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Kassi Looper ELED 300 Professor Isbell September 19, 2013 Module 1 Writing There are many things

to consider when looking at the role of a teacher. I will be explaining a few things I learned throughout the assigned chapters in the 6th edition of Learning and Teaching and the competencies. An effective teacher must be able to have pedagogical content knowledge, be involved with individualized education programs, and plan the physical environment of their classroom. In chapter one I learned that teachers must have pedagogical content knowledge. Pedagogical content knowledge is that teachers must know how to represent information in a way that learners will understand. Teachers will learn new things and will want to teach them to their classroom. In order to teach the new lesson correctly, the teacher must be able to take what he/she learned and present it to the classroom in a creative way that will engage the students and that will help them understand the lesson. I believe that pedagogical content knowledge is part of Competency 006 because teachers must learn pedagogical context knowledge to create an effective learning environment. I will take pedagogy with me into my classrooms by doing research for my activities in the classroom and then creating lessons that the learners will understand. The topic I enjoyed the most in chapter two was individualized education programs. I really liked that each student with exceptionalities would have their own program that the teachers would use to help the student succeed in school. My favorite part about this program is

there is a collaborative group that all come together who care about the child and want to help them do their best. A collaborative group can consist of teachers, school psychologists, and parents. I believe that two competencies apply to this topic, competency 001 and competency 002. First Competency 001 states that teachers are responsive to the students developmental characteristics and needs. Next, Competency 002 has the same aspect as an individualized education program because it states that the teacher understands student diversity and with try to promote all students learning. I will incorporate individualized education programs to any child in my classroom that needs it. I believe that every child learns differently and if a child needs more help than another child they should be given the help. I learned a lot about planning for classroom management in chapter three. I learned that the physical environment in the classroom plays a big role in classroom management. Teachers should ask themselves, How can I arrange my room to minimize distractions and maximize learning? Teachers may have to try different arrangements in their classroom to find the arrangement that works best for their class. The classroom must be set up where materials are accessible, teacher aids are visible, and desks are arranged to implement learning activities and instruction. The competency that is applied to this would be Competency 005 because it says that teachers must create a physical environment that is safe and productive. I will take that question to my classroom and ask myself that every day. I will arrange my room so that the physical environment is the best for full potential learning. After reading the assigned reading I feel like I am better prepared about the topics included. Reading is way different than actually implementing the things I learned so one day soon I hope to be able to experience them all in my own classroom.

References Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2012). Learning and teaching: Research -based methods. (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.

Classroom Rules/Management
Grade: Kindergarten Our Classroom Rules to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes:

We have rules in our class, in our class, And we will obey, obey them, Listen, raise hand, and respect our friends, Those are our classroom rules, classroom rules.

This song will be sung and taught to the class the first day of school. When the class gets a little rowdy, the teacher will start singing the song and the class will sing along. If the song does not work, I will have to have another form of discipline. I will have a clothes pin for every student in the classroom and I will make a long vertical poster with seven sections labeled: Outstanding, Good Job, Ready to Learn, Think about it, Teacher Choice, and Parent Contact. I would start all of the kids at ready to learn and depending on their behavior, they will be moved up and down onto the different sections. I like the idea of giving the students two warnings before I contact their parents. Also, instead of just being able to go down with bad behavior, the kids get a chance to move up sections with good behavior.

My Future Classroom Map

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