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ELEMENT 8 IGC-1 Occupational incident and accident investigation recording and reporting.

Explain the process and purpose of investigating incidents? Or What is the prime purpose of an accident investigation? The process and purpose of investigation of incidents:Function of investigations: Incidents should be investigated for several reasons perhaps the most important of which is to discover the cause so that corrective action can be taken to prevent similar incident from happening again. What is the purpose of analyzing all information about accident? These are the following reason for carrying incident investigations: 1.To identify the immediate and root causes of incidents 2.To identify corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence 3.To record the facts of the incidents 4.For legal reason 5.For claim management 6.For staff morale 7.For disciplinary purpose 8.For data gathering purpose. Type of incidents: Incidents can be categorized in terms of their outcomes. 1.Near miss, 2. Accident 3. Dangerous occurrence 4. ill health Note: there are two important things we should take before start investigation 1.Safety of the scene: that area is safe to approach 2.Casualty care: any injured person need first aid treatment or need go to hospital Explain the procedure of investigating incidents? Or What are the four elements of the investigation process? Basic investigation procedure: Basic incident investigation procedure is to:

1.Gather factual information about the event

2.Analyze that information and draw conclusions about the immediate and root causes 3.Identify suitable control measures 4.Plan the remedial actions Step 1: gathering information: -Secure the scene as soon as possible to prevent it being altered. -Collect witness details quickly before they start to move away -Collect factual information from the scene and record it( pics, sketches, temperature videos) Step 2: analyzing information: The purpose to draw conclusions about immediate and root causes Step 3: identify suitable control measures: Once the immediate and underlying causes of the accident are known appropriate control measures can be identified. It is important to take correct control measures otherwise time, money and effort will be wasted on inadequate and unnecessary measures Step 4: plan the corrective actions: An accident investigation should lead to corrective action being taken in just the same way as workplace inspection will. Corrective action can be presented in an action plan. Describe the organizational requirement for recording and reporting incident? The organization requirements for recording and reporting incidents: Arrangements should be made for the internal reporting of all work related incidents and workers should be encouraged to report. Reasons why workers might not report accidents: 1.Unclear organizational policy 2.No reporting system in place 3.Overly complicated reporting procedures 4.Excessive paperwork 5.Takes too much time 6.Blame culture 7.Apathy 8.Lack of training on policy and procedures. List the types of documentation which may need to be consulted during an accident investigation? Typical content of an accident record: 1.Name and address of casualty 2.Date and time of accident 3.Location of accident 4.Details of injury 5.Details of treatment given 6.Description of event causing injury 7.Details of any equipment or substance involved 8.Witness names and contact details

9.Details of person completing the record 10.Signature Data collection analysis and communication: Data collected from incident reports can be used for statistical analysis to identify patterns and trends in the workplace. Identify the categories of staff who might be considered useful members of internal accident investigation team? Incident statistics can be used to communicate safety performance to various groups within the organization such as: -Safety committee -Senior management -Employees Defined the types of incident that have to be reported to external agencies? Reporting of events to external agencies: Typical reportable events includes 1.Fatalities 2. Major injury 3. Dangerous occurrences 4. Occupational diseases

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