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Application Guide

Selection of Type Enclosures

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Mission Statement
The purpose of this document is to educate the reader with regard to the definitions, performance, and applicability of various NEMA enclosure types. This will assist the specifier in the selection of the appropriate enclosure for their environment and application. Quick reference tables are included where applicable to consolidate data for straightforward comparisons. The goal is to familiarize users and specifiers with all ASCO enclosure offerings and increase comfort level in making the proper recommendations or purchase decisions. This helps eliminate costly modifications and rework potentially required when an improper enclosure is selected for the intended use of a switch switchgear lineup. It is essential that the reader be aware of the environmental conditions that exist at the site in question, understand the capabilities of each type of enclosure, and available ASCO solutions.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Table of Contents
Industry Standards__________________________
Glossary of Terms Used In Industry Standard Documents

Page 4 5


Page 6 - 7

Definitions of Environmental Conditions, from Non-hazardous to Severe

Typical Enclosure Applications

Examples of Typical Applications and Use

Page 8

Reference Tables: Indoor & Outdoor Locations

Comparison of Specific Non Hazardous Applications

Page 9 - 10

Enclosure Type vs. IP Rating

Comparison of U.S. Standards to European

Page 11

Materials, Paint, and Finishes

Paint Processes, Chemical Resistance Chart

Page 12 - 13

ASCO Enclosure Solutions

Indoor/Outdoor Paint Finish and Steel Gauge Options

Page 14 - 16

Performance Matrix
Price vs. Performance Based On Enclosure Type

Page 17

Enclosure Selection Fast Facts

Page 18 - 20

Examples of Questions and Answers Related to Enclosure Specification

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Industry Standard Terms

Corrosion-Resistant Constructed to provide a degree of protection against exposure to corrosive agents such as salt spray. Type 3RX and 4X enclosures meet this requirement.

Damp Locations Locations protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or other liquids but subject to moderate degrees of moisture. Examples of such locations include partially protected locations under canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such as some basements, some barns, and some coldstorage warehouses. Indoor enclosure types with a rating type that fits the specific application are typically acceptable.

Dust Tight Constructed to prevent circulating or airborne dust from entering the enclosure under specified test conditions. Type 1A enclosures formerly addressed these conditions, but that classification has become obsolete. Type 12 enclosures are now typically used for this purpose. Type 4 and 4X will also comply, but at a premium cost.

Drip Tight Constructed so falling moisture or dirt does not enter the enclosures under specified test conditions. Type 4, 4X, and 12 enclosures meet this requirement.

Indoor Not to be exposed to weather. Type 1 and 12 enclosures meet this requirement.

Oil Resistant Constructed so that oil will not interfere with successful operation of equipment. Type 12 enclosures meet this requirement

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Outdoor Constructed or protected so that exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation of equipment. Type 3R, 3RX, 4, and 4X enclosures meet this requirement. Enclosures with these ratings may also be used indoors if desired. Rainprooof Constructed, protected, or treated to prevent beating rain from interfering with the successful operation of the apparatus, or resulting in wetting of live parts and wiring within the enclosure under specified test conditions. Type 3R and 3RX enclosures meet this requirement. RainTight Constructed or protected so beating rain will not result in water entering the enclosure under specified test conditions. Type 4 and 4X enclosures meet this requirement. WaterTight Constructed so moisture will not enter the enclosure when it is subjected to a stream of water under specified test conditions. Type 4 and 4X enclosures meet this requirement. Weatherproof Constructed or protected so exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation of the equipment. Rainproof, raintight, or watertight equipment can fulfill the requirements for weatherproof where varying weather conditions other than wetness, such as snow, ice, dust, or temperature extremes, are not a factor. Wet Locations Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth; in locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas; and in unprotected locations exposed to weather. Use weatherproof enclosures with a type rating that fits the specific application.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

There are other types of enclosures not covered by this glossary of definitions. The focus of this document is on enclosures applicable to equipment of the types supplied by ASCO.

(From UL 50 Twelfth Edition 2007) Enclosure definitions are listed in order of their applicability, from the least hazardous environmental conditions to the most severe: Type 1 Enclosures constructed for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment and to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt. Type 12 Constructed (without knockouts) for indoor use to provide protection against falling dirt; against circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings; against dripping and light splashing of noncorrosive liquids; and against light splashing and consequent seepage of oil and noncorrosive coolants Type 12 enclosures are oilresistant, and constructed so oil will not interfere with successful operation of equipment. They are not oiltight, which means oil could enter a Type 12 enclosure under certain conditions. Type 3R Constructed (with knockouts on the sides and bottom) for either indoor or outdoor use to provide protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, and windblown dust. Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure. Type 3R enclosures are rainproof which means they are constructed, protected, or treated to prevent beating rain from interfering with the successful operation of the apparatus or result in wetting of live parts and wiring within the enclosure under specified conditions. They are not raintight, which means exposure to beating rain could result in water entering a Type 3R enclosure under certain conditions; nor are they watertight, which means moisture could enter a Type 3R enclosure when subjected to a stream of water under certain conditions ASCO standard Type 3R enclosures are fabricated from cold rolled steel, a low carbon, coldfinished steel produced by passing bar stock through a set of rollers. Type 3RX Similar to Type 3R, except for additional provisions for a degree of protection against corrosion.

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Pub. 3212

ASCO standard Type 3RX enclosures are fabricated from 304 grade stainless steel for both ATS and SEATS products. 316 grade stainless steel, which offers additional corrosion protection for severe environments, is an option.

Type 4 Constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, windblown dust, splashing water, and hosedirected water. Will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure. Type 4X Same as Type 4 except constructed from corrosion-resistant material. Corrosion-resistant as defined by industry standards is: Constructed to provide a degree of protection against exposure to corrosive agents such as salt spray. Stainless steel is the strongest of the corrosion resistant materials. It exhibits many of the same resistances attributed to fiberglass materials as well as resistance to highly polar solvents such as acetone and MEK. 316 grade stainless steel is an option that provides improved resistance to salt, some acids, and high temperature. 316 grade is a strongly recommended choice for marine environments which are within 5 miles of salt water or otherwise subject to exposure to salt spray. Note that 316 grade resistance to sulfates and chorine is less than that provided by 304 grade. . Fiberglass is also an option that meets Type 4X criteria.

Cautionary note: Stainless steel of any type is not stainfree, and while it offers a high degree of performance, under certain environmental conditions it remains susceptible to rust deposits on the surface. These deposits are often created by contamination resulting from rain or marine environments. Periodic cleaning of the surfaces of stainless steel enclosures with a neutral solution is recommended to avoid tea staining.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Typical Enclosure Applications

Type 1
Climate Controlled Indoor Shelters Indoor Security and Fire Applications Low Contamination Electrical Rooms Office and Indoor Warehouse Environments

Type 3R / Type 12
Wireless Telecommunications Security and Fire Applications Utility Applications

Type 4
Cement Plants Diaper Manufacturing Outdoor Plants, Buildings in Dry, Desert, Arid Areas Military Bases Rubber Tire Manufacturing and Retreading Industrial Plants

Type 4X
Marine Duty Applications Waste Water Treatment Facilities Bottling Plants Pulp and Paper Applications Pharmaceuticals, and Clean Room Production Rooms Health and Hospital Cosmetic Compounding and Manufacturing Petroleum and Chemical Processing

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Reference Tables For Indoor And Outdoor Locations

Comparison of Specific Non-Hazardous Applications in Indoor Locations
Enclosure Type Provides a Degree of Protection Against the Following Environmental Conditions Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Falling Dirt Falling Liquids and Light Splashing Dust, Lint, Fibers, and Flyings 2 Hose - Down and Splashing Water Oil and Coolant Seepage Oil or Coolant Spraying and Splashing Corrosive Agents Occasional Temporary Submersion 11 4 4X 12

1. These enclosures may be ventilated, however Type 1 may not provide protection against small particles of falling dirt when ventilation is provided in the enclosure top. 2. These fibers and flyings are non - hazardous materials and are not considered Class II type ignitable fibers or combustible flyings. For Class III type ignitable fibers or combustible flyings see the National Eletcrical Code Section 505.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212

Reference Tables For Indoor And Outdoor Locations

Comparison of Specific Non-Hazardous Applications in Outdoor Locations
Enclosure Type Provides a Degree of Protection Against the Following Environmental Conditions Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Rain, Snow, and Sleet Sleet
3 2




Windblown Dust Hose - Down Corrosive Agents Occasional Temporary Submersion

1. These enclosures may be ventilated 2. External operating mechanisms are not required to be operated when the enclosure is ice covered 3. External operating mechanisms are operable when the enclosure is ice covered

The preceding tables are excerpts from the National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) Standards Publication 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum), and UL 50 Twelfth Edition Dated September 4, 2007 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non Environmental Considerations.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Enclosure Type vs. IP Rating

(U.S, Standard vs. European) Electrical enclosures are rated by type, either (NEMA 250/UL50) and/or IP rated (IEC 60529). Type ratings and IP ratings have only the following in common: 1 A degree of protection for persons from hazardous components inside the enclosure 2 A degree of protection for equipment inside the enclosure from ingress (entrance/access) of solid foreign objects, including dust 3 A degree of protection for equipment inside the enclosure from ingress (entrance/access) of water NEMA 250 and UL 50 type-rating documentation defines additional requirements a typerated enclosure must meet. These include: Mechanical impact on enclosure walls Gasket aging and oil resistance Corrosion resistance Door and cover latching requirements Sheet metal gauge construction requirements (UL 50 only) Electrical enclosures that carry only an IP rating have not been designed to meet additional type rating requirements. Therefore, a type rating cannot be assigned to an enclosure that has only been IP rated. ASCO does not provide enclosures designed only to IP rating requirements.

The preceding paragraphs are excerpts from the Industry Standards section of the Hoffman Enclosure Specifiers Guide, Volume 21. For more detailed information refer to the Hoffman Specifiers Guide Volume 21, available at

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Material and Paint Finishes

Powder Paint Process Flow The following describes the powder paint procedure utilized for enclosures fabricated in-house by ASCO and not third party suppliers. Enclosure parts enter a seven stage washing system consisting of three chemical treatments and four rinsing baths. Stages of chemical treatment are: First Stage: Fourth Stage: Seventh Stage: ParcoCleaner ZX4 4% Solution Bonderite NTI 3% Solution Parcolene 7100 Sealer 5% Solution

A rinse is performed after each above chemical treatment. Upon completion of the wash/chemical treatment the parts go through a dryoff oven, which removes all excess moisture and prepares the parts for the application of powder paint . Paint can either be applied manually or automatically. ASCO standard ANSI 61 gray is applied on an automated line. For other colors, an operator applies the paint to conveyor-fed parts in a manual spray booth, evenly coating all surfaces. Line speed is dependent upon the oven cure temperature, and can be slowed down to allow the operator to ensure the parts are uniformly coated. There is no re-use of excess powder, so paint color can be changed without the risk of contamination of subsequent parts. The majority of powder painted parts are treated in an automated paint booth. As conveyor-fed parts proceed through the booth, electric sensors determine the approximate size and shape of the part and select an appropriate paint gun to spray the part, minimizing excess discharge of paint. Based on a timed sequence, the powder paint guns begin to discharge the paint. Discharge remains continuous until the part has completely passed the last gun, ensuring total and uniform coverage. Parts then enter the curing oven; temperature is set appropriately with the paint manufacturers specifications. The heat transforms the powder into a semi liquid state which flows to uniformly coat the parts. Parts air cool before being removed from the conveyor, allowing the paint to completely solidify. The following quality tests are performed at specified sampling intervals, to assure process qualification and consistency: Visual Quality Paint Adhesion Paint Thickness Curing Oven Temperature Impact Test (Performed by powder paint supplier or manufacturer) Neutral Salt Spray (Performed by outside source)

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Chemical Resistance Chart

Solvents Stainless Steel Grade 316 Recommended Stainless Steel Grade 304 Aluminum Steel Epoxy Powder Coated Alkalis Polyster ABS Stainless Steel Grade 316 Stainless Steel Grade 304 Fiberglass Satisfactory Polycarbonate ABS Steel, Epoxy Powder Coated Polycarbonate Acid Polycarbonate ABS Stainless Steel Grade 316 Stainless Steel Grade 304 Fiberglass

Steel, Epoxy Powder Coated Limited Use



The chart above is intended to provide a brief overview of enclosure performance in resisting corrosion from three classes of chemicals, solvents and organics, alkalis, and oxidizers, and acids and neutral salts. Materials are rated on a scale from Recommended to Limited Use. For detailed chemical resistance charts refer to the Hoffman enclosure catalog under Technical Information, pages T1 -11 found at

The preceding chart is excerpted from the Hoffman Enclosure Specifiers Guide, Volume 2

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Pub. 3212


ASCO Enclosure Solutions

Enclosure Type Product Indoor 1 14 Gauge Steel Outdoor 4 N/A

12 N/A

3R 12 Gauge Aluminum Alloy for 100 230A 0.102 thick for 260400A.

4X N/A


Finish: RAL 7035 Light Gray Polyester Powder Coat 14 Gauge Steel N/A

Finish: RAL 7035 Light Gray Polyester Powder Coat 0.10 thick Aluminum Alloy for 200A 0.102 thick for 400A N/A N/A

Finish: RAL 7035 Light Gray Polyester Powder Coat 185SE 12/14 Gauge Steel for 600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8002000A Code Gauge Steel For Switch Ampere Sizes 30230, 260400, 26003000A 300 14 Gauge Steel for 600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8001600A N/A for 2000 3000A Code Gauge Steel For Switch Ampere Sizes 30230, 260400A

Finish: RAL 7035 Light Gray Polyester Powder Coat 14 Gauge Steel for 600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8002000A N/A for 2600 3000A Code Gauge Steel For Switch Ampere Sizes 30230, 260400A 14 Gauge Steel for 600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8001200A N/A for 2000 3000A Code Gauge Steel For Switch Ampere Sizes 30230, 260400, and 1600A Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat 14 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel for 230400A, 600A 12 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel for 8001000A. N/A for 1200 3000A Code Gauge 304 Stainless Steel For Switch Ampere Sizes 30230A 316 Grade Stainless Steel optional Finish: Polish

Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat

Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat

Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Enclosure Type Product 1 Code Gauge Steel for 703000A Indoor 12 N/A (Use Type 3R) 3R Code Gauge Steel for 703000A Outdoor 4 Code Gauge Steel for 701000A
N/A 12003000A N/A 12003000A

4X Code Gauge 3161 Stainless Steel for 701000A

Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat 300SE 12 Gauge Steel for 1200A Code Gauge Steel for 301000 & 16004000A 14 Gauge Steel for 260600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8001000A Code Gauge Steel for 30230, 1200, & 1600A
N/A 20004000A

Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat

Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat

Finish: Polish

14 Gauge Steel for 260600A 12 Gauge for 8001000A Code Gauge Steel for 30230 & 12004000A

14 Gauge Steel for 260600A 12 Gauge Steel for 8001000A Code Gauge Steel for 30230, 1200, & 1600A
N/A 20004000A

14 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel for 260600A 12 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel for 8001000A Code Gauge 304 Stainless for 30230, 1200, & 1600A
N/A 20004000A

4000/7000 Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat Finish: Light Gray (ANSI 61) Powder Coat

316 Stainless is Optional Finish: Polish

Code Gauge Steel for 704000A

N/A (Use Type 3R)

Code Gauge Steel for 704000A

Code Gauge Steel for 701000A

N/A 12004000A

Code Gauge 3161 Stainless Steel for 701000A

N/A 12003000A


Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat

Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat

Finish: ANSI 61 Gray Polyester Semi Gloss Electrostatic Powder Coat

Finish: Polish

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Note 1: The ASCO standard Type 4X enclosures are fabricated from 304 stainless steel. This is a Corrosion resistant iron based alloy containing between 18% and 20% chromium. 316 grade stainless steel is the ASCO standard for 4X enclosures for 3AUS and 7AUS Service Entrance switches. 316 grade stainless steel has a higher chemical composition of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum than 304 grade, providing increased corrosion resistance to chlorides and many common industrial chemicals. It is frequently specified by customers, especially for waste water treatment plant requirements. 316 grade stainless steel is ideal for wet locations, and in areas where caustic elements are present, since it is a superior material choice for these types of environments and ideal for marine applications. It is strongly recommended for any outdoor application which is within 5 miles of salt water or otherwise subject to salt spray. 2. The ASCO standard Type 3R enclosures are fabricated from cold rolled steel, a low carbon, cold finished steel produced by passing bar stock through a set of rollers. The ASCO standard Type 3RX enclosures are fabricated from 304 grade steel for both ATS, and SEATS products. 316 grade stainless steel, which offers additional corrosion protection for severe environments, is an option.

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Pub. 3212


Performance Matrix
Price vs. Performance Enclosure Type Matrix

Type 4X Secure



Enclosure Type Performance

Type 4X NonSecure Type 3R/12/4 Secure Type 4 Non-secure

Type 3R/12 Non Secure

Type 1

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Enclosure Selection Fast Facts

Examples Of Answers To Frequently Asked Specification Questions

Example 1 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Falling dirt Specify Type 1 Is the enclosure intended to be mounted in an indoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: Type 4, 4X, and 12 will also meet these requirements, but are not necessary since they exceed the environmental conditions indicated..

________________________________________________________________ Example 2 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Falling Dirt Falling Liquids and Light Splashing Dust, Lint, Fibers, and Fyings HoseDown and Splashing Water Specify Type 4 Is the enclosure intended to be mounted in an indoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: Type 4X (Stainless Steel) will also meet the requirements and provide additional protection against Corrosive Agents. Type 12 will also meet the requirements except for the Hose Down and Splashing Water, but will provide added protection against Oil and Coolant Seepage.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


Example 3 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Falling Dirt Falling Liquids and Light Splashing Dust, Lint, Fibers, and Fyings HoseDown and Splashing Water Corrosive Agents Specify Type 4X (304 Grade Stainless Steel) Is the enclosure intended to be mounted in an indoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: The ASCO standard grade of stainless steel is 304. 316 is optional but not necessarily required for indoor applications, except where exposure to harsh chemical, acid, or alkali conditions may apply.

________________________________________________________________ Example 4 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment Falling Dirt Falling Liquids and Light Splashing Dust, Lint, Fibers, and Fyings Oil and Coolant Seepage Is the enclosure intended to be mounted in an indoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation: Specify Type 12 ________________________________________________________________ Example 5 Question: Answer: Question: Is the enclosure intended to be mounted in an outdoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

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Answer: Incidental Contact with the Enclosed Equipment Rain, snow, and sleet Specify Type 3R

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: Type 3RX, 4, and 4X will also meet the requirements, but not are necessary since they exceed the environmental conditions indicated.

________________________________________________________________ Example 6 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental Contact with the Enclosed Equipment Rain, snow, and sleet Windblown Dust Hose Down Specify Type 4 Is the enclosure going to be mounted in an outdoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: Type 4X (Stainless Steel) will also meet these requirements, and provide additional protection against Corrosive Agents

________________________________________________________________ Example 7 Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Incidental Contact with the Enclosed Equipment Rain, snow, and sleet Windblown Dust Hose Down Located 4 Miles From Salt Marsh Shoreline Specify Type 4X (316 Grade Stainless Steel) Is the enclosure going to be mounted in an outdoor location? Yes What type of environmental conditions exist?

Enclosure Recommendation:

Note: The ASCO standard grade of stainless steel is 304. 316 is optional but highly recommended for outdoor applications where exposure to marine air may be present, to avoid discoloration.

ASCO Power Technologies Enclosure Application Guide June 2009

Pub. 3212


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