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PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH / ONLY PART 1: CLOZE VOCABULARY A) From the words listed below, choose the ones

which best fit the space, A, B, C or D. PARROT RUSTLING Parrots and macaws have become so (01)......... that special varieties of these birds are (02) ......... up to 9,000 each on the black market in Britain. Macaws from Brazil cost from 1,000 and parrots from Australia can cost 7,500 a pair. The demand for parrots, cockatoos and macaws has led to a (03)......... increase in thefts from zoos, wildlife parks and pet shops. London and Whipsnade zoos are among the many places from which parrots have been stolen. Some thefts have not been (04)......... in an effort to prevent further (05).......... Parrot rustling, as it is known among bird fanciers, has increased rapidly in Britain since 1976 when imports and exports of (06)......... birds became (07)......... controlled. Quarantine controls, (08)......... with the scarcity of many types of parrots in the wild in Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and South America, have caused a shortage of birds which can be sold legally under (09).......... This has sent prices to (10)......... levels. Working at night and equipped with wire-cutters, nets and substances to dope the birds, the rustlers are prepared to (11)......... serious risks to capture the parrots they want. At Birdworld, a specialist zoo, thieves (12)......... two parrots after picking their (13)......... through an enclosure containing cassowaries, The cassowary is a large flightless bird, related to the emu, which can be extremely (14)........., and has been (15)......... to kill humans with blows from its powerful legs. 01. A. costly B. extinct C. outlandish D. rare 02. A. raising B. reaching C. lifting D. fetching 03. A. acute B. peak C. sharp D. high 04. A. published B. publicised C. advertised D. told 05. A. happenings B. incidents C. acts D. activities 06. A. unusual B. uncommon C. exotic D. strange 07. A. tightly B. hardly C. toughly D. grimly 08. A. coupled B. doubled C. attached D. accompanied 09. A. warranty B. guarantee C. licence D. law 10. A. unknown B. unheard C. record D. highest 11. A. sustain B. assume C. take D. make 12. A. thieved B. robbed C. misappropriated D. stole 13. A. way B. road C. path D. lane 14. A. aggressive B. fighting C. bad-tempered D. rough 15. A. heard B. known C. considered D. able B) From the words listed below, choose the ones which best fit the space, A, B, C or D. OLYMPIC GAMES It is not so much the scandals and disputes of recent years that have (01)..... the Olympic Games. It is their (02).... enormity, their excessive cost, their (03)..... of national pride. One very sensible suggestion is that future Games should be (04)..... to individual events in which one person clearly wins. All team games would (05)....., and no one would feel any loss at the disappearance of Olympic soccer, a (06)..... shadow of the more professional game. Anything which required judging would also be (07)...... One reason for this is the difficulty of

obtaining fair and accurate judges. An (08)..... example of this is the case of Jacqueline de Bief, a former (9) world figure skating champion. She revealed to the (10)..... that she was sometimes offered generous (11)..... in exchange for what one newspaper called "an amorous adventure". If events that required judging were excluded, it would also (12)..... the Games of boxing, wrestling, and the boring diving competitions. It would also eliminate sailing, largely a matter of boat building, and horse jumping, largely a matter of the horse. Under (13)..... circumstances, the individual would be (14)..... to his rightful place, and a (15)..... size to the Games would be achieved.

01. A. warned B. threatened C. reproached D. shocked 02. A. sheer B. vast C. heavy D. massive 03. A. pampering B. easing C. indulgence D. spoiling 04. A. held B. restricted C. limit D. decided 05. A. remove B. depart C. leave D. go 06. A. slight B. dull C. pale D. empty 07. A. undone B. left C. omit D. excluded 08. A. extreme B. outside C. upset D. unlimited 09. A. former B. ex C. passed D. formerly 10. A. paper B. press C. journal D. magazine 11. A. awards B. marks C. numbers D. odds 12. A. remove B. take C. rid D. scratch 13. A. such B. this C. most D. normal 14. A. retained B. ascended C. renovated D. restored 15. A. sane B. approximate C. accepted D. sensible


From the words listed below, choose the ones which best fit the space, A, B, C or D. THE LOTTERY The (01).............................. of lottery winners change their lives (02).............................. little, and continue on their settled (03).............................., happy ever after. A couple of years ago, a Mr David Horabin won a million. He had been struggling to make a success of his dry cleaning shop for the (04).............................. 12 months. He accepted his cheque in a small ceremony at the (05).............................. at 2.30, and by three o'clock he had reopened for business. The reaction of Mr Pasquale Consalvo who won $30 million in the New York state lottery was very (06)............................... He was unhappy not to be able to fulfil his (07).............................. to go to work as usual on the day he won. He also said that if the money made him unhappy he would give it back. In fact, the (08) .............................. of his life being (09).............................. a misery by his new-found wealth are almost as (10) ........................., though not quite, as the sixty million-to-one odds he (11).............................. to take a jackpot that had remained (12).............................. through six previous draws. Gambling small (13).............................. on the lottery is a harmless if futile (14)............................... But gambling can become an addiction, increasingly so as the activity becomes socially (15)...............................

01. A. most B. majority C. number D. quantity 02. A. but B. a C. scarcely D. not 03. A. way B. path C. road D. habit 04. A. earlier B. before C. recent D. past

05. A. site B. building C. company D. premises 06. A. appropriate B. linked C. similar D. same 07. A. passion B. ambition C. desire D. vocation 08. A. possibility B. probability C. chances D. odds 09. A. created B. made C. sent D. got 10. A. thin B. slim C. meagre D. reduced 11. A. cracked B. overwhelmed C. beat D. overthrew 12. A. unaccepted B. undone C. rejected D. unclaimed 13. A. quantities B. amounts C. money D. change 14. A. action B. sport C. hobby D. pastime 15. A. fashionable B. proper C. acceptable D. appropriate

Check your answers. 01. D. rare 02. D. fetching 03. C. sharp 04. B. publicised 05. B. incidents 06. C. exotic 07. A. tightly 08. A. coupled 09. C. licence 10. C. record 11. C. take 12. D. stole 13. A. way 14. A. aggressive 15. B. known B) Check your answers. 01. threatened 02. sheer 03. indulgence 04. restricted 05. go 06. pale 07. excluded 08. extreme

09. former 10. press 11. marks 12. rid 13. such 14. restored 15. sensible C) 01. B. majority 02. A. but 03. A. way 04. D. past 05. D. premises 06. C. similar 07. C. desire 08. C. chances 09. B. made 10. B. slim 11. C. beat 12. D. unclaimed 13. B. amounts 14. C. pastime 15. C. acceptable

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