Grammar Transformation 1-5

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First Grammar (between 2 and 5 words)

1. All, no, each, every, either, neither, none

1. I always play tennis on Fridays in summer. Friday I in summer. 2. It doesnt concern us. none It business. 3. Unfortunately there are no free seats. the Unfortunately taken. 4. Nowadays there arent any fish in that river. no Nowadays that river. 5. Houses are getting more and more expensive every day. it Each to buy a house. 6. Both speakers were impossible to hear. speaker I couldnt hear was saying. 7. The only good part about the film was the end. liked All was the end. 8. Yesterday as many as 3,000 people left for their summer holidays. no Yesterday .. 3,000 people left for their summer holidays. 9. Everybody must carry a bag to the camp. each A bag person to the camp. 10. We dont have enough money to waste it. no We waste.

11. In my opinion, Jerry is going to be a great writer. doubt I that Jerry is going to be a great writer. 12. There were very few people wearing fancy dress at the party. came Hardly .. fancy dress to the party. 13. Its not worth arguing with the referee. point There .. with the referee. 14. All the children enjoy themselves at the school parties. fun Every .. at the school parties. 15. Julie is the only person who has read the book. nobody Apart . read the book. 16. There were very few people in the hotel. hardly There .. in the hotel. 17. You wont catch the bus, even if you run very fast. matter You wont catch the bus run. 18. Both Mary and her sister dislike chocolate. like Neither . chocolate. 19. I wanted an apple, but there werent any left. none I wanted an apple, but .. left. 20. The shop is always closed when I go to buy some bread. time The shop is closed to buy some bread. 21. Susan gave a present to all the students in her class. student Susan gave a present in her class. 22. It doesnt concern us. nothing It us.

23. Last Saturday was a very cold day. weather Last Saturday cold. 24. Im sorry, but I dont have any time for playing. no Im sorry, but for playing. 25. Make sure all the pages have your name on. each Make sure you page. 26. I didnt like the black dress. I didnt like the white one either. liked I nor the white dress. 27. John doesnt want anything else for his birthday apart from a bicycle. wants All John a bicycle. 28. We expect a maximum of one hundred people at the conference. no We . one hundred people at the conference. 29. There must be no classroom without a blackboard. each There must be classroom. 30. Lets be quick. Were short of time! no Lets be quick. We.. waste! 31. The police didnt have any cause to believe Harry was the criminal. no The police Harry was the criminal. 32. There were very few people in the city today. hardly There .. in the city today. 33. Its pointless trying to put up the tent in this wind. no There ... to put up the tent in this wind. 34. Sam had a really good time at the summer camp. fun Sam .. at the summer camp.

35. There isnt anyone who wants to buy my car from me. nobody There .. to buy my car from me. 36. Its very rare that you see a snake in this area. hardly You ... a snake in this area. 37. I dont care who asks me. I wont go to the party! matter I wont go to the party ... asks me. 38. Both Jim and Jane live in the city. live Neither in the countryside. 39. All the people I asked said they didnt want anything to eat. none I asked the people, but .. anything to eat. 40. The company give their staff a yearly pay rise in our company. year The staff get in our company.



1. There is one thing she likes, and thats money. only The . money. 2. There are no good musicals to go and see this month. theatre There is nothing this month. 3. Cant he write quicker than that? quickest Is can write? 4. Henry hasnt been skiing before. time This is been skiing. 5. In Ireland they drink a lot of guinness. drunk A lot of . Irish. 6. If you climb higher it gets colder. the The it gets. 7. What Paul said was not true about me. truth It what Paul said about me. 8. Are you a good guitarist? guitar Do you know . well? 9. We will speak to you individually. one We will speak .. time. 10. The documentary I saw was about environmental things. on I saw environment. 11. Nobody wanted to go to the zoo apart from James. exception With , nobody wanted to go to the zoo.

12. Jude was six years old when she won her first competition. age Jude won her first competition six. 13. People want the war in Greece to end. peace People . Greece. 14. It is said that we drink a lot of tea in Britain. British It is said that a lot of tea. 15. In times of war, rich people often become richer. the In times of war richer. 16. Unfortunately, there arent many tigers left in the world. tiger Unfortunately, fast disappearing. 17. There is a piano in my house and my cousin plays it well. the My cousin . well. 18. There is one person who knows the answer, and thats Clive. only Clive knows the answer. 19. We went to see a film last night. cinema We last night. 20. How much do you earn for one hour of work? an How much do. for your work? 21. There was one problem. Time! only The ... time. 22. Fred has gone to report the crime. see Fred has gone about the crime. 23. Helen had never done an exam better than that one. best It . Helen had ever done.

24. Tim hasnt been horse riding since he fell off the horse. time When Tim fell off the horse, that went horse riding. 25. It is said that Chinese people work the hardest. are It is said that . workers. 26. If you practise more then it gets easier. the The it gets. 27. Kerry said it wasnt totally true about the UFO. whole Kerry said it about the UFO. 28. Jims job is a pianist. piano Jim plays . a living. 29. Try to solve the problems individually. one Try to solve the problems one. 30. The radio broadcasted a good programme last night. on There was a good programme .. last night. 31. Larry can do all sports well apart from football. exception With , Larry can do all sports well. 32. Mr Parton retired when he was sixty-five. age Mr Parton retired .. sixty-five. 33. Brian wants to do a degree in mathematics. study Brian ... university. 34. People in the USA celebrate the 4th of July. celebrated The 4th of July . Americans. 35. If you work faster then you finish sooner, said Henry. the Henry said . sooner you finish.

36. Conservationists feel that elephants are in danger from hunters. elephant Conservationists feel that from hunters. 37. Sarah was a better pianist than a guitarist. the Sarah played . guitar. 38. Jude knows how to make a sandwich, but no other food. only The . to make is a sandwich. 39. An ambulance took Mrs Fishal away last night. hospital Mrs Fishal last night. 40. How fast were you travelling? kilometres How many . hour?



1. Jack got lost going to the river. way Jack couldnt to the river. 2. I couldnt understand the instructions for my new video camera. sense The instructions for my new video camera .. me. 3. They described the plan to us in detail. detailed They of the plan. 4. Weve already planned our trip to New York. arrangements Weve already our trip to New York. 5. Listen carefully when the teachers are speaking. attention When the teachers are speaking .....what they are saying. 6. Jack can look after himself, hes a marine said Sally. care Sally said that Jack could ................ because he was a marine. 7. I found it difficult to find the address. trouble I the address. 8. We need to solve this problem. solution We must this problem. 9. The group discussed what to do. discussion The group should be done. 10. Why did they say the plane was delayed? reason What the plane being delayed. 11. They both agreed not to fight anymore. deal They not to fight anymore. 9

12. Sams boss asked him if he wanted to work abroad. opportunity Sam was .... abroad by his boss. 13. Hilda recovered completely after the accident. recovery Hilda after the accident. 14. Mrs Davis was the new director after Mr Jones left. control Mrs Davis ... company after Mr Jones left. 15. Clare used the situation to help her. advantage Clare .......................................... the situation. 16. Vanessa ran the marathon quicker than anyone ever before. record Venessa .. for the marathon. 17. Peter never keeps to his original plans about anything. mind Peter about everything. 18. The children left the kitchen very untidy. mess The children the kitchen. 19. The local people were very welcoming when we arrived. given We . by the local people when we arrived. 20. I have many new friends after my holiday in New York. friends I ... while I was in New York. 21. Nancy plays squash to remain healthy and because she enjoys it. fit Nancy plays squash and because she enjoys it. 22. You must be responsible for your actions. take You must . your actions. 23. They described the plan to us in detail. detailed They of the plan.


24. Fred tends to exaggerate the truth. a Fred to exaggerate the truth. 25. The agency are researching the market. out The agency ......................... into the market. 26. Julie enjoys helping people. pleasure Julie .. helping people. 27. My father officially complained to the airline. an My father to the airline. 28. The children were very noisy yesterday. lot The children yesterday. 29. If you dont try, you wont achieve anything. effort If you dont , you wont achieve anything. 30. Do you intend to travel abroad next year? intention Do you abroad next year? 31. We managed to see the Pope quickly as he went past. glimpse We managed to the Pope as he went past. 32. It was cruel how Clares classmates used to laugh and joke about her. fun It was cruel how Clares classmates used to ... her. 33. Kevin became very rich when he worked in Africa for a year. fortune Kevin in Africa for a year. 34. You should admit it, hes not coming back. facts You should , hes not coming back. 35. You need to be very courageous to travel the world alone. lot


It ............................... to travel the world alone. 36. You never say nice things about me anymore. pay You .. anymore. 37. Brian attempted to repair the car himself. attempt Brian the car himself. 38. Our manager approved of our idea. gave Our manager our idea. 39. The airport are not announcing flight departures anymore. making The airport arent anymore. 40. When you travel to another country you should remember their local customs. into When you travel to another country you should . account.



Countables and uncountables

1. The cinema was very crowded lot There people at the cinema. 2. The factories pollute the environment. polluted The .. by the factories. 3. I hope the weather will be good for your trip. have I hope for your trip. 4. The roads are very busy today. traffic There . on the roads today. 5. To be a gymnast you have to be very strong. strength You need to to be a gymnast. 6. There were lots of things left on the floor after the party. litter There after the party. 7. Things are much better since the new government took over. lot The new government . progress. 8. You cant park in the main square. allowed parking in the main square. 9. What is the price of this bread? how Can you tell me .. costs? 10. I want to know something about Paris. Information I need about Paris. 11. The only trousers I found to fit me were too expensive. any I could ... fitted me, apart from some very expensive ones.


12. The number of floods has risen over the past decade. rise Over the past decade, there ... in the number of floods. 13. There havent been many changes to the school since I left. changed Since I left ... in the school. 14. Can I tell you what I think you should do about your dog? give Can . about your dog? 15. Be careful! Someone has broken a bottle on the floor. glass Be careful! There .. on the floor from a broken bottle. 16. Make sure you collect all your bags from the hotel. luggage Dont .... in the hotel. 17. Was that the only sheep in the field? more Werent in the field apart from that one? 18. It is important to know a lot about computers for this job. knowledge It is important to . computers for this job. 19. Daves new flat is empty still. furniture Daves new flat yet. 20. Its a lovely sunny day, isnt it? weather We , arent we? 21. We bought things in the sales yesterday shopping We . yesterday. 22. Most of my toys were wooden when I was young. made Most of my toys when I was younger. 23. Have you seen my glasses, John? where Do you .., John?


24. Do you like billiards? think Do.. a good game? 25. The cupboard is nearly full. space There . in the cupboard. 26. Would you like some wine, Mary? glass Would you like ., Mary? 27. Can you lend me some paper, Greg? a Can you lend me ., Greg? 28. I bought some bread at the shop. a I bought .. at the shop. 29. All the grass had died in the garden. blade There grass left in the garden. 30. Vincent went completely bald in a year. lost Vincent . in a year. 31. Tell me what I should do about my flatmate. advice Give my flatmate. 32. Our company sell a lot of things in the summer. business Our company in the summer. 33. How much did the fish weigh? the What of the fish? 34. How much bread do you want with your soup? many How do you want with your soup. 35. Barry is only five years old, but he knows how to spell lots of words. his Barry is only five years old, but . good.


36. There are always lots of tourists in Rome nowadays. tourism Rome nowadays. 37. The police couldnt prove that Jim was guilty enough The police . to prove Jim was guilty. 38. There werent many people at the theatre. audiance There.... at the theatre. 39. Can you check if any letters have arrived, please? post Can you .., please? 40. I need to find out about flights to Geneva. some I need . Geneva.



Expressing contrast

1. Tim could play the piano and the guitar. able Besides . the piano, Tim could also play the guitar. 2. Simon played a really good game despite his tiredness from the journey. though Simon played a really good game, even from the journey. 3. Peter studies at university and has a job at the weekends. well Peter studies at university a weekend job. 4. Although the hotel was far from the beach, we had a lovely time. despite We had a lovely time .... far from the beach. 5. Tim works really hard, he doesnt get very good grades though. spite In really hard, he doesnt get good grades. 6. There were a lot of people, but I still had a good time. crowds In I had a good time. 7. She still went swimming despite her cold. though Even cold, she still went swimming. 8. The teacher was shouting, but the children didnt pay him any attention. his In spite didnt pay any attention to the teacher. 9. Although Johns very tall, he isnt very heavy. despite John isnt very heavy so tall. 10. Despite the cold weather, they went camping. was Although , they went camping.


11. Not only was the hotel extremely clean, but also on the beach. beach Besides ., the hotel was also extremely clean. 12. Jack broke all the records at the racetrack despite his injury from last month. though Jack broke all the records at the racetrack, even last month. 13. Weve got two apple trees and three pear trees. well Weve got two apple trees .. three pear trees. 14. Frieda spent a year in New York, but her English didnt improve much. despite Friedas English didnt improve much in New York. 15. Although Brazil were the favourites, they didnt win the match. spite In the favourites, they didnt win the match. 16. Although Barry has to work a lot of hours, he loves his job. long In .., Barry loves his job. 17. The factory closed down despite the high profits it was making. though Even high profits, it closed down. 18. Harry was crying out for help. However, nobody heard him. his In spite of , nobody heard Harry. 19. Although Jimmy likes cheese, he hates pizza. despite John hates pizza ....cheese. 20. Despite the high price of this wine, its not very good. is Although , its not very good. 21. Saras house has a swimming pool and a tennis court. Saras Besides . swimming pool, it also has a tennis court.


22. The flight to Australia takes twelve hours, but its well worth it. though The flight to Australia is well worth it, even hours. 23. Yolanda studies during the day and trains every evening. well Yolanda studies during the day . every evening. 24. Nobody laughs at Colins jokes, but he keeps on telling them. despite Colin keeps on telling jokes .. them. 25. The zoo is very big, but it always seems crowded. spite In very big, it always seems crowded. 26. Although it was very foggy, the climbers went up the mountain. fog In , the climbers went up the mountain. 27. Jimmy ate three hamburgers and was still hungry. though Even , he was still hungry. 28. Mavis is a very patient person, but she lost her temper with Sid. her In spite of .. lost her temper with Sid. 29. Although we are spending a week in Paris, we will not be sightseeing. despite We will not be sightseeing . Paris. 30. Despite Helen being rich, she is not very happy. is Helen is not very happy rich. 31. The fire didnt burn very well, but all the wood was very dry. dry In .., the fire didnt burn very well. 32. Dennis is really naughty in class, but the teachers never catch him. Dennis Despite in class, the teachers never catch him.


33. Fred has to organise conferences and deal with complaints. addition Fred has to deal with complaints conferences. 34. Graham likes travelling a lot, but hes never left his country. despite Graham has never left his country a lot. 35. The cheese was good, but the wine was terrible. spite In good, the wine was terrible. 36. It was very warm in Majorca, but people were wearing jumpers still. warm In .., people were wearing jumpers still. 37. There was a lot of rain last month, but there is still a water shortage. it Even a lot last month, there is still a water shortage. 38. The boys were very tired last night, but they stayed awake to watch the film. tiredness The boys stayed awake to watch the film last night. 39. Mary is very clever although she doesnt like to study. despite Mary doesnt like to study clever. 40. In spite of the traffic, we still got home early. was Although traffic, we still got home early.


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