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IBM System Storage Productivity Center

Software Installation and User's Guide

V ersion 1 Release 1


IBM System Storage Productivity Center

Software Installation and User's Guide

V ersion 1 Release 1


Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.

This edition applies to IBM System Storage Productivity Center Version 1 Release 1 and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office servicing your locality. Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality information. If you have comments about this book or any other IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center documentation, see "Contacting customer support." When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . . v Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v IBM System Storage Productivity Center publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . v IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi DS8000 publications . . . . . . . . . . vi DS CIM Agent publications . . . . . . . . vi SAN Volume Controller publications . . . . . vii TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii IBM International Technical Support Organization publications (Redbooks) . . . . vii Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Accessing publications online . . . . . . . viii Ordering publications . . . . . . . . . viii Providing feedback about publications . . . . viii Accessibility features . . . . . . . . . . . ix Contacting customer support . . . . . . . . ix Conventions used in this documentation . . . . . ix Typeface conventions . . . . . . . . . . x Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the browser . . . . . . . . . Generating an SSH key pair using PuTTYgen . . Storing keys in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory . . . . . . . Configuring a default PuTTY session . . . . . Backing up and recovering your SSPC system . . . Starting and stopping the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center services . . . . . . . . . Starting the TotalStorage Productivity Center services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopping the TotalStorage Productivity Center services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Windows License Activation . . . . . . . . . Setting up the SSPC environment . . . . . . . 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30

Chapter 4. Installing optional applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Installing the Agent Manager and agents . . Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . 34

Chapter 1. IBM System Storage Productivity Center overview . . . . . 1

IBM System Storage Productivity Center options . . 3 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center packages . . . 4 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface . 7

Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . . . . . 35

Using online help . . . . . . . . . . . Using the Element Management perspective . . Select a view menu . . . . . . . . . . Select action menu . . . . . . . . . . Adding element managers . . . . . . . . Using Add Element Manager . . . . . . Add element managers with CIMOM discovery Launching element managers . . . . . . . Modify Element Manager. . . . . . . . . Remove Element Manager . . . . . . . . Test Element Manager Connection . . . . . . Add CIMOM Connection . . . . . . . . . Modify CIMOM Connection . . . . . . . . Remove CIMOM Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36 39 40 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 46 48 50

Chapter 2. Planning . . . . . . . . . . 9
Planning for configuration . . . . . . . . . Planning for browser support . . . . . . . Planning for SAN Volume Controller Console configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planning for installing the Agent Manager and agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planning for TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication installation . . . . . . . . . General steps for System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 11 . 11 . 12 . 12 . 12

Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 15

Configuring the server. . . . . . . . Testing the network connections . . . Changing the servers host name . . . . Configuring the DS8000 CIM agent . . . Starting the TotalStorage Productivity Center Configuring the DS8000 element managers . Element Management perspective . . . Enterprise Management perspective . . Adding a CIMOM manually . . . . Discover CIMOMs automatically . . . . . . . . . . GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 23 24 25

Chapter 6. Administering IBM System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 51

Changing the password . . . . . . . . . . 51

Chapter 7. Uninstalling the IBM System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 55 Chapter 8. Upgrading IBM System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 57
TotalStorage Productivity Center . DS8000 . . . . . . . . . . SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . 57 . 57

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007


TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication . Upgrading the installation license . . . . . .

. 57 . 58

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 61

Reporting a problem . . . . . . . . . . DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DS8000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAN Volume Controller . . . . . . . . . TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication . Troubleshooting descriptions . . . . . . . Error message: A duplicate name exists on the network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Menu items in the Element Management perspective are not automatically hidden . . Error message: At least one service or driver failed during system startup . . . . . . . Cannot save audit logs to System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . . . . . . Element managers on the same machine appear in the Element Management perspective . . . Unable to access Release 2 DS8000 element managers configured for HTTPS . . . . . . 61 . 61 . . . . . 62 62 63 63 63

Error message: HWNEM0140W . . . . . Duplicate entries in element manager table . TotalStorage Productivity Center and DS8000 warning messages . . . . . . . . . Error message: SQL1046N . . . . . .

. . . .

. 68 . 69 . 70 . 71

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting messages 73 Appendix A. Installing IBM System Storage Productivity Center . . . . . 75
Installing System Storage Productivity Center . Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center . . Installing the SAN Volume Controller Console. Installing the Agent Manager and agents . . Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 76 76 76

. 63 . 64 . 64 . 64 . 65

. 77

Appendix B. Notices . . . . . . . . . 79
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Appendix C. Glossary . . . . . . . . 83 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

. 66


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

IBM System Storage Productivity Center is a hardware and software solution that includes a suite of storage infrastructure management software that can centralize, automate, and simplify the management of complex and heterogeneous storage environments.

Who should read this guide

This publication is intended for administrators or users who are using IBM System Storage Productivity Center. It provides information about setting up and configuring your IBM System Storage Productivity Center. If you want to install the components for IBM System Storage Productivity Center on your own machine, this publication provides general information about installing and configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center. If you are installing the components for IBM System Storage Productivity Center yourself, ensure that you are familiar with the following topics: v General procedures for installing software on Windows, AIX, Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris operating systems. v Storage Area Network (SAN) concepts v IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center concepts v IBM Database 2 (DB2) Universal Database (UDB) v Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) concepts

All publications related the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and its components are available from the IBM Publications Center. Publication numbers and titles are provided for online access, ordering, and customer feedback. The publications are available from the IBM publications center:

IBM System Storage Productivity Center publications

The following table lists the IBM System Storage Productivity Center publications. These publications are available in the Information Center at the following Web site:

Click System Storage Productivity Center. For PDF documents, click System Storage Productivity Center > Printable documentation.
Publication Title IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide Order Number SC23-8822

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007

Publication Title IBM System Storage Productivity Center Software Installation and Users Guide IBM System Storage Productivity Center Introduction and Planning Guide

Order Number SC23-8823 SC23-8824

IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center publications

This topic provides a list of IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center publications.
Publication Title IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Installation and Configuration Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Users Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Messages IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Command-Line Interface Reference IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Problem Determination Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Workflow Users Guide Order Number GC32-1774 GC32-1775 GC32-1776 GC32-1777 GC32-1778 SC32-0101

DS8000 publications
The listed IBM publications provide documentation related to the DS8000 component of the SSPC. Publication Title IBM System Storage DS8000: Host Systems Attachment Guide Note: No hardcopy is produced for this publication. IBM System Storage DS8000: Introduction and Planning Guide IBM System Storage DS8000: Users Guide IBM System Storage DS8000: Command-Line Interface Users Guide IBM System Storage DS8000: Messages Reference IBM System Storage DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference

Order Number SC26-7628 GC35-0495 SC26-7623 SC26-7916 GC26-7659 GC35-0516

DS CIM Agent publications

These publications are available from the following Web site:

Click the Install/use tab > Documentation. Make sure you reference the correct document for the CIM agent version.
Publication Title IBM System Storage DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference for CIM agent 5.3 IBM System Storage DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference for CIM agent 5.2 Order Number GC35-0516-02 GC35-0516-01


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Publication Title IBM TotalStorage DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference for CIM agent 5.1

Order Number GC35-0493

SAN Volume Controller publications

The following table lists the SAN Volume Controller publications. These publications are available in the SAN Volume Controller Information Center. Go to Click 4.2.x product documentation. Click on a language.
Publication Title IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller CIM Agent Developers Reference IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Command-Line Interface Users Guide IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Host Attachment Guide Order Number SC26-7904 SC26-7903 SC23-6628 SC26-7905

IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Hardware Installation Guide GC27-2132 IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Planning Guide IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Service Guide GA32-0551 GC26-7901

TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication publications

The following table lists the TotalStorage Productivity Center publications. These publications are available in the Information Center at the following Web site:

Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Reference > Publications.
Publication Title IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Command-Line Interface Users Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Installation and Configuration Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Problem Determination Guide IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Users Guide Order Number SC32-0104 SC32-0102 GI11-8060 SC32-0103

IBM International Technical Support Organization publications (Redbooks)

The IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) publishes Redbooks, which are books on specialized topics. You can order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. You can also search for and order books of interest to you by visiting the IBM Redbooks home page at redbooks.


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Accessing publications online

This topic provides information on how to access the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center. You can access publications in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center from the following support Web site:

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Ordering publications
Information is provided for the ordering of IBM publications on the Internet or by telephone. You can order many IBM publications online at publications/order. You can also order by telephone by calling one of these numbers: v In the United States: 800-879-2755 v In Canada: 800-426-4968 In other countries, contact your IBM representative.

Providing feedback about publications

This topic provides information on where to send feedback about the publications. If you have comments or suggestions about the product and documentation, complete the customer feedback survey at feedback.nsf/feedback?OpenForm.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Accessibility features
This section describes the accessibility features of the product documentation. The documentation for this product includes the following accessibility features: v All documentation is available in both HTML and PDF formats. v All images are provided with alternative text, so that users with vision impairments can understand the contents of the images.

Contacting customer support

This topic provides information on how to contact IBM customer support for information. For support for IBM System Storage Productivity Center, you can contact IBM customer support in one of the following ways: v Go to the IBM System Storage Productivity Center technical support Web site by starting at supportresources?brandind=5000033&familyind=5356448&taskind=1. v Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378). v International customers should consult the Web site for customer support telephone numbers. For support for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center, go to this technical support Web site: You can also review the IBM Software Support Handbook, which is available on our Web site at When you contact customer support, be prepared to provide identification information for your company so that support personnel can readily assist you. Company identification information may also be needed to access various online services available on the Web site. The support Web site offers extensive information, including a guide to support services (the IBM Software Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and documentation for all IBM Software products, including Release Notes, Redbooks, and white papers. The documentation for some product releases is available in both PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some product releases. We are very interested in hearing about your experience with IBM products and documentation. We also welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, you can enter your feedback at

Conventions used in this documentation

This section provides information on typeface and syntax conventions. This documentation uses several conventions for special terms and actions, and operating system-dependent commands and paths.



Typeface conventions
This topic provides information about the typefaces used in this publication. The following typeface conventions are in use: Bold v Lower-case and mixed-case commands that appear with text v Command options that appear with text v Flags that appear with text v Graphical user interface (GUI) elements (except for titles of windows and dialogs) v Names of keys Italic v v v v v Variables Values you must provide New terms Words and phrases that are emphasized Titles of documents

monospace v Commands and command options in examples v Flags that appear on a separate line v Code examples and output v Message text v Names of files and directories v Text strings you must type, when they appear within text v Names of Java methods and classes v HTML and XML tags also appear like this, in monospace type For syntax notation, these conventions are used: v < > (less than, greater than symbols) are used to indicate a variable value. Do not type the < > symbols. v # is the prompt for the root user on UNIX platforms. v Uppercase and lowercase characters do matter. Type in commands exactly as shown.

SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 1. IBM System Storage Productivity Center overview

The IBM System Storage Productivity Center is an integrated hardware and software solution that will help you improve and centralize the management of your storage environment through the integration of products. It provides a single point from which to manage your storage subsystems. IBM System Storage Productivity Center simplifies storage management by: v Centralizing the management of storage network resources with IBM storage management software v Providing greater synergy between storage management software and IBM storage devices v Reducing the number of servers that are required to manage your software infrastructure v Providing a simple migration path from basic device management to using storage management applications that provide higher-level functions The following diagram shows an overview of how System Storage Productivity Center, TotalStorage Productivity Center, Element Management perspective within the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI, DS8000, SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM Agent interrelate with each other.

Figure 1. Overview of System Storage Productivity Center

The IBM System Storage Productivity Center provides more integration of storage management applications by providing this support: v IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition is a new software license. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center is a suite of infrastructure management software that can centralize, automate, and simplify the management of complex and heterogeneous storage environments. It can help reduce the effort of managing complex storage infrastructures, improve storage capacity utilization, and improve administration efficiency. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center allows you to respond to on demand storage needs and manage storage devices, fabric, and data from a single point.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007

v IBM System Storage DS8000 Storage Manager interface is accessible from the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center provides a DS8000 element manager page, which allows you to add and manage multiple DS8000 element managers from one console. You can use the DS8000 element manager page to: Access the DS8000 Storage Manager interface that is embedded in the DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC) and Use the DS8000 Storage Manager interface to configure and administer its associated DS8000 storage arrays. The Hardware Management Console (HMC) is the console shipped with the DS8000 subsystem. It will host the DS8000 Release 3 CIM agent, the ESSNI Server, and the client as well as the backend for the DS8000 Storage Manager. The HMC is a WebSphere application that will display its Web pages to either the browser embedded in the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI, a browser directly on the HMC, or an external browser. If the DS8000 is a new Release 3 storage subsystem, the use of the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI will be enforced. If the DS8000 has an HMC that has been upgraded from Release 2 to Release 3, you will be able to launch the GUI through an external browser. The DS8000 GUI will remain an installable piece of software running within a Web application server on the DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC). This software will continue to be shipped with the hardware. If the HMC has been upgraded from release 2 to release 3, it will allow an external browser to launch the GUI. If the HMC is a new DS8000 Release 3 subsystem, use of the GUI through TotalStorage Productivity Center will be enforced. The CIM agent for the DS8000 is embedded in the HMC. TotalStorage Productivity Center can be configured to communicate with the CIM agent. The CIM agent is required for storage asset information, provisioning, alerting, and performance monitoring. The CIM agent conforms to the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative - Specification (SMI-S) to provide a communication transport between TotalStorage Productivity Center and the managed devices. v The IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM Agent (CIMOM) 4.2.1 is installed with System Storage Productivity Center. The SAN Volume Controller Console is a separate icon from the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI icon on your desktop. The SAN Volume Controller is analogous to a logical volume manager on a SAN. The SAN Volume Controller performs the following functions for the SAN storage that it controls: Creates a single pool of storage Provides logical unit virtualization Manages logical volumes Provides the following advanced functions for the SAN: - Large scalable cache - Copy Services v FlashCopy (point-in-time copy) v Metro Mirror (synchronous copy) v Global Mirror (asynchronous copy) v Data migration - Space management v Mapping that is based on desired performance characteristics v Metering of service quality

SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

IBM System Storage Productivity Center options

IBM System Storage Productivity Center offers several different packages depending on the functions you want. This topic provides information on those packages. IBM System Storage Productivity Center software components are preinstalled on a Windows System x machine model SSPC 2805-MC2. The following software components are installed on the System Storage Productivity Center machine: v Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Release 2. v DB2 Enterprise Server Edition 9.1 with Fix Pack 2. v IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition 3.3.1 (you can upgrade to the Enterprise Edition, see Upgrading the installation license on page 58). v SAN Volume Controller Console version 4.2.1. When you initially power on the System Storage Productivity Center machine, the system will prompt you for the acceptance of the Windows License Agreement and for the license key. When you purchase System Storage Productivity Center, you will need to purchase the license for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition and SAN Volume Controller 4.2.1. You can optionally install these programs: TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication V3.3.3 is a product that is separate from the other members of the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center family. This program will not be preinstalled but must be installed by you. You need to purchase the license for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication provides management of IBM FlashCopy, Metro Mirror and Global Mirror capabilities for the IBM ESS Model 800, IBM DS6000, and IBM DS8000. It also manages FlashCopy and Metro Mirror for the IBM SAN Volume Controller. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication requires the hardware upgrade option, which provides an additional microprocessor and an additional 4 GB of RAM. There are coexistence issues with IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. For information about the coexistence issues, see Chapter 2 in http://, topic Coexistence between TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center. DS CIM agent management commands You can install the DS CIM agent management commands on the System Storage Productivity Center machine. For information about installing the CIM agent management commands and how to use the commands, see DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference at servers/storage/support/software/cimdsoapi/. You will see the Support for CIM Agent for DS Open (API) page. Click the Install/use tab > Documentation. Make sure you reference the correct document for CIM agent version 5.3.
Chapter 1. IBM System Storage Productivity Center overview

If you have the license for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition, you can install the following components. The Fabric agents provide information about the fabrics on your system and provide zone control operations and information. The Data agents provide information about the computer systems IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center is managing. Agent Manager and agents The Agent Manager server is a network service that provides authentication and authorization services and maintains a registry of configuration information about the managed systems in your environment. The Data agents collect information from the machine or host on which they are installed. The agents collect asset information, file and filesystem attributes, and any other information needed from the computer system. Data agents can also gather information on database managers installed on the server, Novell NDS tree information, and NAS device information. Fabric agents use scanners to collect information. The Fabric agents are installed on the computer systems that have fiber optic connectivity (through HBAs) into the SAN fabrics that you want to manage and monitor. The scanners are written in operating system code and communicate through the HBA to collect fabric topology information, port state information, and zoning information. The Fabric agents can identify other SAN-attached devices (if they are in the same zone). If you have an Agent Manager in your environment, it is not necessary to install another Agent Manager. Agent Manager and agents are shipped with IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. Note: It is important to note that you should not install other software applications on your System Storage Productivity Center system other than the applications listed here. There could be port conflicts and performance issues with other software applications. You can, however, install anitvirus software. You can also install the software components to create your own System Storage Productivity Center on your own server. For information about installing the software components, see Appendix A, Installing IBM System Storage Productivity Center, on page 75.

IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center packages

IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center offers several different packages depending on the functions you want. This topic provides information on those packages. When you purchase System Storage Productivity Center, you receive IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition preinstalled. You can upgrade to IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition. You can also install IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition This package includes the following functions: IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Data The data manager is the component that is responsible for understanding the behavior of the user data that originated from

SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

the file systems and databases. The data manager includes enterprise-wide reporting and monitoring, policy-based management, and automated capacity provisioning for Direct-Attached Storage (DAS), Network-Attached Storage (NAS), and SAN environments. The purpose of this component is to discover the usage patterns and capacity utilization of the storage from an applications point of view. The data manager is also responsible for gathering application usage demographics, reporting on storage from an applications perspective, and performing and automating actions that provision application storage either by itself or invoking other components to do so. The data manager is additionally responsible for collecting and analyzing performance information from the file systems and the databases that are used by applications. The data manager: v Includes many advanced features for monitoring and automating capacity utilization of your file systems and databases, helping you manage more storage with the same staff v Provides enterprise and capacity reporting and role-based management v Ensures application availability by providing storage on demand for filesystems v Supports leading databases and provides chargeback capabilities based on storage usage v Supports complex heterogeneous environments such as Direct Access Storage, Network Attached Storage and Storage Area Network (SAN), including intelligent disk subsystems and tape libraries IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk The disk manager is the component that is responsible for discovering and monitoring storage subsystems and performing and automating actions that provision disk resources. The disk manager is additionally responsible for collecting and analyzing performance information from storage subsystems and helping in the management of SANs and heterogeneous storage devices from a single console. The disk manager: v Monitors and tracks the performance of SAN-attached Storage Management Interface Specification (SMI-S) compliant storage devices (for example, IBM, EMC, HDS, HP, Engenio, and so forth). v Enables proactive performance management by setting performance thresholds based on performance metrics and by generating alerts when those thresholds are met. v Provides advanced performance management for the DS4000, DS6000, DS8000, and SAN Volume Controller. v Provides SAN planning tools: Volume Planner The Volume Planner helps administrators plan for the provisioning of subsystem storage based on capacity, storage controller type, number of volumes, volume size,
Chapter 1. IBM System Storage Productivity Center overview

performance requirements, RAID level, performance utilization, and capacity utilization. Path Planner The Path Planner enables administrators to plan and implement storage provisioning for hosts and storage subsystems with multi-path support in fabrics managed by TotalStorage Productivity Center. Zone Planner The Zone Planner enables administrators to plan for zoning and LUN masking configuration based on the following information: host ports, storage controller ports, zones, zone sets, switches, user zoning input, user LUN masking input, existing LUN masking or mapping. v Provides SAN configuration tools: Configuration analysis This tool allows the system administrators to check whether existing configurations violate defined best practices and policies. Configuration history This tool displays the changes that have occurred in the SAN environment over a period of time. v Provides the data path explorer view to allow administrators to view the paths between servers and storage subsystems or between storage subsystems (for example, SVC to back-end storage). Performance and health overlays on this view will provide a mechanism to assess the impact of performance or device state in the paths on the connectivity between the systems. v Provides storage provisioning for IBM and heterogeneous storage. v Provides tape asset reporting. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Fabric The fabric manager is the component that is responsible for discovering, monitoring, and controlling the SAN topology, primarily concentrating on the SAN fabric and on the hosts and storage systems that are zoned for access. The fabric manager is responsible for collecting and analyzing performance information from SAN fabrics. The fabric manager is a comprehensive management solution for heterogeneous fabric support (for example, Brocade, Cisco, McDATA, and so forth). It includes automatic resource and topology discovery, monitoring performance and alerts, and zone control. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition This package provides TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk functions and TotalStorage Productivity Center for Fabric functions minus the performance functions. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication The basic functions of TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication provide management of IBM FlashCopy, Metro Mirror and Global Mirror

SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

capabilities for the IBM ESS Model 800, IBM DS6000, and IBM DS8000. It also manages FlashCopy and Metro Mirror for the IBM SAN Volume Controller.

IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface

The IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface provides perspectives which act as containers for organizing related features and functions. Each perspective provides a complete set of tools for performing a specific set of storage tasks. The ability to switch between perspectives provides you with a single interface for quickly accessing different tools to monitor and manage your storage hardware. You can switch perspectives using the Enterprise Management/Element Management toggle button that appears in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center toolbar. The following perspectives are currently available: Enterprise Management This perspective contains the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface and all its related functions. You can use this perspective to perform tasks such as configuration, data collection, policy management, alerting, and reporting. Element Management This perspective enables you to manage the element managers that are visible to IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. From this perspective, you can: v View a list of Element Managers within your environment. v Launch Element Managers and access the DS8000 Storage Manager interface (this user interface is accessible through this perspective in IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center only). v Add element managers that you want to manage using IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. v Modify element managers that appear in this perspective. v Remove element managers from this perspective. v Test the connection between IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and element managers. v Add and modify CIMOMs with which to associate element managers. The Element Management perspective is integrated into the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI in two modes: v On Windows, the Element Management perspective is embedded in the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. v On AIX and Linux, the Element Management perspective is opened in an external Mozilla browser. Each time you open an element manager, a new browser window is opened.

Chapter 1. IBM System Storage Productivity Center overview

SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 2. Planning
This section provides planning information for the IBM System Storage Productivity Center. The preinstalled IBM System Storage Productivity Center software includes the following: v DB2 UDB Enterprise Server V9.1 with Fix Pack 2 v TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition 3.3.1 (includes an integrated DS8000 Release 3 GUI within the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI). v SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM Agent version 4.2.1 You can also add these options: v TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication R3.3.3 v Agent Manager and agents. If you have an Agent Manager already in your environment, it is not necessary to install another Agent Manager. If you want to simulate the IBM System Storage Productivity Center package, you would have to install the individual software applications on your machine. For information about installing the software applications, see Appendix A, Installing IBM System Storage Productivity Center, on page 75.

Planning for configuration

This section provides information about the planning for initial configuration of System Storage Productivity Center. There is a minimal amount of configuration to be done to get TotalStorage Productivity Center working. TotalStorage Productivity Center communicates with the DS8000 HMC through TCP/IP. The mandatory steps to complete for configuration are: v Configure the server. See Configuring the server on page 15. v Configure IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center to work with DS8000 Release 3. See Element Management perspective on page 20. v If you are using SAN Volume Controller, configure the SAN Volume Controller console. See Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI on page 25. The optional configuration steps for System Storage Productivity Center are: v Change the default value for the servers host name. For information about changing the servers host name, see Changing the servers host name on page 17. v Change the DB2 administrative password. For information about changing the DB2 administrative password, see Changing the password on page 51. v Configure the DS CIM agent. For information about configuring the CIM agent, see Configuring the DS8000 CIM agent on page 18. The information requested by the following table will be used during setup of System Storage Productivity Center by the customer engineer. Please have this
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007

information ready and available for the customer engineer.

Table 1. IP addresses and host name Item IP address and host name Notes This value is the IP address for System Storage Productivity Center. This value is the IP address for your sites domain name server. The default value is mannode. If you change the host name, you must also change the host name for DB2. For information about changing the host name, see Changing the servers host name on page 17.

System Storage IP address: ___.___.___.___ Productivity Center IP address System Storage IP address: ___.___.___.___ Productivity Center DNS address System Storage Host name: Productivity Center host name, Device server and Data server host name

The passwords used for System Storage Productivity Center are shown in the following table. Save these passwords in a safe place so that you can remember them.
Table 2. Initial password for System Storage Productivity Center Item Login Notes The default password is passw0rd (note that there is a zero in this password). You will need to remember this password for future logins. When you first turn on System Storage Productivity Center, you will be prompted for this password. DB2 administrative password The default user ID is db2admin and the default password is passw0rd (note that there is a zero in this password).

The default password (passw0rd) is used for the items in the following table. If you change the default password, you must change the password for the items in the table.
Table 3. Changing the password for System Storage Productivity Center Item DB2 services: v DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2-0 v DB2 Governor (DB2COPY1) v DB2 Remote Command Server (DB2COPY1) v DB2DAS - DB2DAS00 Device server Data server WebSphere administrative user ID The user ID for the WebSphere administrative ID is db2admin. Notes For information about changing this password, see Changing the password on page 51.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Planning for browser support

This section provides information about the browsers supported by IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. The following browsers are supported by IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center: Mozilla 5.0 v Firefox 1.5 v Firefox 2.0 Windows v Internet Explorer 6 v Internet Explorer 7 Note: When running the DS8000 Element Manager with a combination of Internet Explorer 6 and SSL (HTTPS) mode, intermittent connection problems are seen. These problems can cause some usability inconveniences as well as commands not being run successfully. If you access TotalStorage Productivity Center through Java Web Start, TotalStorage Productivity Center will use your default Internet Explorer on your local machine as the embedded browser. If your default browser is Internet Explorer 6, this can cause problems. If you log in remotely into System Storage Productivity Center, the TotalStorage Productivity Center Element Manager will use Internet Explorer 6 by default as the embedded browser. There are two work arounds identified: v Upgrade to Internet Explorer 7. Internet Explorer 7 has improved performance, security, and has this problem fixed. v Adjust Internet Explorer 6 to not force an HTTP 1.1 connection. Follow these steps: 1. Open Internet Explorer 6. 2. Click Tools > Internet Options. Click on the Advanced tab. 3. Scroll down to HTTP 1.1 settings, and uncheck the following two items: Use HTTP 1.1. Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections. Click Apply. 4. Close and then reopen the browser. 5. You will now be able to access the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI.

Planning for SAN Volume Controller Console configuration

This section provides information about configuring the SAN Volume Controller Console. The SAN Volume Controller Console installation wizard installs these components: v Adobe Reader v PuTTY
Chapter 2. Planning


v SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM Agent version 4.2.1 The SAN Volume Controller Console uses PuTTY for Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) protocol communications. This allows you to log into a computer from another computer over the network. For information about configuring the SAN Volume Controller Console, see Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI on page 25.

Planning for installing the Agent Manager and agents

This section provides information about planning for Agent Manager and agents installation. You can optionally install the Agent Manager and agents. For information about planning for the Agent Manager and agents, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center. Navigate to TotalStorage Productivity Center > Planning > Agent Manager.

Planning for TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication installation

This section provides information about planning for TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication installation. There are known issues when you install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center in the same environment. For more information about these issues, point your Web browser to See the following section: TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing > Prerequisites > Coexistence between TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center.

General steps for System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides general steps to follow for getting your System Storage Productivity Center up and running. If you are not installing any optional programs to System Storage Productivity Center, follow these general steps: 1. After the initial power on procedure has been completed, configure your system. See Chapter 3, Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center, on page 15. 2. You should back up your system for recovery purposes. For information about backing up and restoring your system, see Backing up and recovering your SSPC system on page 28. 3. You will now be able to start using System Storage Productivity Center. For information about using the system, see Chapter 5, Managing System Storage Productivity Center, on page 35. If you are installing optional programs, follow these general steps:


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

1. After the initial power on procedure has been completed, configure your system. See Chapter 3, Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center, on page 15. 2. Install the optional programs. See Chapter 4, Installing optional applications, on page 33. 3. You should back up your system for recovery purposes. For information about backing up and restoring your system, see Backing up and recovering your SSPC system on page 28. 4. You will now be able to start using System Storage Productivity Center. For information about using the system, see Chapter 5, Managing System Storage Productivity Center, on page 35.

Chapter 2. Planning



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center

The section provides information on how to configure the System Storage Productivity Center.

Configuring the server

This section describes how to configure the operating system for the IBM System Storage Productivity Center. Before starting this section, ensure that at least one DS8000 is fully functioning and available to the System Storage Productivity Center. For more information about DS8000 availability, see IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide. If the IBM service representative did not complete the initial power-on procedure, follow these steps to complete this procedure. If the IBM service representative has already completed this section with the customer, you can skip this procedure. (The customer must accept the Windows license agreement.) After you press the power-control button, the System Storage Productivity Center starts the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 activation. The power-on process takes approximately five minutes to complete before the setup wizard starts. 1. From the wizard startup window, click Next to continue with the setup. 2. From the License Agreement window, select I accept this agreement and click Next. 3. From the Regional and Language Options window, set the language settings and click Next. 4. From the Personalize Your Software window, enter the Name and Organization fields with the information that you recorded in table 4 Appendix A. Planning worksheet in IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide. Click Next. 5. On the Your Product Key window, enter the 25-digit number you recorded in Appendix A. Planning worksheet in IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide. The product key is also printed on a sticker located on the top cover of the System Storage Productivity Center. 6. From the Licensing Modes window, do not change the default settings. Click Next to continue. 7. Review the following conditions at the Computer Name and Administrator Password window, enter the name for the System Storage Productivity Center using the information that you recorded in Appendix A. Planning worksheet in IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide. If you have a computer name picked out, you can enter it now. Otherwise, enter MANNODE. This will allow you to proceed to configure and use SSPC. 8. Set the Administrative password to passw0rd (case sensitive). Confirm this password a second time. Click Next.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2007


9. From the Date and Time Settings window, configure the System Storage Productivity Center clock to match the network. Click Next to continue. 10. From the Networking Settings window, select Custom settings and click Next. a. Check the Network Components window and if the For device field has the setting: Broadcom BCM5708C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client) #2 (notice the #2), click Next. Note: The #2 Network Component is not configured because this device is never connected to the network. The other component is connected and is configured in the remaining sub-steps. b. Check the Network Components window and if the For device: field has the following setting: Broadcom BCM5708C NetXtreme II GigE (NDIS VBD Client) (notice that there is no trailing number), select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click Properties. c. From the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, enter the IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway addresses as well as the Preferred DNS and Alternate DNS addresses. These IP addresses were recorded in Appendix A. Planning worksheet in IBM System Storage Productivity Center Hardware Installation and Configuration Guide. Click OK. d. After returning to the Networking Components screen and click Next. 11. From the Workgroup or Computer Domain window, leave it at the default WORKGROUP setting and click Next. 12. A window pop-up informs you that it is Performing final tasks. When it is complete, a message indicates that you have successfully completed Windows Setup. Click Finish. The network components are configured and the System Storage Productivity Center is restarted. 13. From the Windows log-in window, press Ctrl-Alt-Del to log in. Enter the administrative password, passw0rd. The initial System Storage Productivity Center operating system software has been set up. Go to Testing the network connections to test the network connections.

Testing the network connections

This section describes how to test the network connections for System Storage Productivity Center. After the System Storage Productivity Center has been started, perform the following steps to verify that the network connections have been properly configured. 1. Verify that the System Storage Productivity Center can communicate with the network by performing the following steps: a. From the Windows desktop, click Start > Accessories > Command Prompt. b. At the command line, type ping x is the IP address of a fully functioning DS8000 on your network. c. If the results from the previous command look like the following message, the System Storage Productivity Center is communicating properly with the DS8000 and has been properly configured. If not, talk with your network administrator about potential firewalls in the communications path.
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=yy

2. Close the Command Prompt window.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

3. The System Storage Productivity Center is now ready to be configured. For more information about planning and configuring the SSPC, see: v Chapter 2: Planning . v Other topics in this section.

Changing the servers host name

When you receive the IBM System Storage Productivity Center hardware, default names are assigned for the servers host name. You can change the host name as described in this topic. When you purchase the IBM System Storage Productivity Center, the default name of the host system will be MANNODE. If you want to change the host name of MANNODE, follow these steps. Note: The host name must not begin with these characters: SYS, sys, IBM, ibm, SQL, or sql. Select a host name that meets these requirements. 1. Change the servers host name on Windows. a. From the desktop, right-click on My Computer. b. Click Properties. c. On the System Properties window, click the Computer Name tab. d. On the Computer Name window, click Change. e. On the Computer Name Changes window, provide a new name in the Computer name field. f. If you wish to set the primary DNS suffix for the system, click More and enter the primary DNS of this computer in the DNS Suffix and NetBIOS Computer Name panel. g. Click OK until you see the window System Settings Change which asks if you want to reboot now. Select Yes to reboot the system. h. You will see these messages when the system reboots, you can ignore them:
At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details. SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.

2. Open a Windows command window by clicking Start > Run. On the Run dialog, type cmd. Press the Enter key. Go to this directory:
cd C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN

Run the following command:

db2extsec /u db2users /a db2admns

You will see this message:

DB2EXTSEC: processing completed successfully.

Run the following command:


You will see this message:

SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


3. From the Windows Services window, stop the Device Server. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Right-click on this service and click Stop:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - DeviceServer

Note: You may see this message. If the service is in the Stopped state you may ignore these messages.
Could not stop the IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 -DeviceServer service on local Computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

4. From the Windows Services panel, start the Data Server and Device Server. Start these services:
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center - Data Server IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - DeviceServer

Right-click on each service and click Start. You have completed the host name change and can now start TotalStorage Productivity Center.

Configuring the DS8000 CIM agent

This section provides information about the DSCIMCLI setup command which is required for the CIM agent to communicate with the storage device. This command is required to let the CIM agent know which HMC it needs to communicate with. The setup command is required for external as well as embedded CIM agents. Note: You can install the DS CIM agent management commands on the System Storage Productivity Center machine (not the CIM agent). For information about installing the CIM agent management commands and how to use the commands, see DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference at Click the Install/use tab > Documentation. Make sure you reference the correct document for CIM agent version 5.3. The syntax of the setup command is shown as follows:
dscimcli mkdev <IP_address> -type ds -user <user_ID> -password <password> -s <IP_address>

Here is an example of the command:

dscimcli mkdev -type ds -user SSPC-TEAM -password xxxxxxxx -s

If the command is successful, you will see this message:

Device successfully added.

To display a report of the current DS devices managed by the CIM agent, run this command:
dscimcli lsdev -l -s

Here is an example of the output:


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Type IP IP2 Username Storage Image ==== =============== =============== ========= ================ DS SSPC-TEAM IBM.1234-75P6151 Status Code Level ====== =========== successful Min Codelevel =============

For more information about the DS CIM agent, see IBM System Storage DS Open Application Programming Interface Reference for CIM agent 5.3.

Starting the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI

This section provides information for starting the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. On your desktop, you will see the following icons. These icons provide a direct link to the IBM support site: v IBM Support for SSPC v IBM Support for DS8300 v IBM Support for TotalStorage Productivity Center v IBM Support SAN Volume Controller When you first open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI, follow these steps: 1. On your desktop, click Start > Programs > TotalStorage Productivity Center > Productivity Center or double-click the Productivity Center icon. Note: The default user ID and password are db2admin and passw0rd. 2. The first time you start TotalStorage Productivity Center, you will see this dialog panel:
The Configuration Utility is a tool that you can use to help set up your IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center environment. One of the tasks that you can perform with the Configuration Utility is to add element managers. Element managers enable you to access the user interfaces for configuring and administering storage subsystems. To add an element manager, click the Element Manager tab within the Configuration Utility, click the Add Element Manager button, and define information about the element manager. After successfully adding an element manager, you can launch it to access the corresponding IBM DS8000 Storage Manager. Do you want to run the Configuration Utility now?

You can respond with Yes or No. Note: If you respond with No, you can open the Configuration Utility at a later time. 3. Click the Element Management button in the toolbar to see the Element Management perspective. 4. You can then add an element manager. 5. If you want to learn more about IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center, click the Enterprise Management button in the toolbar to see the Enterprise Management perspective. Click IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center > Configuration Utility in the navigation tree.
Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


After the DS8000 GUI is installed, the default password must be changed. If the default password has not been changed, you will be required to change it when you launch the DS8000 GUI through TotalStorage Productivity Center. This is true for each element manager that you add. When adding an element manager, you will see this message:
HWNEM0101E Change the default administrator password now to avoid security conflicts.

Click OK. The Add Element Manager panel is displayed. Change the password and confirm password fields to the new password. Click OK. This will change the default password for the DS8000 GUI on the HMC and the element manager is added. Note: If you have changed this default password using a browser to directly access the HMC, you can skip this step.

Configuring the DS8000 element managers

This section provides information for configuring the DS8000 element managers. Before you can configure the DS8000 element managers using TotalStorage Productivity Center, you must have your DS8000 installed and set up. You can add DS8000 element managers in the following ways: v Using the Element Management perspective. See Element Management perspective. v Using the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective. See Enterprise Management perspective on page 23.

Element Management perspective

This section provides information on how to use TotalStorage Productivity Center to work with DS8000 element managers. Use element managers to access the DS8000 Storage Manager interface for configuring and administering your DS8000 storage subsystems. To use TotalStorage Productivity Center with DS8000 element managers, follow these steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Click Start > Programs > TotalStorage Productivity Center > Productivity Center. Click the Element Management button in the toolbar. This opens the Element Management perspective. This perspective enables you to manage multiple DS8000 element managers within one console. To go back to the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective, click the Enterprise Management button in the tool bar.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Figure 2. Displaying the Element Management page

Note: You must use the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI to access and work with the Element Management perspective. 2. The main page in the Element Management perspective displays a list of DS8000 element managers that are visible to TotalStorage Productivity Center. You can use this page to manage Release 3 and pre-Release 3 DS8000 element managers.

Figure 3. List of DS8000 element managers

DS8000 element managers can be added to the list in one of two ways: v Manually add the DS8000 element manager through the Add Element Manager page.
Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


v Discover the DS8000 element manager through the TotalStorage Productivity Center CIMOM discovery process. DS8000 Element Managers associated with that CIMOM will be automatically added to this window upon a successful discovery. If you use this method, you must provide the DS8000 user ID and password before launching the element manager. 3. To manually add an element manager, select Add Element Manager from the Select action pulldown. This displays the following page:

Figure 4. Add Element Manager page

Enter the following information: Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) and their associated text boxes are highlighted in yellow. *Username Enter the user name that IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center will use to log in to an element manager and access the interface for administering the associated storage subsystems. *Password Enter the password associated with the *Username. Note: If the DS8000 element manager that you want to add is a new R3 installation that is using the default ESSNI user password


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

(generally the password is admin), you will be prompted to change that password before adding it to IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. *Password Confirm Reenter the password you entered on the *Password field. Display Name Enter the name of the element manager as you want it to appear in the Name column and Select a view menu on the Element Management page. The IP address of the machine on which the element manager is located will be used if you do not enter a value in this field. Connection Use this section to define connection information for the element manager. *IP Address Enter the IP address of the host machine where the element manager is located. Note: The host machine also represents the machine where the corresponding DS8000 Storage Manager is installed. *Protocol Select the protocol (http or https) of the element manager. *Port Add Enter the port number on which the element manager listens for requests.

Click this button to add the element manager. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center tests the connection to the element manager. If successful, the element manager appears on the Element Management page. If unsuccessful, an error message appears indicating that the element manager at the specified IP address could not be added. Click this button to close the window without adding the element manager to the Element Management page.


Enterprise Management perspective

This is the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective. This section explains how to make the CIMOM (DS CIM Agent) that is embedded on the DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC) visible to TotalStorage Productivity Center. Storage management applications such as TotalStorage Productivity Center use the CIM interface that is provided by CIM agents to collect storage metrics about managed storage entities. You are not required to add DS8000 CIMOMs to TotalStorage Productivity Center if you want to use the DS8000 Element Manager perspective to configure and administer DS8000 storage subsystems only. However, adding a DS8000 CIMOM and discovering the storage entities it manages also enables you to: v Add element managers associated with DS8000 CIMOMs automatically to the DS8000 Element Manager perspective when you run a discovery against the CIMOM. v Use TotalStorage Productivity Center to monitor and collect storage metrics about the DS8000 storage subsystems that are managed by the CIMOMs.
Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


v Use TotalStorage Productivity Center to monitor and collect storage metrics about other storage entities that are managed by the CIMOMs. You can add CIMOMs manually or automatically (through CIMOM discovery).

Adding a CIMOM manually

This section provides information on how to add a CIMOM manually. Note: This procedure does not physically add the CIMOM to your environment, but provides IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center with the information it needs to communicate with that CIMOM. To add a CIMOM manually, follow these steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. 2. In the navigation tree, expand Administrative Services > Data Sources. Click CIMOM Agents. 3. In the right pane, click Add CIMOM. The Add CIMOM window opens. 4. Specify information about the CIMOM: Host Port The IP address of the CIMOM. For example: The port on which the CIMOM is listening. By default, this is 5989 for a secure connection and 5988 for an unsecure connection.

Username The user ID used for authentication, if required by the CIMOM. Password and Password Confirm The password, if required by the CIMOM. Interoperability Namespace This namespace within the CIMOM allows for accessing the CIM Interop Schema (including the class instances of the Server Profile) and determines how IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center interacts with the CIMOM when retrieving information. Protocol This can be http (unsecure connection) or https (secure connection). Note: The default CIMOM ports are 8451 for http and 8452 for https. Truststore Location The location (path on this computer) of a certificate file for certificate-based authentication in the https protocol. Truststore Passphrase The passphrase used for the truststore certificate file. Display Name The name of the CIMOM, as specified by the CIMOM provider. This name will appear in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center interface. Description The optional description for the CIM agent. Test Connection Check this box to have IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center ensure that communication to the CIMOM is working properly before adding information about that CIMOM.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

5. Click OK.

Discover CIMOMs automatically

This topic discusses how to discover storage subsystem CIMOMs that are visible to the Device server using Service Location Protocol (SLP). In many cases CIMOMs can be automatically discovered using SLP. The criteria is that the CIMOM must be visible to the Device server. Note: This procedure does not physically add the CIMOM to your environment, but provides IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center with the information it needs to communicate with that CIMOM. This includes information that you defined and CIMOMs discovered using SLP. To automatically discover all CIMOMs that are visible to the Device server, complete the following steps: 1. In the Navigation Tree pane, expand Administrative Services Discovery. 2. Right-click CIMOM and click Run Now. 3. In the CIMOM Discovery job submitted. dialog, click OK. The job name is located below the CIMOM. While it is running, the CIMOM job has a blue circle outline to the left of the job name. 4. To determine if the job has completed, right-click CIMOM and click Update Job Status. If the job has completed successfully, a green square is shown in front of the job name. If it has completed but failed, a red circle is shown. Note: A job returns as failed if any discoveries are unsuccessful. Some CIMOMs may still have been discovered successfully. After the job completes, the discovered CIMOMs are listed in the CIMOM Agents table. Expand Administrative Services Data Sources and click CIMOM Agents. For each CIMOM you want to use, highlight the CIMOM and click the magnifying glass at the left of the listing. You must select the CIMOMs one at a time. The CIMOM Agents window will open. Enter additional information, such as user Username and Password, for the CIMOM and check Test CIMOM connectivity before updating. Click Save to save the information and perform a connectivity check.



7. 8.

Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI
This section provides steps for configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to allow you to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the SAN Volume Controller command-line interface (CLI). To configure the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI, follow these steps: 1. Log on as a local administrator (for example, as the Administrator user) to the System Storage Productivity Center server. 2. Configure the browser. See Configuring the browser on page 26. 3. Generate an SSH key pair using PuTTYgen. See Generating an SSH key pair using PuTTYgen on page 26. 4. Configure a PuTTYgen session to access the CLI. See Configuring a default PuTTY session on page 27.
Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


5. Store the private and public keys in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory. See Storing keys in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory on page 27.

Configuring the browser

If you plan to access the SAN Volume Controller using a browser other than the one that is preinstalled on the System Storage Productivity Center system, use the configuration instructions of your chosen browser to ensure that new windows (pop-ups) can automatically open when you visit a Web site. Also, uninstall or turn off any applications that block or suppress pop-up windows. Note: If you are using Internet Explorer 7.0 and receive a message that a pop-up has been blocked, click the Information Bar at the top of the browser and select Always allow popups from this site. If you receive a message that content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate, click the Information Bar at the top of the screen and select Show blocked content.

Generating an SSH key pair using PuTTYgen

You must generate SSH keys to use the SAN Volume Controller Console and the SAN Volume Controller CLI to manage clusters. To generate SSH keys on the System Storage Productivity Center, follow these steps: 1. Start PuTTYgen by clicking Start > Programs > PuTTY > PuTTYgen. 2. Click SSH-2 RSA as the type of key to be generated. 3. Click Generate. 4. Move the cursor around the blank area of the Key section to generate a random number. 5. Click Save public key to save the key. 6. Type icat as the name of the key and click OK. The icat file exists in C:\Program Files\PuTTY, You will see this message:
PuTTYgen Warning Overwrite existing file C:\Program Files\PuTTY\icat? [Yes] [No]

Click Yes. 7. Click Save private key to save the key. 8. Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm that you want to create the key without a passphrase. 9. Type icat.ppk as the name of the key and click OK. This file exists in the PuTTY directory.
PuTTYgen Warning Overwrite existing file C:\Program Files\PuTTY\icat.ppk? [Yes] [No]

Click Yes. 10. Close PuTTYgen.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Storing keys in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory

When you generate or change the SSH keys that are used to communicate with the SAN Volume Controller cluster, you must store a copy of the new private key in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory. To store a copy of the new private key in the SAN Volume Controller Console installation directory, follow these steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open a command prompt window by clicking Start > Run. 2. Type cmd.exe in the Open box. Click OK. 3. Type the following command:
copy <path>\icat.ppk C:\"Program Files"\IBM\svcconsole\cimom

where path is the path where you stored the SSH private key when it was generated. The copy command displays this message. Enter Yes or Y to this message:
C:\Program Files\PuTTY>copy icat.ppk c:\"program files"\IBM\svcconsole\ cimom Overwrite c:\program files\IBM\svcconsole\cimom\icat.ppk? (Yes/No/All): y 1 file(s) copied.

Note: Directory names with embedded spaces must be surrounded by double quotation marks. 4. Stop and start the IBM CIM Object Manager to save the changes. Follow these steps: a. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. b. Double-click Administrative Tools. c. Double-click Services. d. From the list of services, right-click IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Pegasus Server. Select Stop and wait for Windows to stop the service. e. From the list of services, right-click IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Pegasus Server. Select Start.

Configuring a default PuTTY session

This topic describes how to set up an SSH session to access the SAN Volume Controller CLI. You must perform these steps only if you are planning to run PuTTY from a command prompt window and you are using private and public keys. Follow these steps: 1. Click Start > Programs > PuTTY > PuTTY to open the PuTTY Configuration GUI window. 2. In the Category pane, make sure that Session is selected. 3. Type the name or IP address of the SAN Volume Controller cluster in the Host Name (or IP Address) field. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select SSH as the protocol under the PuTTY basic options. In the Category pane, click Connection > SSH. Select 2 as the preferred SSH protocol version. In the Category pane, click Auth.
Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


8. Type the fully-qualified file name of the SSH client private key file that you specified when you used the PuTTY Key Generator in the Private key file for authentication field in the Authentication Parameters. For example:
C:\Program Files\PuTTY\icat.ppk

If you do not know the file name, you can click Browse to select the file name from the system directory. 9. In the Category pane, click Session. 10. Type the name that you want to use to associate with this session in the Saved Sessions field. For example, you can name the session SAN Volume Controller Cluster 1. 11. Click Save to save your settings.

Backing up and recovering your SSPC system

This topic provides information on backing up and recovering your SSPC system. Backing up your system allows you to recover your system in the event of a system failure. To back up your system, see the following: v For information about backing up and restoring the TotalStorage Productivity Center database, see the Redbook at sg247348.html?Open . See Chapter 3: IBM Total Productivity Center database considerations. You should also back up your configuration files: For TotalStorage Productivity Center: C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\config. For the Data server: C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\data\config. For Device server: C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\device\conf. v The recovery procedure for the SAN Volume Controller Console will be to reinstall the console. Therefore, no backup is required. v If you have installed other programs on your SSPC system like an antivirus program, see your documentation for that program. To recover your system in the event of a system failure, restore the programs in this order: 1. Use the Windows CDs to reinstall your operating system. 2. Reinstall DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2. 3. Reinstall TotalStorage Productivity Center V3.3.1. Restore your database and configuration files. Re-configure your system. See Chapter 3, Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center, on page 15. 4. Reinstall PuTTY (for SAN Volume Controller). 5. Reinstall the SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM agent 4.2.1. Re-configure the SAN Volume Controller Console. See Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI on page 25.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Starting and stopping the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center services

This section provides information on how to start and stop the TotalStorage Productivity Center services.

Starting the TotalStorage Productivity Center services

This section provides information on how to start the TotalStorage Productivity Center services. Windows To start the services on Windows, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Start the following services:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - Device Server IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center - Data Server

Linux To start the services on Linux:

Data server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/data/server/tpcdsrv1 start Device server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/device/bin/linux/


To start the services on AIX:

Data server: startsrc -s TSRMsrv1 Device server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/device/bin/aix/

Stopping the TotalStorage Productivity Center services

This section provides information on how to stop the TotalStorage Productivity Center services. Windows To stop the services on Windows, go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Stop the following services:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - Device Server IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center - Data Server

Linux To stop the services on Linux:

Data server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/data/server/tpcdsrv1 stop Device server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/device/bin/linux/


To stop the services on AIX:

Data server: stopsrc -s TSRMsrv1 Device server: /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/device/bin/aix/

Windows License Activation

This topic provides information about activating the Windows license. When you purchase System Storage Productivity Center, this will include the license for Windows. You must activate this license within 24 days. In the lower right-hand corner of your desktop, you will see a Windows activation window which displays this message:
24 days left for activation

To activate this license, follow these steps: 1. The Lets activate Windows panel is displayed. You will see this information and options:

Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


Do you want to activate Windows now? o Yes, lets activate Windows over the Internet now o Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows o No, remind me to activate Windows every few days If you wait to activate, you can still use Windows, but you will receive periodic reminders. After 24 day(s), you must activate Windows before you can continue to use it.

Select Yes, lets activate Windows over the Internet now and click Next. Note: If you activate the Windows license over the telephone, you will get a machine voice system. Just enter your key by the telephone and then you will get a key back by this machine voice. 2. The Register with Microsoft? panel is displayed. You will see this information and options:
Registration is optional and is not required to activate Windows. After you register, Microsoft can, with your consent, notify you of product updates, new products, events and special offers. Do you want to register while you are activating Windows? o Yes, I want to register and activate Windows at the same time o No, I dont want to register now, lets just activate Windows

Select an option and click Next. If you select the option to register the Windows license, you will see a panel prompting for registration data. Provide the information and click Next.

Setting up the SSPC environment

This topic provides information about setting up the SSPC and TotalStorage Productivity Center environment. TotalStorage Productivity Center enables an administrator to configure and change many aspects of the storage environment. Therefore, it is required that the administrator ensure that all users accessing TotalStorage Productivity Center have the appropriate permission. The procedure to add users to the SSPC environment involves two areas: v On the operating system level, the user needs to be added to a group. v The operating system group gets mapped to TotalStorage Productivity Center roles. TotalStorage Productivity Center supports two main types of users: the operator and the administrator. For DS8000, two roles are commonly used: v Disk administrator v Disk operator To set up a user on SSPC, the administrator needs to first grant appropriate user permissions on the operating system: 1. On the SSPC desktop, click My computer > Manage > Local Users and Groups > Users. 2. Click Action > New user.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

3. On the New User dialog, enter the following information: v User name v Password v If appropriate, select the box for User must change password at next logon. Note: If this box is selected, the new user must change the password when the user logs in. v If appropriate, select the box for Password never expires. 4. Go to Local Users and Groups > Groups. 5. Right-click on Groups to add a new group or select an existing group. To add a new group, enter information for the Group Name, Description, and Members fields. Click Add. If you select an existing group, highlight the group, right-click and click Add to group. To use an existing group, double-click on a group and click Add. Click Add > Advanced > Find Now. The list of users will be displayed at the bottom of the panel. Select the user or users to be added to the group. Click OK three times until you exit the Administrators Properties dialog. Note: To simplify administration, the Windows User group names can be identical to the role names as defined by TotalStorage Productivity Center. The group defined in the operating system now needs to be mapped to a role defined by TotalStorage Productivity Center. 1. Log into TotalStorage Productivity Center with Administrator permissions and click Administrative Services > Configuration > Role-to-Group Mappings. 2. Add the group you created in Windows to a TotalStorage Productivity Center role. For DS8000 management, the recommended roles are Disk Operator or Disk Administrator. 3. Once the administrator has completed the user role step, the operator is able to access the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. Note: If the administrator selected Change password at first login on Windows, the user needs to first log into SSPC to change the password. The login can be done at the SSPC terminal itself or by Remote Desktop. The operator can even change the password by Remote Desktop if there is no access permission set to allow Remote Desktop. To access the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI, the operator will use the information about TotalStorage Productivity Center username and login password, and the SSPC IP address as communicated by the SSPC administrator to open a browser session: 1. Connect to http://<SSPC_IP_address>:9550/ITSRM/app/welcome.html. 2. Select TPC GUI and open with the Java Web Start executable. For the initial setup, a Java Web Start session will be opened and the TSRMGUI.jar file will be offloaded to the workstation the browser was started on. 3. Launch the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. 4. Enter the user name and password. 5. Change the field Server to <SSPC_IP_address>:9549 if there is no name server resolution between the user terminal and SSPC.

Chapter 3. Configuring IBM System Storage Productivity Center


Note: To set the SSPC IP address in the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI entry screen: 1. On the workstation the browser for TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI is launched, go to:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_ID>\ApplicationData\IBM\Java\ Deployment\javaws\cache\heep\<SSPC_IP_address>\P9550\DMITSRM\DMapp

2. Open the file AMtpcgui.jnlp. Change the following settings:

<argument>SSPC_Name:9549</argument> <argument><SSPC_ipaddress>:9549</argument>


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 4. Installing optional applications

This section provides information about optional applications you can install on the System Storage Productivity Center server. You can install these optional applications on the System Storage Productivity Center: v Agent Manager and agents. See Installing the Agent Manager and agents. v TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication 3.3.1. See Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication on page 34. If you are installing the Agent Manager and agents, you should have the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Installation and Configuration Guide available. This is found in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center: If you are installing IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, you should have the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Installation and Configuration Guide available. This is found in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center: v4r1/index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. If you install these optional applications or an antivirus program, you should also back up these programs. See the appropriate documentation for backup procedures.

Installing the Agent Manager and agents

This topic provides information about installing the Agent Manager and agents. If you have the license for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition, you can install the Agent Manager and agents. The Fabric agents provide information about the fabrics on your system and provide zone control operations and information. The Data agents provide information about the computer systems IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center is managing. There are several steps involved with installing and activating the Agent Manager and agents. These steps assume that TotalStorage Productivity Center is already installed: 1. If you are installing the Agent Manager on a machine that does not have DB2 installed, install DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2. For information about installing DB2, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > DB2. 2. Install the Agent Manager. For information about installing the Agent Manager, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > Agent Manager. 3. Register the Device server and Data server with the Agent Manager. For information about registering the servers with the Agent Manager, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site:
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33 Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Configuring > Agent Manager Registration. 4. Install the agents (Data agent and Fabric agent). For information about installing the agents, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: v4r1/index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing the agents.

Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication

This section provides general information for installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication V3.3.1 is a product that is separate from the other members of the TotalStorage Productivity Center family. This program will not be preinstalled but must be installed by you on the SSPC machine. For information about installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, go to: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing. There are known issues when you install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center in the same environment. For more information about these issues, point your Web browser to See the following section: TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing > Prerequisites > Coexistence between TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides information about using System Storage Productivity Center to manage your storage environment. System Storage Productivity Center provides two perspectives to help manage your storage environment: Enterprise Management and Element Management. Use the Enterprise Management perspective to perform tasks such as configuration, data collection, policy management, alerting, and reporting. Use the Element Management perspective to add, manage, and launch the element managers for administering storage subsystems. A perspective is a view for organizing related features and functions that are integrated within the TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface. By switching perspectives, you can access a complete set of tools for performing a specific set of enterprise management tasks. To switch perspectives, click the Element Management or Enterprise Management buttons on the toolbar, or expand the Element Manager node in the navigation tree and click the appropriate subnode. On AIX and Linux, when Element Management is launched from the TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface, it will appear in an external browser. On Windows, the Element Management perspective will appear imbedded within the TotalStorage Productivity Center user interface. For more information about how to use IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center, see the Information Center: index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center.

Using online help

System Storage Productivity Center provides a comprehensive online help system for accessing context-sensitive information about the functions within the user interface. This section provides information on how to access the online help. Use the online help system within System Storage Productivity Center to: v View information about the fields, buttons, text boxes, and other elements on the windows and panels in the user interface. v Learn how to perform storage-management tasks using features and functions available within System Storage Productivity Center. Use the following methods for accessing online help from different locations within the user interface:

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Location in the user interface from which you want to access help v System Storage Productivity Center main window v Enterprise Management perspective v Element Management perspective (on Windows) DS8000 Storage Manager windows The DS8000 Storage Manager user interface appears when you launch an element manger from the Element Manager page.

How to access online help Press F1 or select an option from the Help menu.

Description of the online help This online help appears in a separate window and provides information about how to use the menu bar, toolbar, Enterprise Management perspective, and Element Management perspective. This online help appears within a Web browser and provides information about how to use the DS8000 Storage Manager.


Element Management Switch to the System Storage perspective within a Web Productivity Center main browser (AIX and Linux only) window, select Help > Help Directory from the menu bar, The Element Management and click the Element perspective will appear Manager topic in the within an external Web navigation tree of the help browser when launched from window. within the System Storage Productivity Center user interface on AIX and Linux.

This online help appears in a separate window and provides information about how to use the Element Management perspective.

Using the Element Management perspective

This section explains how to use the Element Management perspective in the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI to manage element managers. You can use element managers to launch the DS8000 Storage Manager interface for administering the DS8000 storage subsystems associated with those element managers. To use the Element Management perspective, follow these steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. After the GUI opens, expand Element Manager and click IBM DS8000 in the navigation tree. This opens the following screen:


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Figure 5. Accessing Element Manager

2. Click Element Management on the toolbar or in the right pane to open the Element Management perspective. The main page in this perspective lists the known element managers and provides you with the tools for managing Release 3 and pre-Release 3 DS8000 element managers. Note: There might not be any element managers listed on the main page if you are using the Element Management perspective for the first time. You must add element managers before they can be listed.

Figure 6. Element Management perspective main page and list of known element managers

Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


Note: Click Enterprise Management in the toolbar at any time to return to the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective. You can perform the following tasks in the Element Management perspective: v Launch the DS8000 Element Management Configuration page with a list of element managers that are visible to TotalStorage Productivity Center. v Launch the DS8000 GUI (for example, the DS8000 Storage Manager) to configure and administer the storage subsystems associated with an element manager. (See the note following this list.) Note that on Windows, the DS8000 Storage Manager is launched into a TotalStorage Productivity Center-embedded browser window; on AIX and Linux, the DS8000 Storage Manager is launched into an external Web browser window. v Add element managers that you want to manage. v Remove element managers. v Modify element managers that appear on the page. v Test the connection between IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and element managers. v Add CIMOM connections for element managers. For example, perform this task to associate a CIMOM (DS CIM Agent) that is embedded on a DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC) with a DS8000 element manager. You are not required to associate CIMOMs with element managers if you only want to configure and administer DS8000 storage subsystems. However, doing so enables you to use IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center to monitor and collect storage metrics about the associated DS8000 storage subsystem and discover other storage entities managed by the CIMOM. v Modify CIMOM connections for element managers. v Remove CIMOM connections from element managers. v Click the Enterprise Management button in the toolbar to return to the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center main window. Note: The DS8000 GUI username and password are stored for each TotalStorage Productivity Center user, which means that a set of user credentials must be stored for each TotalStorage Productivity Center user that wishes to access a DS8000 GUI. The Element Management perspective main panel lists all element managers known to TotalStorage Productivity Center, irrespective of the presence of valid user credentials. Element manager credentials could be out of date or absent for that TotalStorage Productivity Center user. If the element manager has been added to TotalStorage Productivity Center using different credentials from the ones you are currently using, or if you attempt to open the DS8000 GUI for the first time after the element manager was added to TotalStorage Productivity Center by CIMOM discovery, you will encounter the following error message: The element manager GUI cannot be accessed because the user name and password are missing. Update the required fields in the next dialog. The GUI will be displayed after the fields have been correctly completed and the dialog closed.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

If, for example, you have created an element manager with one set of credentials and are currently logged onto TotalStorage Productivity Center as another user with different credentials, you could open the DS8000 GUI in one of two ways: v Add credentials. Close the warning message. The Modify Element Manager dialog will open. Add the current credentials and click Save. You can then open the DS8000 GUI for that element manager. Use this method with caution since anyone who knows the TotalStorage Productivity Center credentials can manage the DS8000 device, including performing destructive operations. v Log on as the user who added the element manager. Close the warning message and the Modify Element Manager dialog. Change to the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective and log out as the current user. Log in as the user who created the element manager. Change to the Element Management perspective and open the DS8000 GUI. If the element manager has been added by CIMOM discovery, user credential information has not been automatically added. The first time you attempt to open the DS8000 GUI you will need to provide user credentials. Close the error message and enter the credential information in the Modify Element Manager dialog. Click Save. You can then open the DS8000 GUI for that element manager.

Select a view menu

This topic describes the Select a view menu. With the Select a view menu you can: v Access the main page in the Element Management perspective by selecting Element Manager Configuration. v Launch an element manager to access the interface for configuring and administering the storage subsystems associated with that element manager.

Figure 7. Select a view menu

Element managers that have a valid user ID and password and have successfully connected to TotalStorage Productivity Center appear in this menu. There might be situations where element managers appear in the table on this page but not in the Select a view menu. This occurs because the user ID and password have not been provided for those element managers. For example, if an element manger was found through CIMOM discovery, it is automatically added to the table but not to the Select a view menu because the user ID and password for that element manager has not yet been provided. Note: You will be prompted for a user ID and password if you have not yet configured an element to communicate with IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. You must enter information about an element manager on the Modify Element Manager window before you can launch that element manager.
Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


Select action menu

Use this drop-down menu to perform actions against the element managers that are shown in the Element Management perspective. Click the Select action menu to see what actions are available. The actions available in this menu will change depending on whether an element manager is selected or a selected element manager has an existing CIMOM connection.

Figure 8. Select action menu

The Modify CIMOM Connection and Remove CIMOM Connection actions at the bottom of the Selection action menu only appear if an active CIMOM connection is selected.

Figure 9. The CIMOM Select action menu

Adding element managers

This section discusses how to add DS8000 element managers. Add the element managers associated with the DS8000 storage arrays that you want to configure and administer. There are two ways to add element managers: v Manual method (Element Management perspective): Use the Add Element Manager option in the Element Management perspective to add element managers one at a time. v Automatic method (Enterprise Management perspective): Use the CIMOM discovery process in TotalStorage Productivity Center to add any element managers that are managing the same storage subsystems as CIMOMs.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Using Add Element Manager

Use the Add Element Manager action in the Element Management perspective to add element mangers to TotalStorage Productivity Center. Use this method when you want to add one element manager at a time or do not require TotalStorage Productivity Center to monitor the storage subsystem associated with the element manger. To add a DS8000 element manager, follow these steps: 1. Start TotalStorage Productivity Center by double-clicking the Productivity Center icon on the desktop or selecting Start Programs IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Productivity Center. 2. Log in to TotalStorage Productivity Center. 3. Use either of the following methods to add an element manager: v Click the Element Management button in the toolbar to access the Element Management perspective. Select Add Element Manager from the Select action menu. v Expand the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center node in the navigation tree, click Configuration Utility, and click the Add Element Manager button. This displays the Configure Element Manager page.

Figure 10. Configure Element Manager page

Enter the following information:

Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). *Username Enter the user name that IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center will use to log in to an element manager and access the interface for administering the associated storage subsystems. *Password Enter the password associated with the *Username. Note: If the DS8000 element manager that you want to add is a new R3 installation that is using the default ESSNI user password (generally the password is admin), you will be prompted to change that password before adding it to IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center. *Password Confirm Reenter the password you entered on the *Password field. Display Name Enter the name of the element manager as you want it to appear in the Name column and Select a view menu on the Element Management page. The IP address of the machine on which the element manager is located will be used if you do not enter a value in this field. Connection Use this section to define connection information for the element manager. *IP Address Enter the IP address of the host machine where the element manager is located. Note: The host machine also represents the machine where the corresponding DS8000 Storage Manager is installed. *Protocol Select the protocol (http or https) of the element manager. *Port Add Enter the port number on which the element manager listens for requests.

Click this button to add the element manager. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center tests the connection to the element manager. If successful, the element manager appears on the Element Management page. If unsuccessful, an error message appears indicating that the element manager at the specified IP address could not be added.

Cancel Click this button to close the window without adding the element manager to the Element Management page. 4. Click Add to add the element manager. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center tests the connection to the element manager. If successful, the element manager appears in the table on the Element Management page and in the Select a view menu. If unsuccessful, an error message appears indicating that the element manager at the specified IP address could not be added. Click Cancel to close the window without attempting to add the element manager.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Add element managers with CIMOM discovery

Use the CIMOM discovery process in TotalStorage Productivity Center to add element managers that are managing the same storage subsystems as CIMOMs in your environment. The element managers discovered through the CIMOM discovery process are automatically added to the Element Management page. Use this method when you want to add multiple element managers to TotalStorage Productivity Center simultaneously. For example, use these steps when: 1) you want to run a discovery against multiple CIMOMs and each of those CIMOMs has a registered DS8000, or 2) you have more than one registered DS8000 per CIMOM. To add a DS8000 element manager through CIMOM discovery, complete the following steps: 1. Click the Enterprise Management button in the toolbar to access the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective. Note: While you are in the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective, you can access the help files for all the functions used in this procedure. 2. Add a CIMOM. a. Expand Administrative Services Data Sources CIMOM Agents, and in the right pane click Add CIMOM. b. The Add CIMOM window opens. c. Specify information about the CIMOM. d. Click Save Note: This procedure does not physically add the CIMOM to your environment, but provides IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center with the information it needs to communicate with that CIMOM. 3. Run a CIMOM discovery. Expand Administrative Services Discovery, right-click CIMOM and select Run Now. The CIMOM discovery process adds the element managers that are managing the same DS8000 storage subsystems as the CIMOM. Note that element managers that are added through CIMOM discovery might exist on HMCs other than the HMC where the CIMOM is located. 4. Select DS8000 Element Manager from the perspective pull-down list. The element managers appears in the DS8000 Element Manager perspective page. The element managers that you add in this way have a status of Unknown when you access the DS8000 Element Manager perspective. You must define the ID and password that IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center will use to log into those element managers before you can configure and administer the associated DS8000 storage arrays.

Launching element managers

There are three ways to launch element managers. The method you choose will depend on whether you want to launch a specific element manger or launch an element manager associated with a specific DS8000 storage subsystem. Use the following steps to launch an element manager and access the DS8000 Storage Manager. Use the DS8000 Storage Manager to administer and configure the associated DS8000 storage subsystems.
Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


1. Use one of the following methods to launch an element manager: v Launch a specific element manager: Access the DS8000 Element Manager perspective and click the element manager link that appears in the Name column. In the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective, access IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Configuration Utility Element Manager, highlight a DS8000 storage subsystem, and click Launch Element Manager. v Launch an element manager associated with a specific DS8000 storage subsystem: In the TotalStorage Productivity Center perspective, expand Disk Manager Storage Subsystems, highlight a DS8000 storage subsystem, and click Launch Element Manager. If the connection information for an element manager is valid. the DS8000 Storage Manager appears and you can administer the associated DS8000 storage array. If unsuccessful, an error message appears indicating that the element manager at the specified IP address could not be modified. If you have not defined the required connection information for an element manager, a message window indicates that an ID and password have not been defined for the element manager. Continue to the next step. 2. Click OK on the message window. The Modify Element Manager window appears. 3. Enter login information for the element manager and click OK. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center tests the connection to the element manager. If successful, the DS8000 Storage Manager interface appears and you can administer the associated DS8000 storage array. If unsuccessful, an error message appears indicating that the element manager at the specified IP address could not be modified.

Modify Element Manager

This topic provides information on how to modify or view a specified DS8000 Element Manager in the Configure Agent page. To use the interface, follow these steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select the element manager that you want to view or modify. 4. Select Modify Element Manager from the Select Action pulldown. The Configure Element Manager screen, giving information for the selected element manager, opens:


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Figure 11. Modify the element manager information

5. This screen gives connection information about the element manager, and allows you to change some of the values. v If you only want to view the information for this element manager, do not continue to the next step. When you are done viewing information, click Cancel to close the Configure Agent window without making any changes. v If you want to edit the element manager information, continue to the next step. 6. To modify the selected element manager, you can update the following fields: Username The user ID used for authentication, if required by the CIMOM. Password and Password Confirm The password, if required by the CIMOM. Display Name The name that will appear in the DS8000 Welcome page list. 7. Click OK to save the changes. When complete, a confirmation popup will open. Click OK. The changes are displayed in the Welcome page list. Click Cancel to end without saving.

Remove Element Manager

This topic discusses removing a DS8000 element manager from the list of element managers. To remove an element manager from the list of element managers, complete the following steps:

Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select the element manager you want to remove. Select Remove Element Manager from the Select action menu. 4. The Remove Element Manager confirmation window is displayed. To remove the element manager, click OK. The element manager is deleted from the list. Note that when you remove an element manager it is removed from the list of element managers visible to TotalStorage Productivity Center only. This action does not affect the DS8000 Storage Manager on the HMC. To exit without removing the element manager, click Cancel. You can remove only one element manager from the list at a time.

Test Element Manager Connection

This topic explains how to test an element manager connection. To test the element manager connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select an element manager. 4. Select Test Element Manager Connection from the Select action menu. TotalStorage Productivity Center will test status of the element manager connection and update the Status column in the Welcome page list.

Add CIMOM Connection

This topic explains how to add a CIMOM connection. To add a CIMOM connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select the element manager from the list of known element managers. 4. Select Add CIMOM Connection from the Select action pull-down. The Configure Agent window will open.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Figure 12. Add a new CIMOM connection

5. Enter the following information: Username The user ID used for authentication, if required by the CIMOM. Password and Password Confirm The password, if required by the CIMOM. Display Name The name of the CIMOM, as specified by the CIMOM provider, that will appear in the DS8000 list. Description A description of the CIMOM. Connection Interoperability Namespace This namespace within the CIMOM allows for accessing the CIM Interop Schema (including the class instances of the Server Profile) and determines how IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center interacts with the CIMOM when retrieving information. IP Address The IP address of the CIMOM. For example: Protocol The version of the cim-xml protocol. Can be http or https
Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center



The port on which the CIMOM is listening. The default CIMOM ports are: http https 5988 5989

Truststore Location The location (path on this computer) of a certificate file for certificate based authentication in the https protocol. Truststore Password The password for the truststore location. Test Connection Click the Test Connection box. This will have IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center ensure that communication to the CIMOM is working properly before adding information about that CIMOM. 6. Click Add to apply the settings. A confirmation pop-up will open. Click OK to associate the CIMOM with the element manager. v If you selected Test Connection, IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center attempts to connect to the CIMOM using the information provided on this window. If the login information for a CIMOM is incorrect, an error occurs and an associated error message dialog box is displayed. v If you did not select Test Connection, the CIMOM is associated with the element manager but its connectivity with TotalStorage Productivity Center is not verified. After you click OK the following will occur: v A check mark will appear in the CIMOM column next to the associated element manager on the DS8000 Element Manager main page. v The CIMOM will be added to the Administrative Services Data Sources CIMOM agents window. v A discovery job will automatically run and discover the storage entities managed by that CIMOM. The discovery job could take some time to complete. If TotalStorage productivity Center can communicate with the CIMOM and the discovery job completes successfully, you can then run data collection jobs (probes, scans, subsystem performance monitors, and so forth) against the DS8000 storage subsystems and other storage entities managed by that CIMOM.

Modify CIMOM Connection

This topic shows you how to view or modify an existing CIMOM connection. To view or modify the CIMOM connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select the CIMOM you want to view or edit. 4. Select Modify CIMOM Connection from the Select action menu. The Configure Agent window opens listing the current information for the selected


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide


Figure 13. The Modify CIMOM Information screen

5. You can modify the following fields: Username The user ID used for authentication. Password and Password Confirm The password, if required by the CIMOM. Display Name The name that will appear in the DS8000 Welcome page list. Description A description of the CIMOM. Interoperability Namespace This namespace within the CIMOM allows for accessing the CIM Interop Schema (including the class instances of the Server Profile) and determines how IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center interacts with the CIMOM when retrieving information. Test Connection If not selected, click the Test Connection box. This will have IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center ensure that communication to the CIMOM is working properly before adding information about that CIMOM.
Chapter 5. Managing System Storage Productivity Center


6. Click OK to save the changes. When complete, a confirmation pop-up opens. Click OK. The changes are displayed in the Welcome page list Click Cancel to end without saving.

Remove CIMOM Connection

This topic shows you how to remove a CIMOM connection from an element manager. To remove a CIMOM connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Windows desktop, open the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI and log in. Expand Element Manager and click Managing. This opens the Element Management perspective. 2. Click Element Management in the right pane. The Welcome page opens. 3. Select the CIMOM you want to remove. 4. Select Remove CIMOM Connection from the Select action drop-down list. 5. A confirmation pop-up will open asking if you are sure you want to remove the CIMOM connection. To remove the CIMOM connection click OK. To exit without removing the CIMOM connection, click Cancel. The CIMOM connection is removed. The element manager is not removed from the list.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 6. Administering IBM System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides information on administration tasks for System Storage Productivity Center.

Changing the password

This section provides information on how to change the default password used by System Storage Productivity Center. When you purchase the hardware option for System Storage Productivity Center, the default password for the user account db2admin is passw0rd. This will be used by TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition. If you change this password, you must also change the following in this order: 1. DB2 administrative password 2. Device server password 3. WebSphere administrative user password 4. Data server password Follow these steps: 1. Change the DB2 administrative password on DB2. To change the DB2 administrative user password, you must also change the logon information for the following services: v DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2-0 v DB2 Governor (DB2COPY1) v DB2 Remote Command Server (DB2COPY1) v DB2DAS-DB2DAS00 To change this password for the DB2 services, follow these steps (this is for DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2-0): a. Stop the Device server. For information about stopping the Device server, see Starting and stopping the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center services on page 29. b. On the desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon. c. Click Manage. d. Double-click Services and Applications. e. Double-click Services. f. Right-click on DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2-0. g. Select Properties. h. Go to the Log On tab and enter the new password for db2admin in the Password and Confirm Password fields. i. Click OK. j. Repeat steps f-h for DB2 Governor (DB2COPY1), DB2 Remote Command Server (DB2COPY1), and DB2DAS-DB2DAS00. 2. Change the DB2 password for the Device server. Follow these steps: a. Open a Windows command prompt by selecting Start > Run. Type cmd in the Open field and press Enter.
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b. Navigate to the <TPC_install_dir>/cli directory and run the following command:

tpctool encrypt <password>

This encrypts the password. <password> is the new changed password. The new encrypted password will be displayed in the command prompt window. To copy this encrypted password into the file, follow these steps: 1) Go to the top of the command prompt window and right-click. 2) Click edit > mark. 3) Highlight the encrypted password. 4) Go to the top of the command prompt window and right-click. 5) Click edit > copy. c. Copy the encrypted password to the following file:

Replace this password by updating the row with the new encrypted password (Ctrl + v copies the encrypted password into this row):

3. Change the WebSphere administrative user password. Follow these steps: a. Go to the following directory:

For example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\device\bin\W32-ix86

b. Run the ChangeWASAdminPass script.

ChangeWASAdminPass.bat <user_ID> <password> <device_server_install_dir>

Where <user_ID> is the DB2 administrator ID, <password> is the password, and <device_server_install_dir> is the directory where the Device server is installed. For example, run these commands:
REM (this displays comments from running ChangeWASAdminPass.bat command) ChangeWASAdminPass.bat db2admin <changed_password> "c:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\device"

An example of the output is as follows:

WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode. "WAS admin username set" WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode. "WAS admin password set" WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode. "WAS global security set" Settting security on Embedded WAS Express has completed.

4. Change the DB2 password for the Data server. Follow these steps:


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

a. Open a Windows command prompt by selecting Start > Run. Type cmd in the Open field and press Enter. b. Go to the directory where the file repository.config resides in the TotalStorage Productivity Center installation path. For example:
c:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\data\config\ (Windows) /<usr or opt>/IBM/TPC/data/config/ (AIX or Linux)

c. Run the following command for the Data server. This assumes that the TotalStorage Productivity Center directory is in C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC for Windows.
"C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\data\config>\"program files"\ ibm\tpc\jre\bin\java -classpath "\program files\ibm\tpc\data\server\lib\" com.tivoli.itsrm.repository.Transform -p <new_password> repository.config

d. Reboot IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and restart the GUI. If the GUI is not working, check to see if DB2 and the TotalStorage Productivity Center services are running.

Chapter 6. Administering IBM System Storage Productivity Center



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 7. Uninstalling the IBM System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides information on how to uninstall the components for the System Storage Productivity Center. To uninstall the IBM System Storage Productivity Center, you must uninstall the components in a specific order. Uninstall the components and related software in this order: 1. Uninstall IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and related software. If you did not install the Agent Manager and agents, uninstall the components in this order: a. Data server and Device server. b. Database schema (this can be local or remote). c. DB2. For information about uninstalling DB2, go to http:// Search for Uninstalling your DB2 product. All of these components can be uninstalled at the same time. If you installed the Agent Manager and agents, uninstall the components in this order: a. Data agent and Fabric agent. b. Data server and Device server. c. Database schema (this can be local or remote). d. Agent Manager. For information about uninstalling Agent Manager, go to Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Uninstalling > Agent Manager. e. DB2. For information about uninstalling DB2, go to http:// Search for Uninstalling your DB2 product. For information about uninstalling TotalStorage Productivity Center, go to Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Uninstalling. Note: When uninstalling IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center on AIX and Linux systems, you must have some free space on the hard drive to start the uninstall program. This space is not checked by the uninstall program. You must have at least 50 KB of free space in /tmp and 10 KB of free space in /etc. 2. Uninstall TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. For information about uninstalling TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, go to Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Uninstalling TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. 3. Uninstall the SAN Volume Controller Console. For information about uninstalling the SAN Volume Controller Console, see the topic Uninstalling the SAN Volume Controller Console in IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide for Version 4.2.1.

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SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 8. Upgrading IBM System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides information on how to upgrade the System Storage Productivity Center.

TotalStorage Productivity Center

This section provides information on how to upgrade TotalStorage Productivity Center. To 1. 2. 3. 4. upgrade TotalStorage Productivity Center, follow these general steps: Start the TotalStorage Productivity Center installation program. Select Typical installation. Clear the check boxes for Agents and Register with the agent manager. The User ID and password, and server and agent information panel is displayed. Accept the defaults and click Next. 5. The Summary Information panel is displayed. Review the summary information panel and click Install. 6. The program will upgrade TotalStorage Productivity Center. For more information about upgrading TotalStorage Productivity Center, go to Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Upgrading. To upgrade Agent Manager, go to tivihelp/v4r1/index.jsp. Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Upgrading > Upgrading Agent Manager.

This section provides information on how to upgrade the DS8000 interfaces. To upgrade the interfaces for DS8000, go to http:// Search for Upgrading the interfaces.

SAN Volume Controller

This section provides information on how to upgrade the SAN Volume Controller. To upgrade the SAN Volume Controller Console, see Chapter 10. Upgrading the SAN Volume Controller software in IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide for Version 4.2.1.

TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication

This section provides information on how to upgrade TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication.

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To upgrade TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, go to Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Migrating from V3.1 to V3.3.

Upgrading the installation license

If you have installed a package on your system, for example, IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition, and want to add another package to your system (for example, IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition), all you have to do is upgrade the installation license on your system. This topic provides information on how to upgrade the installation license. When you purchase a new license for TotalStorage Productivity Center and already have a TotalStorage Productivity Center license, you do not have to install the product but just upgrade the TotalStorage Productivity Center license. To check the type of license you have, look for .sys files in the installation directory: TPCBE0303.SYS2 Indicates you have a TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition license. BTSSE03_03.SYS Indicates you have a TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition license. For example, if you want to upgrade the Basic Edition license to IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition, complete the following steps: 1. Start the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center installation program from the DVD or image for the license you want to upgrade to. 2. Go to the Select the type of installation panel. Select Installation Licenses. Click Next.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Figure 14. Select the type of installation you want to run panel

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The successfully installed panel is displayed. Click Next. Stop the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI. Stop the Device Server and Data Server. Start the Data Server and Device Server. Start the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI.

Chapter 8. Upgrading IBM System Storage Productivity Center



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center

This section provides troubleshooting information for the System Storage Productivity Center. For additional troubleshooting topics for TotalStorage Productivity Center, check the TotalStorage Productivity Center technical support Web site: Click on a product. Select the Troubleshooting tab. Under Problem resolution, click on Version 3 Flashes, Technical notes, and APARs.

Reporting a problem
This section provides information for the System Storage Productivity Center. When you encounter a problem, you should have these items ready: v The IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center version, release, modification, and service level number. v The communication protocol (for example, TCP/IP), version, and release number you are using. v The activity you were doing when the problem occurred, listing the steps you followed before the problem occurred. v The exact text of any error messages. You should also collect relevant logs and make a copy of the TotalStorage Productivity Center database using the repocopy tool. For information about the repocopy tool, go to the Information Center at infocenter/tivihelp/v4r1/index.jsp. Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Administering > TotalStorage Productivity Center > Exporting repository tables > Exporting repository data. For information about troubleshooting TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager, go to the Information Center at infocenter/tivihelp/v4r1/index.jsp. Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Troubleshooting. There also is a PDF publication titled IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Problem Determination Guide. For updated information about troubleshooting System Storage Productivity Center, go to the support site at: supportsite.wss/supportresources?brandind=5000033&familyind=5356448 &taskind=1. For updated information about troubleshooting TotalStorage Productivity Center, go to the support site at:

This section provides troubleshooting information for DB2.

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For information about troubleshooting DB2, go to the TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at: v4r1/index.jsp. Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Troubleshooting.

TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager

This section provides troubleshooting information for TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager. For information about troubleshooting TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager, go to Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center > Troubleshooting. There also is a PDF publication titled IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Problem Determination Guide. For troubleshooting the DS8000 Element Manager perspective: DS8000 Element Manager servlets The DS8000 Element Manager servlets run within the Device server web container. To access the log file, go to this directory:

DS8000 Element Manager Java Server Page To access the log file for the DS8000 Element Manager Java Server Page, go to this directory:
<TPC_install_dir>\device\apps\was\profiles\deviceServer\ installedApps\DefaultNode\DeviceServer.ear\DeviceServer.war

There also is a debugging console available. To access the debugging console, a flag needs to be passed to Java when launching the GUI. This flag is:
var dfConfig = {isDebug: true, "dojoDebugMasterConsole"};

This will cause TotalStorage Productivity Center to provide debug information to stdout. Note: If TotalStorage Productivity Center is launched using javaw.exe (as used by the default in the Windows shortcut), you will not see any output because javaw.exe hides the console window. In this case, you need to change the shortcut to use java.exe.

This section provides troubleshooting information for the DS8000. For information about troubleshooting the DS8000, go to http:// Click on Troubleshooting. From a browser, you can check the following: Version You can confirm that the DS8000 Element Manager is available by entering:

You will see the following: v R3.0 - will return with the correct version string.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

v R2.4 - will return with a NULL string (this feature is not supported in pre-release 3 versions). v If nothing is returned, the element manager is not accessible. Login You can verify that the element manager is running and you are able to login to the element manager. Enter this:
http://<ip>:<port>/DS8000/TokenManager?user=<user_name> &amp;passwd=<password>

A successful login results in a unique Java UID string being returned. This is true for R3 and R2.4. A NULL login means that the login failed. If nothing is returned, the element manager is unavailable.

SAN Volume Controller

This section provides troubleshooting information for the SAN Volume Controller. For information about troubleshooting the SAN Volume Controller, see Chapter 13. Troubleshooting the master console in IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide for Version 4.2.1.

TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication

This section provides troubleshooting information for TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. For information about troubleshooting TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, go to index.jsp. Click on TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Troubleshooting and Problem determination.

Troubleshooting descriptions
This section provides troubleshooting descriptions for the System Storage Productivity Center.

Error message: A duplicate name exists on the network.

This error message is displayed when you have duplicate node names on the network.

When you complete the Windows setup wizard and the system reboots, the following error message is displayed:
A duplicate name exists on the network.

Change the node name for one or both systems. For information about changing the node name, see Changing the servers host name on page 17.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center


Menu items in the Element Management perspective are not automatically hidden
This problem occurs when using the Element Management perspective in the TotalStorage Productivity Center GUI.

When using the Element Management perspective, the menu bars at the top of the main window might not behave correctly when you show the items in a menu but do not select any of those items. For example, if you pull down the list of items in the File menu but do not select an item, that list of items does not automatically become hidden when you click elsewhere in the perspective. To hide the items in an active menu from the display, you can click anywhere in the product title bar or menu bar. Note that if you click in the content pane of the perspective, the items in a previously selected menu will not be hidden.

See information described in Problem.

Error message: At least one service or driver failed during system startup
You receive this error message when you start the System Storage Productivity Center machine.

You receive these error messages when you start up the System Storage Productivity Center machine:
At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details.

You receive this error message when you log into the System Storage Productivity Center machine:
SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.

This error can occur if the host name does not match the name configured in DB2. If you instructed the IBM representative to change the host name or if you changed the host name without following the procedure in Changing the servers host name on page 17, this error can occur.

To use the new or changed host name, follow the steps in Changing the servers host name on page 17, starting with step 2.

Cannot save audit logs to System Storage Productivity Center

This occurs when you are trying to save the audit logs to System Storage Productivity Center.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

You receive this error message when you try to save the audit logs to System Storage Productivity Center:
Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.

The security settings and alert is a function of Internet Explorer and not TotalStorage Productivity Center or the DS8000 GUI. The cause could be because the Internet Explorer security settings are set too high to allow the download of files.

To change the security settings, follow these steps: 1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Click Tools > Internet Options. Click on the Security tab. 3. Change the internet zone security level from High to Medium. Click OK.

Element managers on the same machine appear in the Element Management perspective
IBM DS8000 element managers that exist on the same Hardware Management Console (HMC) might appear in the Element Management perspective at the same time.

This problem occurs if: 1. You manually add an element manager to the Element Management panel and indicate HTTP or HTTPs for its connection protocol. 2. You add a CIMOM (DS CIM Agent) connection to that element manager. a. TotalStorage Productivity Center automatically starts a CIMOM discovery job. b. Element managers that are managing the same storage subsystems as the CIMOM are automatically added to the Element Management page upon a successful CIMOM discovery job. 3. The CIMOM discovery process in TotalStorage Productivity Center might be configured to report IBM DS8000 element managers that use an IP protocol other than the protocol you defined when adding the element manager. For example, if you define HTTP for an element managers protocol, and the CIMOM discovery job reports another element manager on the same HMC that uses HTTPS, then both element managers from that HMC will appear on the Element Management panel. Each CIMOM in your environment has configurable values in a properties files that determine which protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to return when reporting upon a registered IBM DS8000s Element Manager URL. By default, the CIMOM will return the HTTPS version of the element manager during a successful CIMOM discovery job in TotalStorage Productivity Center. In this default setup, the HTTPS version of the element manager is automatically added to the Element Management panel after a CIMOM discovery, thus resulting in two element managers from the same machine appearing on the panel: the
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center


HTTP version of the element manager that was manually added and the HTTPS version that was automatically added through the CIMOM discovery process.

Edit the values of the properties in the DS CIM Agents /config/ provider.configuration file that determine which element managers are reported during a CIMOM discovery job in TotalStorage Productivity Center. The properties and default values in the provider.configuration file are:
DS_StorageManager_HTTPEnabled = true DS_StorageManager_HTTPSEnabled = true

Set a property to false if you want to prevent the CIMOM from reporting an element manager on that protocol. For example: 1. Set DS_StorageManager_HTTPSEnabled = false. 2. Use the Element Management panel to add an element manager and define HTTP for its protocol. 3. Add a CIMOM connection to the element manager. The CIMOM discovery job in TotalStorage Productivity Center runs and does not report the HTTPS element manager that might be on the same machine. The element manager on HTTP appears in the Element Management panel only.

Unable to access Release 2 DS8000 element managers configured for HTTPS

You might be unable to access Release 2 DS8000 element managers configured for HTTPS protocol from TotalStorage Productivity Center.

The login timer for Release 2 DS8000 element managers might expire before TotalStorage Productivity Center can log in to those element managers. This problem can occur for Release 2 DS8000 element managers running on HTTPS or when you are experiencing slow network connections between the host machine for TotalStorage Productivity Center and the DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC). In these cases, the login timer might expire before TotalStorage Productivity Center can complete the login process. This is especially true if you receive Web browser security warning prompts for accepting certificates. If you do not clear the security warning prompt before the login timer expires, you will receive an error message indicating that you have been logged out. When this happens, you will be unable to launch the element manager and the following error message is displayed: You have been signed off. This window will be closed. To close the window, complete the following steps: 1. Click OK to close the error message window. Another window will appear and display the following message: DMC000002E The embedded browser widget was unexpectedly destroyed. Click OK to reset display. 2. Click OK to close the error message window and return to TotalStorage Productivity Center. If TotalStorage Productivity Center stops responding (Windows only), close the user interface by performing any of the following actions: v Click the close button (x) in the upper right corner of the main window.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

v Start the Windows Task Manager, view the list of running applications, select IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center, and click End Task. 3. Start TotalStorage Productivity Center if you closed it in the previous step.

To help avoid this problem, consider the following recommendations: v Upgrade the Release 2 DS8000 element manager to Release 3. This issue is fixed for Release 3 DS8000 element managers. v Use the HTTP protocol to connect to the Release 2 DS8000 element manager instead of HTTPS. This will enable you to avoid the security warning messages during the login process. This will also help reduce the login time. To configure an element manager with HTTP, complete these steps: 1. Access the Element Management perspective in TotalStorage Productivity Center. 2. Select Add Element Manager from the Select action menu. 3. Enter the same values for user ID, password, and IP that are defined for the Release 2 DS8000 element manager that is using HTTPS. 4. Select HTTP from the Protocol drop-down menu. The port is automatically changed. 5. Click Add to add the Release 2 DS8000 element manager. 6. (optional) Remove the Release 2 DS8000 element manager that is using HTTPS by selecting the corresponding row in the table and clicking Remove Element Manager from the Select action menu. v Store the SSL certificate permanently in the Web browser cache to avoid the security warning prompts when relaunching the element manager. This will help reduce the login time. To do this, complete these steps: 1. Start Internet Explorer and launch an element manager by opening this URL: In Internet Explorer 6, a security alert window appears. Continue to step 2. In Internet Explorer 7, a window appears and displays the message There is a problem with this websites security certificate. Perform the following actions before continuing to step 2: a. Click Continue to this website (not recommended). The login window for the HMC appears and a Certificate Error text box appears at the top of the window. b. Click the Certificate Error text box. The Certificate Invalid pop-up window appears. Continue to step 2. 2. Click View Certificate. A window that contains information about the certificate appears. 3. Click Install Certificate... to start the Certificate Import wizard. Follow the prompts in the wizard and continue to the next step after the certificate is installed. 4. Close and reopen TotalStorage Productivity Center. 5. Click the Element Management button in the toolbar to open the Element Management perspective. 6. Click on the name of the Release 2 DS8000 element manager. The element manager will open unless network speeds are slow.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center


If you still have problems accessing Release 2 DS8000 element managers with TotalStorage Productivity Center, try performing the tasks described in the other recommendations.

Error message: HWNEM0140W

You can encounter this message when you attempt to open a DS8000 GUI from the Element Management perspective of TotalStorage Productivity Center and the user credentials are not set for the element manager.

You receive this error message:
HWNEM0140W The element manager GUI cannot be accessed because the user name and password are missing. Update the required fields in the next dialog. The GUI will be displayed after the fields have been correctly completed and the dialog closed.

Note: An element manger may be added to the Element Management table in the course of a CIMOM discovery, and the discovered element manager will not have user credentials set. The user must add credentials to the element manager before they can launch the element manager. The CIM agents must also have credentials set for the CIMOM discovery to be successful. The CIM agent credentials are different from the element manager credentials. The CIM agent credentials allow TotalStorage Productivity Center to communicate with the CIM agent and collect information during CIMOM discovery. The element manager credentials allow a user to launch the element manager for the particular storage device from the Element Management perspective. (For this release the DS8000 Storage Manager is the only element manager type that is shown in the Element Management perspective, and consequently it is the only element manager type that can be launched from that perspective. Other storage device types have their own element managers which may be launched from the Enterprise Management perspective, but TotalStorage Productivity Center does not save the credentials for the other element manager types, so the user must log in to the element manager each time it is launched.) The Element Management perspective keeps different sets of credentials for each user logged into TotalStorage Productivity Center. To grant a user the right to open a DS8000 Storage Manager, you must log in to TotalStorage Productivity Center as that user and add credentials to the element manager. For example, if you set the credentials for the element manager as user db2admin, then another user logs in as userx, userx must set the credentials for that element manager. This message can occur in these situations: v You have CIM agents 5.2.x and 5.3.x that are registered in TotalStorage Productivity Center with the same DS8000. TotalStorage Productivity Center performs a CIMOM discovery. This will cause the duplicate entries in the database table. v You have a CIM agent 5.3.x that is registered in TotalStorage Productivity Center with the DS8000. TotalStorage Productivity Center performs a CIMOM discovery. You manually add the Element Manager. This will cause duplicate entries in the database table. v You can encounter this message when you attempt to open a DS8000 GUI from the Element Management perspective of TotalStorage Productivity Center while


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

logged into TotalStorage Productivity Center with a different user ID from the user ID who added the element manager. v TotalStorage Productivity Center finds the element manager in the course of a CIMOM discovery. When you log into TotalStorage Productivity Center, add a CIM agent with CIMOM credentials (optional, see note below), and then run a CIMOM discovery, the CIM agent will provide the element manager path, which TotalStorage Productivity Center adds to the element manager table. The first time you open the DS8000 GUI, you will see this message. Note: You do not need to manually add the CIM agent, it can be found on the same subnet if you have scan local subnet selected in CIMOM discovery options, which is the default. If you discover the CIM agents on the local subnet you will have to modify the DS CIM agent details to add CIM agent credentials. CIM agent credentials are different from element manager credentials.

Here are several solutions to this problem: v Close the warning dialog. Add the credentials to the Modify Element Manager dialog and then you will be able to open the GUI. Note: Adding credentials for a user gives that user the ability to manage the DS8000 Storage Manager, including destructive operations. v Close the warning and Modify Element Manager dialogs, log out of TotalStorage Productivity Center and log in as a user ID who has already set the credentials for this element manager. If a user manually adds an element manager to the Element Management perspective, the user must supply credentials at that time and those credentials are only valid for that user ID. If an element manager is found through CIMOM discovery, the element manager will have no credentials. Credentials must be added to element managers found through CIMOM discovery before the DS8000 GUI can be launched. v If you have this situation: Two entries appear in the element manager table for the same element manager. One was entered manually and the other was put in place by a CIMOM discovery. As expected, double-clicking on the entry put in place by a CIMOM discovery results in an error dialog message that credentials need to be set. A dialog is presented to gather credential information. However, the dialog is related to the manually specified element manager entry. Any updates made in the dialog are not related to the discovered element manager entry. To work around this problem, select the radio button next to the discovered element manager entry. Click Modify Element Manager from the Action drop down list. Provide credential information for the element manager. Delete the manually entered element manager entry. Use the discovered element manager entry for future interaction with the DS8000.

Duplicate entries in element manager table

You see duplicate entries in the element manager table for the same element manager.

This message can occur in these situations:
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center


v You have CIM agents 5.2.x and 5.3.x which have the same DS8000 registered. TotalStorage Productivity Center performs a CIMOM discovery. This will cause the duplicate entries in the element manager table. Both entries have the name: https://<IP_address_of_element_manager>. v You have a CIM agent 5.3.x that is registered with the DS8000. TotalStorage Productivity Center performs a CIMOM discovery. You manually add the Element Manager using HTTPS protocol. This will cause duplicate entries in the element manager table. If you did not specify a Display Name when manually adding the element manager, the table entries will have the same name: https://<IP_address_of_element_manager>. v You have a CIM agent (either 5.3.x or pre-5.3) which has a DS8000 registered. TotalStorage Productivity Center performs a CIMOM discovery. You manually add the Element Manager using HTTP protocol. This will cause duplicate entries in the table. If you did not specify a Display Name when manually adding the element manager, the display names will be nearly the same, differing only in their protocol. For example http://<IP_address_of_element_manager> for the manually added element manager, and https:// <IP_address_of_element_manager> for the discovered element manager.

If you have the following situations, follow the steps below. v Two entries appear in the element manager table for the same element manager. Both entries were placed there by a CIMOM discovery (both will have a check in the CIMOM column and the status will be Unknown). v Two entries appear in the element manager table for the same element manager. One was entered manually and the other was put in place by a CIMOM discovery. Double-clicking on the entry put into place by a CIMOM discovery results in a warning dialog message that credentials need to be set. After dismissing the warning, a dialog is presented to gather credential information. Normally in this situation the credential fields (username, password, confirm password) for a CIMOM-discovered element manager would be blank, and you would have the option to fill in those values and save them. However, due to a defect the credentials displayed are those of the manually specified element manager entry. Any updates made in the dialog are not tied to the discovered element manager entry. To work around this problem, follow these steps: 1. Cancel the screen which has credentials already set. 2. Select the radio button next to the discovered element manager entry. Click Modify Element Manager from the Select action dropdown list. Provide credential information for the element manager. 3. Delete the manually entered element manager entry by selecting the radio button for that row and selecting Remove Element Manager from the Select action dropdown list. 4. Use the discovered element manager entry for future interaction with the DS8000.

TotalStorage Productivity Center and DS8000 warning messages

Whenever the DS8000 detects a drive failure, TotalStorage Productivity Center provides a warning indicator for a drive failure in the topology view.


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Whenever the DS8000 detects a disk drive failure, a repair action may or may not be immediately required. The DS8000 has spare drives that can be used to allow the service to be deferred. However, TotalStorage Productivity Center will present a warning indicator in the topology view.

For TotalStorage Productivity Center disk drive warnings related to the DS8000, no action is required. The DS8000 system will notify the user when service is needed (this depends on how you set up the alerts for the DS8000).

Error message: SQL1046N

You receive this error message when you change the servers host name.

When changing the servers host name and you run this command:
db2extsec /u db2users /a db2admns

You receive this error message:

SQL1046N The authorization ID is not valid.

When changing the servers host name, the new host name cannot begin with the following: v SYS v sys v IBM v ibm v SQL v sql

Select another host name that meets the requirements above and begin the host rename process again.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the System Storage Productivity Center



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting messages

This section provides information on where to find the component messages. One way to determine what component is causing a problem in your environment is through messages. Each component has a unique message ID. DB2 DB2 uses many different message prefixes. Go to http:// Click on Reference > Messages. For information about DS8000 messages, go to servers/storage/support/disk. Click on Messages. TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager For information about TotalStorage Productivity Center and Agent Manager messages, go to tivihelp/v4r1/index.jsp. Click on Messages.


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SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Appendix A. Installing IBM System Storage Productivity Center

This topic provides information on how to install the components required for the IBM System Storage Productivity Center. If you purchased the System Storage Productivity Center, you do not have to review this section. If you elected to install the System Storage Productivity Center equivalent components, you will need to install these components. To install the programs required for System Storage Productivity Center, you must install them in this order: 1. DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2 2. TotalStorage Productivity Center Basic Edition 3.3.1 3. SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM Agent version 4.2.1 Other optional programs you can install are: v Agent Manager and agents (Data agents and Fabric agents) v TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication 3.3.1

Installing System Storage Productivity Center

This topic provides information about installing System Storage Productivity Center. To install System Storage Productivity Center, follow these general steps: 1. Install DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2. For information about installing, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > DB2. 2. Install TotalStorage Productivity Center 3.3.1. Do not install the Agent Manager or agents. For information about installing, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: http:// Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center using typical mode. 3. Install PuTTY (for SAN Volume Controller). 4. Install the SAN Volume Controller Console 4.2.1 and CIM agent 4.2.1. For information about installing the SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM agent, see Installing the SAN Volume Controller Console on page 76. 5. Configure the SAN Volume Controller Console. See Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI on page 25. 6. You can optionally install the Agent Manager and agents. For information about installing the Agent Manager and agents, see Installing the Agent Manager and agents on page 76. 7. You can optionally install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. For information about installing IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, see index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing.
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There are some coexistence issues with TotalStorage Productivity Center and TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. For information, see TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing > Prerequisites > Coexistence between TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center.

Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center

This topic provides information about installing TotalStorage Productivity Center. To install TotalStorage Productivity Center, follow these general steps: 1. Install DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2. For information about installing, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > DB2. 2. Install TotalStorage Productivity Center 3.3.1 using typical installation. For information about installing, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: tivihelp/v4r1/index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center using typical mode > Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center without Agent Manager. 3. You can optionally install the Agent Manager and agents. For information about installing the Agent Manager and agents, see Installing the Agent Manager and agents. 4. You can optionally install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. For information about installing IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, see Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication on page 77.

Installing the SAN Volume Controller Console

This section provides information about installing the SAN Volume Controller Console. The SAN Volume Controller Console installation includes the SAN Volume Controller CIM agent. To install the SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM agent, follow these steps: 1. Install PuTTY (for SAN Volume Controller). 2. Install the SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM agent 4.2.1. For information about installing the SAN Volume Controller Console, see the IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller Software Installation and Configuration Guide. Go to Click 4.2.x product documentation. Click on a language. 3. After you install the SAN Volume Controller Console and CIM agent, there are some configuration steps to follow. See Configuring the System Storage Productivity Center to access the SAN Volume Controller Console and the CLI on page 25.

Installing the Agent Manager and agents

This topic provides information about installing the Agent Manager and agents. If you have the license for IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Standard Edition, you can install the Agent Manager and agents. The Fabric agents provide information about the fabrics on your system and provide zone control operations


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

and information. The Data agents provide information about the computer systems IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center is managing. There are several steps involved with installing and activating the Agent Manager and agents. These steps assume that TotalStorage Productivity Center is already installed: 1. If you are installing the Agent Manager on a machine that does not have DB2 installed, install DB2 V9.1 with Fix Pack 2. For information about installing DB2, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > DB2. 2. Install the Agent Manager. For information about installing the Agent Manager, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > Agent Manager. 3. Register the Device server and Data server with the Agent Manager. For information about registering the servers with the Agent Manager, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Configuring > Agent Manager Registration. 4. Install the agents (Data agent and Fabric agent). For information about installing the agents, see the IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Information Center at this Web site: v4r1/index.jsp. Click TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing > IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center > Installing the agents.

Installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication

This section provides general information for installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication V3.3.1 is a product that is separate from the other members of the TotalStorage Productivity Center family. This program will not be preinstalled but must be installed by you on the SSPC machine. For information about installing TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, go to: Click TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing. There are known issues when you install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center in the same environment. For more information about these issues, point your Web browser to See the following section: TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication > Installing > Prerequisites > Coexistence between TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication and TotalStorage Productivity Center.

Appendix A. Installing IBM System Storage Productivity Center



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Appendix B. Notices
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SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

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Appendix B. Notices



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Appendix C. Glossary
Find definitions of various terms used to describe IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center . If you cannot find the term for which you are searching, see the IBM Software Glossary on the Web at agent An entity that represents one or more managed objects by sending notifications regarding the objects and by handling requests from servers for management operations to modify or query the objects. See Common Information Model.


CIM agent The code that consists of common building blocks that can be used instead of proprietary software or device-specific programming interfaces to manage CIM-compliant devices. CIM object manager (CIMOM) The common conceptual framework for data management that receives, validates, and authenticates the CIM requests from the client application. It then directs the requests to the appropriate component or service provider. Common Information Model (CIM) An implementation-neutral, object-oriented schema for describing network management information. The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) develops and maintains CIM specifications. community name The part of an SNMP message that represents a password-like name and that is used to authenticate the SNMP message. data collection See discovery. discovery The process of finding resources within an enterprise, including finding the new location of monitored resources that were moved. Discovery includes the detection of changes in network topology, such as new and deleted nodes or new and deleted interfaces. See also discovery interval. discovery interval The frequency at which topology and attribute information is gathered. The discovery interval is set by a schedule to occur either periodically or at specific times. Discovery can also occur at other times, such as when triggered by an event from a SAN switch. discovery job A job that enables you to find new Windows machines that have been introduced into your environment, identify the servers and volumes within NetWare trees (NDS trees), discover the file systems within NAS filers, and discover the CIMOMs in your environment and the storage subsystems managed by those CIM/OMs. enterprise repository A component of the Data server that records and stores all information about the monitored computers storage assets and their usage over time.
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The repository is organized into relational database tables and is accessed by Data server using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). event Any significant change in the state of a system resource, network resource, or network application. An event can be generated for a problem, for the resolution of a problem, or for the successful completion of a task. Examples of events are: the normal starting and stopping of a process, the abnormal termination of a process, or the malfunctioning of a server.

fabric A complex network using hubs, switches, and gateways. Fibre channel uses a fabric to connect devices. fibre channel A technology for transmitting data between computer devices. It is especially suited for attaching computer servers to shared storage devices and for interconnecting storage controllers and drives. globally unique identifier (GUID) A 16-byte code that identifies an interface to an object across all computers and networks. The identifier is unique because it contains a time stamp and a code based on the network address that is hard-wired on the host computers LAN interface card. graphical user interface A type of computer interface that presents a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often of a desktop, by combining high-resolution graphics, pointing devices, menu bars and other menus, overlapping windows, icons and the object-action relationship. GUI host Graphical user interface. A computer that is connected to a network (such as the Internet or a SAN) and provides a point of access to that network. Also, depending on the environment, the host can provide centralized control of the network. The host can be a client, a server, both a client and a server, a manager, or a managed host.

in-band discovery The process of discovering information about the SAN, including topology and attribute data, through the fibre-channel data paths. Contrast with out-of-band discovery. job scheduler A component of the Data server that deploys all monitoring activities. The job scheduler controls when monitoring jobs are run by agents. logical unit number (LUN) An identifier used on a SCSI bus to distinguish among devices (logical units) with the same SCSI ID. For a SCSI bus, a LUN represents a storage volume. LUN See logical unit number.

managed disk (MDisk) A SCSI logical unit that a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) controller provides and a cluster manages. The MDisk is not visible to host systems on the SAN. managed host A host that is managed by IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center and one


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

or more active in-band fabric agents. Install in-band fabric agents on host systems with host bus adapters (HBAs) that are connected to the SAN fabrics that you want to manage. navigation tree The left side of the user interface that lists all the functions of Data server within nodes and sub-nodes. out-of-band discovery The process of discovering SAN information, including topology and device data, without using the fibre-channel data paths. A common mechanism for out-of-band discovery is the use of SNMP MIB queries, which are invoked over a TCP/IP network. Contrast with in-band discovery. ping job A job that tracks the availability of assets and that is performed by an agent. Several ping jobs can be used to monitor the availability of any computer or subset of computers in the network. pool A named set of storage volumes that is the destination for storing client data.

primordial A primordial pool represents unallocated storage capacity on a storage device. Storage capacity can be allocated from primordial pools to create storage pools. This means that primordial pools are disk/device sources for allocation of storage pools. probe job A job that itemizes and creates an inventory of assets, such as computers, controllers, disk drives, file systems, and logical units, and that is performed by an agent. Several probe jobs can be used on any computer or subset of computer RAID See Redundant Array of Independent Disks. Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) A collection of two or more disk physical drives that present to the host an image of one or more logical disk drives. In the event of a single physical device failure, the data can be read or regenerated from the other disk drives in the array due to data redundancy. remote console A console that is installed on a machine other than the one on which the server is installed. A remote console lets you access IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center from any location. SAN See storage area network.

scan job A job that monitors the usage and consumption of your storage and the constraints and that is performed by an agent. Several scan jobs can be used to monitor the file systems on any computer or subset of computers. SCSI See Small Computer Systems Interface.

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) A standard used by computer manufacturers for attaching peripheral devices (such as tape drives, hard disks, CD-ROM players, printers, and scanners) to computers (servers). Pronounced scuzzy. SMI-S See Storage Management Initiative - Specification.

Appendix C. Glossary


SMI-S agent See CIM Object Manager (CIMOM). See also Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S). SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association. storage area network A dedicated storage network tailored to a specific environment, combining servers, storage products, networking products, software, and services. storage group A collection of storage units that jointly contain all the data for a specified set of storage units, such as volumes. The storage units in a group must be from storage devices of the same type. Storage Management Initiative - Specification (SMI-S) The standard that defines the protocol used for communication with SMI-S agents. Storage Networking Industry Association An alliance of computer vendors and universities that focus on developing and promoting industry standards for storage networks. storage pool An aggregation of storage resources on a SAN that have been set aside for a particular purpose. topology The physical and logical arrangement of devices in a SAN. Topology can be displayed graphically, showing devices and their interconnections. VDisk See virtual disk. virtual disk (VDisk) A device that host systems attached to the storage area network (SAN) recognize as a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk. virtualization In the storage industry, a concept in which a pool of storage is created that contains several disk subsystems. The subsystems can be from various vendors. The pool can be split into virtual disks that are visible to the host systems that use them. virtual storage area network (VSAN) A Cisco technology that allows independent logical fabrics to be defined from a set of one or more physical switches. A given switch port is assigned to only one VSAN. Each VSAN is completely isolated from the other VSANs and functions as a separate and independent fabric with its own set of fabric services (for example, Name Services, zoning, routing, and so on). volume A single unit of recording medium where information or data is recorded. The units are assigned to storage devices, such as the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server. VSAN See virtual storage area network. zone A segment of a SAN fabric composed of selected storage devices nodes and server nodes. Only the members of a zone have access to one another.

zone set A group of zones that function together on the fabric. Each zone set can


SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

accommodate up to 256 zones. All devices in a zone see only devices assigned to that zone, but any device in that zone can be a member of other zones in the zone set.

Appendix C. Glossary



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Index A
accessibility ix administering System Storage Productivity Center 51 Agent Manager installing 33, 76 troubleshooting 62 agents installing 33, 76 installing (continued) System Storage Productivity Center 75 TotalStorage Productivity Center 76 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication 34, 77 System Storage Productivity Center (continued) planning 9 reporting a problem 61 troubleshooting 61 troubleshooting descriptions 63 uninstalling 55 upgrading 57

license activating for Windows upgrading 58 29

TotalStorage Productivity Center installing 76 troubleshooting 62 upgrading 57 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication installing 34, 77 troubleshooting 63 upgrading 58 translations browser locale requirement viii troubleshooting DB2 62 descriptions 63 DS8000 62 reporting a problem 61 SAN Volume Controller 63 System Storage Productivity Center 61 TotalStorage Productivity Center 62 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication 63

backing up your system 28

messages for System Storage Productivity Center 73

CIM agent configuring for System Storage Productivity Center 18 discovering automatically 25 CIMOM discovering automatically 25 configuring DS8000 CIM agent 18 SAN Volume Controller console 25 server 15 System Storage Productivity Center 15 console configuring SAN Volume Controller console 25 installing for SAN Volume Controller 76

network connections testing 16

planning System Storage Productivity Center 9 PuTTY configuring a default PuTTY session 27

DB2 troubleshooting disability ix DS8000 troubleshooting 62 restoring your system 28

uninstalling System Storage Productivity Center 55 upgrading installation license 58 SAN Volume Controller 57 System Storage Productivity Center 57 TotalStorage Productivity Center 57 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication 58

SAN Volume Controller configuring a default PuTTY session 27 configuring console 25 configuring the browser 26 generating an SSH key pair 26 installing console 76 storing keys 27 troubleshooting 63 upgrading 57 server configuring 15 System Storage Productivity Center administering 51 configuring 15 installing 75 installing optional applications 33 messages 73 overview 1


glossary 83

host name changing 17

Windows activating license 29

installing Agent Manager 33, 76 agents 33, 76 optional applications 33 Copyright IBM Corp. 2007



SSPC Software Installation and User's Guide

Printed in USA


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