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Writ of Replevin

PLAINTIFF: The One People of the World DEFENDANT: To the Corps of Gendarmerie of Vatican City State: Instpector General Domenico Giani And to any other peace keeping or law administer required to get the job done: You are instructed to take possession of the following properties and chattels: Vatican Bank (Institute for the Works of Religion) located at Vatican City, Rome, Italy; along with any and all branches, facilities, offices, buildings, equipment, implements, machinery, vehicles, artifacts, artwork, documents, libraries, online and offline files and records, in any and ALL LOCATIONS including any and ALL ASSETS anywhere in the Universe. Date issued: May 6, 2013; Reissued October 23, 2013 Common Law Attorneys: Ms. Kimarie Teter and Ms. Cindy Kay Currier Writ Number: RAINBOW-4-049 Clerk of the Court (print) ______________ Signature _____________________ ________________________________________________________________ RETURN ON SERVICE ALL Department of Labor facilities came to possession on this _____ day of __________, 20 _____ And 1. ___ DID execute this writ on ___ day of ______, 20 ___ by removing from possession of the Respondent _____________________ and securing it by _______________________________________________________ . 2. ___ DID NOT execute this writ because: __________________________ Signed ________________________________ Date _____________________ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA THE ONE PEOPLES COMMON LAW COURT

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