Well Known Jewish Writers Who Say Usa Fights Wars For Israel

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Since the days of Charles Lindbergh's 1941 warning that Jewish pressure was leading America towards war in Europe, the mere suggestion of Jewish influence over US foreign affairs will quickly be shut down and denounced as "Anti-Semitic". When nationally known journalists Patrick Buchanan and Helen Thomas claimed that American foreign policy was subservient to AIPAC (The US-Israel Lobby), each suffered serious career setbacks. Buchanan's column was dropped from several newspapers, and Thomas was suddenly fired at the age of 91!

Pat Buchanan: "The U.S. Congress is Israeli occupied territory."

Helen Thomas (above with Obama) was a legend. A private comment about Israeli influence ended her 67 year career! 1

There are however some notable Jewish writers who have openly made the same allegation, only with more bluntness!
Evidently they can get away with "anti-Semitism" but the rest of can't. Are we to simply dismiss these journalists as "self-hating Jews"? We present some very revealing quotes from well-known, and well-connected Jewish writers.

Author /Scholar / Lecturer

The Zionist Connection What Price Israel 1978

"How has the Zionist will been imposed on the American people?... It is the Jewish connection, the tribal solidarity among themselves and the amazing pull on nonJews, that has molded this unprecedented power ... In the larger metropolitan areas, the Jewish-Zionist connection thoroughly pervades affluent financial, commercial, social, entertainment, and art circles." "One-sided reportage on terrorism, in which cause is never related to effect, was assured because the most effective component of the Jewish connection is probably that of media control."


5th Ranked Radio Show Host in US , Best Selling Author

The Michael Savage Show August 28, 2013 (On Syria War Hysteria): "Whos behind this? Whos pushing it? Well I suspect that it was Israel all along. "Its Israel pushing the United States and England and France and Italy and Germany to strike Assad. "What we know is true is that Israel is deeply involved in the war drum beating, Israel is "pulling Obamas strings," "If you can get America and France and Italy and Germany to act for you and they're foolish enough to risk a third world war, why not? Put your own interests ahead of the world, what do you care?" "I'm sick of this slavish worship of Israel. No, it's America first and Israel's the tail, not the dog. We're the dog, they're the tail. And I'm sick and tired of America being yanked around like we're the tail and they're the dog.....Whoever put him (Obama) in power wants their payback."


Netanyahu's conspiracy to drag the U.S. to war / March 25, 2012

(On Iran War Hysteria)"The current Israeli chatter about attacking Iran isn't meant to spur sanctions and a diplomatic solution. Netanyahu doesn't believe that will work, and he's convinced that Obama won't attack of his own initiative - not before November, and not afterward. The goal of the Israeli maneuvering is simple - to generate American chatter that will prepare the ground for dragging the United States into the battlefollowing the Israeli strike."

Time Magazine

(On Iraq War Hysteria / 2002): A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq. It is the argument that dare not speak its name, a fantasy quietly cherished by the neo-conservative faction in the Bush Administration and by many leaders of the American Jewish community. The fantasy involves a domino theory. The destruction of Saddam's Iraq will not only remove an enemy of long-standing but will also change the basic power equation in the region. It will send a message to Syria and Iran ...No one in the government ever actually says these things publicly, although some American Jewish leaders do." (On Prime Minister Netanyahu 2012): Netanyahus recent behavior is outrageous. He is trying push us into a war that is not in our national interest, a war that would only further destabilize a region that is already teetering near chaos. He is trying to get us to damage our relations with the rest of the world especially the Russians and Chinese,

The Nation Magazine September 5, 2013

Obama's Syria War Is Really About Iran and Israel

The dirty little not-so-secret behind President Obamas much-lobbied-for, illegal and strategically incompetent war against Syria is that its not about Syria at all. Its about Iranand Israel. And it has been from the start.

. the White House plans to scare members of Congress into supporting the illconceived war plan by waving the Iranian flag in their faces. Even liberal Democrats, some of whom are opposing or questioning war with Syria, blanch at the prospect of opposing Obama and the Israel lobby over Iran.

The Daily Banter Huffington Post September 14, 2012

Netanyahus interference into the US political arena is unprecedented in modern times. No politician of any other country would have the gall to try and dictate what the worlds greatest super power should do with its military, and no one would have as much luck as Netanyahu has. Netanyahus psychotic self belief, a silver tongue, and nuanced understanding of American politics (he spent several years studying in the US) has given him a unique position in American political culture, and he has used it to leverage Israeli interests to the best of his ability.

Washington Post

(On Iraq War 2013 comments):Speaking on MSNBCs Joe Scarboroughs show in July of 2013, the legendary journalist of Watergate fame Bernsteins said of the Iraq War: This was an insane war that brought us low economically, morally. We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

It was a total pretext! Its inexplicable and there you go to Cheney, there you go to Bush, there you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world.Maybe I can say that because Im Jewish. Bernstein was interrupted by the nervous host Scarborough, who quickly changed the subject and attacked Bernstein!

Jerusalem Post , +972 Magazine (Israel)

+972 Mag (Israel)June 18, 2012

(On Iran):"If America ends up bombing Iran first (unlikely), or being drawn into a war as a result of Israels bombing Iran first (much more likely), that American war will be stamped Made In Israel... by everyone with eyes and ears in his or her head." "If Israel hits Iran and Iran hits back at American targets and draws the U.S. into a war, and that war doesnt go well for the U.S. if American troops start getting killed, if the U.S. economy suffers, if the U.S. finds itself stuck in a war it doesnt want and doesnt know how to get out of then not only Israel, but American Jews, too, are likely to be blamed by the U.S. public at large." .

New York Times

Quoted in HAARETZ (Israel)April 4, 2003

(On Iraq War):"I could give you the names of 25 people (Jewish neo conservatives), all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this

office, who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened."

PBS - Slate - Politico - LA Times - New Republic

Slate Magazine What Bush Isn't Saying About Iraq

Oct. 24, 2002

(On Iraq War):"Bush's public case for going to war against Iraq is full of logical inconsistencies, exaggerations, and outright lies. ... this raises a troubling question, what are his real reasons? There must be some: Nobody starts a war as a lark. It would be easier to dismiss the whole exercise if there were an obvious ulterior motive. Without one, you are left wondering, "Am I missing something?" The lack of public discussion about the role of Israel is easier to understand, but weird nevertheless. It is the proverbial elephant in the room: Everybody sees it, no one mentions it. The reason is obvious and admirable: Neither supporters nor opponents of a war against Iraq wish to evoke the classic anti-Semitic image of the king's Jewish advisers whispering poison into his ear and betraying the country to foreign interests."

McClatchy News Services

April 6, 2003

(On Iraq-Syria-Iran):"In 1996, as Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to take office, eight Jewish neoconservative leaders sent him a six-page

memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam .....The neoconservatives sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced in the wake of Saddam's ouster."

HA'ARETZ (Israel)

April 5, 2003

(On Iraq War):"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history." In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history."

AIPAC in Full Court Press on Syria

by Eli LakeSep 3, 2013 6:00 PM EDT AIPAC is breaking precedent to support war resolution on Syria. Americas largest pro-Israel lobby has deployed its organization in Congress to push for the presidents war authorization against Syria, according to a senior

official with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) who called the effort a "full court press." Earlier Tuesday, AIPAC issued a strong statement supporting the presidents call for congressional authorization of limited airstrikes against Syria. A senior official at AIPAC tells The Daily Beast that the organizations leadership received a phone call from a senior White House official on Saturday, after the presidents surprise announcement that he would be seeking congressional authorization for a Syria strike, asking what AIPAC's position would be on a congressional resolution. This official said the lobby received similar calls from Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate.

Left: 75% of all US Congressmen and Senators attend mighty AIPAC's annual convention! Right: The wealthy AIPAC audience gave Obama a standing ovation when he threatened Syria and Iran!

You see this napkin? In 24 hours, we (AIPAC) could have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin.
- Steven Rosen, Former Director of AIPACS Foreign Policy Issues Quoted By Jeffrey Goldberg New Yorker Magazine: Real Insiders: A proIsrael lobby and an F.B.I. sting. July 4, 2005

Rosen frequently boasted of AIPACs political power and media influence.

Prime Mininster Netanyahu smiles smugly as Democrat and Republican leaders (Boehner & Pelosi) grovel before his power. In a 2012 speech before Congress, Netanyahu was given 29 standing ovations by the whores of Congress!

Speaking before AIPAC's annual convention (attended by 75% of all US Congressmen and Senators) Obama was given a standing ovation when he threatened Syria and Iran.


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