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Domino's Pizza SWOT Analysis:

Dominoes have a very strong brand image and it is the leading pizza delivery company with more than 5000 stores in US. It has high brand equity assists by marketing campaigns and the heavy advertising. Dominos have its loyal customers so it can helps the company when they come out with a new product and have a strong network with its franchises therefore it able to increase the market shares and sales. In Canada, Dominos created the world largest pizza fight every year. Weaknesses Dominoes have major weaknesses which they experienced a sales decrease in their store which bring down the brand image and the revenues of the company. This had decline the amount of domestic franchises in 2008. Dominos will try to increase back in the next few years for this issue. Besides, the slow growing or declining sales happen affected by the poor quality which not up compare to the competitors and the menu are too simple compared to other chains. Opportunities Dominoes have their own opportunities and the most major one is the efficient delivery pizza compare to the competitors. This is a way to expand their operating effectiveness. Dominos had offer a services on the

mobile application and its work because many sales are come from iPhone application. There is a big growth H a p p e n i n I n d i a a n d C h i n a s p o p ul a t i o n a n d t h i s wi l l h e l p t o i n c r e a s e t h e i r revenues. Threats The increases of food price would be a threat for Dominos because it impact their businesses by increasing their operating costs. Besides, the fight of the pizz adelivery industry is absolutely a threat for Dominos as well. In the fast foodi n d u s t r y, t h e r e a r e a l wa ys n e w b u s i n e s s e s b e i n g c r a t e d . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e r e i s another threat which is people now is concerning with their health issues and this could affect the profits of Dominos.

Market Product Focus

Nowadays, fast food industry is facing healthy issues problems. Therefore, Dominos should come out with healthier choices for consumer. Okonomiyaki Pizza is

a pizza and this product operates wells in Taiwan. It is a Japanese savory panca kecontaining variety of ingredients that consists of batter and cabbage. Selected toppings and ingredients are added which can be very greatly.

Marketing and Product Objective

To enlarge the specialty with healthier choices pizza for consumer and to increase sales for the company to maximize profits.

Target Market
The target market for Dominos Okonomiyaki Pizza is active in all the stores of Dominos Malaysia. A selected area will be more focus such as Subbing Jaya, Sunway and KL which nearby the college or university campus. The main target customer and it was especially aim to the people in the age group of 16 to 64 are its main target group for communication which was the young adult from the college student and the adult from working group. The demographic of the market is to attract the customer from the middleclass and upper middle class because this groups of customers need to spend their money to enjoy the fast food but in low price. It also target people who want to take a break from what they eat every day or from cooking. 3.3 Points of Difference Okonomiyaki Pizza contains healthy dose of bonito flakes which bonito is a type of fish and come with cabbages toppings which can compete with the competitors in concerning health issues.

Okonomiyaki Pizza is to create a healthier image to change consumer perception or consumer mind which is unhealthy to improve better.

Trends in the fast food industry

The industry is estimated to grow at 9 - 12 per cent, on the basis of an

estimated GDP growth rate 6-8%.

Value addition of food is expected to increase fromthe current 8 per cent to 35 percent by the end of 2025. Fruit and vegetable processing, which is currently around 2 per cent of total production will increase to 10 per cent by 2010 and to 25 per cent by 2025.The popularity of food and agro products is not surprising when the sector is now offering a growth of more than 150 per cent in sales. While US brands such as McDonalds, Pizza hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken have become household names, more are on their way.

The Market Scenario Internationally:

India among top 10 markets for weekly fast food consumption, an online survey has found. Most of the countries are from the Asia-pacific region, with US being the exemption. According to an A C Neilson study of 28markets across the US, Europe and the Asia -Pacific, carried out through the internet in interviews with more than 14000 consumers,

Asians are the worlds greatest fast food fans. Percentage of adult population eating at takeaway restaurants at least once every week: Hong Kong 61 % Malaysia 59 % Philippines 54 % Singapore 50 % Thailand 44 % China 41 % India 37 % Europe 11 %

Among the international fast food chains and local operators, Dominos emerges as the most popular of all takeaway options with 54% of Americans, 75% of Europeans and 64% of Asians. Dominos is most visited in Australia (84%) KFC is most visited in China (42%), Pizza hut is most visited in India (22%) A typical fast food meal in the India & other Multinational companies consists of fries and a burger (or other main item).

Marketing Mix 4 Ps of Marketing:

Marketing includes the planning and the implementation of the marketing mix. The marketing mix which is also called the 4 Ps of marketing represents almost all the steps that are involved in the marketing process. 4 Ps of marketing represent product, price, place and promotion.

The very brand name Dominos adds value to the products available in the store. The quality and the hygiene of the pizzas and the other add-ons are taken care of by the company or the franchisees by way of training to the employees. Dominos also takes pride on the innovation of many new products and ideas. Some of these are as follows Double Decadence: Dominos launched the first Double Decker pizza in the UK. Dominos Double Decadence is created when two thin and crispy dough bases are sandwiched together with a layer of creamy cheese and herb sauce. The pizza is then topped with vine ripened tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and the customers; choice of toppings.

Virtual Store: To make take home pizza ordering more convenient for the customers, Dominos has designed an online service which features the customers favorites and also the customers can order for pizzas by text message via mobile phones and orders can be placed online. When the order online option is selected, the customer is taken to the order form. And the customers has to enter the postcode of the delivery address and then other delivery details like the phone number and e-mail address has to be entered. Then the customer is taken to another page the best part of the process pizza. The customer can select the pizza and the size of it and also the customer has the option to create his/her own pizza and then pay for the food either online using a debit or a credit card or to opt for paying the amount to the person who delivers the pizza. Dominos Heat wave Bag: Dominos Heat wave hot bag was introduced in the year 1998. The Hot bags contain a heating mechanism that is warmed by using electromagnetic energy. This technology keeps the pizza oven-hot during the delivery.

Dominos follows a pricing policy that is determined based on the economy of the country. The pricing policy of Dominos gives a competitive advantage to the company over its competitors. The price discounts available to the customers are used as a tool to attract customers into the store. Dominos also follows seasonal pricing in order to attract customers and to keep an edge over its competitors. The company also has special discounts on bulk purchases.

Place (Distribution Decisions):

Dominos Pizza stores are established in almost 50 countries and they have got more than 8,000 stores worldwide. The Dominos stores are centrally located and in a manner convenient for the people to walk in and also convenient for the deliverers to do their job. The distribution channel followed by the company is mostly through takeaways, telephone ordering, SMS and online ordering. The pizzas are delivered by way of scooters at their door step. In order to maintain the quality of the pizzas, they are carried in a heat wave bag so that they can deliver hot and tasty pizzas to their customers.

Pizza order discount: Dominos offers its customers a number of discount and other promotions on purchasing Dominos pizza. A customer walked out of a Florida Dominos store with a $10,000 cheque for having bought the Gotham City Pizza and the promotion was called The Dark Knight Deal. The Dark Knight Deal also allows the customers to win Xbox 360 and other gaming consoles. Dominos pizza has introduced a new value meal called the 444 deal. This 444 value deal contains three ten-inch pizzas with one topping for $4 each with a minimum number of three orders. Dominos also allows its customers to play games by the time their food arrives. There are actually two games asteroids and slide puzzle to play.

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