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understanding Dlsicels) HEINEMANN | EDUCATIONAL Contents Part ONE: WHAT Is HISTORY? 11 Chronology Change 12 Time Maps Analysis 13° Anachroniso LA Change and Progress Change 13 Sources Evidence 1.6 How Historians Use Sources Evidence 17 A Picture ofthe Past Interpretations 18 Cause and Consequence Causation 1.9 Magical Detectives Analysis Part Two: THE RISE OF ROME 21 The Beginnings of Rome Interpretations 22 How Rome Became a Republic Change 23° Rome Conquers Italy Evidence 24 Rome against Carthage — Evidence the Empire Grows 25 The End of the Republic Causation Part THREE: LIFE IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE 31 The City Evidence 32 Living in the City 33 Houses 3.4 The Religions of the Romans Interpretations 35 Slaves and Entertainers Analysis Part Four: RUNNING THE EMPIRE 41 Trade Causation 42 Conquest Causation 43° The Roman Army Evidence and Interpretations 44 The Age of the Emperors Analysis Part Five: THE END OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE 51 The Fall of the Roman Empire Causation 5.2 The Influence of the Romans Interpretations Part Six: THE RISE OF ISLAM 61 Muhammad and Mecea Change 62 Muhammad in Medina Interpretations 30 32 34 36 38 40 a2 48 30 “Part SEVEN: THE EXPANSION OF ISLAM 7.1 Muslin Conguests: Causation 7.2 Islam as.a Way of Life, Change 40 632-61 7.3 The Umayyads in Damseus Analysis oe 74 Islamic Spain Interpretations 4 7.5 The Abbasids in Baghdad Change 66 7.6 The Islamic Renaissance (1) Analysis 68 7.7 The Islamic Renaissaince (2) Evidence R BARE 1G Lite NOR MANE RETAIN peer Br 1066 Change rn 82 The Bartle of Hestngs Causation 76 83 Completing the Conquest ‘Causation 78 84 The Feudal System Causation 30 85 Motte and Beiley Castles Inverpretations & 86 Square Keep Castles Evidence 84 *Part-NINE:=ISLAMy-1:1.TH-14TH. CENTURIES = B1—The Crusades Causation 86 a2 The First Crusade Evidence 88 93 Islan Fights back Interpretations 0 oF The Effects of the Crusades ‘Change 92 10.1 Henry It and Thomas Becket Causation 4 10.2 King Jolm and the Magna Carta Interpretations 9% 10.3 The Rise of Parliament Change 98 104 — Winchester, a Medieval Town Evidence 100 105 Medieval Trade and Industry Change 102 “10.6 Farming Evidence 104 10.7 Religions Life Analysis 10s 108° Health and Medicine Evidence os 10.9 Bannockburn Interpretations 10 10.10 Edward Fand Wales Change M2 10.11 The Black Death Change ua 10.12 The Peasants’ Revolt Causation 116 10.13 The Wars of the Rases : Evidence 18 °PART:-ELEVEN‘= THE: OTIOMAN: EMPIREsoa Nd The Otomans Causation 120 1.2 Istanbul Analysis 12 113 Ottoman Decline Causation 126

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