additionally, the liquid level and fluid properties may change as the batch is being processed. Pilot-scale testing may focus on basic aspects of the operation, such as order of ingredient addition, time required for dissolution or blending, proper location of impellers, and other practical matters related to variables in the batch process. 6. Scale-down is difficult. Sometimes scale-down (Figure 3) is used to investigate an existing process for problem solving or process improvement. If geometric similarity were the only critical aspect for pilot-scale testing, scale-down would be easy. The more common problem is that scale-down of a large-scale process

does not happen uniformly. For instance, one aspect of the process may scale down at constant tip speed, while another may scale down at equal power per volume. The result will be a small-scale process that behaves differently than some aspects of the large-scale process. The most critical aspect of the process must be studied separately. Just as with scaleup, only one or two process behaviors can be duplicated at different scales. For instance, if solids suspension can be duplicated on the small scale, then powder addition may be different, and vice versa. When scale-down is expected to duplicate all aspects of the large process equally well, the results will always be disappointing; some aspects of the process will always change. Just as knowing the objective for scaleup is important, knowing the objective for scale-down is critical, too. For example, if the process problem involves solids settling on the bottom of the tank with some of the important ingredient being left behind, then solids suspension may be the focus of small-scale testing. If powder addition is the problem, then the testing effort should focus on proper scale-down of surface motion and rate of addition. Investigation of solids suspension should focus both on turbulence intensity and fluid velocity near the bottom, since these factors account for lifting



caleup is often used to take experimentally observed results from a small-scale transparent tank and use them to create similar results in a large-scale tank. Visual observation of what happens with an unusual tank geometry or impeller type can be extremely useful in predicting results in a large-scale tank. Making good observations sometimes involves an extra effort, even for a tank filled with water. Simply seeing what happens in a clear tank filled with water will be limited by the optical distortion FIGURE 7. At the top of this photo, one that occurs when looking into the tank. FIGURE 6. The double-tank arrangecan see how the baffled tank looks when The optical distortion is caused by the ment shown here can be used to visually neither tank is illed with water. When curved surface of the cylindrical tank observe or photograph low patterns in a looking at the empty tanks, the blue bafand the difference between the index of cylindrical tank. All mixing action occurs les are easily observed along the sides in the cylindrical tank, just as in a process refraction for air and water. of the cylindrical tank. When only the tank. Optical distortion occurs when lookTo reduce optical distortion, a cylindri- ing into the side of a cylindrical tank illed inner cylindrical tank is illed (as seen in cal tank can be placed inside a square with water, much as a curved lens distorts the center of the photo), the optical disbox. When both the cylindrical, stirred or magniies visual observations. The tortion causes the blue baffles to disappear visually. When both tanks are illed tank and the surrounding box are filled external tank with a square cross section with water (at the bottom of the photo), with water, the distortion is almost elimi- eliminated most of this optical distortion. the baffles can be seen, almost as they nated because the air-water transition The lat side of the outer square tank appeared in air at the top of the picture occurs across a flat surface. This double- causes minimal distortion tank arrangement is shown in the oblique top view of the tank and box with the mixer in the center (Figure 6). The bottom portion of the picture shows what happens when both The side view (Figure 7) shows the different optical effects. Starting the cylindrical tank and the square box are filled with water. The at the top of the picture, when neither the cylindrical tank nor the blue baffles reappear, as they were seen in the top portion without square box are filled with water, the blue baffles are easily seen water. Almost half the volume of the tank, around the perimeter of along the side of the tank. In the middle of the picture, only the cylin- the cylinder, disappears from view when the distortion is not cordrical tank is filled with water. The optical distortion makes the blue rected. baffles disappear almost completely.

particles and sweeping them away. If surface addition of solids is being investigated, then surface velocities must be duplicated and the addition rates must be scaled to account for volumetric flow of solids per surface area. In many cases, choosing not only the scale factor for adjusting the mixer speed, but also adjusting other rates, may be essential for success. An objective, such as the rate of dissolution of a solid, may not be affected by mixing intensity once all the particles are suspended off the bottom of the tank. The critical factor in the dissolving of solids is often solubility, which tends to be strongly affected by temperature and particle size. Rate of dissolution is affected by the surface-to-volume ratio. For a given application, the mixing intensity must be sufficient to ensure off-bottom suspension of solids (Box, p. 35) and rapid enough to maintain a nearly uniform concentration of solids in the liquid. The dissolving rate for the same material and particle size may be nearly identical in the small scale and larger scale, although the blend

time will increase with tank size. 7. Limitations of scaleup information. Two questions are often asked with respect to mixing: What is the smallest tank in which I can get good mixing results? What is the largest scale change I can make successfully? Neither has a simple answer for all types of scaleup, just as the reasons for testing are different. The smallest tank for mixing tests depends on at least three variables: The accuracy of the impeller shape The ability to observe flow patterns, The scale of mixing to be observed Small impellers always have proportionately thicker blades when compared with large impellers, to ensure that the small ones are not too fragile to handle. Also, small impellers for instance, those less than 6 in. (300 mm) in dia. typically come in size increments of about 1 in. (25 mm), which is more than 15% of the dia. Increments for impeller size for diameters that are larger than 20 in. (0.5 m) may be about 2 in. (50 mm), or less than 10%. While percentages seem

small, the power increments are to the fifth power of the impeller diameter in turbulent conditions. That effect of those impeller diameter increments represents double the power between small impeller sizes, and about a 50% increase between larger sizes. The common recommendation for testing to observe mixing flow patterns in small tanks is for tank diameter between 1 ft (1/3 m) and 2 ft (2/3 m). In that size range, model impellers should create flow patterns similar to those expected in larger tanks. And with low-viscosity liquids, the flow patterns will be fully turbulent. Such tests may improve the certainty of scaleup for large tanks. In todays world of high-value products and process minimization, a tank with a 1/4-m-dia. may be larger than the standard production scale. In which case, more must be known about the controlling processes that are observed in the laboratory. Scale testing and efforts must be carried out to observe the effects of mixing, especially if changing the stirrer speed in a flask or beaker will affect the results.


Another scaleup consideration is how much of a change can be done successfully. For instance, doubling a length dimension increases the volume by a factor of eight. Thus, an increase of ten times the length scale results in 1,000 times the volume. For complicated scaleup applications or those with limited small-scale data, a two-, three- or four-fold increase in a linear dimension may create significant uncertainties. In other cases, laboratory data even for a chemical reaction may allow for scale changes involving a 10- or even 20-fold increase in the length dimensions and the corresponding increase in volume. Many large processes undergo limited experimental testing, in very small scales, yet mixing requirements can be met with large increases in size. Geometric similarity is not an essential for scaleup, provided the process requirements are well understood and the critical mixing variables are held constant. A large-scale mixed tank, especially a pressure vessel, may be much taller in relation to its diameter compared with the small-scale tank that was used for development testing and geometry modifications. For storage tanks, small-scale testing is rarely done, but large storage tanks may be shorter in relationship to diameter. 8. Viscous mixing. Applications involving viscous mixing often experience many problems during scaleup, so small-scale testing is especially important. Rarely does a single viscosity value adequately describe the properties of a viscous fluid. High-viscosity fluids are usually non-Newtonian, which means that the apparent viscosity includes effects of not only temperature but also shear rate, time dependence, and possibly yield stress. Making things more complicated, the properties that complicate viscosity are often those properties that are sought to enhance the quality of the end products. Mixing viscous materials often involves changing from turbine-style impellers to large-diameter, closeclearance impellers. Even with turbine-style impellers for moderately high viscosities, more impellers and larger-diameter impellers are needed

just to move all of the fluid in a tank. As a result, testing at a small scale can be useful in determining which type, size, or number of impellers works best for moving the fluid. Because flow is often laminar, stretching and folding mechanisms must replace turbulence and random motion for mixing. These slower pro-

cesses increase blend time and make complete motion more difficult. For all of the experience in mixer design with low-viscosity liquids, limited experience and design guidance is available for mixing high-viscosity fluids using close-clearance impellers. However, a bright side to scaleup exists with viscous blending. Most viscous

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mixing scaleup can be handled by equal tip speed. The power requirements for nearly all of the blending processes depend on Reynolds number, which is affected more strongly by a primary length dimension, such as tank or impeller diameter, than velocity. So, if tip speed, which translates to fluid velocity, is held constant during scaleup, the Reynolds number increases in direct proportion to the increase in the length dimensions of the tank. As the Reynolds number increases with tank size, the effect of viscosity in the laminar and transitional ranges is reduced. This change means easier fluid movement and potentially greater mixing intensity. For the same Reynolds number, the large-scale mixer could even be considered to be operating as if the fluid had a lower viscosity. The reduced effects of viscosity should make mixing easier with scaleup. 9. Chemical reactions. Most new chemical reactions are developed at the laboratory scale. Commonly available laboratory mixers may be as simple as magnetic stir bars in glass beakers, or flasks on a shaker table. These mixer types are not effective in large-scale processes because the rotational flow patterns do not create sufficient vertical and horizontal motion for good mixing. The only reason that the swirling motion in laboratory glassware is adequate is that in such small containers the ingredients mix quickly regardless of the flow pattern. Scaleup of chemical reactions often follows two different paths an easy one and a more difficult one. The easy path occurs when the new reaction is similar to one previously put into production, where the reaction steps and any exothermic heat generation have already been successfully scaled. Other reactions with different kinetics, stoichiometry and heat release may require extensive pilot testing before going into production. While work in a pilot plant may provide additional information about the reaction, a pilot reactor should be designed to test and observe the effects that mixing has on the chemical reaction. Pilot testing needs to investigate the positive and negative effects that mixing has on the reaction, in terms of yield, quality and even the overall success of the process. Mixing is necessary to bring reactants together and to distribute the reactants and product uniformly in the tank. Heat addition or removal may also be part of the chemical process. Information about the process must also establish critical mixing variables that are required to ensure the success of the reaction. Insufficient mixing may not provide adequate uniformity or blending that is rapid enough for the reaction to produce the desired products. Excessive mixing may introduce air, or may negatively impact

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Feature Report

Pinch Analysis for Production Planning in Manufacturing Industries

Joseph S. H. Lim Adirondack Pvt. Ltd. and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Dominic C. Y. Foo University of Nottingham Malaysia Denny K. S. Ng University of Nottingham Malaysia Raymond R. Tan De La Salle University Ramlan Aziz, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Factories/bank (source)

The two new graphical techniques presented here can help optimize factory capacity and financial resources
Finished goods/ expenses Goods/expenses (sink)

Services/funding FIGURE 1. Production sinks demand resources, whereas production sources supply the resources

anufacturers face seasonal supply-and-demand variations in their production cycle due to fluctuations in both market demand and supply of raw materials. Therefore, manufacturers need solutions that can help them to cope with this challenge in effective production planning. Pinch analysis, which has been used for resource conservation in the past few decades, has recently been extended to production planning problems. In this article, two novel graphical tools are proposed to address two common production planning problems, namely, factory capacity planning and financial resource planning. Industrial case studies on the small-scale production of highvalue products are shown to illustrate the approach.

Pinch basics
Pinch-analysis techniques have been widely used as systematic design tools in the chemical process industries (CPI) over the past three decades. The techniques were initially developed for the synthesis of heat-recovery networks [1]. Through heat-and-mass transfer analogy, the proposed techniques were later extended for mass-integration problems [2]. More recently, pinchanalysis techniques were developed for resource conservation networks, focus40

ing on industrial water conservation [37] and utility gas recovery [79]. In addition, pinch analysis techniques have also been extended to a variety of non-conventional areas, such as financial management [10], supply chain management [11, 12], emergy analysis [13], carbon-constrained energy planning [14] , short-term scheduling of batch processes [15], carbon capture and storage [16, 17] as well as human resource planning [18]. However, there has been very limited work on the use of pinch analysis in the area of production planning. In most manufacturing companies, the producers are typically faced with seasonal supply-and-demand problems, which leads to the emergence of lean and peak periods. Such variation in supply and demand are beyond the manufacturers control. In order to overcome such problems, manufacturing companies can only plan the production based on constraints, such as production capacity or available financial resources, in order to accommodate the varying demand. Some earlier attempts to use a pinch-analysis approach for aggregate planning in the supply chain have been developed by Shenoy and co-workers based on a graphical approach [11, 19]. An equivalent algebraic-targeting technique was later developed by Foo

and colleagues [12]. The later work also caters to cases with the limitations of minimum and maximum inventories, as well as the scheduling of process shutdowns that were not considered in the earlier works [11, 19]. Subsequently, Ludwig and others [20] extended the techniques for production with seasonal variations in demand. Note that those previous works demonstrated the usefulness of pinch analysis as a decision-support tool for production-planning problems. Also, the main objective of those works was to determine the production rate based on the seasonal forecast for a given planning horizon. Besides, Foo and others [15] extended pinch-analysis approach for short-term scheduling of batch reactors in multi-purpose plants. However, none of the above techniques address the minimization of outsourcing; nor do they explore opportunities for operational changes. The underlying principle of pinch analysis is the use of information about stream quantities, such as production, manpower, heat, water and carbon, in conjunction with data about the quality of those systems to optimize the overall system. Depending on the application, stream quality may be defined by key process variables, such as temperature for heat recovery or concentration for mass integration [39,



Month Inventory (containers) Factory capacity Jan 5 20 Feb 5 Mar 10 Apr 10 May June July 15 20 5 5 Aug 10 Sept Oct 15 20 20 Nov 10 Dec 5 Total 115 60

Jan 20 containers Source composite curve Feb Mar Apr 20 containers May June July Aug Sep 20 containers Oct Nov Sink composite curve Dec 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 Number of containers



FIGURE 2. This PPPD for case 1 (noni factory) is not feasible because the part of the source composite curve is below the sink composite curve

Outsourced: 60 containers Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 10

20 containers

20 containers Sink composite curve Source composite curve 20 containers Excess: 5 containers 120

Pinch October











FIGURE 3. This feasible PPPD is obtained by horizontally shifting the source composite curve of Figure 2 to the right

21]. In many management extensions of pinch analysis, time is used as the quality index [11, 1820]. In this article, two novel graphical techniques for production planning are proposed, namely production planning pinch diagram (PPPD) and production planning grand composite curve (PPGCC). These new production planning tools can be used to optimize factory capacity and financial resources, which are common challenges in most companies. Such problems are particularly critical for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which typically are heavily constrained by limited capital resources. The problem arises when a company or facility is maximizing the use of its company resources, such as inventory or the factory capacity, while minimizing outsourcing by reducing idle space or excess factory capacity. This goal implies the minimization of additional costs. Large or multi-national compa-

nies (MNC) usually acquire adequate space for future expansion of plants and warehouses, and purchase machines that are custom-made to meet their production capacities (the machines sometimes cater for expansion, too). On the other hand, SMEs have relatively limited financial resources, and thus tend to rent readily available industrial spaces as production units that are readily available in the market. Therefore, proper production planning in SMEs presents unique challenges. With these newly developed tools, SMEs will be able to handle the production planning problems more effectively.

lem of production planning, we shall first identify the production sinks and the sources of the planning problem. Production sinks are defined as the units or sections that demand resources. Production sources are units or sections that contain the resources. For instance, production of noni powder (a nutritional product extracted from the tropical fruit, Morinda citrifolia) is treated as a sink that requires production space. On the other hand, factories are treated as sources, as they can be used to satisfy the production requirement of the goods. In this context, sources may be viewed as providing services (for example, production space) to the sinks. The overall concept is illustrated in Figure 1. Although supply and demand of goods are typically beyond the manufacturers control to a certain extent, control of time and capacity adaptation is still possible. Note that production capacity or factory space can either be fixed or variable. For instance, if a factory is located in a standard industrial lot with fixed dimensions, it is classified as a fixed capacity/variable time problem. On the other hand, cases where the factory, or production units are flexible (that is, if the manufacturer could acquire them according to their exact requirements) can be classified as a variable capacity/variable time problem. For example, such cases usually occur in pharmaceutical and allied industries. Both cases are illustrated in the following industrial case studies. The objective of the proposed approach is to determine the minimum outsource requirement. To fulfill the objective, the PPPD and PPGCC are used, and are illustrated using the following case studies.



Case Study 1
We first consider an example involving production planning for a powderproduction factory. This case study describes a food processing factory that produces noni powder that is dried at very low temperature using infrared drying technology. Table 1 shows the forecasted inventory data based on the previous years record. In this case study, a production campaign across a one-year planning horizon is considered.

Underlying principles
The basic principle of the newly developed graphical techniques is based on the work of Ooi and colleagues [17], which was originally developed for CO2 capture-and-storage planning problems. In order to address the prob-


Feature Report

Outsourced 60 containers J F M A M J J A S O N D 10 20 30

60 containers J F M 20 containers A M 35 containers 35 containers J Pinch (October) J A Pinch (Oct.) 20 containers S O N D 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 40 50 60 70 90 100 110 120 80 Number of containers Number of containers 20 containers





FIGURE 4. The PPGCC is plotted to re ect the horizontal gaps between the source and sink composite curves

Scenario 1. Three noni factories, each with a capacity of 20 containers, are available. However, the availability of these noni factories is different. Factory 1 is available from the start of the planning horizon. However, Factories 2 and 3 are only made available in the months of May and October, respectively. The company may outsource the production at added cost if the capacity of these factories is insufficient. To minimize the outsourcing requirement, the usage of all factories should be maximized. As mentioned above, the factories are treated as sources, as they provide production space and services for the inventory (sinks). To make use of the PPPD, we first translate the production forecast data into the sink composite curve. Each horizontal segment of the composite curve is plotted, based on its inventory amount on the x-axis, against a corresponding time period on the y-axis. On the other hand, the sources (corresponding to factory capacities in this case) are identified and plotted to form the source composite curve, similar to that of the sink composite curve. Figure 2 shows the PPPD of this case study.

25 containers Note that both composite curves take the shape of a staircase due to the consideration of the time fac35 containers tor. The y-axis of the composite curve represents the time of availability of the production sinks 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 Number of containers (inventory) and sources (factory) throughout the FIGURE 5. The shaded area of the PPGCC is the entire planning horizon time pocket for Case Study 1, where the production while their horizontal dis- requirement is satis ed by internal capacity (existing tances represent the total factories) amount of product. As shown in Figure 2, part of the curves, as the x-axis represents the source composite curve stays below amount of inventory for both sink and the sink composite curve. This is an source composite curves, while the infeasible situation, as sources (that y-axis is the true timeframe for the is, factories) cannot be used to pro- planning horizon. Based on Figure 3, it is noted that duce goods before they are ready for production. Hence, the source compos- there is a gap at the top section of the ite curve is shifted horizontally to the composite curves. This indicates that right until the source composite curve 60 containers of product need to be outis entirely above the sink composite sourced through production at off-site curve and touches the latter at the facilities. This is due to the time pinch pinch point, to form the feasible PPPD that is formed in October; the latter (see Figure 3). As shown, all storage may be viewed as the overall time botsources are now prepared much ear- tleneck for the factory allocation problier than the sinks that they will need lem. Note also that excess capacity is to serve. Note that only a horizontal found at the end of the planning horishift is permitted for the composite zon (five containers). This means that Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 42, pp. 4,3194328. 5. Manan, Z. A., Tan, Y. L. and Foo, D. C. Y., Targeting the Minimum Water Flowrate Using Water Cascade Analysis Technique. AlChE J., 50 (12), pp. 3,1693,183, 2004. 6. Prakash, R. and Shenoy, U. V., Targeting and Design of Water Networks for Fixed Flowrate and Fixed Contaminant Load Operations, Chem. Eng. Sci., 60(1), pp. 255268, 2005. 7. Agrawal, V. and Shenoy, U.V., Unified Conceptual Approach to Targeting and Design of Water and Hydrogen Networks. AlChE J., 52(3), pp. 1,0711,081, 2006. 8. Alves, J. J. and Towler G. P., Analysis of Re-



1. Linnhoff, B., others, A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, IChemE, Rugby, U.K., 1982. 2. El-Halwagi, M. M. and Manousiouthakis,V., Synthesis of Mass Exchange Networks. AlChE. J., 35(8), pp. 1,2331,244, 1989. 3. Wang, Y. P. and Smith, R., Wastewater Minimization, Chem. Eng. Science, 49, pp. 981 1,006, 1994. 4. El-Hawagi, M. M., Gabriel, F. and Harell, D., Rigorous Graphical Targeting for Resource Conservation via Material Recycle/reuse Networks,

finery Hydrogen Distribution Systems, Ind. & Eng.Chem. and Res., 41, pp. 5,7595,769, 2002. 9. Foo, D. C. Y. and Manan, Z. A., Setting the Minimum Flowrate Targets for Utility Gases Using Cascade Analysis Technique, Ind. & Eng.Chem. Res., 45(17), pp. 5,9865,995, 2006. 10. Zhelev, T. K., On the Integrated Management of Industrial Resources Incorporating Finances, J. of Cleaner Production, 13, pp. 469474, 2005. 11. Singhvi, A. and Shenoy, U. V., Aggregate Planning in Supply Chains by Pinch Analy-



Outsourced : 15 containers Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 10 20 30 40 50


New pinch (July)

Opportunities for operational changes








Number of containers

FIGURE 6. The PPPD for the second scenario of Case Study 1 shows rescheduling of the noni factories

Outsourced : 15 containers Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 10 20 30 40 50

New pinch (July)


Rent /acquire 2 additional factories to meet production








Number of containers

FIGURE 7. Here, the PPPD for the second scenario of Case Study 1 shows rescheduling of the noni factories with renting additional production capacity

containers are needed to fulfill the given planning horizon. However, the outsourced contain15 containers ers are not needed at the beginning of the project. In other words, the outsourced containers may be delayed until it is indeed necessary. However, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 the exact day when the Number of containers outsourced container is needed cannot be seen diFIGURE 8. The new PPGCC for the rescheduled scenario of Case Study 1 is depicted here rectly in the PPPD. This calls for the use of the the factory is under-utilized after the PPGCC, which has been used extentime pinch has passed. In other words, sively for appropriate utility selection the company may be able to make use in heat integration [1]. The construction of the PPGCC for of this excess capacity for producing other products or provide the storage Case Study 1 is shown in Figure 4, where the horizontal distance between service to other manufacturers. From Figure 3, it is noted that 60 the source and sink composite curves

of the PPPD are plotted against time throughout the entire planning horizon. Once the PPGCC is constructed, time pockets the shaded areas in Figure 5 can be determined. The time pocket is analogous to the heat pocket for heat recovery [1], where the required production requirement (sink) may be supplied by internal capacity. The opening at the top of the PPGCC indicates when the outsourcing (60 containers of product) are needed. As shown, storage outsourcing is needed between March and May (25 containers of products), as well as for August to September (35 containers of products). Scenario 2. The opportunities of rescheduling can also be considered with the aid of the PPPD. In a different scenario, we shall reschedule the noni factories in order to make use of its excess capacity identified earlier. In this case, it is assumed that the factory can be rescheduled by producing some goods earlier than originally planned. Assuming that Factories 2 and 3 can now be rescheduled three months ahead of the original schedule, the pinch point moves forward to the month of July instead of October (see Figure 6). Note that any factory rescheduling or operational adjustment can only be made after the pinch, where there is excess resource availability. On the other hand, adjustments before the time pinch do not bring any benefit. Shifting the pinch point earlier, thus gives the company room for operational adjustment. In this particular case, the outsourced requirement is reduced from 60 to 15 containers. Apart from outsourcing, the company may decide to rent another two production facilities each with capacities of 20 containers during the months of August and Sepmize Shift Scheduling Using Pinch Analysis. Chem. Eng., July, pp. 4852, 2010. 19. Singhvi, A., Madhavan, K. P. and Shenoy, U. V., Pinch Analysis for Aggregated Production Planning in Supply Chains, Comp. and Chem. Eng., 28, pp. 993999, 2004. 20. Ludwig, J., and others, Production Planning by Pinch Analysis for Biomass Use in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets, Int. J. of Operational Res., Vol. 47, No. 8, January, pp. 2,0792,090, 2009. 21. Foo, D. C. Y., Process Integration for Resource Conservation, Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6048-9, CRC Press, 2012.

sis, Trans. of the IChemE, Part A, 80. pp. 597605, 2002. 12. Foo, D. C. Y., others, A Heuristic-based Algebraic Targeting technique for aggregate planning in supply chains. Computer and Chem. Eng., 32(10), pp. 2,2172,232, 2008. 13. Zhelev, T. K. and Ridolfi, R. (2006). Energy Recovery and Environmental Concerns Addressed through Emergy-pinch Analysis, Energy, 31 (13), pp. 2,1502,162, 2006. 14. Tan, R. R. and Foo, D. C. Y., Pinch Analysis Approach to Carbon-constrained Energy Sector Planning. Energy, 32(8), pp. 142149, 2007. 15. Foo, D. C. Y., Hallale, N. and Tan, R.R., Pinch

Analysis Approach to Short-term Scheduling of Batch Reactors in Multi-purpose Plants, Int. J. of Chem. Reactor Eng., 5, A94, 2007. 16. Tan, R. R., Ng, D. K. S. and Foo, D. C. Y., Pinch Analysis Approach to Carbon-Constrained Planning for Sustainable Power Generation. J. of Cleaner Production, 17, pp. 940944, 2009. 17. Ooi, R. E. H., and others, Planning of Carbon Capture and Storagewith Pinch Analysis Techniques, Chem. Eng. Res. & Des., (in press); cherd.2013.04.007. 18. Foo, D. C. Y., Hallale, N. and Tan R. R., Opti-



Feature Report
tember. Based on this strategy, the production requirement of the factory can be fulfilled (see Figure 7). Following the same approach as before, the PPGCC for the case with two rented production facilities is shown in Figure 8. Note that the opening of the PPGCC indicates that outsourcing 15 containers is only required between April and July (see Figure 8).


Month Expenses $1,000 Funds $1,000 30
Decit $ 80,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 $ 30,000 Source composite curve (Funds) $ 50,000 Pinch (September) Sink composite curve (expenses) $ 70,000 (Excess $30,000 ) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Jan 20

Feb 20

Mar 10

Apr 0

May 0 50

June July 10 20

Aug 50

Sept Oct 30 70 20

Nov 10

Dec 10

Total 200 150

Case Study 2
The second case study involves a cellular food factory that produces a nutritional beverage. The monthly expenses include purchases of raw materials, rental of factory premises, salaries, utilities, administrative and marketing costs. Table 2 shows the monthly expenses for Case Study 2, where a production campaign across a year planning horizon is considered. Scenario 1. For this problem, the headquarters allocates funds amounting to $30,000, $50,000 and $70,000. However, the availability of these funds is at different times. Fund 1 is available from the start of the planning horizon. Funds 2 and 3 are only made available in May and September, respectively. The goal is to minimize any external requirement for added financing (for instance, through shortterm loans). Alternatively, if economically justified, the production planner may also decide on the amount of external borrowings/overdraft needed in order to ensure the operations run smoothly. In this context, funding is readily available, via internal funding or overdrafts, and could be drawn down as required. Figure 9 shows the feasible PPPD for the fund allocation problem. As shown, the monthly expenses are represented by the sink composite curve, while the amount of available funds is plotted as the source composite curve. The feasible PPPD shows a gap at the top section of the composite curves, which represents the minimum capital injection into the project; in other words, external funding is required. In this case study, $80,000 needs to be injected into the project. This is mainly due to the time pinch that is formed in the month of September; and is the bottleneck for


11 12 13

Cash ($ x 10,000)

FIGURE 9. A feasible PPPD for targeting minimum outsourcing is given for Case Study 1 FIGURE 10. The PPGCC is plotted to graphically illustrate that external funds are needed in the period of January February and July August
J F M A M J J A S O N D $ 20,000


$ 60,000




40 50 60 70 Cash ($ x 10,000)



100 120

Decit - $ 50,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 $ 30,000 Source composite curve (funds) $ 50,000 New pinch (August) Sink composite curve (Expenses) $ 70,000


9 10 11 12 13 Cash ($ x 10,000)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FIGURE 11. The PPPD for scenario 2 (rescheduling) of the project funding example (case study 2)

the monthly expenses requirement problem. On the other hand, excess funds of $30,000 are found at the end of the planning horizon. This result shows that the excess funds, which are under-utilized after September (when the time pinch occurs) can be

used elsewhere for other investments. Figure 10 shows the PPGCC for this scenario, where external funds are needed in the periods of January February and JulyAugust. Scenario 2. The opportunities for rescheduling can also be considered with


the aid of PPPD. In a different scenario, we shall reschedule the funding allocation in order to make use of the excess fund identified earlier. In this case, it is assumed that the headquarters has allocated the funds for the factory and may reschedule the funds as required. Assuming that these funds can now be rescheduled one month ahead of the original schedule, the time pinch moves forward to the month of August instead of September (see Figure 11). Note that any process rescheduling or operational adjustment can only be made after the pinch, as there now appears to be excess resource availability. Shifting the pinch earlier gives the company room for operational adjustment. In this particular case, the outsourced fund requirement is reduced from $80,000 to $50,000. This results in zero excess funds at the end of the planning horizon similar to that in Case Study 1. The PPGCC for Case Study 2 in Figure 12 shows that capital injections are needed in the same period as Scenario 1, but the amount is smaller.



FIGURE 12. The PPGCC for Case Study 2 is shown here


$ 30,000










Cash ($ x 10,000)

Joseph S. H. Lim is the managing director of Adirondack Ptd. Ltd. (54A, Road 19/3, Petaling Jaya, 46300 Selangor, Malaysia). He obtained his masters degree in plant process management from Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia, and is currently pursuing his engineering doctorate in plant process engineering in the same institution. He is the key person in the innovation and commercialization of natural health and beauty products under the brand Orifera ( and several other private brands. Currently, he manages two manufacturing plants in Malaysia, namely Life Science Corporation (GMP) Pvt. Ltd., which manufactures herbaceutical products; and Cosmescience Corp. (GMP) Pvt. Ltd., which manufactures herbal toothpaste and cosmeceuticals for both local and overseas markets. Raymond R. Tan is a university fellow and full professor of Ch.E. at De La Salle University (Chemical Engineering Dept., De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines; Phone/Fax: +632-536-0260; E-mail: [email protected]). He is also the director of the Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research (CESDR). Tan is the author of more than 70 papers in chemical, environmental and energy engineering journals. He is member of the journals editorial boards of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Philippine Science Letters and Sustainable Technologies, Systems & Policies, and is co-editor of the book Recent Advances in Sustainable Process Design and Optimization. He is also the recipient of multiple awards from the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP). Ramlan Aziz is a professor at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia; Phone: +60(07)-5536476; Fax: +60(07)-5569706; E-mail: [email protected]). He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST, U.K.). His main areas of work include process and product development utilizing natural resources, such as tropical plants and other bioresources for the wellness industry. He is the chairman of Biotechnology Skill Development Advisory Committee in the Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia, Council Member for Agriculture and Food Cluster in National Professorial Council Malaysia and Member of Malaysia Herbal Development Board. Dominic C. Y. Foo is professor of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (Dept. of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Center of Excellence for Green Technologies, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Broga Road, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia; Phone: +60(3)-8924-8130; Fax:+60(3)-89248017; E-mail: [email protected]. my). He is a professional engineer registered with the Board of Engineer Malaysia. His research interests include the development of process integration techniques for resource conservation and production planning. Foo routinely establishes international collaboration with researchers from various countries in Asia, Europe, American and Africa. He is also the winner of the Innovator of the Year Award 2009 of IChemE U.K., Young Engineer Award 2010 of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, and Outstanding Young Malaysian Award 2012. He has over 80 published papers in chemical, energy and environmental engineering journals, is subject editor for Trans. IChemE Part B Process Safety and Env. Protection , and editorial board member for Chem. Eng. Trans. and Clean Tech. and Environmental Policy , co-editor of the book Recent Advances in Sustainable Process Design and Optimization, and sole author for the textbook of Process Integration for Resource Conservation. Denny K. S. Ng is an associate professor at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (Dept. of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Center of Excellence for Green Technologies, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Broga Road, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia; Phone: +60(3)8924-8606; Fax: +60(3)-8924-8017; E-mail: [email protected]). He obtained his Ph.D. degree from The University of Nottingham. His areas of specialization include energy management, resource conservation via process integration techniques (such as pinch analysis and mathematical optimization), synthesis and analysis of biomass processing and integrated biorefineries, as well as energy planning for greenhouse-gas emission reduction. He was the recipient of the World Federation of Scientists (Malaysia National Scholarship) award in 2007 and the IChemE Young Engineer of the Year 2012. He has published more than 55 papers and presented more than 80 papers at various international and national conferences. Ng is also serving as international scientific committee for several international conferences.

Final remarks
Novel graphical-pinch-targeting techniques have been developed for production planning problems. Two industrial case studies on capacity and financial planning illustrate how these graphical tools for decision support may be used for real-life problems. They can be used to optimize the utilization of company resources, such as factory capacity and financial allocation, while minimizing idle company resources. These techniques reduce the need for outsourcing of production or acquiring additional funds through loans. Significantly, the graphical nature of these tools is also useful for easy communication and visualization in management meetings, technical presentations and reports by non-engineers, decision makers or stakeholders. They provide intuitive visual insights that may be readily grasped with minimal training, unlike alternative tools such as mathematical programming. The proposed techniques also are user-friendly and may be implemented using simple spreadsheet software. Edited by Gerald Ondrey



Feature Report Engineering Practice

Absorber Optimization:

Employing Process Simulation Software

Applying simulation-model case studies in the field yields significant savings with no capital investment
Jignesh P. Patel, Viral Desai, and Dipak Mehta Reliance Industries Ltd.
aw materials and energy represent two of the largest expenses in the chemical process industries (CPI). Energy reduction is necessary to sustain cost-effective production and manage capacity in the ever-changing CPI marketplace. Process simulation software can prove extremely valuable in evaluating energy reduction potential. This article discusses the successful application of process simulation software to optimize the ethylene oxide (EO) absorber operations at Reliance Industries ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol (EOEG) plant (Figure 1). By applying optimization techniques determined in the software simulation studies, raw material (absorbent) flow was decreased, thus reducing steam load and pumping energy requirements. These reductions translate into significant energy savings, resulting in annual savings of 9.5 million Indian Rupees (INR; approximately $160,000) without any capital investment.

Sunil Patil Aspen Technology, Inc.

FIGURE 1. This photo shows the EOEG plant at Reliance, Dahej Manufacturing Division

EO absorber overhead gas to reactor (recycle) Lean absorbent EO absorber EO stripper

Stripped EO

Reactor outlet gas to EO absorber Rich absorbent to EO stripper

Steam input

FIGURE 2. Reactor cycle gas lows through the absorbing and stripping process for recovery of EO

Gas absorbers are extensively used in the CPI to separate components through absorption by contact with a liquid in which one of the components is soluble. The solute is transferred between the gas and liquid phases. In the EOEG plant, ethylene undergoes vapor-phase oxidation over a silver-base catalyst in the presence of oxygen to form EO. The reactor effluent cycle gas is then

passed to the EO absorber and stripper process (Figure 2) where EO is separated from the cycle gas. The cooled cycle gas enters the EO absorber from the bottom and is contacted counter-currently with lean absorbent, which absorbs the ethylene oxide, and produces a dilute EO stream, the rich absorbent. The rich absorbent then flows to the EO stripper for recovery of EO. The concentration of EO in the absorber top recycle-gas product is maintained by adjusting the lean absorbent flow. It is important to minimize the EO present in the overhead recycle stream to avoid downstream process issues.

Simulation study
The main objective of the simulation modeling study was to evaluate the energy reduction potential in the EO absorber without any capital investment, and to check the effect of higher throughput on EO absorber column performance. The energy reduction studies primarily focused on adjusting lean absorbent flow and temperature at constant inlet cycle-gas flow. Determining an appropriate property method is vital to developing an accurate simulation model. Selection of the softwares commercial rigorous column model for steady-state operation, along with the SR-Polar Equation of State (EOS) resulted in a good


Reduction in lean absorbent flow versus normal operation, % 5 10 15 18 20 EO mole concentration in EO absorber overhead gas, simulated values, ppm 3 3 4 4 5

Lean-absorbent temperature increase versus normal operation, C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C EO mole concentration in EO absorber overhead gas, simulated values, ppm 3 3 3 4 4


Lean-absorbent flow reduction step Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Total reduction in lead absorbent flow to EO absorber, % 1.0% 1.0% (Total 2.0%) 1.5% (Total 3.5%) 1.5% (Total 5.0%) 1.5% (Total 6.5%) 1.5% (Total 8.0%)

Total reduction in lean absorbent flow = 8%

approximation of the EO absorber operation. Simulation data comparisons with licensor process-flow-diagram (PFD) data and actual operating data validated the SR-Polar EOS. Ensuring correct inputs to the process simulation software is also a key step in creating an accurate model. Initially, the PFD data were used for feed composition, and the model predictions were compared to the stream compositions for the top and bottom products from the design-case material balance. Later, the actual feed compositions were taken from the online analyzer and the model predictions were again evaluated. The model was then fine-tuned by adjusting the

absorbers Murphree tray efficiencies to match the following parameters with actual plant data: Temperature profile along the column Top and bottom product composition Once the model was tuned, it was used for sensitivity analyses with respect to changes in the following properties: Lean absorbent flow Lean absorbent temperature The objective of the sensitivity analyses was to optimize operations without compromising the EO absorber performance. The evaluation with respect to lean absorbent flow led to the conclusion that an 8% decrease in flow had no detrimental effect on

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Engineering Practice
EO absorber performance after implementing study recommendations Lean absorbent flow, % Cycle gas flow EO content in EO absorber overhead gas, ppm Reduced from 95 to 73 Lean absorbent pumping energy, kW




Effect of EO absorber optimization on EO stripper operation Rich absorbent feed flow, % Reduction 8 Steam flow to EO stripper reboiler, kg/h 1,000

product quality. Table 1 illustrates the resulting overhead EO composition with incremental lean absorbent flow reductions, as predicted by the process modeling software. This study also examined the absorbers potential for column flooding by rating the trays based on existing tray geometry and current operating conditions. This hydraulics study revealed that during normal operation, the column was near its flooding limits, but that the recommended reduction of lean absorbent would decrease potential tray flooding and increase the units efficiency. Changes in lean absorbent temperature can also impact the absorption of EO from the cycle gas. The sensitivity analysis with respect to temperature looked at typical summer conditions to evaluate the absorbers performance as lean absorbent temperature increases. The studys results, presented in Table 2, show that a variation of up to 2C in lean absorbent temperature does not significantly affect EO absorption.

Plant trials and results

To apply the optimized models in the plant, lean absorbent flow was incrementally decreased over a six-day period (Table 3). With each reduction of flow, key operating parameters and compositions were measured once the unit achieved stable performance. On the sixth day, the absorber reached the simulated optimized conditions with 8% lean-absorbent flow reduction. Simulation data also predicted that operations would experience the following benefits upon optimizing lean absorbent flow: Decreased steam consumption in the EO stripper

Higher efficiency in the lean absorbent water cooler Lower lean-absorbent supply temperature Decreased pressure drop across the absorber Less energy consumption required for pumping The results of the plant trials validated the findings of the simulation study, as all predicted benefits were observed in field operations. A summary of unit performance after the plant trials is shown in Table 4. Most importantly, the absorber unit reached the desired 8% reduction in lean absorbent flow without compromising throughput or EO recovery. Other notable operational improvements included a 39-kW reduction in pumping energy and a 1,000-kg/h reduction in low-pressure steam in the EO stripper reboiler. These improvements will save the company an estimated 9.5 million INR annually, with no additional capital investment required. This study underscores the value of using process simulation technology for optimization, driving operations to new levels of efficiency. Edited by Mary Page Bailey

Jignesh Patel is a general manager of Central Technical Services (CTS) in the Dahej Manufacturing Division of Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL). (Email: jignesh.p.patel@ril. com). He has over 12 years of experience in the petrochemicals industry. He joined RIL in 2007 and in his current role is responsible for process engineering, simulations and advanced process control. Patel has a B.S.Ch.E. from Shri Sad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology (Bharuch, India). Viral Desai is a senior general manager of CTS in the Dahej Manufacturing Division of RIL. (Email: viral. [email protected]). He has 14 years of experience in the petrochemical industry. In his current role as Central Technical Services general manager, he is responsible for process engineering, simulations, and advanced process control. Desai has a chemical engineering degree from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda and a postgraduate diploma in operations and management from IGNOU, India. Dipak Mehta is vice president of CTS in the Dahej Manufacturing Division of RIL. (Email: dipak.mehta@ He has more than 30 years of experience in the chemical process industries. He holds a Managers Exam certification from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E) and the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). Mehta graduated from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda with a degree in chemical engineering. Sunil Patil is a senior principal business consultant at Aspen Technology, Inc. (200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, Mass. 01803; Phone: +1-781221-6400; Email: sunil.patil@ Patil has over twelve years of experience including work in process design and modeling at Sulzer and Honeywell. He joined Aspen Tech in 2007. His expertise includes many Aspen Tech products including HYSYS Dynamics, Aspen Plus, HTFS, and Economic Evaluation solutions. Sunil holds an M.S.Ch.E from Shivaji University, India.

1. Gas Processors Suppliers Association, Engineering Data Book, Tenth Ed., Vol.1 and 2, Tulsa, Okla., 1987. 2. Perry, Robert H. and Green, Don W., Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, Seventh Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 1997. 3. Aspen Plus Documentation, Aspen Technology, Inc., Aspen Plus Software V7.2 4. aspenONE Global Conference, Boston, Mass., May, 2010 5. AspenTech Global Conference Optimize 2011, Washington D.C., May, 2011.


Environmental Fractionation Column Manager

Evil chemicals

was at the local Panera Bread. I almost screamed. I would have, except there was a sign on the front door that said Positively No Screaming. I was sitting within earshot of a junior-high-school science teacher whom I did not know. She was describing to a friend the details of a unit that she just taught on chemicals. She implied to her students that there were no good ones. Yes, I am serious. She first explained to her students how the gasoline companies formerly put lead into gasoline and how the lead poisoned the environment. She seemed to have no idea why the lead was put there in the first place, nor how the gasoline companies maintained octane numbers after removing the lead. Her next target, of course, was carbon dioxide and global warming. She proudly brought some students to tears by showing them a photograph of a lonely polar bear clinging to life on a tiny iceberg. There was no second side to her story, no contradictory evidence, no mention of the fact that Earth is coming out a relatively recent ice age. The glaciers have been melting for tens of thousands of years; the melting did not begin with Henry Ford. She did not seem to know the source of the carbon dioxide. It just came from somewhere. (At this point I was concerned for her students but I was nowhere near the scream point.) Then, she started talking about DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). She played a song for her students on her CD player: Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell Hey farmer, farmer put away that DDT now; give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees please. She quoted Rachel Carsons The Silent Spring and how an early generation of environmentalists saved the eagles, hawks and falcons, and probably all of the birds. The science teacher proudly told her friend that half of her students were now in tears. The teacher did not know, or did not want to know, any of the following: 1) The bird shell

research work is regarded by some as highly flawed; 2) The World Health Organization supports the indoor use of DDT for malaria control, and; 3) Some have estimated that in the last 50 years, 50 million African children might have died needlessly from malaria. Positively No Screaming. Based on what I heard, it is entirely possible that an entire class at Stillwater Junior High School believes that all chemicals are injurious not just Pb, CO2 and DDT. They might also believe that all environmentalists are always right. The environmentalists of our world have truly done an excellent job of alerting us all to the dangers of pollution and over-consumption, but theyre not always right. And Im not always right. Maybe I was wrong not to scream. Mike Resetarits

Mike Resetarits is the technical director at Fractionation Research, Inc. (FRI; Stillwater, Okla.;, a distillation research consortium. Each month, Mike shares his rst-hand experience with CE readers

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Amato Spagnoletti becomes president of Taylor Wharton Cryogenics (Theodore, Ala.), a maker of cryogenic equipment for the industrial gases, life sciences, and liquefied natural gas markets. Ulrich Spiesshofer becomes CEO of ABB (Zurich, Switzerland). He was formerly the head of ABBs discrete automation and motion division. Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC (Green Bay, Wisc.), an engineering, science and construction

company, welcomes Todd Fryzek as lead environmental engineer, and Bruce Rehwaldt as LEED AP. Devin International (Lafayette, La.), a subsidiary of Greenes Energy Group and equipment supplier for onshore and offshore oil-and-gas operations, names Buck Evans special operations coordinator. BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany) announces two promotions: Ralph Schweens, currently managing director of BASF Mexicana S.A., becomes

president of the South America regional division based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Michael Stumpp, currently senior vice president in BASFs global home and personal care business, will succeed Schweens as managing director of BASF Mexicana S.A. Pump Solutions Group (Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.) names John Pepper vice president of integration, and Andrew Usuki vice president of sales and business development in the Americas. Suzanne Shelley

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Economic Indicators

Sasol awards integrated complex contract to WorleyParsons July 11, 2013 WorleyParsons Ltd. (North Sydney, Australia; has been awarded a contract by Sasol North America, Inc. (Sasol) for an integrated gas-to-liquids (GTL) and ethane-cracker complex, which includes an ethane cracker producing 1.5 million metric tons per year (m.t./yr) of ethylene with downstream derivative plants and a 96,000-bbl/d GTL facility. It will be located near Sasols existing chemical complex in southwest Louisiana. Project costs are estimated to be $16 to 21 billion. CNOOC selects Ineos Technologies process for a new project in China July 11, 2013 Ineos Technologies (Rolle, Switzerland; has licensed its Innovene S Process for the manufacture of 400,000 m.t./yr of medium-density and high-density polyethylene to CNOOC Oil and Petrochemical Co. for its cracker complex located in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province of China. Teijin to build new meta-aramid fiber plant in Thailand July 11, 2013 Teijin Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan; has developed a new heat-resistant, dyeable meta-aramid fiber, which the company will produce in a facility in Ayutthaya Province,Thailand. Construction begins Dec. 2013 and production is scheduled for July 2015.Teijin will invest around 4.5 billion ($45 million) to build the plant on the premises of Teijin (Thailand) Ltd. EuroChem announces fertilizer project in Louisiana July 10, 2013 Fertilizer company EuroChem (Moscow, Russia; announced intention to build an ammonia and urea production plant in Louisiana.The project requires an estimated investment of approximately $1.5 billion and four years of construction work. EuroChem expects to finalize its decision on the parameters and location of the facility within the next year. Clariant and Wilmar receive clearance to establish JV July 8, 2013 Clariant International Ltd. (Muttenz, Switzerland;, a specialty chemicals producer, and Wilmar International Ltd., an Asian agribusiness group, have received merger clearances for the establishment of a 50-50 joint venture (JV), which is now in operation.The JV is headquartered in Singapore. Praxair enters into industrial gas JV with Kuibyshevazot July 2, 2013 Praxair, Inc. (Danbury, Conn.; has entered into an agreement to form a JV with OJSC KuibyshevAzot (Moscow, Russia;, in Russias Samara region, to produce and sell industrial gases.The JV will produce on-site O2, N2 and compressed dry air for KuibyshevAzots caprolactam, fertilizer and ammonia production, as well as liquid gases. Praxair and KuibyshevAzot will construct a new air-separation unit that will produce 1,400 m.t./d of O2, N2 and argon, and is scheduled to start up mid-2016. Technip awarded contract for two hydrogen reformers in Venezuela July 1, 2013 Technip (Paris, France; www. was awarded a contract by the Hyundai-Wison consortium for two hydrogen reformers in Venezuela.The contract covers the complete engineering, fabrication, modularization, procurement as well as pre-commissioning and start-up assistance. These 151,000-Nm3/h reformers are part of the Deep Conversion project for Petroleos de Venezuela SA to upgrade the Puerto La Cruz refinery.The project is scheduled for completion in mid-2014. SGL Group and Samsung establish JV for carbon composites June 20, 2013 SGL Group (Wiesbaden, Germany; and Samsung Petrochemical have established a marketing and sales JV for carbon-fiber-composite materials.The partners will each hold a 50% share.The JV will operate under the name Samsung SGL Carbon Composite Materials. The JV will be headquartered in Ulsan, South Korea, at a Samsung Petrochemical facility. Unipol technology selected for Qatar's first polypropylene plant June 19, 2013 Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company (Midland, Mich.,, has signed a license agreement with Qatar Petroleum/Qatar Petrochemical Company (QP/QAPCO), for Unipol Polypropylene (PP) Process Technology. Unipol PP will be licensed at QP/QAPCOs facility to be located in Ras Laffan, Qatar. Slated to produce 540,000 m.t/yr of PP , the QP/QAPCO facility will be Qatar's first polypropylene plant.


Michelman acquires Ecronova Polymer, adds water-based polymer capabilities July 9, 2013 Michelman, Inc. (Cincinnati, Ohio; has acquired Ecronova Polymer GmbH (Recklinghausen, Germany), a manufacturer of water-based polymers.The purchase includes all assets, technology and manufacturing facilities. The name Ecronova Polymer will continue to be used for business operations. Huntsman signs agreement to acquire Oxid July 8, 2013 Huntsman Corp. (The Woodlands,Tex.; has signed an agreement to acquire Oxid L.P ., a privately held manufacturer of specialty urethane polyols based in Houston.The financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.The transaction is expected to close during the 3rd quarter of 2013. Oxid generated $86 million of revenue in 2012. Borealis acquires GPN and majority of Rosier European market July 1, 2013 Borealis AG (Vienna, Austria; says it has fully acquired GPN SA from the Total Group. GPN S.A. is Frances largest nitrogen fertilizer manufacturer. GPN employs around 760 employees in France, all of whom will be transferred to Borealis. On the same date, Borealis closed an agreement with Total S.A. to acquire its majority interest in Rosier S.A., a mineral fertilizer manufacturer. Rosier generated sales of 278 million in 2012. Siemens acquires rolling mill specialist Service Guide July 1, 2013 Siemens Industry AG (Erlangen, Germany; announced it has completed the acquisition of Service Guide, Inc. (Cortland, Ohio), which provides repair and refurbishing services for steel and aluminum mills. Financial details of the transaction will not be disclosed. Novozymes acquires agricultural company TJ Technologies June 26, 2013 Novozymes (Copenhagen, Denmark;, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire South Dakota-based TJ Technologies Inc., whose annual revenue is approximately $15 million.The financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Mary Page Bailey


August 2013; VOL. 120; NO. 8 Chemical Engineering copyright @ 2013 (ISSN 0009-2460) is published monthly, with an additional issue in October, by Access Intelligence, LLC, 4 Choke Cherry Road, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD, 20850. Chemical Engineering Executive, Editorial, Advertising and Publication Ofces: 88 Pine Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10005; Phone: 212-621-4674, Fax: 212-621-4694. Subscription rates: $149.97 U.S. and U.S. possessions, $166.97 Canada, and $269 International. $20.00 Back issue & Single copy sales. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD and additional mailing ofces. Postmaster: Send address changes to Chemical Engineering, Fulllment Manager, P .O. Box 3588, Northbrook, IL 60065-3588. Phone: 847-564-9290, Fax: 847-564-9453, email: [email protected]. Change of address, two to eight week notice requested. For information regarding article reprints, please contact Wrights Media, 1-877-652-5295, [email protected]. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Canada Post 40612608. Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: IMEX Global Solutions, P .O. BOX 25542, LONDON, ON N6C 6B2 FOR MORE ECONOMIC INDICATORS, SEE NEXT PAGE



Economic Indicators




(195759 = 100)
May. 13 Prelim. 566.4 685.4 624.3 655.0 863.4 410.8 919.3 513.1 741.7 319.1 534.0 326.0 Apr. 13 Final 569.4 689.5 626.2 656.5 875.6 413.2 924.5 512.6 746.8 319.8 536.5 327.6 May. 12 Final 593.8 726.2 683.6 680.1 926.7 428.9 928.1 515.2 763.8 322.9 527.7 328.3

Annual Index: 2005 = 468.2 2006 = 499.6


CE Index
Equipment Heat exchangers & tanks Process machinery Pipe, valves & fittings Process instruments Pumps & compressors Electrical equipment Structural supports & misc Construction labor Buildings Engineering & supervision


2007 = 525.4 2008 = 575.4


2009 = 521.9 2010 = 550.8 2011 = 585.7 2012 = 584.6

400 450


CPI output index (2007 = 100) CPI value of output, $ billions CPI operating rate, % Producer prices, industrial chemicals (1982 = 100) Industrial Production in Manufacturing (2007 = 100) Hourly earnings index, chemical & allied products (1992 = 100) Productivity index, chemicals & allied products (1992 = 100)

Jun. '13 May. '13 Jun. '13 Jun. '13 Jun. '13 Jun. '13 Jun. '13 = = = = = = = 87.9 2,122.3 74.5 304.0 95.7 156.2 104.0 May. '13 Apr. '13 May. '13 May. '13 May. '13 May. '13 May. '13 = = = = = = =

88.1 2,098.1 74.7 301.7 95.5 156.6 104.7 Apr.'13 Mar.'13 Apr.'13 Apr.'13 Apr.'13 Apr.'13 Apr.'13 = = = = = = = 87.7 2,126.0 74.3 308.7 95.2 155.3 104.4

YEAR AGO Jun'12 May'12 Jun'12 Jun'12 Jun'12 Jun'12 Jun'12 = = = = = = = 86.5 2,127.1 74.0 299.4 94.0 156.3 105.9

CPI OUTPUT INDEX (2007 = 100)

120 2500 110 2200


85 80

















Current Business Indicators provided by IHS Global Insight, Inc., Lexington, Mass.

Equipment Cost Index Available Exclusively from Marshall & Swift


Quarterly updates of our industry-leading Equipment Cost Index are now available at

reliminary data for the May 2013 CE Plant Cost Index (CEPCI; top; the most recent available) indicate that the composite index decreased by 0.5% from the the final April value. The data for each of the subindices decreased in the May preliminary numbers, except for the index value for electrical equipment, which rose. The May 2013 preliminary PCI index value stands at 4.6% lower than the corresponding final PCI value from May 2012. Meanwhile, the latest Current Business Indicators from IHS Global Insight (middle) moved in both directions, with the CPI output index edging slightly downward, while the CPI value of output increased slightly in the latest numbers.

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