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Programming Languages Dan Grossman 2013


Record values have fields (any name) holding values {f1 = v1, , fn = vn} Record types have fields (and name) holding types {f1 : t1, , fn : tn} The order of fields in a record value or type never matters REPL alphabetizes fields just for consistency Building records: Accessing pieces: #myfieldname e (Evaluation rules and type-checking as expected)
Jan-Mar 2013 Dan Grossman, Programming 2

{f1 = e1, , fn = en}

{name = Amelia, id = 41123 - 12} Evaluates to {id = 41111, name = Amelia} And has type {id : int, name : string} If some expression such as a variable x has this type, then get fields with: #id x #name x Note we did not have to declare any record types The same program could also make a {id=true,ego=false} of type {id:bool,ego:bool}
Jan-Mar 2013 Dan Grossman, Programming 3

By name vs. by position

Little difference between (4,7,9) and {f=4,g=7,h=9} Tuples a little shorter Records a little easier to remember what is where Generally a matter of taste, but for many (6? 8? 12?) fields, a record is usually a better choice A common decision for a constructs syntax is whether to refer to things by position (as in tuples) or by some (field) name (as with records) A common hybrid is like with Java method arguments (and ML functions as used so far): Caller uses position Callee uses variables Could do it differently; some languages have
Dan Grossman, Programming 4

Jan-Mar 2013

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