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i..: !-fill in the inforrnation about y~urself ..
Then complete the e-pal ad;Jertisement
using the verbs in the bOX';::i . .' .

e be ••be '" come fr¿rri G speak .

.L .

'" (not) Üke " play '.' -',

. Name ...........................................

Age ...........................................

\ Town/City
1 Languages ...........................................

, Music .............................................

Favourite spórts .....................

Complete the sentences using the Simple Present:

1. Mary (to wait) ten rninutes for the bus every moroing.
2. They (to be) very different from each other.
3. We
4. She
(to own - negative) a beautiful house near the beach.
(to miss) classes very often.
5.John and Charles (to ride) their bike {tvery weekend.
6 _ (you/ to wake up) in time to go to catch the early train?
7. That boy (to wear) a very nlce sweater.
8.1 _........................... (to u~derstand-- negative) what that Chinese tourist is sayul.g.
9. They : (to wash) theirhands before every meal.
10 : : : C;¡a.:.1l to be) hungry?
-- - --- --1
Put tbe verbs in the correct form ,positive or negative:

1 Margaret ...?p..~? four languages - English, French, German and Spanish.
2 I.M.\"\\.l.iJc~ my job. It's very boring. (like)
3 'Where's Martin?' Tm sorry. 1 ' (know)
4 Sue is a very quiet person She ." very mucho (talk)
5 Jim. . a lot af tea. It's bis favourite drink. (drink)
6 It's not true! 1 it! (believe)
.. it very mucho (like)
7 That's a very beautiful picture. 1 .. .
8 Mark is a vegetariano He.. . . .... meat. (eat)

Choose the correct alternative and write the tbe negative form: '
---_._--- -~-----_.

1. She watches / '\vatch television in the mornings .

0,- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
............................. .

2. 1 speak I speaks German.

. .'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .

3. He eats / eat a lot of fast food .

................................. , , .

4. My husband wears I weat glasses.

5. 1 W(e llikes animals .

...... ' .
.... .

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