Passive Voice Practice

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PASSIVE VOICE PRACTICE 1. The boys broke the windows yesterday. 2. Someone stole Nams wallet. 3.

John eats this cake. 4. A tiger kills a deer. 5. He learns English at school. 6. She bought a new hat last night. 7. No one believes his story. 8. They wrote the book many years ago. 9. Peter reports the news every day. 10. My father waters this flower every morning. 11. They moved the fridge into the living room. 12. My son finds the new project worthless. 13. He started this work last month. 14. They finished the kitchens building on Saturday. 15. We pointed a new marketing manager. 16. People spend a lot of money on advertising every day . 17. She showed her ticket to the airline agent. 18. He hides the broken cup in the drawer. 19. People speak English all over the world. 20. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. 21. Children dont clean their bedrooms every day. 22. Mary eats a loaf of bread every morning. 23. He can play the guitar. 24. Mai speaks four languages 25. My father bought me a digital watch yesterday.

Passive voice in present and past continuous plus present perfect tenses 1) People are killing wild animals for food 2) The author has written a special edition for children 3) I have received 20 cards so far 4 )My farther has just cleaned this motorbike 5) I have never eaten that cake before 6. We have just finished the report 7) She hasn't answered my letter yet 8) Someone has wound the clock 9) A dog has just bitten me 10. Have you ever watched that flm 11. She hasn't seen that man yet 12. One of the parents is taping the children's song 13. Is a student pilot flying that airplane? 14. No one has told me that work 15. John is watching football. 16. My mother is watering her vegetables. 17. Peter is eating an ice-cram at the moment. 18. The police are asking him about his family. 19. We are learning English. 20. She is washing her clothes now. Listening 1. Whats he? (What does he do?)

2. Where does he/she work?

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