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405 Sample Theses TP-CASTT Model Scoring Guide: Yusef Komunyakaas Facing 4 3 2 Through its repeated Yusef Komunyakaas Yusef imagery of Facing It shows a Komunyakaas transformation and its speaker conflicted Facing It dark mirror conceit, about identity and examines themes Yusef Komunyakaas purpose through the of conflicted Facing It reveals a poems metaphors and identity and speaker uncertain of imagery. uncertain purpose. purpose and identity. It 1 Facing It is about the speakers identity and purpose.

THE TP-CASTT SUMMATIVE You will be presented with six new poems. You will choose three of these poems and complete a TP-CASTT analysis for each. You will be scored on the thoroughness and clarity of your annotations, as well as the quality of your theses. The speaker in this poem is visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The monument, inscribed with the names of the American who died or disappeared in the Vietnam War, consists of two 250-foot-long black granite walls converging in a V.

Record my annotations to use as a 4 model.

Facing It by Yusef Komunyakaa My black face fades, hiding inside the black granite. I said I wouldn't, dammit: No tears. I'm stone. I'm flesh. My clouded reflection eyes me like a bird of prey, the profile of night slanted against morning. I turn this way--the stone lets me go. I turn that way--I'm inside the Vietnam Veterans Memorial again, depending on the light to make a difference. I go down the 58,022 names, half-expecting to find my own in letters like smoke. I touch the name Andrew Johnson; I see the booby trap's white flash. Names shimmer on a woman's blouse but when she walks away the names stay on the wall. Brushstrokes flash, a red bird's wings cutting across my stare. The sky. A plane in the sky. A white vet's image floats closer to me, then his pale eyes look through mine. I'm a window. He's lost his right arm inside the stone. In the black mirror a woman's trying to erase names: No, she's brushing a boy's hair. 1. How does the poem use the memorial to show the speaker both resisting emotion and feeling connected to the monument? 2. What effect does the memorial-as-amirror image have on the poem? 3. How does the poem show the speaker facing it through a series of impressions? What is the it the speaker is facing? Connotation: Where are the emotional words in this poem? What are unusual phrasings, repeated lines, etc? Where is the figurative language? Attitude: What seems to be the attitude of the speaker in regards to the subject? Shifts: At what points do the emotions, rhythm, punctuation, etc. shift in the poem? Title (again): After reading the text, does the title reveal anything more? What new information can you bring to the title? Thesis: What do you think this poem means? What deeper meaning seems to underlie the surface? Include the poets name, the title of the poem, the theme, and how the specific TPCASTT elements contribute to the theme. Questions for Reflection (to help generate your annotations and thesis) Title: What questions does the title raise? Paraphrase: Translate the poem into your own words. Who is the speaker? What is the subject of the poem? Whom is the speaker addressing? What questions do you need answered to understand the deeper meaning?

English 405 Poetry Summative Writing Assessment Dont feel like showing me your poetic chops with three TP-CASTTs of someone elses work? Would you rather write your own poetry? Option #1: Call and Response Poetry Read over the list of poems we have studied and respond to one of the poems. Reread the poem and be sure to note style, imagery, rhythm, figurative language that you will need to respond to. Compose a response poem where you mimic the style of the speaker and respond to the speaker in the voice of the other person mentioned in the poem. For example, you could write your own love poem where, like Shakespeare, you list the faults of your beloved, yet point out how much you still care. Complete a TP-CASTT of your own poem that speaks to what you add to the meaning of the original.

Requirements: You will be assessed on how well your poem takes on the voice of the speaker and uses the poetic devices that the original writer used, within reason. I dont expect you to write in iambic pentameter, for example, but I would like you to follow similar patterns of the authors. So, if you were to rewrite she being Brand, you would need an extended metaphor; e.e. cummings used a car- what will you use to discuss your topic?

The most important piece of this assignment is to remember the main theme of the original poem and be sure that it is addressed in your response. This can be done through humor, or it can maintain the original tone.

Option #2: Original Poetry You have the option to write your own poem, but you must meet the following criteria: 14 line minimum (this can be one poem or several small poems) Include at least three poetic devices such as rhyme scheme, alliteration, established rhythm, metaphor, symbol, imagery, etc.

Provide a TPCASTT analysis of your poetry that clearly establishes the theme of your poem through a well-structured Thesis.

Requirements: You will be assessed on how well your poetry takes on poetic elements and develops them into a meaningful concentration of language. This is why the TP-CASTT is required; I want you to show me how aware you are of the devices you utilize and develop into larger themes.

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