Service Learning Proposal 2

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1 Running head: PROPOSAL

Service Learning Proposal Michelle M. Johnston Ferris State University

2 PROPOSAL Abstract This paper will lead its reader through a proposal of service learning. The paper will introduce this writers choice of agency and explain the agencys purpose in its community. The different volunteer roles and how the roles will be decided are explained and the different activities that will be performed are introduced. This writer will reveal what she hopes to accomplish throughout the service learning experience, as well as her expected outcomes. The paper will explain the goals to complete the writers service learning and explain how the objectives and expected outcomes of the service learning project will be met. The paper ends with the evaluation plan and conclusion of the service learning proposal.

3 PROPOSAL Service Learning Proposal Service learning, as defined by the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (2012), is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. I will volunteer my services to help a community in need and in turn, the experience will help to reinforce my moral and civic values (Service Learning Requirement Undergraduate (BSN) Programs, n.d.). The purpose of this paper is to introduce a proposal of service learning and present information about where I will complete my service learning experience, the objectives of the project, the duties I will perform, the role I will hold, and the plan I have for evaluating my effectiveness in my role. Throughout my professional development in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, I will service my community through the service learning I am proposing. Service learning is important in professional development and in a professional degree program because it is associated with a variety of cognitive and affective outcomes (Astin, & Sax, 1999). Oasis of Hope Center Throughout my BSN program I will complete a minimum of 20 service learning hours to meet the objectives of the service learning project. I chose to complete my service learning hours at Oasis of Hope Center. Oasis of Hope Center is a not-for-profit organization that provides medical care and life-skills education to the uninsured in the community. Oasis of Hope Centers mission is to provide hope through low cost/free medical care and basic life-skills education to the economically disadvantaged and uninsured of the west-side of Grand Rapids, Michigan, in Jesus name. Services provided are: urgent care, minor emergency care, wellness exams, ongoing disease monitoring, ongoing disease treatment, some cancer screening,

4 PROPOSAL assistance with medications prescribed, some immunizations, health education, and life-skills education classes (Oasis of Hope Center, 2011). The clinic is free to persons who have no insurance coverage (including private insurance, or any government sponsored medical coverage) and who also make less than 200% above federal poverty guidelines (Oasis of Hope Center, 2011). The organization is nonprofit and ran completely off donation and volunteer efforts. Appointments for medical care can be scheduled by phone, but the center also accepts walk-ins for minor emergency services. Medical care is provided by licensed professionals 20 hours per week and the hours of operation are posted on their website. There is a range of medical professionals as well as caring community members volunteering at Oasis of Hope Center. Physicians, physician assistants (PAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), certified nursing assistants (CNAs) , registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), medical assistants (MAs), receptionists, and spiritual leaders (priests, preachers, etc.) all volunteer their services for those who seek medical care at Oasis of Hope Center (Oasis of Hope Center, 2011). The center and its providers are insured against liability for medical malpractice through the federal government via the Federal Tort Act. My Role My role at Oasis of Hope for the remainder of my BSN program is to volunteer a health related service. To volunteer a service is to provide the service without any sort of payment, but I will be gaining experience in the process. Oasis of Hope Center has many volunteer opportunities for the RN from volunteering time providing service as a triage nurse to offering education about numerous different diseases, medications, care plans, etc. The specific role I will take on while at the Oasis of Hope Center may vary between doing phone and walk-in triage, and education sessions with clients. Clients may call for an appointment or advice as well

5 PROPOSAL as walk in to the clinic with a medical issue or question. It will be a part of my service to perform triage with these clients and handle their matters. Once a diagnoses has been made or a medication has been prescribed, the physician will direct the client to the nurse for further education about the illness or medication. There are times when a client may need education about how to perform their own cares for a wound or how to take their own blood sugar or blood pressure. The RN will provide teaching and demonstration about procedures as well. The decision of what activity I will be volunteering my time for will be made by the program directors and me. I will have to agree upon which assignment I will take as I am volunteering my time. The decision will mostly be made based upon what is available each week and how many RNs are volunteering on that day. As an RN, I may also provide some lifeskills education such as making safe and healthy decisions dealing with sex, nutrition, and lifestyle. Objectives Related To Program I enjoy volunteering my time to a good cause. In the past I have volunteered for many different agencies including The United Way, Gods Kitchen, Hope Ministries, Greenville Community Gardens, and Wedgwood Christian Facilities. This will be my first time volunteering my services as a Registered Nurse (RN) and I look forward to this experience. Through my service learning experience I hope to gain more than just a good heartwarming feeling. I hope to benefit from my experience in many areas of nursing, practicing triage skills, working with at risk populations, and practicing my communication techniques. If I do get some experience providing life-skills education to small groups, I hope that it will help me gain some teaching experience and management skills. In my future, I would like to become a nurse educator. If I am able to help facilitate life-skills education classes, it may help with my

6 PROPOSAL classroom management skills, which would help me greatly in my future. I am excited to have more experience working with at risk populations. At Oasis of Hope Center there are many different cultures of people. There are children, adolescents, and adults who all come from different cultures, backgrounds, and situations. The one thing that the clients of Oasis of Hope Center have in common is that they do not have insurance and they are making less than 200% above the federal poverty guidelines. I believe that working with this at risk population will give me some much needed experience that will help to shape me into a more diverse and culturally aware nurse. My communication skills may improve as a result of volunteering with Oasis of Hope. There will be much opportunity for me to practice many communication techniques and have many interactions with clients seeking medical care. Communication is a standard of nursing practice that can always be improved upon. My future plans of teaching and working in acute care can be positively affected with improved communication skills that will come from the experiences I have while at Oasis of Hope Center. I hope these experiences can help me to better communicate with patients, families, and students. Overall, I believe my service at Oasis of Hope Center will be beneficial not only to those who I will be working with, but also to the community. Those who do not have medical insurance often do not seek medical care because they lack the access necessary. With a free clinic, the uninsured can seek care without the burden of medical bills. Oasis of Hope Center operates entirely on donation and volunteer efforts. Without volunteers, the uninsured in the community would continue to live without proper medical care, which may compromise the health of the entire community. The community will benefit from my service to Oasis of Hope Center because my efforts will help keep the uninsured healthy. A healthy community is beneficial to everyone!

7 PROPOSAL My Activities My activities at Oasis of Hope Centers will be a mix between phone/walk-in triage and providing various types of education. While performing triage, I will be providing one-on-one guidance to a client. My guidance will be deciding whether a client should be seen immediately by our physicians, the emergency room, or if we should schedule an appointment to have a matter taken care of at a later date. If there is a non-life-threatening issue that can be handled by the client, I may be able to help a client over the phone. The various types of education that I may provide will have to do with medication, diagnoses, life-skills, or wound care. While providing education, I will be sure to use a method that suits the client I am educating. Demonstrations, paper materials, diagrams and verbal lecture will all be used as tools for my teaching. Each activity will specifically engage my nursing process skills and communication skills, which should meet the objectives of my service learning experience. Evaluation Plan The evaluation of my effectiveness in my community and to those I serve at Oasis of Hope will take place after each encounter I have there. I plan to use metacognition to continue my growth throughout my service learning, and to critically think while I am providing services. I first will be sure that I have a clear understanding of what activity I will be a part of that day. Second, I will decide what goal I will be working toward whether it is a goal of one of my clients that I can help to meet, or one of my own personal goals such as gaining more knowledge on a specific topic. Then I will implement my interventions chosen to reach my goals. After I have implemented my planned interventions I will evaluate. My evaluation first takes my goals into consideration to be sure that they are clear (National Service Learning Clearinghouse, 2012). Then I will measure the outcomes. In the various types of education that

8 PROPOSAL I will be providing, I will evaluate the long-term goals by continual implementation of the teachings and finding whether or not the goals have been met. The short-term goals of the teaching will be evaluated with return demonstration or verbalization of the teaching. To evaluate my personal goals of gaining knowledge and becoming more professional, I will ask others around me to give me their input on how I am performing. I will also spend time critically thinking my way through the interactions and encounters I have while at Oasis of Hope Center. Each of these tasks will serve as my evaluation of myself and my activities and they will determine my effectiveness as a volunteer. Conclusion Through my service learning experience at Oasis of Hope Center, I will grow and develop professionally, achieving the program outcomes for the service learning requirement. My various activities at Oasis of Hope Center will be beneficial to the children, families, and community that I serve. I will take pride in my roles as volunteer and be proud of the positive outcomes and difference that I can make in the community. As a nurse, I hope that my service will inspire others to provide their love, knowledge, and professional wisdom to their community as well. Contact Information Agency Name: Oasis of Hope Center Contact Person: Rita Rodriguez Contact Phone: (616) 451-8868 Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Address: 522 Leonard Street N.W.Grand Rapids, MI 49504

9 PROPOSAL References Astin, A. W., & Sax, L. J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years [Abstract]. The Review of Higher Education, 22(2), 187-202. Retrieved from Ferris State University (n.d.). Service Learning Requirement Undergraduate (BSN) Programs. Retrieved from apps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2FdisplayLearningUnit%3Fcourse_id%3D_1854_1%2 6content_id%3D_64453_1%26framesetWrapped%3Dtrue. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (2012). What is service-learning?. Retrieved from Oasis of Hope Center (2011). Welcome to the oasis of hope. Retrieved from


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