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Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Secrets to Success with Women and Business

By Rhay

The disclaimer: This should go without saying, but its a fact: This book is copyright, 2013-2014, all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, steal, distribute, or create derivative work from this book in its entirety or in part. It is also illegal to contribute to this crime. The information in this book is an opinion. You and only you are responsible for any use of the ideas, concepts, and content and I disclaim any responsibility for how you choose to use this material. Its your responsibility to make sure your actions with women are legal and consensual.

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Having awesome success is not a matter of luck. Its a matter of specialized knowledge, practice, and guts. This book has been battlefield tested: It has helped men who were far from good looking, and far from wealthy, to attract gorgeous women who were complete strangers, and transform financially. I use this book myself, and Ive personally seen it work for hundreds of other guys. In a crucial way, learning to attract women is similar to learning a martial art. A martial artist knows that on the street, a confrontation lasts only seconds, and situations are unpredictable. In order to be triumphant, the martial artist realizes that he must react immediately. In training, he acquires not only specific moves; he also studies the principles behind the techniques so he can apply them to any situation. Finally, he practices until his reactions become instinctive reflexes. Similarly, when you are interacting with a woman, there is no time to think. More important than learning techniques for attracting women, you must understand their principles, reviewing them and practicing till they become instinct. The system in this book is based on natural male behaviors, so that you can truly feel comfortable using its concepts. Some of the ideas here might still feel a little strange at first. This is natural, because I challenge many myths deeply ingrained in our culture. Only by applying the concepts in this book to your interactions with women, will you prove to yourself that these myths are indeed untrue. When this occurs, you will experience an epiphany. This book takes you from A to Z: From meeting women, to dating and getting intimate, to enjoying a thriving relationship. It is up to you to decide what you want and how far you wish to take things. Let me know what you think. Im interested in your comments and suggestions. You can email me at [email protected] Now get ready for some fun. The magic is just beginning...

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1; L.a.s V.e.g.a.s I.s A.t.t.r.a.c.t.i.v.e

In 2005, Neil Strauss writer of The Game, released a Documentary called The Annihilation Method. In this documentary he took on five students to train to be master pickup artists. I remember watching this documentary when I was seventeen years old and having it changes my perspective on life. What I learned was how to take responsibility for every interaction, and to not rely on anything else but my personality to win over women. If you have time, I highly suggest checking it out. One important foundation of the program was a system of traits that every man must possess to come off as attractive to women. The acronym for this system was called Las Vegas. The first letter L was Looks, the way a man grooms and styles himself. Style isnt everything, but it is a very important part of the game. If you want to get the attention of hot women, then you must dress in a way that is different and not beta. Style isnt as important as grooming. You must have impeccable hygiene. Yes, that means showering every day. Cutting your fingernails, brushing your teeth, flossing, cleaning your ears. Blah, Blah, blah. I know that all of this sounds very obvious, but sometimes these obvious things completely fly over most guys heads. You can have all the game in the world, but if your breath doesnt smell goodNo woman will come near you. Now back to style; When it comes to clothing, it doesnt have to be expensive as long as it looks good. If you present what you have with value, then it will come across as something valuable. That is the power of having a decent fashion sense; The ability to make less expensive items look expensive. If you come off as some kind of cardboard cutout just like every other guy, how far in the game do you think youre going to go? Not very far, Right? Right. The Next letter was A, which stood for Adaptability. If you want to be successful with women, and in life you must be able to adapt to any social situation. You wont be able to predict every problem life throws your way, but when presented with adversities you have to be able to adapt. For example; Water.
Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

If you pour water in a cup, vase, or bowl it will adapt and take the form of its surroundings. You actions must be fluid, calculated, and smooth. If youre the type of guy that gets uncomfortable and ridged at the littlest disturbance in your game..You wont last. The following letter was S, which stood for Strength. Are you the leader in your social circle? Are you responsible? Can people depend on you? These are all questions that run through a womans mind before she decides to make a decision on whether or not you have your inner game together. Strength doesnt necessarily mean in a physical sense, but rather fugitively. A woman wants to know that you will be willing to protect her. If you cant protect her, then how will she ever feel safe being with you? In primitive times a mans role was to protect and provide for his family. These roles have not changed, even though socially things have. A woman, even though she might be able to provide for herself, still wants to know that you will be there to protect her. If you cant protect what you love, then you are inviting the world to come take it away from you. The next letter was V , which stood for Value. Value translates to value socially. Are you the type of guy that affects people emotionally? Do people want to be around you and spend time with you? Do you have a lot of quality women in your life? You can have all the money in the world, but if youre insecure it wont matter to women. If it does matter, then it will be in the dry sense that they can get something from you. Another question that you should ask yourself, is who does your social circle consist of? Are you surrounded by socially valuable people, or are you in a group full of losers? You want to be the leader of great men, not the leader of Grand Theft Auto scoreboards. Two birds of a feather flock together. If youre surrounded by guys who dont get it and are clueless about women and money, then guess what.You dont get it either. You will get no brownie points for being the coolest guy in a group of dorks. Youre just the king of dorks. The next letter in the system was E which stood for emotional connection. The five traits that all Alpha males share in common are; a distinctive smile, impeccable grooming, sense of humor, confidence, and the ability to connect with people. This is the hardest of the attributes to embody in Neils system, because it comes with experience. If you are a shy, quiet person then overcoming your shyness could take a lifetime. Unfortunately we dont have that kind of time. So we must overcome our shyness pretty quickly if we want to be successful.

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

You must be the type of man that walks into a room and takes it over. From the moment you enter any social environment you must be the center of attention. Are you the type of guy that walks into a bar with a group of guys, orders drinks, and walks around looking for women? Then at the end of the night you end up at IHop or wherever, with no girls? OR, are you the guy who from the moment he enters a bar or party he commands attention, gets people laughing, has two girls on his arms, and a big smile plastered on his face? He isnt concerned about saving face; he just wants to have a good time. I know which one I want to beWhat about you? This book isnt just about picking up girls its about enhancing your life in every way possible. Its not about trying to act cool, its about being coolHaving cool friends, a cool lifestyle, and options when it comes to relationships. It all starts with connecting with people on a personal level. The gift of giving positive self-esteem will be your greatest asset. If you can make people feel good, they will associate those positive emotions with you. The next piece of the puzzle, G stands for Goals. You must have total security in your lifestyle, and the goals you choose to pursue. That means not having mediocre goals of course, but its not only that. It means that whatever your lifestyle is, you must be emotionally secure in it. Even if you decided that all you want to do is sit around looking at pictures on tumblr all day, and you're happy with that. You know what? If you're really secure with that lifestyle, and you have that decision not because you feel that you would fail at anything else but because you're happy. People will respect you a lot more than let's say the man with the most awesome job in the world, with the most expensive clothing but feels the need to try and prove himself with it and is actually insecure. You have to understand how critical it is to be emotionally secure with yourself. Not that sitting around playing GTA V all day is ambitious, but if you decide you want to spend the rest of your life dedicating yourself to playing itFine ..But Why would you WANT to sit on your ass all day and not do anything? As I said if you're secure with that fine, but why would you WANT to be secure with that version of yourself? If you have interests pursue them, if you have hobbies pursue them. Don't just be a loser , that should be obvious. The interesting thing is the better you feel about yourself and the higher your self-esteem is, you will naturally gravitate to this type of lifestyle anyway. Why? Its because you WANT to. You want to be successful, you want to better yourself. You're not a slave to negative emotions that can paralyze you.

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Next up is another letter A which stands for Authenticity. This ties into the role of your emotions and mind to be successful. Your emotions and mind together create a mindset. How does an alpha male act around women and other people in general? He is a cocky guy, that is just who he is. He just can't help it. He is just on a high note emotionally, that is just where he is. He is on a pedestal himself, he doesn't need to put women on a pedestal. Its not because he is misogynistic, its because he already feels great about himself. When you feel great about yourself, you don't feel the need to manipulate other people in some type of way like; what can I do to make this person like meHe knows he has value, and he assumes that the attraction is already there for him. An alpha male doesnt coward, or act anything else but the shit. This is congruence. Everything in your life you should feel is the best, if there is something that youre insecure about then you must fix it. Being incongruent can ruin everything youve built. Ill get to this later in the chapter on body language as well. The Last letter, S , Stands for Self-Worth. The best way to make other people believe that you're great...Is to feel that way about yourself. Its not even about other people, its about you. You don't feel negative emotions; you only act on what's positive. It sounds tough, but being successful in this world is about improving internally. You don't have to manipulate other people to get your way; your overall personality gets you the results that you want.

The best way to feel good about yourself, is to get up and start doing all the things you think a awesome man would do if he was in your position....If he knew he had the intelligence, if he knew he had talent to do it. If you think you have problems why you can't succeed, think about the most successful guy you know with problems you think you have..and imagine what he did to overcome them. Taking action is by far the greatest way to solve emotional negativity. Your brain can't be busy being negative if you're acting on positive emotions. If you are busy doing the actual things to be successful. You will be in a positive and happy mind frame. As I said its a mindset. Your brain and emotions will follow your actions. This is why I like to say, You are what you think and do. If want to change who you are, then start switching your actions and start switching your thoughts...and that is who you will become, that will be who you are.

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

The second, and third part of the progression model, that is my extension of the Annihilation method, will be covered in the full version PDF.

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Progression Model

L; Looks A; Adaptability S; Strength V; Value

I; Intuition

A; Ambition

S; Socially Aware T; Truthful T; Talented R;Respected A; Alpha C;Confident T; Tasteful I;Intelligent V; Valued E;Enthusiastic

E; Emotional Connection G; Goals A; Authenticity S; Self-Worth

Secrets to Success with women and Business 2014, All Rights Reserved.

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