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AFFIDAVIT OF NO CREDITORS Ben Sun Paul Caro Chavez, of lawful age, upon oath states: 1.

I am the owner of the business, Tapsi House Eatery located at 94 Plaza Rizal Street, Barangay Benedicto, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines, which I propose to transfer to my wife, Bernessha Gay Gargaritano-Chavez. 2. This merchandise is not encumbered. 3. I have no creditors. Dated: May 8, 2012

[Signature of affiant]

Subscribed and sworn to me before this ____ day of ______ 20___, by ________________________ who exhibited to me his CTC No. _________ issued on___________ at ________________.

Notary Public Doc. No._____; Page No. _____; Book No. ____; Series of 20___.

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