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ANGELA S. REYES, petitioners, vs. LIBRADA F. MAURICIO (deceased) and LEONIDA F. MAURICIO, respondents. November 24, 2010 G.R. No. 175080 FACTS: 1. Eugenio owns a parcel of land in Turo, Bocaue, Bulacan (4,527 square meters, more or less, and covered by a TCT --- property was adjudicated to Eugenio by virtue of an extrajudicial settlement among the heirs following the death of his parents). 2. Librada F. Mauricio (Librada, DECEASED) and her daughter Leonida F. Mauricio (Leonida) filed a complaint before the DARAB of Malolos, Bulacan alleging that theyre the legal heirs of Godofredo Mauricio who was the lawful and registered tenant of Eugenio through his predecessors-in-interest to the subject land( that from 1936 until his death in May 1994, Godofredo had been working on the subject land and introduced improvements consisting of fruit-bearing trees, seasonal crops, a residential house and other permanent improvements; that through fraud, deceit, strategy and other unlawful means, Eugenio caused the preparation of a document denominated as Kasunduan dated 28 September 1994 to eject respondents from the subject property, and had the same notarized by Notary Public Ma. Sarah G. Nicolas in Pasig, Metro Manila; that Librada never appeared before the Notary Public; that Librada was illiterate and the contents of the Kasunduan were not read nor explained to her; that Eugenio took undue advantage of the weakness, age, illiteracy, ignorance, indigence and other handicaps of Librada in the execution of the Kasunduan rendering it void for lack of consent; and that Eugenio had been employing all illegal means to eject respondents from the subject property). 3. Leonida and Librada prayed for the declaration of nullity of the Kasunduan and for an order for Eugenio to maintain and place them in peaceful possession and cultivation of the subject property. 4. According to Eugenio: Godofredos occupation of the subject premises was based on the formers mere tolerance and accommodation. Eugenio denied signing a tenancy agreement, nor authorizing any person to sign such an agreement. He maintained that Librada, accompanied by a relative, voluntarily affixed her signature to the Kasunduan and that she was fully aware of the contents of the document. Moreover, Librada receivedP50,000.00 from Eugenio on the same day of the execution of the Kasunduan. Eugenio also questioned the jurisdiction of the DARAB since the principal relief sought by respondents is the annulment of the contract, over which jurisdiction is vested on the regular courts. Provincial Adjudicator Godofredo was the tenant of Eugenio, and Librada, being the surviving spouse, should have peaceful possession of the land. DARAB - Mauricios are former tenants of Spouses Reyes. CA - affirmed the decision and resolution of the DARAB. !!! ON APPEAL, Leonidas legal standing as a party was also assailed by Eugenio. Eugenio submitted that the complaint was rendered moot with the death of Librada, Godofredos sole compulsory heir. Eugenio contended that Leonida is a mere ward of Godofredo and Librada, thus, not a legal heir. ISSUE: WON Eugenio can question the filiation of Leonida in a case regarding land dispute. HELD: NO.

RATIO: We are in full accord with the Court of Appeals when it ruled that Eugenio cannot collaterally attack the status of Leonida in the instant petition. It is settled law that filiation cannot be collaterally attacked. Well-known civilista Dr. Arturo M. Tolentino, in his book Civil Code of the Philippines, Commentaries and Jurisprudence, noted that the aforecited doctrine is rooted from the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines. He explained thus: The legitimacy of the child cannot be contested by way of defense or as a collateral issue in another action for a different purpose. The necessity of an independent action directly impugning the legitimacy is more clearly expressed in the Mexican code (article 335) which provides: The contest of the legitimacy of a child by the husband or his heirs must be made by proper complaint before the competent court; any contest made in any other way is void. This principle applies under our Family Code. Articles 170 and 171 of the code confirm this view, because they refer to the action to impugn the legitimacy. This action can be brought only by the husband or his heirs and within the periods fixed in the present articles. In Braza v. City Civil Registrar of Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, the Court stated that legitimacy and filiation can be questioned only in a direct action seasonably filed by the proper party, and not through collateral attack. The same rule is applied to adoption such that it cannot also be made subject to a collateral attack. In Reyes v. Sotero, this Court reiterated that adoption cannot be assailed collaterally in a proceeding for the settlement of a decedents estate. Furthermore, in Austria v. Reyes, the Court declared that the legality of the adoption by the testatrix can be assailed only in a separate action brought for that purpose and cannot be subject to collateral attack.

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